HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-13, Page 6Do f You Suffer front HEADACHE LOSS OF SLEEP INDIGESTION PORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS BEECHAM'S PILLS will quickly remove the cause ot these distressing complaints and restore healthy action to every organ. You will feel like a new ppecrrssoon after taking a few doses of Beecham's Pills. They rid the system of impurities, improve the digestion, banish headache and Give Positive Relief in all cases of Biliousness, Consti- pation, Indigestion and Disordered Liver. The excellent results obtained by the use of Beecham's Pills have proved them worthy of the confi- dence they enjoy. They have helped thousands and recommend themselves. Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents, The onion. The onion is tt blitorlc vegetable, ham- fug been used since the dawn of history by .the Greeks, the Romans and the Egi'ptiaiis., ,. truneetoCictnee. The terns "bluestocking" is as old as Tithe year 1400, at which dafnein.Venice. a society of literary ladies an gentle- men was organized, the members of which as a distinguishing badge wore blue stockings. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS' n tke Matter of the Estate of Robert Peacock, tate of she Toumship of Tuckersmith, in the ,County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Revised -ffdtatntes of Ontario, Cap.12e, Sec. and all amending acts that all persona having claims sigainet the estate of said Robert Peacock, mei.° died on or about tiie 8th day of March. A. Eli. 19416, are required on or before the 20th day of April, A. D. 1906,to 'end by poet prepaid, air to deliver to W. Brydone, solicitor for the Mxecuters, their names, addressee and desorip. .$ions, and a full statement of particulars of :th.oir claims. and the nature of the eccurii y, f any held by them duly certified, and thab *after the said day the ex. outor will proceed to •.Iistribute the assets of the deceased among :!a&e parties entitled thereto, havingg regsrd only ao the claims of which they ehi<li...then have .iY"gttoe. L&ted this Seth Layy of March, 1980. Sv. BRYDONE. Solicitor for the IDxeoutors. '1Los. 1i. Peacock, 1•Exeou4.,rs Chas. .f. Peacock, UOW ABOUT YOUR . . 'WALL PAPER? ' v • cor - d much to the a Nothing adds so muc tion of a house as good Wall Paper. I- atn in a position to show you the very ,hest and choicest patterns, as I am :agent for the .Empire Wall Paper Co., of Toronto. 'The samples for 1906 are entirely mew. Prices run from 5c a roll to 35c, with borders at same price. Every roil of paper guaranteed to contain 8 yards, Samples gladly shown to in - .tending purchasers, at any time. 'GEORGE POTTS, House Decorator and Paper Hanger, S j Cor. Queen and Princess St„ Clinton. NEW GROCERY STORE We have opened up a choice, fresh stock of Groceries at Olson's Old Stand and now ask a share of , the• patronage of the citizens of Clinton and tae surrounding community. _ flood Quality & Fair Prices are our special cares. )ustomers will find our stock the best raiue in town. The Red Feather ,rands in Teas and Canned Goods. are samples of the values we handle. We are strangers and must get acquainted, ,so it will pay those who sell farm pro- duce to see us, before disposing of their butter, eggs and potatoes, elsewhere. We will buy, at a good price, (what you have to sell, and will sell at a fair price, what you have to buy. BYARI) HILL, 'Phone 114 `NOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTHWEST HOMESTEAD REGULA'rXONS ANY even numbered scotion of Domin- ion Lands in Manitoba or the North - eat Province°, excepting 8 and 26, not aeerved maybe homesteaded byan ar- son who is th&tole head of a famiy, or any ensie'oyer 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more.