HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-05-18, Page 3a
Nay- 18tb, 1906
• oh IWO /WIWI WO; king,
11 rf Bitola it/ Hot that grows
e nait
l•..,...ir.04tkont * she&
- • and doers *at On out. The Wad of
• bak that goods with if4Va Vosotoo
, t Se Montan Hair Ronewer.
Xtftlfaxenialee DIX It mere a deb, broom
?or the whiskers mat restatache Irg molts
Non -J nry Sittings for the County
of Huron
The non -jury spriver sitting of the
High. Court of Justice optima on Mon-
day, before Hon. Mr, ,l'initice ()lute,
with a docket of five cases: —
Pigott vs, the Imperial Oentent Co.,
action to emover for the valoe of cern.
ent bags returned, was by consent of
counsel postponed till the next sitting
of the High ,Court for this county..
costs of the postponement to be costs
in the cause.
Armstrong vs, Inglis, et al, au action
on a deed of land, was settled by C012 -
sent of counsel, His Lordship directing f,
judgment in accordance with consent I
minutes signed by counsel, declaring
the defendant the owner in fee simple 1
of the lands in Mit.
Duncan v. s. Oentles, an action for
dowry. His Lordship directed that
judgement be entetedfOr plaintiff for
doweeeeretepithe lands in the proceed -
begs mentioned, with -costs of - action,
Defendant to have the 'right to elect
within 30 days to pay the amountpro-
vided in the agreement dated the llt.h
of Mareh,1902, with arrears thereunder
and costs of acticen ; in such case the
same to be alien upon the land.
Crawford v. s. Tilden, et ar ivas art
action by a sub -contractor against It
sub -contractor, for work done by the
plaintiff.who resides in West Wawan-
eosh, the work performed being in the
neighborhood of Auburn. The action
necessarily brought Pigott &CO. and
the Goderich and Guelph Railroad 0o.
in. defendants. The leading argu-
ment of the diffendants was that the
lien could not be dabbed under the
Dominion R.R. Act. His Lordship di-
rected that it be referred to the Local
Master at Goderich to enquire and re-
port the amount owing to the plaintiff
and other lien holders (if any.)
Magle v s. Cullis, an action for the
"nice of the construction of a grano-
lithio pier at the villain of Auburn,
'The dispute is as to the manner • in
which the work was thine, the plaintiff
claiming that it was properly finished
according to plans and contract, and
the defence that it was imperfectly fin.
ished and that some of the material was
not up to the required standard. The
case lasted the greater pelt of the day,
and when the court adjourned at 6 p.
there were 20 witneeses still to ex-,
amine. During the evening the Par-
ties to the suit discussed their differ-
ences. and just when the Judges was
about retiring they called on him.• and
then all returned to the Court Rouse
and settled the suit in consent terms.
- • burn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont.
roe' Joe%veremeeviate..
,44U saltrelt,
„ •
"Ya t'4, sur, when Ale skinned nude
cards au' seen •dem to' aces Ah raised
e pen 1," •
"An' wet (11(1 he do?" •
"Den he opened de ratorl"--'
W EAI( How many wame°
there are that get no re-
freehment from eleelL
They wake in the mom -
ing and feel tireder than
when they went to bed.
They have a dizzy emotion in the head,
the heart palpitates ;, they are 'irritable
and :nervous, weak and worts out, and
the lightest household ditties &wing the
day seem to be a drag and a burden...,
are the very remedy that weak, nervous,
tired out, sickly women need to meter*
them the blessings of good health.
Tboy give sound, restful sleep, tone up
the nerves, strength= the heart, and
make rich blood. Mae. C. McDonald,
Portaga In Prairie, Mau., mita: "1 wae
troubkd with (thornless of breath, v•11:4-
tatiou of the heart and weak speU I
get lour boxes of Milburn's /URA and'
:Nerve Pills; and after taking thetas I Wee
completely cured.
Price 80 cents ner box or three boxes
_for $1.25, all des ere or the :The T. Mil.
