HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-27, Page 2VE. YOU 14/0$$ ? ornnn Won ilnde-
wenn? If 7oa ate meninie ineneyforseme one
• le, qult and mane mom for yeerself. oet eut
revere' and nelree,* Write MAReffear. &
needon. Teerwiti show yeti lee wey. albee
sere started mime:ands on the wedge/freedom.
_Ave** dollars a day, every day in the yeareiii be.
lag *neck eandlieg near goods. write .iiree,
Time ie 11;1013f)Y.
T.he .New Era
us published every Friday at
the NEW ERA Printing Rouse,
I840STREET . . . . cazemeesi,
Terms of subscription - $1 per year
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which every subscription is paid is de-
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tisemente, 10 cents per nonpareil, line
for Hist Insertion and 3 cents per line
for each subsequent insertion. Small
advertisements not to exceed one inch
such as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen,"
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name of the writer.
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Contract rates - The followiegtable
shows our rates for epecified periods
sad space.
1 yr. 6ino. Smo. irno
i Column
1 Column
1 Inch
$75.00 $40 00
4000 25 00
25 00 15 00
18 00 10 00
600 350
$25 00 $8,50
15 00 . 0,00
800 2.50
550 200
200 120.
Editor and Proprietor.
The Ohnixn DIM Eva
FRADAY, APRIL 27,th, 1906.Q.,
Let the King come..
There is only insular tradition to
prevent King Edward crossing the At-
lantic. The reasons of state which
will be urged against his acceptance
of the Dominion parliament's invite,
tion cannot be as strong as tradition
would make theni appear. Most reas-
ons of state are made to be ovei come,
When the King was Prince of Wales
and Queen Victoria was nearly 90 years
of age, he was urged privately to make
a tour of the Empire. He wished he
could do it, but felt powerless in yiew
of the great age of the Queen. A doc-
tor's certificate might easily have...de-
ferred tradition, even as measles may
ometirnes be more potent than majes-
ty itself. •
The desirability o the King and
Queen coming to Canada dees not heed
to be discussed. It would be good for
them, very good for *us, and •for the
empire generally. Compared with pee:
confederation days when as Prince of
. .
Wales, the King 'Came to this country,
the visit would he nothing at all as a
physical undertaking.
Since that time, for, everything ex-
cept for bodily locomotion, ocean
spaces have been annihilated ; for the
transaction of high business Toronth is
nearer raWn-flial-71 Vindsor was
when the King wes horn. If there
was nothing -Lei Prevent .moharchs of
ante -Georgian times leading their ar-
mies on the continent of Europe, there
hould be nothing to keep King Ed -
Ward from visiting his dominions be.-
yond the seas.
Princess Ena will not receive any
grant from the public funds of Britain
on her marl iage to King Alfonso. Her
mother, Princess Beatrice, on marry-
ing Prince Henry of Battenbergi. was
granted a dowry of £30,000 and an in-
come of £6,000 a year; and with this
and the money she inherited from
Queen Victoria, she will have to pro-
vide for her three sons, after giving
Princess Ens, the suitable outfit for a
Queen of Spain. Princess Beatrice, it
s said, was once destined to . marry
Prince Napoleon, so cruelly slain in
one of Britain's little wars in Africa.
His mother, Empress Eugenie, has a
special liking for Ena, and, it is said,
has provided for her in her will; and
she is wealthy.
A report is current that leading Con-
servatives, dissatisfied with the general
management of the Mail -Empire, aro
endeavoring to buy it out and thus
make it of more assistance to the
• party., . , 11. is badly needed- -As-a-parey
organ it has been a hindrance rather
than a help. A well-known Conserva-
tive in Toronto on one Occasion said to
the writer that he was so disgusted
with the Mail, that he had ceased to
read it for years.
For Thin,
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 'years! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer% Sar-
saparilla; the original Sarsa-
parilla; the strongest Sarsapa-
rilla; the Sarsaparilla the doc-
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
But even this grand old Medicine cannot do
Its best work if tho liver ilf Inactive ate the
bowele constigadun, T;op te brit, pospile ie.
