HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-13, Page 3Aril 18th, 1906
1°1 'mit Tedi well atter the "'Llit on k LIVE . STOCK, 5110
oi' xouc liver sad bowels. Ul#less there 1. ..,
Cause o its daily action eR the bowels, poist►nevs 1.
products are absorbed, causing _a
aches, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia,
• Ayer's Pills are *twine liver pills.
Nomew..aehl 4 :.o. Co..
well 7[aa..
�� tae
News Notes.
promise was an issue of the hour, and
_ i /tad reached her three score years and
r ten when the .emancipation proclama-
It is estimated that the cost of entry tion liberated her from bondage, She
into Winnipegto the Great Northern, went to Chicago some years ago, and
Railway was ,000,000; I was in good health until recently.
Corp. Kimberley, R.N.: W.M.P., who You feel the life giving current the
has been in charge of the barracks atminute you take it. A gentle soothing
Frank, Alberta, shot himself, I warmth,fills the nerves and blood with.
John Gand, contractor, of Bowman- life. It's a real pleasure to take -Hollis.
ville, fell from a building and broke ter's Rocky Mountain Tea, 35c .Tea or
three ribs. He is sixty years old. . Tablet, Ask your Druggist,
The G.T.R. has offered young em :In the township of Elam great havoc
ployees and young sons of employees ' has been created among the horses by
two free scholarships in the faculty of •an epidemic of glanders, supposed to
applied science of McGill University, 4 .dattefrom an importation . last fall of itRev. James Elliott, Ph. D„ of Mont- car of .eigghteen bronchos• from the
The disease has' at all
real Theological College,. has .been ap-• Northwest.
events -spread, cand within three weeks
Wointed to he cheer Of philosophy in some forty-one horses have been shot
esley College, Winnipeg, succeeding • by orders of the' Dominion Govern -
Prof. •Blewett. ment inspector ; this includesall but
A desperate fight took place near three of the bronchos.
Lethbridge, when striking .miners at- .
tacked the police guard at the Galt SPRAINED HER ANKLE,
Haines. One. constable and several
miners were severely injured. • I "I slipped on an icy stepand srained
A return brought down at Ottawa my right ankle very badly,"writes
shows that betore Lieut: -Col.' Mathes- Miss Minnie Burgoyne of Glenwood.
on's trip to England last year the On- , "It swelled to a; tremendous size and
tario Government applied to. the Fed- caused intense pain. T applied Poison's
eral authorities for their assistance in Nerviline and got prompt relief ;• the'
havingOntario inscribed stock added swelling was reduced, and Lefore long
to thtrustee list. . - I was able to, use my foot." For
At the 'extraordinary age of 123 a tains, swellings:and muecular ,pains
Philo y g Nerviline is the . one sure remedy.
woman Mdiedlaweek Rogers,
Uhiet go Strong, penetrating, swift to destroy
g pain -that's. poison's Nerviline, Fifty
She was born in Missouri, and reared a years in use.
large family long before the. first mut-
terings, of the anti slavery sentiment
agitated New England. She was a
grandmother when the Missouri com- now siurll We lautertnnr
How we entertain? Joyouslyl
' Pleasure is contagious, Remember,
hostess, every house has its climate,
Some . are in the torrid, some in the
temperate, some in the frigid zone. Re.
member, moreover, that you create the
climate of your house. Ai ore impor
OF PNEUMONIAtent than the -Style of your dress, the.
ordering of your banquet, the setting
Newmarket Mother is 'loud _ in her of your table, is the mood in which the
appointed hour of 'eutertaiuulent finds
Praises of the Great Con. you.. When the doorbell peals to the.
Sumption Preventative. ring' of the first arrival put abide all'.
thoughts. -of how you look, how you:
drawing' rrooin looks. hew good; bad: or
indifferent the dinner 'may .prove. Rau
"My son Laurence. was taken: down
with Pneumonia," says Mrs. A. O.. Fisher,
of Newmarket, Ont. "Two doctors at:
tended 'him. He lay for .three months
• sad child, lungs
t like a! dead
became so swollen, his heart was pressed
over to the right side. Altogether 1 higk
n �'•ataal�:,
t*r a f
p �4' l �e
• worse:
time he was
commenced. the Dr. -Slocum treatment.
