HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-13, Page 5( April i8tbb, ,t4100 THE OLINT N NEW ERA TORONTO MRRKER R $, #The l5un)+ Reltalile watches... Weagain draw attention to our high grade of WATCHES Good material, fine fin- ish •andcc ' a uatate adjust - mem are all combined in each Watch. Our aim in the past, as now, has not been a,question of -pride, hut (quality. • A Good Time -Piece fj like anything '.else, 'is . al- 'ways the clir'eapest in the end, If you want a.good Watch, buy from us. . 11 A JEWELLER And OPTICIAN Eyes Tested 'Free 16 CArttc - - i]•'hr• tattle laituation +,thl year is about the, reverse of what was this time last season. There wa quite a boom in April and May of 1905 followed by a depression. This yea the L e hsecondweekin _April rinse cattl rather depressed with the. prospects, in the opinion of the best judges, of a better market in middle or Iatter end of May- In ay In Toronto Baster rattle were hand- led at the end of last week, the bulk of the good ones going at about $5 40 and $5.50, but Crawford and unnisett sold one load•up to $5.90, thie being for choice heifers, Ssr�E.--Another advance has. taken place past week,yearling lambs g up to $7.775tat' the Junction. Poorer ones said down as low as $0.50, export ewes fetched $5 to $5.75, and bucks $4,50. to $5.. Spring Iambs brought $3,50 to $$.50 each. i Birthhs. Marriages,, »eathi r Bohx . S t DUNLOP -In 13nl1e0 . ein April tat, the wife of. It Mr, MIA Dunton, of a lion, H Mel4WEN,-In Stanley, Ott April 8th, to Dir. , and Mrs, ,lex McEwen, a daughter. MoGt4EGOR.•.-In Stanley, an April 7111, to Air. and Mrs. Neil McGregor, Oa. e ` MULHOLLAND -In Clinton. oh A0117t3, the Wife of Mr, J. Mu/holland. olland. of a eon, ItNOX-.-In Hallett. on March 28th. to Mn. and Mrs. Wm. $aoia,a son. Roos.-Iiog prices have advanced slightly during the past week, and it does not seem improbable that the $3 ' mark will yet be reached here; it has alreadybeen reached in• Montreal. Bark, lackwell & Oa. quote off cars in 'Toronto this week at 07.50 to $7.60; , with lights and fats, 25e less • • Drovers who were at the Junetion yesterday said that,,,frow $7 to $7.15 had been paid on board cars .at local points in Grey and Wellington Coun- ties last week, the top price being pkid at Shelburne. .s Holism- Burns and 'Sheppardof the Repository, Toronto, import an ex- traordinary demand for 'horses for Western Canada. The sort of animals wanted, are good, sound ones, Weigh- ing up to fourteen andei%teen hundred pounds. In feet, -this is the class that is most in demand tldth for city ser- vice and for shipment to the West. The prices obtained for' these animals depend altogether Jon quality. The range in values is ever widening and discrimination becoming greater. Those of the weights.. spoken of are sellingall the wayr,:Burns and Shep- pard say, from 5140 to. $150 and up as high as $250. • Clutton Market Deport, Corriaoted every Thursday afternoon Wheat _..; .: 0 7510 0.77 . Oats ..,...'0 33 to 034. Earley_ • 0 42 to o 45• • Peas 9 75 to O 75 Eggs gh ,': 0 13 to 013 Butter 0 17 to 0 38 Bogs .. ,,.... 7 00 b 7 00 Ducks • , 0 GS Turkeys .. 0 10 to 0 12 Come to BNELI.—In Mullett on April 7th,to Wand Mrs t Wiir. Snell, a on. Will -born.) FALI{NER-InStanley, London road, Oh April 7th, the wife of Mr, W. 1! alkner, of a son. OSIIALDApril the wilt of Air aerbbrt Ossbaldoston, of • a daughter. RANSFORD.