HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-20, Page 1•
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Established 1865
ttOBEET MAMAS, Publisher,
The art of saving money is the,
art of making money. To start
saving money recieires a deposit
of $1,00 only• in
Sovereign Bank
Deposits of $1 and upwards re-
ceived. , •
H. T.
• :4,,..••• 3,1"
Manager of.Clinton branch.
new Advertionwaio
Itotinaldehyde, W S R, Holmes
$78.25, F R Hodgens 1
Business opening, A R Smith 3
Wall paper, Cooper 4
Our specials, Harland Bros 4
Too much embroidery, Newcombe -4
The Lamour School Of Telegraphy. ,4
House to Rent, New Era Office4
Dog lost, A Woodhead, Londesboro4
Iron fence for sale, New Era 4
Furniture for sale, John Shaw 4
Royal Everard, Leiper & Moon, 4
Big sale, Tozer & Brown... ..
Furniture, Hoover dr Ball 5
Don't think, The Galbraith Co,
Store news, W D Fair Clo.... 8
Faultless suits, Hodgens Bros , ..8
Attractive Millinery, Hodgen Bros..8
-F R--
Manufactured by Geo. A. Slater,.
Acknowledged by critics to be the
BEST boots made in Oanada, •
Th all the.latest styles, at
A splendid grazing farm in Stanley townshiP..
containing 140 acres. About 100 acres can be
cultivated. No buildings. Newer failing water
supply. Good location. Price $17.35 per rcre,
3800. cash, balance on easy terms. This is a
snap, investigate s.t once. A nun:Moroi iinproved
bumpier sale.
Seafortb Properties. Erick. Rouse, 0 rooms.
Modern conveniences, F1113400.. Bath-roore,
hot and cold water, large stable, Godezieh street,
will be sold on easy terms.
Frame Rouse. 10 rooms, neWly remodelled.
furnace, Goderich street. PosseSsion any. rea-
sonable thne, very easy terms, Some loner
prices properties for sale. Full particulars on
aPplication to
Real Estate Agent ONTARIO,
good going on
April 24th, and May 5th,
retain limit July 3Ist.
AND $75.25
good going between
IJune24ts, July 7th,
return limit Sept. 15th.
• Account National Educational Con -
/reagent San ryancisco. , ' •
• •
Choice af any direct route going and
returning, and certain stOp-oVer priv-
ileges allowed. • .
Por tickets, old infortnation call on:
F. R. Hodens, Town Agent
Guard Your
child's Sight
tr. onoclev-il comp..;
Micah every 'Used.
vantage tells and - •
none more s orloue;Y
than poot. eight.
-their children.* out,
coltlis* rhOuld Knew
their right ie the beet
poseible. •
es. or allisrakt__
• jeweier and Optician.
ehtIstich Tour soap
J. Lowery line purchased a fine driv-
log colt from L. Proctor. ,
S. R. MeMath returned borne last
week from Winnipeg, where he had
been for the past two years. He
brought with him from Toronto two
goocrhorses for working hie farns an
the 4th concession of Gaiderich town-
ship, to which he will now give his a,t,.
terition. While out West he bought a
good farm in the Estevan distriet, but
for the present at least he purposes to
remain in old Ontario.
STILil TRIM W. -Dating the last
three months more weddings have
taken place along the mil concession
than in earner* ears before, the last
tosoin, the nob e. army of benedicts
being Mr. Dan Reuger, who last week
wan married to Miss Griffin, of the lake
shore. They have Wren up their resi-
dence on Mr: Reuger's farni; and the
best wishes of their friends are extend.
ed to them. • •Daine author says there
are soon to be still more marriages
along the line.
A GooD Wae.r...-For some time mr.
John Yeo has been anxious tohave a
good well on his farm, and last summer
no less than -three holes were mink on
the farm, without the desired result.
During the winter Mr. Bevans under-
took the job need determined to find
water if it was to be had. At150 feet
he found plenty, but the quicksand
wastooprevalent, and he kept on bor.,
ing until he had gone down 805 fee
90 of which was through solid rock, an
he had the satisfaction of striking
feet. of excellent water. This is th
deepest well in the township, and wi
requirea good power to lift it, but M
Yeo is satisfied, as far as he can judg
that lie has a good supply of water.