•' f'� less, Entry may be made personally • t the local land Aloe for the district i. which the land is situate, or if the ho eeteader desires he may, on application to t, e Min- ister of the Interior. Ottawa, the tonlmie- stoner of Immigration, Winnipeg or the local agent, receive authority for some one to maize entry for him. Ube homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans 1) At least six menthe' residence upbn nd oultivation of the land in each yetrifor iree years 2) If tbo father (or mother, if the Lather is deceased) of the homesteader re- sides epee a farm in *he vicinity of the rand enser€d for, the ,requirements as to residence may be satisfied by melt person residing with the father er mother. (3) It rho settler hathi4ermanent rest• i dence upon farming land owned by bits in the vicinity of his homestead, the requtre- rn onto as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the °aid lend, Six menthe' notice in Sifting should be given to the Commissionoer of Dominion lands at Ottawa of intention to apply tor patent. W. W. CORY,: Depmy of the Minister of the Interior Ailits 61h 05 O m First Paper Makers. - The Egyptians were the first human paper makers. Some of the papyri are saiel to date'from nearly 3000 B, C,,, `ex- ceeding in antiquity •the earliest Ch1. 'ese paper by about. 1,500 years; . fomane.e of. a Soak. The song "I'ii Hang My Harp on a Willow Tree" has attached le it a bit. o(royai romance. It was written by a young nobieailin WO became enamored of Queen Victoria a year or so before she ascended the British throne, which event destroyed his hopes oP winning her hand: Thewords first appeared in. nn English magazineset to music by Wellington Guernsey. Potatoes, ' It took three centuries to dissipate the impression that potatoes, which 'were first brought. to Europe in the fifteenth' century, are responsible ter the perpetuation of leprosy. Deaf as an Adder. "As deaf as an adder" is stn Illusion to the fact diet the hearing of many kinds of serpents. is far from acute owing to the circumstance that their. auditory apparatus iscovered by the outer skin . or epidermis, which is shed every. season. .; Old.:Irish Names. Some of the' old' time clans of lead- ing counties of Ireland were: The Mc= Muroughs or. Cavanatighs of Hy=Kin.-, sena;;h.; • the .. McCarthys,• O'Sulllvans and O'Donoghues of Desmond; the O'Phelans of Deefes, the O Terroite and . O,'Dwyers of 'Ormond; the . O'Melagh- tins of Meath, the.O'Tooles and O'No- fans of Dublin and Kildare and the O'Briens. of Thomopd. Byron'e Pun. TE (ILINTON ISTEW aRit Nervous Woiuen Rare Rabic Hund. Their Sufferings Are Usually Due to Pennale Disorders Perhaps Unsuspected A MEDICINE THAT CURES Can -we dispute the well - known fact that Canadian: women are iher- vous2 Hawn often do we hear the expres- sion, "lam 80 fiel's yens, it seems ite if ' T should: by ; " or, " Don't speak - to Inc." Little things • annoy you and make you irritable ; you can't sleep, you aro unable to quietly and i'alrnly perform your . daily tasks or care for your children. „The relation Of the nerves iid gen- erative organs in woinen is so close that nine -tenths of the ' nervous prostration, nervous debility, the blues, sleeplessness and nervous irritability arise from seine derangement of the organism which makes her a woman. Fitsof depression or restlessness and irritability. Spirits Easily affected, so that one minute she laughs, the next -minute weeps.' Pain in the abdominal region and between the shoulders ; doss of . voice ; nervous dys- pepsia; a tendeney to cry at the least. provocation•—all. this pointe to nervous prostration. Nothing will relieve this dwtressing condition and' preventmonths, of pros- tration and suffering so surely aceLydia. E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. Mies Lelah Stowell, of 177 Wellington St, Kingston, Ont., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkhani t "` "Your Medicine is ireleed-a Godsend to suffering women, and I only wish that they all knew what it can do for them and there would be no Beed of their dragging out miserable 'lives . in agony. I suffered for years with bearing -clown earns, extreme nervousness and excruciating .headaches, but a few bottles of your vegetable Com- pound made life look new and promising to Inc. I ani light and •happy and.1 do not knowwhat sickness is, and I have enjoyed the best of stealth now for over four years :Lydia. E. Pinkham's';Vegetable Compound has sent sunshine into thousands of homes and heart -t." Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong -by Lydia: E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound convince all women 'of its virtues?' Surely -you can- not wish to remain sick and weak' and discouraged, exhausted each day, when you -can be as • easily cured as ther women. • • Byron was. as fond of puns as :Ma-, distance switimmiiig. ` One of these creak • �►. eauley. In one of the poet's letters 'oc- curs this passage, "I am living alone in the .1raneiscan monastery: withsine friar (a: Ca' i el in, .of course) andone frier (a bandy legged Tuiklsh nook)."-; Eaglieh Territory. An Englishman can -go round the. world and touch on British: territory all the way --viz., from Englaud to. Hali- fax, across Canada to • Vancou,er, across the Pacific to Hongkong, thenee, to Singapore, Penang, Mauritius, Cape Town, St. Helena . and Blighted, . or from Penang to Ceylon, Bombay, Aden, Perim, Malta,»Gibraltar and home. Water Colors. Watercolors drawings will, it is said, last 400. years if they 'fide protected • from direct sunlight. • • iHighest Tide. The highest!. tide'in .the world is.fl the bay of Pundy,•between Nowa Sco- tia .and New Brunswick.. The tide there sometimes rises to the height of sets enty-one feet, and the increase l; occ'a- atonally as much' asa foot every fife minutes. e1:asenas.'r The fragrance of, Havana cigars' is imparted by wrappings called "semi- as," y ago:as," In whielihey;are rolled. A yagua Is the thin net -like covering found on the leaves growing round the fruit .of the •yagua palm and is large enough to wrap a bundle of .fifteen or twenty ci- gars.. . High Clasu,Hlaekiimiths., In SarronY no man is permitted • to shoe horses unless he has passed a pub- lic examination and is properly quali- fied. • uali-fed.' To Make Waterproof Glue. A glue which will resist the action' of: water is made by boiling half a pound of common glue In a Clout of skimmed milk. Another, needled is to soak the glue till soft in -Cold water and then to. dissolve it, on the stove. in linseed oil A Strong Switninetr. The .shark holds the record for long • sleitotettlesitelteitatranneregnialleitteitaisiiieMicillaio A C llitbiiisrigai► lK4d 1�Tdtwriirtwr artNric>}f 'dy h 1A4 FIFTY. CENTS. N some conditions the Scott's from the use. of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason. we, put up a i.. fifty -cent size, which Is enough for an ordinary 'cough oar cold or useful as trial for babies and children.' In other conditions the gain is slower—health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; ofood rather than a medicine,' it's a food for tired and weak digestions. send Mr !redsinipl.q SCOTT & BOWINEI Chemist', 'Toronto, Oiat. it.eo, ' , •tures has. been -knows tc's cover "800 • miles in';three days: On a property where the rabore sneer- Ing was strictly preserved upon the southern coast ot England a boy was caught with two dead. rabbits in baa. possession and nothing that would ac- count for their decease. A searchof pocket revealed nothing but two live crabs of small dimensions, the end of . a caudle and a box of matches. Under Promise of releasetire urchin was persuaded• to disclose itis method of procedure, first he selected a like- ly burrow and then stripped oft his clothes, putting his coat Over one hole,. his trousers over another and kis shirt over the third, Ile lit the candle end, dropped a. little grease upon the crab's tbacIt and stuck the lighted caudle ,thereon and then put the crab at an unoccupied opening. • Straightway the frightened torchbearer tied sideways into the darkness and explored the In- n@r est deptbs, while tli bo3, expect: ant as a terrier, awaited • events out- side. Presently a rabbit boltedinto the Goat. As' it did so that boy was. after it like a shot, and boy, rabbit and coat all rolled over togethee, the boy rising from the fray with .the rab- bit in his clutches,--Xorea News. Prleeie%s, Yet Coetless-Pura 'Air. There is no menaceto vitality and to the sum and the value of the prodilett of vital energy so continuously imini-• neat, se insidious, so effectively active as are the Invisible wastes of the body, The dead by the weapons of the world's battlefields are few compared with those whose •fives have been eith ebtighted•-oi--premature ted because of failure' to maintain the body in .a correct relation to the atmospheric source of abundant energy 'waiting to be transformed into vital force and Who have died for want of proper. breath, He wvho.would live at his best must breathe air at its purest. There is uo material necessity to lifegreater than that of 'pure air, There is nothing so priceless and yet so costiess as air, There Is no enaneial investment which • does ;or can yield, so . sure and so large returns as money wisely aspetitted for pure air, --Professor- S. H. 