-At Orlllia, on April lOtb,19O8, to Mr. and Mrs. HonrY Rumford, a daughter. I NT, 1n Brucefield, April Ind to jXr.. and Mrs, Chas, Hunt a son. AlA1e In. d, anon, an April 2nd,to the wife c1 Mr. Alex Ard, anon, 10)11174—In Wingham, on Maroh60tlr, the wife of Mr. (deo. Reeve, a daughter. MtikTOVLL,—In Turnberry, on March 23rd, the ,'wife of Wr, J, Mundell, a son. Widoaihcon.°eaaAprrito Mr. M s..i h. Wittmrr, daughter.. KENNEDY -In Seaforth, on Marsh 29th. to Mr, and Mrs. Colin Kennedy, a son. Ncckwcar, Bel and 010 VeS All our New Easter Novelties areow instock,.- ts_ u If you are interested in the latest noveltieag in •Belts, Collars, Gloves ete, etc., wewould be pleased iso have you call and exorablethe many pretty tb.in s we have NEW EASTER BELTS Leather Belts are doing to be the correct thing. We have them in three qualities, in pleated, leather, with fancy buckles, in white, black and green, at 25-2, 50c and 75c. NEW SILK 'BELTS The Silk Belts come in a variety of colors, black, white, brown, blue, dresden reel and green, all the newest shapes, from 25c up to $I.25. .:.•ANDAEWs=In 1,Biudridviliea?8001, T.Q., NEW V iLiNOS of a lion. � MOOZi1;-In aladorich, on March 13th, to Mr.' The very latest zri TFz2rYgQ far. aster Soyeral ,Ver Tett' and Mrs. Walter T. Moore, Wolfe street, a son. ' designs now ill stock, from 25C uy p• ` MCGAW,—O1i'March 17th, to Mr and Mrs G.II. . Macaw, a daugl#tar. JOHNSTON.;In (loderich; on April 4th, to Afr and Mrs. James Johnston, a son., MA1tRIED FREEMANA-AIARHHALL +At the residence of the bride's mother; Clinton, on April I1, by Rev. Mr Manning, Robert Il, Freeman, of Hada, to Miss Sarah Marshall MASH-WRES_On March 20th, at •the residence of the bride's father, Stanlov, by Rev. Thomas Davidson, Me. David Wilson MCAslr, to Miss Charlotte Isabel Weekes, aiaughter of Chas. Weekes, • DIM) • 7118, ,br•.•'"..4,4rM.!mot pMn0410+ h/4 6,6044 LACE., Our stock is &ways conl(.)lete in Valorici iti'rs mid Tot'chon Laces.. It' ou are li.., I.0 i Ua.u,4ef4i,., l:c. lltll and Citi!', �tJ. •'vVU cart. We can snit you. From 3d up. ; sure • BARR _At the T-Iouse of 1eftige on April flWilliam Barrforneriy of Brussels.. aged 95 years ethinur,rtaeJhTbsrir Clinton, tose ]wn- send, aged 7& years and id months. . OA11$ERT.-In Rullett,, on April 11th.') bowas Carbert, aged 42 yeah and 8 mouths, The funeral will take place from theresidence, • 6tH concession of Hallett, on Friday, April 13th, at 9 a. ni,'and proceed to. St. Joseph's Church, Dunton, and thence to the R. C, Demote*. SOLPEN-At the 1401 concession, Hay;on SYm- day, Aprillst, Elizabeth Becher, relict of th'elate Conrad Soldan, at the • age of 79'- year Months and 27 days. s• BEAVER. -•In Crediton; on March'26th, Bert- ence Sim en, Wife. of C. Beaver, in her 42nti.year; DUNCAN-At l'ariiuhar•, on March 2895, AIe,i• ander Duncan, aged .77 rears. O'BRIEN-In Hay. on April 2nd;Ann S'arquhar, relict of the late Henry O'Brien...aged 75 years. COXLfNGWOQD, In Exeter, On April Sril, Annie May, daughter of Mr, INtn. Oollingwood4 aged 14 years,.2 months and 14 days. • MCCULLOCR-In Seafortb,ou April Stn ,Sarah Robb, relict of the /ate David hfoOnilooh, aged OO years: 'ANDERSON-in li2nRachel reloire lo Ale ABersoaged 86 S'eal's, 11ics%r .: Adyeertis't Wbits:' Mortgage. Sale OF Farm .Property, Under and by virtue.of rho powers .contained in a certain: mortgage, Which will the laroduced. oat the time of sale utero will be offered for sale bY•Pubitc Auction by' C Iiatnitton, Auctioneer, at W. T. Rirideli s Store in the VILLAGR OF PURI ' os SATURDAY. AY MAY 561t,„ at 1, the ,property. vis The' east Mai of Lot nember 30, ooneession t, iu the To'tvnsbip of East nawanosh• containing '100 acres more or loss, The 'farm nos'cssos the following features: Good Olay soil, plenty of water from a• living spring, a good orchard,. 