HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-01, Page 3' Not
auna 1961
exactly' bat
Akin Thereto
104 11. H. 1/Wicking has resigned
the eratnagenient of the Traders' Bank
at Stratford to accept a :similar poi -
tion With the Union Bank edanitoba.
One hundred million bottles of Pain-
kilier SMOO Perry Davie made the
NrI et. Billions of stomach-aches and
-Ober aches eured ; what le record in
00 years, Have abottle always handy
---,Ton will not regret. it.
If you, want to rnitis yOtir boy, just
take hie side on every question and
* dispute be has with his teacher or
yoarneighborte children, Jusklet him ex emcees er the ege,es many, 0
know you 040. 'Wit.h• ht or I with one or two ten cent packages of pepsin was valuable in the tma Men
ten m his duiputes. This will 4 has d ed her old dress a of stomach troubles,. but it is ittow
Will Dye any article Of Clothing L,00k of
Muoculer Exerelie Add; Greet. With Tittis
From reathers to Stockings 1), to morteuty. Fipuros.
. °Very few ef our husinFoi men res y
The 0111T pftougp Byes tut Amu() tor juristo); oft Iptelwngc:0trilecolsaercedretaDrir. NOW Neinedyfor Stomach
WE the 'Arrant° Canadian Cilia on "The Is keeping with. their custom. of
1 tie ot Vitysical Training to Mod- alwaye ordering a supply of new
remedies as soma aS tlaeir, value has
been established,. our leading drug-
gists, have obtained a supply ot
what a bright, beautiful, non -fading Ni-o-na, a remedy for atomacit trov-
color it will make with but little bles that absolutely Cures and re -
trouble. . • store@ lost functions of the digestive
'rad and Vntading colors, 1.,,eague ot 0. TrOglidell That Will Vitra
Feathersaebbone,eille tie:eaves:I silks,
shirt waiste„ dresses, costuenes, capes,
ackets and ehawls can be dyed at
me %le Diamond Dyes. andsee
et Nrirflt Amerlea, ently In address-
Ora Ctvilization."
"They are too driven by 4ausiness," he
continued,. "They whip thetr bodies in-
to- line, 'Working at all hours. The
greater number are living on their ear -
plus 'vltality."'
lVfan'tt body. the speaker said, was de-
Veleped in a differerst environment iv
the fields from wha.t it is now in tiv.k
cities. Vith the growth of large eiti.e
DiaroonciDes are the greatest mon-
ey man °ran -
I, recently it wax; thought that
• t t
1.1 . known that while pepsin aids in di -
c ange was galainge-umats,eit has no -effect eupon
mental conditions of life. starchy foods, Such as potatoes, nee,
In.echopl the Children were PhYairaLY bread, corn meal, eto. As the ma-
inaetive -for about five hours per ail.% loiter or stomach treubles comes from
l-lalf a million people in Canada were indigestion of starchy foods, this
' engaged in factory work. It was limit- regime pepsin absolutely useless in
ed work, and not helpfilif It wt' aut..s- most eases.
On the other hand, Mi-na con -
made and .speelalleed. Then there Wm.!
a great increaee in sedentary puritit.; mins no . pepsin,. eats eireoely upon
and cenelnement to the offices. All ut the gastric glands, restores the lost
these were combined with a very 'Mitt- functions of the cligestiye organs,
ed opportunity for recreation ilea play. revivea flagging nutrition, aids in as -
Originally the Canadian was develer- similation of food and, in fact, so
ed from good English, Irish. So ,te:s, strengthens the whole digestive sys-
Dutch and Scandinavian stock, devele.p. tern that you. can eat 'anything at any
ed in an envirenment where there W3 i tinle without fear of indigestion,
4nluell nbanical activity. Weakneas, nerveasness, sleepless -
Men are not breathing ilteplY ness, headache, pain and distress after
enough,' he said, "to throw off the poll- eating, and debility are the result of a
ono of - the system, nor exercising weak and faulty digestion. Use
enough to exchange • the cells of the Mi-cena, and all these symptoms will
body as mach as they should."' be overcome, and you will have per -
Dr, Fisher pointed cad that in tee feet health,
world cities, where the test had been Get a 50 cent bole of Miami& tablets
blood, 'Your druggists, it be sent by mail,
today. -
made, a., city family dies in three gen.
