HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-20, Page 5• TAB 'CLINTON NEW BM ..QUICKLY :. EXECUTED • ►NIATN $S and DESPATCH. That is what we . do.. with any repairing jo'bs you may leave with 'us, and our charges are al- ways as moderate .as good • workmanship• will allow. Bring us your repairing. BFLLYAR Jeweler and Optician.. Er Eyes Tested Free€ TORONTO; . M1RR, IKETS. (The Sun), Dealers in' Toronto say that 'while there is no .change to report in prices, the feeling in the Marketis weaker. This seems to be ture of the Old Coun- try bacon Markets but arehardly in nc- cordance with the foots asfar as live hogs are concerned. This is indicated by the payment of $7.50 at London yesterday, a price practically equal to the toff cars' price quoted in Toronto. The shortage in home sup lies of hogs is, as a matter of fact, we believe, forc- ing packers to pay a good deal more than they would be if supplies were normal, and really than the hogs are worth. The Were Davies Oo. quote on board cars at country points at $7; fed and watered in Toronto at $7,25, and off care in Toronto at $7,50. As high. as $7.50 was paid for hogs at London yesterday. This is the highest price ,• over paid m that city. One far- mer who bought a six weeks' old pair of pigs in December for $7, sold then Mg had not or cost hint over. $e 4d the feed , while an- other sold hogs weighing 1,800 lbs. Tor $109.75. • SHEEP. -A big lot of American year ling lamb ¢r are ved,in Toronto again :to_ day, this time tom Chicago. Iri'Chic- ago, yesterday, yearlings were going at $5 to $0.25, while the price quoted for yearlings on the Toronto market is Even with a duty. of .75e a head there will be a. fair margin on import. ation. Sheep are going at 50 in Toron- to and spring lambs. at $5 to $8 each. 04,TTLE. -At the linnction yesterday best exporters and picked butchers' were both a trifle higher. The top for exporters -was $5.25; 15e higher than a week ago, and the top for .picked.but- •chers' $5, an advance of 25o in the week. The bulk of the exporters ranged frdm $4 to $5 10, some selling as lowas $4.•90. Clinton Market :Report." Corrected every ThuredaY afternoon Wheat 0 75 to 0 77 033 to 034. 042 too45 0.75to.75• Oats Barley Pees Eggs . 0 13 to 0 18' Butter X, 0 17 to 0 18 Boge • 700 to '7 00 Dunks .. ..•.... *0 08' • Tarkeye . , , '0 10 to 0 12 - ti The entire s allow t e t ck n o under the sus- piees of the South Huron Agricultural Society takes place at Brucefield on• Tuesday. April 241 . s ..:Store. For anything you want in the way 'o Births. Marriages, Deathii. BARN BAKER -4n Exeter, Sunday, APrii 8th, the wife of Thornton Baker, of a son, RUSSELL. -In Exeter, April dth, tate wife of David Bussell, of a daughter. t10WAN."-,Ip Blyth, on AM/ 7th, the wife of Mr, Isaac Cowan. of 0.daughter, HALLAHAN-In East Wawanoah, on APril 8th the wife of Mr. W. P. Hallahan, of a son. KELItY-In Morrison April 1st; the wife of Mr Nene. son, PATTERSON.--In Hullett, on Anil 6th, the wife of Mr. It. Patterson, of a.son. March, the wi a of Mr. Itobt aunt eA a on ter. I3ATDISTY-In East Wawanoah,on April2nd,. the wife of Mr. A.0.W. HardistY, a daughter, 1.OX--In Brussels, on April 4th, the wife of Mr. las. Pox. a daughter. SMITH -In Lueltnow,' on April 2nd, the wifei of Bev. W.A. Smith, a daughter. PRIEST -At Georgetown. on Saturday. April to Rev. and Mrali. C. 3'rsiest, formerly of Clinton, a daughter, McLEQD••-•In Bayfield, on April 2nd. eers'w,J. McLeod, a daeghter. GEMIN L't1 DT• -In Bayfield, on March 50th, to Mr, and Mrs. k`+ Geminhardt,a daughter. COPP- In Goderieh, on'ThursdaY• April dth, to Mr, and Mrs; Charles' Copp, East Street, a son. MILEAN-In T'aekeramit$,on`April 7th. to Mr. and Mrs James B McLean a son. COOPER. -In on:.APr$16th. to Dir and Mrs. R J. Cooper, a daughter. . IHIGGINS-In Bayfield, on April solei. to Mr and Mrs. Wm, Higgins, a son. • TAYLOR -In Howiek,' on April dth, to Mr. and Mrs. Steve Taylor,asron. • RYAN..