HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-01, Page 5V J'une lit,, ON 1 A' .. 1 THE CLINTON NEW BRA Gilts for. June Brides If you are in aibt what to give; If you want some- thing that wont be like- ly to . be duplicated; If ou are hunting a gift that will be • as cre- ditable to your good. .taste asto your •.good. nature; If you desire, a :gift' that will be as new as. the bride herself and inuch admired; Call.. on us to -day. New goods have just. arrived. L I . YAR - Jeweler and Optician. °E y es Tested Free` TORONTO MARKETS, (Lbo Sue). `Hoinutil—Tho Toronto horse market maintains its f?run tone. Deepito the heavy run of •last week, the boards were all cleared and the liberal enppplitta are readily oiciced up at satisfactory prices. Aline rtylieh roadster on Frday drew 5250 at the Repository. heavy draft horse old for PIO at the Exchange on Monday, alese were about the top figures for the past week. The range of prices for drafters at both sales stables was $185 to $210. Roos. --The hog is by no means a despised animal, at the city markets this week. The demand is keen, and prices have Advanced 25c off caresince last week. The Win. Davies Co. quote " off cars " in this city at $7.65, at ' the Western Cattle Market, watered,.ibing paid for hogs fed and avearge price being ,paid at country points has also increased, 4617 10 and even 17.15114 -d -been reached. $31EEP. The run on the Toronto. Cattle Market to -day was 250 sheep an . Iambs, and aneasier feeling was exper fenced all round. .The sheep were gen- erally a fine-looking lot, but therewere a few that should have ,remained in the luxuriant clover fields for a few weeks more to be less suggestive of framework. Spring lambs of all des- criptions, but chiefly Leicester and . Shropshire, w ere bleating everywhere, No shearlings were on the market. Prices for mutton were lower. Export ewes from $4.75' to. $5.50 each, over ICJ pounds, Export bucks, 3 1-2c to 10, Spring lambs, $3.50 to $0.00 CATTLE. — A livelier' tone was appar- ent on the cattle market to -day. The run consisted of 81 cars, with 1,450 cat- tle, and 273 calves. The quality on the whole was good, and selling took place , rapidly. The following is the range of prices at the above market Picked exporters, $5.10 to 40 ; choice exporters, $5 to $5.10 ; good exporters, $4.90 to $5 ; medium exporters, $4.75 to $4.90 export bulls,t 53.75 to $1.25 ,• common bulls $3 to $3.75 ; choice but- chers' sold. at $4.80 to $4.C3 ; good butchers' $4.65 to $4.80 ; medium butchers'' 54.30 to $4.65 ; common butch- ers' $4 to 0.311; good fat Cows, $4 to $4.50 ; milch cows $35 to 555 ; • feeders and stockers sold from 53 to ,$4.70..: Clinton Market Report. OorrueIed every Thursday afternoon Wheat 080 to 080 Oats ....0 33 to 034 '1 Barley , .. 0 42 to •0 45 Peas 0 75 to 0 75 Eggs 0 14 to 0 '15 Butter :. .. .,.... 0 15 to 0 16 Hoge • 7 15 t) 715 Births, Marriages, Deaths. BORN ,ILuy4 4NR.w-In Stanley, on May 4th, to Mr, •and 4trr. John McFarlane, awn,. MOWI4X—On Saturday. May 26rh,at Sault Ste Made, Ontarl°, to Mr, and Mo. E. I", 1110100 Y•1 daughter, ADDISON,—In rondeaboro.on May 44th,to Mr , and ra,Jas,Ad ison, a daughter, $AFIDERS—In Stephen. con 2, on May 164h, to Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Sanders, a daughter. PATIUOR—In Tuokeremith, on May 36th, to Mr and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick, a son. MaVITTIE—In Morrison May 22nd, to Mr and Mrs. Milton Movittte, a daughter. MADSEN,—In Quincy, Illinois, on 1110,y 10, to'. Mr and Mrs Madsen, (nee Miss. Christina. Liver- more, formerly of totv'a,l a daughter. MARRIED R14IR$ERT,—FUSS.—At the residence of the brides parents, near Zurich. on May 23rd.by Bev, 13, Schuelke, Miss Lovina, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fuss, to Mr. Alfred Reichert, of near Eillsgreen. DIED ROBSON..-In Regina,on Friday,May 25tb,Editb Isabel Robson,beloyedd daughter of Mr.N,Itobeon, Quinton, STANBURY.-,In Stanley, on May 30th, Edith McKnight, wife of wm:A.Stanbury,agecj 22 years, 11 months and 20 days, PIRE.