HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-27, Page 51
April Mb, I900
That is what we do
with any repairing jobs
you may leave with us,
and our charges are al-
ways as moderate as good
workmanship will allow.
Bring us your repairing.
Jeweler and ontielan.
l'Eyes Tested Free
(The Sun).
Hous.—At the Junction geleehogs
sold at $7.15, fed and watered; light,
$6.00 ; sows, $4 to $5, and stags $..50
to $3.50.
SHEIOP.—Sheep have taken quite a
drop during the week, yearlings being
quoted at the Toronto market at $6.501
and ewes and wethers at $4,15 to 15. .
Woot..—Some little new wool is
I being received, and unwashed is going
at 10c 10 17c; washed is nominal 25c.
Carters quote No. 1 steer hides at ;
cow hides 10 1-2c, and calf skins 14c ;
sheepskins are $1,05 down, and horse
hides $3.40. Horse hair is 28c per lb.,
and tallow 4 1-4c to 4 1-2e.
Cant:E.—The advance recorded in
export cattle at the Junction last week
was pretty well lost again this week,
$5.10 being the top' price paid, save in
a few exceptional cases at $5.20, The
bulk sold at $4,80 to $5, with -sonde as
low as $4.60. Export bulls sold at
$3,75 to $4. Picked lots of butchering
cattle MU from $4.75 to $5, good from
$4 50 to $4,70, medium $4,25 to S4.40,
common $3,75 to Si, and butchering
cows $3.25 to $4.
Clinton Market Report.
Corrected. every Thursday afternoon
Wheat . . . . ... 0 75 to 0 77
Oats . . . . ' 0 33 to 0 84
Barley • • , .0 42 to -0 .45
Peas ....... 015 to 0.75
Eggs 0 13 to 0, 14
Ducks . • .
0 17 to•0 18
TOO to 7 00
0 0$
0 10 to 0 12
• Sale Register:,
East halt of Lot 30, eon. 2, Eas Wa-
wanosh, in Auburn, on Saturday May
5, C.Harnilton Auctioneer; W.Brydone
Solicitor tor Vendor.
Auction Sale of Household Furniture
on. Market Square, Clinton, May 5th.
Geo. Stewart, Prop. T. Brown, Aunt,
coon.—ta Clinton. on April 23rd, to Ur.- and
Mrs. Geo. Cook, a son,
COOPER At Coninswood, onApril 113th, tour
And Mrs. Ogle CooPer,late of Clinton,a daughter.
NEDIGER—In CIMton, on April 20, the wife of
W.J. Nediger, of a son.
MO0ALI1/31-1n Crestline,'Obio, on Thursday
April 19th, to M and Mrs P. D. IldeCallUm, of a
CALDWELL—In Hullett, on the 13th of A mil
to MY and Mrs, Robt, Caldwell, a on.
Joarano..; In Hullett, on We 21st of April, to
r and Mrs Chas. Joslingl a son.
POLLOCK—In Stephen, on, April 9, to M. and
Mrs. Sol. Bollock, a son.
• COATES—In ljsborne, on April 16, to Mr and
Mrs WM Coates, a son,
Goderich, on April 14th. at the roil.
deuce of Thos. Gledhill, to Mr and Mrs Oswald
Ginn, of Goderieh township, a daughter.
Me0LINCHEY—Ort the Goshen Line, Stanley*
on March. 30th,to Mr and Mrs George McClInchey
a son.
VARISER,—In Seaforth, on April 15th. to Mr.
and Mrs. 16. H. Parker, a son.
LLOYD—In Wingharo, on APrillGth, the wife
of Mr. A.E. Lloyd, a daughter,
SIMMAN—At Binghampton, N. Y., on Apri
311, the wife of Mr. H. C. Shipman. (nee 311011
Mary Ritohie, Winglaam,) a son.
Wingho.m, on April 13th, the wife'
of Mr. Chas, W. Inglis, a daughter.
WEST—At tile manse, Bluevale, on April 17th,
the wife of Rev, W. J. West, a daughter,
MITCHELL—ARMOUR—At the manse, With,
by. Rev. Dr. McLean, on Aprill2th, Mr. Wm. 31.
B. Mitchell, to Miss Mae Araiour,daughter of W.•
Armour, Esq., both of 'Wingham,
SPHDDINCI—MeKENZIE—M tbelvesidenee of
the bride's parents, on April 18th, 'by Bev. D.
Berrie, Mr, W. J. Spedding. of Toronto. to Miss
Sarah B, McKenzie, (laughter Of Geo. McKenzie,.
P.sq. Winghani.
. MdKAY-47,LLTOTT.— At the residence of Me
bride's mother, Bayileld, on April 18th, by Rev.
