The Clinton New Era, 1906-05-04, Page 3Atsy -At 1906 er „ alfe . t agteirt r8ai.�l t rid Ott V Res frd fr soler ] atrt.rt qld out 1. Restore freshness, at+'�iii ► sg. to your gray hail; r Hall's Vegetabl. eirilisn'Heir Benelller will do all thiia. gold for over halfa century, your air !or the whiskers and moues/ hs we twits NIIQHIN4gAM'a DYE. ft colors a rich brown ore soft black. R. P. HALL A CO. 'Nashua. N. H. Farmers' Field Meetings News Notes The cost of labor in fighting weed, insect and fungus Nests which, like the poor, are ever with us, is one of the most serious problems with which far- mers have to contend. The Seed Con- trol Act has had the effect of'increa'- ing the price ,paid to farmers for their pore seed, and of reducing the price for their low grade seed. An even greater discriminetion in prices is like - lye y to follow. w. New weeds continue to be- introduced. The trade in agricul- tural seeds has been a fruitful means of spreading them. The shipment, for feeding purposes, of screeningsfroiu Western grown wheat to points in the Eastern provinces is another source of immediate danger. that should not he overlooked. The noxious nature of new weeds that are being introduced in various ways is seldom well under- stood or their danger appreciated by farmers until they have become well established. The Dominion and Provincial De- partments of Agriculture are more. than ever alive to these dangers which threaten to become a serious loss in crop production,: and in the Eastern provinces they are co-operating again ' this year in holding field meetings dur- ing the month of June, when weeds, insects, fungusdiseases and plant growth are most in side y ce u , Seventy of these field meetings are ' being. arranged by . Supt. G. A. Put= nam, in connection with the Farmers' Institute system of Ontario, The ser- vices of Prof. Lochead of the McDon- ald Agricultural College at Ste. Anne de Bellevue have been secured to con- duct similar farmers' nature study meetings in the three Maritime prov- inces. Here is provided an opportunity for farmers to get, at first hand, informa- tion that cannot be given or demon- strated in hall meetings during the winter months, No Satisfaction in Eating '. Food does youno good. You can't digest, consequently you're afraidto eat ; tongue is coated, mouth tastes.. bad, stomach is bloated. Prettysoon you'll be overcome by weakness and nervous prostration. • Best prescription for our condition is Dr. Hamilton's Pills .i: of Mandrake and Butternut. For dyspepsiaand' in-' a digestion it is doubtful if a better rem- edy will EVER be devised, • These pills bring new strength and, vitality to the stomach and digestive. organs ; theyS build up the general health and instill such vin. and resisting power into the system that sickness is impossible ; tt y Dr. Hamilton's 'Pills. The steamer Ames• discharging at Fort William a cargo of 30,000 kegs of nails consigned by the Imperial. Steel and Wire Uompany of Collin wood • to ' Winnipeg jobbing houses.. This is the I largest consignment of nails ever un-' loaded here It will take 127 i ears to carr this car o to its destination. The egs, 1 p ace' en • o en • sou •. re a distance of tv►'elve miles. The mag- nitude of the consignment will give some idea of the vast growth of. the Canadian Northwest. Edmonton has been finally chose. as the capital of Alberta. The Dominion Gold Reductio Works at Kenora •vers burned,;] . ('hales .L Stinson, former steel manufacturer; was killed by a train a River Forest, If you p refer to take me eine in to let a e arinyouc nnoavobtain l)r,Shoops Restorative Tablets, Absolutely no change has been nrad.q in the medicinal ingredients,: Sold. by W.S.H. Holmes. The Emperor •.o1 'Japan (starving,; Japan) has donated $100,000 for the re- lief of the people of.San Francisco, and the business men at Tokio. ' and Osaka have contributed a like sum. It pours the