HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-13, Page 4• THE• critNvoiT law Ea& Mew glinton NeW Da aster Millinery at Newcombe's. This will be MILLINERY WEEK all over Can- ada, and we have made extra preparation to give you prompt service We wish to apolo- gize to many of ourcustomers who were un- able to be waited on last Saturday. This week we have additional helpin the Show Room and promise you better attention this week. Many new shapes in :Hats have arrived this week, also several new lines of trimmed Sailors, from, \ our own workrooms. We will be glad to have you see the new styks, whether you buy or not, ‘4t. The New Lawn Shirt Waists. are Here. THE larger part of - ourNew Shirt -W a i.s t s are here, and many who have seen them are agreeably sur- prised at the values. Many lines we have only a few of each kind, so if you wish to have a good assortment to choose from; it will be advisable to look them over NOW: Ladies' White Lawn Waists, made from good • . quality White Lan, several rows of clustered toast St 00 • down front, deep cuffs,• with tucks• . . Ladies' finer Lawn Shirt Waists, made withfine •• embroidery, insertion and cluster tucks down front, ei •)IR . deep cuffs, with tucks Extra value at • •'49 Isi,4.1 Ladies' extra fine Lawn.Waists, made with finest- . embroidery, insertion down front, also several lines • " . with blind' embroidery insertion. The -finest Sbirt t Oil' Waists we have ever seen at 81.50, 81.75 to.....,. , • • Thal Hundred Dollars' worth of Ladies' Spring Raincoats at Popular Prices. Another shipment of Ladies' Spring Raincoats- ' just in this week, made from light, medium (rid dark fawn Cravenette, in a variety of styles, includ- ing the new " Empress 'r COat, vb • Special Values at 87.50, $8.50 and $.13° In the Men Storekw This week we have opened new suits fOr • Men and Boys, new English Hats, new sofigront • Shirts, new Collars and Neck wear. New, Suits Our Meas Suit Department is getting ;more --popularevery week. No better Clothing for the - . money can be had anywhere, and we guarantee every Suit we .sell. •Men's new EasterSults, made from Canadian and :TM - ported Tweeds and Worsteds, made in newest spring :style, good Unimak; and well tailored throughout $7,--o, $ Q.00, $ I 2.00 and $rs.00 Suits for 'Young Men.. „ • Seveeil new patterns just opened, in Young, Mesita' Easter Suite, in sizes 33, 84,and 35. Made and lined exactly like the larger eizea, only you save $1.50 and 8200 on each Suit. Bea, values we have yet shown at • $6.5o tar Sio.do, . Easter Display of Men's Hats . 'For months we have. been buying and • plan- ning for this special occasion, and now NA e have got together a cpllection of Men's New Rats, equal to many city stores. We have a wide enough choice for any man --and a becoming .shape for 4 any face -and values are not surpassed anywhere. English and American Fedoras -mostly in bitickin a • dozen different shapes at • - $1.25, $1.50 and $2.0o Excellent Derbies and Fedorasin all the new colors, • Made by famous English makers, every size, from ttj to 7, at $2.50, $2:75 to 03.50 • • New Shirts andNeckwear. •••This. week 'the balance Of our Spring. Shirts arrived; and are evenbetter patterns than the ones we opened last week. Tooke's Shirts, this year, are the biggest Shirts made in -Canada, and we show them in sizes from 14 to 18-itich. neck. .' • , Prices 75c to $2.00 • 1.61 New Neckwear; i all the new coIorings,inFour-in: an stetc.,ateach MINMEME111211k 1110MIMMISIM @ atmommenion . . _ EIMNImmommfarMEMMERsimmaluiREVERIOPo.VAW Meat, NIMMENMA mesesserammitmemesse 0 April 18t, 1906 pniomr, APRIL 1.3th, MO Mihtertitiments Invictus Shoe, R Oluti... . ... 1 Formaldehyde, It, P. B,eekie1, Easter Milinery, Newconibes4 In the Mens store, Newcombes 4 No Backward stepping, Coopers..., 4 A plant Bargain, Smith Bros., 4 House for Sale. MM. Couch., ... . 