HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-08, Page 3June- $tb 1000 few 11.14141p Men 1 Thl$ Com* Train robbing its always been an unpopular pursuit in this country, and the experiences of, the desperadoes who have most recently indulged in it are not likely to change its ahaaracter. he three -robber's-who-.ateld.rr,pp.°'_th C.P.R. train in Biiitish Columbia on 9 i May were in the hands of the police a week later, and it will not be long before they are on the way to the prison, where at least one of thein will spend the . rest of his life. The three oxen -"Bill" Miner, alias Edwards "Shorty" Dunn and•Lewis Oolquhoun -are expected to plead guilty, as the case against them is very strong. Colquhoun is believed to be a less liar- dened criminal than the others. Dunn is a vicious desperado, and attempted the life of one of the officers who ar= rested him. "Bill" Miner is a veteran outlaw, notorious throughout the Western States, and with a' Prison record as long •as his arm. Miner will be lucky if he ever draws another free breath. The Hold up Business. - To hold up a train in Canada is just as easy as in the United States, .per- haps easier, for the express messengers are likely to be more . on the ,alert where highwaymen are plentiful. Train robbing demands little skill and ingenuity on the part of the robbers, and little individuality is detected when the records of a .dozen "holtt ups" are examined. The robbers are almost invariably mounted* their horses being left near the point ..rherre.the crime is to be accomplished. The crudest way 'to stoatr in isto pilelogsand stones on the rails, but this has the disadvan- tage of warning the engine_ driver of what is about to occur. A more com- mon way is to hide near the track at a heavy grade, and climb on the train as it labors up the slope. This trick :ex= plains why trains are robbed most fre- quently in mountain districts. Climb- ing over the tenders, the robbers cover fireman and driver with their guns, and order the train stopped. If there are three or four of them, one may go, through the coaches to rob the passen- gers, the others attending to- the ex-. press car. The engine and the:ex ress car are uncoupled and run ahead some dis- tance. Dynamite is used on the safes and bullets on the messengers; for the train robber does not hesitate to kill anyone who opposeshis demands.. Not long ago there was a remarkable train robbery in the United States. The bandits stopped the train, and began firing at the messengers in th e exPresscarnOt paying any attention as trrthe passengers. 'Axnong the- latter ev w ye �: id�k4 ...,_u . -. the.wsitu ti .., . i r _• _..__._. p a iom��,>I,O�g nae, tlm they :proceeded - to: rob. • •tlrieir• fellow-.• • travellers, the latter supposing them pre'to be members of the gang. g.'The col- ' muwavitisrs Area combination of the active principles of e most valuable vegetable remedies for Co- wes aaddisorders of the Liver, Stoxnseh and ;Jewels,. OWL Headaehq Jaundice, !leapt.burin,Catai.rbtoftheStamaob,Maxi. Icon*, Blotches and Pimples, • CURE. BIL;IOUSNE55 Dyspepaba. 'Souls Stomach, Water Brash, Liver Compi i t, a8allow 14gaddy Coniplazlozi. • Sweeten the breath and'eloar away ell 'wait* and poisonous matter from the system. Price 250. a bottle or 5 fori,00. :AU dealer* qr Tax T. Mimic** Co., Limited, Toronto, lected several thousand dollars' worth of cash, jewels, , etc., and made off while the real "bold -up" men struggled in the front of the train. The dangers that accompany train robbery begirt' after the bandits get away. The whole. country -side is aroused ; huge; rewards bring scouts, trackers and detectives from; all quarters. The soldiers -are often called out, and the Pinkerton men •are, invariably., otrthe trail. If the outlaws are to get away they must have spent weeks in arranging their plass, and even then, without goad luck, they are doomed, and the punish- ment is usually imprisonment for life, if they are -not killed by the first posse that catches sight of them. Bloodhounds on the Scent. •In addition totheir human hunters, the fleeing robbers are often called upon to define bloodhounds. All through the • train robbers' country email packs of •these aninnals..are kept; and if they are laid on.a scent before it grows cold they willfollowit unerrings hl' to, -end. '.In 73ritnsh Colixtnbxa. ere are a few deiges that have been seecessfully used' in tracking ` down criminals; end itis riot unlikely that the railway'.cotnpanies-will A`.purchase more of them, for the 0.