If you cannoi obtain Mi-o-na of
orations unless crossed by conntry . . .
St ra gOud-eitart-t ,
• ward path
Why is it, a careless seven year old
' drop -half burned mateh
11 n
an a eY au ur„ up all the barns in a 1. •
levady-and_fashiptinble color so as to
save the expense of a new one. Part y
worn clothing can be ueade over for
the little ones, and by dyeing it with
d no one svpuld recognize
that the dresees and suits werenot new.
block, while an able bodied man has to
Diamond dyes e adapted to many
ee u a wbole box of matches to get a
uses besides stmp yayeln old clothing.
Diamond, dyes give new and use-
fuluess to curtains, furniture covering,
draperies, carpets, etc.. Beware of im-
itation andcommon package dyes; ask
Lor theDiamond"ancl see that you get
Send to Wells it Richardson Co.Ltd,
Montreal, P, 14., for New Direction
lElook,Pardof Dyed Saniples,and 'Verse
Story entitled, -"The Lorigjohns' Trip
to the Klondike." All sent FREE by
mail. • •
Wastes His Fortune Revising
, The BibIe.
woo live started in a heater that
draft enough to draw all the furniture
up the stove pipe?
We note with pleaeure, that the
teams in this county are developing
' into a higher stage of cultivation. 'The
young farmers have certainly
Proved upon the old, methods of their
fathers, and the more modern way ot
farming is causing mother ehetla to
produce her largest and best crops.
The story is- told that a certain
wonetin was reading the matrimonial
columns of a paper and remarked to
her husband "Here's a strange coin-
cidence -a Vkliam Strange married
to a Martha. Strange," "Strange in-
deed," remarked her husband, "but I
expect the next news will be a little
stranger." ,
Some newspaper men are teerible
liars. In writing of a cyclone out west
one Of them wild it turned a -well in-
side out, a cellar upside clown, nioved
a township line, blew the staves out
of a whiskey barrel and left nothing
but a bung hole, changed the day of
the week blew a mortgage off a farm,
bl all the cracks out of a fence and.
Wm. Hedrick, 0. pioneer Citizen of
Madison County, and once one of the
largest land oivners in tne state, was
yesterday admitted to the -friendly
shelter of the poorhouse.
Years ago when Mr. Hedrick was
rich, got idea, that the Bible
had been purposely made mysterious
and he set about to revisalt,This work
absorbed him completely, and for
years his business was neglected, and
hivroperty slipped through his hands,
e had settled his sons on line farms
knocked the wind out of a politician, and they offered to care for him in his
An exchange tells of a newspaper old age, but he refused, saying that it
• • t I Would be no imposition upon the coun-
reporter who interviewe y
cesseal business men and found that
all of them when boys had been goy -
oiled strictly and frequently thrashed.
He also interviewed thirty loafers and
learned that twenteesevela ot them
• " d
ty if he, wentto the poorhouse, since he
had once,been its heaviest tax -payer. -
Lots of people have thin, watery.
had been • mamma s 4,ar tug,
the other three had been reared bY When digestion is poor, food is nt con -
their grandmothers. ' verted into nourisinuent -- in conse-
blood-they eat plenty,but dou't diges .
There are just a few who have per-
mitted their subscriptions to lag be-
hind. Don't do it. at ou will die one,
of these fine days and your family will
want a column obituary published
free, and then your daughter is soon
to be married an you w
your home paper to give her an Alice
Roosevelt write-up, and ail free. It l' triumph of the age. 50c buys a box. of . ,
always pays to be prompt in paying! 50 ch000late coated tablets. , . t•I Your schools,
your subscription to the local paper. , - . -, . you ore going to have healthy children
and if the educational system is o be
good, you must pay Eltt9ntion ti the
physical viee4s of the children. Your
..eation An your public school's:"
crying need is. a• plan of phYsleal edu-
now more about the busine,ss than he month and see w at it does for you.
does,, an selec • your, paper and in- Sold bv W.S.R. Holmes. , , Bradstreets showed, that 200,000 im,
' striier-fil -Vir si. I'Ao. useand all , . - , ,----:----year --Thia' Meant -tisengeated districts
i migrants .had arrived in Canada last
quence the body rapidly loses strength.