05 acres of cleared land, well fenced and all seeded down in grass, having been used for the last two years as n. pasture farm: a frame barn 36 x 56, with frame stable at- tached, add a dwelling House r -The farm is lo- cated conveniently to school and market, being. about •2s miles 1'rorri Auburn and 5 miles from Blyth For terms and conditions apply to. • ' C. HAMILTON, Auctioneer, Blyth. W•.•B12YDONE, Clinton, • Soholtor for Vendor. 'For •anythin you want : in the way of FINE - J1W LLRY • WA FC'>t iES, RI tGS., cc W. R. Counter, .1E W BGET,�anc j EASTER HATS . xtlra, Values All treated honestl .7 Satisfaction 'guaranteed 'Tomorrow and next day aster Hats ready Right up-to-date ,Styles, ,shapes and prices MORRELLNII01.11ES Hats Hats MatsAll welcome -at -Opening This is the place for right • ,Londesbioro.. • :**************** ** * **t 11. Si Hoover, NelsOfl' Said The balance of the Stevenson stock of -Purniture is still being o ff'ered at. greatly reduced prices. • Very special prices quoted on - - .Sideboards, `lion -Beds, and Parlor Cabinets. Come and'secure some of the bargains. Ho E-;ArL. Fur i iture and Undertaking. , i i T( N, O T. Dry Earth Closets The following extraots from the Dry Earth Closet By-law, which comes into effect and • will: be enforced on and after May 1st I006 are publish- ed -for the information of Property owners. 1 A,11 privy pits now an use muskbe ..thoroughly .disinfected by using at least,two pounds of sul- phate of 'copper mixed In two ;pailfuls: of water. The pits shall the be $lled,fn.with at least two feet of dry earth, 2 Ail prdpertyownors shall provide a dry earth closet for every residenoe,store,faetory,office etc. 8' All closets shall be Constructed according to a model furnished by the lnublic•heaslth Inspector. het tachit shall be cleacil n closeatleaon stone Month edu between the balance of -the t and year.a No cat lean Jug l b she . 6 l ono ed by one so appointed. 1 than the 5 No refuse or other insoluble.matter shall be deposited in any'Closet,' • • 6 A sufficient amount shall be collected from every property owner to pay forthe cost.of clean- ing and shall' be collected along with the munivi- nal taxes yearly." • 7 Closets,ftn the crematory and . wale ' supply systems are ei;Cepted`froin the provisions' id' this By-law. • . By order of the Council, D.C. AIACPilbif(fi At, To�ws,CI,r: s R n . �. NEWEASTER OLO ES The new Baster "Perrin " . Gloves are all here in black br i fawn, grey,„ ” . o ve green and blue, We are sole for "Perrin" Gloves and guarantee every' pair. Prises $X,00, $1.25 and $1.50 New dressed and undressed wash Gloves, now in stock, at 76e and $1.00 • EASTER .STOCK COLLARS AlLthe newest creations in Silk and Chiffon,. daintily trimmed; all the newest shades, from 25e to $1,50, LAWN TAB,Q0.LARS A great variety e g ty ftarvn'�tlll:(,oil• �' York designs, from se to 35e, axe, all the very newest New .. LACI COLLARS Lace 'Collars, a large r..nge to cboos:r fi am, 'alt new designs • troCn the cheapest to the e ipeusi'4e•Battenbing, Call and see these, l-Iere is your chance .0, get ynur•Faster Ribbons a;_-.a„_..greatly: reduced is price ce :--Pure Taffeta &tic:R:ibbons, heavy weight, three -and -three -guar- ) ter inches wide, in y red, sky, navy, , brown, black, white, t wlie, green, yellow and pink, ,our regular 25c .value; 'for list. • NEW BAS FE3R sUI.wirs Men's new.,Rester Shirts, in polio dotsand fancy'stri e R great Variety to choose from, 'at 75r, 61.00.: and .