oil of life into your. sys- tem, 'It warms you up. and starts the life blood circulating. That's what Hollister's' hooky, mountain Tea, does, 3oc Tea or Tablets. Ask your Drug- gist. , ®Many of thewonsen of San Francisco are wearing blue jean trousers, that being the only available costume. Some of thein may find' such' emancip- ation in them that they will abandon them with regret. Mr. Henry B. Bridgland, Sheriff of Muskoka, has resigned o re ned ' after tar brae t .ears in office,in .order to years return to heatless. A successor has not yet been named. Sheriff Bridgland is:a brother of the late .Dr. S. Bridgland, member for Muskoka for some years. t-ONDON'S LATEST FAD, Chameleons Which Changer Calor` .to Suit '?reps of.,Miptres'y, The chameleon promiseS' to be a fay. orite pet In London this year, One great point in favor of the chameleon is its aoconsrnodating habit of taking on the hue of the color egainst which It Is ir':teed. Thus one chameleon will tnitteh up with gowns of 1Ii f a rloaan rtil't'ert nt shades. Se, !s th,tttt;ti ra51t1"tritbte, it is really quite an ee,m• •deal adornment. n :Mich, homer. r, will depend upon the weather, for, like* the summer girl, the eh:nneleert only thrives when the sun t is bright. !'o Import thein n rw would b a!rn > it moan 444, as a slid snap tt r>.t'.•] r •fi them of tlte.r brightly col- ored 1 1 hills lives me Th ehamel on Is really the Ideal pee -.t pet. I. has. tt 'habit ,•f 'bitting •on its illnd legs, and it"has weird, star- ing t•yes perched on the trop of Its head., To pursue natural history further, It may be pointed out that, the chame- leoit never goes far fr ,m howl?. • . It Imo two little arms, with almost human -fingered bands, and with these it 'clings fur an indefinite time to• any thing on which it' is placed. For .1n - stance, if you put a chameleon on a Plant it will cling; to that plant until res. Or If „a lady attaches it to a her gown It will +cling passionately to the dress. It will never fall off, and' it will never run away. In fact, it Ina.Y be said that chameleons always become Very ' much attached to their owner, The species most recommended is the one hailing trent Morocco, which is about five inches long, and has a fas- cinating habit bit. of curling a' u g its tail be- tween tween its legs and up its chest. Oneof these placed on its hind legs' and pro- vided. with penholder as a walking -stick will sft for boors on end- without mey- ing: The diet of the chameleon consists of meal -worms -with which` your 'baker will: surreptitiously supply you -- and. Cies. The latter the chameleon catches for himself in the summer montkms by shooting out his ooin$,retively immense. tongue. - There is one sad 'aspect to the wham eleon..fashion; -. When the summer has flown and .cold weather comes; the chameleon must die Hitless sheltered''in a;very hot plant house er.sen.t south fur the winter:. One well-known ,marehi'on- ess, who became very _firnd of her chameleon, last *summer sent 11 to Bisk- ra during the winter ni iths. At the present moment Itis Inexcellent health, and will be restored to its,devoted .inis- 'tret}s '-ma•hen spring. d evelops.• . • The . Hamilton 7.';mes makes this point :-Mr. Ross made a strong plea for the a'orirule' o t in local . ina tl a .tion J T P matters, but e bhe was.o t utvoted by a 'Government majority of 43, 9 And how many of the temperance .extremists who. knifed hien will thank him for his effort ? • Those who have' taken other laxa- tives without satisfaction -and those who have taken. such quantities of.:, other laxatives that they have lost their' effect -will find a pleasant sur- prise in Lax=ets • There is usually no no pain, gripisg, nausea ortliscoinfoat even in severe cases. This candy bowel laxative -LAX: FITS, is only 5c and is sold by.W.S.R. Holmes. • Often -tithes in the sudden illnesses of. children if'.a reliable remedy is avail- able fatal