Lover* of Piekeris' May ae Intereeted
LITTLE poi:trims ORIQINAL. !Ensnaring
to Know Thee "Little Derrit" Is •
Still In Lend of Living,
The erypt of the Churelt of St. Oeorge
ethiaetebaclafrtYTI gouthwark, so closely asfilo- $tepa should be Taken at eine
with Dickens, IS "t0 let" for
storage Ptar.Pssese' end' Paesers-hYa who to Prevent Po_r_tber Trouble,.
read the natich are remineed once •
of "Little Dorrit." ° Here in °Unto*, hl other eities
The original Of the character is still and towns, dyspepsia or stomach
alive in the person of Mrs. Cooper, wbo, troubles, are ensnariug victims in a
as Mary .Ann Mitton, was a playmate Of most; insidious way.
Dieltens and the Sister of his eleSest Nearly every mother'e son of us and
eeeece, compenion, hes lived at South- 'claughter,.too, expects the stonaach to
gale for more than half a eetstuiar. Al- accustom, itself to all manner of ill-
thoush more than 90 yekrs of age, she treatment, but the time conies when
Is still in full pessession of all her Tao- we cannot abuse it with impunity,
utiles, and takes an oatiloor walk every How much better it would be to take
RM. day. steps at once to strengthen the stom-
cenversation Mrs. Cooper showed tech and prevent further trouble.
how keen it pleasure it affords her to Me 110W and eoothe the
talk of the far -a WaY tinle13 1Vilen AS a irritated wane of -the stoninch, and
girl she attended St, Pancras Church strengthen the gastrie follicles so
with bcharies,'' and of the visits after- that they will pour out their daily
wtlyas paid by him' to Manor Farm, supply of digestive materia.ls with reg
fondest recollectione. One of her
Sunbury, where the Mittons lived later. , arepisapsrueltetiyete.4.sTriehreeekans
Of the boy Dickens she ratable the fbteheeefioi nriegl estal idinedeb ye nes s'e,rvploeoeuorse.
quaintest aneedotee tells how as a girl, vnehliaStWylollildwisaaaptpaeatra.naill.tdirnyeouyoetainiiekaet-
she teased him about his future wife •
Mi-o-na. is a coinbinationof remedies'
He declared that she must possess an
soiaae of which arethut **town in'
ntelleetuality which would qualify her
o take keen Interestin his work, and this country, andqs a. positive guar
' auteed cure for all diseases of the
vhen the girle remarked, "Then
wouldn't do for that, Cho.rles," Ise agre- stomach excepting cancer, .
Just one little tablet out of a 50 cent
No, Dorr.it, yoa Wouldn't do for
, box before meals, for a few days,. and
Mt" ' - you will soon regain perfect' health
Row *eon an intPrest both she a'nd and strength, and have no feat • of in-
ber..brother took in the young writer's -digestion or stomach troubles
work is snown fromthe tales she tells
of how "Charles" used to bring his
Manuscript and read it aloud to them.
"If we thought anything was not quite
as it, olitght to be, we would tell 'him
straight:- 'No, no, Charles, that won't
dont " Mrs. Cooper would say.
Of Dickens, the man, the old lady '
says: "There never was such a man. He
was so gentle and kindly to every one, It ENGLISH COURTS.
If cannot obtain ,Mi-o-na of
your druggist, it will be sent by mail,
post-paid;on receipt of price. Write
US tor adince 011 your case from a lead-
ing stomach.spectaliSt which will be
sent free. The B. T.. Booth Company,
Ithaca, N. Y.
and clever, for he never really, had
much education; but he hacl a natural' E"Ors of Justice vim
Be Less Feequent
• ghlfetmf.o,tr ‘nofieleg. things. and describing •
When Court Is Established.
The old iatly has still in her' posses- A now prineiple I English la* is laid
aim many relle.s or those old days, not- doWn lak the Lord Chancellors bill to
ably part of the nett -Capon which Veit-. ' establish a Coart.of Criminal Appeal.
ers slept when -he used to yisit'her bro-. . •Thefpressing nett' of such a".1alll has
ther during holidays- t Sunbury. She beenshown by the Beek cape of wrong -
PrO110 also of .having received inany ful conviction:. During the past few'
letters from the •great novelist In his yearsmany- men. have Suffered severe
Younger. daYs• penal.tlea en- crimes they did not corn -
She dearly..loves .te tell of the trou- mit, and had a Court of CrIminal Ap-'
bie she used to get into in ..the early peal. been in exhaenee' their innocenee
days of young Dickens' sojourn in Cam- might have been ,sstahaehea
In all probabtlsty the Windsor Vas- . •
Biers will go to Goderich this summer Clinton Post-ollift Time ',ruble
for an outing. .
