HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-05-25, Page 40
UR Wash Goods department is now at its
-best.—More patterns. to choose.from than
you will get a few weeks from now, and
perhaps better values, too, as Many of the
lines we are showing. can not be had again at the
prices we are quoting to -day. Most of our better
Dress Muslins have short lengths, not more than
two dresses in each piece, so _no .danger of them.
becoming "common,"
Fine French Organdie dress ityuslins-extra fine qual-
ity 30 inches in wide white ground with grey and pale
blue flower designs. Equal to any (l0e muslin showoA
to -day, 'Special Price per yard .. Want
Fine Fre4ifAh Organdie Dress '1lluslins, in Pink, kale
Blue, Gold and Heliotrope, two patterns to each color --
Rose• and Carnations -30 inches wide -Two. dresses A 110
only ot•each at per yard 'real
Fine Organdie Dress Muslins 30 incites wide, in Pale
Blue, (Green, ere., with check, Ucinsidered very new3Ory;
this season. Extra good value at. • •t�
• American Vestal Dimity 30 inches wide .in . eighteen•
new patterns of Pale Blue, Hello, t* 'een, _Pink aril fill • • '
the new shades shown this season. Guaranteed perfectly
fast colors. Exact copies of fine French organdies/�'/� �1
Extra special prices pe•r yard 12 1/2e, 15e, 180 and •20C
White Spot Swiss Muslins
White Spot Swiss Dress Muslins in various widths
at per yaird 18c to
White Dress Muslins.
White Dress Muslins in fancy stripes and small des-
igns. Various widths according to quality at 12 112 /inn
Black and White Dress Muslins .
Black and :white Dress Muslins in a good assortment
of new designs just opened, including spots, .small and
large figures etc, Extra good values at per yard 25c Ann
English Dress Gingharns
English dress Ginghams 3C inches wide in.Black and •
white, Green, Pale Blue, Red and .all the leading
shades. Guaranteed perfectly perfectly fast coliixs at_ p'er q1 "
yard -. 220
Broken check gin• ghitnis in all: the new colots'of linen
PaleB Me, Reseda, Yin enc, .•Also..ginghaniswith • knell. .
at- q
ter•ti all Ghe�ciif�re
i sinntr•shades'�a finecullection- --
a)ate t per yard t rns'a d q
1 1. Y rr I C
English Prints at old Prices
eaain all -•on.' • ,
at old prices -We have passed into stock'nesr y 4,000 yds
of English prints, and can give you every, wanted .q1p- --
color at • .. I L•2y
_, .
10 Pieces assorted colored print just. in at 'per A
yard ,... �V.
A- Great Stock of Neck=wear
This store is noted for the excellent stock -of ;
Neckwear to be had at popular prices. Every few.
days something new is arriving.which you will
not see in any other store in town. This 'Week we
show for the first time four different .lotsof fancy
neckwear just out which. havej
J never been shown. in
Clinton before
Embroidered Turnove's, etc,. 15c to 50e.
eceiars, Lace, Embroidery, etc.125e to 51.00
Silk -Collars 25e to $1.50
Shirt Waists are selling •fast
We are well pleased with. the business we have
done in shirt waists this season:. Every waist is'.
fresh and new and the designs and prices are what •
the people want, Here is a special for Saturday.
that is well worth coming far :-7-
Two dozen only lawn shirt waists made in
newest si nr :er.style with hemstitched tucks and -
beautiful medallion embroidery -not. more than'no
two to a customer, 'on Saturday for each. • 98C'
Princess Hosiery for Girls
Next dine
i ne you visit our store ask tosee The r'n
v h 1' i ccs •
,. ;,
stockings forgirls and nd The Hercules stocking for boys.
g s by
The Princess is an extra fine rib cotton with oaf,
out seams, fast color, Black and Tan in all sixes at LOU -
The Hercules is a heavy rib stocking that will
stand the wear a boy generally gives, all sizes, at 25C
Newest`Spri n • Hats
For Mer
In our Clothing store we are showinsr -eine
verynew lines in'_ 1$
le l ne Men's TJnglish Hats, They come
in all the leadingshades 0ffBrowris,Greys, IBlacks,etc ,
and are made by some of the best Hat Makers in
When you want a GOOD .hat, come to us .for
Prices $ i.00 to $3,00
pas CLINTON riZW. Ems.
