HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-01, Page 4i TUE M. INTON NEW Saturday, June 2nd Saturday morning -next, June 2nd,: we place on sale (tor the day only) TEN GOOD BARGAINS. which will be well worth coating:early to secure. Every article is exactly as represented, and p every- thing advertised here is BRAND NEW, 59c and doe Dress Goods 10c a Yard 5 Pieces (two dresses in each) fancy 'nadir dress goods in Brown, .Green, Gt'eyand ,Blue mix- tures 50c and 60c a yarde Saturday priced at.;,. 40c 12 1.2e Jasmine Cord • Wash. Goods 9e a yard 200 yards Jasmine Cord Wash Goods 33inches - wide, suitable for Waists, Dressing Sacques and Childrens cleesses, etc, Colors of Black -and White- " Blue, White, Red and Black, etc. Fast'•Colors. - /tip Regular price 1.2 1/2c and 155c a yard. Saturday,. Uit Princeps and Hercules idose. 25e • Princess fine rib Cotton Hose in tan and black for Girls -.Hercules Heavy Ribb Cotton Hose for 1150 Boys —No Better value in Canada. All sizes L ',lore Waists at 98e each One dozen more beautifullawn waists -made - with medallion insertion and tucks, selling in most stores at $1.50. Satuday here at ,OOpn , $1.50 Quilts at $1.00 Twenty pair white bed spreads, good heavy • . gnality—double bed size, worth to -day -$1.50, Sat- urday 1 Oe 2l1e Embroideries 12 t -2c One Hundred yards embroider in to wide in a dozen good patterns. Regular price in.8c and 20c a yard. Saturday White Lawn .10e 7 5 yards Victoria Lawn- -`4C in. 'wide,; regular price:121i2c to.15o a yard . - $1, 50 tarn-brella's for, SLOW 3 doz Tues an Ids° l'iinur"e t ��t ' r 10 1,0 be Clinton or Era FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1900, It is said that hotelmen are in a stuandary as to how Much water the new license act will allow them to use in diluting liquors, Wee are riot as authority oar this point, hutwould suggest that about 99 per cent water would be all right, �--�; ,4 The announcement is publicly made that the %oadstock Express, which was established as an Independent , paper, will hereafter support the Oen- servative party, As a smatter of fact -the Express. -has -been -supporting this party ever since the Time', the ortho- dox Conservative paper, ceased 'to exist. It is a significant fact that out of Omit a dozen so-oaIled independent papers in Canada, all but one or two are supporters of Uonservativism, Ron. in Fielding Lias a unique rec- one as Finance Minister; having been able to present his tenth' consecutive . budget to the .-country. This is a req. 'A Junior League social was held in Plessast and.interesting 'fiat c-hurch News to: Also Park Wok Farm OVVISS M41fWWWW4 w'4, few years ngo, as a diverelon from e strenuous outwit incident to eon- - ONTARIO SMUT, untied office work and rigidly looking lk[is (tarot Newooml�e, we under- after his large manufapturing intonate, stand, bias tendered her resignation as Mr. Doherty, like many othere of et1w. Organist of Ontario Street Ohurcb, law calibre,gr added his old love fox and intends to rewala in the west, „ cod live stoc and invested in a few Services next Sabbath will be taken t Hoeing1 acquireedga considerable ar- �b y,. Mr. Chas. .11011and at 11 &Ar., and j tion of the Bowden s form mr• Thos, Ewart at 7 p,laa. Mr. ;David um,lilt* 1900 Tiplac*v will have charge of the. fellow, ship meeting at 10 it.7Kt. The junior League presented a fine last. Recitatione were Thursday given by Misses Marion Gibbings, Vio- let Barge, and by Ruth and Gladys Switzer of Tuckersnnith, .A couple of duets were well rendered by Mestere. -Charlie and +'red•Thowpson,-- rs,- .