The effect was wonderful: We, saw a
difference in two days. Our boy was son
strong and well." '
Here is a positive proof that 'Psychine
will cure Pneumonia. But why wait. till
Pneumonia comes. It always starts with
a Cold. Cure the Cold and the Cold will'
never develop into Pneumonia, nor the
Pneumonia into Consumption. The one
sure way to clear out Cold, root and branch,
and to build up the body so that the Cold
won't come back is to use
50c. Per Bottie
Larger eines it and tea --ail drugriste.
M. T. A. $LOOUM, Lirllfted, 'Toronto.
ish'-every cure, meet your guest with
nothing on your mind save the antici•
1 in him le
s. r l and. he 1
i'n f nus a
At0 0 helping,' n
you can•do
• pass a delightful Loui `: ' It
this the battle is already half' won.-.
'Maud Bowe in.li tl'pet;S ;Banat
,. Canary Food.
Canaries are 1`oud, of green.` food,. and.,
When. lettuce; is 'scatce' a substitute is
offered in a little of their favorite seed,
planted in. small flower'pots and allow-
ed to. grow: The'birds like .it all the
better if --they are allowed to pick out
the plants .themselves..,,.
'. .
Tile Brou a :Cent.
1 'The bronze cent was': issued in ac-
cordance with a law passed in' 1857,
and imge be is coa «as min 1864.
(Pronounced Si -keen)
Eggs contain 'a large amount of..nu-
trition in a compact, •quickly available
form.,Ba ten' up raw withsugar they
are used to clear and strengthen the
voice. With sugar andlemon juice the
beaten white of egg is used tie relieve
The following , is the correct prize`
list of the Live Stock Show, there-
being a couple of slight errors in the•,
list as published last week :
CLYDESDALES -Stallion, 3 years ,and
over -I, Leiper & Noon ; 2, Be1L &
SOUL ; 3, Jas, Snell, '
SHIRES -Stallion, 3 years. and over -
Dominick Reynolds. Two years and;
under, K. Disney.
& Davis (J. P. Fisher), Goderich•;:2nd,
S. Chambers, ICippen,
HEAVY DRAUGFHTl3.-Brood nitre, 3a,
years and over -Jas, VanEgmond,, A.
• Innes ; brood•mare, 2;years andtunder
--J, VanEgmond, A, Innes, W. Nott,
gelding, 3 years and over -Toe, Rey-'
nolds ; gelding, 2 yearsand under:
Dale, A, I'lhall en geni �v(T :g�onneII;
team- W Brook, G. Cartiert, J Hiayffeit
Four colts -N. Horton.
SWEEPSTAKES—Best hea,ety horse,
Leiper & Moon.
ROADSTERS -Stallion, 16, hands and
under, 3 years and over 1st $5, 2nd $S,
3rd Badgge-Jet T Murdock,. Hensall ;
2nd S. McPhail, ' Porter's Mill ; 3rd • J.
McCaughey, Clinton,,
Stallion 16 hands and over, . 3 years .
and over-lst P. Scott, Brussels ; 2nd
H...Govenlock. • - •
Team in harness: -W. Dioheriy, 'tl._
W. Elliott. J. Caldwell. •
DIPLOMA- P, Scott. • ,
Single horse 'in. harness -John
Torrance, Gundry Bros., J. Sparrow.
AGRIcULTORAL.-Brood mare, 3 yrs.
or over -A.. Innes, Jas. Mahaffy, S.
Chambers. Team -Jas Reynolds, W.
Elder, Fair Bros. -
SwEEPamAKEa-Best mare, any age
or class, Jas. VaiEgmond.
8mA:e E Honses-Dr. J. Gunn, J.W.
Elliott; H. Davis. ••
Pony, in harnss, H. Scott, M.Graham
SPECIAL •PRtzE-High : Stepper -R.
W. Dale:
Graham, •,
• SHon ' 'Howes -Bull, 3. years and
over -W. 'Doherty; Jas Snell, Jas
,Shobbrook. •
Bull, 2 year and -under • 3 years -A.