-,In Regina,on May 80, Samuel Pike, for merly of Clinton. WOOD, --In ilowick, on May 15th,James Wood, aged^74 years. ° w SON, --In Wroxeter, on May 18th, WIlliam Wilsn. aged 70 years, naltstS.=At Oransford, on Sunday, May 220th George Barris, of Goderiob, aged 61 years, 2 months and 16 days. OREERY.—in•Osborne, on May 16th,' Robert . Oreery, aged 86 years, 9 months and 4 days. WILLERT.—In Dashwood, on l r;day. May 18, Mrs. John YPiilcrt, aged 63 years, BRQWN—In Crediton, on May 781b, Margaret Brown, aged 84 years. wwwwwwwwwwwkwwwovlowwwily g Saving - in Ladies Ready=to=wear Hats. just at the start of the season too. If you are needing a street hat, •or will be, shortly. This will be a chance in a Ion tune.to get one at verylittle cost and a big saving, Every style is new this season, and prices cut below cost o clear theta out, Come easly and get first choice, fore Something . ,your nrnr11rItr Lingerie. Shirt -Waist Pattern Lengths' for the .Summer Girl, The new Japanese designs in Mercerized Lawns_aud • Swis , Muslins, Each pattern contains enough yards of'material t make the 'fashionable waist.• This .clees of goods will be the largest seller in the Shirt' Waist department thissummer. Prices • '5$9..76; $2`f "^`$2;50. ..a.,. 4..... . .• This was a batgani lot cleared from a big manufacturer We have only 20 :a;nd `they • cannot last long. They are shower proof, lined with Italian, linen sewn and worth $10, now $7. Ready=to=Wear N ;ats at Less _Than GQs One hundred Ready-to-wear Straw sat ., new styles; in mostcases alike, not . ' ty . in° the It, at the follow ing prices 1 FLUKER.^In West Wawanosh, on May 60th Mary,relict of the late Wm. Flu$er, and mother of W . F}glob, Clinton, aged 87 years, Legal 41ieries The following appears in the legal queries of the London Advertiser :- OLINTON—In 1886, A, the owner of a house and lot, got the consent of 13, the owner of next lot, to run, his cel- lar drain through B's lot. A dies, 13 sells lot of U. Executors of A , have another drain dug alongside of first dram, through lot now owned by C. C maims' one or both drains are , a damage to his cellar, as the frost . and wet in the winter have caused the walls to Leave and now they are cracked from top to bottom in differ - env places, both drains are within five feet of C's wall.' •.Can executors claim. easement when they discarded . first drain at the end of sixteen years ? Can C compel• executors to, move one or. both drains ? A,ns—Upon the facts stated it is not clear thatthe executors ofAha have anyeasement. If the con- sent was iri. riting its terms would. govern theright to the drain: ;If the conserit•was verbal and' without con- sideration it wasrevocable within 20 years from the day it was given They had no right to the second •drain ex, cept in substitution of ,the first, to which we assume there' was no con- sent. By abandoning the use 'of the first drain in 1800 they: lost their title to it by proscription and have not itc quired`any title by proscription: to the second drain„ Unless they can pro- duce a grant iii writing the executors can be compelled to close up the sec- ond train. ,They are table for damages -•tn ii.ny-case,- o,it t lacy ha ve d rigfiL th „,thedrain const ire ,i rna i . Ladies' Shower-ProofJaekcts. o las not , o thety o l lawyer upon I he facts that can be proved; New • Advertisements.:' We have as advantage over-: cztni u petitors in buying these Jackets because ofo the sizes. We were compelled . t purchase the entire lot or not getany of them.So we bid On, the lo and got them. They are new, fashionable in body, sleeves and fit, and are throughout particularly.American, worth $8 for 115. New Itaineoats for. Ladies In fawn, dark' grey and tweed effects,at 55, $6.50,$ 7.50,' and 58 ; lengths 54, 56, 58 and 60 inches. GARDINER P P�:.EC,� :Sc�GA D1V O V O� L D Y7NllYM•M ►Y1UY M, MASaceessor to McKinnon & Co., Blythf 1 ONE Wttli ON . . Pasturage. 1111 .36 r New Shipments This Week. Fancyspot and check Muslins, • New' patterns in white,Vestings. Another, shipment of Lace Curtains. New Silk and Wash Belts. Regular SOc. styles for 25e TSc 44 SOc 0' $1.00 44 • 00e • 44 $1.25 44 85e u $1 50 44 $1,00. 