• ;xnP. R; eo le: had bloodhound's pent fro -3 oka ne to Capture 'MViinerand his mates. p Cred- it for, the takingof, the men belongs to the Moirr ted 'olice, ,' who' r ere • des: patched from • Calgary. lei t scene of thec . .rime from were dto klY on t he 'o n thr, .0 'rst--cordo . nt �' ..alae a them xn taereWass siftfoth j dici- merit of MountedPollee .Tying in'wait at p, point they were bound . to pass. '' TEE W INTON NBW BRC. As it happened, the first cast of the net was all that was needed. The brilliant work of the Mounted Police in the capture calls attention to their -unmatched record As guardians of the frontier.. A, mere handful in number, they haveguarded a territory aslkr a amanys a kingdom for agen- enation. "They have preserved order, administered the law, advised and heIpped se tiers, and hays made pro. perty mor secure in the wilds than in the cities of the east, Originally formed to exterminate the American "bad tl , , Itex1 who wl d fled fl d slyer the bor. .det^.to.•e ,e t H United States officers they quick ,y eirove theta bac to t sir Montana bidiug-places or took them into custody., Another iinportatnt part of their work was the suppression of the illicit liquor traffic among the Indians, and smuggling along the •boundary fine, ITow well they have discharged their duties is known all over the world, for everywhere the Mounted Police of Canada are held up as a model for unorganized territories. One might say without exaggeration that Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat and the Northwest Mounted Police have been for years the most famous ,prod - acts of the Canadian West. The editor who can please even' one is not suited for this earth. but is en- titled•to wings, Human nature is so constituted that some of our readers would like to have us .feed theta on scandal ; same would like to have us tell the unvarnished truth About them, whileisll us if we did. It a comfort ers n�• thoughtuto the editor to know that the Lord himself did not ,ease everyone while on earth. We REMARKABLE TEST $ Hyoinet Hes. Been Known Tor Years and is elltlransteed to Cure Catarrh 3?Ve • have given Iliyornei a most thorough and lematiotble .test - The remedy has wade so many cures that we have urged its use in the most chronic cases of ca>:terrli. Breathed for a few minutes four ti le n p a day, through an inhaler that comes with every mittit, it soothes lio--irritated -rnucous--inenlbrane--of- tlie nose, throat, and lung's, kills the catarrhal germs, and restores complete health. Its healing, antiseptic frag ratnce penetrates to the most remote air passages, as no medicine ta:cen in- to the stomach 'can possibly do. lin- Mediate' relief „ latest always followk the' use of Ilyon ei, and -great benefit isseen after a few days' 'treatment. The complete Jlyomei outfitcosts only $1, and consistsof an inhaler that can be carried in the packet or purse, and will last a'lifetiaiie, aL tnedi- cine dropper, and n bottle of-Hyameit If this is not sufficient for a complete. cure, ;rr1ilrtiuuaal bottles, of Hyoruei can be obtained for•i?i(lceit5t ; Compare this small expense with the tees charged by specialists, if you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price. Write today for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department without charge. The R. T. Booth . Company, Hyomei Btx'I l' �. . abor hard to entertain and . please our • subscribers, but that we should occas- The Farm in. General. ` ionally fail is to