-Tn Stephen, on Monday, Marcia 27th, to Mr' and Mrs Ed, Rye*, 0 soft. • BROKENSBIRE= In Shipka, on Marsh 27th to Dir and 11frsBrokenshire, a daughter, (stillborn,) ZiDI]ifPR -In Dashwood,on'Monday, Mareh 26, to Mr and Mrs A. Zimmer, a son. CORNISH=In Stephon; on Tlhursday.'far.2eth to Mr, and Mrs. John Cornish, a son. MARRIAGES l tnoAy schurch, prjjl7t ,hRey. R. G Wilson Pinner,to Miss Lyla Bartliff,eldestdaugh- er of Ur. C. H. 13art1iff. .. JACKSON--ARTHUR-At'the resideriee of the bride's mother,Auburu. on April 11th, by Rex. J. L. Small Mr. Win. Jackson, to Miss Elizabeth ,Arthur; ail of Atihurn. bride's piing mets, Hullllet6 ot the Apresidence ty 12ett A. K, 'Birks, Mr. F. Bruce Medd, to ,Annie,eldest daughter of n'fr•..Alea•Leitch, all of lluUet , c CLAMBERS, -KELLY, --On Apri1 i2, at the borne of the bride's uncle,1). McArthur, Church street, Toronto, Miss Nellie Kelly, of, Clinton, to 3, W. Chambers,; of Winnipeg, . SNFT,L-FLINTOBF-At the residence of, !thebride's mother, Clinton, on April 18th, by Rev. H. Of. montane,Mr. John O. Snell, of Exeter, to Mss Annie, eldest daughter of Mrs, Flintoff. l,oftHhe ss eddpbresidence Uidfather, n WnesyAriIgthb the Bev. C.R. Gnn a n e, M.A. Rector of St. i aids Church, Miss Mary Jane Cllurohill(Jennie) ofthe towr'iship of Hullott to' Mr. George Harrison, of Clinton.- - • SAGE--I'Fnir -in London on April. 12th, . at the Wellington Street Mothodio parsonage, , by the Rev J. Livingston, Albert E. Sega,;of Bee-, • polar, second son of Geo, Sage, of Clinton, to' Alice M. FeIl; of Stratford. ' • 73AW1tSHAW.-FITZGPI1,ATD,-•=in Tor.e�nto., `Wednesday, April dib •by the Rev, Bfr•Iiieil, Jennie Alien Fitrgerald,to' Prod U. Hewkshaw, of Exeter. LAMONT,-RILFY.-At the Methodist »nason-, aha. Brussels, on April 4th. by Rev'.T,W, Cosens, Mr. Alex' 0, Lamont., of Grey, to -Miss ,,Mitrgaret • Riley, of Morris. . •.RUEGli:B- iRIF•F3N-in Goderieh •towuyhip,' on theafternbon of Wedeesd'ev,April Bili; attho residence of Samuel IleIlwainc, uncle of the. ...»ride D0ntel Reeser to Fli4 t \1Llfath 1 irisin ail • 'of Gosterieli township by Iicv IaineS Liam lton,'i1 BA •.••- 1•711D'. FISITI•:R In Godeiieh Tp on April 10t1i, at the residence of. her sort Seth Susannah War - nor; beloved t'ar- net._beloved wife' AA Valentine 1 isnot Aged 41.3 'ears, 1 month and i3 days,. CIiICH-In Tugkersinitli, on April 17tii, John Criab, aged 82 yceirs'and 3months. 7,1r LIAx:•= At Toronto `t'estern. Hospital, ou- .April .-.1-.. iiiiiryWeeks, wife of Mr, Chris Ziiliax A .ctJES ). RI NGtS:, ti�&c Cot�nter� JEWELER and OT`ICIAN: r(*********************1 * EASTER FATS - * Extra Values A ll treated honestly * Satisfaction guaranteed 'tomorrow` and next day * Easter eats ready _. --Right up-to=date. Hats Hats Hats All welcome at Opening This is the place for right • Styles, shapes and prices MORELL cHOL1E Londesboro. " 0 .....fi- $s- foover.•.-_ Nelson Sall FURNITURE We •always'timed at making this the CJEAPFSP- SPOP'•in.ol(1 Huron County for Furniture, and meati to continue doing so as long as we are in the business. ' Our prices will convince you that -this is . true. A fe'w "Gilroy yr Curtain Stretchers left. OWER & APL. Furniture and 'Undertaking.. B0'1'.riii-At St. Catharine, oh Rnndat,Apri18,, Horatio Boric L6q., in his 71st year, farther•+of tate Rey. T.S. 13oyle,.:of Wingha n.- . • DOTJGLAS. •In' Emrich.. on 'April. 