HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-06, Page 31 Apr•il Gth, 1006 0 ore sae you are .2' or 001 keep it I "tut why look old at 85 Or 40_ Why have tut vary old 011I it,„ Mal' 'Vegetable OWE= noir 1. ray llairrhr""ral DTili. It oolong a rich brow* the ttitrori and gailloaatanisowe rev - ways • r 'ray torsi eolo to or a soft Mask. B.P. HALL & co. Nash X.H. j Ontario To.dai, • News Notes. and Twenty Years It is expected that 50,000 immigrants from Great 13ritain will settle in On- tario this week. About an equal num- ber of Ontario will remove to the Northwest in the same time. ' The vol- ume of the two human -currents is like- ly to increase rattier emu decrease It le quite within the range of possibilities that in the next six or soyen years we may lose half a million of our own yeople to the Northwest and receive an equal number from the Old Land. Such great changes in a province with a population of a little over 2,000m.100 xnust produce important industrial and social effects. We are losing not only the young and iarogreseive, but those of our own habits and cus- toms; we are getting young as well as 014 from abroad. but these, whether young or old, are not as progressive as are the men and women we are losing, And their views of life differ in .many 'respects from those held here. As a result of all this Ontario ef ten years hence will differ vay materially from the Ontario of today. Those of our people who go to the Northwest will also be ethanged ; they will find them- selves developing in the boundless West a new point of view, and will be greatly influenced by strangers !roue the United States, Great Britain, and the four corners of Europe. If one could do the Rip Van Winkle act; he would not know the Canada in which he would awake twenty years hence - Toronto Weekly Sun. NOT SLEEPING WELL. , Without sleep them can be no bodily or Mental vigor,consequentlysleepless- ness is a dangerous condition. Nothing so surely restores sleep as Ferrozone it's harmless - just a nourishing, strengthening tonic. Ferrozone vital- izes every part of the body; makes the nerves hardy. completely rebuilds the system. - The cause of -sleeplessness is removed-heelth is restored -you can work, eat, sleep -feel like new. after using Ferrozone. Don't put off,Ferro- zone costs 50c per box at all dealers ; get it to -day. . • Robert Lipton and W. J. Anderson. broehers-in-law and.. partners in ,the. banking firm of Anderson, Lipton do Co., Ida Grove, Iowa, Who were eandi- • dates for Mayor and, came nut even in the returns •with 229 votes eaeh, will .pitch a game of quoits with the Mayor alter at stakee` It is rumored that some years ago, whet- the men 'were nothing but friends, they courted two sisters, but were ,undetermined as to which should , have. ,his choice: The story goes that they then pitched titioits and abided by the decision, which proved a 'happy one to both. . KEEP THE BOWELS REGULAR. If yotir bowels didn't move for a week you would be prostrated. It more than one day goesbyyou become • Dr, W. J. Douglas, of Cohourg, died while driving to visit a, patient, A friend in the Old Country has prd- sented. Knox aural, St. Mary's, with $1,000. Mrs. Robert Edwards, of Brantford, • committed suicide by swallowing car-. , bolic acid. • 1Vm. Whitney was killed by a fall at the Federal Assurance building at • Hamilton, Mrs. Cook, of Elizabeth street, Strat- ford, tried to commitsuicide by taking carbolic acid. At Sault Ste. Marie Alex, Mitchell was fatally burned through the burst- ing open of a door in an iron furnace. Over 11,000 immigrantsarrived at New York last Thursday on board seven steamships from European ports. This is the record for. a single day. Through the efforts of Forster Boul- ton, M. '„ Oanahian newspapere and magazines are now for the first time on file in the British House of Com- mons reading room, Vice -President McGuigan of the G. 3'. R. says they have saved at least • $1000 a day the past winter on account of the phenomenal mildness of the weather. Not on the entire Canadian system had there been.any -necessity to bring out snow plows. In the past twenty years he had never seen such a winter. 