The Clinton New Era, 1906-05-25, Page 8'The Summer
Our Sumrne. r Millinery' Opening a pronounced ,.
success ! The new styles won the approval of critical
shoppers. Shapes, stiles and trimmings bought by
Miss Reynolds in the American markets. Right up
to date in even y way, and enough out of the ordinary
to make them distinctive, Come and see the Sum-
mer Hats even if you only want to look.
r _.igl%wbo left
44 lLy;11l1 E�Uti Nevi! Era town some time ago to take charge of
to marble works eetttblishment in his
FRIDAY. 11tAy 23tle, 1006, I native town in Scotland. has returned
I to town and 'mounted his position with
. 1 the Clinton Marble Works. His wife
(�1vA�AM gd ilr0. is in Tot'onto, and will joie him herein
1 i a few days:
May 25th, 1906
Local Notes
Mr. C. J. Wallis Left for Winnipeg
on Wednesday, taking with hint a car
HURON MEDICAL ASS'S.-- There 'PLEAD GIIJ L' Y ---Mi A.. T. Cooperof horses,
viii he a meeting of the Halton Medi- laid: information before Mayor Hoover, l
cal Association in Clinton on May char mg Mr. P. B. Cetyls with assault, Mrs O'•WPinner will receive for the
lie latter plead guilty, end a fine of first time on Wednesday, and Thurs-�
S''3.and costs was imposed defendant day, May 30 and Ask
30th, in the Town Hall, beginning az,t
1 o'clock. A programa has been pre-
pared, embracing several interesting
medical subjects
--The Doherty -Organ Potosi,. the Snaith hats sold three lots to the rear
Clinton Knitting Co, • and the Jackson of Mr. Jas. Mater's property, in the Ben.
Manufacturing Co. all close down for den survey, to 1r. 3Iair, for $300. Mr..
Saturday afternoons during the sum- Baines has also bought thrive lots in
Hier nmonthta, thus allowing their ein- the saute survey, tit 1;300, It is all
- ployees apt afternoon's.. outing,. . good and desirable property, .
nILn is instal1lt1: ai two. orbe•power' 4.1''i"`"Th°amts43i�i.ttc�ibT4t�hcs -gr-u superintendent ectr1c motor which will rite electric years was mechanical superintendent
fans in his restaurant, and turn an ice" of the li Hitting Factory, has left the
cream freezes' .vhen necessary. He le saint;, and purposes starting a factory
also agr•eein to leave Mr. Cooper The i
g p r Gillespie farm, advertised in the
alone for the future. • NEW Tat on the Huron road, Tucker-
PROPI�'R IX TItANSF smith, has been rented to Mr, Oliver
. . Mills, for pasture.
On Tuesday the trucks of a"locotiio-
tine attached to the pay car, ran off
the track at the station, and it was
four hours before they got it back ' on
the track..
Dr. J. L, Turnbull, formerly of (nin-
on, who
eol his practice in God
ari h
gging tr a western city, has changed
tni and has located in. Listowel.
The friends of Mr. Earn 11. Cooper
ILIeotowd,ingannew°°deli ery.ituixt�'oa�ll,t.. liiantt'cis,.ak' et present, will
thehope1ofiiihiswopnItlnseonn, himn the arson
p that it will: develop pito as more otter'.y John Henderson
Mcillatli. ,vp. Cooper, aged 8 months, who died at
the home in Montreal, on Saturday,
.the "Jerry from Kerry" Company
played to a full house Thursday even'.
ing. The entertainment .was excel-
lent in every particular, aud the
specialties were clever. It is said their
receipts were $175.
Mr. C. M. Hays, the -general man,
ager of Grand Trunk, was 50 years oY
age on Thursday of last week, and was
banquetted on the occasion. Mr,
,Hays' mother-in-law and Mrs. Richard
Irwin, of town, are'sisters;
Dress €..oods
Cream is the vogue . tbis.. season for
.rummer wear. It is haying an'immense
-run in Paris and New York which means
it will continue in favor here all Summer.
We have a great stock of cream Dress
Goods. Many weaves and fabrics. All
popular and right in fashions favor. Voiles,
Mohairs, Henriettas, Crepe de Chenes Serge,
Cream Henriettas 40, 50, 6Oc 1
cream Mohairs 40c 50c 75c $1.00
Fancy C ream Mohairs, 50c 75c $1,00
:Cream if r pe de ehenes hoc $1.00 -
eream 4ergcs 50c (3Oc 75e $1.00 •
Cream Raney Materials 50e 60c 75c $1.00
Cream Voiles 60e 75c $100
umrrer• Gloves
Dozens and dozens of pairs right frout . the
man who made then; in Saxony. Splendid quality,
:perfect in fit. All sizes. Lisle, Lace or Silk. ` By
long odds our best stock and best values.
