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The Clinton New Era, 1906-04-06, Page 7
• •p 1000 Tin'I LUTON NEW E P SECURI Ccr.1ulne Carter's ' e Z4V€F Pins. Must Dear Signature et 1 • See Psc.Slmile Wrapper Below, Tiny rmini makes eat* tq:.talas-ar aagaaal FOR it.EAADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. F00 BILIOUSNESS. FOR IORPID UVEB; FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TAE COAl;rLEXION •� Q i,CZ1Ua MN$T,t&Vi NANJIC.- ll oaidi lAtt+ely Ifetablo. STV • • aa., S.t�'8. ruQ, 8b'e Z �M.w.. CURE SICK HEADACHE. -Women% Responsibility. Many women have real business ,sa- gacity and ability, and some of tthem. are realizing that the 'financial admin- istration of a 'household -affords scope for their special gift and that wise spending is as large a tactor in pros - -verity as effective earning._ When_ wo i men are trained to a knowledge•or-val- ues and business principles and then have the responsibility for household finances placed upon them theynot only come face to face with 'problems. of great fmporta.nee and .interest, but 7 often solve them with entirely satis- factory restiits. The number is Increas- ing of those households where the wives and mothers 'have ,definite pe- cuniary responsibilities and do not' have to resort to subterfuge or dis- honest st 1 to practicessecure the money necessary to meet legitimate personal, r bousebold and faintly •expenses. ]liassagdagg the n'ace. ' The skin should be perfectly cleanibe- i fore the massaging of the face is be - 1 gun. Use the •eomplexion brush, with warm water and pure soap. when • • rubbing in a ereafn always have the motions- upward and outward. •Send the Battened palms from 'Chin up to the. ears. Move the finger tips about in ' little circles, pressing kiward •;gently and being careful not to .push the flesh up into tiny lines. Do this always at night, and every morning bathe the face with cold weter, dryiltw,,i.gentle , is with an old soft towel... _ e ' Irisin. Kiagq, Pea the beginning of the Christian ra. until Ireland ' was: conquered e q erect ' bt `•iHenry II. of England •(1172) there ere -Seventy-six Irish kings, of whom fifty Idied violent deaths. mostly 1.y :asses- , ablation. Three of them are on record jrir las having been "killed by dhunder- bolts1, i ' w then dof•seventy-five PBrio e ars. I ><n Normandy, France, there .stands xi Brick Embroidery ,dery chateau the bricks of which ; laid in such elaborate. attern that i httii • '.gives the effect of it trieate �efo- yder • Turkey's Products. ,Turkey's principal products are toe eco, cereals of all kinds, cotton, figu, e almonds, grapes, olives and all v eties of fruits. Coffee, - madder, o �; m and gums are largely exported. ' I i'-;;900, 7,500 chests of opium, or 105,- 8 ;` .ounds, were sent from that coun- t.'. Carpets also form an important a '''1 eoP export and are re made bton hand 1 1 eats. Oriental Hospitality. .. Hospitality is a striking ebaracteris- 1 tie of the Turk. In fact, it Is against the precepts of his religion to turn away a guest who seeks shelter and Jo ging at his hands. Buckwheat. In word "buckwheat" comes from the to ' r man '• Docile,, or birch wheat. It leo called because. it is triangular. 1.d MOThEII, SISTER AND BROTHER 1 • „rift! OIConsumption,but this Linden 1 lady used Psychine and Is strong and well of My mother, brother and sister died of eotuumption," says EA M. Cove, of Lin- ; len, N.S., "and I myself suffered.for two ear from a distressing cough and weak ings. !suppose I inherited a tendency an this direction? "But thank God I used Psychine and it built me right up. My lungs are now strong. I enjoy splendid health, and I owe k an to Psychine." Consumption, whether hereditary or con - !meted, cannot stand before Psychine. Psychine kills the germ, no matter how it attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up the body and wakes it strong and able. to resist disease. Psychine is -an aid to digestion and maker of pure, t' ch blood. TAs greatest giver of general health is • 1)8.Y.CH:1:1tE 69c. Per Bottle wee. allaa*1 said 112-0,11 druggists. 