The Clinton New Era, 1906-06-08, Page 1‘, eaas.---sagses ae-aselenessiniesebeenseattnel a pstoardate Iinton Vas w•••11.}.•1,... Established 1845 AtOtiERT HOLUM, X'ablisher, limmonowiammumummums $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT — People Who go to the Bank togolarly and deposit a part of their earnings, get something' more than exercise WITH the money saved, they are lay- ing the foundations upon which a fortune may be built. We credit Interest , Quarterly in our Savings Department. -T 11 E- • Sovereign Bank Sang OF CANADA *Vali" H. T. A N C E, Ma,n'r. of Clinton and Brucetleld branches. - • onommanummumnamons New Advertisements. $1,00 opens an account..Sovereign Bank,. 1 'Some Things,,W.S. R. Holmes...-. • 1 'Clinton Photo Studio -J. Roberts.. . ..... 1 Specials...A.R. Smith . 3 Goderich, Detroit, White Star Line 'White wear values. .Newcombeg 4 Hammoeks.-Cooper's Book Store. . .. „4 , See our large stook. Alarland Bros 4 Lawn Waists, Tozer & Brown. . , • 5 Her Ladyship Skirts-Popplestone & Gardiner 5 Reliable Goods,. • W.R.Counter -......• 6 Sweeping redudtions,Morrell &Holmes- 5 Lost, black silk neck ruff,. .Now Era Office., Thorobred bull for sale,...A, Weir , 5 Warded immediately ..Dr,Gunne.... ..... . .5 Office to rent.J.O.Elliott • .. ... 5 For Sale or Bent, .Jas 'Colwell 5 Notice to Creditors • o Brydone 5 Farmers excursion to Guelph.. - . - .. .„,,„ 5 Changing our Corset maker, liodgens Bros., • • 8 Robby Straw Hate..Hodgen Bros .. .8 auburn Mr. H. Knox has returned from Ot- tawa, after a serious illness. , After a visit of five weeks at his home, Mr. D. Mole, Rochester, N. Y, has returned, with Mrs. Mole and son. -In the absence of Rey. J. W.:Varna, Mr. bordon Wightroan, . of. Westfield. -occupied the pigpit of the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Mr. Fal - lis preached in North street Method* ;church, Goderich, on Sunday. 1 The Belgrave correspondent. 9f the Winghain A.dvatice says: Rea. A. E. .circuit. He has done good work here, and both himself and Mrs: .Jones are very highly esteetned. Auburn cireuit 'is getting alive, earnest worker. . Go clench AGED ONN HUNDRED YEARS AND TWEIIVE DATO.-Mrs. Edward Roberta son, and one lauutlredth anniversary of whose birth we mentioned in these colunuas a fortnight ago,-did-ifiglOng survive the attaining of that patriar. chal age, her death owning last Sun day morning, just twelve days Atte; she had completed the century. DEATH OF Mns WILSON, -After an illness of less than a week iof pneu, tunnia, Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Raylleld road, passed to the world beyond last Wednesday naorntug. Mrs. Wilson was a native of Goderich, being born 'section with the fatality is that one of drowned. A pathetic thought in con - they were washed into the river and sisters. year.were working at a dam, and, through some part of it giving way., and is survived bys,aisc brat/lens. and & CO., OR the breakwater here last daughter of the late William Edward the men who were working for Battle here sixty-flve veers ago, arid had lived here all her life. She was 4 Dnemns,-A short time since six of the drowned is said to have been en- gaged to a young lady of this town, and that the. Marriage Was to hare taken place June let. APPOINTED PPOVINCIAL CONSTABLE -R, Phelan, one of the town police, has received an appointment from the Ontario Government to the position of Provincial constable, and in conse- quence of his appointments has placed his resignation from the staff of town pollee with the town clerk. Mr. Phelan intends to contjnue to make Goderich his home "but will be en- gaged in various parts of the Province wherever he may be called to make investigations. Buieverst CA.SID SUSPENDED.--.Taspar K. Brindley, enarged with bigamy, IsPPeared before Judge Holt in court here on Monday, and was remanded until October 81 for sentence. A ease will be stated for the Court of Appeal on the following points First, as to the validity of the divorce; second, as to the change in the indictment ; third, as to the intent. The 'defendant was married to Etnily. Picot in Detroit on April 12th, his former wife, Rosa Card, having obtained a divorce in Detroit in Januarys which, however, it is held, does not free Brindley, who resides .here. • The defendant Was released 011 bail, DEA:TB OF JAMES D'OONNELT„. are exceedingly sorry to record, the death of Mr. Jaines Da