•Elcoac, L. Tyndall. `•
Bull, 1 year and under 2 years -J.
Cowan, E. Vise, Sits Shell.
Cow, 2 yr. and • over -1 and 2 W.
DAIRY COW -Jas. Fair.
HEREFORD BULL -2 year and un-
der, L., Earnham :;1 year.and under, S.
lo, G. Middleton. • •
H iEFORD Cow .G Middleton, .W
Stanbury,L. Farnham. •
',. qHrnEis AeEs-g e time
Fe ale -A. H. -Jac bs:
Cowan., m o
Jtrnaiss-Heavy horses, R. Beitb
ex-M.P„ Bownianville ; Light horses,
De. Routledge, syr-M.P:P.,-Lambeth
Cattle, T. Russell, Exeter.
All caused by 'hnuntatlo. Pblsoa
In til Blood -cure ,Guaranteed
Relialt Swift and Sure Prone
There is a new life aliea„ forj;, very
sufferer from rheumatic ptffson; who
has, not yet used D. Hamilton'S.Pills
their prompt cures are the marvel of
the medical profession of many nations.
The unspeakable anguish of iihetuna-
tic torture need no longer be -suffered
-use 1)i-..Hauailton's Pills and perman
est cure is assured. In so many thous-
ands, of cases have Dr. Hamilton's
bills been successful, the manufacturer
is willing to guarantee a lasting cure
to all that use them.
No one can doubt the effienol - of Dr, -
Hamilton's fills atter reading the ex-
perience of Miss Minnie Saunders, ., of
Halifax, who says : •
"Scores of differentrernediesfail-
c' - Y' "A,,, nmrzte, 1': suffered incess- •
4. Mit from neural pia<and•sciatica.
Sometimes the' pain was; unbear-
"A friend' recommended Dr,
Hamilton's Pi'ls. In a fnw days I
asr relieved. eheved I continued the treat-
ment, rising in' all five boxes, and
was cured. ••
,I have not felt the slightest pain
or ache since taking Dn3amiltons
Pills and consider my, cure nbso.
lutelyperfect." ,
Why delay any longer.? Get Dr.
Hamilton's Pills at -once.- They will
restore your health in, a short time. 25
oents per box or 5 boxes for $l at all
dealers., or by mail from N.0 Poison&
Co., Hartford, Conn„ •U. S. A. and
Kingston, Ont.'.
Our Roseato Finance.
.(From the Globe) ,
The announcement .from Ottawa
that -the revenuefrom customs during
the current fiscal year ending the 30t5
of June will be $44,000,000 is a striking
proof of the progress of the country.,
Ten years ago it was not quite half
thatattempt .
a t The is some-
times made to mislead public opinion
into believing that the increase of rev=
*nue from customs duties is equivalent
to increased taxation. The fact .is;
however, that when the revenue from:
thatsource was in the neigghborhood of
$20,000,000; the ;'rate of taxation was
higher than it is now. The citizen,
who purchases, say, MO worth of duti-
able goods pays less in taxation to the
Government in 1906 than he did in 1890.
What has .happened is that owing to
the prosperity and progress of the
country a greater quantityof dutiable
goods is purchased. This,instead.o
inetter for bewailment, is a matter of
legitimate pride and .cougratillittion.
featureof. our statistics
•whit,h•belongs.,to the, same class is the
;fact that our total trade forthecurrent.•
a ads t e
y�ear is likely to amount to half a bili
lion'. dollars. Ten ,years ago it was::
$239,000,000, From Washington itis
announced • that the total trade' of the
United States for the same periodwill
be three billion dollars. United States,,
commerce, then, is six times greater
A Broad Statement : than that of Canaria. But their popu-
. lationis thirteen times: greater,. so that
This announcement is made without our trade per head is more than, twice
any qualifications• Hem Reid is the
one preparation in the world that guar
antees it. ' ..
Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roidwill cure
any arse of piles. It is in theform of a
V .•
It is the only pile remedy used inter
It is impossible to cure an established
case of Piles .with ointments, supposi
ions or outward appliances.
tories,inject tw
A 'guarantee is issued with ever
packageu '
of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid�,
which contains a month's "treatment. •
Go and talk to your druggist'aboutit..
The Wilson-Fyle: Co., Limited, Niag-
ara Falls, Ont.. '
Beautify .the Town."
• There are many . ways ,in which a
town can be made' beautiful and at -
tractive, without much expense be-
yond the labor involved, and as spring
opens up,, some of these reveal. them-
selves. ' • ' •
For instance, unsightly . ash and re-
fuse heaps that have •: accumulated
during the winter should be removed,
As far as possible, refuse should be,
burned. .
Front fences are unnecessary, now
that cows . do not run at large, and
there are many of these that are neith-.
er ornamental nor useful ; if removed
they would allow the front lawn to be
kept in better order. • e
Last season'' there was more house
paint used here . than in any previous
year, There are still many buildings
that would be improved by painting.
Try it on some building,' and then let
your imagination picture all the un-
sightly buildin s so improved.,
In :laces nulithie walks
, have Lately been put down, the place
where the old walk was• should be ley
gilled off. In a few cases it is l' ft like a
piece of plowed ground.
The interests and welfare of a town
can be materiallyadvajited by the con-
dition of its streets and. roads. Towns-
people do not liki3 to have bad streets,
and farmers object to bad roads. Gen-
erally speaking, those in townn-a> a in
good condition, but.' there are a.few
spots wretchedly bad. Jost east of
the railway Creel, on the Huron road
is a bad spot that should have several
loads of broken stoneput on it ;. ordin
arygravel does not appear tohelp it
• DOUGALL 1.y i'iII, London
The Novelist, and Her Work.
In the old homestead, "Ivy Cottage," nestling under the shadow of Mount
Royal, Montreal, Lily Dougall, one of Canada's most notable novelists, was born
in 1858. In addition to the drop of ink that seems part of the. chemistry of the
»ougall blood, she inherited the strength of diameter, the love for humanity and
the earnestness of purpose of her father, John Dougall, the founder of the "Montreal
Witness." Miss Dougall's brother and `sister show the same characteristics in
their good work in journalism and philanthropy.
Miss Dougall 51 elnt her childhood in Montreal, and t3ince then,. because her
health was not robust enough to stand the bracingrigor of Canadia.winters, has
spent much of her tirne abroad. Theeducation site received under private tutors
was supplemented by her study at Abbot Academy, Andover, Mass., and a course
at Cheltenham and later at Edinburgh University, where she was honored with the
degree of L.L.A. She has lived much of her time in l ngland and Scotland, and
confesses to cycling and traveling in out -of -tire -way places unknown to Cook's
tourists, as her pet recreations, In 1891 her first book, "Ileggnrs All," appeared
and, winning instant acceptance as the strongest and most original romance of
the year, was termed a masterpiece of restrained and legitimate dramatic fiction
Twocars later her novel "What ,Neeesiityr�knows," received high praise.
In 1895 her two books "The •Mermaid and The Zeitgeist won the ap-
preciative approval of the crities and public by the boldness of their conception,
the strength of treatment, mastery in the delineation of character, beauty in des- •
eription, the broadness of view and sympathy they manifested, and the dramatic
quality that heldthe attention of the realer throughout, d'illd more than rsatisfia�ci
it in the ending. So uniformly good is her work that it is 'difficult to say which
> is best,. many of her admirers, however, claim it is "The Madonna of a Day," iwhich
the heroine, Mery TTowerd, aselfisln oung journalist, traveling: along the Canadian
Peel fie Railway, is lost among the vast snowy solitudes of the mountains, and wanders
into a lawless ruining camp, The story is original throughout and, though witty
and eynical et times, there runs through it the thread of a mighty purpose, worked
tut with rare force and effectiveness.
With the work of many contemporary novelists one 'feels that having read one
litory one can predict just how the others will turn out; they seem literary stock
Companies where the characters may Change their dress and their lined, but are.
in essence ever the settle old characters in new masquerade. But Miss DJ'o all,
inns that rare gift of continuous originality, each story having the oharin Min.
dividusilty and nnOvelt irstatiat.