Mr, McNeil, Mr, Hugh McKay, Seaforth, to MIss
Lilian Elliott.
• • DIED,
PENNEI3ASER—In Clinton, onApril21,Anna 1
Belle Ponnebaker,daughter of Mr 1.1.Bennebaker.
aged 16 years and 8 months, • • • '
'BleLEOD—At Tamarisk. Manitoba, on Wed-
nesday, April 4th, Mrs, Jane McLeod, formerly
of Clinton; aged 75 years. •
BUCHANAN—In Goderich, on Saturday. April
14th, Jane' McKay. beloved wife of james Buch- 1
• *man sr.. aged 67 years, . • . •
iatiSe-11‘u,Tuckersinith, on April 14th, • Limye,
ite of Win. Pybu aged 30 yetti•ti and
• 6 Months.'
• SCOTT—In Hensel], °UAW 18th, .Tolin Scott,
aged 77 Years. • .
WILSON—At grand Ileb-
d, on April Ilth, Mrs,
Edmitnil Wilson, aged 10 years,
• MeGREGOR—In Wingliam, Aireil 18th,Et1b--
can McGregor, aged 58 rears and days.
MCGOWAN,—In East IA'awariesb, on April
23rd, Mrs. Walter McGowan, aged 77 years.
A. SPLENDID SCROOL.—High•grade training
for Business life. • College open olltire.rear• Our
facilities are unsurpassed. COMIENCE NOW.
Handsome catalogue free. •
co rnerof Tonne and Alexander Rs •
This Store
For-itnYthing4t1 W:41 Pt•-ig- the- ,way •of •
. • ,
R.• Counte
Roates of Popular Stallions
The Pope •
• Full brother" to . Bishop .06,.. will make the.
eason at the owner's stables near Porter's Hill,
and will arrange for certain days eaeh weeltlatcr
• On at Clinton, Goderich and elsewhere. •
• moynAn„.trob.?‘
, .
. • MONDAY, April 30lh,wifl1avn his Own. Stable • ,
on 4,Hullett, and proceed to the 2nd • con; thew,
.eaW, two and a half. inilerf tO11. .Freenian's for
noon, then oat to the Huron.road„and down
2nd .q1,•Tucke.rionith•to W. 161o,otts 101 iight.
TUESDAY 'west to the Leaden road, then up, ta •
• Frank, Siqabifi lar1.60';:;•0i0A.164,3i.C.ij,5/4).7di,i1.:.
Hotel, Clintott,tfOr..n..ighi...%:=1.1NZSDA.Y.; „ant,
the Hayfield ,road Johmtlath well's Goderich
powzbthtp for nopP.,;thepto Anthow MO; ntros
'for 'THURSD'Ays‘hY•Wity of porter's, Hill
to -r.(e. • Preeter:s,• Oodericn • TownShip
for noon ; then h y w 11. y: 0 f.H 1-.ni
'vine and Maitland (on. • to W. ,
Con.; for night. FRIDAY. across t the *se
Line to .Wim. Maim. fol; noon I then up, to the
8tb.Con.- of Millet to....the • Groivel rook.to
• .ResnoldS' for night. •.SATURDAY, will .4irbeeed.
to his own stable, and •rountin till the following
A BI G *
Have you had a guess on the *
big Bar of Soap ? Buy 25c worth
* of Soap, and have a guess •on the *
* big Bar, and perhaps get the G -old *
Watch offered by the Richards'
* Soap po. Do not stop at one guess!
merle or anc onager-,
• Southport
. •
MONDAY, April 30th, will leasie his own Stable,
Londesboro, and proceed west- to Ball's ln•idge,
then to Jacob Elsoloy's, Colborne,- for noon ;
then back by way of Ball's bridge to H. Nogg -
ridge's. Base Line, for the •. night. TUESDAY
by way of Manchester to Jacob Stolz' for • noon •
then 'to Emigh's Hotel, Blyth, for the bight:
. WEDNESDAY, will .proceed 2 1-2 miles oast
' along the Huila boundary' to the lath -con, to.
Wr Sanderson, Mr noon ; then to his own
:stable for. the night. THURSDAY, prodeed to
C. Lovett's Base Line, for noon; then to. Gra-
ham's Hotel; 'Clinton for night. .FRIDAY, will
proceed to cob, s, Hullett, then. 5 Miles east to
• W. Clarke's for noon then north. to 'John Rap -
Sons for the night. SATURDAY, proceed to
his own stable, for noon ;where he will remain
till. Monday. . • . •
E. BELL, Manager and Proprietor.
• ,Destord Marquis.
. .