10.E '% rt` 1111111111, Limited!, Toroote. THE HAiR: AND THE WAVE. loedesdo T#rdat: rhe ltiti4teell $4,40a attar peril* d'eiailsftte lower" "The Mee cel wave rola the hair? Nonsense„" was the irehem nt .deelars- then of i► balydreseer, "1 know thait idea IS In the air, and it exasperate/ me to 'hear women utter it;' for it In not true. It Is now seven yearn Onoe the Marcel wave was first lntrodeced iu, thio country, and. I have had, at. least a score of women eaetomere who • have bad their hair waved .regularly every week all that time, and often twice during the week, it they were going out to a' dinner er reception. I wielryou might Bee their heads. Their hale is hl superb condition, without a sign of brittleness or that lifeless look • •that comes from overheating with, tongs, And why,? Well, one reason, is that some lotion is always Used on the hair before the iron is .applied, Which prevents scorching, besides act- ing as a food for the scalp as well. What does injure the hair is rufiing It up beneath to snake a pompadour. -.,el`. rat is equally bad, as it heats the scalp, To overcome •a natural deficiency of hair there is nothing more hygienic than a ventilated pompadour, an ao- eessoi'y.which cannot be detected," ' When 'making the Marcel • wave, first brush the hair thorpu hly, then put the curling irou through the hair at the bot- tom ottom of the heed and curl it.upeeard for a fens'seconds; then turn:.it eletwnward Without taking' the iron out. This' makes the Marcel -Wave, .which should encircle the bead perfectly and_'be. about two inehes apart, With a little practice one could make the Marcel 'wave. WAIST •'HANG'ERS. • !slew They Hay lie 'Covered With 'iti.ibbon and 'Saelreted. There is no longer any possible ex- cause of wrinkled clothes, crushed eel-' tars er sleeves wbieh nave lost their freshness. ` 'Nowadays there are ail so of convenient hangers tor coats, waist and skirfs,-cheapones, too, not costing .more than 10 cents. and 'the best part of it is that. very many at them fold up so that they can 'be 'tuck- ged away in a dress suit case and•do'not take up any room tet speak Of, As soon DECORATED_ WAIST HaW031.1 ,..• Be the destinati6n is reached the waist, which',niay ]save suffered a hit :on'lts travels, can betaken' out; given's Vig- orous little :shake and hung ,up on the waist hanger. By tlsing'these naggers Clothes will keep their good'look'S-'nuch longer than if .;they were bung on `:a hook or •'folded away `'lit :a . bureau drawer. . The dainty vt'oman snakes these: wire waist hangers .into pretty novelties ler first. 1?adding and theii :covering stbeni.. .'with ribbon, put on either shirred -or plain. The hook is wound, With ribbon and trimmed with 'a bow, and from the. shoulder portions little clusters of rib bon sachet bags dangle. Sachet is' also - used in the wadding so that the bodice, Which is:supported by the hanger,'gets Suet the right degree of perfume: Ili• covering a waist hanger for a friend it. is .11wa 6 well to • y I.no. wh t eco forof ' her room. 'so that it may harmonize," and also to, be sure of her favorite, sachet-=. Woman's 'Hone :Companion - t tut'. of Street Sultan There le ,nothing which. tends to lengthen the life of a good Street suit so delleitely as taking it off as soon as yon comein, brushing it.and putting it away n o its hanger. .L'ounging;.' as onnd i to in n M bonne plays havoc With tailored clothes. It`s rather a temptation. to sink into an easy chair when-yeu come in, just tired enough to enjoy the prospect of .ti:Iiig for a little: while, but those very' titres take the lite out of the cloth that Tailors well