O'Connell, which occurred Fridate fram ‘tall; held fever. His illness from the -very first was regarded as likely to be fatal. Deceased wassonly hi his 34th year, nd Wag a very 'popular young man. Deeds, and only resigned this poeition lately to bacome Manager of the Sovereign Bank. Re la;ivee a, wife and three small children. Ile was a member of the 0. M. B. A. and eer- ier. ried• therein aninsurance of $1000. , forth, on IVIonday, the funeral being a very large one. • Rea - Men . Women, and Boys. .The Erimiregs Shoe for WoMen, In all styles from $2 to: $4. A trial will convince that we keep the best in this and other makes. ' you are lookinao shoddy don't come to R. CLUFF'S -aLIXTON- GRAND TRUNK VATEAtvi $15.10 To. Boston - Going May 31 to Jiine 116 Returning until June 1811t sse The only threugh-ear service route. Through Pulloaa,n sleeper Toronto to Boston. Home -seekers Excursions 02,00 - to points ins -Manitoba. Alberta and Seskatchewari, Vio, North Bay :tine tth and )9th, Jun, ard, 17th. vitt semis & N,N, Co„ June 4tit. 601h, and any 4th and blth, returning within 60 days. tar tickets and full infortnetion, •call on , ft. Hodgeas7.. Town Agent Our special offerings in tadiess and Gentlemen's Watches this month Will be worth your closest inyestigation. Good Movements Good Cases Good Values. . Thee° are our busineee ne earried .otzt in out Watch Depart- . merit. • It *lithe a pleasure to have you .eall so we cen show you our large stook of Yeatthee, and let you coMpare quality and price. A. J. OR:100, • jev4eler anti Optician. issuer. of Marriage Licenses, • • • . West Wawanosle : • • tCptkrcir.--Cciuncil met as it Conrt of Revision' and for general business at 11 o'clock and after hearing several ap- peals, Chas.S. Durxiins assessment was lowered to $1600 and J. McKnight's to $30a -The rest of the appeals were dis- missed, and the assessment roll accept- ed from the assessor on motion of Medd and Anderson.. The Ciouncil then re- sumed general business. The minutes. of last meeting were readand adopted. On motion of,Anderson and Murray, the reeve and Councillors Medd . and Thompson were appointed to meat the Trustees of Police, Villageof Manches. ter, re the expenses of management : A.petition of J.Flucker and o ;hers was presented asking to have Henry Tay- lors Roadwork changed for Road Divi- sion 10, to R. Division No. 9, moved by Medd that petition be granted., No seconder. Messrs Elliott and Bell malted on Council, re drain in Dungan- non, and on motion of. Murray and An- derson,councillors Thompson and Medd were appointed to extvnine the same and attend to the n.atter. W.Watson and J.Reid asked for gr'ant Dungan- nonAgrIcultural Society. action. On motion of Anderson ompson the clerk was appointe after the Treasurer's ausieee e next meritIng. The reeve* prk were empowered to borrow th sum of 0300 for Townshie purposes. The following checks tv•ete issued : Asseesors salary, 560.00; J. Woods, repairing culverts, Samuel Elehin, Tile, $33.88 ; J. Henderson, Tile, •$14.75 ; J. Anderson, culvert,50c ; B. Nayloafilling washout,. $4,00 ; Thos. Taylor, hauling tile and filling washout $2.00 Council adjourn. ed to meet on Wednesday, June 20th at 10 o'clock, W.S.Meantosnen, Clerk. • Wingliam WANTED. -Eggs 200 -Pedlars Revised Tariff-. 160 Tubs &Wee Oran Butter wanted AG once. GEO, E. KING, ' afast and clean genie of interMe, diate.C.L.A, on Wednesday' afternoon, Natinghana won from Goderich in the first home game of district No, 2, by tt, score of 7 to a - • Mr. David Martin, who was for it number of years on the G.T.E. section at the .Tunction, has been promoted to the position of foreman of the sect -ion alGiatiford station and has moved his family' to that place. We regret we cannot report any hn- proveraent in the condition of our Town Clerk, Mr. Ferguson. He is at present in the Western liespital. Leh - don, receiving treatment, which, it is toped. will prove 'besiefleial. s. MARRIED IN LONDON, -A very* pleas. ant event took place at London on the 23rd of May. when Miss Annie May. Currie, dangitter of the late Sohn Cur- rie, ofEast Wawa,nosh. Was united in niatriage to Mr. john Alexander Kens nedy, of Sethi% Meal Settodt, e -Last week the Board engaged Mr. John A. Taylor, Planetoid of the Dutton High School, Prinei. pal of the new school, duties to COM. nienee OnCe. Taylot is a Iluron Old Boy., haying been born and raised In Morris township, near Blyth, and is a graduate of queen's University. PATNEDL Acononnrr.