• J Gi, , sobbings gave a Slumber Bong, lo. A special feature of the program was the "Fairy Crowning," in which Misses. Manning, Howe, Connell, Wal- ker, Johnston, Clarke and Elliott took past. A number of full choruses were well given by the League. WESLEY CHURCH. Rey. Mr. Manning is attending Lon, don Conference, but expects to take his own work en Sunday. ord for Canada, and has never before the Sunday school room on Friday been equalled byan 8n' evening last. The program copsistea y finance minister, for no one person `has ever held the office so long before. Another feature that is unique is the fact that in ?tine of the ten years thatbe has been in office, he has been able to announce a handsome surplus. Mr, Fielding started life as a newsboy P.flUL'S CHURCH. ' survey arm pro. party, where his factories, residence, barns and so forth are situated, the „richest tract of land that we know of. wit has produced00 bushels of wheat per a ngolesanwere tgrow.n1i401 beoeethan three aeries.. Mr Doherty also baught;froin Arthur Couch part of the flats across the river, an ideal spot for pasture, Thescenery-being picturesque,—and interesting, the winding river is dank. ed by wooded heights with handsome villas nestling here and thee the rees. At times the valley narrows bet een rugged, woody banks, and then widens out again, into broad, fee. tile , eadows, where the cattle dose awa their time an sleepy satisfaction among the buttercups and clover. A sweet spotit is among the "banks and braes" in the sunny days. of 3une,when the sky, is without a. cloud and the weadsw-(arks are fluttering and sing* ing over the grassy fields,. From the first he made his little'side 1' ' of recitations by Beta Cook and Tannic lne Doprofit y, for thesecond year gave him Stevenson, a duet- by. Gladys Cantelon invested tq good advantage tage innimports. and Della, Millar, an address by Rev. ed Cruikshank Short -Horn cows, the Mr. Manning, and a violin solo by Ger- best 1' tr tide Uhant, After the program re- treshments were served. A good time was enjoyed b,. all, The receipts were $4:20.. ,on the Hall- s oo al: fax Chronicle, and went through the Robson ththe afternoon death Miss Edith office step by step until he reached then eobeentLad. lea' Guild,. which was to slave held editorial chair, which he held until he in,St . Penn's June 5th, school house on Wed es - entered political life, day, has been postponed until Tuesday, Referring to the dismissal .of James' - BAPTIST C13U1/1:rn.'- .Bryan, of Lucknow;frenhis position Rev. W»D:.' Magee' attended an ora • as. License Inspector. the Walkerto dination council last Friday at Wing Telescope says: n ham, when the new- pastor of the Bap. tisychnreh th "Ever since the new . government came into power, Tory office hunters have been after the scalp of License Inspector Bryan, but. Dr. Clapp kept beating them off, and recently it began to look as. if Bryan would not be dis- turbed: Personally; Clapp did' notwant to see an Br y dismissed. In the first place, no fault could be found with. him. He was a most capable off)-- inst �. him, and.rer �Clappe uo c complaints that if he were to ask for his dismissal he would have to admit that his only reason for doing so was that he was on the wrong side of theicao ! lit fence. c e. . To dismiss A main from office because of his noli- ties is rather a cold-blooded proceeding and usually makes' the member more enemies than friends. In •addition:to this, Rryai- is a man of considerable influence,and once out of office there would be :r to nothing a :. in him m esti" from m talking " g a hand 1 n the election, 1 cti On 'All things: 'considered; therefor;+ Dr ere was publicly set apart to the work of. the -gospel ministry. The examination-of'the candidate took place in the afternoon, and was in every way most satisfactory, ' In the evening the ordination service took place. The Baptist church in Wing haul is in a very prosperous condition,. and with a bright, • energetic' pastor; such as they have. in Rev. Mr,. Fitch, the prospects for the future are very encouraging, - Sacramental. services will .be cote ducted on Sunday. • • • .At .the Wednesday' eight ht ra .et. - meeting, the rite of baptism were ad- ministered to three• young ladies. On June 19, the Syisod of. the Dio- cese of Huron will meet in •rdondon- Rev C. A. Wishart, of Beaverton,. has been invited to pastorate of Mil - villa Church, Brussels. Clapp was •ltiable to }asp more ' • • ' Rev. J. S. Fisher, formerly,of this missing =Bran .t :i re by die- vicinity, will suneranuaate at the'. ' r '- g y li Lu _by:� g, hint enta sehin 01 ion .._.0 ._,r.,. e• As to Jr.