Roll :?,12. : 'Ll „, „ „a4mgrivnilhetrill6:
,yolil quick') rerpond, and No will the bowel&
"Ifiggiagettaxe'b 3 Ayer 0 L Ili
Mad Zoo. 2..Anottii;iren# .384".
affissi;0 Ayers taztrown
hfaiiinerease ofoai4 146000.000
1. -The aboundingpxoepevity which pre.
'vans throughout Canada ,IseWell illus.
teated by the tzadeseturns for the nine
months ended Stet .March, .These
ures reveal a tOtal ...foreign trade of
859,305, Or fitteefive and three-
quarter millions more than ,for the
same period of theprevious fiscal year.
Theitheortsfor consumption.amounted
to $207,902,084, being .again ofnearly
eighteen anti one-half .millione, Jzw
ports ot dutiable goods showed.art in-
creaseeef nearly sixteen millions, and
free goods a betterment of ovee seven
millions. The latter lean infallible in-
dication of brisk manufacturing. In
.regard to exports the showieg is Mile-
itely better, We shipped abroad do-
enestio ,products to the value of $170,-
89i,495, an increase of thirty-one and a
half million dollars. The 'nest signifi-
cant gain in exports Is thatin agrieul-
tnre, which totalseuearlysixteen mil-
lions. The other increases are
duets of the mine, $2,00S,440.; lisheries,
$4,117,016. forest, $35,644;
and their produce, 83,504,08e manu-
factures, $2,189,007, •
11,yomel Cares by rsreathina
Iflealtcated "Air
Tliepetpularity and. increase in the
sales ei 1-iyoneei are unique in the
annals of medicine. Such natoxiish-
ing Cdres have been made by tins
remedy that its sale is steadily in-
creasieg.eyery.y,ear. .• , •
The eample.te Hyoneei outfie costs
but $1.00,and consists of an inhaler
thet ean be earried in. the vest pocket.,
mediein,e dropper', and hPt:tle ee
liyomei, ' The inhaler lasts'ea life;
time, and if one bottle does not cure •
an extra bottle Of liyomei can be ob-
tained for 50 cents. It is • the most
economical of all remedies advertised
for the cure of catarrh, and is the
only one that follows Nature in her
methods of treating diseases of the
respiratory' orgiine
Breathe through the inhaler for a
few miputes four times a clay, and
your catarrh is cured. That's all.
If you canoot obtain Hyomei of
your dealer; it will be forwarded by
mail, postage paid, on receipt of price.
Write today for constiltation ulank
that will entitle you to seryicee orour
medical department Without charge.
The R. T. Booth Conapany, Ityoinei
Building, Ithaca, N. Y.
• Some of the Conservative vipers
are now busy re -organizing the Liberal
party in Ontario. This is very kind
and thoughtful on their part, though
the Liberals are quite capable of doing
whatever re -organization may be nec
• ,
• — _ ......,........_ . , .• .. ,
Canada. suppliea :ovee• three-fifths of
the Nvoeld's outpot of maple syielp end
sugar, the . average annual production ,
• being 17,394;524 pounds, with a 111012p.
value of $1,780,482. The bulk of thle
commodity is made in four Provinees
, Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and ,
eratava-Seotia. Quebeets-peedeeelen is
three-quarters of the whOle, aed al -
1 Illost four threes that of Ontario, . This
1 output may seem large, yet it ie not
1 one-sixth of the possibilities of this
country ifthe number of maple trees 1
in Canadian fcreste Were made use of ,
ISim.Franciseo Wipel out BEBE IS A. CURE FM A Revdation In Tea.
Eire eetspletely Destroys
tits City.
Followbag the disastrous earthquake
last week. tire swept unchecked from
(mooed of the city to the othev, 'des-
troying business houses, colleges,
churches, stations and ,private
San Francisco is gone. Unless all
information is greatly. :eriaggerated
there remains nothing of the •city .eX•
cept outlying suburbs, a few .blocks on
the waterefrpnt, and a narrow district
of middle-class residences lyieg along
Golden Gate Park. No American city
was ,ever so nearly destroyed as this,
rand attar) the earthquakithe fire
g eietest in merican
Idetory, ecityrhas a population of
more than .400,000 people At least
800;660 people must be hen; 1 in the
parks or.the.Presidio rnilitare eys:eserea-
ion. All .the hospitals except the.free
ey .