Many Women Suffer
KIDNEY 1110001.E.-
Veer alien they tirfik M M from se -walled'
.. Peri&W Disease." There to low female trouble
than they think. Wont* oder from lulek tulle,
sleepiessneai, nerveumi ' ' iuftabfity. sad e
dragging -down feeHeg is **loins. So do i i..
Mad they doaot have °Wage trouble." Why,
dela. View all yew reedit M Fermi* Miami
'Mak healthy oldness. et* venue will ear
lint. "Maar' disord aw" The kidneys are so
slowly eoeneetei with .the internal organ.,'
that tirhIS the kidaeya ala Irma. .avard se .
INN Wow, Mesh
well* midi oafs t would IM sated !f
liilllitriii li.Ni
toll eiM +teasrrbeitta'lltatelietaithe
link* et cart Nile. rai wwtrlei at
as great as' that of the nitedStates.
This is a very notable fact; • `
A feature of our finance which should
not be lost sight of is that our national
debt has only been increased byabout
two million dollars in, the last ten
years, while in. the preceding decade
it had 'grown by•$35 000,000, r In 1890 it
would have regi treed more than seven
years' revenue to equal the national
debt.:: 'In .1906 about three and a half
•years' revenue' will equal it. T1ie fin-
ancial outlook of the Dominion is rosy,
indeed,an d• be'no doubt' that
n there can
much of its progress is due to the fact
that it is: a cheap country to Eye in.
To maintain that position is the simple
task to which statesmen must steadily
aau.""sea tiatMeClves, .
Ifyou knew how bad for health con.-
stipatioe is you would be more -careful.
Irregular 'bowels cause appendicitis,,
jaundice, anaemia and a thousand oth-
er diseases too. Sooner or later it will
bring you toa .sick bed. 1'he use of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills changes all this
quickly, They' are made to cure con-
stipation in one night, and always do
so. By taking br.' Hamilton's Pills
you are sure of a keen appetite, 'splen-
did color, jovial , spirits, and sound,
restful sleep., Gentle in action good.
for men, `women or -children, 25o per
box, or: 5'for.$1.00.' At all dealers in
'I'r,e yletoria Cross '
The intrinsic value .of the VIctoria
cross, the most highly prized , decora-
tion' Ili army and navy, is -about i.
;much. 'It was instituted by "royal
r1•11 lit on Jan.; 20, 1850, as. -it .rewa,'d
of gallantry of all ranks, and, the first
presentation (of sttty-:two crosses). was.
made by the late Queen Victoria In per-
son on V'riday, June 26, .1857. It Is in
the • drape of a • Maltese - cross and is
=O.-to'this day out of metal from old
Russian etymon captured at Sevasto-
' pot. -St. James' Gazette. '
Snow nt a Halfpenny x Pouted.
Snow is sold in the north of Sicily,
where• it fetches about a halfpenny a
pound. It Is if government monopoly,
and the prince of, Palermo derives the
greater part of his income from it. The
snow, which Is gathered, on the moun-
tains in felt covered baskets, is widely
bought in the cities for refrigerating
purposes, --London Tit -Bits.
Inc •a Dad Way:::." . . .•
"1 tear that my husband will break
down! Ile is oufrering from brain ex•
haustlon! .
"Bow dreadfult What are his symp-
"Ile latterly keeps repeating himself
in hits exeuses for eating home tato
from the club, deal"
Why 'He -Laughed.
Jenks -Why on earth did you laugh
so heartily at that ancient fest of Ito.
rein's? Wise -In self defense. Jenks
-In self defense? Wise -Yes; If I
hadn't laughed so, he would have re•
peated the thing, thinking 1 hadn't
seenthe ofnt Ileuses t Independ-
ent, t CIO c .
de n
p n
ent, '
A y, tatanste.