MONDAY, April BO, will leave his own *.stable,
Ridgewood Stock Farm, Goderich, and proceed
ba.Albert Wise's, 8th con. of Colborne,for boon.;
then to Hogg's Hotel, Carlow, for the night.
TUESDAY. will Proceedlo Michael Pfra.mtner's
Beiuiller, for noon ; then to W..Durst's. Mait-
land Concession, for the night. WEDNESDAY,
will. proceed, to G. Huller's, Hohnesville, for
noon ; then to T. Cole's, 9th con, Goderieh
'3' owns1ii1,•for -night. THURSDAY,
proceed to P. c Dougal s „ sr,. 0111
Line, for :Mon.; then to Richard Porter's. •,41h
• concession fur the night. FRIDAY; will proceed
to Naftel Bros. Hayfield Road, for noon ; then to
W. Lamprey's, Huron Road, for the bight.
SATURDAY, proceed to Bell &Johnston's Hotel,
Ooderich, for boon then to his own stable,
where he will remain 1111 Monday. -
os"rme 11. WILSON, Manager and Leasee..
moNpay; April .,30th„ will leave his • own
stable Londesbore, anti proceed to Con 13, then
miles west; thee to Martin Dyers for neon :
Went.; miles north to • Robt, Scott's, East ...We-
' wanOsh for night. TUESDAY, proceed to Bel -
erase, then south along the gravel to •George
Taylor's.' Morris, for noon. then • to Emigh's
Holm, myth, fornight. 'WEDNESDAY, proceed
to the lith conof Morris to Jag. ficott's fOr noon,
then byway of Stonehonse's Corner to .-ve.
lor's for night. THURSDAY, proceed to the
1311: concession of HulIctI to John Watts forma -in,
then along the 13111 to his own -stable for the
•night. FRIDAY, proceed along 000. 10-11, then
south to W. lieslis for noon. Weimer -it to gravel
road,.• • then to Thos. AlThers for the night.
• will r main till the following .Manday inorn•
iSn.gkiFIIIIDAYI to his own stable for noon, where
. .
* Good Molise tor Sa'e •
* Londesboro.
• iered for sale. Has good stable and
Pver y aeColumOdittiOn. Also good top
• buggy.— MRS. COUCH. ' x4ttf
Clothes Cleaned. Pressed
and Repaired.
The brick house on Ontario St., •at
presOnt'oecupied by subscriber. is of -
I. B. Hoover.
•$ Nielson Ball
We always aimed at niaking. this the CHEAPE$41,
SPOT in old Httron.County for Furniture, and mean to -
continue doing so, as long as we are in the business.
Our prices will convince you that this is tr\ie.
• *
A few "Gilray " Curtain .Stretchers left...
• Furiiiture and Undertaking.
Contracts for Men's clothes, $1.00 womb-
,• lv, !Adieu' Coats and Skirts, a epeciaity,
Good .volt guaranteed,—T, 0. crubtvrisy,
above Irwin's grocery,.
Mouse to Rent
The house lately occupied by Mr. Robb,
is offered either for sale or to rent On
reasonable terms. The house has accom.
odations for ordinary family, with good
earden and bearing fruit trees. Apply to
- • • Caretaker Wanted
I. -Wanted. a Caretaker for Wesley Melia,
Gilman, Ditties to comment:le on the first
of May, Particulars a'i to work to be done
may be had on application to the under.
signed, to whom applications must be stet,.
not later than the Evening of April .41st.
• 1'. CANTELOK, Bee. Trustee I3oard.
• LinoleOit•:and. Oilcloth
In the spring of the year every one does a certain amount of house
cleaning, and bright, new floor coverings go down, instead of the old ones.
Never before havewe had as large a range of 84 and 16-4 Linoleum, Oil-
cloths, Japanese Mattings and Rugs as this year. Better patterns and values
than ever. •
Oilcloth. Coverings.
Five good patterns of Oilcloth, one yard wide,
three of these patterns match in one yard, one - and-.
. one-quarter, and one•and-one-half yards wide, •
• At per square yard 25C.
• English • Oilcloth. •
Two good patterns in F,nglish: Oilcloth, two
yards wide, goo (3 weight and finished back, splendid
value 411d will give good wear. . •
35c per square yartl. . • •
Canadian Oilcloth.
• Four good. patterns in Canadian Oilcloth, two.
yards wide, good heavy weight
• 25c• per square yard. •
Japanese MattingS..
No nicer floor *covering for the summer tn
Japanese Mattings. We carry a large range
12O, if5O, 20C and 25c per yard..
Stair. Oilcloth.
• Just the thing to put over your good Sar Car
pet, to keep it clean during the spring- muddy weather,
• . 1.242-c .per yard.