41T • The Ar esti E THE (/th$TON 1111W ERA •4•44,44,444,444444,4,40,4444.44,4,..., 1 Tour Stu WM rind Toil Out. I :1 THE UNCROWNED QUEEN Four Si 4./m14 Christian Guardian ; John A. Me. 0411, late president of the New York I Life Assurance Company, has passed away, his death hastened, without doubt, by thapitiless exposures of his tlishonesty.iour conniving as head of a great trust institution. Richard Mc. EuirreciTi; president of the Mutual o e up o and envied by man Li' few months ago, has been eonapeller to retire in disgrace that to many would be worse than death. Senator Depew, the darling of many a. political and social orgenization, and•ae one time a name to conjure with, has fallen .o low that there are few indeed so poor in morals as to do him haulage. There are many other names we might men - tem of those whom the inexorable law has amid up in the midst of. their ins - honesty and crime. It almost seems as if there might be some notable names to add to the list even in this fair Canada of ours. Sometimes we are led to complain that the wicked go unpunished, but oftener we almosa Shudder at the dogged Inexorableness that in the end brings a man face to face with his evil -doing. Your sin Will find you out "-that is the law in - wrought. in the very moral constitution of theell1117,0 • -Cie I t to gloat Over but to tremble at. ••• Joseph Cartier; a farmer, aged about fertye was suffocated during a fire in his house on the fourth concession. of (Methane township last Thursday ev- ening. Cartier went upstairs to ex- tinguish a fire lighted in the garcet among a litter of old papers by his little son, and was there overcome hy smoke and perished. He is.lame in limb, one which hampered his move, meitts, and is supposed to have lost,his crutch in the smoke and could not get away. The body was taken out un- harmed by the fire, by neighbors, one of whom, named Blackburn, nearly perished in the 'building. before he could be removed, when overcome by smoke also. Cartier leaves a wife and four children, he Armenian era" began Tues- day, duly 9, A. D. 552, when the coun- eil of the Armenians formally separat- ed from the church of the. Greeks, thus defleitely establishing a separate ec- clesiastical organization. Silver Coinaffe. • The first deposit of silver bullion to be coined isms by the Bank of Mary- land, July 18, 1794, that institution sending in $80,11.5,735 in French coins. • • Divisions of ' The. Greeka and nothans had no weeks until they borrowed this division of time from the east the .Greeks divided the month into three ,equel • periods; the RoMaUS into three very unequal -the kalends; ides and mnes. • Cervaitten and Hie Wife. Cervantes drew a piettwe of his own wife in th "MistresS 'Housekeeper For the Devil," •whem Sancho Panza ed.so bitterly. • • Eli,..Terrfthe woodeneelock 'genies, yv.),$" the first. Amertean drummer • or minercial treveler,.-being obliged to ma.ke regular trips from his home hi Conheetieut over into New York to diSe pose of his waren. 