distress after eating,. clizzihese, that
heavy feeling, wind and pains in
the stomach 'and furred tongue, take
Beec arns
O illg
lefore you retire to rest. They
start e gastrtc juices, asSist the
stomach to dispose of the food, en-
courage good •appetite, 'sound di-
gestion and make you feel life ist
worth living. ,
.Sold Everywhere. in boxes 25 cents.
Public Lorby Opens. ..... 7.34 *in.
.r. -Pablic.Lobby. closes .......9.00 pap.
Wicket & M, O. Office open 8,00 a.m.
P. O. office moses...'....-.6.00
Wicket closes ......7,00 p.m
M. ..
ails close as : :
O South ........, 6,35 aen ,
East. ,6.35 a.m., 2.50 p.m., 4.50 p.m.'
North .. ;.......9,50 a.m., 6,00 p.m.
• West ........ .
• Goderich -950 a.m., 6 p. rn 9 ., p,rn.
galls are ready for delivery approxi-
- mately as follows .
From North.. .8,00 a.m. 4.30 pan
•" West • : 8 00 a.m.
• " South....11 09a,ine 00
East. . . .. .8.00 a,xne 2.00p.m,
[from the niFht train
Goclerich . , •p.m.
, Copyright Photo, Mgroenu, New York.
The Home -Life at Georgian Court. •
OnN the most tnagnificent coautry imuses in the t:Iiited States is -Georgian
loud, at the head of the .beautiful lake Garasitljn, among the tall, *straight kitrgly
pines of Lakewood, N.J., and the wifiearld mother. who teakes :this palace a. home
is Mrs. George J. Gould, the daiighter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kingdon, formerly of
The beautiful Edith Kingdon efter completing • her education in England,
adopted the stage as a career, tied lier talent, *grace, charm 'told presence Were wie-
fling reeognition when in 1830 she was married to George Gould,' the millionaire
railway owner, and son of Jay Gould, at One. time Aineriea's leading finaecier.
Mrs. Gould soon becalm; one of the !nest populer of the younger society •tvornen
of the country and a leder in the world of fashion. Beautiful is the house in whieh
she lives, but far moee beautiful is the etitiosphere of love, sweetness and companion-
ship that fills the home with sunshine end happiness. It is.said that wealth often
makes fair favorites of fortune forgetful of the.privilegee mid joys of motherhood,
saerifieleg on -the-altar-of fashion, time aininttentioe .that should be paid to loving
watchfulness of the welfare of the eitildretti but Mrs. Gould is a Model Mother to°
ber six children, a devoted companion, confidant and friend.
The Goulds are praetically the only members of the ultra -fashionable set who
reside in the Country the year round, Georgian Court, built of light gray briek
mid terra cotta in the style of the French Renaissance, lies in beautiful grounds
rendered exehisive by a. high fenee of Wrought iron with bases and interspersed
posts of gray stone to match the hotise. The stables, harmoulzing in architecture
with the mansion itself, are stocked with horses of every description for the family
and giiests.
Over the stables is the theatre, a dainty, bijou play -house, complete. in every
detail, furnished in dark red end gold mid seating aboot one hundred and taVenly-
five. The Casino, devoted primarily to spot. has a epecial race -trade a great plunge
'swimming tank'mints for all games, and itbout forty bed -rooms suet half as many
hath-rootne;. to be used when a large hoilse-party overtaxes the hoepitidiy of the
reansiori. The Sunken Garden, whieli is sixty feet in width' and 126 et length,
is floored and walled with II:twice:4 inarjile, and fine sculpture peeping from a dark
background of evergreen shrubs and bushes, is refleeted in the elear waters of a la-
goon. Near by, too, is the woncleretil electrie fountain, sixty feet in diameter,
Of white marble; the 'mitre piece emisisting of a coloseid Nautilus shell of bronze,
. rotating a chariot on whieh stands thp heroic statue of a man driving a pair of plead
nimble ace:horses.
