HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-05-25, Page 1110.1.0.1000**PariggliliONOPFIONSIO.101.0
_Job; Printing,
Established isse
noelettT noheinS, Weise/or.
stands for security
EZEIancl stability. You
are sure of BOTH
a,ncl much MORE in
Sovereign Bank
A deposit of $1,00 win open an
acconet. Interest paid four times
a Year.
?in.:F-1444w Zia Plnee
where you can get it evh'en .you:
want it„
Man'r. of Clinton and Brticefield
New Advertisements,
Our Baking Powder, R. p Reekie. -.1
Eutbymol, W.S. R. Holmes, ..1
We are Headquarters, A.R. Smith. -8
Fashion Books,cooper's Book Store.,4
Get oneeprices, EfarlandBrose
• NV ash Goods, Nevecombes, 4
Why Bake for Picnics, Nimens4
For Sale, New Bra . .4
Meeting of County, Council, WiLane 4
Boy wanted, Ninaens Cafe 4
Gifts for June Brides, Hellyar 5
e One week only, Morrell & Holmes. 5
Some „ 5
Big Saving, Tozer & Brown. - 5
Preserve your eyesight,'W.R.Counter5
Bargains in couches, .I.H.Che1leve5
A Bargain. The Galbraith 0o, ....,n
Summer Millinery, Hodgens Bros ; -8
Summer Underwear, " 8
• Debonne ,
MIRACULOUS Eseens.-On Tuesday
a young son of Mr John Morlock, of
the 7th concession, Usborne, miracul-
ously escaped being killed. The young
lad was playing along the roadside
where a number of men were drawing
earth. He had a dog attached to a
rope and the anneal daited under a
wagon, dragging the little fellow un-
derneath it. The driver was on the
ether side and did not notice the
danger the lad was in, and in. an in-
stant the hind wheel of the vehicle
passed over the boy's head and the
dog. The little chap was carried home
and his injerien. attended to, which
. were not considerbd veryserioes. The
• fact that the wagon passed over the
dog at the same time, poseibly saved
the child from having his head crushed
to a
—F 0 R—
Men Women, and Boys.
for Women,-
' In all styles from to $4. A
trial will convince that yve keep
thebest in this and other makes.
!frau are lookingifor shoddy
don't come to
Going May 23rd and 24th.
Return limit May 25th,
Between all stations in Canada, also
to Detroit at Port Huron4Miele,
Niagara Falli and Buffalo, N.Y.
For tickets and full leformation,
. can on
F. it, Hodgens.. Town. Agent
'Ode spec:lel offerings in Ladies' and
Gentleneeladv VVeitches this month will
be Ween.lnyour closeet itiveetigation.
Good IVIoverrients '
Good Cases
.Good Values,
These are our' business principles as
carried out in one Watch Depart-
it Will be a pleasure tie have You eall
so we ean show you our Ittege ethnic of
watches, and let you compare quality
and price.
A. J. °Riga;
jeweler and Optician.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• GOnerleh Townebln
Mrs, Howell, who has been visiting
her parents, tele. and Mrs. Robert
Acheson, left on Frida,y for her home
in Michigan. ,
We are sorry to bear of the serious
illness of Mr Henry Murphy,of the 10th
concession, who ;was so lo* last week
that his life was despairel ter. lie has
a complication of ailments.
A. meeting_ will be held at the borne
of Mr. Geo, Tebbutt on Saturday even-
ing, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of ap.
pointing delegates from No. 5 .Division,
to attend the Liberal convention at
Dungannon on Tuesday next.
Vannarastn-Some one was guilty
of a mean piece of vandalism, this
week, Mr. James Wallis, of the•Lake
Shore road, had a fine row of young
trees in front of his farm, and nearly
fifty of them were hiaaliciously des-
troyed. Why any one should do a
thing of this kind is a mystery.
(Tao Ian) for last week.)
Miss Grace Stewart is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. (). B. 'Middleton.
Mr, John Thompson • nan been in
Goderich assisting Mr, Robert: Elliott.
Mr.' George Cooper ,attended the
'District Meeting in Blyth last week,
as a,delegatefrom the Ba,yfieln Circuit.
in front of the Orange Hall on the
Beyfield Line a large cross is temper -
ally erected. It looks symbolical and
suggestive. •
Mr. Nelson Yeo disposed of hie
driver to Mr. George Elliott, she is
supposed to be a good driving mare,
therefore Mr. Yeo obtained a croocily
Mi. A. McGee has leased
Alexander's ram on the 7 cone Mr.