be expected, but you • will always find us willing to beforgiv- THOSE ANNOYING} BLACKHEADS External applications will never re - J nio ve pimples or; blackheads, Only by stimulating circulet on and purifying the blood can it be done. For quick and sure relief use Ferrozone; it drives an humors from the blood, makes the skin healthy, tones up the system,,. With the pure,nutriti:otis blood made by:-Ferrozone its impossible to auger from. any skin disease: .You'll have a smooth, delightful skin, healthy color and beautiful con Plexionby using.' i Ferrozone=and` you 11 feel mcnensel better as well. Fifty cents'bays a box of fifty chocolate coated tablets at any drug store. - News Notes Peter Gillies was Struck by p. train while driving near 'Owen Sound and killed. . John Break, of Landon, was. lied tvhile.sittin .at duringstun. gahis des - 1, L thunderstorm. rm, • Hon. fames Dunaj:only was sworn in nag T4g4- - aiici;;I t Sri ish C lune cl., �:. its••.: ,,...t? .. lira 61i,Saturda 1 Ch;l The. children Ydre n 'cannot possibly have goo ' health unless .the bowels are in proper condition. A sluggish.;iiia,ee-•gues,..,>1..C�1..1 ngut, b'ad bthj_ constipated bowels.. Correct x11 these by givueb small las ' es of.A c ls-hi t s. - Genuine liver i llsa renIntl 1 W y axateIiI We veget*ble, 'sogur coated; c trrm is of iS o {1'e nil.u. 10.0C. yer.eo.. the formals/et �R oar en else,: n' xi, y4u. 1906. Eighth Annual '3 days Excursion Goderich=Detr�i The Big New 'Steel Steamer GREYHOU; of the . White Star Line Will leave Detroit Monday,. June 118th, 8:oo a. m., arrive in Goderich goo p. m. . to k Sltc(. O. p n ers in Montville ha - years, will re- tire from business; . - Mr. Hays says the.Grand Trunk Pa- cific Will move part;of next year's' crop of Western rn wh cart. Levi Pletcher, a well-to-do:, fanner Ro gearLatnbeth, committed suicide by i tat3�y, trassuT)" Cp,' -aa Shi*«- Roy a sa n o'\� ner, Dresden, twelye , years old,. 'was i drowned on Friday. Fred Dinner,a sub=contractor on the 0. P. R. near. Kanora;_ was - killed by.a train on Saturday. ' .• Gold, assaying S503 to the ton, -and silver $40 to. the ton, have been . dis- covered near. Chelmsford. Rain has fallen in Alberta durin the last nine days.; but too late to save the winter wheat, itis said. ' The 'jury disagreed in the Case of the alleged train-robbers.at -Kamloops, B. 0,, and as new trial was started. ' . Mrs L x11ia nRa no L nd y r , 21 yearsala:!,. of Windsor, died:on Saturday .from a. dose of laudanum. She lived with her father. ' lx Hon. J. P. Whitney, Premier of On b tario, will go to England probably in July. He will .combine official busi- ness with pleasure. . c 'E. B. Devito.ItL P., of Aylmer, is 'mentioned ne o d for the solicitor -general- ship on the retirement of Hon.. Chas. Fitzpatrick from the Cabinet. The little child of Mr. and . Mrs. W. Rowsome, of Athens, 'Ont , Was scald-. . ed to death on Friday by, upsetting a ' t pail of scalding water on itself Replace that poor fence between you anad your neighbor this spring. Grad fences are cheap. Lve r farmer #a m r shoul d y sow some oats: They make too good a feed not to have •on the farm, and what will take the place of them for the work horses and growing colts-? Sow some Oats, Go slow at first when you begin work- ing the land this spring, the horses at e not used to work: Many a horse is hurt the first days of•spring, because the fernier gets in a hurry Get the manure : hauled out on the land as soon as yott.can: Do not wait, until fall, but let. this years' crop. get the good of it. If you wait until fall, you lase just one years' profit, City people may say that county . life is lonesome, etc., but '' if the truth h were known there are more in'the city who wait to. get out than: there are in the country. who want city life. ' Do not let other people discourage you... There is money in all branches of farniing if you go at it right. Cf conxse, all hate .their ups and -downs, and if.we figure to avoid these' we gain. aha iiWCh; ' - (xood reading is e s cheap ' that p now you cannot aL orcltobe'without.Ify u, you have less` than baif : a dozen. good g •farm papers coming 'ta• your'::addres , y (0 leave not 'pima h,'. 