-*At serious acid - dent happened at Westbrook'sportenle sawmill in WaWail0811.011 FridaY.While Mr 11. Green Was cutting some lumber for his new residence, A young man named Thos. Steel, of Virawatiosh, wits twisting hina,and while Ile was pulling away some edging, one of his arms was drawn to‘vardi the etsW, and was very badly 04 abettt thb, elbow. OL'INTtiN, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1908 fluHett Goon PRIOE1.-oMes8Ps. J. & W. Gray Just week sold a glly not two years old, to Mr. Bearden, Exeter, for whicli. they. received the sum of WOO. This is a good spleareateat was arparticularly good filly; • IMPROV11.10.-Urs. Millen, who has been seriously ill with bronchitis, and of whose recovery doubts were at one time entertained, is now able to sit up, and is getting along nicely, a fact her Many friends will be glad to know. PErzsonereesThe wife of. Mr. David Mountain left on Tuesday 'Willing for the West. Her sister, Mrs. Hugh Thompson, of MoesejaW, formerly of Clinton, is lying ill in a hospital at Minneapolis, and she goes out to see hafastalles%-asasseeicaeted by an. Jackson, C. P. R. agent, Clinton. &moor. Prom - Arrangements have been made to hold the annual picnic of School Section No. 5, on Wednesday, 20th inst, on the river - flats of Messrs R. Carter and M. Brown. Energetic committees .have the work of preparation and manage- ment in hand, and it goes without saying that this years event will be in no way inferior to those of recent years. COURT OF REVISION. --The -Court of Bei/neon for the township of Ilulle was held on Saturdaysalay 2611ia Cou Barr in the cheir. A number of co rections were made'and the chang that have taken plaoe since the asses Qr. went his rounds were noted. A fe young men eonsIng of age now wer assessed as F. Sons, be tinder the man hood Franchise Act.. The roll was, o revision, found vett. correct, main the business of the tiourt shorter, an Was then closed feta the year. Comeme, -A meeting a Counciawa held After Court of ReViSiOn andth following accounts passed: A.Hill& Co of Mitchell, 01000; on account of build ing MeMichaels' Bridge ; Assessor fo services,$90.00 ; Blyth Standard,$1.69 D. McDonald, $4.00. With respect t the petition cf R. Anderson and 'other requesting thet a weed Inspector be ap. pointed, Mr G-eorge Johnston, of Lon des .boro was by • resolution of Council a.p pointed to that position. and will b attending to theeduties of the office (subject to 'instructor of the Council about the beginning of July. Mr Johnston will also inspect the buildin of cement abutmenil to the McOoo bridge during the °ensile:melon. Th Township Clerk was &so granted awe month's leave of absence and W. T Cainpbell was atppohited to •act in hi stead during his 'absence. HOUSE Bl7RN'ED.-MC, G80. Therup -son, of MP Gravelaroad, suffered. a serious loss on Sunday enigh, by the burning of his house, -together with nearly all its contents. When they asanattareanglaint....10....oaele, everything was eafe .45d -there wasnoindication whatever of ,fire. At about 3.30 Monday morning, Mr. Thompson was awakened by the vicious barking of a neighbor's dos, and at the. same time heleard eavigoreus crackling . as , . tt 11. r• es Loodesboro Rev. Ma Leckireexchartged with Da Stewart, of Clinton, last nunday night. Hogs were shipped from here on Monday liaat a high price -$7.1O per cwt. ctaallunrale-enjoying aiisit from his mother this week ; she arrived last Saturday, Several fermers ftom the east side of the township are shipping hay from the station this week. s Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffith will take up their residence in the village, in G. Stielta home on Front street. On TuesdayRobert Sohn Martin started for a trip to England he goes by the Virginia to Liverpool. : R. Adams has been somewhat indis- posed for the past 'few dare but we are pleased to note he is again able to attend to bastness. , Sohn 13ovrceblc and family have ar, rived here from Toronto ; they will occupy the house of the late Robert Bowcock, his brother. Another Correspondent Guessing on the big bar of soap ends on Fridaye June 15t . • Miss Hendetsou returned to Glencoe for her summer holidays. Mr. Robertson ia spending a short time among his old acquaintances in the section ; we are pleased to see him recoveringarom his; long illness. PERSONAL. -On