• igalkerbUnna
Will Fingland of Etoderich Oolleg,-
late, is home for Easter,
J. Webster, jr, spent Good
Friday with his sisters ins Hamilton.
PereyCooper, one of our old "sports"
is hack in our neighborhopc1 for a time.
Ball's chureh i again open for even-
ing serviee, having been closed for the
Misses Sarah Jane and Lavine, Gibbs,
of Londesboro, spent a few days call-
ing o oat friends last week.
Mr. 0. Clark's gang have completed
the 0. P, R. bridge on the 14th con.,
which will be a change for the better.
Miss E. Knox spending the holi.
days at her home neer Walton.
Mr., • and Mes. Edward Keeney. of
Sebringville, are visiting friends
this vicinity ; they intend going West
in a, few weelm.
The annual conference of the 5van.
geuciil AssoeitioAssociation is in session this
week at Bismarck, Ont. Bishop Tnos.
Bowman, D.D., of Allentown, will pre.
side. As Rev. A. D. Gischler is in at-
tendance there will be no preaching
service, but prayer. meeting and Sun-
day school will be conducted in the
morning next•Sabbatle. •
• Stanley'
The flrst seeding in this' dtstrict was
t, done by Peter MeKenzie on Friday of
4 last week.
40 Mr Barry Leadnot, of London, Was
e at the home of. Mr. Thos, Beirdaluring
11' the first of the week.
Mre. Johnston and daughter of
erich, were visiting at tbe home of Mr
John Butchart at the end of last week.
Mr, John McEwen, who has been' en-
gaged in mission work in the west for
the past year, arrived home last •sveek.
Miss Lizzie McEwen, who is attend-
ing the Toronto It:err:lel School, is at'
the home of her parents for the Easter
holidays. •
Mr. John Moffanwho was improving
slowly last week hadanother severe
attaak.on Sunday morning, biit•we are
glad to state he is agile progressing
Ex&MINATtON. -A public examine.
tion was held in, S. S. No. 4 on,Thurs.
day afternoon, and was a very suc-
cessful affair. • The children were ex-
amined in the various subjects by the
teacher of theschool, Mr. Lowery, and
so by the following visitors : Mrs.
Trewarthin Miss Petrie, Mesers.
Trewartha and Johns. This part
done,' the pupils presented a very neat
program of recitations- and singling,.
interspersecl•with music on the violin
by Messrs. Merril and' Lowery.
Speeches by the trustees,. visiting
teachers and others brought .to X close
a very pleasant afternoon.
Dtema Mus VAmicrum•Fuonnt-
Death has claimed another of the pio.
neers of Huron, in the .person of Mrs.
Valentine Fisher, which occurred at
the home of her son, Seth Fisher, on
the base line, Thursday naorning.April
--19tlaa-peeenalect-thas -suffered. frons
di-opsy and'heart trouble for. a ;consid-
erable time,' and has not, been in 'bed
since November last. With her 'hue -
bind, who stillaurvives, she was oneof
thepioneereettlers of ,Colborne, where
they lived; until about a year agoithen
taking up their residence. with their
son. For many years she has been a
devoted member of • the Methodist
friends who enjoyed. her companion.
ship and help. She leaves five daughbi
ters and four sons, Mrs, E. Townsend, s
'Clinton, Mrs Thos. flunking, Hullett, th
Mrs. John Young,- Colborne, Mrs. E. th
ta, The sons are Seth,on the base line is
Miss Ina Catepbell, of Winnippg,who
has been in Ontario for the pea two
months was this .week visiting old 'gm-
quaintances on the line. She was the ,
guest of Mrs. P. Campbell.
J. Boyce has bought fromCharles
Johnston the McIleeen farm on the
lith con, It censists of 80 acres.a d
the price paid was $4500. Mr. Boyce
isgrowing Mr. and Mrs A.
• Austin and family have .moyed over
from the Sarable line and have taken
hp their abode in the house lately oc..
cupiedby .7. E. Hartwell:- `Itle and Mrs
H. Snider have moved over from Bay-
field and occupy Mr. Johnston's dwell
ing next the Presbyterian chin•ch.