1C — )`read crit'y�,� etuci_y then ke t and save in ybur• hiiying and'sellii. What preparationi8 are you snxaki 0 0 • s uir- tm r iwal.�.axa4.v..x 4'�;lll•R.,-..4tC,5;,:, SPE* $ - Just a few lines on which re are quoting SPECIAL PRICES for one week, and that are of interest. flays Shirt Waists Soc. -`"'-33ilySt "Shirt -Waists, of -•7E' griish in neat,attractive printb, , ct a patterns, with ons detaatchabl'e collar of sante Sizes 11 • to 13i. Special•,price each MQ Linen Collars for .2 sc. Men's and Boys' slightly soiled linen collars, in all. shapes and sizes. All •perfect, .no seconds. Special 3 for .2 yours for R e4oTHIER* Children's Stockings x_ pairs fo,r gc, • Children's Black Cotton Stocking fine ribbed, fast color, guaranteed stain- less, Sizes 7 to 9, Special pr for 25e Boss' Cottonade Knickers '25c. Boy s' Cottonade Knickers, strong dur- able and of good Pattern for' Bay's wear, Sizes 23 to 3.1.. Special Y. 233 Men's and '�iy s'':L and MO FURNISHER. NISHER. vanaatan briers. The 0. P. R. will string over 4,000 Miles of telegrapix wire in tha West during the ebniing summer. - Ellla Burns, a Sandwich girl, was knocked down by a bicyclist in a De- troit street, and bey -nose was •broken. The lumber companies' are sending . large gangs, pf river drivers to , the north for the drive of logs this spring. Forbes' Molr, of West Garafraxa,' was given $2,000 damages against the C. P. R. by a Jury, for. the death . of his son, who Was run.. down' by a. train. • A thief - In 1'ancouv,er was :troubled in conscience' because. he stole a watch which was .Presented to Mr,J :.Pots ' •He sent 'it 'bale by "dropping It in'the .postoinee box; The 'Dominion e.overnmeirt has ap- pointed R. J. .Crothers, of.•Northpo;t, as immigration agent for Prince Ed- ward County, . at a salary of $100 per months and exp, ayes. ' }le. tvlil look af- ter the distributioni cf. firm laborers., " • George H. «•illiaiuson, secretary of , the C A. in Petcrborc, wants I to find• thn owner of a sMa11 packing • liox,S\'bieh wras.m;', terionSly left l'. L, V. A. •bt'irli ..,c-bus. Y e h the i. t n bn QNiarCh 31 ffi0ti+ cras:nrr.atleii ,:.a a a ns a• iI t.1 1 l.n t bol, n^:c t. agirl, n for�the ppoultry this year. If the farm- ers••would�give• 11 little mora attentio to the poultry yard, aand'f needs be, title less to•11ogs, lie would have a be er•profit. • • • . The rich farmer should practice eco blxw. 't poor economy for the farmer to hay oney.lyieg in the. bank' and his ha otting'in the tield-•all for. the want , barn. . If, you have some good flutter or lik produce, and you take it to -town; d of run .to'the grocery. ,store. and as hent what they.will give. you' for it 'i rade.' You'wilI gst ahave price. i 1 t m r n t this way, but if you have somethin - ■,. • n' TI•IOUSANDS DIE OF a CONSTTP 'T t- AION No.condition -causes so: many incur - n, able diseases as .constipation. It not. is only prevents the kidneys front eliailln- I f xsi�rcrtrs-M1vzLstes�rrz - �° tre e � , ear �. y Anaemia,-stoma,ch trouble and indiges- of tion• •Why won't you use Dr. Ha•mii-1 • ton's Pills and get cured ? This excel- I e 'lent medicine restores noinial bowel ..+ action in' one night, Thousands say so, k k our system will' be pure and clean,=: i n you'll be free fronrheadaches, no more 1 e sour 'stomach -hi short visual have ood td sell go to some man who is ab pay a.good price, and you will fin d ' a. fan is o a Hewitt', �� n Bch a �'d 1 r H.il.,. . + The ouneil .of 'Columbia, T)nlversity; N _ New York has as recent l awarded � r ersit fellowship w h Y s of the lie value o1 $Aa0 a better market. Thetima who is-aab t, •v to Mr, John A. C. Mason, E, A., of•• 111 'onde�rf,yI. Potato MOST ENORMOUS CROPPER. • PPERFECTLY BLIGHT PROOF., • Double the crop tiff the same ground, and every one a'sound Introduced in England in 1003 