consequence can be avoided. For these emergencies parents are, urg- ed to have athandready for immediate use,' Dr. Shoop's 1)iptheria -Cure, Dr. hoop's_ (7rou p• Cure, Dr,Shoop's: Worm Cure and Dr. Shoop's Pain Panacea. Childrens ailmentsesu dpromptness d an ' above all else. There is nothing harsh orha t can possibly t a p y h arm' in any of these excellent household medicines. Sold by W. S. R. ,Holmes. Apollos C' . -Estee'', fashionably dressed, pleaded guilty to embezzling. $8,000 from,the Union Foundry Works, Cnicago, of•which he was paymaster, and was sentenced by Judge DimpPuy to one year's imprisonment.: Esmoll s.ent the nione ; in riotous living; de- serke• •is.wi e an ami y, a,n•. was captured only after a long search. While Esmcli was being . seiltencecl William Deckman, seventeen years of age, poorly clad and seemingly with- out friends, stood before Judge Kavan- augh. He had held tip Eddie Dettloff, a boy, and taken a nickel away from hinm. He,.too, entered ;lift of guilty:. "One year,' g, said the a WVhen the youth was told • that :a roan who had'stolen 160,000 tunes as mouth as he had received the slime sentence, he ex- claimed : "When I'' get • out I'll do something; bid': I might as well go der hull limit. ' 1 Ksep your eyes open and •be sure that when you ask for Perry 'Davis' ' Painkiller you get just that and noth ! ing else. Use it promptly : to care cramps, diarrhoea and all other bowel complaints in sampler. Bellevue, Texas, was' destroyed by tornado and fire, with a loss of about fifteen lives. IRS BUNTER'S ' STORY Says she and her Husband p tlA gree , >Perfectly, Both ,Q bite Wen, h. 1igairi. I'lioto by Natmnn; hrantroal ROBERT G1LLESPIE REID The Uncrowned Czar of Newfoundlafld. Mrs I. Hunter, of il:l Raglan- Road, King- ston, Ont., haswritten for publication a state. talent of hercaseas fol- lows i • . "I have suffered with kidney ` and liver trouble :.and chronic M:asL HI.N'rER;titne. I was subject to dizziness, bilious head- ache, nervousness, drowsiness; pains in the back•and side, and a tired,weary feeling nearly` all the time. - "I tried almost every remedy,was- treated •hydoctors and druggists with little or no benefit.. "Finally, a, friend advised me to try Dr..1';eonhardt's Anti -Pill, and the re- sults Have been. truly wonderful. "My husband has used Anti -Pill for rheumatism and" was benefited greatly. We agree that Anti -Pill is a most won - CLINTON NEW EEA , You Are Ailing Find the' Cause ' for the Weak- ness and Nervous Dread That Overshadows YourLife. Yon can't keep up forever, Sooner or later Nature will retel against the strain that is imposed on your overworked system. So far, will power and, nerve may lstm,ve tided you over, but the enol is probably near at hand. To -day the cotnnion complaint with. weak men arid women is lack of kid- ney vitality, Here you have the cause of your ill-itQaltla, Wouldn't it be wise to use a time - tested remedy like Dr Hamilton's Pills --they cure that "ailing" feeling in one night, Next morning you feel like nein.-bright, fresh, . and. happy. Appetite improves, dull, sallow color grows ruddy and clear, proving that great good is being done by this sci- entifie medicine. Thus writes Mrs. D. F. Fowler, from Yarmouth ; "I used to feel drowsy and heavy, niy color was, sallow, and there was usually a bad taste' in my mouth. I had vague pains all through my limbs, and an annoying headache as well. "After one dose of '10r. Hamil ton's Pills there was a sudden change. I felt better, may appetite increased, and that exhaustion and depression. gradually left nee. Life seemed trigh ter and happier after I used Dr. Hamilton's ills, so I • strongly.recommend such a. good r, medicine. Mrs, Fowler's letter . , l v is a message to you and all others in poor .health. • You can't do better than follow her advice. •• Dr. Hamilton's Pills you cer- tainly need ; then why not get them' now and enjoy the abundant good health they are sura to'bring you ? Price 25c per box, or five boxes for l 00. A t all � , A dealers;or b n r i l a fro y m N. C. Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn., U. 5, A., and Kingston, Ont. A Land' of Luxury. • Spain is a land of luxury. Its people spend' $31,000.000 a year for wines, $23;000,000 for cigarettes and cigars, $20,000,000 on lotteries, $13,500,000 on: bullfights and $12,500,000 for other hol- iday enjoyments. Chinese and Eating. The chief care: of the Chinese is to eat nothing cold. Warm. or hot food they absorb. in abundance, but rightly they maintain that tool food' lowers •temperature of the stomach. beyontd the: point where digestion: can Continue; and so the hea'lth.. of. thesbody: is ` en= datigered. ••' The Early Normsin'•King, -• The -.early Noriban kings, besides be ing kings', of. Fngla nd,,.'Ware also dukes. of otrnandy, and souls ofthem: seem :ea to think u►ere, of their continental than ,of their English possessions •' What. $,lin Dger,. ., In parts of iustralta where theaver= ie i earl:'.. rainfall is not ..Blorethan tell inches a, square ]guile: of land will support only eight .or niue sheep, In.• the :Argentine Republic South Ameri- • ca;• the sante 'Ascii, . with thirty: -four . Incites of rain:'.supports 2,060 sheep.' Y,.. r, Eyeginsees... Let• eyeglasses lie •iii' airohol` for a ftiw, nfoments; then ;polish With ' ehtt= snots. If •the-1lasse8 are' set into gold . 'slues a 'flue. camel's hair brush will .lift the dust from the. edges and make derful medicine . and heartily lecoin- 1 `:tliehr ]cola:: th a rteiv, mend it.". This is a. very strong :recommenda- tion. Anti -Pill is undoubtedly the greatest of family remedies, All drug- gists, or the Wilson -Fyfe Co.,'Limited,' Niagara Falls, Ont. •The. •t tthree-fifths clause .in the'On- i io 1' ." lgmmor, hill was sustained .in the House'by a majority of 43. - • • Have you pains in the back, infiama- tion.of any kind, rheumatism, fainting spells. indigestion or constibation, Hol- ' t' iister's Rocky Mountain tea makes yon i well, keeps you well, ' Ask your Drug- gist.. • II:tye . you we• akness Of any kind - 'stomach,. back or any organs of the body t? Don't dope yonrselt withordin- • ary medicine, tollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea is the supreme curative pow- er. 35c Tea, or Tablet's. :Ask • .your Druggist. . ' Whenevev your• bowels skip a day without a movement- takeaLAX-ET. Whenever your breath is imacl;-your skin waxy or sallow, your tongssercotyte ed - your hireteth foul -take a LAX -ET only 5a. Sold by tV. ,S.A, Holmes. The West befit License Oommissiou- ors have granted a license to the Ran- kin house at last. Public sentiment against the effort of the bosses to ruin John Pleasance out of partisan revenge was too strung to be longer resisted. But, the exhibition of partisan mean- ness given was a striking one. • In view of the, interest at present at- taching to life assurance in Canada, it becomnes;worthy of note that, accord- ing to it return laid on th,e table of the. House at Ottawa on Tuesday, that the, total amount of life insurance in force its Canada on Dec. 31, 1005, was $0330,- 334,210, an increase during the year of $42,403,450, The largest landowner in the world, a short time ago,' wits Robert G. Reid, the Czar of Newfoundland, who owned one-sixth of the island which is nearly as large as England, and held the welfare of the colony with its two hundred thousand people, in the hollow of his .hand. A most remarkable and romantic story is the history of this man of Monte Cristo dreams, 'unparalleled concessions and inon= opolies came to hien from a people .who practically mortgaged their island for his readymoney and help in hoursot need,td, tri di nrecognion of its saving the.CountrYbt its tneen they made him at uncrowned titnrat. -- Born. ise-t;'aupar.,._AAnges,. 