The giinton Sew Era
11 TU11ifA E Ll1CF f Personals
°. By "Mack"in Toronto Saturday Night
FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1806, Quite a stir has been made in the
„town of Clinton by the action of the
License Commission ers in granting
DIET ,Peter Lewis of the Normandie hotel a
Ithas never fallen tot m b e ee-mottths' lictnseonconhitioo that
he sell out in that tinge. This hotel is
previoue he lot of any ityynew one, built with money adpanced
favorable gin&iresentation of the conn- nce Minister to make as that thecto n�i shou d ohave w pubhe
p house that would be a credit to the
try's affairs, as it has to the lot of Hon. place. When compleied, the hotel
Mr. Fielding. Year after,year he is was leased to 111r. Lewis, of xondan,
able to. refer in glowing terms to the wha spent some thousands N dollars
in suitably furnishing it Now the
continued prosperity and development Commissioners, without warning and
of the countzy and every year he is 'without; explanation, notify Lewis
that he t 11 t ' tit, th
able to show .a surplus, His speezh on mos se ou in ree moi! s.
As a house of pu'blia accommodation,
Tuesday was no exception. For the the Normandie is one of the best in
past nine years alid average • annual Western Ontario. So far as violations
surplus has been $7.144382, sir. yield- of law. are concerned, , Lewis has as
good a record, as the other landlords of
ing estimates that for this year the the town whose licenses have been re-
surplus will reach the amazing figure ewetl, Tlie action of the Commis•
of 412,500,000. It is true the annual sondes anpu gossip does not fail to es -
expenditure has grown, but the reyen- sign reasons. Landlord. Lewis. - it
ue has snore than kept with it,and a fl�e' iliamldpo can pia e a appeal
against .
it shows good management on the part case. Moreover, he 'is suspected of
of the Liberals that they have been selling liquor during prohibited hours
able to carryon all the affairs of the sg artfully as to exasperate those what
y , w t pot increasing the tares, y J
of the county one, solitary farthing. be under suspicion as under conviction
of violating the law. Gossip does not
fail to bring politics into the case too.
Reforming the Senate Lewis is a relative of that Lewis of
London who acquired some repute as
Elsewhere will . 'be found part of'a a Grit machinist, and the Story goes
speech delivered hi the .Senate by Sir ' that` Mr. Whitney ---or was rt f.
Hanna -smote the . table (I do: •<n`o
Richard Cartwright, in which he out- know 'which table) and declared, •"No
be reformed. • lines a plan., whereby the Senate might ghat storsl r eedsnol dehial fir It istb•
surd, but it will do service on the side
Dominion, growing and exploding as have failed to secure eyidence agains
they are rho him• •AUPareptl it
ust as fatal to
The one great and almost rosily- lines of such a county as Huron; where
mountable difficulty connected with political strife may sometimes slacken,
the reformation of tl}e. Senate 'is the There is a point to be considered in
fact that the nonsent of all, the prow- this Lewis case; Should a man be de -
inti es must be obtained to any proposed ' priyed of his license without cause ?
Thefe may be cause-irr-this case, but
change. It is next to iimpossible to se= none is given, and where none :isglven
cussing any proposed change. their reasons and deemed them sum-
Wha,t most people would be glad to tient. Even, then, why did they not
see would .be the tbalition of tele en- . such and such reasons we have decided
a,te. It • never • can : be of very much that you must sell out to somebody,
practical service, In theory.. it may who will be acceptable to this Board,
pretend to act as a safeguard against
but is never.alloweelto cease altogether,
cure this, and it is almost useless dis •none may exist. Elowever, let lit 1*
assumed thn.t the Conutiissioners had'
call Lewis in and say to him : 'Tor
You have investeci live or six thousand
irnproner legislation. In practice its dollars in hotel furnishings, and, so
record is against it. that we will . not force you to sell out
If it were: possible to either cut it in-
at gloss we will not.make public the
half or • bo is '
abash hit entirely, - Liberal a
the 1. i
xb 1
Y.fact that your ;license is goodfor only
party .'would earn• the gratitude of a
large. portion of the electorate who see
no use in maintaining.a useless upper
cliaxnber. • • .,
The North Atlantic ri diilg
Company • .