4 130y rvanted, HodgenalBros 4 Clothes cleaned, ete. 1,0, Chilan4 Shorthorn 13ulls for pale, Ed, Wise4 Caretaker wanted, P. Vantelon..,4 Pasture to rent, Rldout & Rale. 4 Cement Bricks; A. Cousins 4 The Brussels Oil Co, Ltd 4 Furniture for Sala, J. Conninghairie 4 Easter Neektaear, Tozer & 131'own•. 5 Up-to-date Clothing, Poplastone5 From Sep to Syrup, W. T. O'Neil5 By -o -la, j. E. Hovey . 5 Store News' W. D. Fair Co., 8 The King liat,Hodgen Bros,....,,.,8 Faster Millinery " " 8 The New Education BM, • The new Education Act was *seat- ed to the Legislature Tuesday after • noon, Its chief features are as follows; The Government is empowered to ap point a Superintendent of Education. The Government grants to schools will be largely increased, and will be • distributed according to populatidn and average atteuclance. There will be a special grant to rural schools, besed on the assessed value of the property in the various school see- tinuesall. with a view tO increasing the sales of the teacheiiif . A minimum salary fixed for rural school teachers. Average salary rural thools at least available reports was $372 for male and $283 forfeina te teach- ers, Any teacher who agrees to accept `Ss salary smaller than the new schedule shall have his or her certificate suspen- ded. • • , Commissions of enquiry, with exten- • sive powers as to securing evidence in regard to any educational question. One commission to be appointed short. Is,. and to deal as an early date with the • text -book question. NO school inspector to be dismissed except by a majority vote, for cause, • and with the approyal of the Govern- ment. Increased allowance for. Immo- tors' expenses The present county and city model ech Dols are to be abolished and addition- • .• al Normal Scbools established by Sept. • The general sta.ndaad aif the Public. Scbools 18 to be raised: Township levies for Public Schools are to be increasek and to be applied exclusively to the. salaries of teachers, The Act generally will come into force next year., • County News, Mr, Merritt, .of Goderich Collegiate, has gnne, to Peterbore • . • The:ques'ion Ofas Hospital in Wing- - ham is being revived.: • ' • •• aine opaforged the opine of'DP. Ohisholine; to. tWo Cheek's' Tait •. • last week. , , • Bandmaster ;Duncan : has kesigneda his position As leader of Winghtinaciti zens' liana. 0. .:• The Trustees of'Winghaan church have purchased: an Individual Catlimindon Set. Harey. Iluchins has ptiroliased •Chae.. -.Moes's tarn on the 5th con. ; the purs chaae price was $2,100. - • • ' • We are sorrK te learn thatMrs. Wm. , that no hope is entertained or her • •••• a•••••••*•••1••••••• interest at the Junior League. on Fri 'ably evening. - - • • .. i Church News :; At the • League meeting pa Monday •' evening Mise B. Agise*.occupied the: • f chair. Miss LockwoOd read'an essaY. state41 alala• s••••••••••••••••••, and Misses Wasman and L. LeckaSsied ST. JOSEPH'S. I gave readings.- .Solos• were rendered by Misses. F. Pennebaker and Maud An early morning service will he ' W ltse. held on Sunday, but no preaching ser- , ; . -Vim as Rev. Fr. Hanlon conducts ser- ' A collection. which amounted to over vi9e at Blyth, 1 Fund Wit Sabbath morning . Turners WESLEY ' j church also took a collection of more I than $8, giving a total from,theeircuit • Mr. Watt. caretaker. has tendered '. of nearly $45. This • is certeinly' ewe - effect at the n endable. end of t , e month, as he find,that es The Ladies' said electedits officers at ' " h ;a tao much other woik to do. i - . the annual meeting on Monday even - Miss Eva Tillson, of Tiilsnnburg, who ing, as fellows: : President, Mesa has won favor here as a soloist, with a Smith • vice. Mrs. H Wiitq voice of exceptional power and sweet- , Mrs. W. E. Kerr : ir'' ' ' 'AWES, will sing at both services on Sun- ' lois ""- • . ...alas, Mrs; N. Tay- • day next. , . ...ae . Society reports -a; year of ' prosperity. • ' Easter Sunday 101 l'e the annual ' Mr, '0. 