'This was in 1790, •• 41 • 'Cicero. • : CICO1'0 an punster. A. eel. lection • not now • salami of his puns languid, blood gets bad, breath horribly offensive, von feel sick all . over. To Wai( made by Julius Caesar. • remedy this take Dr. Hamilton's Pills • which regulate the bowels and cure constipatioo. Takehent night you are well lir-Morning. They purify and. cleanse the system, preyent headache, billiousness and sick stomach. Prompt and certain are Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, 25e per box or five for 81.00 atall deolerselL",Lakie Lemons tsged ngi Soap:: Lemons are used Or •Stntp'15 many countries 'Where they grew. When. the • men and Women of the ' West Indies s lo Wash their hands they squeeze the juice of a lemon qi,er• thembriSkly, in water Until th ev 'are.cleen. S :PEOPLE BY FANNIE M. LOTHROP CROUP IS DEADLY. It must be stopped quickly. Nothing so sure as Nerviline. Give it internally and rub it on chest and throat -croup soon vanishes. • •No doctor can write a more efficient .prescription than. Pol- 'soresNerviline,which reaches the trou- ble and cures geickly. The marvelous power of Nerviline wills urprise you it's the best. householdremedy- for coughs, colds, sore chest, croup, and internal pain of every kind. Large bottles have been sold by all dealers for nearly fifty yeaas at 25c. • see ea a cigar usestee, • The skater's matches were all gone, but nevertheless he smiled. • light my cigar with .a piece Of Ice," he.sald, . • • "A. piece of ice? Rubbish:" ' • ,But, still smiling. the young Man carved a fragment of ice into' a rude . lens and held beneath „the lehs his ' The rays of the sue •Cantentrated on tie eigarin a round bright spot of gold; 'Sean this spot began to smoke,'" Another mome4 and the clgar was lighted: .• • ' "A.n ict Iens," said the skater, puffing up "conceetrates the heat. of the sun almost as well as a grass leni. hays seen a ' giant ice lens Make water boil. - Ice boiling water -almost. Improbable, eh?" • * Cultured a Little Hit. A. young woman studying at the . Academy of. Fine Arts in Philadelphia is credited by the Philadelphia Record with the invention of a word which should fill a long felt want: In the cia ole in which the: young woman moves • the -word ``culture" is in her opinion overworked and misused, being drag- ged in ou every occasion to describe • personS of a certain status as to Intel lect and breeding. "Are they cultured people?" the young woman was asked concerning some acqueIntanee$, and her reply was, "No, they are only Cue turined." . - ARE .YOU MARINO, $2.003.22 • A • YEAR? It is being done with 'our goofts, Worlt is pleasant, Permanent and prodtable. goods ffsed in everY house, every dayNo and no deed to Create the demand., Legiiintate. reputable business. You can startwitliout a cent ) of' capital. . Write to da y: G Wu:snit' r.S...Co.. stvlioiggiigue 'Seas, aud.tioare, Lott.im ont .• • • • 1V.1 "Sir," said tho gt... or to the car - 'A Denise 'you I,nvo iwpotratea a brazt en 1n41ttt itt caricaturin;,tue as it hog.; 1.1.11 puipl;) apoloy is due.." . • "Very 811'," sir," rctplieti the courie- ofts cat•toonite. "I will write an .apol- ...piry to •tli‘.? hri tf yoi wib give• address."-.Ttnit,,e. .• • -• " • . The tittiert courttourt. . • Photo by Now:nom, Iflontrwil SIR 'WILLIAM. VAN ‘HORNE The .Builder of the. Canadian, Pacific., • Sir 'William Van Horne, Chairman of the Board of DirectorS of the Canadian Pacilic It. R' . is the most versatile mart in Canada. ' He is a railroad builder who defied obstacles that would 11(1.V(‘ daunted Most able men; he is collector of paint., ings and is a painter.of ability; he is a deep student and a pleasing talker.: lie is a successful amateur fanner; he is the head And prime mover in dozens of big enter- prises which he handles simultaneously with the ease of a• Japanese juggler tossing halls into tlueahe and lie is. invading Cuba and Guatemala with the great advance - agent of eivilizatiori -railways, , • • He was born near Joliet, 111., in 1843, ii lineal descendant of one of the Dutch founder, of New 'AmSterdaiti, the germ frotri which the great city of New York has evolved. At fourteen the death of his father made it necessary