The flames linishecl with the district
down -town, ran south through what
remained of ,the tenenaent distriet,,ex-
tended out ,through the mission, a
region ,of cheap residences, and leaped
to Nob Hill, .where stand the great
mansions of the early -day California
millionaires. _Before that time the
water aup,ply .had been wholly mac-
hausted. Even the sewers were
sucked dry.
Many valise .hare diecl in the fire. At
least four men ,were shot during the
day for looting. The uriberied dead,
Many ot them burned in the
City Hoepital have been deste ed
Sleeplessness 'Mho Tea trade-orthe world„has
Weak. Liatlessi Sleeptess Men
and Wetnen Oared Every Day
.by Dr. Hamilton's Riiis
The physical suffering and 'mental
Angular' that victims of sleeplessness
'endure is indeed a sad story. • But in
Dr. Havailtou's Pills them is swift .,re-
lief fromthis awful condition. Thous-
ands have proved the merit of this
;grand medicine, alnong them Mrs. G.
T. leyone,'-eme of the best known .resi-
dents of Geneva, who writes ? "My
health ran down and I was unable to
deep. I ;had headache and pains in
different parte of my body. In the
anorning I was weary and exhauseed-
no rest or comfort came from the
snatches of sleep I got.
"Dr. Hamilton's Pills braced me at
°nee. After the filet night I got re-
freshing sleep, that extreme weariness
left me and. recovered very fast.
"No medicine I ever used gave such
telling remits as Dr. Hamilton's Man-
drake and Butternut Pills."
Don't let sleeplessness drive you
crazy ; take pk, Hamilton's Pills and
get well. Yoe veill increase in flesh,
your appetite will be vigorous, force
and energy will be instilled into your
nervous syetene
By nourishing and purifying the
blood and by .stirnulating the action
of the .kelneys, liver and stomach, Dr.
Ileneilton's Pale accomplish Wonders.
Try a 254 box, or five boxes for $1, at;
all dealers, ex, N. C. Poison & Co.,
Handl:ad; Conn„ U. S. A.., and King -
runlet are ,becoming a problem. ,stoo Out.
It is hard to estima,te the, lass in '
mopey: .may be said that practee
caller all improvements on real estate
.and a great part ,at the personal pro -
petty are gone. The loss will certainly
be more than $200,000,000; The last
.assessment roll gives the value of land
and improvements in Sari Francisco
When Grew,' lii4tain acquired ti:e
telegraphs of. the kingdom as a state
asset they were yielding eevernie to
Maintain them and to pay .a net re-:
turn of $1,700,000, Last year the net
deficit on Government operation was
$0,e68,500. Yet the lines are short,
population is dense end they are freely
used. The fact is that While rates are.
as high or higher :than with us, dis-
tances considered, the British Govern-
ment-owned system runs behind mil-
lions annually,' .besides making no
provision bar depreciation or interest
No distinction is made as to the
kind .o.f Piles that Dr, Leonhardt's
Hem-Roid cures.
Ihe names Internal,External, Bleed-
ing, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc.,
are simply names of the different
stages through which every case will
pass if it continues long enough.
Piles are caused by congestion ,or
stagnation of blood in the lower bowel
and it takes an internal remedy to re-
move the cause.
Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is a tab-
itis a permanent cure and no case of
Piles kW ever been felled it failed to
curd. Money back if it doe,
A gnara,ntee With every packaile.
