HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-06, Page 66
eiwoureameauhmalwasulmiusiammiamwasmewhosaimmomateima.smam.o, ,
. ..seetar gene aANat
Mooney's ferfedion Cream
Sodas•are crisp sc,uarcs•
Cif wholesome nourishment.
They are the food that
builds strength and muscle,
They are as easily digested
by the child and. invalid
as by the sturdy workman.
They contain ALL the food
properties of finest Cana-
dian wheat flour, in a form
diat delights- .the appetite.
. Always Fresh and aisp in
mcisture-proof paciages.
At all grocers in their
. Bright prospects for Hogs.
Never have prospects for aprofitable
year in hogs been better than at this
me,. is the optimistic yiew taken by
he American Swineherd The prices
n the hog market are good. The de-.
wand for the hog product are exceed -
ugly strong because of the general
prosperity of the country, morameat
s being consumed at home, and at the
same time a much lerger demand than
usual comes from importing countries,
The product is well sold up to the
supply, which enables the sellers of
hogs to get good prices, This is the
foundation for good prices in breeding
stook. It is stimulating farmers to
buy bred sows and pay good prams for
good stuff as they are becoming better
acquainted by experience with the val-
ue of good animals, which in turn
helps the smaller breeder to buy better
animals for their herds and altogether
works in harinony 1or the advantage
of the business o.. breeding.
Not in five years has there been such
strong dem'ancl fot bred s 3ws and gilts
as at thi a time, and breeders at public
and 'private sales alike say they have
had unusual demand for bred sows .and
gilts at good prices. Altogether it is
one of the most encouraging outlooks
at this time.
Neglected catarrh sooner or later
ceuses consumptioe which destroys
morehumar beings than famine and
war combined. The way. Caterrhozone
cures catarrh is very simple ; it first
kills the germs that cause irritation ;
then by soothing away the congestion
and inflamationot cures the &scheme,
hawking and dropping in the throat.
suffered so continually- from nasal
catarrh" writes Ernest 11 Dakin of
Rosemont, "that I scarcely knew what
it was to be free from headache and
;tin over the eyes. Catarahozone. re-
eved me at once and madea, thorough
are." No other remedy cures like
Ontarrhozone - try it for your next
No Change for the better •
Mr Whitney has deelaredothat he is
heartily in favor of a motion to amend
the practice by which sheriffs and
registrars are named as returning
officers in Provincial elections. This
is a retrograde step.and it is a pity
that Mr Whitney should give his
sanction to the proposal. There can
he only one reason for selecting un-
official persons as returning officers,
and that is the lust of party patronage
and the desire to have the conduct of
elections rest in the hands of friends
ef the Administration. There may be
here and there registrars and sheriffs
.so strong in their party attachments
that, they eannot be trusted to conduct
elections fairly and impartially. But
any dangt•rs of this kind which exist
will not be removed ny miming as re-
turning officers unofficial persons who
will be nominated by party associa-
ons and Conservative members of
he Legislature. In so far as concerns
he use and abuse of public patronage
or party advantage there is no sign
het conditions in Ontario will be irn-
„eireerriVed by the Whitney Government.,
oronto News, independent Censer-
etti ve.
*rely as night fellows day sickness
Mows the eating of unripe fruit or
ale vsgetables. Every housekeeper
iould keep Perry Davis' Painkiller in
ne house in summer. It gives instant
elief and speedy cure.
How tbe Wife ot a Contractor Ace
s eonetaisised
The clerk at tho Stafford hotel was
smiling, broadly ysterday aftern-0011,
and a caller asked him the cause of his
"Wily. It's a story a WsSourian who
Is staying at his houee jest tokle me
about a frieud of his wile is a well
known contractor liere In. Baltimore."
"Shall we beve the story?" asked the
"Sure," returned the other, "only
we'll have to eliminate names.- The
contractor is souettimes given to brief
sessions of bibulousness, and while L'O-
turning from one of these a short time
ago lie ratfde my his mind that he would
not disturb hl e wife. On reaching
home he was successful In finding the
keyhole, and after careful effort he suc-
cessfully navigated his way upstairs.