Alexander having moved to town to
Lead a more retired life, free from the
activites of farm labor.
Sheep washing and fishing has been
the "ordenof the day for some time
past '• a large .nurnber •of shad has
been taken from the Bayfield River
by our experienced ,Augler's.
Mr. George Sheppard, we are pleas.
ed. to note in nearly his usual self
again, after been confined to the
'house for a week or more with throat
trouble, which; Caused him much
annoyance. . . .
One of our efficiene and young
Council men, who was part pronaotor
of the .Auditor's cominghere says
that his ()pencil ability is the lira
step in politics; we believe, .however,
that there are others yet ahead of him
awaiting the honer..
_ .
Mr. Tutor, of Varna, and Miss Susie
Elliott, youngest daughter of „Iler.•
g:brien Elliott, were married on Tties-
y in , Hayfield, at the Methodist
Parsonage, , by Rev. Mr. Steadman,
The happy couple will reside in Verne,
where Mr. Tutor has a good °coupe-.
Mon that of a general carpenter and
painter, Congratulations Ten.•,
DEATIL-Mr. George Harris, a very
highly esteemed resident of this place,
died vety unexpectedly on Sunday
last.He has infarm near Dungannon,
on which his son lives, and during the
on Saturday he was engaged in prun-
ing frees, and it is thought
that he burst a blood vessel inhishead. His wife and daughter were
visiting in Harniltcin at the time. Der
ceased was a Methodist, and leaves a
wife and grown-up family,
/kneel -v. -An action for. bigamy
Opened here on'Tueedaymorningbe-
fore Judge Hot, the defendant being
Jasper Brindley of Goderieletownsinp.,
Brindley was married on April 14, 1807:
to a Goderich girl, Miss Rosa, (earn;
who foe some time past has been living
in Detroit, where she secured a divorce
from Brindley last Jannaty, on the.
ground of cruel treantent on the part
of her husband. Brindley has • since
married again, his second wife being
Florence Itehily Picot, also of Goder-,
ich, The miteriagetook place in De-
troit last menth, Brindley failina to'
secure a license in Goderich. The
peint of the' prosecution is that a di-
vorce granted in Detroit does not hold
ood when one of the patine is resi-
dent of Canada.
Romenno TEE OENTIIRT.-Tuesday
lest was the one hundredth anniversary
of the birth of Mrs. Robertson, who
lives/with her daughtereMrs. P. Wylie
here, • Mrs. Robertson was born May
15, 1806,in the County of Wexfordnire.
land. She was nine years of ane when
Waterloo was fought, she had reached
maturity before the first locomotive
was built; he has lived during five
souereignsof-Great Britain. When 3
yeers old, Mre Ronertsondthen Hester
nreep) crossed the ocean with her par-
ents to Cenacla Nt hen 13 years of age
she went baelt to Ireland, but returned
to Canada the same year, coming to
-F.Jfeilleeth to WineOfftninne---At 18 years
of age she was married to Edward Ro-
bertson and then:Heed for 40 years at
Elizabethtown, then removing to God-
erich. „Ur. Robertson died about 15
years agoBesides eight Children sur-
viving, the subject of this brief sketch
has 42 grandchildren, 25' great grand-
children and 2 great great grandchild.
ren. For SUM e time pasteas might be
expected, Mrs. Robertson's health has
been feeble, but she retains her mental
facuties in a remarkable degree.
. .
• Goderteh ' •
Me/nu on me ore) nesinnetner-The
town lest an old and very 'highly es-
teemed resident last week in the per-
son of Mrs. Oardno, wife of Mr. A.
Oardno. She has been in delicate
health for some time, so that her
death was not Unexpected, Deceased
was a life-long moonier of the Presby
terian Church, and leaves besides her
husband, a family of six daughters
and four sons. Three of the daugh-
ters are married, and two of the eons
in the west.
What might have peened a very
serious accident occurred on Monday
evening in the vicinity of the Dick
House. A farmer named McCallum
drove up to the hotel with his team'
and getting out of the wagon left the
horses in charge of a Seotehpane an
employee of Mr. Thos Archibald, of
McKillop, saying he would be back
again in few minutes. During Mr.
IlicCalltun's absence the horses be-
came unmanageable and started off.