Wilson-Fyle 0o,, Limited, Niagara
Falls, On4.
soldiers in charge stood him against
Price $1.00 at any 'druggist's., t e
Senator Lougheed has secured aerie-
jority of tho. .ballots necessary to his
election as Conservatiee' leader in the
Senate, and therefore succeeds Sir
Mackenzie • Howell. There is 'general
and sincere regret at the latter's re-
tirement from the position.. He has
been for nearly forty years itt public
life, during which thne he has been it
fearless and. honest servant of • the
people. His rugged eloquence, his un-
swerving integrity, his blunt advocacy
of what he deemed to be right, aro the
quidities which' have caused 'him to be
held in high esteem, All will be glad
that. nitheugh Sir Mackenzie has given
up the leadership, the country will
still get the. .benefit of his services in
the Upper House. The yeteran states,
nein wee elected to the House of Coin -
twine in 1867, hut was celled. to the
Senate in 1802, He entered the Cabin -
et of Sir John' Macdonald on October
10, 1878, ' and was Premier of Canada
from Deeember 12, 1804, until April 271
1890, He WAS leader of the Senate
from 1803 until 1896, and since the lat-
ter date directed the Opposition witli
vigor until the present isogon.
News Notes.
J. B Braoks, lately of Owen Sound;
waaruu over it Saskatoon- and killed.
at $44(1004,30. The eneurance held in Eat a Lax -et at bed time and feel
Nan Francisob was estimated in New bright the next day. Solcl V.S. R.
York at from $34000,000 to $390,000,- Holmes.
000. Tina...estimated is based on the I, Rcrbert J. Tilley, a yeung farmer of
payments on premiums. The 'housing Exeter, One was robbed of $1.700 in
of the homeless people who must have Detroit.
slept in the parks and Jae military e-
Ierank INelson 'MIS sentenced to fciur
reseryation is going to bee, great pro- . . . • .
years in penitentiary Picton Asetees'
bleru. So, indeed, is their feeding,
tor shooting old Mrs, Brown.
• There is plenty' of money in sight for
relief, The Government bas appro. Get Dr. Shoop's Free Book on Itheu -
priated a roillion dollars and at least matism, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Tab -
bait a million is awaiting order in lets are sold by W.S.R. Holmes,
New York; • While pulling down the rink at Co -
This is absolutely the greatest die- burg, Edward Terry was killed and
atter. that ever oyercame an American Nerman Purser seriously injured.
alty, and orie of the great fires Of
history. Beside it the Chicago, Bos- The Bradburn House at Omeinee,
ton, and Baltimore fires are almost was burned and several of the guests
had to turn out. in their night clothes.
unim o ta t '
Santa Rosa, one of the 'prettiest A man named Miller was found dead
cities of the state in the prosperous in the woods near Iiirkfield and his
gooney of Sonoma, is a total wreck. companion,named Dillon,was iirrested
There are 10,000 'homeless 'men wo7 a charge of' murder. •
men and children.. . * • A p'ain question : DO you realiy
This destructibn includes all of the get tne only Painkiller -Perry Davis,'
county huildings..The four-story court' -when e ou ask for it ? Better be
house is merely ' a pile of broken sure than sorry: It has not, in 60
masonry, Nothing is left. Ideptlli- years, failed tO. step looseness and
cation is impossible. • pain in the bowels. ' •
' What was not destroyed by the
earthquake has been' swept, by fire.
Fret George Davidson, of the ,Uni-
versity elf California, foemerly con-
nected with the United States Geology
Surydy, to -night said "The earth-
nuake came from north. to south, and
tee Lani able to give.
nf iteeffect is at it eepned. like a,
t &file
One ,eftliEi big lessee was the des-
truction of Se. Ignatius church and
Cellege at Van Nese avenueancl Hayes
street. This was .the greete4t, Jesuit
institution in :the • world, and was
brilit st a cost of 0; Foixele cf millions.
More than 20 cities and towns out-
side of San Francisco have been partly
or When reeked b h earth u
You feel the life. giving current the
minute you take it. Agentle soothing
warmth,fills the nerves and blood with
life., It's areal pleasure to take Hollis-
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea, 35c Tea or
Tablet. Ask your Dru'ggist.
• . • 2 2..