Monday morning w 'Mr. Tames Campb411, the highly tea e pected and 'efficient clerk of -Rullett, - accompanied by Mrs. Campbell and n Miss MaryScott, left here on a three g month's visit to Scotland, and other d points. They sail by the Pretorian, from Montreal. for Glasgow, and then s make a flying trip across the country e, to John O'Groats, near' Mr. Campbell's native place. During Mr. Campbell's 's absence his son will act for ham as r Clerk. We are aure that everyone ; knowing Mr, and Mrs. Campbell .will o join with us in tvishine them a ' pleas. s ant voyage and safe return. • LEAVING - A good deal of surprise and regret was experienced by the pet,: Where when it was Teamed that Ran e r Clement bad decided to superannu- ate, and would not, therefore, be pas- ) tor of the Methodist Church for the . incoming year. When Mr Clement ace * cepted an invitAtion to return for an- other year, we believe he fully intended 13 doing so,but it was afterwards found e to baineonvenient •for lame Mr Bir).s, • of Seafortb, to continue supplying the a Kinburn appointment, anal MrCleraen 1. a then felt that he could not do the WOrk of .tlie entire circuit, either in justice to: hiniself or the people; hence his de- terunnatton to superazinuate. He has b ig a ouse izi Goderich, to which place he Will remove. He has hitd.45 _ •eiaattesstheenendstay and has had some of the best char es stove. Thinking that the boy had light afire in the stove; he callect-on • - hen to check it, but receiving •no an, ewer he jumped out of bed to find the rear part of the house in flames. He awakened his wife, and with some difficulty his hired boy, and grabbing up whatever they could, they nitineg. ed to escape, but were unable to save anything of . Account, the flames spreading rapidly. • Fortunately, a close.leafed orchard intervened be- tween his house and barn, which pre- vented the spread of the fire thereto. There was an insurance on both the lionise and contents. The fire appears to have started in it woodshed at the rear, and what caused it is a mystery, as there has been no fire Worm for years. • 'Seaforth IRE MAYORALITY. -The contest for the mayoralty, caused by the resigna- tion of MrWillis, was keenly contested • Monday,and resulted in the election of Mr. Broderick over Mr. Best by a substantial majority. It is no reflec- tion on Mr. Best to say that the new , May or will make a goodpresiding offic- en having had experience at the Coun- cil board. • SEAFORTH WINS Seunert.-The fol- lowing is the tesult of the musketry competition, open to the cadet corps of military district No. J, which took 'place on June 1. The shooting was for the Beck shield. The excellent score of 175 out of a possible 200 pointeawas made by Seaforth. Ingersod was sec- ond. The scores were as followea200 being the possible Seaforth.-.................175 ' Ingersoll . . . ....170 Arthur 146 Strathroy sae St. Thomas 1813 . Sarnia... .... 129 Guelph 129 Mount •Forest 119 London ...,92 Ilensall- GOLDEN WEDDXNG, On Tuesday afternoon Mr, and Mrs Joseph Hud - eon celebrated their golden edding Their many children and grandchti- dren, relatiyes, friends and neighbors assembled at their home in the village, and left many tokens of their good- will. After a bounteous repast our photographer took a picture of the party. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are hale and hearty, and will likely live to see their diamond wedding. Mrs. Hud - sons mother, Mrs. Wiley, lived tvith her till that spring, when she was called home. FATAL ACOIDnNT. - Mr, Andrew Dougall and his little boys Willie, aged about 12, had taken a load from the foundry to Gland Bend, and Were returning in the evening with a load of seed. When &iota three relief; from here,Andrew fell oft the load, and the hind wheel went over his head, killing bine Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Dougall and the little boy andgiri, Gederielt TOweiship IVIesers, Middleton and Thompson took it trio to the west on Tuesday. The flamers Are doing their' road- work, making the roads very rough to trevel Oh for it time. Coles chureh congregation intends having a garden party .in the near fut- ure ; Yodel; for the date, in reo took the service in Cole's church last Sabbath aftertmon, in the absence of the pastor, who Was attend- ing Conference, George Cooper's eottage, on his a(1. joining farm, was nearly destroyed by tire the