Here he saw, or thought he saw, la the•
dim light which -the ,electric lamp -out.
side shed throughthe window the five -
menthe -old, baby eating ha In a rocker
while his wife was comfortably sleep-
ing in the bed beyond. Softly creeping
over to the rocker he took the baby iu
bis arras and began. to to rock her to
sleep, when hfs wife awakened.
"'John,' she said, 'what. are you do -
Ing there?'
"Sh, m' dear,' whispered John. `I'm
rocking baby to sleep.'
" 'Baby's been asleep for over an
hour,' said the 'patient wife reproach-
fully. 'John, put down. that doll and
come to »ea. I rather think you' need
a little sleep.' "a -Baltimore Herald.
Horribal aecounts are reaching St.
Petereburg of cannibalism ani starve-
tien Among tribes inhabiting the frozen
\ Arctic plain of the Ohukchis Peninsula,
at the extremity of Asia. Most of the
° reindeer died of starvation during the
winter of I001-5, leaving the inhabi-
ante without means of communication
r food. During the past winter whole
rib's have died, and members of the
()melons and Oloiya tribes, when fac-
ia; stat•vation, assembled in council
and decided that nothing retnained but
lentil. They agreed that each head ot
fit mily should kill his wife and chit -
:an and then commit suicide. The
illestnen -gathered on a plateau cove
red with snow and ice, and in the
arkness of the Arctic vvinter the Spar-
::.:: decision was executel, not a single
member of the tribe surviving. More
eyolting still is the story of what oc-
urred In &family of the Yultaleir tribe,
A mother and nine of her children
aving died of hunger, the father, a
^ urviving daughter and a nephew con-
umed the remains, and when they
were consumed the father murdered
he nephew. A Russian who went to
he Region to buy furs, reported the
t tuition to the authorities at Yakutsk,
berin. He entered a snowhut of a
Yukahir family while t -he latter were
eating the head of a murdered relative.
The government contract for carry -
Id the mails front Ingersoll to Sal -
rd, Mount Engin and Ostrander, a
stance of twelve miles, by stage, ex..
red last week, and henceforth the
ails will be conveyed by the T., 14.4il.
• .1). railway, which has been built
nce the contract was let. The stage
ne has been in operation for about .ft
entuvy, but will be discontinttedatow,
• For ConT nience Sake. .
There was no 'help for it. Mra'S'in-
clare had to change trains; but when
he found that the place at whieh he
would have to make the change was a
roadside station which was just far
enough from the village not to allow of
him walking in and obtaining refresh-
raent, of which he was sorely in need,
he was angry in the extreme, and at no
great pains to hide the fact. ,
• "Great Scott, man," he said to the
solitary stolid porter on duty,"what on
earth made them 'bitild the station so
far from the village?"
"Dunne, mister," said the porter
gravely, "unless perhaps it was be-
cause they thought it would be more
convenient ta have it down, here near
the •railwayaa--Tit-Bits. •
SYSTEM The Slightest Back.
• ache,ii Nvlected, Is
Liable to Cause Tears of Terrible
No woman can be strong and healthy
unless the kidney* are well, and regular in•
their action. When the kidneys are ill,
the whole body is ill, for the poisons which
the kidoeyo ought to have filtered out of
the blood are left in the system.
The female constitution is naturally
more subject to kidney disease than a
man's; and what is more, a women's work
is never done -her whole life is one con.
Winona strain.
How many women bave you heard ear
" My, how my back &cheer Do you know
that backache is one of the first signs of
kidney trouble? It is, and should be at-
. tended to immediately. Other symptoms
are frequent thirst, goanty, thick, cloudy
or highly colored urine, burning sensation.
when urinating, frequent urination, puff-
ing under the eyes, swelling of the feet and
ankles, floating specks before the oyes, eta,
These 'symptoms if not taken in time and
tuned at ohm, will 'tsetse years of terrible
kidney suffering. All tame symptoms, and
in fact; these dimeases My be cured by the
•use of •
M the Expense of the Public.