13. Keenleyside, of London, - . • Sunday School Anniversary of Wesley will preach here morning and and evening church. The school will assemble on op the 22nd. It is the occasion of the Sunday morning at 11 and listen to an Sonday school anniversary. address bv Rev. B. Clement, and the Keenleyside is .a well-known layman music will he led by the Sunday school of London, ,and is one of . the ablest choir, under the leadership of Mr. 13. Platform Men. in the Province. That P. Sibley. There will he a mass meet- hells a former .newspaper inan by. pro - in of the school in the afternoon, fession may account for his ability. •Lv en the annual report will be pre- Special Easter services will he held vented, and the roll of classes will be next Sa,btath. In the mornina the called. Special musical selections and . pastor Will preach from "Seeking the addresses will cm -notate the pro 'rani. living among the dead." In the even - $36 was taken for theJapanese Famine • saa. At the evening service Rev. W. D. ing a very interestiug sone service will • 'I. a mngee wilt preach, and the chorch be given by-theanhow. 'L'hc taimitig. choir will r eider spesial Easter music. is the .program :. The Sunday Schoolare asking for $75 1, ":Holy:botitholy " • Bishop Heber ' , • to secure the coming vear's stipplieti, 2 Invocation , il , ...----s-, and subscriptions and collections will a. river " An alit the ne Power .L... orronet be taken at all the services for this t• PFP Sr tile -ratIgor• 1 . limo and Chorus .."rwits Caivary... -Ashford object. yv, r. Harland and Choir 6. Anthem' Sioco by Mancerml Death " Stainer . be Speci, SALVATION ARMY. aria M. Wiltse;and Choir 7 I 7. Solo end Quartette W'hy WeePest Thou ll al, Beater ser- Lesson St . John's Goa Pol, hAr. exit ',OWN All day Sunday, commencing tit 1 a LessoSolo Mrs, 11.4. Gibbings [Gabriel a.m., there wi • . ''';'.. viee8-11 a m., 3 p.m. and/ pan Come pa to 22 O. Anthem " Tito Lord is Risen To -day ...Parlcs i • - and bring your friends. M. Male Quartette " Jesus Lives " - . :- • On Good Friday night, at 8 p m., the taeylfiy.g. Basland. WeireGibbings. and Downs 11. Anthem And if Christ be not Risen " Ashford . ., members of the Salvation Army are • giving a beautiful service of song, in the Barracks. There will • be lots of al nice singing and music Reinforce- .: ments are expected from Goderich and . .., 8 aforth, and a very nice program is assured. The Captain desires that the I' • s public will attend this, and bring along v. , ,' a silver collection a s The Captain desires to say that he s • has for sale at five centsthe grand spec • : ial Easter number of tale War Cry Twenty-two pages of beautiful Hester , - rending; in addition, two superb sup- plements, one of them being General •:' • Booth and his grandchildren, and the • . -other a beautiful angel at the tomb of • Christ -"He is Rieen !" The Cry and • , ' pictures can be obtained from the Cap- :-.-- r' Min or soldiers, Don't fail to get one • . of these, as only a limited number is On hand. • BAPTIST ontIRCH. • Rev. Mr. Manning rail! 'preach in this church on Sunday evening next, On Sundayanorning the pastor will . . preach on "The Story of the Resin- ', rection," . . ONTARIO SIRRET. . The male quertettes at both services last Sabbath were very pleasing nius- led features. The numbers were well rendered. Mhos Violet Barge and Elva -301m *telt preiented a program of unusual Choir 12. Mixed Quartette " OurEaster Prayer" Wilson 18. Ensirtinvntal Miss Courtice 11,, Hymn• Christ the Lord is . Risen To -clay " 15. Benediction (Charles WoaleY If a large Ituilience, a splendid pro- gramme, a superior Address, And a lib- eral offering means a successful meet- ing the W. M. S. of Ontario St. Meth- •odist Chord-1.11nd the satisfaction of success In their silver anniversary, vilednesday etrening. The Choir and Male Quartette each fureished it num. her to the programme, and