.111ONeughton • - vs. Smith is the
etion ine-whielast ••
Neil McGill •of Stanley .Township was
Ought in question. Mrs Margaret
inith .a sister. of the deceased, at -
ked the will ori the -grounds that
e testator was mentally. incohipet-
t te make•a will and the trial of the
sLie took place before Judge Doyle in
Goderich last December. Judgment
has lately been given upholding the
validity of will and directing that the
contesting defendant pay.the costs ' of
the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs are the
kecuters named in the will, John
eNatighton•and William Graham.
The cement bridge on the Parr Line
ected some months ago, has given
y; one of the foundations having
en undermined. Theabutment which
now out of pluinh will have to re:
ced and the council haslet the corn
let to James Spackman. He was al.
awarded the contract for a new
dge on the 2nd•con. The contract
the W. E. Reid bridge of the 4th
n. was let to a Dublin firm at $4 65
cubic yard. . The council granted:
niel Farmer, who spent the winter
the House of.Refuge, $5 towards
paying his fare to Manitoba where he
s a comfortable home has been pre-
.Grigg, Colborne, and Miss ,Nina,Alber. en
Isaac at ICingsville,Tobias in Colborne,
and Valentine in Alberta. The funeral
takes place to-morrow,Saturday after-
noon, thBethel church, Colborne, and
then to Colborne Cemetery.
olmesvIlIs •
The Beef Ring that was in process of
organization, has lost its ring and is
not likely -to materialize.
• Miss Mary Swallow,of Leadbury,and
Miss Maui Marquitaof Fullarten; spent
a few days at the Poultry Station.
Mrs Jas Genarnill, of Brimelield: and
Mrs.Tufts, of Kirkton,' visited at 'the
home of their brother, .las. Ross, over
Easter. , •
' Rev. Mr and. Mrs Swan are this week
in Guelph attending the Anniversary
services of the eld Cluirch, where Mrs,
Swan attended when a gut.
Rev. Mr. Swan and Rev. Mr. Brown,
of Varna, exchanged pu 1p ts last Sabbath
both morning.and evening, Mr Brown
poke in the interest of the Womens
Mission, giving two very iteble •ad-
dresses, • It was MrjRrown s first visit .
to Holinesville; but it is hoped it may
not be his last, as the congregation
were much pleased with both sermons,
WIZ -A. Nicholson & Sons, of the
Belgtave lime kilns 'have already
shipped a car to Lieut -Col. Young,
.Godericha and are now burning the
second Johns The demand for lime
this season promises to be very good,
and as the lime from this kiln' is Ifirst-
claw!, no difficulty is experienced in
- finding a Market for it.
. • Militlett
Mr. Frank Kettle, Iltillett, recently
sold to Mr. James Norris], of Ilibbert,
a six year old gelding for which he re-
ceived the handsome sure of $270. Mk.
Kettle always keeps. good horses' and
alwa,ye gets the top pride",
The bridge over the (), It.• on the
boundary between liullett and East
Wa,vvanosh is now completed and
horses and vehicles can pass over it.
This will be happy news to many
Wnetenci. -Another of those inter-
esting affairs which alvrays cause
ripples of excitement and pleasure,
took place on Wednesda,y, April 18th,
at, the home of Mr. A Leitch, when
his eldest datightee, Miss was
ixiarried, to F. Brace Al edd, a popular
young farmer of this township, There
Was no bridesmaid or groomsmen.
Rey, A. IC, Birks performed the cere.
411011Y*, The young couple at once left
for their new borne. VI/ e join with
their many friends in extending con-
Mn.. IttinnEtrist S. II.
Ruddell, •M, P. of Morden, Man.,
dropped dead in his dining room while
reading rm. Tuesday evenittg, 1.1he sud.
dea taking -off of Mr. Ridden has
greatly shocked' the eommunity, His
political supporters were making great
preparations to banquet him on rhurs-
day evening as evidence of their eon-
fidenee and- esteem, but instead Will
follow him to the•grave. Heart failure
was the Cause of cleeth, Deceased was
son of Mr. 'George Ituddell, who re-
sides in this township, little more
than a mile east of Londesboro, and he
will the sympathy of the tominutiity'
in his bereeveinent, •
pared for lune.
- • . auburn .
' •
iAriong the Ea,ster visitors are Miss
gr. Lampnian. Essex Co., is clerking
at W. T. Riddell's. •
Rogers, CI
inton, at Ferguson Mrs.