-STATE f)P OHIO, CiTy oaTotanacr 1, •
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firro pf F,
Cheney & Co., doing bnsiness in the.
city of Toledo,County and State afore-
said, and that sa,id.tirro. will pay • the
-for each aud every case �f Caterrh that
and fire, • Catarrh Cure. k RANK T. CHENEY,
-During, the fire three hundred thous- Sworn to before me andsubscribetl.
and people here were starving to in my presence this 6tli day of Decern-
death. On every hand cries were ber,4... D.-.18%
heard for bread from Mothers and . , •-eleeee GeereesoNi .
fathers, with Which to appease the (sumo . NOTARY PUBLIC.
pangs ot their little ones. Not a single
family in San Francisco had anything nHaire Catarrh Cure is taken inter -
to eat or drink on Thuisday... . atty and acts directly onthe blood
eiirofnaceiss forfee.tsystem
.1 syste.
Pelee& who have been unveil, from aeneedroe fo
their homes with not enough of oloth- F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo, 0.
ing to pronerly cover their bedies have Soldby all druggists, 75e. • ,
not inoney`with which to purchase ' Take Hall's Family, Pills for constipa-
food to keep them alive, and they are don,
slowly, but none the less surely, being
made unwillingly victims ot gaunt
hunger. . , . To get rid of the had breath, the sick-
- Soldiers pressed into service all men ening discharges from the nose and
who came near•and forced them to aid 'throat, the loss of smelt and taste, etc.,
in burying the d_ead. So thick vveye such ingredients as Thynrol, Wild In -
the corpses piled up that they were digo, Oil of EucalYptils, eta , must be '
bechming a menace, and early in the uSed. Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure de -
day the order was issuetr,to bury them pends upoh such healing agents as
at any cost. The sroldiers were -needed these in cornbination with other anti -
for other- work, so at the point of septic specifics, These are then incor.
rifles, the citizens were compelled to
take to the work of burying. Some
objected at first, but the troops stood
no trifling, and every man whocame
within reach was forced to work lit
r•oaated into a soft, soothing, and heal-
ing imported. petroleum Jelly secured
in Europe. 1,Vhen applied to diserised
mucous membranes it acts like magic,
clearing up these revolting diseases
least one hour. Rich men, unused' to promptly and with a marked Sensation
physical exertion, labored by the side of comfort. Sold by W.8. R. Holmes.
of workingmen digging trenches in
which to bury the dead.•
There is a darker side, too. At least Advertise in the NEW ERA
four men have been shot fox. looting. .
There are no wharf rats in the world
worse than those which infest tbe.
San Frencisco water front. Terror
and the presence of troops, who have
kept most of these people penned up
in Portsmouth. Square with the Chin-
ese, kept them in bounds on the first
day. letit to day they broke loose,
and, joining with the rescuers began
eirly afternoon one of these cattle
Cattle staggering Out ot a wine honse
on (*nee street; hie Maris filled with
champagne bottles, a,nd ahieady half.
drunk with brandy which he had
found in the wreck. A .soldier of the
13th taught and held him. The
the burning,building and shot hate be-,
fore he knew what they Were going to
do. Three others were shot in. the
back on the,run as they tried to get
away with thdir plunder.There must
have been a great deal of this.
News. Notes
A child born in New York with its
heart outside lived for one day,
The Londen Post advocates the sale
of liquor licenses by public tender.
.rebn *Fleming of Hamilton com-
mitted soicide by taking caebolic acid,
JohrrAlexander Dowie has secured
an injunction which permits him to
enter his home at Zion Pity,
Miss Barton of Toronto, wasgiven it
verdict for $1,200 n, dames against Mr.
Davidson, brewer, elkerton, for
breach of nromise, at the Peel County
A motion by Mr.; Belconet Was
passed unanimously in parliameni,
praying the King and Queen to visit
Canada and partelipate in the opening
of the Quebeebridge,
All smart up-to-date worrier) of toelay;
Rnow how to bake, to waeh,sing and
[to lay ;
Without these tektite it wife ie ,G.
Unless she takes Rocky Moirattin Tea.
Ask your Druggist.
dergone a remarkable change in the
past few years. Twenty years ago,
practically all the Tea of the world was
etipplied by China and Japan. About
that, time there appeared an insect in
Ceylon which attacked the Coffee tree,
and in a very shore time the entire
Coffee plantation was destroyed.