A good deal of noise has been mad•
about this Company,by tbebe•O Usition
in the House, but as far as the,inwesti
gition has gone, there does not appear
to have been anything improper in it.-
tae, C ompany Was formed :fqi •the:.
gurposeofsecuring fereigi3'iniin graiifs
of the agetcultura.l. class; and it is
claimed . that secrecy bad to be oli-
served because: continental countries
would not allow' inimigra ion' agents'
, ,
grants -J -secured the_ Company was to
receive t45 head, which is the same as
booking agents : have been receiving
for many years.
''['he Opposition appeared to think
there was •; something crooked in con -
Metier' With the affair, and were evi-
dently under the impressionthat .eith-
er %.1i•. Sifton Mr. Smart or ;Mr. Pres-
ton, co- possibly all;of them, Were mem-
bers of the Company, and getting a
rake-off frim it. Now that it turns
out none of them. have 'any'counectiori
with it, and glee thattLord Strathcona,
Canada's High. Commissioner, was
aware of ale that was goingon, the
bottom seems to have dropped out of
the charges, though the investigation
is not yet conducted. •
A Back -Down` .
The O position: were place
pP placed in
rather an awkward predicament on.
Wednesday night last. In the course
of their speeches they .specifically
charged .that a larger quantity; of
supplies had been •:purchased for the
•steamer Arctic than could possibly lie
placed on the • boat, and insinuated
that (U:overtirnent ,officials had bene-•
fited byrake-offs. Sir Wilfrid Laurier
pronnised.thein an investigation into
the charges, and yet when he brought
down a resolution charging a. special
committee with the task of. investiga-
ting the allegations, the Prime Minis-
ter was compelled to fight it through
the House. ' The battle lasted all after-
noon,.and.was •one of the warmest of
the session,
The motion
of Sir Wilfrid i£id was
with an amendment, from Mr. R. L.'
Borden for an investigation into the
operations of the entire Department
• of Marine and. Fisheries. When the
amendment was put the House split.
on straight party lines, and it was de=
feated-Sl to 44.
Then the Premier's motion was put
and while the Liberals•calted "carried"
the opposition yelled "Nay." • In a
minute a vote was demanded, -and
after every Liberal had recorded him-
self in favor of it, the Opposition mem-
bers one after the other did likewise,
Pandemonium ensued. The Liberals
hurrahed a dozen times, and banged
their desk lids until it seemed as if
they mast burst to flindors. The vote
stood 132'-01 That is aa; Parliamentary
record; Never before was a similar
vote recorded, It creates a precedent
that is unique. All afternoon the Op-
position pounded that motion lustily-
Mr. Borden, Mr, Foster, everybody
who eoirld get a chance declared the
motion to be a hollow mockery, and
then -Milted around and voted for it
to avian 1
' Thomas Marray, ex -M, P., the veter-
an politician, has forestalled conven-
tions by announeing himself as a Lib-
eral candidate for the .a proaahing
bby theedeathiof Ilon. PRenfrew
The Ontario Immigration Office at
Toronto has on hand about 2,000 ap-
plieations from fariners and factories,
and they culla place that ntmnber of
Armen at work immediately -if they only
had the risen. Another lot of hunt -
counts is expected to arrive Thursday,
lint the demand for them increases 1111
the time, and the offlefa though some.
times rushed, can easily dispose of
them all,
three months and will' not be renewed
to you'. Go and sell out -sell out as a
gding . oncern. If you have not done
so in three months, your license, will
lapse." Instead' of that, everybody is
made aware that Lewis has got too sell,
prospective :buyers. will know that he.
will nave to take whatever he can get
for his furnishings, fixtures and stock -
in -trade. Whatever ground there
,may have been for taking away his
license, the. man should nave oeen
•ttvenairoliance to, get •his own money
hack. •
Lake Huron 'Crossed . on, the Ice
. The other day while in total, R.
VanEggniondaind H. Johns, o£Tucker-:
ith • of intoconversation about a
.circumstance a . app
ich nearly -sixty :years ago, that; was
without precedent, and never 'hap;
pened a.second time, One of the par-
ticipants was Frank Johns, a relative
of the Johns family of Tuckersmith,
• ' and uncle. of the one mentioned here,
but since deceased,, and the event is so
remarkable that it is worthy of being
iecorded even now. •We vouch for its
truth. •
Three boys "including "Johns had
r*y 2504 11900'
Rev. Fr. Jianlon went to London on
Rev. E. Medd, of 'Unsay was in
town on Monday.
The wife of Dr. W. Gunn is visiting
friends in Toronto.
Mies diary Lough leaves to -morrow
on a week's visit to Toronto.
W. P. Spalding and wife, were
visitor's to Toronto last Friday. s
• Mr. Trick and wife, of Thedford, are.
here visiting their brother Thomas.. a
Miss Etta Hall, igho has been, living
at Allenford is home on a months.
Mfrs, S. Murch and daughter, Strat-
ford, are the guests of Mrs.
Mrs. B. J. Gibbings leaves shortly
on a visit to hea mother and 'sisters at
Winnipeg, -
Miss May Wing, of Berlin, is spend-
ing the holiday as the guest of Miss
Ida Holmes.
Miss Cull, of Mitchell, and Miss
of>;Torontoe. , are guests of Mts.
Jas Keane, of London, is visiting his
sisters in town, prior to bis departu�•e
for Winnipeg.
Alen Jackson, of..('hicago, for>per-
ly freight clerk: 'here, visited his
mother last weak. •
Richard Clark and sister, Labiah,., of
Guelph, spent�the holidays with their
mother, Huron St.
Mr. Valentine Fisher, of the base
line,relaiLleftives oat n GSaturda
uelphy, on a visit. to
” .
Rev: C. R Gunne. was .. again called
to London, on Monday, on account of
the illness of his mother,
Rev. Dr, Stewart conducted pre-
paratory services at Varna Presby-
terian Church, last Friday.
1'Miirs. S. S. Cooper and daughter,
have been spending a couple of week*
with friends in Toronto, and are ex-
pected home in a. few clays.
Mr. Geo. Robertson, of •Lucknow, a
former resident here, was in town on
Satarday, having'•come clown to at-
tend the funeral of" a friend in Sea -
: Mr. Thos Durnin, of town, left for
Brandon, on Tuesday, where he will.
work at his trade as a stonemason.
He was ticketed by W, Jackson, . C.
P. R. Agent.
W. Gray, of
Toronto, to formerly
of Seaforth, was in town Friday,
When he went to the station to reg
turn amine, he found he had lost his
return ticket.
Albert Seeley went to Lucknow on
Monday, to fix upa•gasoline engine
that had gone wrongg, and from theme
he went to Kincardine to instal an-
other one,'.
Mrs. Plumsteel, received word- from
Moose Jaw, Sask... that her son Roy is
sick, and but for prompt 'attendiiriee
hissickness would have developed into
pneumonia. :
Miss itiinnie'Tremeer•, of •sta Teton,
left on Saturday for Blaclwortb � It is'
said she will be met et Regina by her
intended husbaL?attinsodrr. •She was ticketed'
1i3 r.�
Weauuderstand that Dr. lt.--A'giietiv
and family, who have been in the west
for several, months will return to town
next month. ' It le' said the dotter. has
•ebeenlvery sitccoesful•inreaI estate spec-
rs.. Wath-G;aoper-;-of _t Buten,
arrived in town on Tuesday on a visits
at: the home of •her.dattghter,•Mrs."V.
O. French. •She conre from California,
where she was the guest of another
daughter.: \Vetaskiwin Times.
asILon EBooks;
If you w t to know just what too wear' and what
not to wear, co and have a look through our Fashion
Magazines, which`eeprnprise sonne of the latest English,
French and American. pyblications, .,_•
Among these are the WeIder,1%, Ron Ton, Elite,
Harper's Bazaar, Designer and Delineator, While
these books contain all the newest styles • in dress and '
head gear, theyalso contain many hints in Household.
D -cortion, Nedlework, etc., as will as som good
,, P, g- Rd
stories by the most popular authors, and are a ,useful
book, for both young and old.
B. utterici Patterns
If you have decided to make your awn Summer
Dress, and would like to be sure of a perfect fit, come
and select one of the world -famed Butterick Patterns, -
which never fail to give satisfaction. .
County Clippings
RMrs. D, Hay, Goderich, fell while
house cleaning, the result being a
fracture of the. left thigh just' above
the knee joint. .
Mr. Fred 0. Broadfoot left Seaforth
on Thursday for Cuba, where he will
be engaged professionally by a New
York syndicate of capitalists.
Mr. Geo'r'ge Shute, a native of Eate-
ter, and a one time resident of this
town, died in Winnipeg last week• Ile
was 55 years of age and leaves a grown
tip farcy.
On Wednesday evening,nth a
W y May ,
the residence of Mr. Pierce, Ashfield,
his third daughter, Miss Maggie, , was
united in marriageto John MMcKay,:by.
the Rev, J. W. Robinson,1-t-
The people of Laurier regret very
ninth the' death of Mrs, Dan McDon-
• ald, of' Lochalsh, who ptisseil away on
Sunday last. She was a daughter of
3. L. Grant, deputy collector of cus-
toms Goderich.- •
One of Howick's worthy.' pioneers
passedaway;•last week. • Mr. .Jaynes.
Woods, of the 17th concession, father
of James Weeds :of Wingham De-
ceased was 75 years of'age,- and carie
to E{iiwick many years ago. He was
a rnainher . et Lakelet Methodist
Chitral, an Oi angeriaan -thiel Censer
There passed away' at her .henie in
Turnberry on Friday last,•Margaret.
Query, relict of the , Jaffe "' Thomas
Stokes; in her 50th•year, ''who was one.
of the older residents of the township..
ether-s-e,f-deceased,-vhn-'h A xe
been • residing in the State of, Ohio, ar-
rived home on Monday morning, be-
ing too late to • attend the funeral' of
their,.rister, whom they had not seen
for over twenty years.
Many of our readers will regret to
learn of the death of Mrs. William
Hannah, at her home near. Pickford,
Michigan. Mrs. Hannah's maideh
name was Janet Nealans. Deceased
was: the eldest daughter of• the late
Thos Nealans, of Hsrlock, a one-time
prominent resident of the township of
.laullett, and ` for many `years post
master at.Harlock, and mail carrier
between Harlock and Seaforth.
Church Notes,
Ascension service .will. he held: in this
been:sent to so11o01` in .Goderich one: church on Thursday,at1) a.m.
early spring : morning.. They played 1ILLIS '
truant instead, and made their way to Communion service will be held on
the lake, then apparently a' sheet of the 3rd or:lune ; the preparatory'ser-
ice. After playing thereon for some vice's will be conductd b • Re. Mr..
time, they discovered, to: their borate, Sniith, of Hensel!. • �.
that it had broken fromm the shore 1.oe,
and the large floe on 'which they sta. a WESLEY CHURCH
was being rapidly driven by the w3,: 1 The JuniorLeagiieis holding a social
towards the centre of the lake. Th• on Friday evening in the school room,
were old enough to realize' their dan- At the League .meeting' on Monday.
ger, but could do nothing to help them-. evening the usual order of procedure
selves. Fortunately, their mothers , was . not adhered to ; instead of an -
hut provided them with an ample din- nouncing the number's on the program,
ner whenthey sti+r.i,ed for school, and 1 those taking part gave :their selections
this stayed the pangs of hunger. 'While ( in order, unannounced, even the
it was daylight they managed to keephymns being started in this way.
themselves warm by Moving about,
but when darkness came they .did not The members of it.Cyprian's ch'arch,
dare do so, and they passedthe long Toronto, of which Rev, C. A. Seager;
night in terrible suspense, 'though the formerly' of Goderich, is rector, have
cold was not intense. Next day the decided to erect a new church, costing
ice continued moving westward, and 4110;000 to $20,007.
•to ands evening theysaw land,
w e nna
and Rey; George R. Turk, who was invit-
managed to make teir way to shore , ed to the 'Owen Sound First Methodist
without much trouble. They landed church for a fourth year has resigned
at what is known as Sand Beach, in . and. iutenils•to' go into evangelistic
Michigan. work, in which he was formerly en -
There was no telegraph in those gaged. •
days, no railroad even,' and when the. Rev. Father T. Hussey, who is a na-
boas did .• not . turn up at. home, their ti -e of .Addled, has been appointed by'
parents were naturally very much Might }Rev: Bishop Norway to take
alarmed, and as days went by without charge of the parishes of West ,Lorne'
any tidings of them, concluded that and Riclgetown .until a permanent ap-.
they had been drowned, pointment is made.
But the people of Sand'Beach, when
eaard the remarkable
arkaile stor
the boys, and .saw that it could 'male
other than true, decided to send thetir
hdinetes quickly as possible, and the
next day started them homeward by
ox -team. A crossing was effected near
Sarnia, and in three weeks' time the
boys' parents were overjoyed to receive
them back, none the worse for their
remarkable . and : unprecedented ex-
perience. •
CAUGHT 111$ MAN. --A few days
since Constable Armstrong, of Walk-
erton, wasin town, being.on the trail
of a young man named Cassel, of
Huron township, who was charged
with seduction. passel had been here
but had moved on. to Seaforth. Arm-
strong promptly, followed, but ' when
he reached Saaforth, he learned that
Grasset had' left for Kincardine, On
arriving at Kincardine he was again
too late, for Gassel had struck for
Toronto,,Armstrong followed as
quickly apossible, but• when he got
to Toronto, his meta had left for North
Bay. By this time Arnistr'ongg was
beginning to fear that he teould not
eatch this elusive gentlemen at all,
but he resolved to make another try
for it, and on he went to North Bay as
fast as the train would take him. But
one more' disappointment awaited
him„for on arriving there he was in-
formed after midi . enquiry that
Gasser' had ;moved on to the Soo;
'Peking the traits once more, he struck
for the Soo, only to he told that
(,lasses was supposed to be about 1(1
miles' out in the country, Armstrong
followed the directions given, and was..
at last rewarded by gemming his mart.
(Tassel willingly went back and did
the anmende honnretge by nmareying
the girl,
Gabriel Dumont, 1tiet's nide iII reg I
belllon, died et Ilatoche on Tuesday, •
Mr. Pickles, a Student. from -1-Huron
has been appointed
to look after Mid let ns,
and Hol esv leappointments
m itof the
Episcopal Church ; he will reside iii
Clinton for the summer. •
Rev. G. M. Dunn. of Whitechurch,
has received a call from Owen Sound,
Mr Dunn is an excellent preacher and
faithfel pastor, and will do credit to
any pulpit. \Viritechurch people will
partavith hint with deep regret.
. In seven of the annual Conferences
of the Methodist church in Canada, 18
of the ministers who began their min-
istry in June, 1850,will eelebrate their
ubilee. 'Ihe names of those in the
�ondo Conferenceat oIl
London are sf ows:the
figures after each name indicate•, the
number of years in the active work :
Stephen Bond, 50 Geor re Brown, 35
John Learoyd, 45 ; John R. Philips, 41.
Rey. J. NI. W. Milne, of the Glebe
Presbyterian Church, has resigned the
presidency of the Ottawa Ministerial
Association,and has been succeeded by
Rev. Ii. T. Horsey ok lion Congrega-
tional Church. It is understood that
Mr. Milne retired so as not to be pies -
;Mt during the coming Torry -Alexand-
er meetings, as he might not find him-
self in sympathy ,with the evangelist
should he deliver addresses similar to
some of those he delivered in Toronto..
Win. Harper, agent for the 0..P. Il;.
acid Dominion Express Co. at Chat-
ham, was burned to dearth in a fire
which consumed three suMiilner cot•
rages at Erie Eait nn Monday. The
fireis supposed to have started from
the eixir esion of a1 lamp. Harper's
body was found in the ashes of his
cottager and wits unrecognizable. Ile
WAS a married mane with two grown-,
up children,
easanit atearhortnae be Prairie, May eta,
to Mr end Mrs John castle, (twelfths iieliCanrmi
hell.'dtsnloy,l a eon, • ,
Our cattle graziers are now buying
their stock for placing on their grass
lands for the season, at $4 per hun-
dred. Last Friday John Dickson, of
Seaforth, bought from Thos Garvey,
Ashfield,; thirty-two head for pastur-
age on his large farm at Oastreniount,
near Egmondville, and John 0. Mar-
tin, of town, had quite a drove col-
lected from different farmers for his
farm in Goderich township. W. Hill,
of Colborne, .had a fine lot of stockers,
comprising' forty head, from James
Foley, of Ashfield, which are now
placed on the McCorvie farina on the.
8th'' concession of Colborne. John
Middleton, of Goderich township, - is
also a large purchaser for his grazing.
Mr, W. J. Brown. has been engaged
,as organist of the Teivitt . Menson al
Church, Exeter. ,
Last Friday, Alex Young of Kin -
tail, While driving into Godetich, was
nearipgpthe bridge at Dunlop's Hill,
when a whistle blew, and frightened
the animals. They started away with
such speedas to throw Mr. Young via-
' head struck onf thegound andHwith
such force as. to render him insensible,
in which state he remained for a con-
siderable time. He was.. taken to the
residence of - his brother on the Sth
con. of Colborne, and is. now :doing
well, and ge ,ing on nicely, and is ei`•
petted to. be around again as usual.
A Niagara • Falls, N. �;:.,. paper thus
refers to a former Clintonian, anti- son
of . Mrs. Jackson, • of town.:' "A. R.
Jackson, for'the past six years assis-
tant ticket agent at the New York
Central station, has_ resigned his posit-'
ion to accept one':'with the Judson
Tourist Agency at Chicago. Mr.. Jack-
son will. accompany all: parties' from
the Judson office travelling between
Sail Francisco and Boston. Mr. Jack
son was most popular in local circles,
and is noted •for his close application
to business. He leaves this city 'with
the heartiest 'good wishes of a host of
- w
• Newy:. AAdvertlseuients ,
For Sale`t
Wool Rng,,Briisseis :Carpet and Gaso-
line stove, for sale cheap, will bo sold sep
arately.if desired. NEW .ERA Clinton.
A strong, • ' reliable boy to drive bread
wagson and learn braking. • Apply NINI-
ENS' BAKERY, Clinton, •
Meeting of County Council.
The Connell of the County of Huron.
will meet in; the Council Chamber in the::
Town of. Goderiob, on Tuesday the 5t1;
day of June next, at 'a o'clock. All ac-
counts against the county requiring set-
tlement must he placed".with•the clerk be- •
fore this date, W. LANE, Clerk, ,
When you.caii have an assorted basket
of Sandwiches and Cake, Cookies
and pastry, to order ,
tamers of Iirst4e1ass Dread aid
, Confectionery
Ice Cream, lee Cream Sodas, Sundries,
lands and he ,secured ahandsome lot ► `
from W. Jenkins and others in Col AND RESTAURANT,
borne- Mr. ' Thomas E. Hays has
seventy-three head of : cattla on his
farm in McKillop. Albert St., Clinton.
Get our prices
ON Coiled Spring Wire.
Barbed Wire
Plain Galvanized Wire ,
Try Our Enamels •and Varnish
S.W ,P.. Read. ` Mixed Paints.
Waxoline Floor Dressing.
See Our Gasoline ' and 011 Stoves.
Our Special
for all next week.
Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors
and Windows.
•.. SP IAL DISCOUN1._,,,•.
Harland Bros.,