at the twenty-six barons who signed
the Magna Chaeta three wrote their
nIrnos and twenty-three wade their
mark. ,, This fa all changed now. itv-
>ti+l'on eat . ' Ito, but ^ly a few
HAnANTINGoeoupiecl thes'tore lately vacated by: Mr. Plumsteel,
,,, ws. are- putting in. a: full line of L[en's arid Boys' wear,
and nthe course of a week, will' prepared be to servethe
ubli ih• the season's
p c newest goods,. including the very latest
credo in •,
a n� �1T'eckvvear-Shirts and Hosier . We shaxl�oarr • a
full line• of the : best-fittin . Head. • -to;Wear :. lothin the
Piccadilly and Re en,t brands We are, making a specialty
of Men's and Boy's Footwear,and a complete range of Over-
alls, Smocks and Shirts will• be found in our stock
also to -date Hats aind
Caps • �� ; ° � . ,
iti6 :kindl� solicit's : rtion of hes ub1ic.atrona e.
Yours. for ' Men's wear,
Carpl ets afld LtkRideunms.
Courespondente Wanted.
'. he NOW ERA hila a splendid Our Spring Stock.
toc .;of Floor covering's•. is complete. We
.stay of correspondents, to whom, show many new pattelta'as prices a little tower than '
it. owes .much .of the interest that
is taken i* the paper; but these. English Brussels. at $ .85 • *1,03
ase a few localities in the district English Tapestries. at ' .40
which are not represented by a , All -Wool Vard mode 40
correspondent. Any person who Reversible .Union •25; .
would be willing to act as. cor- Scotch Linoleum per sq yd .25
respondent in any of these unse,
presented localities is invited to Carpet squateS 111 UiRion,. Wool, Tapestry ANA Brussels.
write us,and we shall be
d t
o I ; will interesteconomical housekeepers.
furnish the necessar supplies.'
.J , H. Cheller 8 T
Brutal Blaekfeet. .
Calgary, April, .6th: -The . greeting
to Prince Arthur at leichen
.85 $1'.
prices OA.
Furniture and ,Undertaking.
took the form of 800 Blackfeet Indians
slaying a number of old steers by shoot- I
ing them • with arrows, as in the' old
buffalo days, 'Of • course, the young I
bucks who took part in the picturesque i
sport had never shot or seen a buffalo,:
nor did they know
aught of, shooting
arrows, but bows were made specially.
for the oecasion. 'Two rehearsals were
given. Each time s
old..co s
were rushedout into the - plains and
tilled foil of arrow's: In two cases they
had to be despatched finally with
rifle shot and a bloww, on the .head:
The Prince was not very, greatly
amused as a 'sportsman with the ex-
hibition. He.pronounced Calgarlr's
greeting of school children, and .pat_
riotic songs the best he had yet re-
ceived, ust who', is responsible :for I
the alleged buffalo exhibition trt Gleich•
en is not clear.' '
3lany who don't realize what lies be-
gond, treat an . attack of the "nerves" 1
indifference. with O rsconsider it
t r the
will soonpass away.
in every
case nervousr ess is 'a calamity... Only ,
one remedy will .cure-k:orrozolte-a
nerve strengthener.. that acts through
the blood. First it gives you appetite
--you eat plenty. This fills ,the blood
with nourishment for the.inner nerve
cells, Energy and -strength are i1:-.
stilled into every par of the systein: I
You get well -keep well -nervousness I.
forever departs, ' because you've used
Ferrozone. Price 50e per box of fifty
tablets at -all dealers. • .
hove 's BakingPowder, • per lb.•.. •95o
Y ,
Hovey's Compound Syrup of White
e•and Tar, for coughs
d colds...4 oz :b t c
" • an bottle ' o
Hove :'s Beef,Iron. and Wine,',,�: or
" "tonic :Tc'' siren' thenin
- ° ..10 oz battle ac
mad ci e , .. 7
Medicine, `
Ho: e ' om ou d Iron .i11s 150;in
v x s,ao p n ,
a hos' • 25 .a .b'exes 1.00
i IAj 1
ovey's Emulsion •�Cod. Liver. Oil
and Hypophosphites, 50%
Norway Oil :
, madeby
cal e. None
• own ' j -n re o. .e 10 oz.
le a 8. .g. .