'i'ootiltrtilge t'u Good ilousekoeping. Plenty of Work for Farm Rauh I Mr, Thos. Southworth, director of colonization, at Toronto, says the British immigrants who arrived in the city recently tine a, fine claim of peao le, the -majority of them are anxious to work on fartrs, and it is not .ex- pected that there will be any great difficulty in getting even tho se with ' fatuities placed. When the immigrants reached the Union Station there were five hundred Applications in the col- onization branch -office there from farmers wanting help and three hon- c1red were. sent down .front the.head office a ''the 1'arliument buildings this j u,orning " An increasing Bamber of farmers, l+fr. Southworth says, are putting up cottages for hired men with families, giving theta besides the use of little plots cf land for garden purposes and supplying thetp, with fuel; milk and such fruit as grow' on the farms, They, find that this•ls the best way of secur- ing the permanent service of employ- ees, Single men will work for a year or so and then get married, and go to some otherplace where :t cottage is provided or even if they do not become benedicts they will leave• to accept pos- itions at a little higher pay. This year the scale of wages is about the same as last year, inexperienced men receiving $100 to $1255, 'men who can handle.lhorses getting. about $150. Experienced men'getfroni $150 to $250 a ear, board being given in all cases. Where the hired man has to family and is given a cottage the pay averages from $20 to 1,30 a month. . Anne Uradstrcet.' c The first. original comp6sition printed In,Atneriee win brought out by a Wont an -Mrs. Anne Bradstreet, wife Of Si- mon Bradstreet,- governor of Massa. ehusetts,. and daughter ;hter ofethe-celebrat- • ed. Thomas Dudley: ' Site published a volume of poems iu 1640,' one year .aft:, er the first printing press• wasset up at Cambridge, Mass, Odd Numbers In Siang.' The Siamese have theft a superstitious dislikeof odd numbers that they studi- ously strive to have in their hoeetsan even number of n`indowws, doors,. roomer' closets, etc l ariary I,an d In many parts oft.eunany, portico- .laxly In the Harz inountains; .women. make Mtge sums ofmoneys yearly on Canaries, They give 0i1 two or :tires rooms in the house to :them and .in: one room soinetitnes have itt many as' 200 cages. Mouse Coitehing Morser•. _ At a stable *in Harpurhey, Egglalud, there is ahor e that -catches rats and mice. If a rat or mouse -rim across Ids manger he will grab at it and, if suc- cessful In getting it, will drop* it into.; his bucket of water, which he ahvark Left with him Vltlages That Cat Corks. ' Thousands of men, women and slit!-. dfein•'fn•. the mountains of Spain and Portugal are employed in cutting. cork. It Is a domestic trade, and it occupies Whole villages.. Agents`froitr.the-its Mines and export houses of -Seville and. Lisbon go ,through the motintaiu vii- iegee'each year buying tip the corks in enormous quantities. It is not unusual for an agent to purchase 5,000,000 on cite journey. The ..corks as .purchased In the native'villages are of all sties and qualities. They are sorted in the cities" and; after being packed, are shipped by the. ton. • Once here many ofthem are recut by hairs at the rate of twenty gross: a day, So fastidious aresome bottlers. that . the cork im- porters have to keep in their employ- ment several cork cutters to matt such corks as do not suit customers.:. ' A. speedy It'1eovery. On owe of the visits of the American • fleet to. English waters Adnii i al Erben was in command, :with Captain .Alfred nnav Z. Mahan; tbe writer o !t1 i's, .attar as his flag.'captain: , One morning Cep- tain Mahan came to this admiral with. an invitationto dine with. c duke which, be had .received. ' "1 can't accept," Seed Cuptaitt M i Lein, "as they forgot to: invite you." "I should thy you couldn't," getrivf ."d tine admiral: "I'll peewee- for you." Wberetepow. the adtn'rat wrote .s. ".tdntirtti' Iiirlien, Uutite71 States Mete, regrets that Captain Mahan, hie' tin captain, cannot accept ttte.invitatioft of the Duke -of Bleak Caption Mahan i+ en the sick list "' • An bout otr'SO' later w meesertgeel'out the duke• returned with: invitatiorri for the admiral . and the eiipt:tin, Where. iipon the admire I wrote. agate: "Admiral Erben accepts with pleas ure the Levitation for Captnirb Malmo and hLntsetf. tie wishes. also to ad- vise the Duke of Blank that be, has taker► (;cardia llaltatt off the. kettle -1n" A. Monument For John 11opk1ri . 1laltitgore, which received t received iii the iobns flopktnd ttntversity - and the Yokels IIoptins hospital and in other forme $10,000,000 from Its' famous 1)h1`"" lentliroplst, IS to erect a memorial, in itis honor. The institutions' named are hit greatest memorial, but tate city, with characteristic southern generosity, feels that it must itself do something to show its appreciation of one whose elttzenshiLl and services so greatly bene. died. The form the memorial will take has potyet been decided and probably will not be • until the entire sunt needed for the purpose is raised. A Scares Bird. Eggs or the aptornis, it recently es-' tenet wingless .bird, bring very high prices, flue colored specimens fetch ,' ing ab much as $150 to .$1,000 apiece, The apteryx, or New Zealand kiwi, is a bird which, though still living, is be. and rp ming scarcer from day to day, Ha final extlnetlan is only it question; kiwib e verystow' . r e bre el. at'a. Mies I � be, only ane• or two very' large eggs be - 1 ing Ii:1d during rbcs sosion, and ail .yet st '111 mord of tlifOttiC 'Arabs and i'ortrsits, Art :artist w16 found it di@ieult to get pictures ot ArabsMorocco :Writes: "I once: tried to• site -telt - h some; Arabs in Algiers:' They constanfry evaded mes,. and at; last an old Moor, ..with. whom we were on the friendly. terms:,produc- ed by.constant bargaining•for embroid- ered- rags, spoke, to ane • on the:!natter like a tattier; dor' my gooei..'It is not,' he said, 'that any !harm ww�i'iI' ensue to+ .. those vvhose,gsettire you make. It is Yee. yourself will sut'er• ineonvenieuce In 'the neat world; Allah will say tee: you: "leollowing your own wilt and: pleasure,; jou have made these figures.: I now cotnrnand; you give them 'souls.'" And where, my friend,: Willi yo e he - then'? " Woman Was !f de -From masabo 5ld'ele' In the Scandinavian -myti, of the ort gin of woliian. Odin;' Vali and' Ye,. the - three Sons of Bor, were witllttng, along the ,sea 'herecl'a.'when they found two, sticks or. s, o:od, one 'of fish ands:out of' elm, 'Odin and lids• brothers. were, god*. of cobrae bat .the sight o the. sticlt caused. therm to• wish that they Lotttd carve other ids from: the inanimate • forthwith' thwvitlt set about rite' wood they task, with tbee result that they made•a• Inciter man out: of the. ashy stick ands a. female, being its godlike: forme equally as Lively ns theanan,:out of threeim, bil- let.. Iniarious.to.the' Memory... • Besides inattentive reading there, are•. other things:injuriotts to Memory,.. Ocie; is the 'habit of skiinmtng over_ ne epi `- pens, alb in, a• confused jumble„ never to be thought of again,- thus' diligently cultivating a !raffia oe careless• reading hard' to. break, says Home- Cba.t" • Aur other ase the. reading of trashy navels. Nothing Is. so. fatal to treading ndtb, profit asthe. habit of rttnping through *tea after story anti• foegetting theta akat soon as read. Expectant Mothers should take "Bu' u' during this .trying time. Theextra attain, weight and undue prem• sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the dan- ger et Childbirth, but places the health. Of the baby in jeopardy, THE Gi~N1LE .ItIDNE8 FIJI. keeps the kidneys strong and vigorous -acts as it mild tonic on alt the female Organs, and prevents constipatieti, A " Btejtx pill at bedtime. is theagainst Iticl- best protection ag a nty Trouble drriag pregnancy. At 411 druggistu or direct on receipt of price, 5oe per box. 11 Irl* MICA'. 00. Li To Catarrh Sufferers - Hyomei cures, bv breath- .. •ing medicated air. The popularity and increase in the sales of iyoniei are unique in the an- nals of medicine. Such astonishing cures have been made •hy this remedy' that its sale is steadily increasing every year. The complete Hyomei, outfit costs but $1.00 and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the vest pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of I3y- omei. The inhaler lasts a life-time,and' if one bottle does not cure,. an •extra bottle of Hyomei can be - obtained for 50e. It is the most economical of all remedies advertised for the cure of catarrh, and it is the only one that fol- lows Nature in her methods of treating diseases of the Respiratory organs. • Breathe through the inhaler for a feww'tuinutes'four times a day,and your catarrh is . cured. That's ,all. If you cannot 'obtain Hyomeiaf your dealer, it will forwarded by mail, post- age paid on receipt of price. Write to- day for consultation blank that will entitleyou to services of our medical tiepartutent without charge. The R.T. Booth Company, Hyotnei Building,' Ithaca, N. V. April 1$01. 1900 i4,OlO,000 papackets of this Tea were sold last year, at prices ranging 25e 3.Oca 40e, 50e, OOe, Sold In pound paelets, Black, Mixed, or. Green. 71►ir use 'ef $ares,sna.. For Mauy• ycaas, .ono 01 the' :stats watt .represented lit the Senate. by at man wv.ho l4)sstistred many fine qualities. but who frequently injured the causes he advocated and. alienated those- who 'desired to be friendly , by his' sat (:aide Manner both in speaking. and' in writ-. lug. The senator •. had .an : iutlinete : friend. Who had .w�•i'ltten to. Encu to. urge •I the appdintment of another friend t0; a position under the govei'nipent. To.tl fs, letter the senator returned "a very gar- citstle answer,- declining at the same Buie to reeonitnend the appointment it ie said that' he never forgot -the. merited rebuke he received • from. the 'friend who had suggested' the appoint:' rttent: •``sly Dear Senator. -1 think it, w,oitid- be Weil •for you to .remeree yonrssar= easin for the meetly lnereaslltg num, ber of your:enewigs instead of offor.iex. it to tbe decreang .nuuaber' efryour friends, of whom si1' am, one." Soon atter the senator re teivesll this eotumuutcation, he,. 'firelight about. rho: desired appointment.. . EASTERHATS E don't care where the next best Millinery is -we have the best, In nothingis a woman's taste so distinct! arbitrary, ,.and in W y nothing Have we been as thoroughly successful. Our showing of fine millinery this season discounts everything in the ast,and the more you make comparisons the surer we are of your money,. We're making a special feature of trimmed hats to sell at popu- lar prices, with new styles conning to us all the time. The best. proof of our success is that we tannest never lose.a customer. This department is under the charge of Mrs, Adelina, assisted. by Mils McUluire who comeshighlyrecommended. R. ADAMS Emporium, Londesborough, April, 21hd,1906. Items of ..'.Interest To you who ;Piave homes and families to provide fox. -Tho opportunity has beenours to buy the hest. We.givROur 'customers the same privilege: Bed- room Testypis heavy (twilit y go? od driers.fringed ends white ,. dcolored tor - dere 20eto 50c'serair; larkieshadMisses tenana Cashmere •Hose, plain and ribbd, for pring and summer wear; plain white Mohair Lustre and tigikr ed in red' blue,, reen and brown'fa hionablefor Waists, suits (hildren's'wea r etc., special at; 50 per and, S rges,in different shades s eci$a Per - yd,15c and' 25c. .. - • Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, in cash or trade.. iffigohrtiseet ice HURT.' CLARHE.:G.n'1 Mevcl.iaint >CONSTAN CE: *MMI �ng 6oIi w l d1 Hvghest prices paid. Ella .logs es ecially required STAPLE,1'4)N SAL], l3'URks • R. & J..RANSFO E' l) Nerves. ' Along the nerve lines here are some little nerve faets. When