To positively renew health, nothing
equals Feraozone. It excites sharp ap-
petite, -.makes the • stomach digest,
forms life sustaining blood. Abundant
strength is sure to follow. If you need
mere vitality, extra energy, better
es then use Ferrozone,the inedieal
post-paid, on receipt of price. Write
- ------ --
1eep Up Recreation. us for advice on your case from a, lead -
"A man gets old as • soon as he ."' trig stomach specialist which will be
gets to play," he commented, ,"we sheulkl sent free. The B. T. Booth Company,
keep up ,our recreation and sport . d . . .,•
develop the muscles with vigor a 1
. Ithaca, N. Y.
power." .
'Toe Canadian censuses of 1391 •an ". News Notes
1901 showed that the population Ire:.1
increased during the decade by 550,000.
Three and a -half million of Canada's Fort 'Vk• Miens will apply for ineov
population was in the rural districts. poration as a city, 4
• was a fortunate thing, but only 50,000 Practically all the banks in San
and two triiiiimm in the cities. Tills
_of _the. two() intrwase was rural, rat, Francisco opened Tuesday.
cafes g.aining 500,000 or tett times facti. Mr. Charles Marcil, Deputy Speaker,
er than 'the country. In Canadian far.- addressed the Canadian Club at
tortes Interest had fent% off in hand Boston.
trades and the need of fille times was The foreign commerce ot the United
to supply something to take its.piaca States for April aggregated $251,
Interesting staaisttcs were onoted its 000,000 ..
there were 19;000 under 16 years em- Was all Kircea, a Ruesian, sacrificed
to child labor in Pie factories. iu 'Si
his life ptoas.a,ve three lads itt. a mine at
ployed; in '91 the figures were1.26,000,
While in '01. they fell off to 12,000. C.'an- •
ada was to be congretuated on this
falling C. of a labor that made for
physical nd moral degeneration.
"More a Mitten should -be Paid t )
' ged Dr. Fisher, "It
• When. you want a good job of print-
itg dcine, just take your copy to a.
lob, anti' he e will. If you t in 7 ,
rinter and tell hine to do you a, good
,If your Stomach is weak
•• If your food distresses you.
If you are weak and nervous
Use Dr. Shoo 's • Restorative one
re_.,... epee__ ..eheeee „ii"mitiiiii,z0 it_ ete
- v " job- 'IA---printorsirkip.' g; untder. ir nothing ,-
eel li a k n o w s .
"-----------estreeetieniefroffeon...._ - ,
t -1_, abets t the business, no roatto if be is
1 an expert, cannot get but a neat job.
f So . are we. That is, sf .it'a
- grandfather or grandmother. But
at hair and only 401 'Ices* is a
act e Hors Vegetable Elicahm Hair
Gray air,.. iforaYtlie 1;i1skElors ntiCir7g -tie mak;
or a soft black. R. P. HALL* 00., Naalura, N. H.
W Snoiturimasits mtg. it colors s rieb brown
mvere '-cl.b31:1-Psettinge" ti "'V Pa' ill b t elect th
Ces .- !tpub_lic---
aa,i,••••1.. 4
our ellen_ e_ ong
IittUriviiffiriVII115-11;ittrirtilobeterf$ tta-EW e
traps. .
places •Val:fr'tte spe aiferaci e cr""Itifer
save the heavy cost of later expropria-
Lack of Exercise.
• 33eneWer alWays reistores color faa
• . , .7^ -1',....717,71".:'( 1,r 7 I• ?iffy:icy!)
Meti's .Dlligh Ctioade Clothing
good sults at •low prices, all the way Irma $.0o -upwrds
With the corning of warm weather; Skeleta Suits will be in de-
mand. We have a good assortment, bought to sell below their value.,
Ask to see aur lines of Summer Underwear in Fine Wool, 1Vierino
and 13albriggan.
" Fancy Vests are the correct things for this season, in plain whites,
fafcy wea,ves, and neat, attractive figures, selling at $1,00 and 1.25.
SniOntine Farming
The (lay has gone by when scienti-
fic farming is sneered at, or compel-.
ed unfavorably with practical farming.
There is no difference' between the
two. Scientific farming is practical
farming-;; science applied to agricul-
ture, just as it is applied to the man-
ufacture of locomotiees. or automo-
biles. The Slaughterhouse, with its
dirty and hephaziad.' methods, has
'given place ,to the modern paeliiiag-
house, which employs a staff of chem-
ises, and finds a use for everything.