•liszotte hooding to Ad Of the tsrlesese of 001 tie, le the tem lettS, by W, 0,Meet, et the Deptansest ef Serenest.
-den Towne (Mrs. 'cooper was born' la • The etrect of the Lord Chancellor's
Hatton etertion); when, instead of re- fneasure, vvilloh la a very far-reaching
• turning straight bomeft:ftM• the serViee ' on will be to give a Derson convicted
at St. Pancras Church, slic useti•to lis- on indictment of .a criminal offsnce an
.ten to.•Charies/ persuaslone, and go IA marestrreted right lif appeal. On :"all
:see the "betalle 1°.n :hls gorgenre
ta ds •;.". points. • ' : ••. 1.. ' ° • ,. °
or sons•••such other wertiler Or chiltilisett, . As the. criminal law stand,i at pres-
Spealring os7f the.life at Sunbury,' sit.' ent, the Convicted pertion's' piny chance
'sale: - you .cuuld always flat - ("hart:es' • of appeal' restSon p. tonnie,ality. Slould
next week': sbe• ,inttoided, 'Ave taller lier•
clyiti:n:grs,o.uctiiclip.ii:ronogf..:tehrlo•pbau5y.:s. :1:s.tvii..1.:eifd, .. or •iii.:ointnittell:::17:;i'd' slie told. 'her • vis0clo'zi. ti.litt'
t o'do itI :little IshopPlis,. in•
- . - • . . 0 ..
`• Hew` • feW. 0 ;the ' passers-by in t h , •
busy* •streeti Will 'reCognize• ill, iitt 1.4
. Whit•t i -hal l'Ed. •0,tY'..)fitly as ' • t h e origin;.;.)
-"Little Durrit'' •„.., - .• °•--. . ••..,....•.,—
• 1,....nnegil 0.11TiliAsep. •
Dr. Somervide 1Iastiegs, lectifriag tit
the;'Lendou. lite or ' o:r
'Cleanliness le Next 10 Caillite'sS,'
said that people Were much cheerer
now than 111 the relgns of Queen Aley
and Elizabeth, when the washing of
• ton O was
hardly use, and ilueti;. was expeoeive:
The poor wore tough woolen garment ;,
O which Were never Traehed, and the lee.
ter Classes adorned themselves with
:silks and velvets; which Were dyed
when they Would no longer pa'ss Minh,
ter- ree,eird to; eleaplinesi. ' It is re-
c,oeded; •genfiened IllistingS, that
..T1111108 I.never evaelied eitherhuds or
fate during the period he poet' as; the
wisest fool .in Christendom,. but 'coil-.
fined•his cleanlinesS within the narrow
limits of wiping his finger tips'inion, a
damp. riapkin.;-London Telegraph: . ,
•• • Flatting. Par Sheep. • •
. IVIten• sheep were first. introduced
Into Cornwall, tagland, a flock which
had. strayed from the uplands on to
Gwithian sands were caught there by
the tide and Ultimately carried Into .
Ives bay, during the night.:• There
* the floating flock 'was observed :from.
the St. Ives fishing beats, whose erews,
• never havingeeemi sheep, took them for
some lee* kitd or fish and. did ;their,
best to secure them both by hoOks and
lines and IV netting,' Those they se-
• eurea they 'brought home triumphantly
'next Morning es a retch 'io. which even
pileharde were as nothing. .
• ., .
Wtitchthc skin
of PimpIes, Bolls, Rashes and
- Where the blood is weak and deprav-
ed the system lacks staying power and
foreee Vrightful dicers and unsightly
blotehee break out, the skin becomes
yellow and muddy,the eyesiack lustre.
Reader, does )• OUR blood need at-
tention 'J.' if so get Dr. Ilarailton'sPills
at once : they filter out all poisons,' eli-
minate disease making germs, nourish
and re -vitalize every deep of hifiod iri
the' body.
No medicine exerts such marvelous
influence for good as Dr. Hamilton's
Pills ; they clear the compiexion,make
it ex quisi tely beautifui ; they euro pine-
ples, rashes and skin troubles of every
kind. Read the followitig carefully :
No appetite—Bad color—Genera/
• Debtilty
iras run dowv,"writes Mr, Alberi.
E. Diekeon, of Patrhaven, P. O• "My
C0101. Was ChM arid Utillealthyr,'appetite
wits poor, and conetahtly suffered
from rheumatism.
t't found it hard to sleep, and felt
worn-out and tired all the time. Dr.
Ilemiltora's Pills inade an instant
ehtinge. 1 greW stronger, my blood was
restored, rheumatism vanished, To-
day I am vigot cheery and healthy
in every respect."
Won will never realize what • good
bean meaits until you feel the quick-
enin g,vi talizinge ffeet of Dr, Ilamiltons
Pills. Every tired, overetrained, ner.
•vous men and woman ehould use this
wand tonie regularly. Life will then
be full of happinessand buoyarit health.
Altdectlers sell Ihelfatuilton's Pills 2tie
P1 box, or boxes for $1. Ily rnail if s
twice is forwarded to N.O. Poison 480o. 11
Hartsord Cottu.k V•StAri and Hingston
thi judge agree to this ftlloettl It' is On-
sidered by the (bur t for the eons -Mora -
•tion or Crown Cases :a:served:
All this is swcpt 'awav. • by tile nett,
privilege of the b th 1 1
In feet. .
'rhe Court f CrfrnInal /meta wlii
consiet of ,"at lertAt ,thrt,e judges of the,
High:. Court," Th‘. bill afreets all erste-
In..ordina ry Ofiiiiinalc•ltns. 0:19,4
hill, andthe tippoat -is Allowed ds the
t kVSNiM'f.1 etiiart_Fi 1)11
,tereS vri,i a pri Is fo be riilowe-
J r,ri•vil 'go that at rives ,nt ex-
ISts of apeeetin t the Tioin; se3ve-
tary, .That aiinister can, howeVer, re:.
'mit the cas.-: t e Cout:t iar riminal •
..ApPeal. If rs it Outslde lt1;dis
. • • „
e ' * ease's • where sehtence of
••deatrehas be.eri passed is aot •aneveed,
but is permissible irt every ether ease,
whether. at, the assizea or quarter .ses-°
siOnS. VVhen itas, reheard In tire Court
.of criminal Appeal, that body. earl' pith -
ed quash the conviction and direct ac-
•quittni, or quaSh tees jad.grrient p;:esed
at the trial and. pa-, what ether
• sen-
enea they may think fit. . ••
Th e Crimi.nal Appeal Court may also
otinilder that rtts itealienatee ,sVaa .ins.arat
at the time the Offence was coatinitted
•and order hint to be kept in-:castoay
. lanatic,
Notice of the desire to atipeal Must
be given within ten de:Ye of eonvf6tion:
Shoal& the conviot ,exerctse •SsaVi-
lege, the' Judge who has tided iiire shall'
make a• report to the Appeal rpou'rt.'
That body, however, cannot pass a sev-
erer sentence than. has been imporeel
at the first trial. . • .
• The Criminal Appeal Court May sit
'either in Public or with Closed doors.
It has the right to h'ear the° eese irt tee
absence the appellant, but IL maY
assign him legal aid should his mean::
he.ansuftloient to fibtiktn It for hintseir.
• The at does not extonti Seolland
or Trelimd, • '••
° • °
Farmers Who do their own fencing
•Will be interested in knowing that fifty
teet of .hoard's- will builcl a rod a fence
feur. boards high, the bottoih board: be:
Ing tett Inches .
. . The itortulsteaO . •
SOMO .floWers seem. to enjoy the
greatest degree ot heat that :eau come
from the direct rays of the sun,. The
• portulaea Is closed in the 'morning, but
-ereeiropene -end is-ftr-filll-hitIetn-auttatp
pareatly enjoying itself highly shortly
before noon. The hotter the day the
brighter the colors of this flower.
oys' cc
Boys and their wants, will be given particular attention for the next week,
We have received and put into stock, a large consignment of
Boys Suits
bought at a price which enables us to sell them at exactly wholesale figures. All
new, choice patterns and tailored to stand wear,
Our Clothing Window
will be devoted entirely to the display of some of thesslines;- it being impossible
toshow a full range in limited space -and each piece will have a, price ticket attached,
our acrobat will be on exhibition, in the same window, for the benefit of the Boys.