5c otlaucl, sixty-thr� y eimrs ago, he .went as a young man to Australia in•thc gold -lever days; and "white there built soinc`puliGc wake. and acquired the foundation of his knowledge of constructing and contracting which afortune. In 1871 he• ledto his a to q tatcanto ,n to America and g.t d mane his first bit in engineering work with his splendid !•:dgc over the Niagara river.'Thon:' he bridged.t•he Iiro Grande,. and wolf a national reputation Naar a long string of other engineering triumphs. Bead, audacious acid resourceful. he performed impossible work with a certainty and ease than w•; IT" appalling. He went into railroad work and whatever his hand touched blosso•netI into success. (bre of the most (iiflit•ult sections of the Oanacliaim Pacific Rail,vaywas'entrustcd to him, amt the obstacles that Nature had put in his way were brushed aside as if they were cobwebs. In 1800 came the dawn of his greatest success. Newfoundland watt nearly bankrupt. This colony with ambition was struggling with political corruption complicated with Chaotic chicanery and mismanagement, The government was crying fora railroad --•-steel tracks tltrbugh the wilderness. They made a proposi- tion to Reid to build 200 miles,' this he did and did it well. Three years later they called on hint again for mare i.ruilding; they had little money but they had land privileges, concessions, franchises, rights and tttonapejies -these were placed on a silver platter which they 'implored Reid to accept, In lifts emergencies he re- peatedly tante to their moue till the hooke of his wealth showed to his credit 7,000 square miles of the most arable sections, forest areas, mineral belts, lakes a.ncl rivers, the railways of the colony, its telegraph system; 8,000 miles of coast reeks, and other monopolies too lengthy to catalogue, Be died great things for the peo 3 and the eoutitry, but despite his eniferprise, hit generosity', his kindly rule and wise administration, and that of his three eieel while he was absent, the gru m5 of the • • le welled into rebellion, and four years age bit 'power sari .. that Bond rigleee. MlLBUR'S XA-Li VES PILLS are Inlid,`eure end cafe, and aro a lterlt.:it regulator Of the system. Mikey gently unlock the secretions, clew. way all effete and waste matter from cl,, system, std gi.c. tone and vitality to u,. whole Intestinal tract, curing Ooestt;w t1ion,.Qlek Headache, Biliousness, 1)yrpe•p Stay Coated Tongue, Iloul Breath, Jain 004 •Heilt't4'airtt,l►nd Water.Bi°t►sla.. Mrs• l< M. Ogden, Woodstock, N.1L Writs*, "My husband end Myself haws *sea Mtl. itiw.w''r ]'.sats-idver 1'illa for a ember err PS think we oailnot do *themtake.* Vary see the hely ]gills 'ee rtresi Fria IH esuts oir taw.' bottles ilea $1.000► iM sit d ttitr+t direst ori_ lieearifrr r1 t r±owt, A Wonderful Hook. • Zile world's Most ieinimrkable at least -so far as Its appear:Inge is•cop- seined, is " iii• the National library of Paris: The letters are cut out of, tissue . paper with a ppair of scissors. Each sheet of blue tissueout of which the letters are' cut is placed .between two . pages .of white,. and so the matter la• •- easily read. o L, ., Nova Scotia Indians. Indians are still very numerous in Nova.Scotla. They are guides;'hunters, fishermen, and they live on the out- skirts of the villages as well as on a reserve on Bear river and make moc- casins, baskets, rustic furniture and other odds and ends. .' The Nightingales. The nightingale always begins his song softly, like a well trained orator, and gradnlly, swells to a climax. is yourCat s.rrh any better? Probably getting worse all the time. Why not give up that seuff n,d stop. dosing your stomach i' The one sure treatment is' "Catarrhozone''', sure to cure, because it goes where the disease really is,. Certain to -cure in your ease because it I as restored tens of thous- ands tvoise than you are. Catarrho- zorte:is a thol'oue•II cure, because it.de- stroyes the causes AA well as°the effects of the disease. Relief is prompt, cure is quick with this powerful. 