Some entertrising Scotch planters
Cement Rucks
The ueaerelseea having_ 1)0110 I
Puebla() for making Cement Brick, Is pre.
pared to manufacture brioas, and do all
kinds of cement work. Brick supplied par-
ties who intend to at lowest Prim's.
House for Sale
Apra Mk 1,00
dieutessier Wife 4as 15•5*simusTRII. 0014OITQlt,
Often-Mit/4 /Rook, f01100917 019'0760*
by XI iiaott.
comenced t e planting of ea, and Ten room, with woodshed andstable W„ Bairootrz,
the first shipment made to the London hard end Boit water, "re °I 1"d' °en- I BARRISTER SOLIOITOle NOTARY"
market brought the most extra,ordin. Wally located for partigniers spry to
aryprices, they developing a quality
ever known in Tea previously, These W. B YDONIL PlIBIA10, ETC,
in the cup far superior to anything
Ceylon Teas rapidly made a foot -hold
in England, until to -day the exports to
that country amount to one hundred
and •twenty-flye million pounds an-
y. •
The "SALACA" Tea Co. commenced
their inteoduction in Canada and the
'United States packing their Teas in
air -tight, sealed lead packets_, and both
their black and green Teas have made
wonderful progress ; American Tea
drinkers find this *Tea superior to ally -
thing they ever tasted in either the
black or green Teas of China and Jap -
en. The utter absence of coloring
matter in their green Teas says much
for their healthfulness,and, their de-
licious Hever speaksi
for tself, • -
Dr. Shoop has created at his Labora-
tories, a superior, sweet, toothsome
candy tablet named Lax•ets The in-
gredients are printed on the very at -
.tractive little lithographed metal box-
es in whieh these tablets are sold, Lax-
-ets sell at the verylow price of 5centsa,
bo. A better, safer, or more certain
laxative than Lax-ets is, Dr. Shoop be -
heves, absolutely impossible, Lax-ets
are for constipation, sour stomach, bad
breath, sallow complexion, biliousness,
headache, dizziness,etc. Sold by W.S.
R. Holmes.
Rave you a Camera.
Amateur Photography.
at your home. •
Under our instruction there is no experi-
menting or wasting of materials and n:ioneY.
YOU learn to do evew stop of tbe-work.- your -
Self. Success -guaranteed. Our 5100 prize in
gold will interestyou, Write to -day.
linton Post-oillee Time Table
Public Lobby opens ......7.30
Public Lobby Closes 9.00 p.m.
Wicket &M.O. °Mee open 8.06 aon,
P. 0. office closes .....
•Wicket eloses 7.09 pen. •
close as 'follows :
South ... .... . . 6;35 tem., 3i5Opon.
East. :6.85 a.m., 2.50 pan , 4.50 p.m.
• North . 9.50 aan. 6.00 p.m, •
Goderibli tl5Oam, 6 ,Dpni
Lth ar.e...ready .4in4aliaiY•aPPi94*;
mately as follows • , • •
From'North.:`..8.06 a.m. .4.30 non .
West . , . .". eon.
• " South. .;1100Eam., 00
" East .. . .. .8.00 a,m.z 2.00 pm,
. Worn the night train
" Goderich. . . . .... 3.45 p.m.
. .
Nothing adds So much to the decora.
tion of a house as good Wail Paper. -I
am in a position to show you the very
best and,choicest patterns, as I am
agent for the ' •
Empire. Wall Paper CO.,
••of Toot •
The samples for. 1906 are 'entirely
new. Prices run from 5e a rein to 35e,
with borders at same price. Every
roll of paper guaranteed -to contain 8
yards, Samples, gladry- shown to in-
tending purchaners; at any time.
- Rouse Beeoretor and*Paper Hanger, • •
Cor. queen .and Princess St,; Clinton.
• is it high-grade Commercial Sehool
,Three Courses
ercial.- Stenography Telegraphy..
Write .oiso.. SPOTTtIN. P :incipoll.
THE Success. of pastry
A depends upon the
flour. Bread and pastry.
must be more than mere--- ... --
be wholesome, digestible;
441 t17I
tiourisiu g
. The fIcur depends
th t_11 d the"
way it is Milled.
upon e w ea. 1
oyal Household Flour,
is made from spring
wheat only. It is milled
by the newest and best
machinery. It is purified
by electricity.
