HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-27, Page 67 -717t9r1115.09Pulir '`1117r erere"' " " TEE 0140TOX MN' nit Indisputable Evidence Hie Wm U. icy Task eee Frontier • Tread) .id Independent Milers a Bother„ You? Apr0-27 Does you! stood ,OTWiTS POON 71/EVEff„ 1 thfiltf. 2 Propriet4;trii Scheele MOO* i asouvenfrse. Thengerovie - 1 Hale] in New York AM greatly Dr, Shoop's Restorative' Cures a INstressIng Stomach/ Troubles Through the Inside. Nerves. klUrtien-hieavy Correspondence. ,3 The excellence of 0E2 LOW TWA_• Is proved on a tea pot infusion. 6ead packeta Only. 25c, 300,40c 51:W*114,90c per Ib, Plt all grocers 41•1•111101Mirlb Cro-wa Prince. it is training or ;Ms PRINCE ARTHUR'S VISIT. kind that will fit Prince Arthur for greater diplomatic dutiea latereon, adPromhp Prince With a Future - Royal he is generally recognized as one of ;1114riale Giving Him Training In Diplo- the most promising members of the f - Questions of Etiquette. royal amily, ;,xttoe visa to Canada. pos- Al-aties none of the significance that at - lacked to the tour of the Duke and Due.' ellees of Cornwall and York, or the visit at his kinsman, Prince Henry of Hat- tertberg, but nevertheless it is an event • I The aepointtneet oC Vieereet Of India is in m ny wale elle of the greatest positifins that a British subject Callbe , called iiiene to oecUPY, but' it is VerY . far from being a sinecure: 'rho w nrit of the day ordinarily starts very arly hourWhen the Lord Dufeerin held this office lie wmilti a e. late 0 often be at wurk With hip seeretarles at seven in the morning, The eorree- pond, ilea that has to be read and at- tended to each day fs enormans, and :6 probably only equalled by that ree eelved by the President of tlat 'United • States. From 13ombay, Bengal, Madras, the United Provinees, Bunnell, and other itarts of our Indian Empire re- 'Pirte end decuments ot the lint im- portance are- received every day, and, these, have to be very carefully con- sidered and' d'ealt with by the Viceroy. In 'addition. to this, never a day passes but Weaut IMPortant communica- tions are receteeel by cable from the • India Office-in:Low:Inn: Needlese to say,' the Viceroy's cleeical staff is very care - Cully organized, swats' to• beable to deal with the vast amteurit at what may be 'termed routine,Weriathat•has to be per- efiermeil every day, lint there still re - Main manyematters, that can be dealt with by the Viceroy alone, 'To assist in the aditheisteration of en - 41a, the Viceroy has w Council ot five members, with the (ebetenander-in- Chiet of the Indian atelier as an meted member, Each of tlie.• flve mernbera take S charge of a certainepartment, such as Finance, public Works. Rev- enue and Agrictilture, ette. Foreign af- fairs, however, are dealt W•ith by the Viceroy personalle, and it fa this de- partment that is responsible fur fully Of Distingstished Anceetry, ... Arthur Frederiple ^trick albert of Connauktit, K. Cell. O., was betel , on Jan. 13,'1&83. He is .theeeon.' Of the Duke of Connaught, who is Xing Ed- ward's brother, and the, grandson on et considerable interest. That the his mother's side of Prince Fred'eri'ck gonna prince will be heartily welcomed , Charles of Prussia, surnamed' "The Red anehis own account not less than as the Prince," who was 'one of the greatest epedal envoy of King Edward may be soldiers of hs time, and crowned a taken for granted. Apart from his brilliant career by the siege and cape terryabblood, he is a young man of pro - petite, and It would appear that his royal it is giving him a training in diplo- ture of Metz In 1870. Through his ma- ternal grandmother, Princess Frederick Chkrles, who was a Princess of Am- fenacy which may be of value ta the halt-Dessan, and a fatuous beauty of nation in time to come. It is of the ut- the court of Bealin, Prince Arthur is Ileeeist importance that the members of directly descended from the "Old Des - the royal family should understand the saner," the virtual creator of the Prus- warted character and aspirations of the sten army that was such a terrible ?great colonies that owe them allegiance, weapon in