'remedy which is guaranteed to enre catarrh in in any part of the nose, throat, bron- chial tubes or lungs. ARTIFICIAL BALI NESS. 'The . Ancient and Strange Custom of - Shaving the Head. A historical' Inquiry I1I1O°the origin 0s the custom of shaving the head, Which Is praeticed In several countries, cul'. be interesting, d nteres ting, • It was mot until the fifth century that lrl.nliropepriests began to -,shave their ro n 4 w s Roman The . clergy then adopt- ed dopt-ed the circular methodand shaved that smuall 'spot on the top of, the bead which. Is known as the ton - Mite. In Scotland, however, the Monks shaved the whole or the fore part of the head from ear to ear. In'the Andaman islands evert m,Oi !shaves his head, or, rather, gets bis wife to shave it for. hinm. Many other Orientals also get baldheaded. - As for the Chinaman, his method of Mowing 'Is exactly opposed to that of the Roman monk. . Ile Shaves ]til but'a round patch, the hair of which grows long and forms the pigtail, Wiren the difficulty of shaving the head is borne in mind the true strange• Ws of the custom becomes . doubly kpparent. "It Is hard to see 'the ad- vantage of it, yet in one farm or Mk* other and at one tilfne or other it ]hili San Francisco's Disaster is an event of ° the immediate past' but loott to 16, Smith's 8 for your immed- iate, wants of the future • Every man and boy wishes to be wish - , es to be; well dress- ed at a moderate cost,in clothingo ' - f �tyl.e of quality; -that w fit correctly, stayin shape and wear well. � l AU these requisites are included in our Picaddil ly Brand Clotliing. Each garment a ern. texpressive of•aI t h t - .�smart in fashion material, tailoring, and :fit, 0 Do not f . et that • we are '' g Men's and j3'p s outfitters Y from head' . fog foot also. •. can we hand your produce at the � highest market rix s. ��'T. -p-f��t� A!, •� . TAT ' • * *4D-ur t.R7 I.b.iza, 1.:1 F�`�T as w'Y .�'..t C'ltothier titled ]Fuirnishei- domommk A. R. . SMITH, .' ' CLINTON • ifevilie a Tower of Goa. .Th @xamous "tower gold" of Se- ville,. ..ville,. a huge octagon in three singes, was so caped by lea royal sioorislt builders because of its yellow color: which Is brilliant In the AndsItrsiriii sunlight and, moonshine. It was used as a 'prison by, Peter the Cruel, oIi r S n or whistling;. The rare Instances where girls have. learned to whistle properly .are cited as cases of freaks of nature. Ilia sap - .posed that the habit of Whistling 'tiVas cultivated by primitive man alt signal while hunting and that it was intros diiced into ceratin religious cereniu:itee of the ;early days; In whit'h worneu were not allowed to take part. • , • The Swallow, The swallow h l limit h it as alarger •ti proportion to its size thrtu any' other • bird. Be needs it, too, for he does, ail his feeding: on. the u in.,, ami a big Rlouth.is a great Conye•,uieuce. - Life •In the Deep Scar. In many of tho'soutitlin,*s. made; by Sir John Ross sea song's, ur tiuueIliirz,.` were brought_ up from depths \utviltg: '`frons 310 to 1,000 f;tthoitia At it; ric.titti . of 800 fathoms 4hls nets caught a beau- tiful specitnen of the C'atptit-'DTedusa, The- specimen- 'was .:preserved and is now le the Dritish.niusettm in. London. The abbreviation . "cwt, Is a:.eoin- • pound of the Roman numeral C.; rep- resenting 100, and a very •natural and obvious '•wt•'• for weight. Animals and Poisons. • • Certainsubstances which are dead- ly in their e: eats '1°n men dan be ta - en by animals'with impunity. . Horses .' can take large doses .of antimony, dogs. of mercury, .goats or tobacco, ,mice of hemlock and rabbits of belladonna witliont in iuty Charming .Puhininity' Famous beauties pay particular at- tention to the :purity of their blood, knowing that nutritious blood •means soft, delicate skin, bright eyes, and