HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-13, Page 1ea—a
.-. •
Bate)lished 1865
. The at of saving money is the
art of making money. To start
saving money requires a deposit
of $1.00 only in
-T H E_
Sovereign Bank
• INTEREST PMD. Fox* Tools
• •A YEAR* • •
Deposits of $1 and upwards re-
H. T..R A N C E,
Manager of Clinton branch.
--TH E
—F 0 Rat-
MEV,Roys and .LADIES
Manufactured by Goo. A. Slater,
Acknowledged by critics' to be the
BEST boots made in Canada,
• In all the -kites* t stzies; at ,
A splendid grazing farm in Stanley township.
.contatning 145 acres. About 100 acres Com be
cultivated. bio buildings. Never failing water
supply. Good location. Price 4/7.85 per rare.
$800. cash, balance on easy terms: This is a
snap, investigate at once. A ;lumber a improved
farms for sale.
Seaforth properties. Brick 'House; 0 roomS,
modern convenMnces, Furnace, , Bath -room,
hot and cold water. large stable. GoderiCh street,
will be sold ou easy terms.
Frame House. 10 rooms, newly remodelled.
furnace. Goderich street.. Possession mar rea-
sonable time, vary easy terms. Some lower
priced properties for sale. particulars on
application to -
. .
Real Estate Agent • ONTARIO.
Single Fare .for.
• Easter.
Going April.I 2th, 13th, 14th;
t5th and f6th.
Returning Untli April t7th.
Between all stations in Canada, also
to Buffalo. Niagara Falls, N. Y. De-
troit and Poet Huron, Mich.,- redueed
fares also in effect to St. Paul .and
Duluth, Minn.
FOr tickets and full information call on
F. R. Hodgens; Town Agent
saes?, a aa-
Guard Your
Child's sighc.
Isi Ittedebn comps.
'Won over), ollead,
ranted° tolls and
non, more teriousir
than poor.
Parent. Who -hop• too
their children** inta
eels, should Know,
their sight is the beet
saea •-1,
21. J. pRIGG
jeweler and Optitiarx.
Goderlett townahlp
,Mrs Charlie Middleton is spending a
few days it her mother at Benrailler.
Mr. Rowden of thel8th concession is
improving the frant Of his farm by the
erectiou of a new wire fence.
Tlie Sunday School in S. S No. 11,
eon 10, is progreseing nicely. Those
who attend combine to make it inter -
Rev. Rhodes finished his duties as
Rector of his mission parish on Sunday
last. A successor will probably soon
Mrs. W. J. Bowden and Master
Bartle E. are spending the Easter hob,
days with friends in Wingharn and
Bluevale. • s • ' • • • .
Mr. George Elwood has recantly'dis.
posed of his horse and buggy te. air
Cook, of Varna. George contemplates
going IVO:et next Tuesday,
Mr. John Marshall has got comfort,
ably settled on his newly rented farin
and is•quite satisfied with the look of
the place and its surroundings.
Mr. Ernest Middleton's short stay
in Manitoba has been a benefit to him
both physically_ and Otherwise ; just
enough°of the Western air to recuper-
ate himself.
THE BIG Ilitaa-Paities who have
travelled up and down the Hohnes•
vale -Colborne hill, complain that it
will never be satisfactory untilit has
been piledatts the hill slides down on the
roadway, making travel very difficult.
LAKE SHORE N0TES.-r-Ge0 McIlwain
islaidup withan attack of appendicitis.
We are glad to see W ns. Andrews
around again after his recent accident.
Christopher Johnston has purchased
from his brother James,. the eighty -
acre lot lying between his own place
and the lake. Thos.Amy has purchas-
ed from Chas. Warcup the forty -acre
lot between WitaBichan'e and his own
Place on the Bayfleld road. Jos. Col-
well, Mrs.Colwell and daughter, of the
let concession, are we understand, re-
moving to Hayfield to • reside. Robt.
Colwell. will remain On the farm and
we believe there are good prospects of
his getting a bouse-keeper,
Ilorataavitta Colmar., CHAMBERS -
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Members all present. Minutes of • last
regular and special Meetings read and
passed. . Moved by John W. McClure,
seconded by a L. Salkeld that by-law
No. 4, be rescitidedaappointing Thos.
Wetherald Township engineer. Mr.
Wetherald refusing to act,j.A. Fowler
was appointed Township 'engineer by
hrlaw. Moved. by H. L, Salkeld, sec -
°tided byJ.iaord that motion granting
$5 to petlimasters be recinded and that
said pathmasters he net granted said
money. Moved by Jas. Cox, Mdonded
by J. Ford that the following amounts;
be paid: -News -Record, printing $7.50.
Js Yotingacedar, SOM. F. B. Holmes;
wood for use of auditors at GOderich
$2 75. G. Elliott, wood for same Our -
pose, $8.50. S. W. Miller was appoint-
ed Pound ICeeper for No, 1. Pound.
Reeve was instructed to order cedar for
Township purposes. Council adjourned
• to meet on the first Monday in May at
pne o'oloek. NIXON STURDy, MERE:.
Duncan itleTdvish left on Mondayfor Manitoba. .
Robt. Fitzeimons, Clinton; shipped a
carload of hogs on Saturday last.
' A number of our villagers attended
the stock show in Olieton last week,
Shoot) McXenzie's auction sale took'
place on Tuesday, being Well attended.'
Our .public library has been moved
to Dr. Rogers', who will have charge
of it. .
John Eetchen bought asthorobred
cow .at the..gle of Mr. Chambers, Hay,
at a good figure, ..
A number of farms in the neighbor-
hood of our village are for sale; many
of the owners, comfortably settled,
wish to try their fortunes in the west.
Fall wheat inthe neighborhood leeks
very good, notwithstanding that the
sprang has not been a vety favorable
one, owing to the haid frosts at night
and sunshine during the day.
Porters Hill
ale. and • Mrs. S. McPhail visited at
Kipper' last week. •
Maggie McPhail spenta. few days in
Holmesville recently, .
Searsan, of Hingarf, is visiting
his slates., Mrs, Vanderborg. -
W. Myers, of Londoia is speuding a
few days at Mr. John Cox's.
John (oxsold a, two. year old colt to
Jake Elsley for $185 : ,pays to raise
good horses.
Quite a nitrieber' attended the wed-
ding of J. 13. Cant and Miss Million, of
Oolbotne, on Wedhesday last. Their
many; friends extend congratulations.
Rev. r. Graham, of Goclerich, will
adess the League at Bethel on mis-
sionary work, on Friday evening, Ap-
ril 13th, and a. short- program, will be
given a small admission fee aid be
charged at the door, the fah& in aid
of the Merit's hospital.
A PINE HORSE. -As pretty it piece
of horseflesh as has been seen here for
some tirne, was driven by Stirling
Phail, of Porter's Hill, at the shoe
last week. It is the six year old entire
pacing stallion, The Pope, bought in
Detroit, and will likely stand for ser -
'eye this year,
• Walkerburn
(.1.00 late for last week,)
Mr. Joho Jackson .has been on the
siek fist this last week,
Miss Rachel Patterson is in Blyth
taking a, millinery term.atpresent.
At. Will aftwelt has engaged with
0. Manning for the coming sunitnet
'Vie. Leonora Howson of Rudyatel,
.Mich., is calling on friends here at
pL'('Cfl 1..,
The skating leek came to an end by'
taking a drop over the elide one warm
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Roberton
have 'eeturned to Hamilton itfter
spending a couple of Weeks here,
(Would dorresporalent kindly mail
copy so that it would reach us by
Wednesday evening, —Ed. Now Eva.”
A dastardly attenrpt waa made to
set fire to Mrs. Youngais stable on the
Ofh con. notviek, on IVedneaday night
of last week. Sometime through ehe
night sortie atetlav Was fired, but for,
ttrnately did not fire the Wilding;
Spring Term Opens on
Thyril 2nd
Why ehould you content yourself in
the ordinary walks of life. Whole YoU call
better Your sonaium by tattier a course
in this ,SehOol 7 We give a thorough,
esaeticai clammier; 0,fla agSiGi our eritair
otos to good positions, CommentO your
United litYW. Write for partieularch
P lethal* alai
Mr. Mason, of Ifullett, left Mon-
day morning on a prospecting trip to
the West.
Noble Holland, son of Mr. Jollies
Holland, Huron road, has been suffer-
ing with an abscess, but is now better.
Last week James Snell sold a year-
ling shorthorn bull to Elias Boll, ef the
base line ; a,nd he also sold °ire to Mr.
Turnbtal, of Grey -prize winner at
Clinton show. Stook from the Hayen-
Barton farm is always goad.
GAVE IT 'L'o.-Mr. M Ole* who has
been farm superintendent for'Ransford
Bros. for about tweticy odd years. has
given up this position', and is succeeded
by Mr, A. McMurray. Mr..Glew was
an exceptionally good mans, but found
the work too e*.aOtitlg at his age,
.Nannotv ESCAPE, --The horne of
Mr. Oliver.Mills had a narrow escape
on Tuesday night. An oven had ' been
filled with wood, and during the night
they were awakened to find the house
filled with smoke. and one of the in-
mates almost' unconscious therefrom:
Fortunately no other damage ,was
dope. •
ter suffering from an illness that has
baffled medical skill for a. couple of
years, Mr Thos. Carbeet of con 0 pass-
ed Away on Wednesday at the age of
42 years, Deceased was the fourth son
of the late Thomas Carbert and was
born in the township., He was a: young
-man of promise, and was held m way
high esteem,being for a time chairman
of his polling sub division in the Libel. -
al interest. He was a staunch friend,
a good neighbor, and a man of sterling
principal*. His ailment is supposed
to have been some form of spinal
trouble. He leaves a wife, six daugh-
ters and one son. He was a member
of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Associ-
ation, in which he had $2000 of haul.-
auce, The .furieral takes place to -day,
Friday, at 9 aana to StarosePh Church
Clinton, and thence to the R.Ce Ceme-
.Mr. -McGregok bas disposed of his
chopping mill in Winghain to. O. H.
Rintoul. •
•Rev. T. S: Boyle was summoned
St: Catherines last week to the bed-
side of his father..
Mr. IV, a Pringle has purchased
froin W. J. Chapman, the tannery
Property on Victoria Street, .
• 'Winghana ratepayers will .beaskid t�
vote on a. by-law for $0.000 for Oben
tures for a new,sewers
, .
We regret to report • that Town
Clerk Ferguson is not regaining has
health as Trickly as is desirable. On
the sideice of his physician, be went ta
Toronto on Wednesday to: eonsult a
specialist.' • ' .
Winghans Town Council has granted
the free use of the'Town Hall for an en-
tertainment bythe • students of the
'Business College including a lecture by
Judge Barron, of Stratford, the pro-
ceeds to be devoted to purchasing tents
for consumptives, the tents to he the
pretty:1V of the town. . .
Erxoattio PLANT. - The Wingham
Advance states that according to the
auditors' report the electric light is
paying well. It says in part ln the
25 months to Jan. lst, 19K the . plant
has paid all running expenses;also two
debe urea of the purchase money, of
$170 ;u each. tine giveh tbe town a 'clear
profit of $2521,28. 13esides,it must not
be forgotten that on account • of the
condition of the money market at the
tittle, thete was a loss on the sale of
the debentures of. $1.050- Thisabas at -
so been made up to out of the profits,
so that amount should really, be added
to the total profit from the working of
the plant, making. altogether $8.571.28.
Mayor Bell is now of the opinion that •
the cost of light to the citizens could
be reduced. MuniCipal ownership has
been a. success so far in .Winghani.
• Lon deabora
Mr. John Hiles of Eipcardine visited
here a few days ago. .
Mee. R.' Cole came up from London
to try to rent the farm.
• Mr. Best of Perthtown near Ottawa,
*pisrvicies._iting his sister Mrs. Crisp..
Mr. H. Id. Snell delivered a quantity
of Pare'llmale sYrup m the village.
There was a good shipment of hogs.
ot Monday and they were a good
The Millinery openings here were
well patronized by the ladies ; some
corning quite a clistanea •
Mr, Thos. Moon and family have.
moved onto their farm recently 179.-
catecl by Mr. Bembridge,
The Londesboro Thresher Co. held
another meeting on Wednesday
night. They are pushing the matter
Mr. and Mrs J. D. Ainsley returned
to Learn ng too on Monday after spend-
ing a couple of weeks amongst their
friends. .' •
OlItlIten. --At the annual meeting of
the committee bf management of the
Methodist Sunday school, held pfx
Thursday evening last, the following
officers were elected for the current
year Supetentendent, Wm. Lyon ;
assistant sciperintendent lame. Samp-
son ; secretary, George Millen ; treas,
ureta John Brunsdon ; organist, Miss
Brigham... .Next Sunday morning the
Methodist pulpit will be occupied by
Rev. R. ataMatining, of Clinton. Spe•
dal Easter sermon in the evening ; sr -
mon by the pastor. ...Rev. Mr. Leckie
resumed his pulpit work on Sunday. •
Helmeattille •
Mrs Stanley bas gone to Toronto to
visit her son Fred.
Mr Ezra Pickard is pursing o sore
httodacaused by getting it bruised.
Miss Holdsworth is visiting Mrs T
Pieltord. in London, during the holiday
The r*ulite meeting of the Wornen's
Institute will be bold - Thursday after-
noon, Apse 10th.
'The League visited at Mies Gouldis
on Monday night. on invitation to a,
taffy pulls they report a g004 program
anal a rich treat. -
The friends pi' Wiles Aa McLeod will
be glad to knbW that she is improving
nicely from the effects of the operation
else lately underwent in St, Joseph's
hospital, London, it Mill be at least a
couple of weeks before she caia return
onarenn en.
Asia when the sabasta was passed, Mary
Magdalene, and Mary the mother of jemeS,
and Salome, bad bought sweet OPices, that
OW Might come and anoint aim, .
And very early in the re5rning,the firstday
of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at
the rising of the gun: a
And, they said among themselves,who shall
roll us away the stone from the doer of the
And when they looked, they saw that the
stone was rolled away, for it was very great,
And entering into the Bevulohre tbeY eaw 0.
YOU/1g man sitting/an the right side,olothed in
along white garment and they were affrighted,
And he Faith unto tberm.Be not affrighted,:
Ye seek Jesus of Nasareth. which Was cruet'
lied ;hole risen ;be is not here : behold the
Phteb where they laid 11110, •
But go your way i tell his disciples and
Peter that he gOeth before you into Galilee
there shall ye see him, as he said unto you,
And theYowent out quickly, arid fled fa•otr,
the sepulchre ; for they trembled and were
amazed ; neither said they anything to any
man; for they were afraid.
An intereging Debate.
An unusually interesting meeting of
the Youn Wornert's Guild of Willis
church was held last Monday evening,
when all the members of the congre-
gation were invited to listen to a de-
bate on the subject "Resolved, that
motley has snore Influence in the world
than ability." The Offirsnative side of
the argument was taken by Mr, Cran-
ston and Miss Annabel McEwen, while
the riegative side WAS dealt- With by
Mr. Walter Stewart.
Mr. Cranston, leader Of the affirma-
tive, spoke particularly of tbe influence
of wealth on the. 'development of a
country, citing- examples ; of its in-
fluence On moulding the character of
theaSeople ; of the power it wields in
politics, in the liquor traffic, in corpor-
ations, etc., and, lastly, of the oppor.
tunity that lies before the people of
Christendom today' in attempting to
solve questionssuch as the labor ques •
tion, the situations in Russia and Jap-
an, where the power' of • money has
hitherto preaented a successful solution.
Miss Manning, leader of the negative,
then cleverlyand emphatically brought
the other aide of the que'stron before
her hearers. Mise Manniog's strongest
points in favok of ability were : That
money is einiply the servant of ability,
and; as its servant, wields less. infirtenee;
that while money is mortal, ability' is
immortal ; that men .deei.re Money
simply that they may buy the product
of other rhen's ability., .
Miss, ka wen, the second speaker'
for the affirmative, took exception" to
many of her opponent's arguments,
seeking to prove conclusively that abil-
ity. of itself can avail very little ; that:.
in many cages in modern Mines ability
does not enter into consideration to
any extent, while money is of porn-.
mount importance;
also that necessity,
not' ability, is the key to invention.
Miss McEwen endeavored, trio to prove
that anoney is air incentiye to effort,
and gives the p.eWer to eXeteteetitiMy.
Mr. Walter • Stewart, the . second,
speaker for the negative, showed a
great deal of versatility in the way in
which he dealt with his opponents' ma
guments.. In a. very interesting• and
impressive way he spoke mote particu-
larly of the wonderful influence for.
good of ability in the world today, as
shown in the literature and poetry •
that hos been handed down to us from
those, who ..certainly were not in-
fluenced by•money, but whose 'ability
along these lines has hada lasting in-
fluence. ' Money, " he claimed, might
buy many things, but ho. amount of
mon. ey couid buy ability.
Mr. Cranston, in a very concise re-
ply, took exception to some of his op-
ponents' arguments, on the ground
that the instances • cited were not par-
allel, and also emphasized still more,
strongly the fact that necessity, net
ability, was the cause of invention..
Cranston spoke particularly of the
situation in Japan and Russia, proving
that the war was brought to a success-
ful issue not so much on account of the
ability of the ja,paneee, as to the fact
that they had come to the end of their
resources or wealth, and therefore
were conspelled to make peados With
Ar .carefully .considreeing both
sides of the argument ampaatirdly, Dr.
Gunn, on behalf of the Judges (Dr.
Gunn, Miss Lough and Mr. O. Lindsay)
gave the decision in favor of the affirm-
ative. Possibly the rtrgurnents brought
forward by the negative were more.
conyincing than those brought forth
by the affirmative, but the affirmative
took a broader scope of the subject,
inasmuch as they considered the in.
fluence of money beth for good and
evil, while the negative dealt almost
entirely, with thi
e nfluence .of shifty
for good. However., both sides of the
argument ;tee to be congratulated on
th eir good style arid fluency in speaking.
The addition of some musical num-
bers, in the -form of a solo by Miss Me-
Corvie, and two quartette selections
by Misaes. Coats and Lapine, Messrs.
Jackson and alcIlyeen, aoried the pro
'eeedings of the evening verypleitsantly.
Temperance Conference.
A conference of temperance 'workers
for the eounty of Huron was held in
the Methodist church, Wingham, on
illondOy, April Oth. A number of
prominent temperance workers were
present, tehen matters in general af-
fecting the welfare 'of the county Were
discust-sed, more particularly with re-
gard to the proposed amendment to
the license law now before the Legisla-
ture, when, by resolution, it was de-
cided to communicate with the Provin-
cial Secretary, [gating the views of the
convention °ea:what it considered the
unfairness of the. 00% clauses. It was
also resolved to petition the Dominion
(loyalist:lent with regard to a bill in
the interests of bettor Sabbath obser-
vanes!. A. county organization was efs
fected, with G. M. Elliett, of Goderieh,
IIS President: Rev. S. L. Small, Auburn,
yiee president Buchanan, Wing-.
ham, seatetarY ; 'Yowler, M. D.,
treasoret The follovving vice presi-
dents, together with the officers above
mentioned, compose the exectrtive :-
J. S. Robertson, Goderich ; W. Pick.
clad, 1 folinesyrilo; .t. IV, Moore, Clin-
ton s l'Tiffln, Nile ; McKendrie,
Lochalsh ; Geo. Webb, St Helens ; W.
G. Salter, Nast Witwanosh. 10. Met-
calfa Blyth ° H. Hopper, 13elgrave ;
T. Steachati, Brussels ; Rev, Mr, Per -
0111 Wrosteter ;3V. Waters, rord-
wich3, Rotten, Turriberry ; A. Coss
rano *Ingham ; W. IL Ierr, Bruseele,
Subecribere are urged to Make theft
renetvals promptly, 40 thus aveld :he
oss'of any copies of the Herald
OtTiseOnIPTIOlf 11 Yeartinadva""'
4 isso when 11Q, so paid.
To reduce our stook we are offering bar.
gable ha Harness, whips truuks, etc. Call
before you buy at JoHNEION'S, (Sextet's
old stand, Myth
Rev, S. Anderson is in Toronto this
week en business,
Nivens, W. Logan and R. Fear
left on Monday morning for the West,
for the 'summer..
J. Brown completed arrangements
in the city last week for a fine automo-
bile, which he will receive in June.
W. Eaton, of Exeter, who has been
employed in town, has sold his place in
Exeter, and his intentions are at pres-
ent to move to town. •
H. Haskett, of Markdale, brother of
Mrs, Ingles Young, of this place, who
was in the London hospital undergoing
an operation, visited here WednesdaY,
en route for borne. - -
A certain amount of excitement was
created on our streets on Tuesday at
high noon, when a couple of old-time
pugilists came to a combat, which re-
sulted in terrible, inhuman torture, in
disfiguring each other's faces and
clothes, and, inthe end, being taken in
custody by Chief Westlake, who took
them before ajustice of the peace, who
fined them $15 and costs. This is where
local option would do good, we believe,
Dr. Atkinson, wife and family, of.
Detroit, have arrived an town and. v
ha,ve begun housekeeping in their
Summer cettage. They were accom- 1
panted by Miss Carter.
Mr. T. J, Moorehouse is moving into
Mr. Thomson's house on Cana St.,
recently vacated ,by Mr: Bailey, Mrs p
Jas. Hudie will move this 'week into a
the house vacated by Mr. Moorehouse,
• The'Methodista have decided to erect t
a new church as their old tele is too a
small to accomodate the numbers who
gather to Divine worship. They have
bought a lot from Mr. Snowden on
Louisa street'
fhe LiveOtOek ijow
The time and space atourdisposal 011
Thursday last were so limited, that we
were not able to do anythipg More than
make brief reference to the very sue-
cessful and gratifyipg live stook show
befit in Clinton that day. The entries
were much larger than the managers
had any aoticipation of, although all
the stock entered was not brought to
towiron show day. ;in this respect farm-
ers niade a mistake. They would have
incurred practically no expence, while
they would hove had the benefit of the
stock being on exhibition and open for
sale. However, the show was it splen-
did success, bringing crowds of people
here from all the sumouncling counttt .