"On wham does the .cast Of a lag'
strike fall?" seal' J. Ogden. Apnoea the
great beef packet in answer
tionactan, eel:tarifa'. "Well, 'I'll try to
illustrate Walt a story. •
. "A butcher was carrying to a ces- •
tomer's kitchen scant meat 'thee- aasi
been ordered and paid • for; when be
was attackedand pinned to -the wall
by a' great dog.. . -
" 'Hero! 'Hero!' 'called: a Woman's
voice. The deg slunk away.
anxImisly asked the mistress of the
houSe, Mid Hero late yip?' . • • -
" answered the. still trembilug
butcher; "I kept him off by giving hint
your chops, and you ceene just in time
to save your steak."a-Woman's Home
tee Spoke His Mind: •
TWO Irish farmers who had .tiot seen
each other for a long time. met.' at a
fair.. They had a lot oe things to' tell
each other.. '"Shure, nateriea lam."
said Murphy. ."You- don't .telfan eetee,
said Moraie. "Fate,' 'yes," .sala Mur '
phy, "an' I've got e flue, healthy blioy,'•
which -the neighbors say is the very'
picture of me," 'Moran looked. for a
moment at. aturphy. who was not. to
say the least; remarkable for his goal
looks, and then said, "Och., Wellewintas
the haruin. so- lane as the child's
healthy ?"-Dubl i n (Mac Ito,- , •
Home :Distilled Water. • • ,
Distilled water can be meth: ealtee
at home and be continually ou band
for cooking, -drinking or bathiug It la
the only .water that .shpuld be ased
upon the face, wbile for a eirink fat
dyspeptics it is unequalled, causiugne
discomfort after it is. taken. Take a
• teakettle with a closely ifiting cover
and a gutta percha Or lead pipe fasten-
ed to the Spout. The pipe shOuld lead
through a pail' of cold water into 'a re-
ceptacle for holding the distaledawa-
ter. The steam from the boiling water
goes off thratigh the tube, condense -A •
under the cold water and. nine out pure
late the receiver. . •
The Better
The tissues of. the throat are
inflamed and irritate d; you
cough, and there is more irrita-
tion—more coughing. You take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation—for a while. You take
and it cure.% , the old. That's"
what is necessary. It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation; cures the cold because
it drives' out the irifiammation;
builds up the . weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals with
a sore throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitii.
A amieee enee.
SCOTT S BM% °P=1„?,
They directly on the kidneys, and
make them strong and healthy.
Mrs.Mary Galley, A.ubern, writeet
For mar four mental; I WilAtroubled with
& la -me back and was unable to turn in bed
without help I was induced by a friend to
try Doan's Kidney Pills. After using twee
thirds of a box my 'mak was sa well as ever."
Price 450 °onto per boz tar three boxes fee
$1.25 at all dealers, ar sant direet on tee.
oeipt of price. The Donn Sidney Pill, 0•.•
Toronto, Ont. ,
01411411OS tTEW 'Ma '
Umatilla Exnertenee of Automobile
ista at a etabas Temple. -
A tbrilling,•Stery of how the side ,silp-
ping of a motor aer nearly resulted in,
a man being roasted alive is told by
Ernest Esdale, Tbe incident occurred
In Dublin, a village on the road from
Delhi to Bombay. The car was, being
driven slowly past' a Jain temple,
amid the waooping of naavee and the
beating of tomtoms.
"it tbe temple entraece," writes
Mr. Esdale, "stood two priests, regard -
Tee Wier le the lama gland In the bods; ite
*Moe is to take from tite blood the Prozatiales
which foam bile. When the law Is tonal, end
Inflamed It cannot fluaish bile to the bowels.
causing them to become bound sad weave. The
symptens are a feeling of fulness or weight in
the right side, and shooting pans in the same
region, pales between the shoulders, sallownesi
of the skin and eyes, bowels irregular, coated '
tongue, bad taste in the morning, eta.
ing tie with no friendly visage. Bang! .
'sane our baelt tire has burst; a deep
rut in the road has caught the wheel
too. Ina moment we swerve round
and, horror, smash right into the teat -
Ole dolma 4t1/1,8, we have committed
sacrilege and of the worst kind!