$1.25., ' .47116 NliN'S COLLARS MBN'e$ EASTER TIES All' the very newest shades, widths and Ca tlerns, 'aft will find here.' .Better value you cannot get; froth 25a to 50c. 1 William Green's Collars ate the ve, a best . fe1 25c Co1f ts in n. the market. • We carry a full range. "Jay" 4-oty Linen Coll'u s are the hest in the world; guaran, teed' buttonhole and ' o sl and the 1:1.uucdrs,--3 for 50e.. ' Rubber -- Collars,_ - - -- height did' and bright; . finish, all 'sixes, 25e. • Men's Umbrellas, a large range to choo3e•.from; good quality' tops, and the newest design n handles, Ask to see oar special . at 21.00. No' better. value. • 'NEW UMBRELLAS. • RAIN COATS ` Alen's Rin,pronf .Coats,, male from n. specially prepared 'Covert (liotd , in greys, atntl fawns, rplorididlIy made: 'Pcices'$3p0. p. to $15 00. . z/ition _4/ mpirms w - 1 bL. qm�,t �• i: � i, .e� �� t u � 1 l' ;1 eiiMititIONWONAMIIMAW4.*.vVit • 40 3i►' ti-lt t[, ,,, V (• i ><t. rJ,,1 y New Ready=toY car .'FBSEN... AND BOV' • The F'it and: Fin s Vire have been fortunate in procuring for our many custom= ei's some big discounts in Clothing from Coppley, Noyes k • Randall, ' lLuu l'ton. TItese, goods are guarantee -t shru n ken and sewn ori th linen thread. Our big new stock giv s you an opportunity to .buy Ready-to.Wear clothing at correct prices and to select, from the biggest stQ4 k in town. • Come and we will do you good. i 1 dozen Xoung Men's Long Pants, black. with colored stripes, at $1-60, for 31.25. 1dozen Gents, Heavy Stripe Tweed Pants, $2, for '$l: 70 1 doz..:Gents Stripe Tweed Pants, $1.40, for $1.25 1 dozen Gents' Stripe Tweed I'at;tits, sewn with. F inlanson's linen thread, at $1 1 dozen Men's Scotch worsted Pants, fant'q .ribbed stripe,. worth i$4, for $2.75. 0 mit.r 1TT .Akiiddy TORONTO, ONT. "`- Spring Torn (pens April and. A high Stan- dard of thoiuugun(si is always maintained In this school, " Enter now, and be ready to,eeeept a fine position in the fa 1, College open entire year. Circtelarsffree, 4 orncr, ef)►on Y3 , J. ELLIOTT, Prin.ge and Alexandre. Stat FrorxhSap tri S: -. yr�xp. --By Evaporation --- 6only Men's Scotch Tweed Stripe Pants, ,,v• ery nett p'ttterirs, $2.50, for $2 • (l only Men's Fancy Stripe Paints, wide nd `narrow stripes,neat and up-to-date, $2.50 for 32 0only Gent's .Suits, brown ground with neat overcheck, $12.50, for $10 0 only Young Men's Suits, yeryneat patterns, rognlat $7,. Inc 06 Boys" Norfolk suits, nobby light tweed, $4 for $3.50. BOys'.