In his efforts to hold the toed, the
Scotchman was knocked down and
coming in contact with the wagon was
severely hurt about the head and
Mn, Wm. Somerville, of the Cana-
dian Express Companyereceived what
might have proved a very serious fall
on Saturday morning, VVith his as-
Blatant,Mr. John' Horton. be had
driveninto the station yard to meet
the eight o'clock train, and had just
stopped at the platform when ,he
horse became suddenly frightened and
started so quickly that Ur. Somer-
ville, who was standing in the rig at
the time, was hurled out backwards to
the ground. He was quickly attended
to and taken to his borne where on
examination if wasfound that one side
was very badly bruised, but no bones
Mr. Levi Wiltse is this week raising
his barn, preparatory to placing a stone
foundation. under it.
Mr. Thos Burnside of Varna, has
moved into David McNaughton's house
on the corner of the Goshen Line.
We regret having • to report this
week that.. Mrs. Jobe Moffatt is con. -
fined to the house through ill health. .
Mr. Neil Gilmour, who has had a six
weeks' furlough, left. on Saturday for
Gocietich, whence he will proceed to
Winnipeg and Norway House.
Mr. Mel. Graham returned to his
home this week, having finished his
examination at the Medical College,
Toronto. •
Rev. Alex. McLeod, of Basswood,
Manitoba,.• came to the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs. &lb. Pearson. at the end of
last week. ' 114. is,:bome 'on a three •
'neorithsevagetion, • • •
Chickens are now becoming num-
erous some teing hatched out by
'incubators but many more. by mother
hen With her old teethed& 13u1 there
is a pet chicken in a household west of
,Varna which owes its existence to
neither of those agencies, having been
hatched out by 11., pigeon no less which
'made quite a fuss when its big ,nister
child etnerged from its shell.
OP. anatiOn.-A. son of Mr. W. till
underwent an operation last week for
appendicitis, and we are glad to say
he is doing as well as can be expeeted.
WAINI1'ED.-,-Eggs.206-4)ea1ars Revised Tariff, -
100 Tubs choice Grass Butter wanted at once.
On Tneeclity, Mr., lel. .Lainotit sold his
farm property of 35 acree,sohth-ea,st of
the town to Mr, Thos. Forbes. •
W.F.Vithetohe bas bought the but-
termilk from the large creainery at
Exeter, and in a few days wilt have 600
hogs feeding there. Mr.VenStone has
the milk from Tara orearriery also, and
has 200 hogs there.
?Jr. Wan VVacheituuth,who bite been
ri resident of .Whigham for upwards of
ten years,-Ieft with his family tliis
week for tratford, where he has ac-
cepted e position in Meyers hardware
At a special meeting ot theWingham
Publie School last Thursday evening,
arrangernente were made whereby the
Iligh.nehool Board will have the use
of three Of the rooms in the Poblie
Sebool building, to Cen111101100 With the
Iskof September tient«
last wee . and after reeding end pass -
inn the minutes of the previous meet-
ing, the two awards were read and
discussed fully, but were left over for
next meeting. After paying a few
small accounts the council a,djourned
to ixieet as a courtof revision .on as-
sessment rail op May • 28th at 10
&Clock a. ne-d, E. Harnwell, Clerk.
Mr. bugh, of S. b . No. 8, has resign-
ed and will shortly leave the school.
: Mr. S. Woodman has the cement
part ()this stable finished and it looks
very fine.
Rev. Mr. Leckie occupied the pulpit
of St. -Andrew's Cherch, Blyth. on
Sunday evening. .
The regular meeting of the W. P.
M. 5. was held at the Manse on Tues
day. afternoon. ,
Wm, Crittenden, of Clinton, has
parched A. Woodhead's p-operty, and
moved his family here last Monclay.
MreeSquire of the Roller • Mills,
shipped a car of oats this week; he
ships a car of flour in a few days to
Messrs Ogilvie, of Montreal.
, Last Thursday morning during the
thunder storm, Mr. John. Garrett had
a yearling filly killed and Mr. Frank
Woocls.a. yearling heifer by the light-
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper;
will be observed in the Presbyterian -
Church on Sunday June 3rd. Dr.
Stewart, of Clinton, will take the
evening service. at Burine Church,
Mrs. R. Cote returned to London
last week, after letting -in the crop on
the -fa -ern ; them eliesete tliank -those
neighbors, who so kindly assisted in
the work ; she has sold several •acres of
thegrass and has about 10 acres more
to sell.
elEncion,-The Sons of England will
attend service at the Methodist church
on Sunday morning next. It had been
expected that Rev. Ferguson, a for-
mer pastor and member of the Order,
would have conducted the Service, but
he is unable to attend, and Rev. Mr.
Clement will officiate. •
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Freeman, of the
3rd eon of Hullett, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Riley on Sunday.