Use it and you get
bread not only light, crisp
and appetising, but. also
You will better year
baking by buying Ogil- •
vie's Royal Household
Maur from your grocer.
Ogilvie Flour Mins Co., !IL
Montreal. <, •
"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook,"
contains 130 pages of excellent
101 ore. Your grocer can tell you
rowpes. some never published be.
to get it MEE.
Good House for Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale his large and,
comfortable frame bonne on Albert Street.
The house has every convenience for imam-
ary family. Good cellar; hard and soft
water on the lot; three-routrters.of-an.sore
of land; bearing fruit trees, also good
stable. Will be sold on reseenable terms.
I Clinton, Moh 30th,
Splendid situation. Within two min-
utes walk of Post Offiee. That comfort-
able home at present occupied by the un-
dersigned,. House contains 7 rooms,- ids°.
wash rooms and pantry and good wood.
shed.. First -oleos well and cistern.
Splendid cellar. 1-4 acre land adjoining
the residence of Mrs. Jes,Phidley, Apply
at NEW ERA Office or FRED C. ALL-
' L
IChoice Farnt tor Sale
Subscriber effete for sale his splendid
farm of 96 sores on the Bass -Line, being
north part of lot 2, Maitland 131ook, Ilnllett
Good brick house, barn and all necessary
outbuildings; 35 acres bash; farm well we -
tared and in good condition. 2 miles from
Auburn. -JOHN SPRUNd. Anbnrn JP.0
. •
Farm for Sate.
Subscriber Offers for sale his farm of
100 acres, being lot 24, Con. 2nd, Stanley,
All cleared but 10 acres. Brick house,
bank barn 4000.- oement silo, 14x30; one
-acre of Groh* and small fruits, 2 never -
ling wells. Driving house, pig pen, hen
home. Five miles from Clinton and three
from Brumfield, on good gravel roads:
Clinton P. 0.
Farm in Tuekersnaltk to
To rent io-r a term of years, Lot 14, Con-
cession two, L. Et. S., containing 100 acres,
80 sores of whiter are cleared and in a good
• state of enitivatien. This farm is situated
11-2 miles from Kippen, 7 miles from Sea.
fcrth, and 3 1.2 from Heinlein This farm
is well feneed, drained, and bee first class
buildings thereon, and is one of the beet
larnie in the Comity of Huron. For terms
&I:), applyto Doig & Dole, Attorneys, Sault
Ste, Marie,:Michigen, 8-11
Farntfor Sale.
'tiro hundred and thirty-five acres, 'Situ-
ated on Hayfield Road, Goderick Tp„, three.
enarters-of-ii-niile froir dinten.
.ereellenteiondition, having been all nndee.
grass for file years; oplendid grain or grass
land, well drained. Five acres hardwood
bush and excellent orchard, One barn,
52x74, with stone stabling for 12 horses
• and 35 cattle- one barn 33x54, with silo
and Enabling for 17 cattle, Large imple-
ment honas'and pig pen; power and primp-
ing windmills; large frame. .bonse; two
good wells and running water at rear of
m. p o
MakIWEN, Clinton P.O., or Lot 28, Con.
2, Stanley, • ' '
Bulls for Sale.
Two thoro-bied Short Horn brills for
sale, aged 2 &3 years, both red' with a little
whiter splendid nidividnal bulls of good
pedigree. One by Biggins' Imported Fan-
oy's Pride; the other by Snell's Star of
Morning. Will be sold reasonable.
, Have you tried it? Splendid yield,
full stock, 80 to. 100 bushels per acre.
Nothing like it for feed; good, clean
ieed, $1.00'per lnishel. Ap11y to Farm
Fereman, Stapleton Salt WeU,s.
Seed Grain for Sale.
• Manchuria Barley and Siberian Oats,
good standing stiff straw, and • Medium
White Peas. Ali free from wild Oats and
Mustard, and tee two former acknowledged
by Government staticitios highest yielders
known, JOHN YEO, Holmesville.