en. during nerves, Those whose looks ate so delightful use Ferrozone, because it's the exact food heeded to tone and stimulate the blood. Ferrozone invig- orates, braces, ,feeds, -it makes those dainty,vivacious women. so pleasant to meet, You'll have the rosy bloom of health dash and s i p tmt,the satisfaction and joy of true health after using. Per. rezone. You should get Ferrozone to- day. Sold .everywhere in 50c boxes. $1,00 ROUND . TRIP GODERICH TO ETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE it/ - RETURNING ilingt :*1 • st's' W4RVIOUND t D.ys in D•ttoe •n Write 8. N,' Ayer; net., ri;trent 440R PARricui.ARS - J.. men, Plato Tuner, No. 23, James Si„ south of the R. C. Church. WINGHHAlvl• BUSINESS • CCSLLEGE, is a high-grade Commercfal t3ihoot Cont ih erolal S� end Courses ea 'Cele a^thy. $ pb ki' Write li$o. Sly07T;cN Ifeliicl wl. . p Have you a Camera. Wit T'11ACii . Amateur Photography, at your tionte.. • 'Under our instruotiou there Is lino expert. tttontiiig se wasting of materials dull money. You learn to do every step of the work your• self. success guaranteed. Our OW price in gold willinterestyiu,, Write to -day. •ORRR[SPONDSNCtl finPAl2't 'Bert. NIM1✓ Ns cAFE FOR NOT LUNCHES' .2 SOFT- DRINKS Oysters and Fruit in " y � 1 �eason High -dais o feet` p n io her Cake Pastry, and Bakers' and Home- . ' • made Bread. Agents . for. Melagama Tea V. W Ninens Albert St., Clinton. WW Wanted. Correspondents onciente 1� P anted. The. NEW ERA has a splendid staff of correspondents, to, whom it owes much' of the interest that is taken in the paper ; but there are .a few localities in the district which are of represented 1 n ned b P # a Y correspondent. Any person who would be willing to act, as ear-. respondent in any of .these mire. presented localities is invited to write us, and we shall be glad to furnish the necessa,ry supplies. w1/111/1ANy Ledit°.re ID 0 Stir Call and see our large Stock of Empire Oak and Mahog- ang Bedoom Sets, Iron and Brass Beds front " 4' 2.50 to' l$15.00 each. Sanitary Mattress 3 0 s to, ,10.00. each. Wire Springs. guars to, not sag', 2.50 each. f) • V belles� R Y . Furniture and '''Undertaking" • Paint :Your.. Buggy n` -d '.aititin' this Sarni' aid thetime;to. have .them. done' is now, and the placeto ave them done right is at Ru'bal l & McMath's ur:0n Street., Clinton. .Did you 'ever. Sto•p to{think •? i. When buyingm a Di inei,,Tea or Toilet• jet or. atney>' Ohina first-class ds, iureto-date shapes oz dCcoratietsshe sure' and call at. J. W. IRooWIN S. • 5 GRATE ON TRE WAY FROM THE. .FOTTERS IN ENGLAND- , Sugars and':Canned Goods We lead in Quantity, tutlit... and P Y Quality d rieesti . eCi�l cut ri e x C S On SU lr • t ill" g P P g 1001b ba„s • • SEEDS Ail kinds, fed (Jlover, Alsike, Timothy, Or chard Gass, Mangold and Ternip Seed. On tar= n Agricultural College says : - "Yellow Leviathan stands at the • '• .bead cif the lint inyield per iicre.itt 25 cliflei'ent varieties." ' 414 Sold by • ► } • CASILPAID-FOR BUTTER AND EGG lintbn Sash, Door, and Blind Factory The Town of Clinton is on the eve of a "boom." ' If you contemplate bui ldin g, t let us give you ou.r es ma ?,etc. 'nf,ntlq lar errs;toz on kinds-ot buildermaterial$, S. COOPER � (Minton House. and Lot, fOx Sale A BARGAIN' FORA QUICK PU CHASE The house now occupiedled byn e :eb alai I n 1 iiaomsA: two-story frame 1 u'lli, front, side and back em - trance ; corner lot ; haIf,acre ; good stable, front side entrance ; good orchard, . For an immediate purchaser. will be sold at a BARGAIN, The ]louse is built of solar' timbers,, and will last a life -time. $200 spent recently in modern improycuments. For further particulars, or 111 inspection of property, apply to THOS. JACKSON,. SEN, - 1 CLINTON 6 The elinton New Era Book Job Department is full. equipped for thpro- - duetion, of lineoppearing Sale Bills, etc. If wont . horse Bills this season, vro . totakaso :you.