Wit. Wallace, Petrotha at Richard
Sprung's.; and also Miss Tena Sprung,
Markham ; ltliss Edna McDonald, Bol-
ton ; Messrs. Will Jackson, S'ratford ;
Chas. Asqpith, Simeoe J. E. Robin-
Wm:mown-One of those occasions
always of interest in a community, oc-
curred et the home of Mrs. Arthur, in
the village, on April, II.th. at 0.80 p.m,.
when her dee hter,,Elizabeth became
the wife of Vw. Jackson. The eere-
mony,, performed by Rev. J. L. Small,
nas witnessed by the immediate relit-
twes: We wish them joy in their new
relations of life.
ion, Goderieh.
Forties 0111
Froth our regular correspondent
• Geerge Vanderburg spent Easter in
Messrs. John and James Cox 'visited
their mother at Amberie on Friday;
she is very ill..
Miss razer returned home on Thurs-
day lASt,. after spending a couple of
weeks visiting in the neighborhood.
Mrs, Peed Moore and children, of
Munroe, are visiting her parents, Me.
and Mrs. Wm. Solinson. Oth con.
Mrs. Tom Morgs,n and baby, of God-
erieh, are visiting her mther, Mrs,
terl ng,
• Haat WawsitiOah
Miss. Rey Qoinn is the •gtiest of
Brentforti friend.
T. Shoebottom has engaged with Mr.
A. 13rydgzs for the summer,
Mrs. It.'Corley is in very poor health
at present, we are sorry to stale.
Alaster Ernie, one of James Nobl's
twin boys, is serioasly ill with bron
Mids EMI Nettlery, of Ilittevaie, is the
goest of her cousira Miss Minnie Neth.
ery, at present,
Mit* Itoberton. •of toraleshoro,
has beim the guest' of her sister, Mrs.
Pringle, for S0111»,
Miss Lizzie Harrison intends leaving
ehottly for fieotlartd, where she will
visit friends and reeruit her helth.
San. Francisce suffers kern Earthquake.
Fire fol/ows the disaster, and hundreds of lives are lost
• add damage to the extent of 200 millions done.
Early Wednesday morning the city of San Francisco experienced a ehock
of earthquake which lasted for three toinutes. Buildings were wrecked in
alt parts of the city, and fires broke out which swept unchecked, as the Fire
Department bad no way of combating the flames. The City Hell which cast
$7,000,000 is in ruins. The Uity Gas Works blew up, the Water mains burst,
and many of,the large buildings in the business section are in ruins. The
lossof life is not knOwn, but is expected to run up into the hundreds, while
the damage is rawly estimoted at.$200,000,000.
Latest reports ette-That eight sq:uate miles of the oity-or, several hun
died btockssabave been destroyed by fire, with entire destruction of th
city threatened, while the financial loss is placed at $200,000,000. All th
Inert buildings have gone. Feland Stanford College, 30 milesa from San
Francisco, said to be the finest in the •United State% is destroyed. Th
Palace Rotel, which cost $3,000,000, was among the buildings burned. The
liff House, the great pleasure resort and show place a the city, which
tood upon a foundation of solid rock, has been swept into the sea. Not a
hing stands to tell where the monster stone -building once stood. It has
been levelled to the foundation, and only the rock lining the, sea coast re-
ains intact. -
' At 100 'clock Wednesday night the fire was unabated, and thousands of
ersous are fleeing to the hills and clainorIng for places on the. ferryboats,
o cross the bay, 50,000 persons are thought to be homeless. The freaks of
he earthquake were many, Wide fissures were made in the streets, street
ail ways were twisted out of line, also sewers and Water pipes, and it is
axed there will be an epidemic of disease.
• 'Miss Eilaa Johns is spending her Eas-
ter holidays at home:
G. Sta,nbuey, of Exeter attended the
• funeral of his aunt, Mrs;J. Townsend,
last week,
• Mit. Ritchie,. of Shallow Lake, spent
a few days. this' week visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Eli Crich. •
Mrs. Peffer, (nee Mrs. G. ()rich), of
Mornington township, is visiting rela-
tives here this week. •
Mrs, R. Lawson, of Colborne, spent
a few days here ; also Mr, and Mrs,
Amos. Fisher, of the same place.
• Miss C. Rewcliffe, of town, is laid up
at present ab her sister's, Mrs. J. Ship-
ley, with what is feared to be•scarlet
A. •ttailms .•addressed the Epteorth
, .