Mee, Walter Gtassie of Van
in this vieinity. relatives 0,
B. , 'Web recently willing on
We are pleased to have Mrs, Mc-
Cully again make her Abode in our
Piehing is the orcide if the day ; ell
report et, good catch.
:Tames Cook is this week visiting his
brother rrahlt; who is engaged as tele-
graph operator at Collingwood.
ennow. •
Licesse, Inset:mon. -B. Cetinon, of
Walkerton, has been appointed license
inspeetor for the district of South
'Renee, vice Jamea 'Dryer), editor of the
Luclenow Sentinel, , l‘fre 13ryari was
retained lie License Inspector iriech
longer then any of the others, and it
is sold he entertained the opinion that
he would riot be interfered with, as 110
eomplabite hail been ituule regarding
hini, taut he wasan efficient officer,
liut his position was wanted by one of
tlie govetriment nuppottere and he
Was turiiiria,rily
Porters Hill
The Porter's Hill Football Club will
plav the Juniors, of Bayfield, at Bay
field on the 241h. The boys expect to
come back with honors.
▪ Kippen
Shaffer's hotel, Kippen, had anarrow
escape from destruction by fire „p. few
nights ago, lir. Sbeffer was inosing
up his bar, and while putting out the
lights a chandelier with two lamps in
it fell to the floor. The flames weed
over the bar, and for a time things
looken serious. Fortunately a, nine.
ber of men were around at the thne,
and the names were soon soon extin-
guished Without doing much damage.
()tureen NoYnaasr."-one of the best
Quarterly services ever held on this
eihoeld.ionocithyite Volaorrnoatol:extr
iy •
6th, The service 'was memorable he -
Cause of its deep spirituality ; the laege
number present, the reception service
at which over 30 were received into
the church,and the many who partook
of the sacrament. On the fellowing
Monday afternoon at the Quarterly
Board, good reports • were presented
from the different departments of the
church, showing a very prosperous
year. The Sunday Schoels are flour.
Ishing, reporting a staft of 2 officers
and teachers, with 155.sebo1ers in the
various classes. The schools raised for
missions$15.35,also KO 00 for the Chen
tu Hospital. and for all purposes $152-
33. The three W. M. 'Auxiliaries have
increased their membership by 10, arid
their givings this year amounted to
$131.00, an increase of $31. The con-
tributions to the General Missionary.
Fund was $210.80, an increase over last
year of $23.80 This ivith the $131.00
from the W. M. S. makes a total for
missions on the circuit of $341 80, an
increase in all of 854.80. .The education-
al fund contributions amounted to 822,-
3-1, an increase of $12.34. The other
funds were well up to the mark. The.
membership returns were especially
fa,verable, viz., 30 received on profes-
sion of faith, and 12 by letter, whiele
after deducting 13 removals_ gives an
increase elf 35 for the year. The pren.
ent membership is 105/ '
Miss Wilson,pf Goderich, is spending
a few clays in our village. •
Rise Sterling,of Goderich,spent Sun-
day as the guest of Miss A. Swann.
Mr. W. Courtice has returned from
Toronto to spend thenoliclays with his
parents. - .•
Me. and. Mes. Cantelon, of .Blyth,
spent part of last week the gneste of
their son, J. Can telen. •
Mrs. D Tudor who has been attend-
ing.her motherenfre. W. Stanley, has
returned to her horneM Constance., '
Ineenetrra -The meeting of tbeeWO-
men'sdnaitute will. be held on Times -
day afternoon, June 7th. Ail are wel-
come. • • • • -•
• Rev. Mr. Philips preached two excel-
lent sertnone Siincley Fist in the
Methodist Waitron. The service in the
morning was more part itularly. for the
encoura emene of belie'vere. In the
and his appeals were very:forceful and
.eloquent. Both congtegations Vete
were Jelighted with t e services.
• ' Brueefleld
Mrs. Wolf, who has been very ill, Is
ineproving slowly, •
The Misses Scales, of Ifullett, were
last week the guests of Miss McCully,
Rey. Mr, lamas. `who recently re-
turned from Dakota, preached in the
Presbyterian church Sabbitth snornin,g•
Dr. Rogers has lost his grey driving
mare; which is quite a loss, as it was ft
good driver, and "horses are not easily
picked up now. ^ •
Graham Bros. sold twenty head of
.fat eattle to Robt. Winters, of Sea -
forth, last week, and John A. McEwen
sold twenty-one head to thesame buyer.
• John Serene purposes building a ce-
went front to hishouse ; Thos. Carr
has the contract. The family hue
moved to Mr. jamiesonn house while
the building is going on.