American eorn
Por Sale.
A quantity of first-class A Med-
! can Corn; will be sold for
cash or exchanged for grain.
Also' other stock 'food.
Standard- •E itvatorrClinton.-
Highest'prices paid. Elm logs
especially required'
TilitNECTII, or Wild GooseWheat
St1313 OATS, best varieties
Plall(SE,S0arday Or June Pea and
-Golden 'v lee
All ftee as possible from noxious weeks
Bibby's Cream Equivalent, for
by oleeaeo wholesale house, Spec-
ial repret:entative. (man or woman) for each pro -
vine° in Canada. Salary 503.00 and exuenses
mid •wceltly. EX11611All money advanced.
rieSs successful; position perlilelleilt. No laVoet-
anon eeetercd. Previous -experionee not client -
au to engaging,
Afklrass (Unocal Matuiger.134 Lake Street,
3tar;43, 10 . Chicago, til,, U. S. A
OONVETANolteis, Omumissimenn
Real Estate and Insurance Agent A..
Money to loan
Drs.Gunn & Gunn, ,
Dr, W. Gunn, Lit C. P., EEC. 0. Mita -
Dr, J. Nisbet Gunn, M. le. C. S. England,
C. 1.).1401901[0u.
Office -Ontario Street, Clanton. Night calls at
/front door of office or .residence, Rettentncr
ii5R. J. W. :SHAW:
• Asecuplienr etc., office and residence Oz
tario $ty opposite English church, formerly oo
cooled by Dr. Appleten, Clinton Out
Physician, Surgeon, SAP.
special attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Throat araiNoee.
Office and Residence -
Albert Street.g Blocks North of Ratteribury
431.' W. Manning Smith, M. D., CA
OFFI0E--Mairi Street, Hayfield, formally
°coupled by Dr. Pallister;
(Saecessor ,..to Dr. 'X. O. Bruce,
_ Sp eelmist Crown and Gridge Work
D. S. --Graduate Regal College Dental.Sur
goons of Ontario, lurento.
D.:D. S.-Firab-olass Reno graduate of Den-
tal Department of Toronto Univeraitlf
uSpoenodaialy.. attention_Paid to preservation .of
childreteeth. Will visit %Barfield a
• •
" Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken' to make.denta tre
ment as pair:dem as possible. W vi i
Auburn every Monday.
• No wituesses•required
Private funds to loan at 4 per cent and;uP•
Vcards W. 0BRYDONS,
. .. eLOT.TeoN, .41)ATT., •
••• *arm •sales - a 1Pecialtyt:' --.' "`''''''
traeOged AllataWg-Fik4e,
Ordergleft at the. NEW. ERA
' preruptiy attended to,
• . .
Live stock and. general Auctioneer,
Farm stock sales a specialty. Orders left at
NEw ERA oice, Olinton, promptly attended
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale notes
issIJED:BY ,
J B. Kimball Clinton.
Private Anda. to loan on mortgagee :at
best current rites
General •Bankieg 'tiusinei nue cited
;Merest allowed on deposits.
Sale notes bought
G. 'D. McTaggart M.D MeTeggart:
McTaggart Bros.
General Banking Busbies.
' transacted
Praha issued. Interest: allowed on
. deposits.
The NielCillo0 Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Farm and Isolated Town Prove
5. B. McLean, President, KippereThos
Eraser, Vice-preS., Brucefield; Thos. ;fi''‘'
Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforthi
Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; John
Watt, HarloCk; ,G. Dale; Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seaforth; 1. Evans, Beech-
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bele
newels, Brodhagen. , •
Each Director is inspector Of,,losset:in
his own locality. '
Rohe Smith, Harlock; Ed.' Hinehley
Seaforth; janies Cumming, Egmond.
ville; J. W. Yee, Holmesville.
R. Fitzsimons 86 Sonl
- -We are still in the But.'
chering business, and are
in a position to fill all or-
ders for seasonable. meats,
intrusted to our care.
Our new business stand
s in the Combe Block,
.R. Fitzsimons L. S021
PkoRc 76 ; Ciinton