other day, the result of a cin- der from a burning brush pile having lodged 011 the roof. 001111.0‘1110 We understand Miss L. Ford has a lot of Tomatees over a foot high, end. commencing to flower; who can beat them, --Mr and Mrs 'Draper and ichild,of Ayl-- mer, are visiting, At the hotne of Mrs. Draper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, Munn:Alma Courtice left heve.on Tuesday morning last on the Homeseeker's Re- cursion for Rrandon, where he expects to speed his vacation. Miss Reptile Stanley has raturned borne from Toronto and is caring for her mother who is slowly iinproving from her recent illness. Miss Annie Swan and Kiss Emma Courtiers were appointed by theLeague and Sunday Sch9orlarespeetteely to at- tend the Convention in Clinton. No need say more about "Our Lady of the Snows"when ripe wild strawber- ries Call be plotted in the open-air on 3Ist day of May, as did Will Tebbutt on that day. Out, Butter Factory is starting with splendid prospects. The first payment to the patrons is being made at leac per pound,. butter fat,. which should please alrinterested. aforar-Patronize the Factory, Rev. F. Swann and Mr. W. Stanley have returned from Windsor, where they have been attending the London Conference' of the Methodist churc,h. The Mende of Mr Swan will 'be.pleased to learn that he remainein Holmesville. Mrs McKenzie, of Goderich,bas been spending' a few days with her mother, Mrs. Holmee, whom, if she lives until 6th of anly, will be 100 years old. Al- though very, frail,her intellect is espec- ially bright, and her hosts of friends barirethhaopaym.g eh. e may see her hundredth Rev. Mr. Philips, Baptist Minister, who has been visiting.at Mr S. Walters has :zone on an extensive wheeling tour taking in Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Toronto and other places. He takes A Kodak with him and will thus be en- abled to gather a very interesting col- lection of views Of Oanitclian scenery to take selth him when he returns to his home in England. A garden peaty in connexionamith St John's church, Holmesville, will be help on Monday evening nexathe llth, commencing at 7 o'cloce. There will be.a, good band present to entertain and enliven eyeryorle. An excellent supper will be provided free to all. Ice-cream, fruit and candy in abundance. The re- ceipts are to be used -loathe alteration and improvement of the driving shed. Come early befere the crowd. ' Stan14 , Wm. Heard and his. !nee are thiss inc stittute labor beat of Mr. A. Mc, Cowan did theit work on Tuesday and Wednesday. - • t , • Messrs, Jarrett and Sparrow have been improving the roads and side - roads oirthesecond and third this week. Dnesrit,-,-There passed away on Wednesday morning to his -long home Gilbert McDonald, after a long illness, • borne with Christian resignation. He was a native of -Scotland, coming many years ago to this country, with his parents. He was honored and res- pected by all who knew Min. a Presby- terian, and in politics a life-long Liter- al. His wife died some years ago, one son and two daughters being left to mourn his loss -James at horne, Mrs. Jerrott of Stanley, and Mrs. Jno. Gihnour of Moose Jaw.. tatateetaaaafterf leittaalbesalIeteel in the country. We believe that We express the ' sentiments of Al1. here when we say that while„ regretting his action, both he and his estimable' wife will carry away the gond nand high :- Rev. . Mr Currie, who %a ceeds Mr Cle- ment, is a yonng man who is spoken of very highly, both as 4 clever preach- er end taithful pastor; he will. be on circuit the lst of Julv. • • • ss Brueetield _ , Miss Marks is on the sick list. • Mrs. Weil is at present yei•Yill. Aikenheaclhes.returnedtoLonddn Our village new boasts& barber shop. Percy Clark spent Sunday at borne. painted. Watts is -having his house Miss Rhoda Landsboiough is at pres- ent very ill. • • FoOtbAll is "all the game' With the boys ataiiet John Watts, of Clinton, is visiting ' in our neighborhood.. , Quite a number of farmers are putt- ing in beans this year.. • Jno. McKenzie goes to Goderich peat week as a jupytnan. • A number from here expect to go to Guelph on the excursion onsTune 15. Mrs. W. O'Neil and daughter, Clin- ton, visited in our village last week. John Swan has moved into his farm house, which has lately beenrenoyated. Miss Gertrude Magee has returned home after visiting ftiends in Toronto. J. E. Harriteell, Varna, occupied