"We set to work to repair the tire,
and Just as we have Anisaed a heart-
rending, ear "piercing setae% rings out
from the temple ieclosure. We rush
in, brushing aside two juvenile priest%
ewbo try to stop oer progress. A. crowd
of white robed priests stand betweea
us and the inner, sanetuary. the
three of us are old rootnan players; the
priest e are down like ninepins,
"We tear the aurtain aside and stand
for a moment meted with 'terror.
Tiler° on a rude altar our poor native :
motor 'boy as. being literally roasted,
alive. Only a second's pause to take -
In the situation, and with a rush yre
are on them.
"Seizing the uplifted knife from the
nearest fanatic, we cut the 'leather'
strings and lift the fainting sacrifice.
from n
the -altar. en we beate_the
priests off, regain our ear and ride
away amid a shower of missiles." -
Motoring Illustrated.
'They Should' ile'31side pretty os Well
as Ser viceable.
' When Making kitchen aprons be sure
to bring the gathers Well eau:lid to :the
Waite so that the back or .sielos of the
dregs will be protected, Have the belt
long enough to tie, for. if it is short the
needed pin is geeerally missing, .and
a buttonsooe catites off ia- the laundry.
-Make sairbus long as well ite Wide; and
the advice b.) add a ruffle to the
edge is pod; for a, rein -will catch
,MOst:of the:dirt and save the deees he-
neath. . •
It is a good idea to 'ornament, some
- of the work aprons it' little, for Settle-
-how when one lath 4 satrched gleghtur.•
aerie wait e little erosa stitch vine
worked across it she is twice ae care- .
ful of it as whet On old faded mitts,
apron, is wotn. $o pallets, of the sett
fine Wide coffees are 'IloW Inaile. that
the stock. of aprons ' need never be low.
Make, them at home,' for tae.fflnisy
cloth and coarse ' Machine stitching Of
the ready Made aprons are no credit
.One canna wear the
liana fad -Faeroes such as cook -
nig teecliets. wear While there are 'tote
and kettles toseyashi bet. more 'of the'
daintiness of tha' lecture tobau eould
With profit be ati teU.iti Most kitch-
•ene.-chipego later Ocean. , •.
. • . . .
• •„
Prune juice on dry cerealsonake.s a
nice change' from cream. . • .
• Cold biked potatoes sliced thiu, then
, put in a baking dish with selt, pep-
' per, better and milk; make a aetter.
goalie') than raw potatoes. •
' Heavy 'streaks thrOugh a • cekewill'
undouateala• Appetir if ate butter. and
. sugar are. not ehormeghly beatea or If
the . butieras Jett I:tepee-1y rubbed late
the flour. • , I
Do mit arose salade with sugar and ;
vine:eta or salt n:i41..vinego.r. The:late,
ter is' au fultelrable combluation for
'scouring-bra:is'. 'but it is not good for '
mees, stranach.tat: 4. mixture ef oll
and vinegar, lightly seasoned.
. „Ca e 1 i o wer shoe itt be placed head.
{Iowa in cold salted' water for ten or
ilf teen Mine t before cooking to draw
eat insects.. tn boIling slightly 'salted
water' should ley used, and "tile head
elteuld be placed downwarda4 the ket-
.. •
asTele Sunbonnet Boma ,
Mrs; W. E. Moran of • INlissOuri Is -
boss .of one of the richest zinc mines in
that state, 'Te heremployees she is
known fiS 'the -Sunbonnet Boss," and
they are said to like her and week well,
under. her directious. • Garbed in rub-
ber skirt, coat, hat and booth, she. geoe
.d0aVII into 'a mine when Accessary,. and
she is .on the ;greund to superintend
.opdrations. It is said to be due to her
business foresight that the mine Is be-
ing worked anyway, for 'the property
had been condetntied as*Worthless and.
was lying fallow, a coanbluation of
dump pileand water, .When Mrs. • Mor-
gan saw its possibilities. She organ-
ized a company, purchased the engine,
pump and other necessary machinery,
eMployed the men, drained the mite
and sunk the shaft deeper, and now is:,
rewarded by a rich yield ' ef vane ore. •
• • , Popcorn.