and probably lays • fine lit- tie <WSse's Which result in incorrigible iritivstug.. says the Philadelphia North American. It's lather a temptation,' too, to hang it up and delay the brush- it;g and putting it away properly' to a later time. when you're more rested, but it pays to do it.at the time, for dust shrluia he got rid, of before it has time to settle into the cloth and give it that dingy look which mars so many other- wise good looking sults, and careful hanging 'prevents the forming of bad tuning to .cot. "Going to pot" is",a reminder of the days when boiling to ^death was ale; gal punishment of parricides.. The Opal. '_.Che oraa so Velued• at one .time. that Senator .Damns preferred to re- nounee his seat rather than give his opal to Mark ,Antony. It was valued at 20,1100 sesterees. the Bladder Wont. One of the most curious enemies of British fresh water is a small floating, water reed -the bladder wort. Along its branches . are a ; number of small, green 'vesicles or bladders, which, be-` - ing „furnished with tiny jaws, seize upon the little fish, which aro assim- slated int° its substance. titian tyar d error 1'0 Ttnd. Aecurding to federal law, each state le entitled to a duplieata of the bettbs' troy pound •measure which is In pos- SeselOn of the United States govern -f hent, • Smoke and- Smoking. A. tram, seysa statistician, lclal s1110k lng pipeof" • a 1 medium u m size s w bio out of hit; mootbr fo every time he fills the pipe 700 smoke clouds. If he sprihkes four pipes a clay .for• twenty years he blows out 20440,000 stn' oke elottdik ONLY 1-60 Olt GRAIN Iruit is good foryo4, itipe figs are a splendid laxative to • .regulate the bowels. lines are ',good, for stomach and liver, Orange ge. juice is splendid for the nerves and sleeplessness. Apples heal, the kidneys and increase the flow of urine'. If apple juice be evaporated to a gray powder, x -So of a grain of this powder has the same action on the kidneys as half a pirit of fresh apple juice,: Two ."rrriit-a+tines" tablets contain more than 1-5o of the medicinal part of apple juice, besides the healing, curative virtues of oranges, • figs and prunes. More than that, "4 Fruit -a -tines " are coneeun- •tra e td and combined with tonics and antiseptics ' by a secret process which increases their powers over disease l7an3y' Hiles. see, a box, At all druggists..' cows 8talad :Anetu,er. A commercial .traveler tells the Tol- lowialg of a little social gathering in eastern Ontario: "Dinner. was •a little late. A guest asked the hostess to play something. Seating herself :at theplanothe ,gopd woman executed a Chopin nocturne with precision, She finished, and there was still an interval of welting ?to be bridged. In :the grins silence she turned to an old gentleman on her right • and said, 'Would you likea sonata 'before dinner?' 'Ile gave a start of surprise and pleasure. - 'Whys, yes, thanker he said. ,'I hada couple on my way here, but I think I.could stand another? " Hazes BestPriend.. " "Do you believe in the saying -that a dog is inian's best friend?" • "I certainly do. Where wild you find'. a man whowill stick to you through thick and thin:, through joy and sorrow, clinging to you with faithful devotion, even though be be bal f ted and abused, and then ;at the ieet, when, lifehas de• parted`ihis body, 'tiers it to you In the shapesausage of to e at with your steaming . buckwheat . cakes . in the morning? - 'Of course I believe it"— Milwaukee Sentinel. .• Kept the betters. ' "1 learned the- game - of loye once," 'sighed the young - man in the blue waistcoat, .• ""Sc?'•';, asked his chums "Yes; through a school of cort'espotid- ence. I took ten, lessons?', " An.d,did. you realize, anything?" l eOra. ... .y that x was a lobster. :She kept the letters' and sued me: for bz.c.ach of, •proinase."--D'etroit Tribune.. - • Defining .His Hours. • rFatietice-A judge in Cleveland 0.' has decided that -11 o'clock. is Mate enough for any,naairto sit up with his best girl, • Pa t tr ce-That; of ;course, as outside of the two hours. allowed 'kine' tot say goodly at . the door.' --Yonkers" States- man. etrenacons Sighs , Eva -bo you remember. When yob passed us pin the automobile? Well, tw'o'asi notes aft era. til t J arc i) k o ased . p p Edna --Yes. I heard the znadliine ..go.... u ingg chugchug." ,• Eva -The .machine? Gracious! That was Jaek •sighing?, -Chicago News. • Rebuke or Encourrtgement., "He kissed her ,on the forehead. The proud beauty dre w her se]P to full height:'' her 'And then?" "He couldn't reach any higher :than her lip's, Of .course." --Louisville Cet[- riec Journal. The T'oor Bard. .She looked a little sadly around the poet's bleak, bare attic.; A nice enough room," she said, ~'but herb do you heat it?" "Well, when it gets too cold," paid he: "I light a match. "-New•OrleanaTimes- Democrat A Bargain. "Sow Would you ;like for me• to'be your big brother?"' asked the kid's sis- ter's suitor. • "A,w, g'wan!" saidthe kid. "If you ,ain't..got theWee to ask 'er tit do It fer ye fer a quarter." Indianapolis Star. 3 Cents a; Day*. Will Cure Your Kidneys 3e a day for a specialist -that Will cure you of every trace of Kidney Trouble. That's all ft Costa" -sic a day -to take E GENTLE 'fH KIDNEY. i ftl R.Y. • SPARE YOURSELF. iliMallr the Ware of leavens Tear Nerveste Itrowerth. "Weal out and out lazy woman are pretty bard to find nowadays," mused an old physician the other day. "Tho leuXhUt 'It is better to wear out then to rust out., bas been taken to heart with such a will that most women are .l'iterally.. In danger of wearing 'them. pelves out before their timer Especial- IT In great, rushing cities women wile go in for cizutc'h work or club Iife or bridge soon find theznselvee swept 'away In a current that is too strong . for them. • "Women get In suck a whirl with It all they simply can't stop to rest and recuperate, Most of them live on their nerves till their nerves refuse point blank to be lived on a minutes longer. "Some women seem to break upail of a sudden, -Others linger on in semi - invalidism, nervous bankrupts, who live a hand to mouth existence, unable to undertake any task or undergo any test in the least out of the ordinary without 'suffering a nervous collapse. One'•of woman's temperansental faults is her tendency to use up her vitality gets as fast as she „ it• or taster. "To all women who are wasting themselves in social .pleasures or the niceties, of •itousekeep.ing I would give , this bit •of •'advice: Spare .yourselves. • Study how t • strength. ' Resolve, not to fritter your self ou trifles. Let the things that are not vital go, Don't be Led away by o save y our nervi ambition. into • wearing yourself out keeping the .bonen' cletia ,or perform - .Ing what other people ratty consider to. be.your dutyin churchor club, "If you women would only learn how to spare yourselves by using all the ' labor saving devices, all the short cuts, you would not`know yourselves in a year, you'd loop so young, and feel so free." ---New York Tribune. o ' BLENDING QF COLORS.. An Ari That Should Be Mastered by , All Women. Japanese art is in such high favor that when a Japanese woman talks on' color combinations in dress all Ameri can womena s ue p to listen. Such a woman' called the color taste of, this country "a little barbarian yet." - As proof she Cited the taste of : an elderly woman who wore a mauve. gown at a party. Every one who save her noted her sickly yellow complex- ion, accentuated, as the oriental Worn- an oman saide by the color of tbe':gbwn,' If a ruching of gray tulle had beep.put round the neck the: yellow .would :hate disappeared from the complexion, anct the effect would have beets ';god: " This' woman's daughter, a pronounced bru- nette,. wore a yellow gown and tier face looked almost purple. If a little band of Week 'and goldliad been used about the neck the face -.Would hare assumed its natural pink. ' There is certainly an art in the se- lection. of . the proper, blending of .col- ors,- and Many` Atiieitcan loot i n "do' ©t -welt•) te.':Davie neristesisin,44,-„T•berer• are . others, :elderly women, some of them, who maintain the 'anpearenee of freshness: ;olid youth b'•' the' youth..5cx ,elous use Of rucliiitgs lil WO'.uecks of their 'gowns and are never' seem with a black waist Without a light colored • band cooling next to the neck. FOR. MOfiHER'S HAPPI'NES$. Seek h things b Frequentlygifts, and be appropriate and er comfort and pleasure' in all efore your own, !Hake her, simple sure they area ro nate .tasteful. . Do not forget that though, she may. be tad and wrinkled she still .Io loves S pretty y thi rags Remember that she is stilt a. girl at beartso. far ' as delicate little attentions are concerned: Give her . yotir fulI ” confidence and never do anythingof which you think 'she Wi11. disapprove. : Make her a partaker, so, far as the 'disparity of age will permit, in all your pleasure and recreations. Lift the many burdens from the shoulders that• have grown stooped in waiting upon and working for you:. . Bear patiently with all herpeculiari.- lies ,and 'infirmities, which, after' all, nnay.tbe the result of a Iife of ceare and a1x Weeks Later. She (after elopement) -I received a• letter frompapa today. Ile -Weil? r She -He writes that he had justfin- idled making his will, He -Did he remember us? She -Yes,` indeed, He' has left alt his money to an asylum for :hopeless idiots:. '--Brooklyn Life. sleben Grave. ..t _Mathe1. _Vi aw > lear, sat v out grace PILL and run talons; to the nnt,cr}•, . Ana "Bti..Jit" cares -•]remember that. Not merely eases the pain and mattesou feel 3'better-but heals and strengthens the Sic'i- ne s d co' y and tnpTetely cures. i . Take' lau-Jit "on our • guarantee thatthey care or minty refunded At druggists or sent prepaid cif receipt of price, 50e, 'ME *LANAI CNttilK M. CO. 1.111111111 Mama*. nit Mallet (who hes just been retuned a second niinco Wein•Thank God for a. fairly good dntnct.--•1r utich, ...• i:vcrythtng Went. • .. fitttrntr--•Yes, I married for economy. •r ea B1c 1 a•:c;, married 1 :vis such ut' fr Itnrtr.rltt diet l never bathe cIr?Ila':}n Ii impel*. I (etlyt'r- -I suppose It is different now that you etre married? ' • (Minuet' --I should say so. Now 1 haven't even a nurse. TRAINED NU: HE °FIXED" THE COLQNEL., I Afteid Yew of Experience' Advises Wiomen '11* •DinsMiner born. asxeittie Wall Aeoeptei_ >-•• 'w>heu It 'Wee 1'rrereatga. Regard to Their Hearth. wben Cteneral Sherman came up from Charleston to visit the Army of the Potontae Sherman's army bad marched from Cumberland gap, through Knoxville and ,Atlanta, to the sea, "Old Tei ump's" soldiers were great fighters and marchers, while General Howard's soldiers were great on dress parade, So Howard 'thought he would astonish Sherman, and he arranged a great parade at Bellies Crossroads. The finest eastern regiments, with the newest and smartest uniforms, were selected, among them the Thirty- ninth New York. They were the crack drillers of the corps: In the regiment's band wits a hanetson a drummer 'boy, who was a great forager. ' Tie would always haveturkeys and chickens, while the other boys were starving. No one knew where its carried them, but they found out afterward that he car. ried them in Ms drum, When tliey beat' up the parade and ,the handsome Tbitty-pinto came (lane- ing Meng General Iiowa:d' looked up at one of his colonels and exclaimed: ' • "Colonel, that 'Tiiirceeninth drummer ' boy . ain't• drumrtause - Tell your adiu- tart to ride oe er there and tell him to drum. General Sherman is here. , We want to make a good show. Ask the fellow Why In tbuuder• be- doesn't strum." • The adjutant 'metered up to tate- drummer and cried out: "You' dI'ummer boy, • there! Why don't you drum.? You're just snaking your sticks go. 'Why the devil don't you .drum?" "You tell the colonel," said the .boy .in a few voice, with his hand over his mouth, "that I've got two •turkeys in my drum, and one Is for him and Gen- eral Sterman," "Sicke is he?" shouted the .colonel. "Why d'idiet he say se before? • Send hien 'to the hospital!". -Ell 1'erklus in Judge. • Taken sat His Word, . When Rossetti was a student of art be one day happened to go with eelun fellow, students to the east end of Lot) don. • There ata wllarfside inn he sn ;t' • 'al) immense ennt':ts ou the barroom wall"`•After 1::ugIii.ug at It. for soar, .time and thus provo.kiug the •inukeec.• er's wrath the following conversation tooklllace i • • it here did You get that pieturer ,•Ob. never, mind. young also, where .1 got it!" °\V tat price do youSeton lt'r•' �ltrethtni you eanafford," eintteed:" said. Itosse1ti. , "'Now: how • W1Rh?'• "'1'llt•ee thousand pounds.": et plied thu .•.innkeeper. .:1t 1111S -tiler e was .a- lorolrl` see , see 1 to liter fail:) the 3 vung"artistee "1)o you' know how nun•li• I would giee.yon'for 'your I8,000 "ITpty Ihuch?"' asked the innkeeper... ' 7'lli.ee pounds said ]toric til. 'i)oue," said the iuiikeeper proinptiy- . And to his itlua'z, zuent buil annist nit t•,t •\ar. Rossetti. found niinseTf"the uwtic•1' of .the. colossal elaub. Mrs. Martha Pohlman of b5 Chester Avenue, Newark, N. J., who is a graduate Nurse from the illockley Training School at Philadelphia, and for six years Chief Clinic 'Nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital, writes the letter printed below. She has the advantageof personal experience,besides her professional education and what elle has to say may be absolutely relied upon. Many other wotnen are afflicted as oho was. They can. regain health in the same way,' Jt is prudent to heed such advice from such a source. Mra. ohlm Pwritee .. � aII am firmly persuaded,- aftce eight years of experien- ce with Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable (.'ompeend, that itis the safest and own:eedi- eine for auysuil'ering woman t0 1I '( . "Immediately after my marriage I found that my health; began to .fail rale. I became weak and pale, with severe bearing -down pains, fearful backaches and.fre- quent dizzy spells. The doc- tors prescribed for me, yet I, did not improve. I would bloat after eating and fre- quently become nauseated: T had pains down through my limbs so I could hardly walk. It was as bad a case of female trouble as I have ever known. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Compound, how- ever, cured me within four months. Since that time I have had occasion to recommend it to a number of patients suffering from all forms of female difficulties, and I find that while it is considered unprofessional to re, commend a patent medicine, I can honestly recommend Lydia, . Pinkbam s Vegetable. Com mind, for I have found that it cures Tema c ills, where all other medicine fails. It is a grand medicine for sick women." - Money omen."- Money: cannot buy ouch testimony as this -merit alone can . produce such res milts, and the ablest , epecialiste now, agree that- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegge. table Compound is the most universally successful remedy . for all female diseases known to medicine.. When woneen are troubled with irre- gular, suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration .of the female organs, 'thatbearing-down feeling, inflammation, backache, •bloating (or flatulence), general debility, .indiges-. tion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faint- ness, s lassitude, excitability, irritability, Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Comp nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,' "all -gone" and "want-to-be-left-alkine", feelings, blues and hopelessness,: their should remember there is one tried and. true remedy. Lydia E. _Pinkharn':a Vegetable Compound at once remove such troubles, No other female medicine -in thg world has received such widespread ant% unqualified endorsement. The. needless suffering of women from diseases peculiar to their sex is terriblee • to 'see. The money, which theypay to: doctors who do not help them is axis enormous, waste. The puffin is cured and the '.money is 'saved by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It is well for women who are ill to., write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, plass„ The':. present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistants for many years before her decease, ane? for twenty-five years since her advice has been freelyiven to sick womIn' en.' her great experience, .which covers many years, she has probably had to deal with dozens of cases just like yours. Bete advice is strictly confidential. onnd Succeeds where Others'FaRR„ Be a 'Lightning' Valenlntor • is the most important of the fundari)ental rules of arid:amerce. itt large accounting depart:no:0n rale:i- .1a0 arithmetic: if; 'often used to t very lit +e extent, and• the one who •. 8mn,t lie r Comities task 'Without resorting to figuring • ai2.,: t ,; the lout; 'way on .paper has Iint a small climate of gain ing :i pow - •t ou worth having. ]fere i's'.one little, lessen in • lightithig tntiltil)lk:ation .tion po:;iiig you waut to multn)it ' .i$ by S4.. I ust, multiply nnifs by ,units, thus: 4 x.'3 are •12, set down he 2. and car- .i,v 1. Multiply tens -by .meta unci units' lty tens, adding• the 1 to ,carry to t r.t product, tl ei acl the two prod - (lets together, ibis: 4 e .are 20 and i to carry, n1,'and'•8 's 3 :are 24. and '21 and 24: are 4ri, set down thea and carry. 4. Now 2nultiplythe tens .together and ' add the 4 you had to'cnrrv, thus; 8 e tt: ' are.40, and 4 makes 44. Set this amount' down lathe answer. and yot) will home the •correct result -4,452. • • i:p ae: Shot 'Wormer. "It was a -strange experience," said the huntsman..."As I ascended the. spiral' stairs oc the tower I saw shot falling, like rain, around nie. T'lie shot tower, was 200 feet high. ..At its base - there was- a tank of water for the shot to drop into. 1f it fel] ram the earth, ' you know, it Would be flat instead of round. On ttp. of the tower was a huge . boiler filled with molten lead Tlie manager ladled the lead into a petro-.� later, a 'kind of strainer, and thence it fell ,into the cistern of cold hater 200. feet below. It tookitthree second's to fail. They made different sizes -of shot on the Owenby using different perco- lators --big boles for big ,shot, slum] holes for flue shot, and ap'on.• Tho ter in the cistern bad. to be ehan'g ed every little while. It *ould have be-. come so liot otherwise that It • Would have kept the shot soft."-Noty Orleans '.Gimes-Democrat. , • -'!Tier Morels Veil 'Trees. ' Most of the Spaniards dislike to fell trees or cut live timber of any sort; and this faet.perhups accounts Lor the giant trees of Celifernia, :'he Spans lards two centuries ago, pushed their Way through :11ex eo to California, rind, a':ti•e the clearing of paths through the dense forests, not a twig did their axes (hop lu down. . Nor ldotho ) , �, tinr .. ard i s transplanted tos the new World ever destroy ti)i.,i)c'r. 'Tlleyr eontinue'to build their houses of. stone and 17,tortar, at great en ta lt n s e of 2 U I e And physical c tet tion when tr )lier in abundance t (ii i ouuds theta r , tut of ' tt '1 lit(, r they h could construct lo;:' houites, as did other t•t V ° i t )lit ci. , ,It tt rlrlriii[itilil of east and !aline, Ie Spaniardni .7i does not even foil r 1 e'e C t. firewood, o, for ' r ct . 1 ratc.lc. i � tt P dead a limbs as they fall to the ground or hills there from the trees with his lariat. --London l;xitress. • AC K pK K K ,Fes.... SINFUL .HABITS IN U • MAKE NERVQI:S,, WEAK , DI.SEASED MEN,...,;._ 'THET 6t'I0nbradire'and loll } iii,dand bo RESULT' y in�youth, overexertion qf. mind and .b inducedbvlu5tan na,r , e ody dtntcireliappin(,-(rtliousand" ' ro pp in *younag71191. ttLY 'fatten .d wither atsof hood, Whyoung others are 9o,n- fad au early age, atlhe 61'essom of manhood, While others forCed'to w,ther drag Out i- ; ' weary, tuti and melancholy or l,oiyr existence. L vie reach motel. y find no lace orc comfort there. The victium re;,oi,nd U , -in all stiitiona of life -the farts,.the `office, ilio wor$yl,n itte. emelt, the, trades and the professions.: Norms Debility and -Seminal Weakness are guaranteed cured by our New Alma •leest-:ont er No. tiV Pay. .You r•un'no tisk ' 74 years in Detroit.. Banat security. ..` CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED • .No cremes used without written want. I ani 133 ears ofa y o and d morel •� ed. When ` n ou n life: Earl 1 lac young I.1ed'a.gay 3 rad rations -and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak. add nervous. My kidneys became affected and/ y,.,,_.feared Bright's Disease. • married Life was uneati rid= nihil 1 and. , . y me nnha 9. I'tr pA led v e e r h. ,n -� t 1' a 1 fa 1 led •t' 1. y B i I t t[ea ook tment i , #ro m Dra . Kenne d & �er ' built me ti mental! y Ban. Their New Method lutea roan Irtevery respect. up treated physically pears age. The far and act Skilful and responsible financial) so whyg are honet,. can be cured by reliable doctors."—' W. A Beltounize Qitacka and Fakirs when you COBE8 DflhIIl EE8911-110 er .: P Censullaf�ii Free•• e n s•Fret- Gtieslbil Blank Free for i In MON. rKennedySKer a ).MDss,4SShelby s .- K& IC K fat K K&K K&K • ._ • k K - FROST Lo j ' Make • a Fence' of. Strength - file. heaviest, strongest wirescan't ode . most g make fence runless the 'leeks are as' strong as' l.e a strong ,, • g wires. �A. ' .like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest spot.. whole The-Nei�� 1 rost Lock.and Frost Wedge Lock are. unyielding . of a • Frost '•Fe g the partsFrost race. -:. They make- the , fence as strong as the strongest ;'ire We guaranteeto repair—free of chart e- any Frost Feee that goes wrongr. ,Ality "MUM DUNCAN McDONALD,.:Bly'th J. W. ' HILL, Summerhill J. J. ritoort, .8enniAlier W. H. S']C0G3DI:E.A., Varna i THE '" ' BISSEL 132] • •L'STEEI ..ROLLEl With Three brunet and Strong Segel Entine. Sento iruproventents aro: Heavy Steel Aide, ',t`hicic Heavy • Steel Plate, Bruins !Riveted up to stand any strain Roller Bearings.. uns lilts a bird. Pull particulars free by mail or ask your dealer.None genuine without the name "Bin. •SELL. Look out tor it. .Address T. E. BISSELL, ELORA, O•N'r, Write foriiooklet " E , T. T.q'MURPHr, Local Agent, CLINTON: THE i1'LORNE" REMEMBER We bead besides s" dea agood waged,' Piuhs e elf ell kinds,Harrow*. crows, RNIMsn Minors ;:erssdera r RCuftisriti. Wheel e s Etc.. bar .w , . Etc. Alwai. pleased to men you our ealalogen , Tho Wilkinson . Plough Co.Y damt'1'l d? 101111TO • Mtn 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE . TES T TR ADEA Ilii RIt9 DESIGNS !�G Co p P 1 Y R HtS Anyone e Wed! n R astc e il And dee ortnntion mai QniCkt ascertain cn r o r d nina tree w hetb or Vat • Inventdon l6 probablypatentable. Conmanitone strictlyeonndm,tIal.AND HANDBOOK tateteraC C free. oldest n rn,forsecuring Intents.ietf csdCu.receieeiPrrttetriittb Ouc sarae ntbScientifc n rtcar' tA bnndenrn ry Ithietrati'd weekly. T,nreeet tiks rotation of anYaelentititt journal. 7'r!rnls,33Pi yYear; four months. 11. Sold. bran newsdvei3end, IfIUNN &Co,3Gleroatlwaayr,New 1 , Artineh (Mee.. 8tli F St..'(V%Weiltun,1tt,fv • • •