the apytilfaistti.n the Methodist elute& on Shn- Rev. H. H. SaWers left Wednesday' •itno Latotnednodee Presbyterian Assembly The Sons oi Temperance intetid hold. Ing it picnic at Baytield on or about the 14th of -June. Aikenhead has on his farm one of the finest crops of wheat to be seen 111 thie community. ' The Howarth League. of the Landon toad held its regular nieeting at the home of Geo. Watts, Thotr, Lane, jr., has on his farm it fine crop of clover; passets-by say it is about the best they see. Rev. R. kr Savrers is attending -the annual meeting of the Geueral Assem- bly in London this week, Rev. Mr. McQueen and Mr s Plasma • of Glasgow,' Scotland, are visiting at the horde of Ma Forrest. MreaMcCoIl leaves this week for Re- gina, with her edaughter and son-in- law, Edward Colville, of Tuekersmith. Mrs. McColl has, lived in our village for several years, and has made many friends who regret her departure. Sacrament cf the Lord's.Supner was observed in tTnion Ohureb on Sabbath morning last Rev. Mr. Urquhart, of Kippen, preached at *the preparatory Stallee on Friday, and Rev. Neil Shaw, of Bgmondville, preached on Sabbath evening, , Oast Wawanoish Dna= OF it A. CHAPMAN.-A sad bereaveMent has CORIO to the family of Mr. S.A. Chaptnan,of Vast Wawatiosh, in the death of the head Of the home. Mr Chraprnan had been in poor health for some time past, but death was not expected. He 'Wee in Winghain on Wednesday last, and on Sunday took rimeh Went). and on ateriday he passed away. Deceased was an indtistrieus, upright mat, respected by the eoni- muntty, and it Inembet• of the Metho- dist church, Ile leaves it sorrowing widoW and eight voting children. Mem- bets of Courtablastland, 0.0.P. 11/410. 25, *attended the funeral of their deceased brother. Mr Chapman was in his. 42nd year. The family have siticere sr* pathy In tuelv hour 0$ beroSitomotitt NEW SUBSCRIBERS ean The New Era from till the 3ist Dec., 1906, Piny Cents cash. Mem quickly, If you want a bargai suBt.30RIP:rumilIPOIAZToltt" . The Poet Moralizes, (By Skedunk) r started out to have some fun and wake the Council up, Damns° the Sloane Block sidewalk was looking ; Tko thiug had been neglected -which noone can deny, and sinloat feel (Mite Confident that no one wit ever try, lb looked as if it would be left another Year' or SO really thenoat it Might see several win- ters snow, Se when I put the mayor at work to lix it up quite well, , X had faint Idea, that My poetry would tell„ The Council saw the truth at Once, of MI that lot., - had said ; And the people kilned in swine, "eiteentilee level head" Sol kept the thing a•going,and warlied al040'111Y. rhyme, Because I thought I'd fetch them In the "'good old manner time" The °Council at its 'tneeting. on Monday night that's past,. - Carried a resolution that the walk be fixed at last; And the mayor at once adnuittiod, and did it with a smile, That fikedunk had got his work in, and dM it in good style. Town Connell * • • _ Regular meting Was held on Mon- day evening. A communication was received from the Public School Board, calling attention to the necessity of a granolithic,walk along the west side of the school. On motion of Coon. Gibbings, seconded by Conn. Wiltse, it was decided to grant 'the recoest, Petitions were received for it grano- *hie walk on the eolith side of White- head St. (signed by James Fair a,nd others) and for one on the north side of Mary Street, from north to Erie (signed "by G. Davis and others. Both ware accepted. • Mr. Paisley, Chairman of the St. Conanaittee recommended that 150 cords of gravel be put on the streets leading to town, cost of which would be about $3.50 per cord delivered that several streets be graded. ; that is stone drain be put in opposite Mr. O. Johnston's, Isaac St. ; that the road front the Foundry to the railway track be gravelled ; that a new sidewalk be laid in front of the Sloane Block, or the present one raised, Mr. S. S. Cooper to contribute $2,5 towards the seine; that an Engineer be engaged to settle the ,McKeneie-Jones drain, the parties benefitted to pay for, same. Report adopted.. [The Mayor asked to be recorded as against the expendi- ture for the Sloane Black sidewalk, he stating that the tewn should not as- sume so :much of it.] , Mr. Paisleyawho had been delegated. to inspect the paving . of Maio Si., SeaSerth, said that a quartet' of a • e. lad been dug out 12, feet wide Maheedeespannd4lltadshisswith. crush- Enema. -The following is the May monthly report of S. S. No. 14, Stan- ley, names being in feeder of merit :- V -Eleanor Hood, Edwin Genthielt ; Sr. IV -Etta Jarrott, Jean Grassiek, Norman Jones '• Jr. IV -Janet Logan, Herbert Jones, Mabel McBeath ; Oda McBeath Jas. Gemmel, Hannah Misdate • III -Loki Rathwele Arthur Jones, Allan Fisher and Herbert 'Kehl equal; 2nd Pat. -Anna Hoed, Ida Bothwell, Alex. MeMurtrie ; 1st Part -Nelson Rood,' G. E. McKay. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were : Sr. IV, Etta, Jarrott ; Jr. 1V, HerbertJones ; 111, Jno. Kehl ; Sr, II, Lola Rathwen ; Jun. 2# Allan Fisher. ---W. JOIMSTON. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE,- The annual meeting of tbe Women's Institute was held. on Meaaternoon of June Ist# at the residence of Mre. Jas. Catnpbell, when the election, or re-election, of officers took place. Those 'for the com- ing year are as follows : Mrs. Speak- nsan, Pres.; Miss Rose .Snowden, let Vice-Presa Miss -E. McEwen, and Vice; Miss M. Campbell, Sec.-Treas. The Secretary's report, showed ten meet- ings held during the year, with an Average attendance of eight, exclusive of visitors. Out of a membership of SO; this average is very small, and it was felt' by the meeting that it was scarcely fair that those who never at- tend a meeting should .eeeeive the same benefits as those who attend and who have all the work to do in contuse -- tion with getting the shrubs and bulbs, consequently it bylaw was passed to the -effect that reeinbers who do not at- tend at least four meetings in the year, unless prevented bysickness or some other unavoidable circumstance. shall not receive the benefits of the Society. This law goes itao effect now, at the beginning of the Institute year, The Treasurer's; report showed about $6 in the treasury. Plans were discussed for the Cooking Demonstration. which is to be held in the Town Hall, on the afternoon of June Zee The subjects for demonstration are "Economy in ,Small Things" and "Salads" by Mise 13 Medan, and a taik by, Mrs. Watts, Olintote on the "Care of rade, Rands and Mit" and "Hints for Women who work." There will be an afternoon session only, the craning session hay- ing been dispensed with this year. The tnembees of the society will fur- nish a free lunch, to which all are in- vited to remain. Gentlemen as well as ladies are welcome to visit the dem- onstration. -M, E. CARMEL-Ls Seoy. The Wingbani ramie the first of the Canadian cztauit, opened Wednesdays With every face well filled, it large at. tendabee of spectatoes and keen con. tests hi the genera °yenta The ;crack Was in the parlance of the turf "lights hing feet" and from the number of fast horses, here, the meetingg this year promises to eclipse All former ones. We regret very moth to have to re. port that Samos Tabb, Colborne, iS very poorly again. Clinton and Mitthell bowlers will idEoP on tho goo here next Tuesday awn ed stoiie, effar' WAS piinaelark steam roller. The cost wits $825, Some Of the people thought the road was a suecess, others did not ; itt any rate the road Was in good, shape when he SnattWolt. Alt hair an of the - Finance Coransittee, prezien e. • is re- pot:a which recommended payment of it number of accounts. Omni. Ford made it verbal request for a grant of $200 towards the town Band, and supported it by a motion, Coun. Gibbings also supported it, and pointed outahe heavy expense under which the members of the • band labored. Conn, aViltse opposed a grant of 5200, *Inch Ile thought 'excessive, but would support one for $150. Conn. Paisley Would 'give the Town Bind $100 and the Salvation Army band 550. On the yeas and nays being called the • trete' stood -yea-Gibbings, Doherty, ePaorrrdie, d*.nate Wiltse, .Grals,am, Paisley. The Mayor voted yea, and the motion. Cann. Paisley moved, seconded by Court. Graham, that the Salvation Army Band get it grant of $50. This - was carried on the following vote :- yea, Wilts% Graham, Paisle y, Doher ty. Nay, Gibbings, Ford,— Porter's Hill Pearl Newton returned home from Goderich last week. Mr. and Mrs. McKee, of Michigan are visiting at Alex. Cox's. John Legate and son, frees Allegany, are visiting•at John Torrance's. Mr. end Mrs. Robt. McLean.' of God- erich, spent o-unday at John Cox's. ' Bert Lobb and sisters, Winnie and Elsie, Event Sunday at John Cox's. Mr. lvison, of Kippen, visited his