1st; Lizzie Brown, wife'of My James W. Donglas,in her Nth Big Sale of Ladies' Waterprooi Coats and Mens' Hats-. , We have too many Ladies' Waterproof Coats, which isthe cause of this Big ale. When we u ep es cut we cut deep. . and out these must . go. This, . will be a splendid 'opportunity to procure a Rai Coat at less than cost. !6.0o Tweed Raincoats for $4.00 Tweed. Raincoats full length, grey only, shoulder' capes, bell sloped sleeves. Regular $6.00 for $4.oa, $9.00 Cravenette Coats for $6.5o Oxford grey ani black Cravenette Coats, Stole C' liar, one. large shoulder cape and , strap around wiist: A vet -y natty coat well made.. Regular $9.00 for $6,5o. '• $t i.00 Cravenette Coatsfor $8.00 Oxfortd grey and black cravenette coats, full length, extra good quality, Cravenette 'Stole Collar and Cape. , .. Regular. $11,00 for . $8.00. $6,00 Cravenette Coats for $4...00 Black and White stripe Cravenette Coats, three- quarter length, shoulder' cape; -•well-made-andtrirmed, regular $6,00 • for $4,00, $io.00Cravenette Coats for $7,5o Black and Oxford Grey,extraualit . and. weight, ht, ,Cravenette Coats, full length with and without collar and capes. Regular .$ io,o for $7.5o Black Cloth Coats for Shoo Nilie only. Ladies black cloth' coats, hip length,. velvet collar, .These are not a right up-to-date coat: or we would not offer them at this price, but they are '' a good every day Coat and worth from $5;oo to $$•.rose While they last $,I:oo. • GOING OUT OF MENS'. FIATS Saturday and following days until they are all gone we will offer your dour ehoiceof'• any hat in our store for $1.00 , Christie 'stili' and Soft Fedora. Hats in blacks; browns, greys and fawn. Regular $1.50,..$2.00 dud12.60. Don't fail to attend this Sale if you need a Dat. •WALDRON-In Clinton. on April 13th,iilizAbetli Winship, relict of the -late lsalLe,Waldron, • GItHALIS-In Cleveland, on riida%; Apili lath Annie Grealis, daughter of Owen Grelis, Aged 35 years and 10 months. ' Sale Register. • East halt' of Let.30, con. 2, East Wa- wanosb, -in.Aubiirn, on Saturday 1r1ay 5, O.Hamiltan Auctioneer; W.Brydone Solicitor for Vendor. 4. • Boy., Wanted Active boy wantrd to learn the Dry Goode business.-HODGi•ENS BROS. Pasture to Rent 100 acres of good pasture in Tnckeremith, about 2 miles from Clinton.; also 9 acres in Glinton. Apply to RIOOTJT.&.HALE.. 4 ood I1oase for Sate .. The brick house on Ontario St., at presentoccupied by subscriber, is of• fered for sale. Has good stable and every accommodation. Also good top buggy.-MRS.•OOUCI x4itf 3 Short -horn Bulls, for Sale Three good young Bulls, from 10 to 15 month's old; one roan and two reds,' good quality. Corrie and see •them, or write •3D. H. WISE, Clinton. Bateaux Grove ,Stock Earn. Cement Br'ic'ks.. The undersigned, having ,bought a „inecbine for onikingdlement Brick, is pre- pared to manufacture bricks,, and' do all kinds of dement work, Brick snpplisdpar- ties who intend to build, at lowest prioee, -A. COUSINS. , Furniture for Sale For sale; privately, •a.guantity of house - told effects, belonging to .Miss Eva Steven• son, consisting of attire' tables, beds, two! canvas tents, and otber articles. Will be sold chew?. May be seen at the house bf the enderafgeed,-J. 01(7LT1NGO-ANIL. Caretaker 'Wanted Wanted, a Caretaker for Wesley Church, Clinton. Duties to commence on the first o May. karticalare we to work to be done, may be had oil appiiowtion to the ender signed, to whom applications mast be sent, not Later teen the evening of April 21st, I'. OANTELON, Sabi, Trustee :Board. Spring Terni Opens on April 2nd CENTRAL STRA'rORo, ONT. Why should you eontcnit "yourself ill the ordinal's' ' walks of life when you call better your cOetlition by taking a course, in this school ? we give a 0)01' nlgit, i raotieal education and assist our gratin'. ates to good positions. Commence yottr course now, . Write for partlettlarg. Elliott & McLachlan, Priintlpola A Y II l'APANVitMPAYAMM etc ice' Ut)►.c)c•. wUR z 4F o. t ►tl�ipin� FOR .*EN A1lt1i -B0" iV-e have been fortunate in procuring for our ,nanny c tom - ®ins -some big diseeisats, in Clothing frons •Coppley, No & Randall, Hamilton. These goods are guaranteed ;shrunken and sewn with` Haiti thread. Our big new stock givers you • .areopportunity to body Ready-to•Wear elothing. at Correct • prices and toselect from the biggest stock in ,town. • Goma and t"e will do you good. 1 •dozen 1. Dung hien.'.•- Long Pants, 'black with colored stl ipes, •at 4t1-50, for 31.25. 1 dozen Gents' Heavy Stripe'Tweed Pants, $2, for $1,70 1.doz. Gents Stripe Tweed Pants,. $1.40, for $1:25 ].dozen Gents' Stripe Tweed. Jants,sewn ,with I'inlanson's Hisao thread, at $1 1,doze,$4.n i for ien$2's.7?Sebtch worsted Pants, fancy ribbed stripe, .worth • 4# only Men's' ,Scotch Tweed Stripe Pants, very, neat patterns,. • $2,50, for $2 6 only Mien's Fancy Stripe Pants, wick, and narrow stripes, neat and up-to-date, $2.50 for $2 . • 0 only Gent's Suits, brown ground with .neat' overcheek, $12.50;: fan 310 6'only Venn * Men's Suits, very neat patterns, regular $7, for lel" Boys'.Norfolk Suits, nobby light tweed, $4 for $3.50 Boyo' Norfolk Suits, brown with. stripe $3.25, for $2.75. POPLESTONE _& .GARDINER-: -Successors to McKinnon & Co.:, Myth WARAMsNIMPINVINIVAIMIIVAMAANWt Clothes Cleaned, _Pressed • and 'Repaired . Oontraeta for Men's clothes, 61,00 month- ly. Ladies' Coats and Skirts, a epecialtv., Good work pluersnteed,--i. C. CUthMAN, above Irwin s grocery.. NIdflINS' CAFE FOR HOT. LUNCHES SOFT DRINKS Oysters and Fruit In Season High-class Confectionery, Cakes and Pastry, and Bakers' and Horne, 11)1cle Bread. Agents for Melagaina Tea • '�6 1Viwns, Albert • St., Clinton. ELLIOTT TORONTO, ON's*.. A SPtEFDrm 84110010 --ilii h•,3ratle training for Itnninese life. l ollege often entire year. 1915 facilities are unsurpassed. COMilT'INOI3 NOW. /jam/Fiona, eataloguo Ergo. W. V. T i-IJO Z Pito.. Corner ofl'ongs tilos Atetandet' St1 From Sap to Syrup. ]+ivapOr$tton--- - Yen hs.vc'nt forgotten our last tear's Maple, Hyrum have you ? • Yeti 1/11011 it s, well you remember yon fetid ` I'll got it at ()Weals at,aiir next lest, ._...__... at't 11118 10)11. The Syrups .hero. As 49011 aN it 1)086 aibly'could be. pelade by trio sepia pee• pie, from fag froth thei al° treat, hi the Eales way, And the " way ' Is ovorything, .Sale is about 111110111, but " ways ' aro def' fercnt, Otte HY11i1I' is the' uredui b of evalror- alien, No foreign substance call get Bear I t 1 e n f unifern eontslstcpcy, has a delicious( flavor, and 110 can fay. of It in big letters it is Positively Pare. W. T' � o NLIL THE HUB GROCE 1 1 1 0 because .we have not: been talking Boy's Clothing a= lot to you lately, that. we do not keep. 0 WE DO, and we think' we have.. the kind that should please 'every ' mother interested in seeing her boy dressed as he should be. WE HAVE ALL KINDS ot 41 at OA f ot AND AT • ALL 'PRICES and we are not going' to ask much for them, simply PY because vc.e want to get better acqu•:l.inted with the boys and their mothers, o that we can build up a good Boy's trade. • You don't have to buy because you come in. We are more tha'h pleased,' so far,, with the patranag•e the -people .are 'givin us. We are hoping to deserve more. Our methods, our prices and our goods are such as should appeal to -all shrewd buyers. T e Basi [iIling sins • 1. Ever .Ha was the remark a man made .the other day,. after , buying one of our Sovereign Brand Suits and be onlyi i !d us $10.00 for it. ti hef ti Illsmeasure for -it, it would costI o - � - .. � �. o and riot. -a a bit better. , . .. Why not try us this spring for your new suit ? Coble in and see us anyway'! • he Galbraith Clothing Co., Successors to T. Jackson, Sen.,-CLINTON l',;3. •:1lrs, GA,lbeitlth's Dress4nakink Department is on the signets 4 floor. --Main entrance On Viet.otitt $t, •