44 • $2. and $2.50 for 1.50 Bargain . in Factory Cotton for Saturda ^au CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS. , Ohildren's Straw Sailor H'4.ts, in plain'vhite and blue and white straw, with fancy bands, big range to select from at 20e. 25e. ,35ct and 50e. • 1000 yards good, heavy heavy Factory Cotton, nice, round, even thread, mill ende of 10 and 12 yards in each piece, regular 15c, for 4 ....... • , . , ..2 ....•.... , .. . 10c .inoleu,m Snap for. Saturday wo pieces only: one floraland one block pattern, heir printed Linoleum, four yards wide, for Satur- /1 5A day an'l per square yard •rt h Lawn, W a-lst 4, -•Our-customers' good taste is demonstrated in their daily selection of our Lawn Waists. ` Our range is complete and styles the very latest. Prices fun $ from 50c up to -. WW, 4 5 Ask to see our 'SPECIAL at $1.00 • Cotton Hosiery. TWO LEADERS. Great. Event in Ribbons Doubly .Momentous 'Saving Occasion—For Saturday.Well, we 'are equal ' to the occasion as these. prices, cut to the core, will plainly tell you. In Black and plain Colors you'll get a good Silk Taffeta 3 3/4 inches' wide. Reg. 25c for. Fancy ribbons 3.1/2 inches wide with Dresden stripes, and open-work effects, a beautiful, range of delicate shade and dainty., patterns. for summer neclwear..... ..' .. , . Women's black Cotton Hose, fast black; good, even, 25c thread,good finish, special at 2 prs for - •*f (tir lisle thread, guaranteed fast black not be equalled, at 15c 15c Hose,. can- 25c Woman's extra fine lace and lisle thread hose in Black or tan, also black Cashmere. Hose. All made of choicehigh=class yarn, new designs in lace for this season," Sizes 81/2 to 10.......... 25c Sateen Skirts For genuine serviceability and'neatness these skirts are a boon to good dressers, plenty., of width ct flit. Made of good Enhlish perfect u E hush and black mes- a p eerized -sateen. Good deep accordion pleated 1 flounce.. .. 400 • RMV‘MOWP WIMARMWAMMOWWWWWAWIRMWMAYARMAMM Good pasturage cum be had foorty or fifty head head of cattle- Applyto Farm: Foreman, Mr. McMIIRRAY, Stapleton. Plants for Sale. Cabbage, tomato and cauliflower plante,. also large gnan4ity of rhubarb: Apple at bonee, . Albert street north,' ONSLOW °RICH. • * A Big Reduction in If prices of Ready-to-wear Hats,--Do-net miss his W chance. s Morrell & Holmes . Londesboro. i*NOW*ik***** Cafes The undersigned will hate a load of. calves at the. Graham 13onee on. Saturday, June , 9th, at 1. o'clock. GEO, CHAP - MAN, Attwood. Wanted • At once, a number of stonemasons aIld bricklayers to work ' on' Wingham High School: Good wages will be •paid. NICH- OLSON et BENNETT, Wingham. TORONTO, ONT. A SPLENDID SCII441)L.-high-grade training for Business lifer College. open entire year. Our facilities. are unsurpassed. COMMENCE NOW. Handsome catalogue free.' - W J. ELLIOTT, Priv I Corner of Tango and Alexan.ler, cats • • • For Sale' or to Rent •1 0 15,on..13 LotC Hallett (150acre are is offered for sale or foe 'rent Possessio n to be given at -the close of tbe current • year; For particnlars apply to W. BRYDONE,_ Clinton., Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 103 , sores, being lot 31, 3rd con. H. R. 6. Tack- eremith. All gleaned and under oultivat.. ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 acres in grass Frame hoose, bank barn, hay barn, and other outbuildings. .• Bearing orchard, Good water. Schoolhouse.on,ths.premises. WHITFIELD ()RICH, Clinton, Vie a.IEr� HA •Farm, for Sale, , Snbeoriber offers for sale bis farm of 100 mores, being lot 24, 5th con. of Bullet, 90 sores clearest. ifl acres' megJaardwogd•,• bash Prime house, kitchen efel wood - abed, good bank barn. Well watered, well. fenced, well underdrained and in first-class state of cultivation, 1-2 acre being undrain- ed. Only 8 miles from Olinton. 