The marriage of Chas. Ross of Lums-
den, Man., formetly ot Stanley, to Miss
Martin of that place, on Wednesday,
May e3, is announeed. Mr. Ross tete
many friends in this vicinity, espec-
ially among the members of the 1.0.0.
who send him their heartiest Con-
gratulations and best wishes foe a
happy and prosperous life..
Daener.-On Wednesday ' evening
Thomas Malloy passed away to his
long home, after a lingering 'illness.
He was a resident of our village for a
long time, and had been caretaker of
the Presbyterian church for some
years. The funeral took piece on Fri -
nay from the church, which wasdraped
in black for the occasion. The coffin
was almost covered with flowers. The
body was token10Clintoricemetery,
and laid beside his brothers and other
relatives, Rev. E. IL Sawers,officiae•
nd, the bearees being Dr. McIntosh,
Jas. McDonald, Wm, Scott, and Jas.
Rose, James Twitchell and family, of
Clinton, relatives of the deceased, were
present, and nanny friends from the
-village and vicinity attended the ser-
vices. •
The Methodists are busy drawing
the material for their neve church.
leliss Mary Porterfield, of Marnoch.
i8 visiting her sister, Mrs. JAB
W. Robinson, of Seeforth, spent
Friday in town renewing acquaint-
M.T. Thomson, of Woodstock, is in
town sating Mr. Thomson's flour mill
in operation, which has been idle for a
13/4Iiefball match played here on
Friday last between Bayfield and
13russels, resulted in a, tie. The genie
will be finished out in Brussels in a
few days.
The Annual Meeting of the Wornen's
Institute will be held neiday after-
noon June 1st, at the hour. of two
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. James
Campbell. Menibers are particularly
requested to be present, as this is the
most important meeting of the year.
The Treasurer wottld Lut vety much
assisted in her evoek if ell the mem-
hers, who have not already done so,
would hand in their fees at this meet -
leg, as this is the beginning of the
Institute yew'.
In the opening W. InA, Bennie Milne
with Seeforth tit Stratford on Tuesday
Stratfotd wite defeated by a score of
rwo tonothing
W08ildn'S F111.111'n Pastor
In the Peterbero Exanainer of Sa6r-
day, we find the following reference to
the coming pastor of ;Wesley Metho-
dist. Church, Clinton, and his vvifee
'AL, the regular meeting of the Offic-
ial Board of thp Charlotte street
church the following resolution was
pieced on the official records '
"That this being the last vegeta.?
meeting of the °Maim Board, during
the pastoral teruneof the Rev. NV. J.
joliffe, 13.0.L„ weesebe, officials of the
church, wish tdexpress our apprecie-
tion of the serviees rendered the
church by our pastor, during the last
four years, and while we regret his de;
parturet We wish bine God Rived and
success mills next field of labour," •
A number or the Board expressed
their appreciation of Mr, joliffe not
only as a pastor and preacher. ha also
as a mina stirling (plan tieseind there
. was a general feeling of regret by the
1nogaarinotolasaet, leis term of office was near -
0 f Dt &Won hgahrilsot!ftoeusrtyreeeatr otheromro"bit,sthpeasbtoolr.
ance of the churela debt has been paid,
The Sunday School. WAS enlarged at a
cost of $4,000 of whieh only a slight in-
debtedness 'remains. . • '
Air, ;Toni& will go in abont a week's
me o the London Conference, wher
i‘lifeethhasodioatnobinzi.othatolotn(loottohne,,, Weene
"A much enjoyed "At Home" we
held in the Charlotte Street 'School
House from the hours of 4 to 7 o'clock
the feature of the occasionbeing. th
xporieisktaticin of an address to Mragten
Mrs, Joiliffe, who was taken -by sur-
prise, thanked those remembering her
for their kindness and feelingly referr-
ed to her pleasant .associations with
them in Peterhoro. The following is
the addrees
, Dear Mrs. Jolliffe,-
We, the members of the Ladies Aid
t3oeietn, and the Women's Missionary
Auxilliary of the Charlotte street
church, gather, on this occasion, to ex-
press to you our eppreciation of your
see-00es and labours of love, and to re-
joice at the unprecedented success and
prosperity that have attended our
Churph and Societlee 'since you have
been amsngst 111,
We have found in You ft cheerful co-
operatorat kind advitona sympechetic
friend and One ever ready to give cheer-
ful assistance.. When opportunity off-
ered,your home hes always been at our
dispoerd, and especially at our recent
'Temple of Fame" your home and ser-
vices were most highly valued and
gratefully. appreciated. •
We are indebted also to every mein-
ber of your talented family, whose ef-
ieient sereiees we have Seen and a,p-
reciated in all' the various depart-
ments of pur cherch week, ,
In looking. over the past terni feelhat "
therehes been much to value and
r1j9y. end now mingled -With ' these
leasant experiences we find feelings
vf regret at your approaching depar-
We realize we are losing a, friend, but
etaihing en enduring friendship We
eed not ask you to accept our hest
vishes, but desire this token to lie it
orneinneritnee of the labours and joys
ve haye shared together.