yota:fhel. fidg- etydon't` try to talk.' When youefeel.. overwrought keep still.' When, you. itre• blue don't make it worse by :using up; your nerve force. beep stills Try... to. listen. ' Remember that the popular woman in any society, in the . hocne or abroad, is the woman :who.. says little but, nrhe' listens much. It; is so. the - world Over.; The leader is not the. .One en: ne the• o '*tritelist s tot who. bosses, but l the others and says onlya t 1ttle� ' Dangerous Tars.,, Mousers should carefulin examine.t toys' presented to their little. ones: At friend gave my slit -months -old', baby Si tittle toy dog made et black, weolly goods. .He was vet'y toner of the play- thing,. but imagine my. Horror when, one day aisle sat playing: with it II saw him putt out a long black beaded pile, Upon examination I found: that the eyes: and Bolter button, which l' supposed were heads, were nothing more ,thee, black pins with tong, .ugly pole's; -Gleed p e i n . B[o ke S'e p g Making Hat* Look Thiekir. A simple way ,of making thebair iook thicker and heavier Is as follows: After the shampoo, and when : the hair -. is perfectly dry, plait It Into two or three braids. Iittve ono strand small and the other two large; braid loosely; hold the little strand tight and push the other two up toward the head. This will cause it to form large, natural waves; Don't wear it rata They aro unclean, keep the scalp too warm and often cause the hair to molt luxuri- ttntty. _ . e In the Iritcclten. Have as few articles about the: sink as possible. The sink brush, pan scraper, Well mop and soap/ shaker may be hung above It, and you Will also find it colwtpilent to have the p0. tato crusher and it large spoon at hand. The latter, however, must bo hung:.,: high, out of reach of all splash. If pos- sible keep the salt box to the right of the core nnttoltasc ' the tango and as e ' struction of the kitchen will permit, I Potatoesr Chambers,. Potatoes ebaanbery are a Novelty. Slice and crisp them precisely' as for Saratoga potatoes. "1'Itttt is, slice them o h ihto as thin as possible n dr and p tem Ice water, afterward drying tho eli'eea between folds of it towel. Arrange the plteest in a well buttered biscuit' tin• With salt, pepper and hint of butter be. tbo layers. Dake until well (MENS' CAFE FOR HOT ; :I.'uNCHEs• SOFA' DRINKS Oysters and Erust in Season Mighellass Confectionery, Cakes and Pastry, and Bakers' and Home- made ,Bread. :A4te7<i1ts for Melagama Tea Nimens Albert $t., Clinton. creeneAl Coal! Exclusive sale for D. L. ' &iti W.. Scranton Coal. • Orders left" and money received. .at Harland Bros. Hardware: for, all kinds of Coal J. A. HAMILTON COAL DEALER DARTL IFPS RESTAURANT Subscriber having moved his. Restaurant to the store recently occupied by F. W. Watts, will be glad to meet all his old customers,and as many new ones as may favor him with their ..patronage.:.. Having also bought out the he will KingBakery, pp y the public with first - class Bread and Bre Cakes. BREAD DELIVERED AS FORMERLY H.BARTLIF� Tlie LANDESEO1LO TAILOR Is still here. Bring your own ololh. t will )hake it up for you at a price that right. See our • o be all t will rind t new tett samples, all .at prices .y that are right and cannot be beat, bit, work-. manship, and trimmings that are all right. A. WOO IIEb D1LvedosTailor, uall and examine Our stook of high artpianos of lest est ease designs, and containingfinest t e • done -purchasable .for money.' See our very latest styles of sweet -toned organe, at. prices;. Inetrnemente rented, toned or re- r' paired. Gramophones and mucic in vet - meet at HOARE'S: Music Eispori*. J. RIME,..t Fiauo Tuner, S >otih �.r J t the R, C. Church. CCD A.1 Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in Stock and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left:at Davis & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, At Electric 14ight Plant• NO1IC1!! Spring Is here, and so is _ .. house-cleaning time, If you will call at our store, you will find every- thing to make the- work easy. Soaps Powder's, nrllshesy Mops, Brooms, etc. All sold at closest possible prices. -.. z ton D e�� Ae The PeopleGrocer . rhonett z t •