3-4 cf mils !A) n soh ol.. JOH14 OARBER'" a the premises or Clinton, ThQ1 STRATFORD,: ONT. Our classes are much larger than the were a year ago. The public has learn ed that this is the best place in the pro vines to obtain a Commercial Education or Shorthand Training, :Students are entering each week. All graduates get ' ood positions. Write • now for catalogue • Elliott & 1eLachlan,- - Principals Housecleaning's .- And. Housecleaner''s ` 'liouseeleaners' are -Isere It's hard work, housecleaning ts,.; 'and' disagreeable. The Quickest way that it can be done takes long enough; goodness n n andthe easiest ,va . is '• knows; e. s � too bard. We have for some: time tied labor lightenerse The best they can do is only a help, Of course, .but it's harder without thein. Can we assist jou, with anyof the following? Richard's Pure Soap Comfort Sweet Home Sunlight Surprise. Wool els-Naptha (s ld Dust ll nine Soap Chips ' • ' Supolio, Hon sehold Anlnlonia, 5e a pack. We. sell every.kind of a broom and brush that is made. . • ►� :T: O'NEII,, THE HUB GROCER' he'Qtia1tty'Store s WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE .BEST )UALITY• FOR YOUR MONEY. k Different people want different styles.. of cloth '. ing—some want one kind, : some want another. ' We have thestyle of Clothing that will please every man or boy, for less money than you cane buy in any other store We realize how important it is to have the Clothes well made—perfect in fitand finish. The `Sovereign Brand' Clothing is hard to beat, in this respect,: and sells at prices from $6.00 to $i5.00.. Hats, :Hats Hats: We:hav'e a line of Straws that's hard ,:to beat, for • Men and Boys. Prices ranging from 756 to $2.25 vigmiggiiivingimigma 1. B.. Roover. Neilson Ball FURNITURE .. -. We -. always ... . -.. i.... .. i 222: .. alwa. aimed-at'makin .. this. the OI-IEAPEST- SPOT in old Huron County for Furniture, and mean to continue doing so as long as we are in te business. Our prices will convincey ou that this is tru• e, A few. "Gilray" Curtain Stretchers left. ()OVER ALL. Furniture and Undertaking • eEzl Ter • ONT. Some . Borgd:ins in addChino. We still have some odd lines of China and Glass- ware which we areselling t a sacrifice. Don't you need a /handsome (Dinner Set, ora Toilet Bet, or perhaps some odd Baps and - Saucers, odd plates, Salad Bawls, G 1 alis , Pitchers china Pitchers, Tumblers Fruit and Vegetable Dishes etc, • Call to see them before some one gets ahead of you, and you hiss the very bargain you have been looking. for. A4, D. Beaton The People's Grocer. Phone l I: I Preserve Your Eyesight. Owing to the fact that my'store is too small to allow the setting' up of aidark room, I havve� arranged with •1.CZ BE Q4 $ O1�1� Manufacturing Opticians arid Eyesight Specialists, ---to be at -- The HOTEL NORIVIANDIl,' Monday June 4th, and Will be glad to have all those troubled with .DEFECTIVE EYBSIGHT call and consult thein. One advantage they have oyer others; is- the fact that they GRIND THEIR OWN LN.NSES, and, by so doing, prevent any error in the process of LENS MAKING. Ira your eyes trouble you, to any way, or the glasses you now wear are NOT COMFORTABLE, don't neglect tliis opportunity of having your eyes PROPERLY ATTENDED TO. The new Electric Opthalniornetroseope used in making all examinations, All'work libsolutly guaranteed. For references and testimonials, ser small bills. Underwear. We also have a fine line of Underwear for ' Spring and Summer,'itiPenman's natural wool, double- 5s-, thread ,Balbriggan: a Prices •from 50c to $ luso per garment. 114 [[gip=to=date Ties. We have just received one shipment of 10,,dozen 'of the finest patterns and quality that money would buy, tosell at 25c, 5oc and 75,C each. Counter, JEWS ,IER and OTICIAN. , .' Hosiery. We also have a full line of Hosiery for Men and Boys, in heavy Wool, Cashmere, light Wool arid Cotton, ranging in price from tocto sod per pair. Give Us a Call. Come and inspect our goods. We ban please. you, THIS is the place to buy you Clothing and. Furnishings.` : , The Galbraith Clothiqg Cloth - Co., Successors to T. Jackson, Sen.,.- C L I N T° N 4..L.L?1LA: k.' 'Elelhil►wmieLi11 4.i.�1Y�1,.:—._L,.i - 11.11,i.:"2: AY J