the New Era
8T.M8Q4I°1r i.oe e year, iv; ea varos
M1/1•00 Wpihen net so paid. s
. Addttional Local News
'Twas only a dream;
read a dream the other night -0YerYtbill*
AVIVIaths 81:i win 11,
thought saw the Mayer ainvorit. and working
Ills coat was off, his sleeves relied rip, and sweat
was on his face,'
To setvi4herm; working lust so hard was ovidentlY
The spot where was toiling was right in nubile
As hensetwri:ggle.d era awl oarnestly to put smug
stones in place.
For AllOrimONV:1001081).ersorta watched him and jollied
As be puts forth efforts herculean, in other
words (Dee strong.
The mayor st0Dpea to Caleb breeths„ancl
turning to the crowd
Spoke out in tones quite clear and streng,perhars
twas somewhat loud
'This blamed old broken sidewalk has boon hero
unite long enough,
1 do not wonder that they say it looks so very
teugh. '
• .
The Council "has been going to" dx.it, for main,
a long, long der,.
nut %/Rotuma neglect 14 langer is this shameful,
heartless WAY.
SAM COOpQr will be suing us fax clainages this
And Fin sa,tisiled front what I know, they will
not be so small
e So hero shegoes; I'll liz. it up, rite° the work
y 1 d1; n eare for glory, neither am I after pelf,
• I hate to see a sidewalk, right in front of this
Sloane Block
'That lookeas if we simply (banned cement and
S broken rock,"
• . .•
West. Haien Women's Institute
The Annual district meeting of West
Huron Women's Institute was held on
Thursday last at "The Maples," the
home of Mrs. P. W. 'Watts.
. There was a large ettendance, about
sixty being present," including dele-
gates from. Winglettn, Goderich, Clin-
ton a,nd Holinesville, The meeting
opened withsinging the Doxology,
es.. Watts presiding at the piano.
The president, Mrs. French, of Clinton,
gave a very encomsaging report ef the
past yearh work, new branches hay-
ing been formed, and the total mem.:
bership heing materially increased,.
Members are becoming more enthuseil.
in this work, and the prospects are
bright for the coming year. ./
.' The Distria Secratery, Mrs. 'Colin
Caingnell of Godericie then presented
her neport, „foe the year, which was
very satisfactory ancl which showed
the different beam:hes throughout the
distriet to be inaflourishing condition.
The number of meetings, held in
West Huron the past year was 521
total attendance of women at their
meetings, 1,005 ; papers anclendresses
giyon, 84 ; total receipts, $151.77 ; ex-
penditures, $111,44 ; balance, $43.33.
Other items of business heving been
dealt with, a vote of thanks wae ten-
deredlo the auditors, Messrs, Young
and Bailey, also to Mrs: Watts for the
use Of her home for the meeting. The
general meeting then closed, after
which the directors retired to elect the
officers Air the emitting year, with the
following result : President, Mrs. W.
Jenkins. Holmesville ; 1st vice, Mrs.
Godericb ; end vice, am Bone,
Wingham t seceetineetreasuren Mrs.
Colin Campbell, G•oderich, •
Exeter District Methodists
The annual District Meeting was
held in Main street church on May 10-
17, Rev. A. H. Going, B, A., Chairman
of the District, presiding. Fourteen
Ministers 1111(1 fifteen laymen were pres-
ent, Rev. .T. Veale, Kirktoh, being
absent through serious illness. Exam-
inetion of remisterial character and
ability was satisfactory, and NV. A.
Walden and Davin Wreri were recent
mended to be continued on trial and
returned to college. It was receive,
mended that a geant be made from the
Contingent Fend to Main Se. church
fee payment • of supply clueing the ill-
ness of Rev. VV. Godwin, and from the
Snstentation Fund to 83'l ('00
It wag recominended that the Bethel
appointment be detached from Gran-
ton circuit and attached to Blifirville.
The hext Annual Meeting will be
held at -Parkhill,' end the Financial at
The cormexionel funds tire slightly
in advances of last year, esoecielly Mis-
sionary, Inirkton has built a new par-
sonage, valued at $2,350, and parsonages
on the District have been fernished to
the extent of $1700.