• • The avergge consumption -of popcorn.
for the last five years tete been about
sqo carloads for tlie, United States, A.
groat Many people 'ask me :what be-
comes of all. the 'corn. that is grown
here, and when. I tell them that it Is all .
:popped 'and ceneumed they will hardly
' believe, me. A great many people have
the idea: it is miteufactured into some
kind of areakaastfood or used as an
'adulteration of flour: Taia is not so.'
In the first 'piece, popcorn. 18, too , en-:
. penelva to admit of ite being rised for
this purpose. . • -
All through the, mountain regions
there are little. towns that are quite
large consumers • of -popcorn. in the
• sputa ethere, le but . yery little. ceen
grown, and this is another very good
market.. Tlie lergest cep:earners .of
popeornaare the New England .etatesa
Probably threeaourtlee of all the pop -
cern • growls is tansthaed east of •the
alissiesippa river, although there is ,
baldly a town. in the I: olted States of
50,000. populate:1 'but will .05iisucte one'
• to three carloads it yeare-Itapert of•the •
Kursis 3041.11 ..egrieulture. '•'• .
• , •
. •
Mede aeon: 'Raga '
"This whisky,- said the ,cheihiste.
"ante meth) 11'0111 l'agt4.., It was made '
• from a bundle of old sleets and. 'Cola
tare., Will you .eample it?” .. ••••
allo, thaek you." • ;• • ..
-;nuele the widaky nee an expert-.
.menta the.chentiNt "Every
body knows , that .it es possible ,to con-,
vert linen rags into eoutar 'and tileoliol,
but I ,datibt If any one hes ever actual-
• iy done the trick -before. .
"First I; iminersed tbe.linenie strong
sulphuric acids' Thisdissolved the aol-
Iull,ii, wbich, assimilating oue -Molecule
• of water, eesolvee itself. into glucose. I
reeoverea the glitease by . Amaral i'hieg
the'excess.of acid With. salt. ThenbY
meane ethe ordinary preeese of fete
"petite -Oen, aieohol appeared. The Jinni
fesult wassails small flask of whisky.
I assure you 1 have -tasted worse." ---
New York Press. - • • .
. . •
' . . Dar'autceitea. :
.Turkey has .On •the Dardanelles (an-
cient Hellespont) • probably the.. meet"
, formidable fortification • in sthe world,
p:nware. works.. even approainuti•Ing.
•therif in .strength except, -those et GI,
boater., This narrow chaimel unites
the sea of 'Marmon], with the 'Greclitn
archipelago. It. is about. forty miles in
.length and varies In width 'from- less
that one mile to four • miles. No mat-
ter' what else. in, Turkey , may decay,
these 'works always are kept. up to
date, ,with guns 91 the latest pattern
and largest caliber: ., There is frequent
talk of. "forcing the Dardanelles" to
attaek Constantinople, but, more than
otie recognized authority has express-
ed doubt If the combined navies Of the
. 'world cOuld sueeeed In getting a sin-
gle ship through, so formidable are the
ere element and WWI t• take, do not pipe;
weaken or sicken, nevee fail* their *Scots. and
are by tar die mart and %raked remedy bie
all diereses or disorders et the liver.
Price 25 oents, or 5 bottles for $1.00,
all dealers or mailed dine* on receipt of
price by The T. Mbar* Oft, Limited,
• Toronto, Ont.
'rho Clock 'Winding' 'Snake.
In Persia there is a kind of suuke
which is known to the eatives as the
. clock • winding snake. It derives Its
name from a peculiar buzzing aolse,
which it makes that resembles the
winding of a cloca. These snakes are
perfectly harmless and frequently glide
Is and out of the house, no attention
being paid to them by the natives.
Sewing on 13ottone.