As the supply of land becomes limited,
farms will be run mom and more on
the scientific -plan, in which produc-
tion is carried to the highest point,
and waste minimized.
' Agricultural colleges and model and
experimental farms are no longer
novelties But an institution that has
been founded near Baltimore Is re-
markable because of the size of the
farm. It containe. 4,01X) acres, and
embraces •thirty-three homesteads,
with barns and other building. it is
tite to be fully equipped with the best im.
Local option was repealed in
municipality of Stratlicona hY A vote plements an thoroughbred stoc e
Motto of the institution -will be "Learn
of 228 to 92.
-- • . ' • by doing," and the generiil plan $001119.
Britisb reviews; referring to Empire i to be eipailar tO. that of our Own in -
Day, comment on Canada's growing siltation at Guelph. It Will be inter-
irn""Win"• esting to watch how it works on so
Mrs. Joseph Mira larklontreal, Ocan4 large a scale,
mitted suicide by swallowing coerce
;live sublimate,
. ,
A six-year-old son efealrs, Booth, Of
Gilford, fell off a raft ffear Newuiarket
and was diawnedie-
Si Catharine:0156110e station was
badly ' fitteeesaittagfrom.
• yeen.0-- -----
2.1•941044414 }tin ,o a i:, .at Regina by 21.
votes to z supp -fattirrit,5fybeketweepthotowei
lilfonderfts,1 Potato
. Double the crop off the same gronnd, and every one a sound one. •
Introduced in England in 1003 at $100 per 141bs.; thme months later its
blight proof and enormous cropping features caused the greatest sens-
ation, cesulting in record prices of all time, as high as $1250 per lb. be-
. ing paid, and $250 for one tuber. • •
"Been so recently as September last, when G, Iilassey sold 14113s, of Eldorados for
4.20 MOO) people were amazed and incredulous; yet three months later the same gentle..
man received a cheque for 4I.,400 (97,000) for 141bs, of the same variety," -Free Press,
E,ngland, Jan, lgth, 1004. .• „
"The yield of the'Eldoradopdtato, the kind that brought the record Price. Is reported .•
to run from 100 to 000 lbs, ,from one lb. of seed tubers." -Rural New Yorker, Jan, 14,1003.
In4roduced here by us in 1005 at $16 per lb. Eldcrado is repeating
• on a smaller scale the eensatiOn it created in En gland analti ng'i he record
• of all time for the IJ. S. and Canada. April 30, to S. J. Connelly, Fish-
ers, N. Y., 2 lahls. (2301bs.) of Eldorado for $200, April 25th last, to Mr.
F. S. Beherill, Jarvis St. Toronto, 40 lbs. for $A A great many sales .
of 30 to 00 lbe made to Ale leading seed petit() growers, Eipertimental
Varms, etc., in Canada and the IT. S. These are aware of the history
Of the trey wonderful potato,
. . .
Ithe acreege you want. Every lb. ple.nted now is worth $10. Plant now •
next year sell seed to iota? friends.
• ' Oae 113 •, planted near, within two yearswill yield enough to 5 len t all'
• One lb. planted by tis 20th Zone last, raised 140 lbs. that 7ear. peeps.-
„ of 800 te 1909 htleheh per tletA Q011111101
• • . ' . . •
• ,
per lb, . 8ota only by us in Canada. Sence •
Sin Again'st Health f o r listPnrceosneteatt icig6khad18°Dosr8y1, photos of Potato' s, cheques paid, extracts
81 papers, etc. Also 26 other kinds.. .
VV-111YL.t114:0S010,11ne,as .of 21111 ete.