for him to secure the living the world (mos to .everyone who works day and night to colh,et the debt. lie Was first, telegraph operator on the Illinois Central, then, went' into the service of the Michigan Central where he seinained Six years, leaving to be train dispatcher • of the Alton, there risiiig eueecesively to the position Of superintendent of telegraph and divisional superiatendeue Ire afterward occupied managing positions on the St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern, Southern Minnesota, Chicago. and Alton; and Chicago. Milwaukee and tit. Paul Railways, going froze the latter to the „Can- adian. Pacific as general manager. • Tho ineeption of this, one of 'the world's greatest railway systems, was dim to the ptitrietisin, courage alid enterprise of Lord Mount Stephen and Strathcona and other capitalists; but the virtual building of the road and putting into the completed work the soul of a mighty, purpose, the bouinliess energy, vitality and brain that have made it what it is, was the work of Sir William Van Horne. In ts,s'iehrbeetecle riceepresithnt of the road and four yeas later was made president ..tus 'splendid organizing ability. his ninetery of, detail, his infinite r('sourcefulness, his eonquest of .obettuties-ell find their, !listing momunent in this splendid work. He has the visions Into the future that distinguish all great leaders; lie sees the oak in the. acorn, he sees in imagination the busy town with its teeming •population, where other men see only a possible good site for a town. For him to see a need, iS to plan; for him to plan, is to execute. . • • In 1804, Queen Victoria, reufgnizing the marvelous inlpetue he had given to Canada, conferred on him an honorary knighthood, whieh he modestly aeeepted Its a tribute to his railroad, and has since carried his honors with the simplieity, grace and dignity of a large.minded, broad -gauge man. Wahl ittottlinsje Ad of tilt Hafted or essAds. Hsi yew 1St by W. C, Mt*it th4tetectelett of *WOO • She -What! Marry you? Why, you couldn't keep an old cat alive. Ite-But, dear, you kuow I said should lnaFst op your funnier. aotliving 'with us.-NewYork. Wo -ht. Are Vou Up to the nark? If not feeling as well as you should, do not make the rms- • take of letting your health take care of itself. Resort to • eechetn's • Pills $olil Everywhere. In 1poses 25 coati._ * I mr) e , iz1 ataxy Eliza Betsy Smith u es orgraltnottr;,r,x):;Yuerf7 49t a r43314. 0 She'd reached the age or twenir•One. .-.-.......... . ah5 would nbt marry -no, not she! She'd rather independeaey. 8ho said that love was balderdash; '1 But, beinve r h rt f h And having n d o ricr re ation, o e She had to take a situation. A dry goods store she first essayed, Although she rather balked at thatte• Here she was treated Ulm a, slave Until she'd 050 oOt in the grave. She gave that up and blossomed forth Follow Thein and Wank Happi- ness and Prosperity will be iqours. If one would be healthy, happy and . prosperous, follow these four simple rules. () Keel) the bowels open every ditY• (2) Chew your food slowly and thoroughlY. (3)Avoid indigestiblefoods (4) 1.1 there age any symptoms of stom- ach, troubles, take Mi-o•na before each meal until cured. • No mattetehow many years you may have suffered with stomach troubles;Or how worried by sleeplessness, nervous- ness, loss of appetite, furred tongue, specks before the iotes,headaches, Jodi- gestiontor ocher ills that are caused by a weak stomach, you eau be cured by the faithful use of Mi-o-na. Take one of the little tablets before each meal with the fixedlterermination to get the most benefit out of it. Mi•o-na is not a fanciful experiment, it, is not a patent medicine, it is not a :pats all. It is nientille remedy, re- commended but for one trouble -weak- ness -of