�VCannon, tilt � �g 9 don Oonker�nce: • i e new ap handles, fast color to s, Best: $1.i5o Umbrellas l�yr �P_ alone. • . . o fes :a 9=-~2�.t�'l�, 'The annual iiie�,tinp .. f tj r W 1. e ' tt• k is.a first class •titan; for the asiti �� 'cli p o , t d. ell $1.09 Lace Curtains at'75e, n -e '..'_e_.,,;.%' ---..__..._ tic long, 50 in. wide. Regular price $1.00 per pair. Saturday per pair ., . ,-.. 1•�.4 Beautiful Tri • lamed fiats yP@@2:75 For Saturday morning .we will have preparedea , , a dozen or more beautiful trimmed -Hats Which@@q we will mark down to the. low price of +�L; 7 • Gopct CIC1hifl -�R. MSN And Good Clothing: for Boys We never before sold so . many good , READY = TO = WEAR SUITS for Men as we have this Sprinv. Our Assort- menti•s large enough to give you exclusive patterns-. to pick from, something• cu won't. see a lot f y 0, They come in Scotch Tweeds and English Wor- stedssteds and made by expert tailors. The Cloths are thoroughly shrunk before being made up—Best linings are used and the fit is per- fect. We'll be pleased to have you call and see - these Suits at OUR • MEN'S &FORE They are not expensive considering the high quality of material used being moderately priced at - $12.0 0, 11:0o .:and:_.:$E6 sem es H ill he.,..dutie convenes next week, , June 5-i3, int Gla. rice er;'xciently : an impartially, and so i' vim" ".ici. ' L r, e • far a's'the polio service-is.coecerned •pac'tto';attend. • there is no kick coming But' the ' The of3i^ial board of the .. ' ' nestion is this : If the Ontario e wont whole q � _ ` Methociis4cirei;ftihasextendedahearty overnmen t is.going-•to fire G,r-it :office• xnvitatiou: to Rev. F J..Oaten,_ -formerly is it not•about time that the Dominion government was following their ex. ample ? What is sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander. Here is a gpestion which' Peter Macgenzie' should take into his serious considerate tion. • The Wharf at "Dream ' City'? The h building. iia . of a �v a h • grf at se. • Joseph li House the other clay, ands referringt to it the Montreal Star. says' "Either the Government was 'misled - as to the mercantile. .and nrarihe necessity for a .wharf at St. Jcseph, or authorized the expenditure for , er- stinal fir"-"--ppolitical cons' . orations. 'Usually it takes more or less pressure and:hard persuasion from a local mem- ber to secure a public work for his constituency, however much' it may be needed. Yet' here was a work for which the. member of Parliament -in- terested (Mr. McEwan) not only refus- e endorse the outlay,' but which he t declared to be positively uncalled for, and the Government spent $5,000 on it 'Jas. L without wincing. What was. behind Bluev pronosition ? Residents of the new; neighbornood are as much mystified about it as are the members of Paella - went." The gem ERA. may not be able o throw very: much light on this, but certain facts may have a.bearing .on it. Contine has wealthy relatives in Mont- real, and these, • witleotber„capitalists who it is said; had been induced to in-- sufficist ent pressure in to bear on a former Minister to first oad to promise ansexpendi expenditure. When the amount placed in the esti- mates was submitted to the House, it 'was strongly opposed by. several neem- hers, but the Minister promised; the with- out his firstly s tinot g the place, anded d see- ing what was required. When - Con - tine heard the Minister was cording, he engaged -a, band for the occasion,' had the concession lines leading to St. aoseph 'trimmed with bunting, and bills announced a gala day-. The re- sult WAS that when the Minister ar- rivedSI. Joseph had more people in it latter to than it ever had before or is ever League likely to again. It was a ease of conquerdVeil, reversed. The - Minister was conquered. He spent the appro- priation, and it is said his successor in office plainly intimated that a -mistake had been made. another year. The circuit has. ,made good =progress -under iVIr.Oaten's direc- tion, and it was decided' to show its appreciation by increasing the pastors salary to $810.; . ; , • �'i wham District. Meeting ' The annual District meeting e ing of the Methodist t' churches the s in W' in nam • . D's- rict, was held in the Methodist church, Brussels, 0 , n We of with Rev. Dr. Gundy, o'Wi i�ghameein the chair, and. Rey,. Gebrge Baker, of of 13luevnle, Financial Secretary. ' The resident Superannuated minis- ters are N.S.Burtvash, Wina'ham, and F.M Smith,Kincardine, A.C. Ehunes,a • robs ', • • attendt'ng--Vittoria--leni= varsity, Toronto. Rev. Theo. Hall, of Winghani, is . on the Supernumerary list. The following laymen were reported from the various charges in the District as representatives :� Wingham, J'no Kerr; Kincardiree,Jno.Hiles; Lucknow, D.C.Tavlor; Brussels,V.V.H.Kerr:Tees- Miss Carrie Butt spent the '24th in wa er, W.' Taylor; B0101,1E10. McDon- Exeter. aid ; Fordwich, Jas. -Downey Gorrie, eech; 'Wroxeter;John Brethauer Miss Olive Wescott, of Exeter, is via= vale, V:• Jermyn ; AshfieId, D.A,�- ; iting friends in Clinton. • EI. Humphrey1; D.Rip ey, J.S.Roher n•, Day of h her brotherwin Stratford. oris Bervie, .Colvvell ; Tiverton,B.O. Fos- Mrs; Andrew Gunn: of Toronto. Was ter ; Whitechurch, J. n. Taylor ; Bel- visiting friends here for a few days. •. grave, Wm. Wray. From the ciretiit schedules-. interest- ing and encouraging 'statistics were gleaned of which the following is a sum- mary: -No. of Circuits,l8; total mem- bership, 4601 a gain of 112, after many removals anis deaths are deducted, • 1906 lt)Ou Missionar Increase �' $4.I98 '$3,7'73 $423 . Salaries.. . 13,777 .12,889 278 CVMS:.: 822 685 Educational 269 285 ham” Temperance ..• ' 80 60 20 All purposes -87.689 ' ' Epworth Leagues total membership, • 1C80,rai ed forJ.klissions $951, an increase Mr. R. Vanhgmond, of . Thessalon, of $48.Sabbath Schools `total member- who has been visiting his' relatives ship, 3,708 ; for Missions, $232, Representative to Stationing Com- Ontariooeturned last week to New niittee, Rev. IS W.Cosens, It District wast meetindg to lLeckno+thew, and the Pall District -meeting at Gerrie, the precede the annual Epworth District Convention. stock in the world. Re sold his culls and males annually, using only imported sires, leaving at the present time nothing but`the most choice and profitable'producers in the, herd, which now numbers 25 bead, The herd is headed by the .Watson bred, Bessie, imported sire, Pride of Scotland, 45213,one of the most choice animals' in this • country. X200 was paid for him when only 11.months old. The twenty.one females are all excel- lent representatives of noted'okaScotch families that:have proved their worth as money makers in the production of milk, beef and progeny. One of the voun -cows, Duchess of Gloster, traces back to the Oolling's Dispersion sale in the year 1810. • The cows are all bred it the. most fashionable lines, combining size, birth, quality, flesh and hone; and up- to -date .Oruisslxank type, representing,suehn ed Scotch fan?i lies as.the Stam - fords, Sits, Winsome Beauties; Wimple Blossoms, 0 oms; Matchlesses, • Nonpareils, Duchess of Glosters, Orange Blossoms, Minas, Clarets, ete. Among the lot are some famous show enimats: Winsome Beauty, one of the import- ed cows, won first at Elgin, Nairn and Doncaster as a yearling in Scotland, 1901 and for 150. ein e as. • Orange Blossom 2nd, Inp,, another cow of show yard order, and a choicely bred one, in her veins flow the blood of Remus, (sire of Choice Goods, sold for 071000 Scottish Archer and Wireof Wimple m le Blossom- m was shown .many' times; and never whipped until last Spring .at w 'the Clinton Stook Shoes; *hen she was beaten by her sister,also owned by Mr' Doherty: GleaegeakaelitssehroaclehaveeestriOtpthick lieshed,smootb, red two a n:ld,,is._c onsfdAz'p(1 and e u >. year �" � halo ..0_l.Itl 1 oroxilo..tndi,.,I at ...:else, §portin Od We have an excellent atock 0 supplies fol' ail kinds of • AUt.dooe pastimes. • . Whether yourfid is baseball,. Iacrosse, tennis, fishing, croquet or football, you will find HERE all. the necessary equip-: mots, Pretty Pictures We ha e a line of very pretty pictures to offer you at about half the regular price. Some of these passe artaut binding, ,'are_ in p others in ,oak or fancy colored frames. Do not miss this chance to add to your ' lection of pictures. '. -Your choice of these for c. Got COOPER S BOOKSTORE CLINTON 110117 WE,,ST HOMF'. Ask for. Homeseekere' .pamphletand secure full particulars of return limits, rates eta., from nearest D.P.R. agent,or 0. B:'F sr 0 8 8 b. P.A O.P .R, To i . ., ton . ' c. County Clipping's • Reg. Scott, 6th' line,' ' Morris, sold fur'"' Aar ar "01 d heavy draft horse. t _ya Mr. H a ofListowel, sto Y. wet;.: for' the hand some sujf $300. 'W. F. Scott, a .former well 'known Brusselite, has resigned - his. Govern- ment position he New Ontario 'and has ho purchased a tel in Ottawa. Mr, Geo Holland, merchant,. of Beechwood; has been appointed treat urer of 'the township' of 1VIcKiliop'as Andrew Brown' and 'family; who have been residents' of San • Francisco a since last Fell, lost all their earthly' opossessions bythe cart hunk e a d fir an that T n e city. t � v,: escapedTheyin night clothes, and their houses twas . burned. Mr. Brown is• : a former.. Gine '. i to y ,being a- son .of the late Robert Brown, It is 20 years since he left here A' tern b le accident tide nt too Brussels k place at _Brussels' on Tuesday afteroon b - which the severi year old son; of Mr. and Mrs Wheatley . , Wh lost •one of his It ' appears -that, tishile 'n ... .xrom s O 1 t endeavored cTi o the little fellow ha�a a ored to elitist, into the back of ie wn el andS h,, so badly. man�•1prl tl,a.s- successor to the late Mr. Ross; rcd.'e hiteford, formerly: of Exeter• , bu sti now_.o ...,..w�- ••, f Vuden, . Manitoba, � i :learn here , ielth, regi i a eats quii ". Among, the yearl'ings,we wit, c v coInFeire oif'SP clhtss Cio r _4'eY, n o "tide -x , Ti to es have been leased . n aareitis � for. thls;;season by. the• Beayer lacrosse club, who pay a ehibi- rental -of $100, and' will sub -let Wreathe b as of . other clubs for practise and.n'iatches. ii, .At the residence of the b • ide's pedally mention the twins;Non they are proper candidates for Ex tion honors, beautiful roans, scion Mr. Jacob's important.animal, an a. apart. Last, -but not by any means least;are Orange Blossom' 4th and Wimple's Pearl, two of the:mostbeautiful heifer calves we have ever seem they showing the Cruikshank character so well.. Among the young males which are • especially offered for sale are two reds, a .Matchless and a Jilt,• both• by irnport- edsires,broad,level,smooth,weiIgrown. sa fellows, . pPY now 15 months h Id fit to head almost any herd.' " • use, Morris on Wednes_dayl6th,: Charlie Bell and Miss Anna Naylor were unit- ed in the holy: bonds of wedlock by' Rev. A. E. Jones, of Belgrave. The barn en James Nicholson's farm, 4th line: Morris, was struck by lightn- ing. Thursday morning of last - week. Several rafters were' split and the. end boards loosened; •... There fortunately was no fire Jetta no . iVIe Le gave, had his barn : dam= Th's paper will •do its a ed the part ; you o• The whole eai so offered for sale - without any. reservation, for,cashor on tine', and no reasonable• bid will .be turned down for • either the imported home bred stock, as the herd now re quires considerable.atterition and sine Mr Doherty has added the manufac titre of. pianos to Ma'am mense org II 'Hess; his time is fulty occupies A tabulated; illustrated. and•deseri tive catalogue of this magiuificent he on application: or e. Olga PCtrsong75. '. Mrs. Jas. T. Clarke and, children, 'o Toronto, are the guests of her sister, Mrs. •T. Jackson, Jr. i- Mr.ng W. B bbslof Seaforth, wassliak. on �. with his old Clinton.: friends Friday. He` Y we 1. Miss ng fat , - are guestsatthehome of Mrs. G. Wilson Pinner. Mrs, lames Eagleson and children, and'' alter tier, son of IL B. Ker left here on• Thursday last for Aberdeen, Dakota Ell ido»_Coiit ielle ... , The LondonConference of the Metho- dist Church opened in Windsor ;ori torssare iti ttendtanceMoThe laymdele- gates from Clinton are.Mr..A, Hooper, representing Ontario St. ' Church, and R. Holmes, representing. Wesley, but it is piobable that neither of thein will attend. - • The Drat draft of stations shows the following proposed changes in this noia hborood:--•Rev, Mr I-lowson goes toWin ham and . IrGiitndy to Mitchell' S. Bond goes to Brussels mid T. W.Cos- ens fromi3russels to Forest; A.E,Jones to Auburn.,W.A.1+''indlay to Belgraiv'e. W. .T. Jolliffe to Clinton, x' r, Medd goes fiesta Ilensall to Amherstburg,and 1 S,ieToll to Ilensall, f6 • News Notes. Canon Waitt, Prineipal of •Bishop's College, Lcnnoxville, is dead, Michael Devitt, the noted Irish lead- er, diedlddt'� Dublin on Wednesday. in thbowas found e Saskat hew i Riveof 11, r at Edmon- ton. The Ogilvie Coinpany's big elevator at Vort William, containing 350,000 bushels of grain, slid from its founda- tions and now hangs partly oyer the fiver. John Joyce, an English itr u;igrnnt, shot his :father-in-law and his wife •near Sydenhani village and then out his own throat. The woman will die and the father-in-law is 'dangerously has been. e nanvisiting her omo Ther,' Mrs Thompson, Albert St,, 'returned home on Saturday. Mrs,.t3ooth, of Orangeville; who has been spending it couple of weeks with her father, Mr, S. Plummer, left for home yesterday. Mr. A. Sproat, the'welt»known store keeper and postmaster of Belgrave, leaves to -day on at Vieit to the old country. Ile is accompanied' by his neice, Miss Proctor, txeice of Mi'. Isaac Barr of the base line, who has been visiting in returned to Ta ontal Jaxnctiotz oh Sats urday town) wholiate beenvisiitiitlgherrmelof te, Mr. N. Baer, of Colborne, left on Mon- dey for Winnipeg, where her husband is now living. Mrs. Hodgens, sr., who has been oil a four utotiths visit to friends in Cali- fornia and elsewhere, returned. home Wounded. on Thursday. Site enjoyed her trip St. Joseph was coact into great gloom d,lfermuch, ameetingee is (Mao/lions aile on Sunday when .Mrs Jose It Lebeau she found many things to admire dime passed away. The deceased Was over ing hoe sojourn beneath the Stars and 44 years old. She was a highly re- Stripes, she saysthat Canada still suits spoofed woman and was loved by all her better •than any place she has who Caine in contact with her, beon, • b...oaY• hr�ti.,s: Biu '.�=.�--.,>,� i.• _ .r..�ri� West o mi e Bel a g me morning. I yours. it w s taken:oft six in body, It is also f• ehha .heaisth- 'cared feared : th'at> he is in- jured internally. The Wheatley p y ,are comparatively . new .read-. ue is of Brussels, having moved .here from -s After reading this issue, send it to your friend in the distance ; or better' yet, call at the office, and send it to your friend or relative for 6 months or a year, for you can expect just such ' a paper as this for fifty-two weeks during the next year. Throw in your mite to- war d placing cin our P r R town and county Y where ore t ' he • y belong to upon the ma f The New Package Dye- , ,!"•-`D'Y O A is something. en ire y i ferent from any other package dye The makers guarantee it fully, as per the following statement or money refunded : • Each package will color wool, cotton, silk or m • ixed ixed goods. DY -0 -LA ' enacolor snore goods, package for package, . than any other dye. DY -O -1',A does not contain any poison or acid, and can ' used with Safety oil the most delicate of fabrics. be DY.Q-L4 colors are fast and. beautiful, DY•0•LA is simple. to use and will. give perfect satisfaction. aOj%%� �%' Dispensing Chemist 1 /--r' l 9 and Druggist f. et aur prices 1 N Coiled Spring Wire Barbed Wire .. Plain Galvanized • Wire Try Oar Jna leis and`darn ` [S'tains, Beady Mixed Paints. Waxoline Moor Dressing,' See Our Gasoline and Oil Stoves. Out Special for all next week. lav Mowers, Screen Doors and .W'11dows. w+ ., SPECIA . DISCOUNT. ,,,, d• STOVESarland Bros. and NARllWA$E, 000011100000060000