'Lisle Gloves, Black, white, colors, two domes
Lisle Gloves, Black, white. ho'ors, tura domes
50e: .
Silk Gloves, black: cream. white, two domes. 50e
Lace.Gioves, black or white ... 500
Long Silk. Gloves. black cream or white . $5c and $1.,00
Sum .
1?2e1' NQS+'`
FORGETFUL,_Oue day recently a
young lady who lives out of town, but
WOWS c pis, rn by ',rain occasiottaLlly, left her Vancouver 1�etvcAdl•s+rtisor sways : Rev
pocket•book'on' the seat at her home Mr Campbell, the new Moderator of
'railway station. As it Contained con- the Presbyterian Synod of British Col
siderah e money she secured a livery,, rouble -and Alberta, wags„hoe:n in the
and went back and got it. A few days county of Huron, Ont., and received
later she left : it in the train, and had bis college training in the Universities
the good fortune to get it returned to of Toronto and elithitobat. His election
her ater in the day,
AN EXPERT. --ole. J. W. Shelley,
sae concern, claiming that he has a
ready market for all he can produce..
A HURON 00u -NT -s7 MAN. --Tete
of Elyria, Ohio, has been engagedby
the Clinton Knitting Co„ to sitperlie
tend the manufacture of hosiery. Ile
As an expert who was heed knitter fox J. W. Manning, of Clinton, eA in town
.. recruits tt s co,
also for a time .employed with ai, la'''te No. eeerussels, preparatory .to going
company at Cbetterme t, Tenn He is to camp with the 2nd Beigaa le at Lon-
a married man, and wit' take up house- don, June 18.20.. -Thirty or forty ;nen
keeping as soon as. he cat, secure a } are desired to make the complement.
place. g Capt. McTaggart,; of Clinton, is the
eo the high office •of Moderator of the
Synod as a tribute to his worth and to
his zealous interest in home mission
work, • . • ..
VOLUNTE1tf DRILL -Col. Serge
the .Blue Ridge Co, of Elyria, find was this week looking up e i it for
'WEATHER POINTS, -It ntav be 1 commanding officer. ' A few years'
Harvey •Colclough, son of Mr. J.
Colclough, ofthe, base line, took
second class honors in the recent ex -
evaluations at 'Wycliffe College, To.
ronto. If any one deserves to .acic”
coed he does, for he is working herd to.
fit himself for the ministryof. the
Episcopal Church. At present he is
working on the Stratford Beacon.
• Int the case of Lewis vs. Cooper, in
which Mr. A. Cooper, of this town, is'
of interest to know•thact'the rainstorm t drill is as good schooling to young men, sued for an alleged slanderous attack
of Thursday :n;orning last amounted I and Mr. Manning should be able to se- ! upon Mr. P. B. Lewis' reputation at..
to a little :more than one inch, thiscure the necessary m'ttei•ital, and a. the time Mr. Lewis' was applying for
would ,represent about' leo tots of good quality at that.. --Brussels Post. License for the, Hotel. Normandie, the
water to ; the acre. During Friday i Local. Judge of the High • Court tit Lon-
ti � .
Lon -
night t,
1 the�' R
t n L
�.r, rose sr
d v, a to ii •f r RESIGNED.- D.-.�
Rev; Alexander: Mc i don'has struck out three of the prin.
ha rieaneane for to time threatened 1 1 Millan, minister oft Enoch's Presby-. cipai paragraphs in Mr. Cooper's
,destruction, but no harm awls done 1 tents church. Toronto, has tendered statement of defence as being irrele
The sum.aner heat experienced oe i his resignation with a view to accept- want, and being no, excuse or defence
Beesley. gave way to Nowtber. cold into; professorship at: 1'aciinbnrgh teni- to the attack alleged to have been
on Saturday. • a versity. Mr.. McMillan. has heen fn made by Mr. Cooper It is said that
• a Sea tland for some time; hi -ivies, obtain- Mr. .Cooper is . appealing `from this
' DEATH, --Mr. 11•. Ch axles. Holland. Of ed a leave of.ahsence from his chores.. order,.
the 15th con. of (i}oderich Town :het, in Toronto.. It is understood beat he i CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE..