o t
tother st
�p�Cocoa: (3een
m `
tYitch tiazeln4ecam
Violets, for critPP'ed handoos
etc ...: .per bottle'25a'
Dispensing Chemist
and Druggist
_Paint Your fi.uggy
Buggies need painting this spring; and, the.time to.
e P i .. • l, e to:have them
have them done t� :now, and• the pier , , ,.,, • ;,, ,
done"ri.ght' is at • c '
ll & McMat
a h5
Cru . ,
Jiuron Street., Clinton
Grumbling and coivp'laining>will not
take ou the pain of an insect's : sting,
huf P.'rry Davin' Painkiller will do so 1
every time.. Apply,zur°.tth yourrtinger
to the sore spot: Price 7.50.°.,nd a0c.
THREE Trying Times in
. WHEN .
ars almost an absolute,necessity towards her
future health.
The first when she is just budding from girl-
hood into. the .full bloom of womanhood. ' -
The second period that constitutes , a special
drain on the system is during pregnancy.
The third and,. the one most"iiable to leave
heartsad nerve troubles isduring"change of life.'.
In all three periods HWiburn's Mart and
Nerve Pills will prove of wonderful value to tide
over the time. Mr& James King, Cornwall,.
Ont., writes: "I was troubled very mu* with
heart trouble --the cause being to a great extent
due to "change of life. " 1 have been taking your
*sari find Nerve Pills for won time, and *sero
ore continue doing' so, as loan , truthfully say
they aa. the leer remedy I have ever .used foe
boilable w► the system. You aro at liberty pts
use this statement for the base& of other
etiflenma.M •
Prim Secants per boxer three boxes for ileal.
all dealers or The T. Milburn Ce., iialited,
Toronto . Ont.
,AVE. 155 A BOSS'$ or are you Inde,
Cadent? If you are tutting entry for some one
fre, quit and make motley for yourself. Get out
ravery and be free, Wrfte G. Mi ttisttAr.t, ,eC
London. 'they vita show.you the way.,Tlaey
ave started thousands on the rdad'to`tree'doin,
..even dollars *:day, every day in the year, is be,
Ing made handling th lr goods. Write now,
Time is money,
Flou�e Cleaning
Intending purchasers of WALL .PArzylt;',
will do well to examine mystock,which
comprises the product of severalof the
best manufactures in Canada the
United States, and is all new and up to.
date. No trouble to show goods,
IHON PapeNhas. in
9g •
done, and illustrations shown tor the,
of any rootn in the lionise
"VV i11 be
Mardi, 1
of Reatt
en on or about the 22nd of
THE STORE b OItllt1TLY Oc. -
NitWcoMirk, one door north '
Law Office
ttt-tivt4tiv4 +A�"tF" '.F'' `op#4
-ttuN't '
s1 r.
Did -nu ever $top to think' ?
�} When buying a Dinner, Tea oiR'l'oilef Set'or' Pandy Nina, T- first -glass goods, up-to-date-sbapes or decorations be' sure and call ' • .
Teas, Sugars. and Canned Goods
We lead', in Quantity, Qualify and Prices. -
Special cut prices on Sugar in 100 lb bags'
SEEDS All kinds, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Or=
• chard Grass, Mangold and Turnip Seed. Ontar-
io Agricultural College says : - "Yellow Leviathan stands at the
head of the list in yield per acre in 25 different varieties."
Sold by
i . Ifi� il'Il�i
Clinton Sash, Door, and
Blind Factory,
The Town of Clinton zs on the eve of
a "boom," If you contemplate building,
let us give you' our estimation etc.
(¢ 'Head carters for. all - kinds of builder ' mater
q s material
Smay. o S. .0O0PE] Clinton .....
House and. Lot for Sale
The house now occupied by Inc, containing 14 rooms,
A two-story framer building; front, side and back en-
trence; corner lot; half-aere; good stable, front side
entrance sped orchard. For
a ie i epurchaser,
Will be soldtaBARGAIN. The house is built of sol.
tinthersi, and will last a life•titno.al$260 spent recently in
For n 'fn ro oment . I of fort rparticulars,arra
,soder 1, p y' s o n
in epeetton of property, apply to