•Noifolk .Sults,: brown with stripe $3.2.5, for $2.75. ,e0PLESTONE & GARDIN • . Su eeessors to McKinnon & Co,, Myth iiii•'N►ri/NONNNNi•trib•0esi sips. MNN i�NieiN Inat----1.4 The new Package Dye • I The makers guarantee it fully, as per the following state.. i� •4 • mat, or money refit rtied : ' Each package will color wool, cotton, silk or mixed goods. DY -044A will color more goods, package for package, -than any other dye. DY•O-LA does not contain any poison or ' y p cut and. can be i _•.. _,_.. • other package dye D'ir't 1!,14 is something entirely different from Any • You haoe' it forgotten our last year's Staple Syrup, have you 7' - saiYd, ' 31 getsitwnt O 0111s again3 e t year.,. That's 1bisiyear. Tho 81017 could be. rup's bete. by brie same Peo- ple, from gap front the salve trees. in rho' sarins way. And the "way" is ovorytliing. Rap is about all alike, but " ways " are dif- ferent. atiotr n. SNo. foreigs nh uti tn.nco rad gots ear. it, I i i r,' t) i uniforn consistency, has a delicious Never, 5415 we can say of it in biglettors It Is Positively I'ino Wo To O'NEIL, TEE HUD GROCER used with snfety on the tnost.delicitte fabrics. b'Y'-O LA colors ate fast and beautiful. i iY1 VLA is Simple to use and :will give perfect satisfaction, y ... rr iir4i�i �`il Dispensing Chemist and I ra ist f..e*4.4Noo...�.i.MEED!►Y+1►i1+1P ****Os*.....lr• io6000 oo One, there of the aid pioneers of Ash- field was called away on the 20th )rax:, in Detroit, at the house of his :dnugh. ter, Mics. John Cameron, vitt, ,Hugh McDonald, aged 03 years, a resident of Ashfield for the patast 00 years. The home of Mrs, 11. Davidson, Si.,, wag the scene of a quiet blit pretty wedding on Wednesday, Mar 28tli, when her danglitee, Mips LJI1t was united In marriage to Richard "Deed, of West Wawatlollh. `l')ii' contract for the installing and supplying of the Beating appilratus for to iliighaiii's new post (Ace has been awarded to Wm. Stegely & Son of London, Mr. `tfalrtrn W1ur'1n Of the Bronson hods will h vt5ghed 1280 ptlrtndsdelivered at lst an.d for'which her'00eIredtreastim of $l�1 r,j tllcst hogs %'tire six 'months old to it day and Mr, ;tVrrrm'worultl like to hoar if anyone can beat this, • ve reign Brand Ciotlian� is so very. far ahead of the 4 kind of Clothing that has been sold. iri tlie`pas't,- that 'we feel sure that if any )nebuys, this good make, they will do so again, There is . no need of leaving your measure for a suit, and have t'o':wait a week to get it, when we can fit you so well with . the • SOVERB JON BRAND kind, and ' deliver it the same clay. If any alterations are necessary, we slake them free of charge. FC1l` I este - ••�►� We are going to ask you to come in and see the Suits we are offering at $12.00.—They have all 'the style r and fit of a $20.00 Suit' and we give you our word for it, T1'{CY ARE woR II�MORE MONEY TITAN THIS, but we are doing business•for cAsii, and we don't' expect much profit wheat we take the risk ; besides, we have gbt'- to make ourselves and• the'sOVEREioN BRAND better known. We hope to build up. a good, solid trade with you, when we do business on Modern .Methods, Our Easter Ties Every Tie in, the house 1s NEW, and the be s Creations of Neckwhar are in our new show cases.' We have them at all prices. Our Christy is are all r and for your slew Hat you • should see what we are showing, and what little prices we are asking for them, . ,t 'W`e, are still sacrificing the JACICSON" Sx`fl'(;K, and what is left we are not asking half price for, -A lot of good suits and Men's Odd rants, You dont have to buy beeauae• you come in. We want you to come on in and look around. The GalbraithClothing' Successors to T. Jackson; Seri., —CLINTON .C"'r .""°•dlGerai, Galbraith's 17ress.niaking Deplytinellt is on the natant Root —Main entrance on Victoria St«: