The Clinton New Era, 1906-04-13, Page 21,1
Clinton's Features. 1
Clinton fa oneof the racket prOgre"Beive teWies in Weetern Ontario,
It is the ,geogranhical centre 4the Gettnty of Huron, the finest
egrieuleural deetrict in the Demirtion.
It hasrailwuyconpectians emit, west, north and •south,
It has eleven,paseenger trains daily,.
It is the laegest.Chsteess port in the Ootenty.
Its poet& returns are thosecond largest ierIturon.
It has one of the largest piano and organema,nufactories-that of
the Vi Doherty Co. -in Ontario,
It has a three-storey hosiery factory, The Clinton Enitting co.
It has the largest -factory in 'Westeen Ontario for the exClusive boys' clothing -The Lion iBand--naade by the
Jackson Manufa,cturing 0o., aeso age** for Oauada for the
Black Cat Hosiery.
It has an extensivelactorir for the manufacture of steam engines
and threeh,er.s-The 0 inton Thresher Ce.
It has a large saltertaking industry eantiguente to' the town, con-
ducted by Rees J. Ransford,
It has two chartered and two Private hankie
site-haeeleeeexcellWoliegiate Institute and County Model Scheel,
It has a tree Public Library, in a building erected,epecially'ror the
It has six churches.
It has granolithic.walks on almost all its streets.
In addition in all these features', it is one of the healthiest, cleanest
;• and prettiest towns to be found anywhere, ;and ,persons who
contemplate moving to .a. progressive and, attractatve town,
should consider the advantages to be found ,here, before
locating elsewhere.
• The Alew. Era' 4tratheona, Albertas Thereday, and
A Dominion by-election was held. in
FRIDAY, APRIL 13th, 1990.
if the people of the West ane'grieved
over the .Autonomy Bill they teertainly
had a chance to show ft, The fact of
the Liberal being elected by eeverel
hundred majority, • and his opponent
losing hie deposit. does not indite
much of a grievance in the Western
Mr. MeNaught's anti -treating Dili
Jailed to pass the Legislature, but it
served the purpose of calling public at-
tention once more to a foolish and vic-
ious Custom. It has not even the
merit of good fellowship, for even reg-
ular tipplers would prefer to see it
The Glasgow News of a recent date
-drew attention to the striking coinci-
dence that all the available male mem-
bers of the Rpyal Family should be,
practically atE the same instant, en-
gaged on Imperial missioris in quarters
... tit' the Gloee so remote from each oth-
er as Japan, India and Uganda. The
Royal Family is thus made useful, al
though in no governing capacity, in
developing and preserving an empire
sentenept ape/ eseelting us feer that we,
are all of 0,ne family • Ili; "John Thad; •
sores helms," so to speak,
_eft ie. not serprtsing that W. F. Mae -
lean got no enpport in the H usPe for a
2 -cent passenger rate on railways. . In
these state, where the 2 cep!, rate pre
vans, tne cheap eitetwsioris Which tte.
eommodate hundreds of thousands of
people yearly in this country, are al-
most unknown. Some of the railways
In Canada have to traverse stretches of
hundreds of miles from which they de-
rive to local traffic, and a uniform2-
cent rate would be manifestly inequit-
able. The matter of freight rates is
far more important to the public than
passenger rates.
John Alexander Dowie has been de-
posed from his leadership in the
Church of Zion City,, being accused of
extravagance. hypocrisy, misrepresen•
tations, exaggerations, tyranny, injus-
tice, and the teaching of polygamy. It
has taken quite a time for the dupes of
this man to find out his true character
but it is evident their blindness has
been removed at 1 k. Incidentally,
the leading newspapers of the continents'
bave been justified in the attitude they
have taken against Dowie and his
teachings. When the man went to
.New Imes he rolled out reams ce vitu-
peration Against the newspapers, and
the men who make them, and made an.
f4ijih1tien of himself in Various ways.
&ill he retnined the cdnficlence of
followets, n fact that imiresses one
with the truth of the old saw, that no
rascal can he as successful as a relig-
ious rascal.
IX hen y4113 plan your meals ,you
nevei think cilacpcl, yct you always
have it, and if i; left ofF the table
it is tile !int thin, that i missed.
You can liv v Iv.,tbout bread, but
you can live v,,ithout any other
food with kss hards14--think along
these lines and I la eb.okite nactesity
of, bread coma. home te you.
And because it is ii necessity, its
quality should be thc best --quality
bread depends largely upon the flour:.
Royal Household Flour
has convinced the woman of Canada
that it is the best for pastry as wail
as for bread.
Try Ogilvie's Royal Household.
Your grocer recommends it, because
it gives such good results.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co, Ltd.
"Ogilvie's nook for a Cook." con.
tains 130 pages of excellent retlipes,
eorne never published before. Wee
grer san teleyou bow to get it'PRE8,
The Ontario Government • proposes
to retain. and develop the Gillies limit
at Cobalt disti ict as the hest solutien
of the problem protented by its known
richness, and to invite tenders for -the
rich right of way in the neighborhood
of the silver minesthetsicle the eight
of wara rental.; Will be charged,and a
rtiyalty on -the ole will be Collected,
graded according. to richness. The
royalty provision *will not suit the
speculator, but it wili, reasonably reg.
ulated; cause no hardship, While it will
sport thkee'lelieS of the 'people:
Mr. Lucas moved the second reading'
of his hill in the Legislature. respect,
ing conditional sales of 'chattels, the
peepesee of svhich, was to make illegal
the bebit os! itnnlernent companies sell-
ing t� farrners .pnWinfi contract
• • ' • • At
a clause pray etieg that all lea:
phtes must be dealt -with in the locaI--
ity of the head offices of the company,'
thereby often forcing an unjust settle-
ment, the farmer *being unable to bear
the expense of transferring his s:Vit-
nesses, etc., to the centre in question.
The bill has considerable upport in
the House. •
:The Executiie, ComMittee of the
Dominfon Alltence sees in the new On-
tario License Bill a "sudden and ser-
ious peril" to the temperance cause.
What Could it *meet" Mr. Whitney
gave the temperance 0 people no reason
to supposethat ld- he •wouhelp' the
temperance caliete in any way. He
t dd them plainly that, he was opposed
te prohibition, and that he would net
grant it when he got into power. Hon.
Mr. Ross, who had been a life-long
friend of the temperance eauseeiand
who had jeopardized his political life
More than once t in its behalf, was
heartlessly thrown aside, efter he had
done what he &mid for them, and now
they are receive* their reward, and
pobody is particularly sorry,
the address issued ,by the Executive
of the Ontario Alliance on the subject
of the new Liquor Lieenee measure de-
clares it to be several kinds ot ell. It
says :- •
1 -It is undemecratic, one-sided and
. 2 -It perpetuates evil and discour-
ages good
3 It strengthens the liquenettaffic
and forces it upon protesting eons-
4 -It takes sway rights which the
rieople.enjoy, and whieh have never
been abused.
5 -It is unasked for, unnecessary,'
andundesirable legislation favoring
the liquor traffic.
6 -It gives friends of the liquor traf.
fic special privileges and powers as
againet those who are, th favor of tem -
.....iJohn Earthen. hotel man, Windsor
and Ptesident of the Provincial Ilotei
Men's Association, is to increase the
ratesi at his hotel, and to abolish the
commove1:d - rate given to travellers.
IOthers,he ave. will follow his ex -
ample. This oration of rates-, for
hotel accommodation and meals should
be settled upon its merits, and not up
i oh 'what is taken in over the bar, A
; man. should be willing to pay for his
1 bed and board without getting a ralc-
. off from the bar. ,., It is just possible
f that if the "led and board" was male
i a paying investment for the hotel
O 1 man, he would atOt be so anxious about
Ithe permission to sell liquor, Tem.
i perance people, at any rate, should be
i a,verf,e to having the profits on the sale
' of liquor go to help to give thent a
Equar.e meal for less than alivingprice
ise Jleikifrooi ontowlo.
&peaking of thseopening Of the Sae-
katchewan legislature,* correspondent
says; -
"A dear little girl who was asked in
her Sunday echsol.Ltere where the wise
men of the BibIu story came from
.paotoptly repliedfiakom Ontario." The
.4rePbr nemY littinglyhe applied to the
wise men of me *First Legislature.
JAPrank Hole is from Sarnia, and his
white-haired old father has been bitting
• on the door of the eflouse for Rome
time, fighting over*gain with Mr, M0-
..Laughlan, enotheteelebtimer, the elec-
toral battles of the early eighties, not-
ably the Jelly-Fish,contest,when these
.were the names of the contestants.
Walter dc,ott is a London boy,
and Eon, Fred W.` Eaultain from Co-
: burg, W.C. Sutherland, et Saskatoon,
.the tall young man .with a blonde
oraouetache and pluck -non glesses and
metering a frock coat, .usedtoteach at
, Silks school, near Shell/9nm%. but
geaduated in Arts 'trete One
,mIght hazard a guess that.Dts. Elliott
and Xllis on the Opposition benches
,get their sheep -skins at Toronto. John
11. .Lamont, Attorney Geeteral, the
:young,rnan sitting near the ,Peender,
with the clean-shaven face and Human
mosessneniounted by glasses .that glis-
ten, looks much as :he did twenty
rears ,a_an, when he took pant. in the
elehates .of the Literary Society at
Beepapton High School,. -
Theechool teacher, too, has cerrie to
leis own in the west. Bon, Zebu, A.
tealdee, Minister of sEducatimettiesman
with the.ileek moustacbe,. dress,eden a
black sanic-ooat, NVUS forineely
pa1 a Moose Jaw sthool. while Abet
Young ellen Sheppard is a. teacher an
at Pioneer, earth of Moose Jaw:
doctors aaid lawyera would all plead
guilty, no doubt, to having taught
school Aro time.. Hon, W,C. Mather.
well, Miuister efiegriculture, is it big,
capable lookieg ,fariner, Inr, Mother.
weJl, too, is trom ;Oaten°,
500,000 This Year,
The Montreal Trade Bulletin says :
ic Wehave it upon the authority of
well -posted railway and business men
Shat. thanumber of immigrants com-
ing into the Dominion ,of Danube this
year from Europe and the United
States will aggregate no less than 500-
000. Upon expressing our doubtEras to
the number,a party just returned from
the Northwest stated that no one' io
this paru of the countty bas the elfghte
est idea of the number of American
farmers that are at present erO,ssing the.
• border into our Oanrdian Northivest
with every equipment for commencing
farmingt breaking up the eirgin soil,
and raising a crop the feet year."
• • -
There age, two things the Whitney..
Government cannot tem socii. 'under-
stand. The first is that the People will
het accept as a defence of any policy.
it may adopt, the fact that the Pre-
vious Governnient had pnrstied a policy
that was as bad or .worse, The 'new •
Government will be judged by •its oveti
record, as this etantla atone, and not
hy conaparison With that Of a riguietny'w'hich flet. overwh&mftg condernna,
tion at Or polis., The seceed thing foe •
the Whitney Geeeren1ebt ,to realize is
Shat the.Public demand,. if itoy wrong'.
doing on the 'part of .its Pretikeesers
has been discovered,, that this shall be
fully exposed,. titteely . regardless of
wirthtr the Oposit1on is rnild ar otls
erwise in its 61sii bf Cleat rtimetit
measures. The psople Voted a year
ago last ;January foes, thorough house-
cleaning, end they look to the new
broom to provide this.
O Life insurance funds are essentially
trust funds, That IS a Poilatthat must
needs be clearly emphasized in the pre
sent inirestigation,. If this is insisted
upon bytheltoyal Conamission we May
hope to hear less in the future of 'spec-
lative ventures in the stock market,
less of dorms to directors and officials
of insurance companies, less of the un-
due pursuitiof new business at the ex-
pense of the ,old policy -holders, Teed �f
the "boosting" and glorification of the
eoriaPardes themselves,to the possible
and sometimes actual re'rudieii of
those who should be the real benefic-
iaries of old life insurance. ,The' sole
object 'Of revery lite company board
should he to furnish the policy -holders
with absolutely safe insurance at the
•lowest poseible cost; and to this end
ambition for power and influence in
the fluter wOrld, obtainable through
the control of-' the companyYs .funds,
should be wholly given over, , 4
Jinelesst ealtsidsa
lettnee Vast deemed by the Mt.
dente the fetal at the dead because
grbtt Adoala, the beloved of Vans*
waciportszu7 weuritied by a wild hoar
tile moping goddess laid 'lm upon a
bed Of Oft end tender lettuce, whoa°
possessea soothing and oar -
tette :.qualities. Lettuce was eatee kr
the **ciente at the chute of their re-
patitsoas from itR cooling •qualities
1t WM- egnehlered an antidote to the
beating effects of. wine, The bitter
berhe %ditch the Jews ate at the pass,
•over wore wild lettuce, enecory, tansy,
earnongle and dandelion, and this
same vaee are the Inventors of the eat -
ad compounded of oll, vinegar, augar,
salt and (mustard to render the hitter
herbs palatable. The Irish two cent's -
ries ago eilade their salute oe sorrel,
wood forret and beet chopped with
egar, beer amid a little sugar, but no oil,
salt by mestard. Readers of classic
history stell remember holv a lettuce
caused the rcruel death of Cambyses,
king of Persil's and Media,and of hes
• consort wheavas also his sister.
Ilienteloat Them.
On the way tfront oue towe on 'Cape
Cod toanother a contelbutor, to the.
Ploston TranseriJA came upon a charm-
ing house by tlae roadside, which im-
mediately claino d his attention: If
bore 4 fresh coat of wait° paint, Which
was well set off ir,v green blinds. There
VMS it Smooth pleec of lawn In front a
group of nue shade: trees and lianv
xnocks, piazza chain, brilliant sofa oil -
lows awl all the adannets of summer
comfort la laxurions profusion.
"Wbose place is this?" be demanded
of the boy of twelve '16h accompanied
Sslm as guide and adviosr In general.
4 That there?". said tint boy. "On, that
there's the poorhouse."
"The poorhouse!" the map exclaimed.
A'To.ti seem to have luxurious paupers
in del's town."
"Well, you see," was the explanation,
"We haln't got but one, 'n' shers an old
•woman, 'W. tire oversevrs they board
her out witii one o' the iteighbors 'n'
let the pow'aiiiise to !some o' them Bos -
Mo folks for filo "n' that pays
her keep,"
•• -• now to Boil water..
TO' boll water would seem le be it
very simple thing, • and yet the late
Charles Delmontos used to say that
_ very few people knew how to do it,
O webe . secret' is,". he eald, "In putting
good fresh- Neater into a cleae kettle ae
ready quite Warm and setting the Ian -
ter to boiling quieltly and. then' taking
it right...Off for nse in s tea, coffee or
other. then ks: beftire et Is 'spoiled. To let
it steam and simmer and evaporate
mi -
til the good,. water is In the atmosphere
the .1 I roe - and iron anti dregs only
left in the kettle IS wbat makes tt great
. Many people sick, `mid it is worse -than
no water s.t aly! Por water boiled ifite
this and flavored with a few drops /31'
:lemon ' ' Delmonleo used to
,aanirgeoas mueli as:for his best liquors,
and he often recommemled it an his
&list= ers and *filet:Ida who centilla I tied
of loss of 'appetite, it is seerth trying.
-Good Living: -• 0 0 0•
'. • ' ' .
. ,TJie Alternative. • bee been called, to see it
• 'pitman's wife.' Oil th)111Ing,40vrn from
...,.2, E42.LTI th_e clee. ttir said te the fun-
' hand: ''IVeil, de'rePils-:', rin .gitui to stiy.
there !zee very nitich wrong With year
e wife. It's a :case .05 too:Much blood.
and We'll try an old fashioned remedy.
Just get a leech at the chemist's and
-eting the husband, wini'wes a bit of
: I put At on her, and I believe you'll .fin
' herbetter when I call Inthe inorn,ing."
Next day thee doctor ' drilled again and,
. .
Edmonton advices 'say that seeding
operations are general all over north-
ern .Alberta, and in the Saskatchewan'
Valley, from the boundary line of Sas-
katchewan to the limit of settletnerit
en'the *est. The crop is going in rap-
idly. and under favorable conditions,
Some eeetions report that a long spell
of dry, hot weather has made the
ground rather dry, but this may be
sremeched safely enough when 'lathe
conee. A pod heavy snow -storm alt.
this particular season would help won.
derfunr in some parts.
e Trust
If you are suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de-
bility, nervousness, exhaus-
tion, you should begin at once
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you hatie known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it,too. Askhimatoqtit.
you most look wall Attar tha condition of
lour &at mid b041,10g. UnI,,s tharo la daily
cotton- of tho Sevres, poisonous products are
absothog, comas 1161,414os., Ullimumaso, can.
tPitrdFA; VotifriteP4:Mtgrt "IMF;
Riattgeliningiree t)tit Itrilige7"ta13143‘
Made by .T. 0. Ayer Oa., tAwall. Maar.
Also tamaraftumris eV .
e s tliStrukaoluti,
.sportsman, like many of his kind,
said: "And how's your wife this morn- ,
Ing, Geordy? Better, I expeet." "Nat
man, but she's worse," replied Georde4
*Verge!" exclaimed the do.tor. "But
did you do as! told you. fast night?"
'Well, not exactly, for I couldna get a
•leech, so I put the ferret P bed we 'ere'
-London Tatter. .
•0 •
O Valuable Desolate Islands.
The most valuable desolate Islands in
the world are the Liakovs, In the Are-
uth of the Lena, in.
Alberla. They are frost homed and u
teriy barren save for arctic moss, but
they contain such enormous qtneatities
�f.eossll Ivory that they are eetleedhig-
ly valuable -in fact, although uninhala-
ited save for the ivory diggers and of
themselves incapable 'of • supporting
life, they produce 'a revenue of £1,000,- •
000 a year. -London Queen. '
O A Bengeslese P'eettliarliy. .
O A doctor remarks: "What strike's One
most at a Bengal hospital Is the lack of
Sense of proportion in the esti:flatten
of. diseases, A man Is gravely perturb-
ed because be has not saeezed for
three months, but he is c6rapseatively
Indifferent to the fact that he exhibits
the 'early signs .of leprosy. '
STATE! Oef0/110, OFT0E,n00
Frank J. OheneV makes oath that he
Is senior partner!): the firm of P. 1.
Cheney & Co., &nag business; in the
city of Teled0,10onnty and State afore-
eseti, and that said firm will pay tix.
for each and ever ease Of Vlstorrh that
canot e cured by the tem of Hallo
Catarrh Care, tHANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before me and subacribed
in my presence this Oth day of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1080.
(SEAL) NO'rAlalr Pritsta0.
Haire 04tOlTh CUVO is taken inter-
nally and acts directly on the blood
:and mucous surfaces of the system.
:Send for testimonials free.
F. 3. CHENEY & Vo„ Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 750.
',rake Hall's Family Pills for eonetipa,
oelinton.Post-aftice Time Tlibie
Publio Lobby opens 780,
Bublic Lobby closes ... . ,..9,00 p.m.
Wicket &M.O. °lice open 8,00 a.m.
P. 10. °Moe closes- . .. 0.00p.m.
W.icket closes,. . . . .. ....7.00
, .
Mails close as follows
South . e . . ... 6.85 , 3.50 p.m,
East. 0,85 Aare, 2,50 p.m , 4.50 p
North 950 a.m., 6.00 p.m.
West ', .4 e s12.30
Goderich -050 m 0 pan., 9 P.m,.
Italia are r,eady for delivery approeci-
mately as follows:
From North., -8,00, 4,80 p m
SoWleestlit; • Al 00 a,m, 00
8.00 a.m.
" East .. . 12.8.00 a,n1., 2.001) M.
• Itrorn the night train '
Godei lett . , . . 3.45 p.m.
A Special Offer
We have made arrangements.
.whereby we, can offcr the New
.Era and the Weekly 'Globe to
NEW subscribers; for the bal-
ance of the year, for $1.23.—
This means that those who do,
not take either of these papers
can get them both until lst of
January, 19o7; for$1•45 cash.
All smart up-to-date wemen of to -day,
Know how to bake, to waeh,sieg and
to play;
Without these talents a wife is N.G.
Unless she takes RoeltyMonetain Tea.
Ask Your Druggist.
. After forty•years of actiee. ministry
in the Methodist.. church. -ana..tsvelam
years on • stmerannua don, ".Rev.; Thos.,
Cobb eSied, Wednepalay, lemming at
Toronto, from diabeterefrona'Whiehite.
0ohb .was, . born in.. Manchester; Eng-.
land, 15'yearti ago. lin eatne to Can-
• itda when gs years. of • egeeand entered
:the minietry. • Ilia first .charge :was
• Grimsby. ; ' siu ce 'that' be teas' stationed
itt .Lendon, •••eeafeeth, Petrone, and.
etho t9whs..througboxit thaprovinee..
• • • • ,
• •
Why alloiV this filthy iiig0444dtt. to
poison your .system I' It drains your
strength, ruins digestion, pollutes the
breath, snakes you repulsive. The one
certain cure is ."Catarrho,zone e, it
cures because_ it destroys the cause of
the disease,' cures thoroughly because
it goes wherever 'the catarrh is, cures
every case because its vapor destroys
the catarrh :germ instantly; To get
well and stay. free front -catarrh get
Catarrhozone and use it ; satisfaction
I guaranteed. -
Auntie role. •
"You'd never think Kj011OS was from
the country, would you? Ills manner
Is perfect and his dress fashionable."
°Yes, but he gave hiniself deadaway '
on the stieet ear today."
"Get up and gave hits seat to a wom-
-an."--Cleveland Leader,
tittle titmice 'isit Lite. L
It is while you are patiently.tolling at
the little tasks of life that the ;neaten -if
and shape of the great whole of life
dawns upon you. It is .while yoti are
'resisting little temptations that you are
growing stronger.-PhIllIps Ilrooks.
Her Atteacslon,
jim-elow dig you fall In love With
her? is filie pretty or Is she':Nell?
Jack--Botle she's pretty ride-Pitts-
O A very wise man onee said that when
he began to feel too important ha got a
:Map of the universe tine -treed to find
himself ea it
News Notes.
Miss itate Hoyat et Owen Sound,
committed auk** by poison.
W. I. MOCelopen hotel -keeper Of
Welland, wag killed' by a train while
Walking on the railway,
is a high-grade Commercfil School
Three Codrsee
Com m eretai. Stenography • .Telegrachy,..
Write GEO. SPOT*1"1N :lcapet.
esteitemosameoemeneti itareeseastemesseasesese
. Start for a Good Salary
O By taking 0005�f our I:force-steely
courses. It costs but a tries, and
only requires your spare time.
Write toelay for particulars
•-16f. R. SIIAW, • 'Principal
We beg to cell your attention to
, the Sugar problem
. leOlbs.Redpath's
ulated Sugar, $4.59
Canadian Sugar ie quoted100 less
We are offering Quality as well
at Quantity -- ILEDPATII'S is
the best Sugar on the marketeas
those r who have tried infeteer
makes, know, and are always
pleased to return to its use.
We can obtain nothing too
good for oar people, rend there-
. fore will 'keep tio other grade
Our aim is always e s t
Quality at Olosest Prices," AS the
nimble sixpence isbetter than
the stove shilling.
W. .T.
Clinton,* Ont.
Private Stale o 1 furniture.
The nudersigLed will sell privately it
resideuoa WellUPtton ONO. Potion
bedr000t and morel household faro,
taressnd ontenaila, stoves etc. PRANK
Rouse air Sale
Ten rooms, vrith woodshed and 610144
herd SIMI SOO woken, * *ore of lends con.
trolly 100ated for partundere ligtoilz to
w. lluxtxmlit.
Good House for Sale.
Subscriber oilers for sele his large and
comforteble frame house on Albert Street.
The house has every ocinvenience for °rem.
ery family. Goad °eller; hard and soft
Water on the lot; three-quarterooteneaere
of lend; bowing fruit trees, else good
citable. Will be eold on reasoneble monk
Clinton, Dech 80th.
Splendid situation. Within two min-
utes walk of Poet Office. That comfort-
able hen* at present occupied by the un -
&reigned, House contains 7 rooms, also
wash rooms and pantry and good wood-
shed. First -clam well and •cistern.
Splendid cellar.. 1-4 sere hind adjoining
the residence of Mrs. Jeseihidley, Apply
at NEW ERA Offtee or FRED a ALL -
• Choice ram lor Sale
Subscriber offers for eale his splendid
farm of 96 sores on the Bass Line being
north part of lot 2, Maitland Bloats, Hallett
Geed briok house, hem and all necessary
outbuildings; 85 sores bath; farm well wa-
tered and in good conditicm. 2 miles from
Auburn. JOHN SPRUNG, Auburn P.0
Farm tor Sale.
„ Subscriber offers for sale his farm of
100 sores, being lot 24, Con. 2nd., Stanley,
All cleared but 10 aoree., Brelk house,
bank barn 40x80., cement silo, 1400; one
acre of orohard and small .fruits, 2 never -
ling wells, Driving house, pig pen, hen
house. Five miles from Clinton and three
from Bruoefield, en good gravel roado
Cliintort P. O.
Farm for Sale.
The fern, of 50 Ages in the 3r6 con. of
Hullett,,occupied by subscriber is • offered
for sale. All but four aores oleare0, and
O in good state of cultivation. 13 sores felt
wheat seeded down. Running spring) all'
fall Flowing done but atiores. New frame
bowie, small barn, Acre ot bearing orchard.
. 2 ranee from Chute's. Aloetearn of good
working horses for sale. •
Nov 170514as CHAS, MASON, Hallett.
Farm itt Tuekersmith to
'Rent hit'sts"
To rent tor a term ef years;:Lot 14, on
cession two, L. R. 8., oontaisang 100 acres",
80 acres of which -are ()leered and in it good.
eteloof.indiesatione,This farm Is Situated
1 12 Miles irons trbin.11011:
fetch; and 8 1•2 from Hansalle Thiefihr*
is well fenced, drained, and hes. first ciao
buildings thereon, and is anent the best
farms in theeiounty of Huron. For tetras
&e, applyto, Doig SS Dent, Attorney a Sault
Ste. Marie, Michigan.
Farm for Sale.
Two hundredatod thirty-five acres, situ -
toed ot Bevlisio Itt ate Ge. id Tee .hree-
quarters-of-a.mile from ()linters. Soil in
excellent conditien, havingbeen all under
grans for five pars; splendid grain or grass
.land, well drained. Five acres hardwood
bush and excellent :ortherd. One barn,
52374, with stone stabling. for 12 horses
and 85 cattle; one barn, 88'84, with silo
and etabling for 17 cattle. Large imple-
ment house and pig pen; power and pump-,
ing windmills; large frame house; two
good wells and running water atrear of
farm. Apply to MRS. • ALEX. '
McEWEN, Clinton P.O., or Lot 213, on.
2, Stanley.
Bulls lOr Sale.
Tao thoro-bred Short Horn bulls for
sale7aged 2 &S years, both red with &little
white; splendid individual bulls of good
Pedigree. One by Biggins' Imperted Fan-
cy's, -Pride; the other by Snell'S Star of
DI orning. Will be Bold reasonable.
• :Londesboro
Have you tried Re Splendid yield,
full stock, 80 to 100 bushels per acre.
Nothing like it for feed; good, elean.
seed, e1.00 per bushel. Apply te Farm
Foreman, Stapleton Salt Wells.._
Seed Grain for Sale,
Manchuria Barley and Sirerian OW,
good itsnding stiff straw, and Medium
White Pau. Ali free from wild °ate and
Mestere, and the two former acknowledged
by Government statistics highest yieldere
knowo. JOHN YEO, Iloirnesville. °
American. Corn
For sale.
A quantity of first-class A meri-
can Com ;will be sold for
cash or exchanged for grain.
Also other stock food.
Standard Elevator, Clinton.
nuNueira, or lArild GooseWheat;
SEEO OSTS, best varieties
PEAS, SO•day ote June -Pea and.
Golden Vine
All free as possible from noxious weeks
Bibby's Cream Equivalent, rf�r
WANTED. bY Chicago whelegale Infuse, Ves-
tal representative titian or Woulani for each pro -
vine in Canada. Salary $24.00 and exnenseti
Weeklv. Expense, money advanced. Butt-
hilS9 successfunonesition Dermatietit. NO invest -
*tent required. Previtrud exearience net essent-
fal ttiCcitiroglinigiOngen' Oral Manager. 134 take Street,
Vex 58 10 Cidettilta flI,, 1.7. 5. A
..4vgimmoir4AiliAm Wow
SASSISTER. 110/0100014, tie
Oefeeeigillott Beisk,terseerie complot
07 Ste deett.
W. ourtaire.
amauaTaa 801I0IT0R NOTARY"
Real ratate end Insurance Agent ee
Money to lean
oa U4I, 40s11 Mom-
Ors. Gann ak Cling.
Dr, W. Gunn, 14. F. L. LC 8., /Mir
gsr, Nisbet Gunn, M. Eliglastly
X D.
Office. - Ontario Strait, 011uton, blitht calla at)
front door of office or residence, gattenbagr
DR. 4'• VV. SHIAW,
asrmoheqr etc., office and reeidenoe 042."
'taxi° St., opposite English church, formerly oo
O envied by Or.Appleten. Tiliton Ont.
' DR. 0; W. ritiotwesoo,
Paysiotant :Surgeon, Rte.
Breeial attention Ripen to aiseaseeorths
Eye, Ear, Threat and;Nose.
Wilco and Residence -
Albert Street.2 Blocks North of TU0430113417
Q. W. Manning $mitill,M,S.,
OFFICE7--1f110 Street, Hayfield, formerly ,
occupied by Dr. Palliates;
D ..G. g,uNesT motrasas
, (Successor to Dr. T. C. Bruce, .
Sp eciaisi in Crown and Bridge Work
2.--Oraduate Iona College Dental.SUr
geons of Ontario, turonto.
D.D. 8.-F1gglpo1aas Mono: graduate of Den,
talDepartraent of Toronto University
Special attention_paid to presernition .of
ohildren's teeth. win visit Baylield .41 •
Monday. '
O Of600fl over O'NEIL'S store.
Speoial care taken to make dents tre
mens as painless as possible. • W vi
Auburn every Monday,,
• Miscellaneous.
No witnesses requirpd
• Private funds to loan at 4N, per bent and UP..
wards' W. SIMONE.
'Licensed Auctioneer-.
O Fafm sales a Specialty.
Orders left at the NEW ERA will lier
promptly, attended' to,
Live Stock and general Auctioneer,
Farm steck sales a 4peciN,Ity, Orders left at
!law EitA offloc, Clinton, promptly attended
to. Terms reasonable, . Partnere sale notee
• isseua:13Y
Sumballs Clinton_
J. P. TIsOALL. •
Private funds to loan on mortgagee 'eata
-best current raker
General Banking ' tonne's Sr .nseeted
:tittered ellowed on deposits.
Sale notes bought •
G. D. McTaggart M I>. MoTaggart-
Taggart Efros
General Banking i3malseas
. • Drafts ieened. Interest allowed' on
d t
The McMillan Mittual
Fire. Insurance Co.
'Perm and Isolated. Town Prop.
erty Only Insured.
r. B. McLean, President, Kippen; 'rhos
Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thee, E
1 -lay's,, Secy. Treas., Seafortha
Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; johm
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafoith; J. Dale,
j. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Sea -
newels, 13rodhagen. *
Each Director is inspector ofilosses:in
his own totality,
. •
Robt Sinith, narlock; td,
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egraond4
vine j. W. Yet), Hohnesville. •
L' Fitzsimons it Son
We are still in the But-
chering business, and are
in a position t6 fill all or-
ders for seasonable meats,
intrusted to Our care, -
Our new business stand.
is in the Combe
R. Fitzsimons IL Son
PIM* VI Clinton