Roe, Vin. Godwin was elected to
the Stationing Committee,
Greet, preparations ere being made
for the District Stuinner School to be
hind at Grand Pend from the 22nd to
the 20th of August; inclusive. As the
Sunday school convention for the Die
trict is to be lied et the same time and
place, all the schools oti the Distelet
are requested to send delegates.
We t Huron Lieense ComMissionere
niet 'here on Weibiesdey,
I slept along se peacefully, Mardi)* had a call/.
Till shortly 1 began to wrote, and then began to
ilfy memory seemed to have a hold m
at soething
I had seen •
And very soon I realized 'twas nothing hut a
HOTEL SOLD.e-TEie Goderieh Sum. -
mer Hotel has been sold to a comPany
of Detroit capitalists, who secure pee -
session • in a few days: 'Mr. James
Smith has been carrying on negotiad
• tions to this end for some time. .
Saturday Is; Mr. B. Lappine accoon
periled his :wife to St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, Loridpie Where She underwent an
Operation for appendicitis. For a time.
her condition • was critical, but *hare
glad to knew that she ely
AOCIDENT.•eTuesday noon, Air
Perry pleMsteer ntierowly escaped
serious injury. from • 0, . ,young colt
which he was driying The h
tp.reare. and get excitech so
Plinesteel implied out of the. rig and
took held of the con by the heed. • The
colt threw him and fell upon him; : his
fore lege, resting en Ithe Plumsteens
body, and in rising the pelt' steed on
his ankle and hip, giving him two or
three naety cats, But for the peonipt
action on the, parecif ft: fetiV 'TeSidattg;'
Who happened to see the aceidenn Mr.
Plinosteel. Would have been seriously
hurt ; as it isle . will he -confined to
hie roopi for 'a. few inverse • • e • '
, .
r. an old Chntonian has
received' a splendid appointment" as
expert Chemist for is large Detreit
manufacturing. nrmi - For the past:
fourteee years he has.. been •Science
Masten of St, Catharines Collegiate
Instituteinin eni his departure trxri
St. Cathariees recently to his new
horns in Detroit hp was the recipient
of warm expressions of esteem in the
form of eddreeses and presents. from
the teachers and the pupils of the
Collegiate and others. AccompanYing
the address froni his collegiate friends
was a handsome solid leethersuit east,
while Mrs. Giffin wee the recipieot of
a. ease of solid silver tea. spoons, 51111 -
ably eegeaved.: •Mr. Giffin was wait-
ed upon by the xrembers of the Ep-
-worth League at St. Paul Street. Metho-
dist .church, and. peesented • with a
warmly wordeneaddress. bemitie
fel onyx clock de evhich was engraved
the follovving ioivceiption : • "Preeeiin
ed to J. A. Giffin, leh A., L. L. D., by
the St. Paul Epworth League:"
-Itt conversation With an Offieial nf
the Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd he in-
fon:lied us that the difficelty of secur
,ing sufficient help Was a serious draw-
bac& to the expansian of this business,
and .that it sufficient help could be se-
cured,. the firixi woeld operate both
_their mine, using the large- mill on
lillnie-streee for the manufactnre of
'cotton hoseonly, and they would equip
their old mill with new =alines and
manufacture worsted and woollen hose.
To show *hat eau be earnen in a knit-
ting mill, we weee told of a young girl
who applied for -work in the Clieton,
factory hist March. She was taken on
arid paid $2.75 per week, as the had
some previous experience .; on the last
pay dey,. May leth, she was paid lot
piece vvork $14.e0 for 110 beers' work,
or at the rate of $1.40 a day for ten
hours': work. This was not.any record
Week, and can -hh-done every day in
the year, As .all the knitting mills in
Canada Eire enlarging, a,nd the business
iS onlyin its infancy, ne good knitter
need ever want for a situation, It is a
geed trade for any boy te learn, 88
superintendents of knitting mills are
paid about the same salaries as bank
managers. 'The thin ten Knitting Cc.
piirpoSeS making a, canvass of all the
villages in Huron county, to secure
hehe, to'' Meet the demands er their
grewing business. Clioton should he
the Mecca, for all the farmers with sons
and daughters to retire to. The 'Doh-
erty Orgah & Piano Oce, the Clinton
Thresher Coe the Clinton Knitting ()o.'
and the Jackson Mfg. Co. are all
foes to secure help,
Baking Powder
--I 8 --
Once used, envoys used. Try it,
21e per pound,
P. Reekie's
N. B Finitie Vitriol and Paris
Green for spraying
• trees,
trielliV*1101101144.# %Ifli,16,1411011,
We recommend the 'use of
hecitese there is nothing else
so good for the teeth and .