It was a trifle unfortunate theta snow
storm came on at the close of the show
propet, because it interfered slightly
with ,the sale that followed
Tht the hot'ses shown were of the
very beet is evidenced by the prices re-
ceived. Mr. James Reynolds, of Iful-
lett, sold his handsome team to a Lon-
don buyer for the sum of 8500, and a
single horse to Mr McCloskey fin' $200,
an average of over $200 each. alralbhn
Flynn, Huilett, sold a horse to Mr.
Donovan, Seaforth for $300; it was cer-
ainly a very fine animal. Mr. John
Torrance's handsome bay driverawhich
took first prize, was sold to Mr. Spaels-
man, Warden, Exeter, for eornething
ery near the $250 mark. An aged
mare belonging to Mr. Fair. was sold
o4A't*elh:a.e told that 'alt. L, Farnham of
Hullett, sold privately, several of his'
Herefords,andother sales are reported,
articalars of Nvlaich we have mat been
ble to get. ,
Tho much credit cannot be given to
he prom.oters ot the show, among
which should be mentioned, Messrs.
nell, Innis, T. McMillan, Dr, Shaw,
as. McFarlane, Jas Fair and others,
pecial mentioa should be made of Mr
Geo. Hoare, who 1)01 011131 contributed
enerously to the, financial side of the
xhibit, but whoavas the prime mover
n the project, and who. says he will
;Abe satisfied until the fair is estab-
isheil and takes second place only to
he Industrial. °
Now that the show has got a good start.
11 effort will he made to reproduce it
ext yearon a re ore extonsivesale,Thei e
s no good reason why a first class
tock show and sale embracing this
ntire section of country cannot be es-
ablishecl • and maintained here. It
culd be to the benefit of ail concerns
Eh On,page :3 will be found 9 correct-
ed and completalist of the prize otinn-
rs, .
' g
It is our painful duty to record the a
death of another of Bayfleld's bright
young nsen, oamely L. 'Wesley Irwin. a
Me, Irwin died suddenly at St. Joseph
on Thursday April 5th, The funeral, t
which took place at 'Saturday, was
very largely attended.. His relatives a
have. the sympathy of the town. De. a
teased was engaged to be married .to
a young lady at present: living In a
Clinton, .
( ecilate for last week,/ t
R..Bailey. has moyea into his cottage w
Recently purchased fronialfe. Cowan. 'e
_. • Her many friatide'veinlie pIecierto e
know that Mrs. P. Carrip'bell is racoe-
eehie. after her recent illness. .
ed home last week .after along vi
with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson.
attn. Jas. Ferguson is having her'
house op ' Colina street repainted. ' A
few, more of the citizens should follow
her example. ' •
AN. D. F. Gardiner has returned to
Clinton after having spent a few' weeks
visiting, with friends here. He goes
west in a few weeks. . -• '
Stanley .
Albert Notta mile was well attended
on Wednesday.
We are pleased to state that Mr Juo
Moffat is recovering. •
Mester Peter -Moffatt is this week"
laid up with an attack of rheumatism.
The Sabbath School in S 8 No, 1 re-
opened on April 8 with a fair attend -
Mrs Melward Lloyd left on Wednes-
day,with Mrs Dulrnage, of McKillop,to visit there fora few days.
Mrs Lloyd, sr. and Mrs Lloyd, jr., of
Exeter, were visiting at the hOine of
Mrs Melwara Lloyd, on Wednesday
Mrs John Butchart returned to her
home hist week, after a lengthened.
stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs
McDougall. • .
Mr. L, S. Dunham, of Concord,
MM., ships fromarere this week abut
70 head of thorobrecl Shropshire sheep.
They are moetly yearlings; 58 of theta
he buys from McFarlane, Stanley:
nine from W. Glenn and four froze
Geo. Elhott. They represent an out-
lay of pearly,. 0000, which means a
pretty good price for them. .
loeitI Notes
L Barge has bought &beautiful
Nordheimer piano from GA Emerson.
An Easter window display that
meant a good deal of work is that of
W. D. Faar, The signboard is original.
A. meeting -of the Executive of Huron
District Women's Institute will beheld
at the home of Mrs. F. W. Watts on
Mr, W. T. O'Neil has a novel and
attractive window display, it being a
hen -house, in which are, a couple of
live chickens, evidently ready to " lay
eggs while you-tvisit." °
. Vire are indebted to kr. H. Wiltse
foe a very choice Salt pia of maple
syrup, Mr. Wiltse [reports this direct
from a reliable manufacturer in East-
ern Ontario, audit is the genuine avticle,
Fitzsimons & Son display the follow-
ing Easter nieats ; heifers from O.
Lovett, 1 from G. Layton, and 2 from
J. Betchart 1 calf each from Mit Ches.
ney and 11. Johns ; 0 hogs frorn IL An-
drews ; 2 .yearlings from R. Fitzsimons
& Son ; 1 spring lanai from 3. Smith-
combe ; also chickens turkeys, etc,
Rev, Mr. Patterson and wife, late of
Regalia were here this week es guests
of Mt Leslie, father of Mrs. Patterson,
Mr. Pattereon has accepted a cell to il,
pastorate. at Sarnia, ;sod svill be in'
ducted to -days -Friday.
&owning accident occurred at Irwin's
Milt pond on Wednesday efterecon,
'wheteby- a six year old S011 Of Mr. Nel-
son lost his life. During the afternoon
tWo chaldron. Ellison and Nelson, were
playing about the pond,and they weee
eroesitig and re -crossing Oh a square
stiek of Unitier that stretched from
side to side,solien young Nelson missed
his footing and fell in. His companion
was frightened and ran away without
giving warniog, but some of the Organ
Factory alriployees sow the splash of
the water and assumed that, some one
had fallen in. They almost irelnatliate'
ly 'went over arid started to find the
body. There is IO feet of water in the
pond, awl it WaS possibly 15 or 20 min.
uteri before alley Managed to hooks the
boat? oat. Motto were made at POWs-
ditation, brit without avail. The body
was taken. p latndon for interment,
The' elfrectorsaawishaat
teeciern . , and ethers who ',brought in
stock not sc. moots with the expectation
f winning prizes as the desire to make
the show a. success. •
' The Expositor', ' of this week, makes
the following remarks ciaacerning the
Shoow:t-"The T
he shhrsouw,doafyalivoef Isteotekhe
was a success as an Initiatitry effort,
The exhibits in any one class were.not
numerous, but there were a large nuna
Of Claggeg, 1111.4 the -4110W Of,iintiPitIS
on the whole was 'large for an exhibi-
tion of the kind. There were not many
stallions,.but those exhibited were of
good quality • and reputation, In
mares, geldingsand-colts, as well is m
team and driving horses. there was a
very:lair turn -out. There was a very
fine show of bulls, • which embraced
some as fine aninials as could be fouitd
in any show, ring in the province. The
:attendance of people was all that,could
be desired, and much interest seemed
to be taken in the proceedings. On
the whole, the show. was a success,
and was such as to affotel entourage-
ment and hope fee very much better
results in the future. The judging,
both to horses and bulls, seeerned to
giVaentire satisfaction, both to spec-
tators and exhibitors."
MUST BE FIXED:- Tbeao is no
ioad. in totvie 'worse than theone lead-
ing 10 the: station ; .• it is doubtful, if
there is any road that is make tea yelled.
The Courson should at once take steps
to plait in better shape. At •Seaforth.
they have decided ! to pove the Main
Street : it is the male highway of that
town. The road to the station here
hardly holds the same relation to the
town as does the one at Seaforth, but
'there is just as, much need for it being
paved. Foresees say, and with a cer-
tain amount of truth, ...You build good
sidewalks to keep the townspeople out
of the mud, but you let the farmers
drive through the mud on the roads as
best they can." If it takes fifty or one
bur -aired' weds of good brokenstone to
make this road gboa, it should be done,
The townspeople won't begrudge. the
outhiy. .But putting .ordinary gravel.
on 11 is no use. It requires broken -
stone and•plenty of it. .
SAD ACCIDENT. -The. following
particulars are culled from, the. Oxbow
Herald concerning thadeath of Jas. A.
Nesbitt, brother of 'Miss Norah Nes-
hill, 0! town, of which we mode men-
tion last week : "This district was
thrown into a shadow; of gloom Mon-
day inornitig when the report became
current that Me, atel.Mrs. A. I3.Neebitt
heti received 11)0 sad intelligence. that
their . eldest sbnsJames As, aged 22
years and 10 months, hral been killed
thot morning at 2 o'clock at Swift Cure
rent, .Saska while working with a train
oil which he was employed.. An east-
bound passenger train was standing on
the main line at the station, and ire,
mediately after its arrival the section,
of a west bouncl freight train, on which
deceased wis. trail -end brakeman,
pulled into the yards in a blinding
snowstorm, The front end hrakeinan
having got his clothesteet, was chang-
Asa-them tit this time, and the dirty of
'rutting the yard engine loose from the
train Nil to 11.1r. Nesbitt, who Occorn-
plished this, and stesmed back onto the
main line to give the signal to the
road - engine to back nit to the ttetin to
be.couplect In the meantime the ORS,
senpr train on the Main line bad
(mired out, 0111(1 the pita eneine started
toe the 'round -house, Owing to the
blinding storm and the hissing of
steam he clid not hear the approaehing
enginerwhich ran over him and ithoost
completely severed his body, which
WAS picked up by two yard tneri who
sow the accident cool had Stunted a
watilliag; Which evidently WAS never
heard. The young man, who svire to
have been initialed to 311110 to Miss
Ethel McLeod, of Estevan, is epoltee
of as vety exeruplor.y, and IO.vangellsts
Rae and Dieltson, of Winnipeg, who
conducted the funeral (smoke tieing
held in alc('oya; hall), paid many toireh- '
ing trilettes to the manlyand religious
tpittlitiee predominant irt the life. and
611er/toter of this bright young tuani
For Smut tern* in Ctraire
We handle only the best
quality,.,at the lowest
R. P. Reekle's
,eLorrolv,. °NT
N.. B. — Sweet Pea and
Nasturtium Seed, in bulk;
also a domp!ete assort,.
ment of the best package,
The season is at hand far sowing
your grata. If you want the best ;:erop
It costs no trim. than others. For
' Aisle by -us
f. Phut. S. .R. HOL
. Ph. B.
Manufacturing CherniSt S
eI3 1 3 .; a ee lira; Store'
- Lpea Sp kilig'ten
A meeting (4',.:
the Clinton Bowling
Club will. Ira called in a few days, •
WII;GHAM 144 CROSSE. -me Maple
ifatf. Lacrosse Club of Winghani have
organized fist. the season with the fol.,
lowing officers : Hon. President, ' Mr.
stohre-Orr ; president, C. G. Vanetone.; ....
first vice president, R. Clegg ; second •
aloe resident, Dr. J.P. XeritletlY ; sec-
retary, Elmer Moore; treasurer, Ed. ,
McGuire; manager, lia.Reid ; commit- ' '
tee Of management, W. Reid, D, Dins -
ley, Da D. Wilson, A.. Fleming, Percy,
Hill, it was d e c i d e d to enter .
a team in the junior C. L. A. series,
and. as most of the old players and
'many new ones are available a success-
fusl EaapsoonitriithaBsosZedu.ns.:....
The annual
meeting of the Seaforth lawn bowling
club was held there on Tuesday. The '
folio'vving officers were elected : Presi-
dent, Jas. McMichael ; vice president,
W. Pickard ; secretary-trea.surer, W.
DaiVIcLean ; patrons: 13.B. Gunn, M.P.
Graeig, J. M. Best and A. Witeon.--The.
July 4 and 5,
a strong time this year. Officers elect -
dent, Dr. j.S. TurribulF• vice president,
John Tait ; iecretary,'Noeval Davis ;
treasurer, H. Thompson; Manager, far.
executive committee, Dr, „eurnbull, N.
Davis, De: Sale, W. Blackford and W.
dates fixed for the 12th anhual tollralft- a
ganization meetings ever held in Godes
ed : Hon president, Mayor Tilt ; hon,
Vice president, J. B. Hawkins ; presa
Chas. E. Sale; captain, Win. Blackford;
11. Eilber, M. P. P., and Geo. MeEwen,
eree, V. Ballantyne ; committee, G.E.
Parkes, W.G. Willis, It G. Ila,ys, J.0.
ment were Wednesday and Thorsday,
best and. most enthusiastic lacrosse or -
prospects look very bright for. having '
Hontoci)hEinnsiocni; Bowrans ....
rich.was held ae the Beaford Hotel and
ex -M P., ; chaplain, Geo. Murdie; ref -
sat the annual
meeting of the Goderich Bowling Club
the following officees fop the yeor were
elected : ;Judge Holthon president ; S.
A. McGaw, honorary vice_president;X
D. O'Connell, president; E.D. Dickin-
son, K.O.f •vice president ; A. Lane,sea.
mt....say-treasurer ; H. .W.Thompsop. ha
Davis and Dr. Hunter, executive cona.
inittee. It was decided that the anneal
tournament be held, the date to be fix-
ed later. Preparations Inc in progress
for the reception of the old country
bowlers,and the president was appoint,.
ed to confer with other representatives
in the western districts. KS, Williams
received a hearty vote .of thanks for
the trophy he bought when hi England
last yearend presented to the club. H.
V. Thornsoji was also tendered a vote
of thanks for his present to the clubs
Ablsons Bank
Ilicoroorated 18*
Capital Paid up $3,000,000
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