the hands of Frederick the .and even a rapid journey through Can- Great. Prinee Arthur has two sisters, Nada cannot fail to leave a lasting im- one of them Princess Margaret, wife of Weseion on Prince Arthur. We know the Crown Prince GustavUs Adolphus ittbat this was the case with the present of Sweden, and the other Prineess Vic - Prince of Wales, for his public utter- toria Patricia. ;lances have proved it. At the same In South Africa. time, the anxiety of our representative • Prince Arthur was educated at Eton, 'oetizens to instruct the prince as to our whence he went to Sandhurst, for' he Neletitutions should not blind them to had chosen the army as his profession. ethe fact that he is just a boy, and no In May, 1901; he was gazetted to a 10oubt fonder of a day's fishing than of second lieutenancy in the 7th (Queen's 'et Board, of Trade bulletin. • If they de Own) Hussars. Soon aeter this -ap- 'enothing but refrain from boring Prince pointment his regiment was ordered, to learthur, we have no doubt that he will South Africa, but the young prince was. "eteereaftee speak with the utmost en- left at home. But in January, 1903, .he Iliuslasm of Canada and all Canadians, became a full lieutenant, and was for - i0, -Vs The Mail and Empirewarded to the front. • Th,ere . he saw A Question of Etiquette• active service until stricken doevn with four-fifths of the worries to which th Governor-General of India lie subjected. . When Lcird Lansdoiene bit>lii. this °f- ilet) he once declared le .1:he, course trt a private eoaversation that the neeelli- westera' frontier had shoetenect IS life by ten years, The Indiai . frontier, not even excepting the line. • 164'We:troll- Canada •and the United Stateseea the most iMpertant land boundnry• Dos- Seseed by the British* Einpitee, and with the contest that Is ever waging. betWeen Great Britain and Russia for supremoy in this pert 'of Aster the strain on the • Viceroy is at times very severe., ,• The..viee-regal year .naturally (1101, s itself interthree:unequal portions. Dur- ing tlfe.cool season the -Viceroy. ha 'lis beadquarters at Government 416nee., Calcutta.When the .• sumeier comee, 'and .Celcutta is. a (qty. . of Abornitauttoa 'for Europeans, the. Govereinent is transferred to the Vice-regel alodge, dysentery and invalided home, As.soon -There Is one unpleasant feature that as he recovered he • eves' sent back to Simla. arrOng Ole hilts whose eater ot • .„. Aldershot to continue his ' military • ePeiless snow Make' end. feel cool' even ?eeeems inseparable from all royal visits 40 Canada, end for aught we know to •= studies. These he takes very seriously, on. the hotteet day. "he contrarworking heed and askinnfavorsIf y it may apply to other The third portion et the Viceroy's g o . the 'reliOrtest , ' , in many 4eeountries. This is the jeal )thee; ane he fails to distinguish hieaself in either yearthough nIsunderstandings that they invariably army or diplomacy Observers of Prince ways the most important. It is therean- 'prevolte, sometimes between communi- • Arthur's progress Will be sadly dleara • ' nual autumn tour through India,•wic it' h ,ties, but generally among Judi.% 1 111 ,-. pointed, ,lfiThen the Duke and Duchess of Corn- , ',esva.11 and York were here an Eastern •e. - ' Achy was violently disrupted by a. quer. • THE WORST OF A COLD. '.1tIre1 between the provincial and munici- i Is how suddenly it comes. No. time ;k0a1 authorities ,on a question of pre"- to hurry' to the drug store, croup dev- eetlence. It may be that the feud then elops, the lungs are elfeeted with pnens.: nendered has not yet been settled, so I mono, or tnbereolnsis ao its too. ate. , • •• . 4.rive can only mention the incident. , Keep Oatarifiozone on hand -it kills ' WOrk for the 'Vick -cry are' the native When Prince Henry of Battenberg was i colds instantly. Something magica ,Vsbere there were hetert-burnings, but it 'about the way it cures catarrh atid. ..;-alests not till he had left that the inevit- i bronchitis. Gatarrhozone. is the best . , .t."01b16--inet-dent-tfan-sfAre ':-,1t was a matter of the "pay and trans- way; it heals. soothes and restOreS per - is ,practically the only opportunityethe Viceroy *ets to, see anything of bhe great country he governs. With the growittg deraanes on his tiros each yezer' .it is he,coming more diffleult "for..1•11mt.tcr, See ,aziything like the ;whole ..af India during his period of office:: • Another source eef anklets?' and eliard Al yore value your health and Imenilless don't **Meet to care for the slightest rite:enact pain - don't let it go. At the first alga of distress use Dr. Shoop' s Restorative and one all these troubles. 'These aches are signals -they aye symptoms& coroinadtsease--is it wiffe to ignore them? You who never eat a hearty Meal with_.: oat a.sense of fullness a followed bY a Parlour of lassitude or / drowsiness -.beware. Lions and ant sere'? Neglect these eosin. peptic:. Do you become a sallow, Do\miserable der s - . VY'll.,/ indtgestion-,youlli experienc0 any invite distressing of these wane - tress after tOms?-,clis. eating,reterar to moult.. ing of food ' reetLik, pilot stom: \ "... purse open to you -1. gnaWing at tite. heartburn, 'T.,- headficha ill za• loss of Name- acierumbling' 1, ta of gas, boleti., ing of wend. ziness? In you \ ,a, suffer in any ea etrengthen Ube inside tthheereue wisaebseuetouorne \ st: , nerves -these special du te is clear --. -- shake off forever Dile evidenceofdisease.Put diedigestive nerves in condition to tunas natureintendell they should. Don't drug, den't force -Mate reeve the inside nerves natural Mee; gent/ethnic nature's beip. Dr. Shoop's Restorative should be taken to do this -it ie the only preeeriptioni which builds up. or even attempts to restereeteeincilde storeaaa nerves. Sold and reeimemeaded,by -laortation of his men. Now we deserve • -tkat precedent is followed at Van- •zonver, and a quaerel is developing on ;Alm subject of silk hats and frock coats. 'aflame of the democratic aldermen de- cline to doff their celluloid collo:es and tmewhide boots In honor of the prince. - and argue that the wearing of conven- :*-trial garments is at variance with a bust Canadian spirit, The Duke's Ex:Ample. manently Carry• -a• Catarrhozone ih- . ruler*. of the independent and I, semi- independent Stater, • These,. to use the words of , an ex-eficeroe; are the inost earth!' They are extrema"; peoudeand haughty, and very tenacietts of their ; haler in your pocket,use it occasionally "rights' --e real orelmaginery.• If • the and you'll never catch cold - e; .that's , v leekoy Omits : one ' coMpliment to - worth remembering. ' 1 whioh they deem themselves •entitled, or they .are received by ono. soldier fewer' than!. their aeighbors, or are . not eutelee ot the V: C. . honored with the game number art Fifty .yearago the yictoria Gross gene, 'they, proceed to natch disaffection was instituted by Queen Victoria. , •?‘ and trouble without further ado.; .The little bronze cr tss; tntide out of cannon ' wild, •serni.;•elvilized tribes on , the from,' taken, at SebastoPol, intrinsically worth . tiers ale not nearly stamuCh tremble as 4 1-2d., it is, neverthelese, the • rnOit these •naeive princes ; since a dieplay.. ire- - If Prince Arthur is like his father in coveted of all decorations that a. 13titien. e, sinierior force wbi .•uSually brink yiteral .enatters of dress he is sure to be highly subject can wear.: The reasen • net the • te their senees, , , . high value set' utem. it is ,th be fdeind . .:‘egiverted when he learns of the Van - on, vehr controversy. The Duke of Con- ti in South Africa in the 'simple legend on Its.' fitaer. "legrr • o , -I i i is awarded - Gladstene wed eunstanteyeetor use tole dressing -robin for 'bee- hueriedi and not always very elabortteee toilet en the nights when she had 'borne down to hear a great speech by her"liuslearnele Ladie.e have also some half-dbeleneseatersaitich run along- the terrace, •and:no, member is allowed to have a Party there unless there be some ladies among the guests. The pressure on this pare:of: theliouse Is often overwhelming. . • , amused, at the way iti. which One of i thela.M:itOWn brethren recently cheek- I IMated al "seuVenir fiencli" as the per. 1, sous wile/make a practiee of abstract - lug smalf though valuable articles front hotelg are familiarly known. This proprietor had in former yeartil Mg* ' fered so utuela from the depredatients I of this claim Of kleptenlaniaete that he had devised a plau to protect. himself ; and prevent farther losses eto' far AB - Before placing the order fele the I possible. manufacture of life silver platelie en- gaged a •designeie to make a sPeclal pattern which 7wasst such a natate as to be instantly recognized by himself or hiS, agents- wherever it might, be soma. Owning the dies himself,. he made. it impossible for anybody elseete• produee the pattern. He i then so ar•• ranged matters that mit al single Piece', tould, liq gdOen away; .or sold withoat: Dais IMOwledge, making -use of a secret: mark. litorvieti only ,M biinseif arid UP steWard. turd . a systeroi of checking: which enabled. Illin at Vile& to trace' when• and. frogs whd,j,,, tabitVite Ws din- ing room, any article wentiastmy. Be- • sides MOW. appointed agate la every silverware' repair shop, to wit= he promised. at reward. for eytry' gage re- ported offaay pertson bringingairsprop- erty to. be. altered to conceall its true •ovewnheersrhesitit st, wim this was &lab when a Woman .after• erasing the name' took a spoon ttrote :rentals establishinent to have it gilded the betel man owes at Once apprised oll- thes 'fact. A fetrdaya after the woman Wata surpriseditte re- ceive a notecfrom the hotel steward re- questing berth. IMO* him wheris• she obtained the artii311e. A reply carae.frora a business gnat*, thet he had pterchased the spoon at the hotel a , year: before' and requesting that all further:communications abanit . the matter should he addressed to him. The management informed him *flat the Purchase could not possibly have been made in tble;inratmer he said and I . desired him to ti oath. and identify the . -person from whenr. he bought the • spoen.. At the sanielilame"he was .ad-- . vised fo.return the spoon, so that un- pleasant consequences4 might .be •avold- ed, Ile did return' ih. and:the incident was. closed. : The , woman; however, sifter having • the spoon -gilded had; presented it to a . friend and now bad, to . undergo the humiliation of having to ask for its- • return... • , . • ' ,, ,• . •While the'hotel-Mate mey not be able . I.• to prevent stealing, beat leaSt suceeede In. cOMpelling • the. klePtonianiacs: to keep their booty kicked up, as they. • dare not- ,'s.b.o* it Mr any • oub. the success . of .thls, system'. had -been so , groat in. re's -trebling • tile tight fingered souvenir : hunteis ,thate otter betel pro,- :evietors Mid caterers' are. adopting it, and profiting therebt-New York tilb ' —• —A -FAMILY NECESSITY . - It's arernedy capable a affiiitling im- mediate relief to tbe. hundred and one ailments that constantly arise. -It may be a cold,perhaps toothache,neuraigia., pain in the back -use Poison's- Nervi - line, it is penetrating, pain subduing and powerful. Nerviline is at least five times stronger than ordinary remedies and its worth iu any household can't be over- estimated. For man or % beast, Nerviline is a panacea tor all panv and tosts only 25c r er bottle. Buy 'Nesteril- ine to -day Iron, your druggistJ Trader. tine. • ,• . Bullet proof 'HOtrai Vars.. Sitccessful experimeafs were made in the streets. et' Paris. meeently with ,MMNIMMINIMPOM-0-- A Natural Laxative Toward cleansing is as necessary as outward bathing. To keep the bowels free and regular is of even greater importance than to keep the skin -pores from becorning clogged. The neglect of either in. Vites disease. Everyone needs a natural laxative oceasionally, to free the bowels of accumulated impurities For this purpose take BEEC.HAM'S PILLS the greatest booa ever offered to those, NithO Stiffer from the ills been famous as a Stomach corrective, a Liver regulator and Bowel laxative. They never gripe nor cause pain: Powerful purgatives are dangerous. A.void thetn. LISe Beecham's Pills. They gym re- lief without doing violence to any organ. Their action is in har- mony with physical' Taws. Take them regularly and the necessity for their use becomes less frequent. They are a natural laxative and a positive cure for Constipation, Biliousness, Indikestion, Sick 'Headache and Dyspepais. Prepared only by the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, Hag, Sold ovoryvihero ',remade and U. S. America. In bone/Oda read, that follow constipation. For over fifty years Beecham's Pills have NEW SPRING, 1-1 ATS ‚'r 7E don't care where the next beet Blillinery is -we have ther best. , nothing is a woman's taste s0. distinctly arbitrary, and in 'nothing have we been as thoroughly successful. Our showing of fine millinerY this season discounts•everything in the pasbrand the more yozo make comparisons the surer We are of your meney. ' We're making a special feature of trimmed hats to sell at popu- lar prices, vvith new styles coming to us 'all the dine. The best. proof of our success is that we almost never lose a customer. • This department is under the chargeofret., Adams, assisted' by Mitts McGuire who comes highly recommended. Rs... ADAMS Emporiuni„ Landesborough, April, 2nd, 1906... ••••••••460****4 4*** •••• *WO* 41,••• 0000'4** •••• ••••••••• . • Intl R. I ft. The new Package Dye . Ir 1 ' V 11.15 DikrwegLit is.sometheng entirely difterentZfrom any,. • ' . • other package Eike • - . ' • : $•4•.40 • • • • , iThe pi 'kers guatlintee ,it ftillY, es'ipEr the: following state - • • '' ' malt, or Money refur ded:: • ..' ' Zack paekage will coloth„ wool, cotton, sill..car naixed goods. 1 ,saaaig t was recen y and the Cape Town Times' Illustrations .•'eof his reception at various points are Interesting as studies in dress.: In the core or so of photographs of .dibe eettinguished groups the duke is invarie bly the plainest dr, ssed man in sight. a Most always appeared in a light ,tweed salt and a Panama hat. Some- times the other members of the party 1:eaported silk hats and frock coats, and •euemetimes they w Ire neglige garments. suit that looked to be worth between .313 and $9 was the duke's favorite. On Many Missions. •-Prince Arthur's mission to Japan to -invest the Mikado with the Order of ethe Garter was not his first important 'embassy. A year ago last December •Sae was sent to represent King Edward at Rome, the occasion being the bap- 0.1am of the young Prince of Piedmont. ..7He WaS received lp special audience by f -'•..he Pope, and listened to His Holincss• markable eulogy nf he King. who, h • Valor. The mese. a 1 c 1 to soldiers and sailore for viper in the fate of an enemy, has .been wise e22 - times; and. as it is awardea einparila 7 ; ly t- officers and mem, b •Ing thireughly democratic, an its tegulatione, 'the men, have won slightly, more thanthe offi- cers. . It lajziteresting to pick out the :reale , ments that have won the mist V. C.'s. - At the head of the list --it w,e petrel), 'the Royal Artilleiy and II iye.1 ...Engi- neers as heing too large setorps to he counted as regitnertts-,-are the. Si >iitt) Wales Borderers, ,v.ith eixteen to their credit. They .won the greater. numbee of thetn in Zululaed, at Isandhlwan•a and Rieke's Drift.. The Rifle Brigade is second on the bit, with fifteen. and the 9111 Lancers, the. King's Royal. Ri- fles, and the Gordon Higlilttnilqes come next with thirteen each, and. they ere; followed by the CameronianS and th,! Black Watch with ten each. Tiere.ate-. paign which provided ITiOst V. 0,*•S igai . . 1 old, "was King not only of England., the Ind, ;Mutiny, in tie couie, o t of the whole world, as the sun never which 182 heroes won the deCoration:. a on his dominions." On the prince's the Rut abet -War accountee for, 111, and , urn to England hp was despatched i the late war in Soitth Afrlea gqr 'Bev - represent King Edward at th • fun- enty-eight, tlie Zulu War for twenty- - Ina of Saxc•-roburg-Gotha. Next I 'sixteen; the New Zealand campaign fcir also she e•nti drPSS. for Allnller. • "MrS., a f one .of the seven :lie*. bullet proof and Shell in•oof motor ears whieD are- being built foe ihe'Itussian.goverriment, • Mrs. Jiggspn-Your hull pnp does tiet• M, T•'tienne, the War•midister, rode in w htwrihrsT:: alt :the car, which attained. a speed of like .mother. Ire ore Is her. 'tWenty-eight Miles an. hour on level • Jiggson-Theu I'll linve the cetichmaaa ground and ascended gradients as , shoot hini.• ean't bear,/ to see dumb. anhuals Seffer.-Plilladelphia " stireeepell:norn;einighfosuter're, Ds, ano, of • thirty horsepower. it lei provided with • *di; 13*.Pv:Ive Loxnetes-.• a small quiek.firing' swivel gtin, which "Are yoti going any this eurziniairete ean fire 600 : ehots Minute. in any "I don't •kne*. - We will either ge, elee • stay at home and takte -diFftecatni°ene.'ais. e is revidingriserself With Dinner In the House. . a complete corps of these. armored am - This hi the season of headaches, list, ,The ear carries a folding steel bridge. 11(Isiulis,e". 1. which can be. quickly,' plheed across lessness, and spririg disorders, ki, tees Rocky Mountain tea i preventative, "Makes you strong ant ditches, With the help, of this the can I rigorous. 35c Tea or Tabtets, As -showed that it touldgo.axtresS country. Your Drogg;ist. - . A • , • _„, P ris Cor London liikpress, ' • ' WHISKY CASE STIRS SCOT.': • • The ithriwg yeeres of the House off Commune ate usually quite equal to any,. call ma -le• upon them by members; but, . on the opaelng days of .the session.these• rearurces May break (Iowa, arriteseee.la, o (ema a* In ea. A. Pe Not .only. will . 'none new membere -want 'to dine 1113 the floriee. dozing t•he firste triumpleten•t days lifter they. have been returned, but bi ( %en t an o their' fr1entis and relatione. Pleaty: of • tb . younger members estreciedly wiii aerie le eireir wives and sweetheivetre ee • the giereri-i•o 'en of the House of (erretinohs; the merits and corners where • neenbere .1re ahie to disport themselves: Irish experts were examined .z.nd . the . . \Viten I entered.. the Douse first, the decision of IVIagiserate It'ordhein has • A Welt Street suandtirY. feet ef wettein was kept aS rigorouale- stirred 'eSeiecially the ..Scotch ' whisky Whene'er I try .to figure out the fuliction farm th.• itiberartele of the }louse trade Ate its depths, Fordham decided as ll'OM 111 ti-. of. a Monastery of that While pot still 'whiSky . ot a Pool ' • • . • Li 1j • .T111..ro WaS nothing bat a whISEY, the patent still Spirit,. of WhiCh.: .1. always come upon this -stumbling • block: • , . dingy ,11ntleitgr,‘und cellar,- Where it was some blenes are largely' conepoeede is er• it ee used for 1 ealifl'otaatientgerrrAloiehnes whel ronoried that • o hide lied once or nwiee• not whisky. Fordh:ere in giving' the re- . . dined; where usually she Was treated sults of his • peesonal experience* as a . il of the Doaager Duchess Alexan- = three, the Afghan Wei ( • • icl Us to initart' lee.'''CleVeland Plain' Dealer. • Magistrate Rules That Patent Stilt l's Cause suid Effie& Not Real Thing. ' • "Poor 0"ones 18 suffering from melan. . _ .eholia." 'A long trial was held at a North Loa - don' Police 'Court to decide what whis. .• "WhY,'I thought he, aeasi the edltor•of ky Is A long array of Scottish and a comic paper." . A, / I Or merely kept for wit ering the Stock. , nething•better than. e dry sandWich judiplai Whieky teeter, said: • aunt re, cup of t 31,.• Now she reinter 4'1 find that the in, clicinal preriertlee • over . rho House. Behind the Ladiet“. of patentastill iwbisey are not vo great An Ianooseible 441f.” • 11;illory t11(.1•0 J.:4 littre routn witere she as pot:still and 111(a, dirfar in contents, • • . She -'Tis 'ever woman's lot to suffer ci • • tem littve, even by heeself, a cup 01 tea flavor, and scents.. end even a' inuttoa ettop; and.• where • "Misrepresentation in the Irish and In silence. , • - seetch Whiskey trade has greatly hi- • • Be -..-Yes, and if' they'd only•let us suf. Creased during the last few years; so for in the same'Way he* liaPpy we'd ' be. -London much so Ono its shown in tins c•a se' the . . Tit l3jts • public' gets the pit tent Still spirit with a tlasth uf whisky thrown in to give it.1 . Worst. the name. . Of all the scone "It is tims this fraud upon, the public ' Of beastly bores ' .• • • •the matter of whisky woe stopped, . With .which the World* affliattel - 111ttid no doubt, though this has been a eostly prosecirtion 'was ill; , every way • justifiable. -Blender's haari, taken-, upon themselves to Issue to tbe.publia a -new '.estw' patent still spiriC with a dash of, tho old pot still, and celled it. whiskY pot still. Distillers of the Highlands are jubilant, but the Edinburgh blenders - are Most indignant, arguing that it is irimossible that a etreke a magis- tra,te'e pen should deprive of its taxne an article which for .sixty .years has bean known as widelty." One leading expert says it is the most morneritous legal decielon ,ever Pro- nounced -in connection with the whisky trade and 'Would stelke et the most pow- erful branch of the industry . and at praetteally 'avery'"e'zie'lif •greatedte- tributing arras, The present oUtput of 'Whisky in Scoilana abhut 26,000,000 . gallons anituitileaaand of that fidtlee two- , the patent still, There Is, moreover, .111ILBURN'S thirds 18 represerien by the prodUct of 120,010.000 'gallons of whiskey in bend In Sentland and nearly half that quane tity. or' 60,000,000 gallons, was made in LAx - IV E „..rit stills, arid under the magisterial Onth he was again sent to Germany twelve, and the operations on the -to be present at „the opening ot the Northwest Frontier 1>f India (1891-8) ;.,the Black Eagle by the Kabier. Again . distributed among tee many other cam- T - teat new Pretestant drat In Ber- I for ten. These wars aecounted foe 422 . On this visit he was invested with crosses, and the remaining' ninety were I 1 ldin of the that nave been fought during the pelt half century. ' T,% a 'few rare instances the Ve has rein June he was in B,•r:in as King I:t1 paigns in Afrlea, India, and elsewhere, - Ward s demity at \Ne( g been won by more than one merribet nf Rest and Comfort a family. The most tronspicuoue case is that of the Gough familya which Nal . • boast of three 'V. C.'s-eaten, Sit (!. .1, S. Gough, Gen. Sir II. II. (lough, and Iet, - Col. J. E. Gough, all of whom are, hap - If 3rour, kidneys are all inflani. pily, Still alive. The first tive were medl-if there are sharp, shoot- brothers, and the last natned it a son Ing pains. in the small of the of the secorid.a Major -Gen. Ie. EI. Sar back and dal' ache through torius 'and Col. It. W. Sa.rtoritis are an - the hips -if there is a constant other ease of 1;rothers wearing the de - desire to urinate -if the urine coration. Another:- lest:owe et a fattier Is hot and scalding -if„, the and eon winning the cress is seen In bead aches and specks 'float Lord Roberts alid.hie gallant son, Lieut. before the eyes - yon can)t. the Hon. Ie, II. S. la beets, who lost his htaglae what relief there la - life In* gaining tiw. V,' II. at. the- Imola-- for you in of Colenso. • There are some 200 odd recipients at the Vietoria Croes :Hell alive. Among ter in are three Field Marehals-Ietuel• It herts, Sir Geerge White. ' and Sir Evelyn Wooa, and the Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Newell Saimen. Among ether i*PIE G*ENTLE KIDNEY CURE won -known namee on the list of sure for the Kidneys. These wonderful little pills soothe and heal kidneys and bladder -take away all pain- ele it the urine -enable one to go through the night without arising -and relieve every tmce of your kidney trouble. 411•14,0S heassnatiton TClo. Nevin's art' (14,11, SSE itetivere Viee-Admiral :Cr A. N. f f,,n, Sir night Probyn, and three •rear-atlinlr- els I !AVM% llyllMwa, ;Ind ROW), %%ILO ',V r•ro among the first font' to reeeive the dieroratIon, 'near -Admiral Lucas be: ing netually rite 111.4L. 'Pit; deenratlqn hag- stood tit, ..f tifly -iNt-1, and 11 111 t,",t•-tserte,,I 11t Um- ehartteter, and 1, t the It :pea That eine etertiere SallOrS will alWays re- SECUR1 Cenuine arter's Little Liver Pills. , fig CLAFLIN CHEMICAL O. LIMITED. IL /Ord ae the most c. veted dietitiction , itViseison, OWL • • New Went I that einkan-loolting little bronze modal ...the Victoria (ross. • imost.com Signattire of See IPac-Sittille Wrapper Below. 'Very small end as esf;y Ittetake as sacalai FOR HEADACHE, . FOR DIZZINESS, ran 111ILIOUSNEES. FOR TORPIOAIVE11, FOR EONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR ME COMPLEXION t sacemerna ace/ ao,vc WSW I rarely Vegotoble.rfgoiren4 OWE SICK HEADAOHC he worst today • Are Hume who say, "There just what 1 expected." • -Milwaukee Sentinel LIVER COMPLAINT •. DTC -C). -15,A will color more goo s, pae -age • - ' any other dye. 1 . .*-0-1,A -does not cOntain any poison ciroaciar and eau be ,,, used with Safety on the most,delicatnfabriesd 1 I. ' - DY-0•LA colorS are fast and beauttifial. ii . IIYAdi-LA is simple to use and ttill give penfeet satishiction. .. 1101,BY Diverising*Chemist 051 • . . 9.. . and Druggist ••••S••b•dell•IISS••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .TheLARAII.LOURchoe'l Screened Telegraphy, :And Pietzeral Training for Railway Service. The. new inethozt of instruction adopted by this sehbollas proved a great success. Pupils graduate in the shortest possible time therefore at theleast expense. Employment provided at once. Write for ti' free pamphlet which Will give full information. School nom 17k Gordon Block, opposite Post Office, the meet eestreble location in the city. 1 lespection.ofelasees at work cordially. invited ' ROBERT LARMOUR Stratford, Ont. Principal and Instructor. formerly District Superintenderit,G.T. R. Aril 20th. 06-07. ' The IANDE8B0169 TAILUR.1 is still here. Bring your own chilli. will make it up for you at a price that 1 you will find to be all right. See our new samples, all at prices tltati are right and cannot be beat: Fit, work- manship, and trimmings that are all, .tight. • WOODHEAD, Tailor,, Ltindeshoro The Beer is the largest alseerl In ths body.: ita °eke is to take from the blood the properties witlehlorm hits. When the liver is torpid and inflamed It cannot furnish bile to the bowels, sawing them to become bound and costive. The iympterte are a feeling of fulness or 'weight in the right side, and Shooing pains in the same region, pitine bertecedthe shoulder*, yellownesa -- of the skin and eyes, 'bowels irregular, coated tongue, baci taste in the morning. Mo, decision had no right to be sold a Whisky. The opinion generally is expressed in the trade that a new tetine will have hcen found for whisky made in patent, but there also le a feeling of in* dignatton at the eondenination of the atent itself Archibald 'Williamson, 1*., has given ,notice et a, bill to atnend the la* relating to the sale of Whisky and th provide for the irariniig of casks and other vesseho dentaining whiskY. „‘ PILLS it pleasant and easy to take, do not ripe1 weaken or eitilten. never tail In their effects, nad ars by far tile safest mad quioitst remedy Ns • &eked, Oft &orders Of the liver. Prot 2$ eel*, Or 5 bailee for $1.0% . flaesks or sigla Mont a receipt al prios 137 Tho T, *lbws C. IJ, Utast., Oat reandittaaaela...ea eoal . • ExclusITe sale for D., L.. & Wb Scrainion Coal. Orders leftand money - receimed at H arlafid Bros. Hardware for all kin& of Coal A. HAMILTON COAL DBALE'R. NOTICE! Spring is here, and. SO. is house-cleaning time. H you will call at our store, you will find every- thing tb make the -work- easy. Sortps4 Powders Brushes, • 3101)s) itroans, etc. All sold at closest possible .prices. A. D. Beaton The People's Grocer Phone I. t 401.1111111111111M.11111111111111111M1111111111111111 r BARTLIFF'S RESTAURANT -• Subscriber having moved • his. Restaurant to, the store recently occupied by -F. W. Watts, will be glad.to meet al his old cu stomers,aad as many new ones as may favor him with their patronage. . Having also bow& out the King Bakery, he. will supply the public witlI first - class Bread and Cakes, BREAD DELIVERED AS FORMERLY BARTIL.I 1FF- afteumeaellall1111111111 00 Before plaeing your orders for , your season's supply of Coal, get our prices, The :very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price, Orders may he left:at Davis . & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W., J. Stevelisont at Blectria, Light Plat!t. 1 ' 111,110111.411101111.411,1e4 Netlee Advertisets changing theie advertisements any week must have their copy in not later than Teestlay IllOrning. • 411 44 114 *4 4441111W0011.