Miss Mc. Naughton rendered a solo in her best style. Greetings from Wesley Church auxiliary were presented by Mts. Sib- ley while Holinesville euxiliary con. veyed their greetings through airs (Rev.) Swann, The address IT .Mrs. (Rev ) T. Pi IIrison, of London-, re- viewed in 8 very vivid interesting way the whole range of 'work carried for- ward by t -he W. M. S. throuhout the world. Rev. W. E. Ken; presided. • ST. PAUL'S, The following letter tots been ad- dressed by the Rector to the member - shin 13E.tTt nratTIIILItNe- On Sinuley next, the 15th instant, we eornmemor- ate the resume:lion of our risen Lord, This great fact of our common Chris - dimity Is placed by the holy apostle St. Paul rit the foundation of our faith and its annual observance has ever been one of, the best respected duties of the (lhurch. While the attendance Lt the Chureh's Services and Sacra- ments has, during the past year, been fair. that on ,Easter Day should elude every- baptized 'member 'of the Church. and no Communicant in good standing should absent himself fiann the Fittera,nnent .thd Lord's Supper. The offeringa MI that day ;will be de- voted to the General Fund of the Church. Many of our members are leaving Clinton far newer and mere enticing fields of labors and while re- gretting their removal, I, feel sure that our prayers go with them, and that we all hope that • God's blessing may attend them wherever their lot may be cast. • • . SERVIOEs - April 15th, 1006: Holy Communion at 8 a.m. . Morning Pourer at 11 eon?. HYMN -H9 • HAVER ANTHION-2 - • - Humphreys PTtoprthonr,Pt sartis-2., 57..111 woGodlowrioar.a2 JOBILATE DEO-40 - - Henler , Tam Clump OP ST. ATHANABIUS Gloria 40 lirmx-186 Holy Communion KyfflE ExAnsati - Tours GLORIA Tun - ' Tours HYMN iss • Selmods by the Rector. ANTNEM " Awake up MY Glory" Barnby S'axerus- 201, - • - • Armes Aelles ' - GrAttrA Exent.sts 208 - Blackburn Evenint, Prayer at 7 p.m, Avon -180: PROPER PsAmns 113, 114:118 . Gloria 170 ()Aural% - • - - - Rridgews ter DEUR Afttiratnarun-87 - Auritt:m Iva], sing of Thy Power "Sullivan rantra-1,85 Sermon by the Rector Offeratory Sr:4,0-u The Petitterittt-Ileardsley-VantlaWater lfratn-I8 VENPER HYMN The service in this church to -day WI commence at 10.30 a.m. WILLIE CHURCHt At the organization nieeiing' of the Trustee Board lastFridayevening, Mr W. Brydone was re-elected Chairman ; Mr. G. I), McTaggart, Secretary -Treas- urer, and Messrs McCorvie, Tisdall and Hunter, Building Committee. It was (leCicled to make sorne repairs to the manse, and altm to put new furnaces in the chinch. Next Sunday being Easter Sunday, the choir under the direction of W. Campbelliorganist, will render appro- priate mut at both services. In the morning the anthem will be, "He 18 1101. hew, but is risenr" by McGranah 10, and in the evening the anthems will be "Triumphal Hymn" by .Angelo M. Read, also "Why seek Ye" by Caleb Simper. All are welcome to these set.. vices. Death came very suddenly iolfPriday. last to one of MeItillop's Well-known residents in the person of Mr. David Aitcheson The deceased who Was in his 58th year, had been a resident of MeRillop for a mut her of years, Mr, Peter IL McKenzie, the 'member for South Bruce, is making progrsalf in political life, having teen appoint- ed the other day chairman of the coin. init tee on agile ttl turd and eol j'/ -it ion ommittee chairmanships are coveted positions. They confer upon the hold er a dignity somewhat ithove that of the ordinary -member and as rule they fall to men' whohave been in tbe House far a considerable period, 'Uri er the e,retunstances Mr MeKertzle's at Vance: ineut fermi& to his credit. ki Me- Kentie le a brother of Mo. Me nnnn, of teWill. 44- + Personal. !Votes +4- 4: If those hti'Vlinc relatives or friends *446 .,s,. visiting in town or going away 4, rzia tiltoutntfact ciia2cohArec k, we .NEW BRA. ' P.14+++++++++4444444.411 • 1 Mrs. Brydone is this week on a vial:: to Tore:Ito, ' . • I Mrs. Thos. Jackson, jr., went to Tor- onto t Mrs; Eckrnier will. spend Easter in i Kincardine. . I onto oh Thursday. I Miss Fairservice, Harlock, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Watt. • ,Stewart - Jackson went to Grayen- burst on Thursday to visit his sister. Mrs. McNeil, sr.,. who has b'en in Toronto for some time, has returnecl to town. • Mrs: J. Gorden Campbell, of Aylmer is visiting her eon, W. Gleri' Campbell this week. . • . Miss Burnett has gone 1.0 spend Eas- ter with her sister, Mrs. Townsend, at •Strathroy. Rev, O. R, Gunne was balled to ...on - don on Monday owing to the illness of his Mother. Mayor Hoover attended a meeting olticlheoWndoaoydinen Executive at London . •• Miss Sara 'Harris; of Gbdealch, is a guest at the residence of Robt,. Holmes for the baster holidays. • Heward, Sask., on Saturday, being Geo,11. White . andturily left for ticketed by A..0, Pathetic'. , Carl Heywood left this week for Moosejaw, where he expt3cte to take a situation ins dry goods store. ''. Mrs. Andrew Porter who has ' been spending some time at the honie of her father, F. Rumball, returned to 'Tees - water on Monday. ' erieh, on Sunday last • • be atri a seriesof Evangelistic servwes recover', • ' . in North Street Methodist church God - Lane, sr., Ash alit, is scroll #t tp:esent Evangelist R. McHardy of Toronto , . One of ta: pioneer residents of'. Zur • ich • died. on' Sunday, morning in the person of Elizabeth Solda.n. She had reached the ripe old age of 80 years, There died in Goderich on Monday, aladv well-known. in Winghans, Mrs. Rachel. Anderson, mother of i Mrs, Halsey,Parka Deceased was 86 years of age., • • • . Mesa David' McCullock, another of the pioneer residents of this district 7 Mr. Alexander Stewart, Seaforth, on Thursday morning. She was 90 years of 'age, • ' • A. week or SO a.go Mrs. Adam Mc- Kee, of the 6th cop. of Howick, near Fordwich, came to town to wait on • her sister-in-law, Mrs. Morrow, and in so doing ecntracted the latter's dis- ease. She was taken seriously ill and died at the;honie of Mrs.. Morrow on Monday evening. The members of Forest Lode A F. Mad A. M., at Wroxeter, with their wives and their families, an Tuesday evening, March 27th, had a very pleas- andtitne in honor of Reba Miller Esq., ' a valued member of the lodge, wi ho s now on the eve of his departure for • Toronto. Sale Register. -----.--g0t,--hairot`Let-30;vpm--2i- -Has wanosh, in Auburn, on Saturday May 5, 0.11arnilton Auctioneer; W.Brydone Soli citoe, t or Vendor, • • The Brussels Oil Company, Ltd, The above is the name of the 'Compani, now • boing ineorporated, to prospect for notroletun in the.township of Bitria, In the comity of Perth; and who have for this purpose scoured Home 2000 acres of valuable lands, in that and adjoining townships, upon most advantageous terms. . • Tho recent discovery ofpetroloutn, was made fluting the summer of 1005, in drilling a water well upon theism& of ono William Ruffle, when Li', the depth of some sixty feet, very pronounced Jiowitigs of the Lt. nde product appealed, and steps were then taken. looking towards a thor- ough development, but their right to do so was questioned by the owner of the property, and an action was at Otte° brought by members of the present company, for the purpose of asserting their fights. under the lease which they had ob. tainod. The action was dilmosed of at the AR819,08'in Stratford, and restilted in a Judgment, the plaintiff's favor for damages and a perpetual initmetion, restraining the .Dofendent from further intorferenee, but item this Judgment the Defendant appealed, and it was not until recent date, that this anneal wee. abandonall 00 thet,, witivregard to the property, upon which 'the oil was first discovered, es well as the rest of the lands revered by the company's leases, thorr• validity has now been fully established and no further trouble is new te be aniiefbeted. Tito eonweny hits been capholiZed at 8100.000, In shares of 41.00 each, folly paid non -assessable -stock, 815000.00 of which has boon placed upon the market, for the investing public, and the Proceeds of which will bo ivied for the purpose of developing this re v but very promising del& A. large portion of this stoo, has boon *already subscribed and ft Is confidently exPeeted that 117 1110 1411 of Afey,.the balance will be disposed of, the eentpatirwinant and machinery platted . mien the groandand drilling. operations in hill swing. . . There to no nreferred or watered stock, and moreever not One dollar can ;he made by the Promoters, Mtn such MOIO tte the company has been nut neon a dividend paying basis, neither Can the interest in tho proleet, which the pro - motors hold, be sold or dealt w in tiny way, until oil lute been found in paying quantities.. w231:Agralge.1!,rgrgigs,;iiej:T,PgrBitg Solo. and the public can' depend upon it that under their tartilagortlent. the interests of the °ilrid"RiBiirgielffltiaq'jleatf:tekgirbodito the • ,0105W7 Of the CeMPanY, at their bead office in Brussels. • . Mr. M. Y. McLean of the Seaforth 'EXpositor, and Mr. 'W. H. Robertson, of the Goderioh Signal, were visitors to Clinton last Thursday. • Mr. C. V, Rance, representing the Jackson Manufacturing Co., left on Monday for the Maritime provinces and expects to be away 0 weeks or two inonths. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murdock, of the 2nd con, of Stanley, were guests of Mr. and 111rs. Wm.' Graham on the 'Show day, also Mr. aohn Xetehen, of Brucefieid. Robin 0, Macpherson, who has been enjoying a Couple of months leave of absence,returris to his duties at Ottawa in a few days; we don't wonder that he finds it hard to leave town,• . Mr, ktcntlAit'S, Rego* Lee, who have been visiting their d:tughter, Mrs. Searle,started on their homeward trip to Indian. Head DB Friday. Thea have been away from home for nearly a year, • 011 Wednesday Messrs, 1h Butt, of Goderich township, and J.Spirrow, I of Varna, returned from the West, I whither the's, had gone, with horses. They sold for cash, rbalizing good! prices, Mr. Butt hes been west a good many times, but he says he comes ' back with et better opinion of Ontario every time, NO Backward • Backward74Stpping REREIn But a S te a d y March 'Ahead Everyday brings new cus tamers to our store to in- spect our much -talked -of all Paper .. . .. ft•1040.• These Papers,. while very artistic in design, are not expensive, hence, to 100k at means to boy. It is to 'your advantage to • be among the early buy- ers, and get a first choice. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE. • • Go -Carts and Waggons Have you seen our new "Go -Carts?" We have Many style, and all the NEWEST, to choose from. We have Waggons for the children and a heavier make, suitable far deliyering parcels, etc. ' • "•11••••,, • • COOF'ER'S BOOK STORE CLINTON .- illIMMIMRIPM111.111MIMENOMMIMMIMIMMININIMMINIMR4 , he OddfeowsrAnnual Concert TOWN HALL, CLINTON, ursday, April 19th. • . • • • .• • • • • • • .• • • . . Plan,of hall at the W. D.'fair.So. Bookstore. THE BEST YET -DON'T MISS IT.. • . . . , Miss Elocutionist Miss Emily. Francis Scott Soprano - Miss Madeline M.'*E'vans...;• :1*" Mivirr,.t_t\Tmiiclti.J.alArcl7hyltse17.1"i:t7:h.;:::...•"-•.;.7.:c CeArtcCcoamiiipedaniaiti„.st. • JOHN WISEHAN, • • • JACOB TAYLOR, . Cha,irnian ol Com., • • 1.1 PLANT. B •14, .N • FRUIT PLANTS: Eon S2.75 Will fIroduce more fruit, fresh and canned, than you and your friends can eat, with lots to sell The choicest, newest mid- most hardy . varieties, at less than onesthirdithe usual prices 6 GRAPES one each of Cbambellia-Early, the new Week; Concord, black; Worden, choice black; Moore's Earlar, fancy, early black ; „ Niagara, whites Lindley. red. • • 12 eintanars-8 each of Red Cross; new; London Market, • Cherry, red; Champion, the standard black. 