Most important to health, and. com-
itt The disgusting di charges frcim the By nature these organs are intend -
nose and throat, IC0 the fceil, catarth- ed for the removal • of • the waste
al breath are quickl • dispensed with particles of matter which accumulate
. . _
ed the death rate in Canada to be 9,109#
from tubereulosts. Next -came pneu-
monia -with 8A00' and, thqre was o. great
increase in diseaSes Oridigestion and
circulation. These were all preventable
diseases and due to modern tonditions
.or living. There was a tremendous in-
crease 'in fatalities from diabetes and
lack of muscular exercise and failure of
the body to throw off certain dead tis-
The report Of a commission appointed
to etudy physical deterieration in Scot-
land shoed the Scottish .farm.er to
average •5 ft. 1.0 1-2 inches in height,
Pboto by Gamin k Oeptzek.- Half**
• ' The Is' oPular Canadian Author. ,
'. If the temperature of an author's popularity can be Measured by the ther-
mometer of sales, then surely the most popular writer in Cahada, is Miss Marshall
Saunders, whose "Beautiful Joe" hassold 400,000 copies, and been translated
into Swedish, Gerrean and Japanese. , t•
At her grandfather's house in Milton, Nova Scotia, Miss Saunders was born
in 1861, the daughter of a clergyinati, and a descendant of the John Alden int-
mortalized in verse by Longfellow. Her early days' were vent in the' beeutifid
land of Evangeline where the very eir seems redolent of romance and historic mem-
ories. When she wag six the family moved to Halifax, and there she received the
foundation of her education in private and public sehools until fifteen, when she
was sent to a boarditig school in Scotland and thence to Ranee to put some finish-
ing, touches to her education.
On her return to Nova Scotia. she taught school for aetime and then drifted
into literature. Her first short story brought forty dollars, but she seen reefized
that real success could not be plucked like a roselli a garden; she must pay the price
iit yeers ef pbservation, study* training and praetite. She spot several years in
. forep ttravel, as a post:graduate course in experience, and then returned to Nova
o Scotia, ready for the serious work of her life.
In 1894 the American Humane liklucational Soeiety offered a prize of $200
for- the best stotylliustrating, kindnese to dumb animals, Miss Saunders determined
to eonmete for it. She spent six months in writing a story, the background of
' which was largely autoblogrephie and the spirit pervading it her own intense love
for animals, the silent appeal of their helplessness fiudixig ever a sympathetic echo
in her heart. The committee of award iii giving the prize to her book "Beautiful
Joe," said: "the author has genittS, heart and insight: it le an admirabk story
and should have an iMmense sale and beeome a stendard for all libraries," and
yet this sweet, sympathetic study of dog life, despite its spleedid endorseinent,
* went bogging. among the publishers for sir mont& beforetit was accepted, Miss
Saunders laving availed herself of the privilege of forfeiting the prize money and
retaining her teantistript.
When published; it gave her a place in the very front rank of t,vriters of animal
stories. Her "Tilde, Jane," a simple, natural, pathetic yet humorous story, adds
a new character to the alarming literature of childhood. In her airibitious novel
"Rose A Charlitte," she gives a delightful portrayal of the life of the Aeridians hi
the hietorie country Around $t. Mary's Bay, a realm Of idyllic, romance, where
trials and emote seemed to motify bud purify the people to higher things,
;E9tete4 AOCOrdfilt ti Aoi of the Nieto; :4 Cook% tie rat MS, by W a sack, at se thiettreont of Aeikeliura
, . 1
in thesettri.' •
the blood,' ruin digestion, bring �n
nervousness and anaemia. '
Habitual costiveness is best over-
come by- Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which
establish regularity that is exactly
consistent with nature. ' ,
Not a drastic purgative -not even a
ain or sensation of grip, because Dr.
• ' P'lls are vegetable and free
Such .soothing agen s asOil Eucalyptus,
thymol, etc.. have been
incorporated into a snow white cream
making a catarrhal balm unexcelled.
Sold by W.S.R. Holmes.
Norman Richman, aged about eigh-
teen Years, was accidentally killed at
a picnic held by the,Hill Street Metho-
dist Young People at Spettigue's.
Grove in Wettninstee Thursday after -
Doan, Rioluiaan, in participating in
some sports e had occasion to remove a
portion of his clothing, and while Te -
placing it the accident uccuraed. One
of his socks became entangled in the
6 feet 6 1-2 inches and 145 pounds;- the disengaging it the weapon was ex-
triggerer of a rifle lying on the groun
Saul 173 pounds in weight; the city man
criminal 6 feet 5 1-2 inches and the Mr- ploded, the ball- striking. Richman- in
. . .
beetle or idiotic' 5 feet 4 8-10 incites and
123 ponnds. This allowed that there was
close relation . between the physicet
the eye, and killing , ins y.
Some time ago a young married
woman of our town, whose name we
air arid
and Mentality and that fresh. omit, made a eurious blunder, She
condition of the individual and growth
active' living resulted fn the physical, . euretaTernal eggs
ernin .°Tsh0ey11 4Wftv
mental and moral efficiency of t e
• Punishment Well Merited.
A very swarthy', sporty -looking chart,
In riding -breeches and boots, with a
white stock instead of a collar, was
swaggering down street, tanning his
boats with a riding crop, and .whistling
to an evil -looking pup which enaked
along at his heels, says ,The Toronto
'News • The man has prisp coal-iblaek
hair, and has evidently seen much of
"Miles of men." 'Upon a low railing sat
a fat, Comfortable old tabby -cat purring
like a tea -kettle, and meditating on the
irughty ,mouse hunts of the past.. Mr.
Sport and his pup tante down that side
of the street Unfortunately, and the man
no sooner saw the cat than he hissed,
leaped to do his master's bidding, and
in twinkling had the fatly built old
tabby by the leek, shaking her. Now
ati this oceurred beside the open offiee
door of a factory, not half a nine from
still on when he came liome at dinner
time. Upon her husband asking what.
was in the sauce -pan, she answered :
"Eggs for your -dinner. They have
been on since soon after breakfast. I
have,triedlherci with a fork and they
are not bailed yet." His astonishment
may rather be better imagined. than
described. And the mere mention of
eggs now brings arosy blush to her face.
. . • .... , . ' • . . - .
, , •
. • •
. . •
. .
1 •
. .
. .
..--.-4-......... .,........„.............„....-..,-....=,....1.-yr.
. - .•
t 1
. •
We have 24 Good Strong Conches, with Spring Seats, ' covered in. the
. . .
most beautiful Goods. Many of them have six inches fringe. all around.
are giving special prices to clear this lot " '. , •
from irritating mineral substences
remedies. ancy fi ured coVering, 6 ft long, 2 ft wide, worth $6 00 for $5 Ocre
found in so many widely. advertised I
In every case Dr, Hamilton's Pills do
cure and bring mire relief from head-
ache, billiousness and other manifest-
ations of constipation.
Jas McConnell of Walkerton Writes
"Since I was comparatively a ' young
tali. have licit enjoyed real good
"My appetite was good andatrength
kept up, yet I knew some thing was
wrong. •
"Frequently I took' attacks
d v
aniolent headaches. My stomach I
was disordered, skin was • murky, . un-
der my eyes were heavy dark rings.
• "Last winter. 1 read througli the I
Poison's almanac and decided my
trouble was constipation. Te used Dr.
Hamilton's Pills, and can hardly tell'
che help they have been. 1 ant now
as fresh, strong and well as a boy."
Just try the wOnderftil Magic of Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers,
25c per box. of five boxes for $1.00. By
mail from N. C. Poison & Co.. Hart-
ford, Conn., 11. S. A., or. Kingston,
Figured va ores, Fringe all around, worth $7.50 for $6 50
Verona Rugs, large size, Double Stuffed worth $15.00 for *13 50 .
Spanish Leather, Quarter Cut Oak Frame worth $45.00 for $40,00
JJ. IL Chelleur BLYTH
. ,
--Very few people have any idea that
She school authorities hay* adopted a
number of days on which the Canadian
flag should be hoisted. The following
are she dates .
•Feb 27 -Battle Of Paardebutge
May 2I -Victoria Day:
june 25 -T.Aindy's Lane
Not Fallailiai with our Language
An Englislunan -who is visiting in
July 2 -Battle of Ridgeway
Sept. 13th --Capture of Quebec '
Obt,13 -Battle of Queenston Heiglits
Oct. 21 -Trafalgar Day
Oct 26 -Battle of Chateauguay.
the corner et King and Yonge tstreets. Nov. 0--Kiug's birthday. e
A bung man of about es; rushed out oth addition there is Civic Holiday
and Thanksgiving Day on varying
and picked up the' pup by. the. hind
legs, and ,swung that. startled animal
until he dropped the cot Then, with a
last t rss tha dog, he strolled quickly
over to the Would-be Sport. Quietly
and without heat, •he landed a -clean
tight arin Jab on the point �f Mr.
Sport's and remarked: "tt annoys
me to see:e ballY 111 -treat even a, cat." •
• Some of Col. Hugh Clark's.
see-- • • ',ere-, wee rep, riernier was
so anxiMie! 'to go to the North Pole
dila year, .
.,11, the literal hell that Rev.
Dr, Torrey preaches is the onlY kltid
to give ererentortittne, Any other kind
would be wasted, on dant.
Quit e a dieistieSietr to going- tm we- te
Sunday fun( vela. but it is noticeable
that the persons tlirectly coneerned
have the least to say about it.
A man from Toronto says that you
. can got anything you Wara there by
Poltinq f'or it,. and, if it is' retused,,
ng ainsestigation.-Itinear- ,
dine neview.
Lax-ets-A•Candy Booed Laxative.
If you have constipation.
„If you have a coated tongue,
If youaareelizzy, bilious, sallow,
If you have headaches,sour stomach,
risk 5o onLax-ets. See for yourself.
W.S.R. Etolrxies,
To Criticise.
-To criticise was originally to pass an
opinion tmon, whether 'favorable or
othervelse, and the fact that most opin-
ions are tinfavorable, le indleated in the
present signification of the word.
lint nag Cap RiOtri. •
The "Ittit mid Cap riots" were Po -
Mien' dinieulties in Sweden cluringehe
reign of Adolph Frederick. They began
in 1720 and ended about 1771, The
, Hats, or Chapeaus, were the French
Parts, who wished to modernize the
Ws Cotton Root Compottalt '. c°11'1-trY by adopting the ideas, Milli -
The great utorkie Tonle, and ners, austems, politleal and military
only rare effectual Monday lisagee of southern 111,1401),e.
neaciatorenwhienweroon can ,
odfepoetnrod.n tl.teb,N
oldion. till.itreo;dro.200/: I union. en. ,. . • ,
so degtees stronger ee: 0. 3. t 110.1t00A VAS plain in
tsot sotyotol cases, elair„a47. _ -Wading, as in
oldbAiltung)*era. VVVA„,ming e,Sa. 1113 breakfast ,was P
nreiand ON t206Atit of Price, bit of bread and cheese ofe a Chop and I
illOilMtOleiNtelloriteildeltaollioltlbitetilota=f1 Till a gla" ot Milk' -
casion for offence 'in the sliertest de-
gree, has been getting himself into hot
water, simply because camerae) words
have a different meaning in this coun-
try to what they have in the Old Land.
If one wished to compliment' another
on being hospitable in England, they
wouId say they were "homely"-meate
ing home -like. But, as every one
knows, the' vvor:1 has an altogether dif-
fereoe meaning here, and when, tae
gentleman in question, wishing to pay
a compliment, frankly and unreserv-
edly told some ladies they were
"homely," his confusion and embarre.
eminent can be understood When they
resented the phrase.
Tree, who failed to appear tor
trial at Woodstock, forfeited his bail.
His father and brother had to pay
.e• eve '
Helot& lbsenk poet tied dramatist,
died at Christiania. ,
Furniitire and Undertaker.
• Those who are emitting flesh
and strength by regular treat-
ment with
.Scotes Emulsion
should continue the treatment
in hot weather; smaller nese
anda tittle cool milk with It will
do away with any objection
which is atbeohod to fatty pro -
dints during the •haatad
Soul tor free silinplit.
fiCarr St ItOWNE, Chtintsta0.
'Dorm" — On
see. sod siorsti slidnutbith
BUGGIES, ,t.. • •
Buy yout Buggy where quality as well a,s
a:ppea.ranw is considered in manufacturing,
• and have your repairing done by,. expel.-
• ieticed 'lien
All are. found at
• .gurnball & McIVIath's •
Huron Street.; 'Clinton.
this decalitye•
. .
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Waterproofs, Ladies' Wrappers',
and Waists, A large stock of Gingharns, Linens and Mus-
lins for Summer Dresses, Laces and Embroideries, Underwear' '
and Hosiery, in great variety. Our Wall Paper's are the best
We sell the famous Sterling Paint, none better, some mar
be as goo,c1. Lots of seed on hand.
May 15th, 1906. R ADAMS Emporium, Landesbonm, "
Minton Sash, Door, and
Blind ractorst,, .
° The Town of Clinton is on the eve of
a tgboorpi:' If you ,contemplate building,
let us.give you our estimation, etc.
Witeadquarters tor ati kinds,ot builders' inaterialvlet,
St S. COOPER, olinn
AdVertiSe CLXisiTOX NEW EtitiW,