2-yards=wide Linoleum
Six. good, clean patterns in tile square and floral
designs, all Nairn's Scotch Linoleum. .No better
made at 45C per 'square. yard.
kayds=wide Linoleum .
Six patterns of Nairn's Scotch Linoleum, splen—
did quality and nice, bright patternsand will give
spleedid wear, at ••
• • 5oc ner square yard.
o good patterns of Nair'n's Inlaid Linoleum, dir
Inlaid Linoletim
one floral and one square design, colors go through iiits
• to the canvas, at
• 85c per square yard,
Wool Rugs .
. Several very pretty patterns in Wool Squares, in
3X4 and 3x4. ydsj in three -different qualities. • If we
haven't jnst the size you want, we would beonly too
pleased to send away and get it for you,
Floor MattS• tor
We always carry a good assortment Of. Floor
Mats, in the different qualities, and you will find the
very newest here. Prices. run from .
• . soc up tO $5.00
NEW. s
One lotof T,,,ow Shoes, High Shoes and •Betton. Shoes foe •
ladies and.ehildren. to'clear at 50e. ' •
One lot o ¥ezi s Shoestto clear at 75c and $1. .A few pairs
127 patterns to select from. Prices range from :3c to i3c a single
As Selection the best, Prices tbebeSt.
• • • the Btst.
these Wall Papers were bought from the best,..inantifaei
urers—Colin 11IcArther & Co., Montreal ; Menzit' Toronto;
•International Wall Paper Co. ;Canada Wall Paper do. :
eIphia Wall Paper Co. We trirn your papors on one' side o
the two sides, and no extra charge. •
Try Us for Select Wall Paper
Lace Curtains
•can be purchased toltdvantage from us. We bought direct from
he manufacturers and give yon the advantage of 10 to 15 per
en t , Prices of Lace Curtains from lile to $tra pair, ' •
•Suceissors to McMillin n& Co., Blyth •
D .0 N ' TT 11. N K
because we have not been talking Boy's Clothing a
lot to you lately, that we do not keep
oys Clothing
' t ^
•Tbis.is your inning for Seeds. Come to ns for Red...Moyer, Alsike, Lucerne
Timothy, Speltz,yhousand-headed Kale, Maegel, ToroilzA .0Frorti.,-Bestriluality. - •
('oil Spring Wire, Herb and Pisint Hooks and Staples, Shovels, Spades,
li.tkes, Hoee, Forks etc. Also heavy supply of Dty Goods, • Boots an Shoes,
Groceries, eta, (lash or prodnoe. Highest price, either trade or cash, paid
for Butter and Eggs. •
.April, 26th, 10((l. R. ADMAS9 Krtiporin in, Londesboro.
Pasture to Rent
Spring Term Opens on
sore's of goodpasture in Tuokershtith,
about 2?,, miles front Glintein ; also 0 sores
e:linton, Apply to ItIOOLIT & HALE.
Furniture tor Sale.
A .ousntity of' household..., Furniture. to
Fe sold privately by the let rti Meg, .101-111
SHAW, Mary Street, ' . •
3 S11011410111 RHIN "ror Sale
Three good yourig Oniot, from lo to' 15
month's old; one roan and two redo, good
(luality. Coma and see there, or write EX).
IL WISE, Clinton, Bat:tani Grove :Stock
Whyshoulti you content yoniswif in
o • •
ordiurtary,ftlics of life when You can
better tour condition by in Id tri a emir •,'
In this school 7 We givo it thorough,
practieal education and assist our gradu-
ates to.good positIcSom. Commoner your
'conv.o now. NI, rite for particulars.
•Elliott & likLatehlao,
• krincipats
• WE DO, n$cl think we have -;the • kind! that..
should please every mother interested in seemg._.
her boy dressed as he should be,
00 cat 4,1g AND. AT ALL PRICES
and we are not going to ask much Or them, siinply
because se want to get better acquqinted with .the
boy and their mothers, so that we can build up a
•good Boy's' trade. : Yo' don't have to buy because
you come in.
We are more than pleased, so far, with the
patronage the people are giving us.
. .
We are hoping to deserve more. Our firethods, .
otinprices and our goodsare such as should appeal
to all shrewd buyers,
The BCSI fang soil Ever 1110d
was the remark a man Made the other day, after
buying one of our
Sovereign Brand • Suits
and he only paid us $10.00 for If he left his
measure for it,' it would cost $15,00 and, not •a bit
Why not try us this spring for your new . Suit ?
• Come in and see Us anyway
The Galbraith •Clothing Co.,
Successors to T. Jackson, Sen,, C I, I N TON
Thl*SN InA10.1114. 1)(pattlnlvnt i‘4 on the towond
Niain ('111 rallf4,. 011 N'ic,f (Ma St,
. .