daughter, Mrs. Sterling McPhail, last w•eneekMel Sunday Soheol will hold the annual festival in the near future ; look out for bills, Miss Grace Torrance was appointed delegate from Bethany Sunday school to attend the convention Clinton on June 12.13. ACCIDENT. -Our young storekeeper had rather an Unpleasant as well as unprofitable experience on Thursday last. He was driving with the peddling wagon heavily laden with egg boxes, when one ot the axle clips broke; let- ting the wagon run into the ditch and upsetting, breaking about sixty-five dozen eggssand slightly damaging the wagon. Wesley had the presence of mind to jump from the wagon and hold on to the horses; and both escaped .unhurt. • edliantente ' There Adams having a atone wall placed under his barn. •;. R. Ilothare was visiting friends at „Rosati couple of days this week, Miss Mary Elliott /Went te. New Lies keard on Tuesday. Robert Mal:sole, accompanied by his aged father, left Tueriday forManitoba, Itobt. LaW8011 moving the nous° he recently bought from Geo. Dale, to his farm it half mile west, Mr. Leatherland, Seaforth, preached here on Sunday last, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Birks, who is attending Con. ference at Windsor. Mrs. •Iohn, Britten has returned home after a pleasant visit 'with her daughter, Mrs, David, Weir, at Union, Wm, Clarke has purchased a wind- mill from Sohn F. Staples, of Seaforth, and has had the Same erected on his farm for the purpose of punspingwater to his building, Moe V. Cook ids on Tuesda. last to spend the summer Inonthe wit her danghter, Mrs. Thos. towea who rivet near Brandon, Man., and brothers on. at Yorkton, $sok mimismispoim....siessmemossor —0 R -- Baking Powder ALWAYS RUBE ALWAYS FRESII ALWAYS RELIABLE, Once used, always used. Try its Sf) per pound. R. P. Reekie's DRUG STORE,_ etaNTON, Nat N..B. Blue Vitriol and TWO Green for spraying trees. . aammiinvirsibes.4,/evyks414 Some T h inRs You NeedNow. PURE INSECT POWDER HELLEBORE PARIS GREEN, Our Stock is now complete with the ' above, and the goods are all fresh, Euthytnal Talcum Powder insures comfortanle feet, . W.. S. R. NIMES, • Phm. B. • Manufacturing Chemist, P9st office Drug Stqre, 73 v . P110T9---.STUN -013.to's, SUCCESSOR TO N E HENRY, .Haring .bought out the usmess o sire to to ask fo.r.a continuance •:of the patronage :given this studio. All work done will be up-to-date, and: equal in artistic finish and pose to that e • of the cities. , . asCALL AND SRE'U.S. • . . J. ROBERTS, Photo Artist, - Clinton. Frauds on Farmers Monday night High County Cons stable Boyle of St. Catharines arrested Arthur Smith of Hillcrest Farm, Beachville, upon the • charge of Ob- taining money under false pretence:at with intent to defraud. The onset Wile made a,t the instigation of E. G. ' Hull & Sons, nurserymen of St. Oath- arines, who claim they have sent money to Smith Bros., Beethville, for a shipment of seed potatoes which. were never forwarded. Smith ware taken to Se Vatherines this morning. The arrest discloses. it strange story: The First National Co -Operative Soc- iety of Woodstock have spread adver- tisements broadcast, advertising everything you eat, wear or use at. wholesale prices. There were no offices of the society nor was it known, - and many of the letters were sent to Mw dead -letter office. Others, how- ever, found their way to Smith. The mails were used extensively, and a postoffice official was sent to investi- gate. ' • Among the aavertisenients was one of seed potatoes that so'd at $7,000 at stone. No arrests were made until" last night, when the county officers. . went to Bartel -mill% An examination of the premises of the prisoner reveal- ed nothing of the advertised goods except a few strawberry plants. [We are sorry to say that the Nwidr MtA, with other papers, has been duped itself in this matter, and WOW' sibly was the innocent cause of °there being duped.] linamerearemeilisasesease Molsoits Bank. incorporated 1855 Capital Paid up $3,000§000 Reserve. Fund, $3,000,000 Total ssets $30,0006060 SAVES YOUR. DOLLARS • by depositing in our &Whigs Bank. It does not require a latge amount to begin With: We nay a 'per cent interest an amonnta0 $1 and 'upwards. Better begin: now -deposit what you eau spare, -add to it whenever Possible, We will weleorne your account, lento ot small. a A general 'Banking business transacted. . 'ALT- AND SEZ.,116 C. E. DOWDINGi maniii.ri coact