Now for the week with the 130ys. •
A. R. SMITH, Clinton.
artre. BURNS' COURT' sus z.
Mafia by the Firm Which Supplied His
Uniform When a Page RoY•
A. last the secret as to tyke •made
• .Tohn Bums' court suit has been divulg-
ed. Messrs, Hill Brothers of Old Pond
street had the privilege.
W. Blues, • the mayor. of Batfersea.:
who is a tailor himself, tens,. in Tallot
and Cutter, the story of how every tall-.
or in London witnted the order and how
every pressman tried to penetrate the
• - "Why Mr, Burns' went to Hill's ti
_. ' '
t iannrci v
question which nature:1'y ariees in mitnY
tete says. "'We ettriaot do better
Mx. Borne own exPlansalcs
to out•setves. ,
, "'In thinking over tha :natter," said
Mr,' Warns, 'I thought I ,could. sot do
better than. patronize, as a Cabinet
Minister, :the firm whose workmen bid• '
txuIde and presented the with . a suit,
.and so made Inc an honorary customer
Of the firm, when I first -entered' Parlia-
ment :as. a private member.'
"This makes the third occasion tzeoti
Which Mr. Burns' career has, been link-
ed at 'important: points 'with the flrr-t:•
Wine, page -boy, the .gentlernan with
whom he took service happened to be a
easterner et the Bend street firm, and
cleat, indisputable and peculiar em-
phasis ok this business, and when it
comes to Millinery we insist that- no
' store anywhere round here has a better
showing, We've had encouragement
enough already. this . season to know
th7at we're on theright side of every
comparison, and we're 413ending our-
selves to .excel ourselves at every point.
Please call on us, 0 The chances are that
we have the precise. .shape you want
and "what we haven't in stock can very
easily be got,
omethirty-hve years age, when he be-
April, 20th, 1000.
$ mporium, e..ondeshero.
' ' •
his first uniform •Waa made there. ;
."This aequettee ofevents is remark-
able, to say the least:of it. °F.Irat as
pageeboY then as plain al; P., now as a
Bight Honorable,: ,vith Cabinet rank,
•'"Whis' shall say*hat theefutura ea
•.-itteatorST-SOMe slay,ISillairrt.; We shal
hrhniel 't • that
Sew- it* •Machin-e.s. at Bargain .rices
• •
• •
• We haVe decided to quit Sewing: Machine business.
and will close, out. the balanee 9f our Stock. at 25 per Gent
. J?etqw regular i'fiC.e's,—
s . . , .
1, ....., . The " Neiir Will-at/1'g 'Qell Cabinet worth $Ce.00 for. . . ... :. 4433.75
• • Five 1)riiever Deo. Head laWtliii45 00 f4r .
have made his ?rime Minister'e
•- .e.rbjefigtorze?, • "0 .-xecrralv vaz50.
,.. $46. ott
form "
4414, 411• ehelleiv IILYTH
Ilesemblantio to Shatif.
Hale, the wee e'orreSponetera
writing in Loudon 'Opinion and To -day
on the 'unequal. talent to be found 110 the
'House °of • Conntions,•.•tells a,. story he
.ard• of a eex
taken: for Bernard Shaw. He and Mr,
Shaw were once in the .sam.,,.TuritIsh
.bath, lying. en slabs. with towels over
their faces. The attendant earne along
and touched the cioxcinnb. en the shoul-
der.' "Ready,.. Mr. 'Shaw he. said. The
• coxcomb bounded'. to. hie feet, allaglow
with pleasure at:being" mistaken for a
man of °intellect, After . he •hid- been
robbed° down he gave the,attendant half
.°te.sistrereign. tor.s;) full. wart she Of •the
pride that giieth 'before a• fall. 'At; he
turned to go he Said, "Er•LL-sety man,--er
• ,-;--what made yetijalateriferne for tter.4.
nerd • s psr?1,-.11ie...SAtr.ndant grin zie d.
'.."Er—well; sir, you pee, air,' you 'ave the
°seine sized feet"• '
' • . •
50Irs. .&i.10:tillree$ICest-n1416.1tliere*S. auYthing.0
Pilate irS writing letters:: • •
• w tocks-Do. you?