at. $100 per 1#lbs.; three xnontone. hs later its blight proof and enormous cropping features caused the greatest sens- ation, resulting in record prices of all time, as high as $1250 per lb. be-. ing paid, and $250 for one tuber. • • "Even so. rac©ntly as September £:, , last, when Mr. G. Massey sold lilt's.. of Eldordtlos for 'Q (5100) people wore aanaed. and incredulous; yet throe months later the same gentle-,. an received w e eivol a h r o e lie for. e1,400 ($7,000) for 1311», of the sauce var3eti —Cleo Press. England, Jan, 19th, falai. .. "The.yield of the Eldonacloliotato :the kind that brought the record price, is reported' to. real from 1u0 to 300 lbs, from one 11,.,of-seed tubers."-•,-11titral New i'orker,,,lan. 14, 1005. Introduced hereby as in•19115 at ' 16 per 1 r' $ p r h. l,ldcraado is repeating oa a smaller scale the sensation it created in England, ,nakin 'i he record • of all time for the U. S. and Canada, April 30, to S. J..:() naonv Fish- ers. N. Y., 2 bbls. (2301bs.) of Eldorado'for , ()moony, , to h F. S. Be ��DO: ' Anr•i] 25th last, Mr. neral, Jarvis St., Toronto, 40 lbs, for $40. A great manysales of 30 to. 00 lbs made to the leading seed potato growers; Ex - ertirental Z+ aria P s . etc., xnf` , amid a and the• U. S . These• of the Lru'y wonderful potato,• . are aiyare of the history' One 1 i . an to n . dnw within p hn �' 1 tvo a ••� . y ,ars vtll ,yield enough, to lent all � th g e area *,You want. Iver 1 g 1)..) In e Y a t d nowworth is p IPlant s10, atnt now - n ..t, •F .. • ee year.sell-aeed�.t�oyaui•.frlencZsr:,:. ,.n;.-:.. ,_ .. �_ .:.:.. ---ssasel'ate ala-platin•t-ecteby_tisalearsatasses4 F I trrthita reaa aeO,rtspa of 800 to 1200 bushels per acre:.common., .. Pii a seed. Elclorados ;1;1per ib..• for• bots! only by,'us- in Canada. 'Benet. li stco n t i ' anm history, gho n W tosof potataes;••clxirines paid, extiaLcts:.. Si'papers, etc.: :Also 26 other kind:;. - Smiths - Bros. Beachville Ont. le llr.�allspirits rpni iitmon's Pillse > e s old'every- wherehealth, . 0 # at 25 it•box.: Ge 0+ ' ; doc t.tliegennine. ___.1 �a�j Bcx M$ U: is willing a w i1 to paya 'd pe ice `c I ofor a goo article. ,Havour owri price on. 1 and get It you can do it. M.y. The Busy @i ' Y Ken Better handle kerosene now tha ice later on. C y ed a una n . Stratterd, Ont. The selection of mil- • varsity fellow,s'Is made from graduates r e of the leading universities and colleges of America wbp show themselves eape- I Malty fitted to pursue courses of higher study and original investigation, Mr. Mason was graduated with first-class honors in history and political science from the University of Toronto In June, 1905. He was subsequently appointed Alexander Mackenzie Fellow ' in the same institution, and has been engaged during the past year in research work • in thelibraries of New York: Chicks will stand any sort of abus ettea-- than damp quarters. The first two weeks is the most criti al period inthe life of a chick. Burn the old nests, andkerosene the boxes before refilling g with new straw. objection to Leghoins is their tendency to fly out of the yard But this can be . remedied by clipping a win' - Beg.su• re andprovide a dustbath for he settin s hen. It not only affords her' great pleasure, but keeps the lice away. If your hens ate not laying now, you. are probably to blame, as the condit- ions surrounding them are defective in some way. The importance of pure water can= not be too strongly urged. At. all times chicks should. lie allowed pule Water. The floor of the coop should be coy eyed with chaff about one incl: deep. This will furnish work for cold or wet mornings and rainy days. Scatter the food in the chaff, and pall the chaff over the grain. As soon as the hatchcomes off thor- oughlydust the hen, and each chick must, also 'take ,its turn, receiving a tiny pinch or shake of powder on the top of thehead and under the wings. Avoid getting a chick wet and cold, for a young bird once thoroughly drenched seldom., if ever, makes a, pro- fitable one ; it either catches cold' or is reburied fn its growth. • 11' you can set four or five hens: at e same time you can test out all in- fertile eggs and double up the good eggs under two or three of the hens, sending the others back to laying, Don't be afraid to pay a little extra. for a setting.. of eggs• fromood stock. If you never tried it, you don't know how your interest in your flock will increase when they all • look alike, in, stead of all different. It will , 'mark a new era in your poultry experience Yon .niight better kill off one-third of the chicks hatched in your incubator, than to crowd too many of thein into a brooder. Over -crowding is a prolific source of disease and death among young chicks as well as old ones, Beeanse your first settingbets sue-.! ceeded in bringing off' only three or° four chicks, it is a mistake to neglect them on the plea, that they are not Worth bothering with, Nurse them carefully, for early chicks are a scarce article, and those despised firstlings may turn out to be pullets that 'will furnish the only eggs you will get next Septeimber. The Allan Liner Virginian made a new ocean record in a trip from Moville to R•iinouski in five days. twenty-one hours and forty minutes. ' Il. J, Judd and three other ern- . ployes of the Ingersoll Nut . Works, were • rendered unconscious on Satur- day by'4ightning striking the build- ing. Dr. Perdue, Deininion "Veterinary Inspector: ordered the slaughter of , a Ixeri of hogs in North Gosfield, on Saturday, as they were affected with cholera. Two hors of five years tied paper to 81, cat's tail at Tererbeoenne, Qua, and set fire to it. The cat ran into the barn and set it on fire, and one of the boys was burned to death. • J By coverin his face with his arm,. aures R. De Wolf, machinist at Wort. Man fit Ward's factory-, Landon, per- haps saved his life. An emery wheel burst, the fragments flying in all dir- To settle adispute over the closing' of a street, the Cayuga Council rented a citizen property for twenty years at 10 cents a years, with right of waLy, into the tots to be retained for the citizen, What's the good of keeping from hint Any good things you may see, • fl�illritbn , That will lift his:goad of labor or and 'ay stations 1C1:_ 111gh; ll1_._.and your �b1.�ugglstr Stratford,.C11. Like Rocky Mountain •Tea. Ask '... .... . _..-..._ ... ..... From GODERICII to DET -OIT leave Tuesday, 8:3o a. m., June 19th, (Canada Tune), stopping only at'. Port Huron, arrive at: Detroit at 400 n.'rn, - - ' A special Excursion Train will leave Stratford the morning of June. 19th, stopping at Mitchell, Dublin, SeafortlhClinton,li t o and Holnlesville, and arrive in Goderich 8:Jr 5 a. n • ,From Winghani, 64o a. m,, Blyth, et ' ine r th y + , �, the morning tram, 9 , connects at Clinton, 7.40 a. m., with Special train. for Goderich. p RETURN/NM leave Detroit (central time), Thurs. day, June 21st, coo p.in, Port Huron 5.3o p.m. sharp. • Thursday night special train leaves Goderi� ch r) ,00 p m. arrival of Steamer. ections. ------------ A 50 Bent Ohnter will be served in the beautiful g r oom for the Excursion. t ui dfnitl,, Other meals A la Carte. A good lunch can be bad at a luneb counter. • Leave Goderich on last trip for DetroitFriday Jime 24, at 8.30 •a. rii, (Canada time.) Round -1 rip' Farre, either,g 'ata;', with banal baggage, $1..00. One way with trunk, • Alfonso XIII King o difSTi end Goderich lendMoonlight Excursion at Goderich, eight o'clock, Evening, 23 cents, 1'sinews \11101is Eugene at - berg were married with great eere- niony last Thursday, in the historic old church of San Jeronlino el 1tea1 at )Madrid. Does it stand' to reason that ferry Davis' . Painkiller cnulcl have held public eonfidenee for 60 years unless it really did cure diarrhoea, cholera roar- !sits and all similar troubles so con - Mott and so dangerous in hot weather. Those mammoth warships are eostly playthings. The 14,O00 ton bhttleship' Pontagu, the is ashore, badly dans- aged, at the entrance to the British