League on'Sendarhtst; and next Sun: -
day evening the topic Will be taken by
• Mrs Cr I.Jandesboro,
Master, Harry, son of Mr. Henry
Chesnetn Tuckeesmith, met with an
accident last week.. He was gathering
.eggs,ttrakgot tip on a beam in the barn,
and wasin the (Leta jumping slown on
some hay, when his. foot caught he -
low the knee.
DEATH' OP Jona' Onion, -On Tues-
day evening Mr. John Or*Lch, the la,st
Ploneer settler in thiS section of the
township„ and the last male member
of the original Crich family, passed to
his eternal home: • He had only been.
sick since Saturday. Born in Notting-
hamshire, Eng.chepanie to this county
about sixty. years ago; settling on the
2nd concession, where he has On ti need
to reside ever since. He was a Min of
sterling. integrity, and for many years
an official member and class leader of
Turne: 's Mettioclist church, but of late
years he has not been physically eble
to perform these cluties. His only Sur,
viving sister is, Mrs. Thomas, of Clin
ton, To mourn his death are. left 'a
widow, two sons in Seaforth -John G.
and Abraham; and two deughters-7
Mese •Townsend, of this town-
ship, and Mrs. Robertson,. who lives
near St. Catharines.. The remains
were interred in Turner's cemetery on
Thursday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Kerr
Conducting the religious services.
• • Brucerield • .
Miss Ra Rouatt is snending the Bea-
ter vacation in Hensel'. '
John, Rattenbury, of Ripley, spent.
Easter Sunday at home. •
Albert MeQneen, of Toronto Univer-
sity, its visiting at home,
Mrs. Cannon, of London, spent V3:t
'ter at the home of her daughter, Mi
Rogers. .-,Robt. Beattie. and family, former]
of Harriston, we visiting et the horri
T. Scott. •
Mr. McGregor'of Hensel!, has gon
to reside at the home of hie daughte
Mrs. Jas. Ross,
Our village is very quiet this wee
fdarnels being busy seeding, and th
Women housecleaning,
Miss Grace Murdock is spending he
vacation at home. She is teaching
school near St, Thomas.
Fishing is now the favorite pastime
and a number of suckers have bee
caught in the neighboring eveeks.
Mr, W. G. Paton has sold hi:: mach-
ine and general repair business to Ms,
Andrew Legatt, who has taken posses -
'mon at once.
Me. S. Grapy returned to town last
week and is again in possession of the
old stand. He is purchasing a new and
up-to.date stock of all the leading lines
of furniture, •
The past week has seen two ch,anges
in the dray businessin Wingham. Last
week Mr. 11 11. Saint sold his business
to Mr; Thos: who has taken
possession. This week Messrs Beatte
Bros. sold their dray:ing business' to
Mr. Thos..Daths, whom taking posses-
sion this week.
WELL.RNOWN Mas. -Duncan Mc-
Gregor, one of Wirigharree well-known
reeidente, died on Wednesday at the
age of58 -3eare:17*-De." ceased, had been
ailing.for some months, but had only
been confined to his Fininp forathe past
eight weeks. He was bord at -Glasgow
Scotland, and mune •tcrl,Caria,da with
is parents when but: a lad. • The
family settled first. in Lower. Wing-.
ham,his father being for many years
engaged in the tailoring business.
• 3 Zs I • : 3.
of miller iri the upper town roil!, and •
se •
Subscribers are urged to make theke
renewals promptly, and flute avoid Ai*
ass of any copies of the Herald •
suBsonaM9Nittr VANZ'ititagtr"
Additional Local News
Rood Rhyme
The old brown mare and the gelding graY.
Were corning to town one beautiful day
As tolley travelled along by the Huron Road.
And their steps were light as they moved thole
mo mod.
Net e, felt or a Jar did they Snot on the way
And they frolicked and frisked, somata)]. lista say
There's no work about this -it la to» that we like
And they turned out of the way for Mall on his
aust east of the railway, BA they entered thestown
They started to puff and contracted a frown ;
The load became WAVY; the traces were tight,
It took all their strength and •they pulled with
their might.
They Benito their knees in the Mud and the
:ma all you could see of the wheels was the tire„
The man on the /NW tried to help them along
With a word of encouragement and a bit of a
But the harder they struggled thedeeper they /nit
Till the driver on top wean° more then a spot,
The mare and the gelding, thir.brown and the
• grey
Disappeared from our sight in the broad of the
• day.
Somethne in Dit) future -in the eweel•bye-and-
. by .
They may dig out the teain, if the road becomes
Thit it's,nnsafe to travel,,pither early or late,
On this piece of road, in its a,borninable state,
Thirty-rwo Years Age
We have before us a copy of the
Maori Courier for April 9, 1874 -the
last issue, by the way, of a paper which
existed only •for six months. In the
church directory we find that Rev. S.
B. Kellog was incumbent of St, Paul's;
Rev. F. McCluaig of Willis ; Rev. W.S.
Blackstock of the Wesleyan, and Rev.
Mr, Wade of the B. C. church ; all the
ministers mentioned are, dead except
the latter, who is still a resident of
Clinton. .
In a report of a rifle match are such
familiar names as D. MeTa,visht Hugh
Scott, Major Murray, C. Grassick, G.
Gilchrist, P. Cavan and N. Robson.
Tbe litter is still a resident of Clinton,.
and all the rest are dead except ();
Grassick, who, if we mistake not, is a
resident of the States.
In a report of the Council minutes is
a motion by Coun. Coats, seeoeded by.
Couna Fairs that the petition • of 11
Hale and 262 others be granted, asking
that pine plank be , used instead of
gravel for sidewalks.
Harland Bros. are the only firm
whose advertisement appears in the
paper that are still in,bosiness here.
In order to facilitate work in his
Ws, Mr. WillNitneriii has added a gas-
oline engine to his ice cream outfit;
Mrs. Icaufman; sr., who has been in
ettendanoe- s,t •the bedside of her
datighter-inaaw,. at 'Detroit, rethrned
home Tuesday.' • •
Aire. • • VV..' - Simpson, forinerly of
Vona, sister of Mrs. Thomas Mills,
.of Clinton, died at Ethel yesterday.
Shehas been a. widow for about five
years. .
(-lunne, wilt; was a resi
t of California for five yeare,. knows
worked there for souse years. He en
e city of San Francisco well and
unwed from here -to Hensall, where he: th
)gagecl in t e mulling business, and
there Married Miss Catherine Muir.
After a few year's residence in Hen -
sail the family moved to Ripley, and
Mr. McGiegor again eneaged inthe
iriillinc businees. From Ripley he re-
turned to Wingham and engaged in
the grain -chopping business, He was
a man of many good qualities and
made many friends here. He was for
25 years, a member of the Canadian
Order of Foresters, being a charter
member of the Court at iti sley. In
religipn hewas a Presbyterian, and in
polities a Liberal. Besides his widow.
it family. of three sons and one dangh:
ter survive; viz, : john'A. and Chris.
D. of Chatham ; W. J. A., of the
Thathesford . Star; and Mary M., at
home. •
Mr, Geo. Snell, jr, leho has been
studying at the station for some time,
has gone to Toronto to take a course
• in one of the special schools for rail -road
A youth Maclean atternptatburglary
on. Sunday evening at the store of
Morrell& Hohnes. He went in throug
the cellar window, but was seen, an
soon the house was searched, and th
lad found in.the cellar.
s• boro Threshing Syndicate has been
's" completed and • is now composed of the
following pascals :-R, Carter, Presi-
y dent ; committee -H. H.. 1.1i11, Josh
e Hill. X. C. Adams, the latter being
Secy.-Treas.. '
e • The Easter Holidays are almost over
a and they brought a large quota of vis-
itors to this place and took several
k from, here to other places. Misses L.
e . g, .Riley,.L Brigham, 0,
Brigham, .1. WiSemen Oh` 11 ,
k, Messrs. A. Braithwaite, W. Clasp and
F. Riley were amongst the visitors, Mr
T• H. ()ole end faintly went to London
eau Appreciate the enormous damage
dine there on Wednesday, by the
earthquake and fire. Duncan Steven-
son, who left here a few days ago. is
supposed to be in the city at the pre-
sent time.