When replacing the lost buttons of
garments It is very heliport:tilt that the
t10-59' buttons should be of the same she
as the old Ones, Careless menders pay
no attention to this trifling aetall, atid
the tonsequence is that buttons that
.are too small Will not remain fastened,
and those which are too large tear the
buttonholes. A. button box for storing
reserve buttons should Ond A place itt.
eaerysetending leteket: In this recep-
tacle should be put buttons which
have been ripped off old garments as
well as any complete set of buttons
there 'may be. Housekeepers who pick
up and put away la its allottea plaee
every button whiell falls into tlielr
hands mite save theraetaves many pur-
chases, .
The Waxed PlooP.
Here is an exeellent method of re -
Moving grease spots from 8waxed
floor: Pout eptrits ot arneittlne on the
spot and give It time to soak into the
wood. Then cover with potadered tale
and press with A warm but not very
hot iron. 'The tale will absorb the
grease. Brush off and polish the piano
*now with wan.
Many *Women Suffer
Very often•they think it is from etteened ;
" Female Disease." There is Ws fensale trouble
than they think. Woman safes from backs:am
stespleanem, nervousnsss. iwitabnity, and a
iksigiing-deorn feeling in the loins. • So do sem,
Md Wry do ISOS have "awes trouble." Wlig.
am. Manse s11 your amide se Yesnale Disease t
With bailtity keineyis. low women will ever
brae "lama amperage." The kidneys are me
lamely ,eonneeral witk *be littering omens.
Ikea wises die kidneys es mons. erasable
gees sneer, Mash distrait woad be raved
weans world only labs ,
Arad iatesvals.
eras tie cents per bat et lime box°, Ise Oils
ul *Wear or MOSE dime Oft reeelp* ea*.
lift*Vvok* itidem Piti iis1P ask
—..._ .•--
Neuralgia and Nervousoestiseredo or*
AJAX ittritattiffraViS
. Cooking l in reality. a Rattled diva -
tam of food previous act Its introduc-
tion into the stomach. It is -employed
by man alone and distinguishes him'
-from all other creatures..
Wonderful'', but Dangerous:.
la the center of Sulphur islattd, off
New Zealand, is- a lake of sulphuric
acid fifte acres in extent. The water
contains vast quantities of hydrochloric
acid and sulphuric acid, hissing and
bubblieg at a temperature of /10' de-
grees F., and great care heath- be taken
in approaching it ttenvoid suffocation.
Ata Otlip n1,906
In the Matter of ths Estate of Thomas Qulgloy,
late of the Township of Hullett, in the, ounty
or Huron, yeoman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, purausta to 11.S. 0.,
Cap. 129, Sec. :e and amending acts, that all
Persons having claims against the estate of
thesaid Thomas Quigley, who died on or about
the Iith day of January, A.D.; 1906, are requir-
ed to fiend, bl post, prepaid, or to deliver to
W lirydone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or
before the 10th day of Apri , 906, t e r nemes,
addresses and descriptions, and a full stata
meat of particulars of their claims and the
nature of the Security (if any) held by them,
'duly certifiedand that after the said day, the
Executors will proceed to die -tribute the a fe-
eds of the deceased among theparties entitled
thereto, having regard .only•to the °Ware of
which they shall thep,have notice.' ,
___,Dated this 10th day of March, DO,
, ,
t • . •
Margaret Tighe, uxecuors
W 33/1.YDONE,
• Solicitor tfor Executors'
the 'Matter of the Estate of.li'obert Peacock,
late of the Townslnp of Twekerkinith,• zn the
• . County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased,
. Notice is hereby given, purSUant to Revised
'Statutes of Ontario, Cap.129, Sec. 88 and Ail
amending acts that all persons having claims
against the estate of said Robert Peacock,
wao died on or about the 801 day of March, A.
D. 1906, are required on or before the 2015 day
of April, A. D. 1906.to 'end by post prepaid,
or to deliver to W. Brydone, solicitor for the
Executors, their names, addressee and descrip-
ti ns, ad a full statement of particulars of
their claims, and the nature of the security,
if any held by them duly certified, and that
after the said day the exz color will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to Ufa claims ot which they shall then have
Notice. '
rated this 20th darof March, 1906.
' Solicitor for the Executors
Thos. R. Peacock, }Executors
Chas: Peacock, •
Auction Sale otfarm Stock.