the digestive organs, When Mi-o•ina has been used for a few days, the digestive system settli1 he so greatly 'improved that all the foOd- eaten is converted into nutrition,so that nourishment and health are given to the whole system and there os rapid increase in weight, strength and spirits. • If you cannot obtain Mi-o-na of your druggist, it will be sent by mail, post- paid, on receipt of price. . Write us for advice ori your case from a leading stoinach specialist which will be sent free. The R. T. Booth Company, Ith- aca, N. Y. • . ; • Finnish Marriage Fete, - Itfarriage fetes in Finland, as in Nor. *way, are otten prolonged for several days, evenaniong folk of humble rank. One peculiarity; whit•li may excite more surprise than approval: among eligible sultorsin our' oWn, canary, is that the: Finnish lover neYer himself "pops the . question" to the girl:of his • Oholee. The mementoes propose), Is made through, a . • third person, s• called the etaireau," to - whom the happy couple give a present when his delicate repletion proves suc- cessful and ends in a wedding. .Not te commonly their gift tothe talman tie the dnromaittic -form of a shire Inlike manner the. elergyinau 'egg presides over the. nuptlal eervice eeives a Minnie, ..and ineepensive ;pits eute often a handkerchief and. a pair of Warta hair gloves. A siniilarglftisbe. ettowed . upon the Oh -eating priest 'at fonetut§, • upon these mournful ocea:,. sloes the Service Is exeeedfiigly simple -more so than would satisfy.theriews of 'British Undertakers -2 -but the burial is, as a rifle, •fctilowee.by.lare,e liosnitai- • I ty on the :pare 'or. the , berea vett family. -London Graphic', •• .• • ••• • • . , , , • .ena4eiteessee, re, ;esseitienseetea...,- . In 'Jule, 1$55, A debate, waS.going.eii In Me • house of . commons resketing tertf ;John latteriyard Jaarlt Russell's Igneteinio.tis failure' during his mission in Vienna to bring the ,C1 iraean war to an end,. in eonSequence• which the opposition ' indulged itt. some' strong criticism regarding -The party in power, At last 'Lord Palmerston, • then pante • ininister, rose and: began .to talk la a hectoring way. *bout "this anuecessary and unprovoked. attack upon the ger- ern:aka" and ended by saying - in a. loud voice and looking straight at two literary raembers-Betwer sold Disrietl. -who were &Ulm; . together . on . the front opposition. beech': • • ' "The rodeo:len are: making 'Meth Ado; About Nothing.'" , • •• • Re sat down amid load cheers from his own side, .but in an instant Bulwer . was up and with •exqiesite. grace and. 'sarcasm Said: , • • • • "Me: Speaker" -then turning to bow slightly toward -the treasury bench -"I beg '•to'• remind the noble .lord • that. in chronologietti. -order "Much Ado . About Nothing' coiner aft.er Comedy. of Errors.' " ' • . • a • • Oil Ituon. the Troubled Waters. Lady -Ali your marine pictures rep- resent -the sea as calm. Why don't •you paint' a • storm voce in awhile? Artist -We painters in loll can't paint a torrii, 1 have often outlined a storm oh the canvas, but as soon as I begin to spread 'on the MI colors the waves subside and the sea becomes as Om es a duck pond.-Piinch: •.whenUnnetesioary. "You don't even know how to make a lemma tart," remarked the cookleg echool.girl, with IMP scorn. "It Isiet, necessary to make a lemon (are" replied the other. • Ali the teal - ons I've ever seen were pretty iart al- rea dy." A Theurer. • "What sterted old Illicit apenny to stndying nocult science?" •Ji,,, Willit:4 ill' eult• vst( a pew sense: ,) ltm run soe a bill "collet:tor 'through a Meek N11( II," Where to Get It, • ".4. simple look is all 1 crave,t, said the sentimental young mare to the heiress. eraoh ;voted better consult your &dr- , • rot.," sin% rosplied 'tartly, The tin teed or the vicious