• Mrs. Ninvrocks--Yee, indeed. I wish
SMiiehody ariveut an easy :sub-
stitute :for, apelling.-em ,Watson's
. A Vriendly• . -
"I don't see why you gave. that wait-
er a tip. It wes the •worst diener
ever ate."
eThat's why .1 tieped *I thought
glee, him soattillting, se." that he
eenld go 'out fled buy his own.l!--eludy.
, . Furniture And Underta.kei.
Ofeir '
• Mrs. Iloylee.:My huSband. is a.eliatig.,
ed Man,.
*8. Ilnyir-fe that so? ,
Mrs. Hoyle -Yes. I told Wm today
tear etether was sick. 1(101, he didn't
The Cedar.
Tho cedar is an emblem. of immortal -
it b u 1
evergreen foliage. It is said to have •. . .
been so regarded by the Jew e 1,000 •
years before the Christian era.
Buy your. Buggy where quality as well as •
. appearance is considered in manufacturing,
and have yotir repairing done -. by exper-
ience d men. . .
" Alt are found at
Rumball & .1VieMa-th's
,• Huron Street., Clinton.
$$. 444t4$ It4T4
pid you ever Stop to think ?
Miami buying a Dinner, Tea or Toilet Set or Fancy Ohina,
lirst-class „oloocls. nveto-ditte shattes or decorations he sure and call TV'
SLqis aii 0),A3
• We lead in Quantity, Qaality and Pricee. . •
fif Special cut'priees Sugar,in 109 lb bags
sE EDS:All kinds, Rei ()lover, Alsike, Tiznothy, O•r-
chard Grass, elangold and-Tavnip Seed, Qatar.
44 it, Ageienitural Collage says : "Yellow Leviathan stands at the
head of the list irz yteld per acre it 23 different varieties."
. Sold by
• Higee-There goes a Politielan who
has paid the price of sizecess,.
bet. he .tlidn't receive as
cemuge 11S he expeeted.--Detrolt
y,b the symbol el g suggested by its reele„„„
The Polar Axis: •
The polar axis of the earth was dis-
covered by Sir John Herschel to be ex.
aetly 500,500,000 inches.
The male wasp is said by some natu-
ralists to perform no work whatever,
while others assert that .the males are
• the seavengers of the community, keep.
Ing the nests Clean and .earrying Obt
• the bogies of the dead._
0 00
Beene° Moriaultoeor.
The worst Infested neighborhood In
MC world is the coast of Borneo. The
streams of that region aro at eertein
• seasone. unnavigable because ot the
clouds .of mosquitoes Which fill the air
and make life insepportablee Mee oft
ships lying along the Borneo eoast At
often driven delirious by the... pain and
loss of sleep eaused by inosnlitoes.
Noble hy
possessed, Charles III, of Navarre and
was styled the Noble on account or the 1
many exalted traits of thara.eter he
Alfonso VIII, of Leon and Castile
Solimitti of Turkey received the same
Ont. .
title .
The heat' le the largest gland In the body : Ile
Maim la to fake front the biood the properties
which form bile. When the liver I* torpid and
Intlatadd iteinzet furnish bile to the bowels,
causing them to become bound /sad colitive. The
ornaptAng are a feeling of Undo or weight lu
the right iiideA and 'bootleg palms in the genie
region, pains betweee the shoulders, yellosvnees
a silo oldig and eye*, bowels irregular, coated
tongue, bad taste bs neeraing, eta..
Clinton Sash..; Door., and
Blind Factory.... • ..
The Town of Clin,tou is on the eve of
a "boom," you contemplate building;
let us give you otivestimation, etC.
larneadquarters for alt kinds:of builders' Olaterials.val
O $t; S. COOPER, olintott
kis pleasant tied mey to take. de bee WON
weaken or doksei. never fail in tizeir effeets,
at* by' tar Ow Watt and egtdokink taigIndl fOr
kal diseases or disorders at do**.
Price 2.5 reuto,,or bottlea for $1*
all desions or bugled dboot 410 nosipt
priori by. 'the Iiiibura 00, United,
Toronto, Ont.
eau do the work to plQase you,
The elinton Now IraBook Job
Department is fully equipped for the pro-
duetion Of firteNappearing Sale etc.
If you want horse 13111s this season; we