the gnats.
is soothing and refreshing,
the antiseptic properties of
this preparation 'kill all dis•
ease germs making it very
necessary for tlie and
Peslifiaenlf7e416:1'11rPub8118tbo' re.
fien,4648,101,164.livnelles1111,, • •
• it i0 cielightfully perfumed,'
played hater inetbalt than the boys
did agaihst: Seitforth. on Satnrclay. I
would not have -referred to the •fietatteg
but them is evidently a wrung items- .
mien as to the 'strength of oUr team. -
The paid attendance on Saturday wee
miserably sand . • Ger share ot the
gate was only . $2.45 -not eipie h to
• pay expenses, yours, etc.
0: McKinnon.
artiele in questioh was contrib-
uted. -Eon
That Football Match
relttor the Nets 'Era
DIME Stit,-.The reference 'in your
eolimins hist Week describing . how
"the Lakesides of Bayfielcl took the
ilOtrqh Cuptearri into camp on Same
daye i
etc., s hardly just to the school.
team. It was not the Hough CLIP'
team, two of Ottr planers being unable
to play ; neither was the other a Bitye
field. teem ; their gotihkeeper was from
Seafortie one half -back from Zurich
and another from Brucefield. It eves
not 1 match, but ii, practice game hast-
ily arranged the' previous dity. 'We
hael practised hard the previous (ley,
end were in no coedition to play a feet
game, Tnen we woe kept waiting
over two Louie hir some of Baylleld's
elayers, atid,ctir boys vvere tired nefore
we began • At. that ' the maly .goal
scored was theeely it fluke, It is net
correct to say that the 11. team of
tWo years ago was the steongest
some years. Both lest yeer's team
aria the• present one ere better, No
team 'that twer deieuded the pun
Clinton Holds the Cup
The local Collegiate Insbitute 'foot -
ban teamdid not lia,ve very Rind& (11(11-
00113' in retaining possession of the
Hough Cup, aeamst the efforts of the
Seaforth team on Saturday. The
' score was 3 to 0, and the .play was even
more one-sided than the score would
enclicate, for the home forward line
had considerable hard* luck in their
shooting, the hall striking' the goal
posts and tnissing by inches au Several
occasions. The star of ,the.Searcirth
team was theirgoal-keeper, Who played
a magnificent game, but lie could not
The challenging team werejust about
as strong as . they have beee of late
.years, bet 'they were outclassed on
Saturday by the hometenni, whose
playing wee a, pleasant surprise to all
t he eiaectators. There is no need of
individual mention, for all reeked a
good game, - the combinatige neing of
stiperior quality throughput the
Seaforth won the 'toss, mad
cledigneinick with 'the wind and sun at
their backs. This advantage was of
me avail, howeyer, for their' goal was
cOnstantly in danger, ancl, it was by
hard luck that several goals were not.
scored by the Clinton forwards. The
half-tinie score was 0 O. With the
wind and sun to assist them in the sec-
ond half, the home team went in to,
score, and it was not long before Gras -
sick, by a pretty shot, scored on a pass
from jehnston, This was followed
very shortly by a goal by .Johnston •
from a pass from Graesick. Tlie third
goal was seored by McKinnon from a
foul. Another goal was scored, but it
was of a doubtful pature, a,nd was dis-
allowed, .
The - home tea,ni is in shape now to
meet, all comers, and as Owen Sound
end Goderich. may be here, the public
are assueed of some good football be-
fore the season close:).
' The Clinton team lined up as follows :
Gotil,11. Iladour backs; W. Taylor
and r„ Manning ; halves, R. McKenein
C. McKinnon (cape) and R. Marks ;
forwards, W. Manning, B. jolmstori,
O. L Cranston, D. McLean and D.
Brown Jackson, of Seaforth, refereed
in his used efficient manner.
Molsons Bank
Ineorporated 1855
Capital Paid up $3,600,000
Reserve Fund, $3;000,000
Total Assets: $30,000$000
,, SAVE YO ITR. riota.,Atts
by depositing in our Savings
. atilt . It does riot nequiren large
i mount to negin with. We pay
per cent it:forest on a:Mounts of
$1 min epwards, Better begin
now -deposit what you ean spare
-- acid to it whenever poosible.
We Will welcome your account,
laegci or small. .
A general Banking business
, transacted,
!ALT AND SEE, 1)13
Idittlaterf Glint0/1