willdo yOU tottOti thou their conversationa- • flee doe . • syrups thy. it may Mame' be 'said that eyinpathy exisit Itt ail minds. as Faraday has diseoveiall that megnetisie exists In all It:idols, but a (Taltril temperature is required to develop- tho.,Itiditen proper. tv, whether 111 the metal or the mind,- . Bel were A Menu ttueatin., Wedderly-Today is the tenth aunt- versary of my marriage. Singleton - Well, what do you expect? Wedderly- WhIeli do 1 expect? Singletail-Yes, vongratulatione or sympathy? . Hough on the Men. Mrs. Ifoyleal believe that tny bus. band is leading a double life, Mrs. Doyle -You ought to 1n sal letter' these days if he isfft tending a triple lite. Plying kites may be brought back by pulling in the string, but tying words hate ito Stripa, to • . ADULTERANT OR COLORING MITT IIIIPUIIITIES OF ANY KIND IE In something Atte(' for Inc worth- companion to a lady, then, With salary increased to tem Ah, tide was really very gooal S11.0 4 lots of cash and lots of food, But here again 'twos wry pieta She'd heaps of reason to complain, For, ever at her mistress' call, • She really was no one at all, Maybe above the seryttot maid, •Put that was all that t•ouid be said. ' One .day she 'Woke up to the fact That there was,sotnething still she lacked To gain the liberty site-eraved Ifswornan's rights were to be saved. Tier trammels quickly off she shook And straightway took a Place as Cook. And now it Is her vaunted boast Site rules the guldtress, hoose and roast: She bosses all, and that's the pith Or woman's rights, says Mary Smith. Touche klancoCit in New York Press, To Save Her Face, "‘ Lady (to new cook) -But, Mary, what's the matter? What have you got that veil on for? • • Cook -Sere, netini, I don't want to •have my oomph. spok i&, latte . • • 50‹, . Odom eau boe •,• a g, ese.di ot whicli-ve srA; duce strong suds and remove dirt and grease readily • • Origin of, the Woolwich, . The weelaack; on which' thaloial chan- cellor of England sits; is, a large square hag of 'wool covered wale red cloth. 'It • ..ivas first Used in the time of Edward 111. to remind the peers• of the great Importance 01 tbetsoo1 trade to Eng - 'lend and the 'consequent necessity of keeping .friendly with Flanders. ' • The First SOade, The first agrieulieral Instruinene the ancestor of bath' Splideaind pick, was a. .pointed,stick. • • •. Tweed. Tweed, as a cloth' name, arose from a 'inietake. Its name was twill, but in a• blotted invoice sent to a London mer- chant the word booked /lye tweed, and so It came into use. . Peathersi. The minim lists (Iodate that the feath- ers of birds are simply modified hairs. Languages. . • It Is estimated that. sinee the "con- founding of tenguages" at Babel there have beeir something like 5,000 xliffer- • ent forms of speech. This estimate • reckous 1,500 distinct languages and 3,500 collogulals. • • •• eaVLON NATURAL eRgEN Tga ' • Put up in sealed lead packets to preserve 1 many excellen,1 qualities. • Sealed tead Rackets only. 24c. 30e; 40c, 50g, and 60c Per ib' , at ail Qracers, ItighestAWard St, Lotus, 1904., Carpets and Linoleum,. Our Spring Stock of Floor coverings is eomplete. Show many new patterns; Prices a little lower than last yea • English Brussels at • $ .85 $1.00 English. Tapestries at 40 .50 • ,65 . • 4M1 -Woo Vard wide • .60 .75 ;85 $ Reversible Union .25 . .85 .45 - Scotch Linoleum per sq yd .25 .40 - 40 Carpet squares in EniOn, Wool, Tapestry and Brussels at prices th will interest economical housekeepers. J. 11. Chellew, Bum, Furniture nd Undertaking. L WA YS RELIABLB Hovey's Baking Powder, per ib. ...25e Hovey's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Hovey's Compound Syrup of White • and Hypophosphitee, 50% • Pine and Tar, for boughs • pure Norway Oil! made by tonic and strengthening eItivey's Cocoa Cream, ()ream of ' Our °WO receme. /stone and.colds, . 