In 1006 no holidays will occur on
Sunday, except Dominion day. New
Year's day was on Monday. 'Victoria
day will be on Thursday. Other spe-
cial da,ys are Good Friday, April 13th,
Labor day on Monday, Hallowe'en on
Wednesday, Thanksgiving on Thurs-
day and Coristma,s on Tuesday, •
Mr. James Archibald, of Elora, for.
merly of Clinton, 'mania the loss of
his wife,who died on Tuesday, She Wits
Miss Snider, daughter of a one-tinse
Great Western Railway agent here,
and leaves a family of three children.
The funeral took place yesterday,
Thursday. Mrs Farran, Miss Arehibald,
aud Mrs. LL T.Pure attending.
nual meeting of the Clinton ;Minch of
the Women's Institute will be hem at
the home of Mrs. P.- W. Watts od
For Smut Glenn In Grain.
We handle only the best
quality, at the lowest
R. P. Reekie's
eLuvireeiv, ONT
N. IL — Sweet Pea and
Nasturtium Seed,,in bulk;
a 'complete assort-
•ment of the best package
seeds. .
- 1b111141
'VALI TY—the. 'Best
RICE --None Lower
Eckford's Mixed Sweat inti
, §c per oz„,. -
Mixed Nasturtium's
• tall or dwarf' 10P IT, oz.
• Phrn. B.
Manufacturing Chemist ,
. Peat Office Drug Stara. •
Relating -to -Astrodioniy....
The following 'appears in the Ques-
tions and Answers of Saturday's Mail :
J. R. W , Clinton, Ont. -'4u.--- If
make a discovery in astrogoesy, which
upsets the prevtously accepted views
on any point, is there any way where-
that can receive and, secure coropen-
• sation-or benefit from it.
Ans.-I do. not see why you should
want to "protect" your discovery, or
what protection you require. No per-
son can hope to make anything out of •
a discovery in astronomy. Astronom-
ical investigations and researches are
not presumed to he a money -making
business, A person may, however,
"publish" his astronomical researches
and discoveries in the form of a book
or pamphlet. And he can have that
book or pamphlet "copyrighted", and
can thus obtain somexermineration. for
his labors, and expenditures, if any,
by the sale of his book or pamphlet.
Presentation "
Prior to his departure for the 'West
Mr, Joshua. Pearen was honored by his
comrades in the machine room of the • '
Organ Factory, in the preeentalien of a watch ad hi
the following address
Mn. 3-Gal/LTA PEAREN, REAR 8110P-
ISIATE.-1141ving learned with deep•re-
gret of your hitention of
a n, accompanied by
Thursday, .April 27th, at 4.80 Pow. 'It west, e; your felloW-Workme of th
been Clinton, to settle in thegolden
machine room, could riot let the °coas-
t] e
ing our feelings toward you.
GOT ' - ever found you faithful in th
Mr. Ketchen spent Easter Sunday a
the herne of his son, Rev. .8. H. ICetch
en, of MeNah Presbyterian thurch, a
On .Mondity, as Johe Murdoch, je
wits retimning home from our villag
with a young:hore, it beeanie fright
ened by Mr. Hunt's dog barking at it
and ran awy, The driver, who wa
a voad carts fell out, and the horst
ren over a mile before being caught
The cart was badly broken, but noithe
driver nor horse was injured.
SPRING readees getter
• ally shotild bear mind the Entire
Stoek Sliow, to be held ttt Briteefiehl
rr 'Priestley next, under the ausices-0
the South Iltirori Agricultural Society.
Thie bids fair to be the best and most
interesting show of the kind ever held
• under the enspices of the Society. It
will be in the interests of stallion and
itull owners; to bting out their eninsals,
so as to let the farmers and stoelt men
see them, and it will be to the interests
of stockmen and farmers, to eome out
MU inspect for themselves the animals
on exhibition. The Society pays $t
for each stallion shown, to essist in de-
fraying tha expenses, end very liberal
premiums ere offered for bull. rhis
show is expected to be a great SliCeegS
this year. Itemettiber that all roads
will lead to 13rtieefieltl onTuesday next.
Mi. John Metiro, one of the
pioneer residents of Mrtis, died on
Sunday evening in his 85th year.
- for Easter.
' eonatatice
.4, Mrs W.1. Cook spent a few days re-
cently with her cousins in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs, Hiram Fisher who live
near Toronto,but oriee residents of' this
i vittinitiare renewing old acquaintances
,. at present.