Sold Spring ot 1904 lor $1 230 00 per POund
The roost sensational potato in price and cropping qualitiei
of all time_ the potatoe that caused such a farorctinGreat Britain
Mr Geo. Massey, in fall of 1003, selline 14 pounds for roo spring
of 1904• Nr. Alfred Dunham paid $250 for a 5 oz. one ; smaller
ones selling at rate of $1.2a0 per pound. Feb. Ma Mr. Charles
Needham, Wellersden, pale' t830 for a Oz, one which produced
that year 301 pounds oapotataes, the largest one weighing two
lbs, and 100 weighing over 100 lbe, While this wee the largest
yield Many others obtained yields nearly AB great. To those un-
aware of thabistory of this wonderful potato, this may sound
Send name and address for list, history, press reports, photos
of checks paid etc. Let us prove it to you that this is the most
Valuable introduction of all time.
When selling at $10 per pound, in 1005, we Imported some
direct from 'originator, one of wbich under aeld test yielded 148
• pounds.
. We .0tter Limited Quantity at .$1 per round
sold in Canada by us. Warranty of purity with every sale.
This wonderful cropperis disease and blight proof, of highest
table qualitas aced in 1907 will be in such demand that every
pound planted now will be worth $10,
-We give $25 for largest crop grown In 1906 -from one
pound.. VVe have 20 other kinds Star, Gold Coin,' Norton.
• Beauty. Cobbler etc. PotatoAgents Wanted; •
Strawberry eo Inds $1.50 per 1000 up. -
berries, Grape% etcRasp:
, All the near
hest of the tad. Get our list befnreamy. taa. •-
- Members. Canadian Seed Growers' Association.
Albert Nott hemi 11'65AR:tett Thes:•13rowrf 15" 8811
• by Public Auction ati.p.in, sharp, on
. wv.nNusn.A.17, APRIt, 11TH, 1906;
-On lot 21, con. 2, Manley. the following proper-
ty VIZ •••–• • •
I span:horses 7 TetkrifOld,lkintu ware§ '8 and
years old, 3 draft fillies' ri "a 0 years; 1 draft
stallion rising 2 roars, 13 st, 1000 to 1200,
16 2-tear,old heifers, 0 year, `—.7.ers and heifers,
Stock is all in good cotalition and will positively.
be sold,.as proprietor is giving up thei'farm he
had rented, and has not grass.
There Will nlso be sold at sante time [tint place
the household furniture,, etc. of Mr. • Melwood
, as follows
• • •
I Buggy nearly new, I Cart,' 1 Cutter, 1 Side-
board, 1 Extenpion Table, 1 „Couch, 1 Bedroom
Suite. 1 ted, 5 Hite/ten Chairs, 1 Royal. :Washer,
1 Parlor Stove, and'other articlee, .
TERMS :-A11 418ne of 510 and under cash ; over:
that 01510unt.6 months credit on approved joint
notes. 4 per cent. discount tor caSh In credit
amounts. • ' . •
1%. BROWN . ALlitito NOTT
Auctioneer, Prop.
ANY even nturibered seotton of Domin-
ion Lands in Manitotte or the North-
weet Provinles, excepting 8 end 26, not
reserved, may be hemesteaded by any par-
son wbo is the tole heed of family, or eny
reale:over 18 years of age, to the extent of
one.queater tection 01 160 sores, retore or
Entra may be 111100 personally at the
lecal land office for the district in which
She land hi situate, or if the homesteader
desires he may, on application to the Min-
ieter of the Interior. Ottawa, the Commie.
molter of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the
loom' agent, receive I1U1 Inuit,' for some thee
to make any for him,
Uhe homesteader ia required to perform
She conditions cat:mooted _therewith tinder
one of the following plane :
1) At least six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each yesraor
three years
-(2) If the father (or mother, if the
father is deeeased) of the•homestestler re.
Efface upon a farm in the vainity of the
ond entered for the requirements as to
residence may be satisfied by such pereon
residing with the father cr mother.
(3) If Inc settler hae his permanent resi.
donee upon farming land owned by hieo In
the vicinity of his homestead, the require.
ments as to tesidenee may be satisfied by
rcsidenee 'ape the Mid land,
Six Months' notice iti eariting should be
saved to the Commiaaioneer of Dominion
lends at Ottawkof inteetten to apply for
. VV. W. CODY,
eOnVeer gEolrye it: 00ontea Oi of toheurbaei
is to continue to satisfy our custohaers; therafore ;we have placed in stock a.
largeassorttnent of just the goods you need.
Our Sal and 16x4 Linoleum, beautiful floral designs; Lace Curtains',
newest designs, 3 1 -yds long. We have the newest line of Wall Paper
ever on sele. • • ,
Always the CHEAPEST and ,BEST.
Highest price
for produce ROBT. CLARKE, Gen'l Merchant, CONSTANCE
eoal !
• ,
Exclusive sale for p. L. &
W. Scranton Coal. Orders
left and money recived at
Harland Bros. Ha.' Ware for
all kinds of Coal'.
Nothing° adds so Much to the decorae
tioti of it house as good Wall Paper. I
am in a position tti show yeit the very
best and choicest patterns, as I am
agent for the
Empire Wail Paper Co.,
. of Toronto.
The samples for 1900 are entirely
new. Prices run from 5c a roll to 35c,
with borders at same price. Every
roll of paper guaranteed to:contain 8
yards, Samples gladly shown to in-
tending pure -lowers, at any time; and
hang it at fie per roll. • •
To Manitoba
Alberta and
With live stock and effects, from Toronto at
9.00 p.m. '
Settlers travelling without liVe stool should,
use.1.0 p.m. train from Toronto daily. , '
, TOURIST. cARS, ",. • r.
on Teesdale Wedziesdaye, 'Fridayei zind Sa
urdays. Cost of sleeping berths as follows:, -.-
Winnipeg - $1.00 Regina $5.00
os Jaw 5.15) C 1ga y 600
."Settlere 'guide and "Western Canada
.booklets Of practical.use and interest tose
tiers, with rates and full information. free
upon application to nearest Canadian Paddle
Agent. or write to C. B. Fodor, D. P. A.. •
CP, R. Toronto. • •
12fou8e De'oorator arid Paper Hanger, ,
Cor. Queen and Princess St„ Clinton.
House C eaning
Intending purchasers of Weer. PAPER
NVill do well to eiatnine my stack,which
eornprises `the product of severe' of the
best manufactures in Canada and the
CnitallaMtaan-Ta is new an
date. No trouble to show goods. ..,
POihill§ paper=hoging
done, and illustrations shown tor the
decoration of -any roam in the house
Will be open on or about the 22nd of
March, in THE STORE PonmEntx Oc-
CUPIED BY NEWCOMBE, one door 'north
of Beattie's Law Office
• W. *T. SMITH
BA RT 1, I FF,'S'
Subscriber, having moved
his Restaurant to the store
teCently -occupied by F. , W.
Watts, will IA glad to meet all
his old customers,a.ncl as many
new ones as may favor him
with theft- patronage,
Having also bought out the
King Bakery', he will supply
the public with first - class
Bread and Cakes,
• $1.00
.2 Days hi Dobai e •
Write 8. 11,1311yer, Agt.,Detrelts
' •••
call and examine
' Our stook of high art pianos of 1st
eat case designs, and containing finest se
tions purchasable for money. See our very
latest styles of sWeet-toned organs, at low
prima Instrnements rented, tuned or res
paired. Gramophonee and mesh) in Tar-
iety at
• musk Emporium.
LO 6 S.
Highest prices paid.Elm logs
•'especially required
• — STAPLETON snr wons
Defore placing your orders for
youeseason's supply of Opal, get
our tosices, The very best goods
carried in stock ana sold itt the
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left'at Davis
de Ilowlittid's Hardware store, or
With •
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light Plant.
'Deputy of the Minister of the Interior Advertse
Aug. 6tit 05 0 tn°4
Oysters and Fruit in Season
High -Class Confectionery, Cakes and
Pastry, and Deckers' and Home-
made, Bread.
Agents for Melagarna Tea
W. W. Nimens
in the NEW ERA Albert St e% MIRO%