channel, .and. may •never be refloated, cost $5,250,000 abottt three years ago. Lax-ers ... A,Candy Bowel Laxative, If you have constipation. If you have rt coated tongue, If you have heft aches,eour storxl6icl1, 'tli alit* ointment. :In glass' jars at , If you are dizzy .. bilious, sallow, Pink. Imps, Like 'Velvet; . l�loitgil, Chapped or Cracked Lips cart be made as :soft as velvet by applying •nt bed- time, a light coatin of Dr. .at s (been Salve. The erect on the lips or skill of this most excellent ointment is always immediate and certain, Dr. N1xoopsGreenSalvo takes out complete. ly the soreness of outs, burns, bruises and all sklii ,abrasions. It is Surely a xlak Se on Latx•ets. See for yattrself he onelerful and most highly satisfactory W.S.R. >~1lrllieal, Sol d by W,S,>t, Holtned. Keep. Cows its Open Sheds. - Professor. W. J. Fraser of Illinois finds that caws allowed to run into open sheds with mangers do .:better than when kept In stables. 'Dirrtng, an • experiment twenty-two were' cared for In this Way ina shed 30 by CS feet, having mangers on each side and brill pens hi two - corners, and the •results Were considered most satisfactory. WHAT CAUSES SNORING. When asleep, people that snore breathe through the mouth instead of the nostrils which are choked with catarrh Just use "Catarrhozone" be- fore retiring and t'ota'll quiekly cure the snoring habit. By destroying the cause of catarrh and healing the mem- branes,Oatarrhozonemakee a complete cure in every case; it cleans the nostrils -stops, the discharge, end prevents dropping in the -throat in a few . min- utes. Nothing so pleasant or' certain to cure ' snoring, catarrh or colds AS Catarrhozone- that's worth remember- ing. 1, Ihnerlcan Corn For Sale. A quantity of firstmclass.A ineri- can Corn ; will be solei for cash or exchanged for grain. Also other ';stock foOd. Standard Elevator, Clinton. American Corn SEED CORN Northern Prolific Mastodon, Bailey and Whitt; cap Dent. These brands are particularly good samples, and can be depended upon. We have beets making a Specialtyof Seed Corn and never had a complint last seaeon, JAS. A. FORD otizsD'oI!t ."' We have: Good Strom Douches, with Spring Seats, covered in the' roost beatitiftil Goods. Manyot them have six inches fringe all around. are' giving spccai.prices to clear this lot' We Fancy Figured figured ed covering, i3 ft long, 2 ft wide, worth $6 00 for $G .on Figured vaxlores, Fringe a11, around, worth 57.51 for $(i Do, Verona Rugs; large size, Double Stuffed worth $15,00for•513 50 Spanish Leather, Quarter Cut Oak Frame worth $45.00 for althea p J. H*:.Chellew, : 3h,YTI . .Purhiture and Undertaker.. SPECIAL Ladies'. and Gentlemen's Waterproofs, Ladies' Wrappers and .Waists, A- large stock of 'Ginghams,' Linens and M bins for Summer'Dresses, a g Laces and Embroideries, Underwear and Hosiery, in great variety. Our Wall Papers are thebest. sell the famous. Sterling Paint , none'better.; some may • be as gond, - `Lots of seed on hand. May .15th, 1006. R ADAMS Ewporitim, .Londesboita. Clinton Sash, Door, and Blind Factory: J. The Town of Clinton i8 on the eve of a "boom.contemplate you cont place bixi !ding let usive g you our estimation, etc. Wileadquarters for all kinel,,,ol• builders' Ilnaterials,1 S SI QOOP]R1 Olfuton Advertise in THE CLINTON' Sb. ERA . `• i*****4 4,44. fir. 14**4M .,F ..1 i -ar, t Did you ever Stop to think ? When buying a Dinner, Tea or Toilet Set or Laney °bine, flrst•class - Dods, up.to•date shapes or decorationsbe sure and call at J.' W. 7 ,WIN'S. 5 CRATE'S ON THE . WAY .FROM, THE POTTERS .IN ENGLAND. Teas, .Sugars and Canned Goods We lead in Quantity, Quality. and Prices, Special caprices on Sugar in I00 lb bags Sl l� jS""Alt kinds, Iled' Clover, Aiello', Timothy, Or - 441 C>7raL8s, 1vlirn old ittfd'L'ati'nip Seec1. (S1itra- m. at I0 Agricultural(yollege says.; _A "Yellow LOVIOtlx8n stands at ilia head of the list in yield peg acre ill 2.�,eliflterent varieties." Sold by Oar it IRWIN OA II PAID POE BUTTER AN i'I 111G14