, Master Geo. Clrke, 800 of Mr, It
s Clarke; who recentle teceived-a severe
3 burn in the eye from a red hot horse
. shoe, has eompletely .recovered his
r sight.
Mr Wm. Cole has returned home at.
ter spending the winter months with
his sons at Ethel, Mr. Cole intends
engaging more extensively into the egg
f lousiness this summer, -
Mr Geo.11all anti family have moved
to Meltillep,tw•o miles east of Lea elmry
to reside ; we are sor7 to lose Mr. and
Mrs. Hall its they were kind and oblig
ing neighbors and good eitizenth
Rev, Mr. Rhodes concluded his work
tui pastor on Sunday last.
The annual vestry meeting of St
Peter's ehurch Was •held on Tuesday
evening, when the wardens' finaneial
report, etc., :was received, bu t' the meet.
ing was adjourned without finishing
the business, as no regular minister
has as yet been ataminted to the parish.
Much regret was felt on learning of
the assigoment of the firm of Mesar.
Speir & Page, clothiers, of Seeforth.
portant that every member be
present, as there will be election of
officers for the ensuing year, also pey-
ment of dues,
ion pass without in some
tLJI S. .A shooting.
match was held at Exeter, on Friday
last, the chief Prizes falling to the lot
of Clintonians. J. E. Hovey got an
upholstered chair R. Graham and N.
Bluett each got a writing desk ; Dr.
.T. Gunn got a razor, .7. E. Oarttelon
hair brush, and the latter also won the
highest aggregate score;
PARALYED. - On &Indic last
Mr, John Cooper, who has been em
ployed with R. Downs, experienced a
stroke of paralysis, caused by a clot of
blod on the /main, his left side being
affeeted. Ile was taken to the Hos.
pita), and his father, Mr. Geo: • A.
Cooper, of Gbderich, notified of bis
conditio. After his removal to the
Hospital he was able to converse with
his friends, but his condition has
grown worse, and grave fears are en.
tertained for his recovery. He is a
most exemplary young man, an active
member of Wesley Church, and unia
versal regret is expressed at his con-,
dition, At last igleoillaS he wits a
little easier, and hopes are entertained
for his reeoverin
County clippings
Mr, Monk, of the Huron road,
Goderieh towriship, has sold his farm
to R. °heathers, and will move with
his femilyto Godrih.
B. J. Crawford is about to commence
the erection of a handsome brick
banking office for the use of the Stela-
ing Bank of Canada at, Dungannon.
O'Connell, so widely known
and esteemed as depoty registrar of
Huron, has. been appointed manager of
the Goderich branch of the Sterling
George Reid,.theittan seut to Godes-
lett to stand his trial for stealing a
couple of weeks ego, got his sentence
on Wedneaday of last week and will
sprold the next 25 months in Kingston
Mr, Thos Russell has nureintsed the
fifty acre farm on •tho :south side of
the Thames Reed adjoining the cor-
poration of libtett, for $2,500, It is a,
beautiful lot, but there are no blind-
ings on it,
p °ran
ance of your duties, kind and courteous
to all, and in every respect one with
Whom it was a pleasure to associate.
While regretting your departure we
assure you that you carry with 'you
our Very best wishes for long life and
happiness to yourself and your estim-
able partner in life, and sucoese in all
your undertakins. We tisk you to
accept this watch and chain as a slight
token of our regard for you, and as the
moments pass end the years come and
go, may it remind you of the pleasant
associations which we 49 fellow -work-
men enjoyed. Signed on behalf of the„,
machineroom empieyees.
.H. Atxxaurnza
S. Kim,.
Mr. Pearen Was taken quite by sur- •
prise. bet tha,nked the boys vets. heart- •
ily for their kindness, and Assured
them that they would always be held
in sweet reniembrance by him,
Moisons Bank
Incerporated 185 •
CapitalPaid up $3,060,000
Resorve Funds $3,000,000
Total-Aset$: $30404100
by depositing In' our Savings
Bank, It does not require a large
amount to begin with. We pan
3 per cent in terest on amounts of
SI anti upwards. Better begin
now-dpoit what you can spare
--add to it whenever possible.
We will welcome iyour accent; t,
large or small.
tra3A3sugeteneal Banking business
AU Ann ettn.tie
thinasr, oink%