25 RASPBERRY -Either Louden, or King, the pew fancy reds. " " Columbian, enormous -cropping purple canner. " . Cumbarlatid, new rnammoth-cropping blackcap. no STRIMBERRY-Senator Dunlop, the king Of canners. . ' . 44 -Pride of Michigan, the record for size, quality end nrop.• - • " .Liiresident, the new, fancy, late berry. • Safely packed andahippe I, when ready to plant, on receipt of $2 75 Cut Ahis.udvt out. It may ' -not appear again. Order NOW. You cannot gerthesame value elsewhere for double the price. Send for complete list of Plants. Potatoes, etc. Strawberry Plants $1.50 per 1,000 up. ELDORADO 'POTATOES. The great Englis Potato, absolutely blight and disease -proof, such an enormous cropper, that since 1904 it has sold • at $7,000 for 14 lbs; $1,250 for one onePotatofor $250, and last year $16 per ib. One Potato cropped in one year 861 lbs. It means to the grower much greater crops off sense sell, :with same work, and no rot. LET IJS pRovE IT TO YOU, send for list which contains history,' photos of Potatoes, checks paid, press opinions of 81 papersaeto. Sold in Canada only by us, and now offered for the first time. Pricc $x. oo per lb. - also 26 other kinds. SMITH BROS. WA BEAOHVILLE OaNT. • 7 -Iitt-M BERK CANADIkNsSEED-erROWERS's ASSOCIATION, • I New A d vernsem ents. Roy Wanted Active, boy wantrd to learn the Drg Goads businees.-EIODGEN8BROS. Good House tor Sa'e . • The brick house on Ontario *St., at present occupied by subscriber, is of- fered for sate. Has good -stable and every accormaiodation. Alo good top buggy. -MRS. COUCH. x4itf 3 -Short -horn Dulls for Sale Three good young Rune, from la to 15 monthai old; one roan and two rede, good qualitY. Come.end seatin re, or write ED. EL WISE, Clinton, Balsam Grove Stook Patna TENDFIRf4 1)1011)GING TP,IIIMMS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed ' Tender for Dredgind," will be received up to and including Wednesday, April 18,1000, for Wm dredgingreeuired at the follow. net places in the Province of Ontario during the nrosont year Poittanguislione, Meaforch TOStat011.0OdOlitll. rola Edward, Port Stan - *toy, Port nnov611, ItOndeatl, Inver Thames (mouth), Owen Soltild, Nigger Island Channel, anatantellts.pecificatiOns and° Awing of tender can be obtained at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders must Includ0. the towingof the plant to and from the Works. Only dredges eau be employed Which aro Lei, s. , toted in Conada'At the time of filing of tenders. Contractors must be ready le begin work within thirty days after tato date they have been nets fled of the sedeptenee of their tender. .10‘Tvhdt, roVoutor3trtonietttoitsozotrob.ound accent the 01110213 '1 b113 ONLINAS Seeretitrt. DeliartMent Of Patio Works, Ottawa, Antil 8. 1906, • Pastute to Rent . 100 &ores of good pasture in Tacliersmith, about 24 miles from Clinton I also 9 •sores in Clinton. Apply to RWOU 1.' & HALE, Clothes Cleaned, Pressed • and Repaired Contreote for Menai olothee, al 00 raontla. ly. Ladies' Come and Skirt, a specialty. Good work guaranteed, -L 0, 011I1J11,1..N, above Irwiti's grocery. • ' , Cement Bricks ••••i•••01•••• The uudersigne Ihaving bottglit a mitehine for making Cement Brick, h pre. pared to manufacture brims's (sod do all kinds of cement work, Bea% enaiphed ogr. tics who intend to build, at lowest prices A.. COUSINS. - Furniture for Sale For Bale, privately, a quantity of house. hold effects belonging 10 Mists Eva Steven- son, condo:big of chains tables, bode, two canvas tents, and other articles. Will be sold cheat, My be seen et the borate of the uncleriigned.-5. Caretaker Wanted la4.*••46 Wanted, a Caretaker for Wesley Church, Clinton. Motet' to Commence on the first Of May. Pertienlars as to or to be den° may be had on Mintier/Mon to the tinder - signed, to whom applications moot be sent, not later them the evening of April 21st. P. CANTELON, See. Trustee Board.