was 'called to Eluavitle on Friday to at- has been offered an excellent position !
tend the fueerel ofhis sister, Mrs. W. sin Edinbiirg, 3,1' \1 h illosnisat heather- _M i'. Spotton, of the CVingham Bus -
G. College, announces his Intention
G. Vance, foriner'ly of (`tenth, u lin fn-latv.of Dr. Gunn, and. s formerly, M
to open e college here, in the'CKa 1
died the day before. She .had been in charge of Auburn and smith's Hill Block, on _ the end of July. The text 1
ailing `setlr' consumption foe.. sonic Presbyterian ehurchos, . .'! books and courses will hethe•saine as .1
time, He husband end a fierily eV •e ;•those used in the Federated'Colle es '
four c'hid'es, the youngest enly.ttvo• HOSPITAL.-sMiss Keane, who has„F'
Years old •ire;le„ft to mourn a mother's been to the.., hospital .f'ot about ten of Ontaiio. Mr.. Spottomeays - For ,
love trice rare. •She was a f aithfttl 'months, was ''ilii-. last week to go to : (Minter' fes being art a,dmireisle centre. 1
some years past Lye have lookedupon`;
member of•the;elethoclist church... . .her own home on a .visit ; it is possible ' for a cotnmerci:il.-Cul
Rev. W. WaITE A LO' -.'.de - � epi i! i inlay lils:t she
to the �L Present she 11 Ei the hospital, . •very heart of the •count y • a•;nil has good;
weed from P a b not done so, • railway cornmiiza1cation. . We believe
fouthormer Dakota
;Pen -'ria e by `lei .his cone Minnie
i i nieL• a,.owhii (41 the Maitland - that such an: institution .is a good ad -
1, 1 rhe ? been an in . rertiseinent for any town. I most de -.1
rung, and entirely destroyed. together . mattonne out three
111 P a months s as able 1.vou•tly believe that with; the hearty..
With 'two "thoiisand bushels of wheat. goy *: first • creeper:atlon of the citizens of the town .
The �•rianat•. eke not. belong .to "41r. feared thaittheyoungluaue,tnyth.tivho I
Wade, bet was so bade of Clinton, Acolbet. :we .can give them a .'
t hereof the:ir•bea�t'belnue ed. yt-nlureclliy harm his a 'rtL. a
to his 'soli •John,' .wlio `as• nose •',livetin crushed bet tveen•a (foe ple "of cers,tvould,, 1n, tfss rablye ;,�thech will compwhe
• Witt'. him, •anri. the `odic1 1) t11 • er, as have .to lose his. twin,.but'sve Are, •.toad. antipt favorably With aLiy'4tlter'tn the..
• •the•.dor,toxs, have nt,ty every h of land,•:a,s we' tvull .engaged only the best
lirotiser; It would lint e been st,id iii I teachers; xe warden - scholarship.: and
the fall, but they could not i,» it into.-
at. Mrs !Chaas' McIntosh and `.abihty,'tliiat ca ti be found.”
swing'. g , g p
the elevti,ter:' ',It -Wm net iitsmee . cla•ng'irtet;; shoe have: _been an charge y
1Lere ':fns some time. 'helve given u BRIEPe Brune et the Sons of Eng;
their positions, find will e,'(, to $t:: Aug?: 'arta dot o LQndesboro, o Sunday,. to
ttstine to keep liouaii' (01 W. ,\[cCntosh, n specis:1ser4 lee in the: leetho-
who iecently' lost his wife. Whey will dist C7hurch' there ...Tony (erdoer, '
lie shit a ecied by. Mrs. Milne, Who 1a:is who has been w°'kin in Hamilton
ceased Paining daily lioau<lers. So all winter, has returner to• •
mane-)eryeiu�-ti•ay.c;. been in the 1La bit purposes remnining here; in another•
Ci visiting .1NL1itlily aL 1' l - �- "` '" a •..- U'. ;. •.
' t '1 ti be is specially iiiterested ...Mr. • Geo..
,iii -hauls and, on eine day. meet' to the; .be
inconvenience or the ` eti1 that it h Gook has taken a position with the
Seafortli Fot,ndry'Co., and may move
his family there this fell....So far as
can be j""dged by blossom, there is a'
good prospect. for the plum crop; this
year ',. ;County Council; will meet. on
the 5th of June, the House of Refuge
Committee will` meet in Clinton .the.
day hefore• ' ' Harvey Davis has
added a fitie teens of matched blacks
to his livery outfit.•...If the parte' Who'
found a• bag of .bran on the Huron
road, on Saturday, will:return'the bag
to. the • NEW. Rin • offLee, they will,
oblige.......„Saw the . growth has .be-
gun, and May sunshineis opening the
buds, by the first week of Junie;'•Olin-
ton's spreadiug.nlaple• trees will 'make
it the prettiest town of Huron county
,.Clinton Court 'of Revision on the .
Assessment Roll is dated fou: Monday,
May 28; . tit $ p,, re.... :The Salvation
Army band goes. to • Goderich for the
24th.....Speaking of the recent visit of
the D. D.. (_; M. to the. Masonic Lodge
here, the Expositor, whose editor wee
present, says : -• "In his address the
District Depute' very highly; .. dim -
mended the brethren of Clinton lodge
for their excellent accurate work."•
..Rabt Stevens has rented the large
brick house at the end of Princess St.
does not allow for the interior to be pillars will run down the centre,but west.. ; . FI. •G.. Andrews, . representing..
utilized as well' as the other design nothing more has been determined as the Labor Gazette, Ottawa, , was in
' dries. The matter will shortly be de- yet. The front will be made up of five' •town on Saturday....We'are sorry to.
tided, ,and the work of ienioclelling Iarge plate glass lights,mak;ngiton • f learn that there is no improvement in
• • SOMETHING ABOUT •P1+a1 S lir.
•Isaaac'Doddeof, town, is an .authority
on bees, and can, .niye many;interest-
ing • fae.ts about. there industrious little
workers, he having been en the bee
Wain' es £s alit nt. t}ii
wintered some 55 hives; but lost ten
hives . this spring, (not an :unusual
ping) going to. having no queen. Last as
year he secured over two toes •ef . beep tound necessary to estabiisli Vise •
honey, A bee's life ie of short dura- itors' Days • and .hour;, .which are as
• tion; the average leiig'th thereof, in ..follows : Sunday, f;.to •t p.m.; Tuesday.
and Ia'i;clay; 7 to s p,in
The Godexich: Star says : -The me-
chanics h.zv.e.taken possession of the:
two lots soul' of Pronefoot, . I4.:tys• &
Summer Hosierydirect from the ermari
Maker. Plain, ribbed nd Ia •�•M•''
Ce riOVeltleS .in 'tan,
white and black. Right good values. -The famous
Hermsdorf Dye. The kind that never 'Changes..
Ribbed Cotton Hose, Seamless fret 2 pair for ` 25es
'Plain d'otton Hose, full fashioned, blacktan white,
per parr - .. ..: 25c:
Plain Cotton Hose, Black, with balbriggan or
natural wool feet, per pair.:.. . 2.5 .
Lisle thread hose per pair '5Oe
Black Cat . i osiery
Mr. Thos. Blackcat is back
again with his famous No. 415
Stocking for boys and girls. It's
a Stocking hard to beat.. The
triple knees and triple heels put
darning day_ a long' way off. No
seams make then; easy on the
feet. Every size ih stock. .
20C and 25c
IScr'rnrner Neckwear.
Novelties in Belts and Neckwear just re-
ceived this week. A dozen or two .styles, allnew and up-to-date.
25C, 50C, 75C, $ir • oo
Do you know how good a' floor covering Lin-
oleum is? There is nothing quite so good for; floors
that get a lot of wear. It' is sanitary, easily kept
clean, warm, looks well and will stand any amount
.of hard wear. Buying direct from English makers
.makes us able to quote lowest prices we' ever did
for good Linoleunls. Here is a special.
A Special at '37 c
Heavy English Linoleum, 4 yards wide, soft,
thoroughly seasoned cloth, block or floral pat-
terns, suitable for any room, splendid; value ati
per square yard.......,..;,,.,, 374.0;
Better Qualities 454 pec, ooc.
elle_ j PCP
.01R CT I,KLI�►1JJ1iiMNS G�.lnrrpnr, c Nr.
the summer, being only 21 or 22 days.
Cantelon believes there -will be at least
a few app'es to ship:in this•vicinity. is
shown in the fact 'that he has cons
treated with Mre McElroy', eft Blyth,
'for five thousand barrels, tat f;'5c evil
and hail also Bought two oar loads or
barrel materials to be used wherever
required. Mr. 0aritelon believes the
doe is not far distant when something
will have . •.to take the 'place of the
barrel, unless makers are. willing to
use'spruce for staves,:af which there is
an abundance. ' •
BANK QUARTERS. -.Plane. for 're-
nmdelli,n.g the building to be, used . as
the home of the :sovereign Bank have. -
been, prepared, but .not yet decided
'upon. ,One provides for a Handsome
front, with .entry immediately south
of Tozer a Brown's: store; the .other
makes provision for a double entry on
the cornier 'of Albert and I•Iuron
streets ; the latter is much, the nicer.
design; so far as appearance goes, but
Stair's law office, on the Square, and
have started the foundation for a pala-
tine store to be opened , by Hodgen::
Bros. before the . holly • eenies again.
Tt will have- ft width of 38 feet_ in .front
wind' 4•i feet at the'back, with at depth
of 91) feet, and trona its peculiar. shape
Will be a' part lighted .frons three saes.
It' will be practicaally do'ible the size of
the .store noel` occupied by the firm, so
the immense floor space added for
their business lines ;will make the store
one of the largest, in 'Western Ontario.
The building will be u1 brick on con-.
trete foundation,. and the basement
will be used; for oil -cloths wild lino -
teems, receiving' and unpacking goods,.
fcr storage and for furnaces. The
plan of the ground floor is not clearly
designed just yet. The offices, how-
ever, will be pearled at the rear . end of
the store. and it is likely a row of steel
urday Messrs Carter and Fiuker' were
called upon to repair what was sup-
posed to be a' slight cave-in of a drain
in the -lawn _iti front of the house oc-
the best lighted I7ryGoods stores in .the the condition of Mrs. • Mitchell, Han-
_ _._.__ over, mother of Mr. Mitchell, of'the..
New Record. , ., Mr.. S. S. ; Cooper is
putting. three mansard windows to
the house of Mrs. Thos R. Wa'•ker....
F. I?'. Lawrence. the well known and
popular -express and ticket agent, God-
erich, was in town on Monday, having
come down to.see some passengers
work roans upstairs at the back, end
carpets, curtains etc., will oecups, the
feont part of the flew. . Of course this
is only ft syno sis of what we .nefty ex-
pect, for. as t e structure progresses,
by movaI of a shovelful. of ,the sod; re- and aa Jeseph Whitely and the Hod -
Yea etl a, hole below, big enough • for a
hotels' to' go threugle, and to their
astonishment tbey found a well with
twenty-three feet of water in it The
presence of the well Was entirely' un-
known, even to the esener of the pro-
perty, aucl it was fortunate the dis.
corery was made when it was, other-
wise anyone stepping on thethoo crusts
of sod could have gone through into
the well, It has since beeti filled up,
'WEDDING. - On Wednesday at
high noon, one of those events that
call forth congratulations and good
wishes, took Wade at Myth, at. the
residence of IVlr. and Mrs, John G.
Moser, when their third daughter, Miss
Edith Re became the wife of John 13.
Gosdner, a popular young man of Clin-
ton. Rev. ele. ' Anderson performed
the ceremony, in the presence of a
large gathering of friends, from Tor
onto, Hamilton, Clinton, MiteheIl, and
Blyth, etc. The bride Was gowned ig
cream eolienne end lace, With veil.
I3ritlesniald and groomatuall 1$01% WS:.
pensed with, Miss jean Miller, Clinton,
niere of the groom, being flower girl, .
the tiride, being ting -bearer. The LocatNotices,
bride's gorng awav gown was of navy .
Dia ;mu read A. R. SMITH'S na in ON weeb'es
bine silk. with hat of same shade of sew elle Now Bra.
vatted tulle, vvith roses rod foliage.
gens Bros ere men of go-aheacla,tive
qualitiere all good ideas that are avail-
able will no doubt be • worked into
Hodgens Bros,' new stone
the horse that. never was ridden- the
one here that came from Godeeich.
Horse -back riding 14 the „best of ex-
ereise, if yon only knew it. A. R.
Smith, Gents' Furnisher mid Clothier,
Clinton, can give instructions or break
in your horse to saddle, no matter
whether it comes from Toronto, Lola -
Hours for doing so from 0 to 7 ;tan.,
and 7 to 8 pen. Moderate charges: A
few recommendations from neat :
Mr, David Bell, OhaieMan of the road
'committee, Winghans, hecike his wild
broncho ; this horse had a fashion of
throwing riders ovee his head by' sud-
den stops, but the last time it threw
A. R. Smith on his feet and wits con-
thorohred, a I0e,ker that was given un -
by experts, yet A. R. Smith, who used
the vvhip hue eery little, broke it to
saddle and made it as gentle as a lamb,
One more recommencletion-the they°.
bred horse Sam Woods °weed by Wm
Steel, Stratford, four years ago ; this;
horse once ran a race.itt Coney Island
and won first prize as one of the fast-
est horses in the United States t when
he was brought to Stratford Win.
Steel and A. R. Smith wese.the only
two that dared ride him ; the letter
erode hitn ten miles one day, and has
often ridden him sinee, Also, .11. R.
Smith, the tnati who sells Regent and
Picaclilly clothing, won 1st Liza in the
nverythina spoils Pea& for the nest wool; at
mmeelately after the wedding break-
fast, width. was served on the beautiful neve yen eettesia tee witeeev (Wise', ot ewes
lawn; Mr. mai Mrs, Gardner drove to at" :SMITH'S ' ,
Clinton and took the 8.23 train for IHNtal)PLES.-Got our Priees on PineaPple
I Buffalo, Hamilton, and Other eostern f61! preserving before pure.bat3ina. lb. will pa,
you. .rilcIAN:4,114'8,
Isoints, Oks1 their return they will re -
1 ineth Methodist chureh, wits the re -
(ewe& of a large number of beatitiftil teit,Vtarlreivittra'aCnefd irniMitiatirtin8,g1)ttlethrortisPe A'all tner.letni:to,?attio: Zpil,nrkirataGYlat etStrlitP400113,6111148(4°
gifts, showing the high esteem in
which she 'WAS held. the satrie time t Six, or seven Weee in mai disoagos of these organs propotly,
' WS race, which WAS held in Stratford, awassmosikwmpiiiommimiaommomompirmperaioasimi
Aide in 011 ton. The bride, who was "Ohl
will be at W. S linbrnea Drug Store,
0110.1111111111111111111111.11111$111011111111111110M "rnelas;ww
We desire to hare' the Commercial reputation of selling goods that brin1 to thepur.
chaserfh satilaceion that Tie or she expects
fire W ria
nor ��e�t� _ ane Any pig
Some new ones and alt
the old favorites, Crack-
ers, $, Torpedoes,.
antis, Ba cons, . Roman the
Candles, Sky• Rockets,.
Pin. Wheels, •L a w n
Lights, Ramblers, Daz-
zlers, ' Meteors, COI -nets,.
Reels, Bee Hives, Mount fres-.
uvius, 'etc,,
We have all the or.
dinary things to allure
he h
t fes 1.
and : '
Torpedo the sport mare sporty for
angled Lines may
be wanted, Sinkers us-
ually are, Poles must be
needed; Hooks, are ne-
cessary, Baits, Flies,
ee s, Floaters, etc. Look
up your outfit and see if
anything. is needed be-
fore the last minute.
The WAD.
F •
Often the .C`hteapest'. --- Alwayst
the Best.
Great stocks of Summer Underwear here .to-
day. Just the kind you would' expect to find in
the big Mens' .Store. A .dozen or mord different
Makes. All sizes from little , to big., . We -can fit
any man with undervlear that will fit just: right • all
Plain Cotton ` Undordvear, •cream colon, pen .,. 25c
gaarme1 t
Shirts and Drawers, ltie'ribbed pink oscream,.
special line, per garment 3
Natural 13albriggaanShiz'tsend Drawers,' etas 5Qi�
tic rib, per garment...... .. .. to
Extra fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, • _
white or natural, per garment
• Fine netnral Wool Shiets,and Drawers, li bt
sumn1er^weigbt,a.. cryV soft fini:sht per garment//��ln�
Fine Woollen' Shirts and Drawers, e very soft
and comfortable, er' arment
Fine Silk Underwear,, nice quality, per n'
, •-• tp��iF••
s the Shirt t at tits
This le our -Ithtetic Neck:Cotton Shirt, without button's It Is gives" a comfort -kis
no buttons to come off and- Done. needing to be, seared on. It is nude in fast
The great Bachelor • Shirt, merceriit d
Balbriggan, the famouS ' WHITE OAT
BRAN Black and natural
Special each 75c
$ 10 00 Suit
Just a little bit better than we have eyer
sold for the money is this Season's $0.00
Suit for Alen. Corning into this big men's
store -we had to have something .extra good.
After much searching we found it. This is a
suit it will pay you to see before you put a
dollar into a Suit of* Clothes.
Arens' Suits made- from all wool
Tereeds and Serges„ ca in the latest
styles, well tailored throughout, nonebut
gond linings used, a splendid tango of tin nn
patterns, extra good valise each ...... !MU