4 oz. bottle fo•r 25c Hovey's Beef, Iron and Wine,c for bottle •• • • • • • 45e • other 'just- as good' 16 oz. • medicine 10 oz. bottle 750 Witch llakel and Cream a. ox.. , ..... 5 . noveY's Compound Ivan Pills, 50;in Violets, for chapped hands, ... . ... ...... a b25ot boxes $1 00 etc, per bottle 254 • • J. E HOVE•Y 7 Dispensing Chemist and Druggist • .111missossiismausomoNismonlimaluan Paint Your fluggy • .Buggip's 'need painting' this spring, and the time. to have them done is now, and the pace to have them . done right is at., • niball .McMath's Huron Street, Clinton. 0 a. lAtentioat How about Seeds? Call early. We have Red Clover, Alsike and Lucerne, Timothy. eta. • • • • '1. Anyone wanting anything special should call and order early so as to be "sure of procuring it when needed. We will talk more of seeds later on. • WI Dins.- Call and examine our new Spring Goods of all kind?. See out beautiful range pf,Colla,re, get a pattern sheet, Our, ina,ga,Mne and patterns ars very cheap.' • • el Lt..) •, Emporium, Londesboro, Feb. 20th, 1906, Teeth of the Sea Wolf. The stones that weed formerly pass- ed front hand •to heed as being th gems fossil teeth of the sea wolf. • ‘..lranciffsi Titles. • .- • The titles ot -Jewish' rabbinicalwrit- ' lugs tire •uften' fanciful. 'One .Commen-, tory is citiled "The • iletirt of Aaron," tbe Introileetion to the Talmud is. the 0Boties ofaoseple", and. other -treatises are termed' "Garden- of Nets" and' "Golden Apples4" • • • • • 'Niagara, It is estimated that the cataract .of. Ningfillt is 31,000 years old. The height , of ,the fails was. atone period 420 feet. it Is. now,100 feet. • . 1-1DAMS. . . torrowassincemnisragg • • , 4044444-T-44 47414V$4464-$ Did you ever Stop to think When buying a Dinner, Tea or Toilet Set, or Fancy China, first-class goods, up-to-date shapes �r decorationsbe sure and call at.J. W. IRWIN'S, 5 ORATES ON THE WAY FROM TUE • s97 POTTERS IN ENGLAND. . • •fte eer Teas, Sugars and Canned Goods Alseirist lanzors4 • Mail). razors have been found in the' reins of .Pompeil. They are of dif- ferent sham% some resembling knives, -44, , others beteg 110t unlike the razors of the • preseilt day. The barber shops of an ty were also provided with bot- tles otperfome and boxes. of ponaatum.•• • ' . — ' The Caspian Seal. • The largest hotly of water in the world having no .mitlet in the ecetin Is. the Caspian mea, it being 1.8,009 spare • /11116In exfrout. MILBURN'S LAXA•BLIVER PILLS Us lads shire and ode, and area palms regulator of the swam. • ' They gently nalock the secretions, atom away all effete and wash. Matter iron tbs. epteso, mad ere tone and vitality to th• • *heist Intestinal tag* ehtlag, Cong4P- don* Mak Headache, Baktuniela., Dyer? , gao Darted Tongue, Pod Breath. Awls, glee, Itoarthsuys,ond Waster ,Brash. itto. IL 1. Ogden,. Woodstock,. N.B., andtars olty husband and myself have used Imenee Lau. -Liver. Pills tor a slumber ad JL Ws think stei cannot do Ill*shoes taw*. NI tbs aisly *a war lake.* Irdos 115 &iota et Ow 1)4 gat for PAR Mali did*. oe direot on i5 et prim. 1%6 T. Waft 00., L1ssi4%real% Oak • We lead in Quantity, Qaality and Prices. Special outprices on Sugar in 100 lb bags io Agr College saye "YeiloW Leviathan stands at the SictuitEtuD All kinds, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Or- ehard Grass, Mangold and 'Turnip Seed. Outer - head of the list in yield per etre in 25 different varieties," '• J. W. IRWIN CASH PAID:VOlt BUTIER:AND EGGSiT Clinton Sash, boor, 'and Blind Factory. f The Town of Clinton, is on the eve of a "boom," if you contemplate .building, let us give:you our 'estitnation,'etc.' tarlleadquarters for all kinds of Wilda's' materisU,IS•1 S. S • COOPER Clinton, gouse and Lot for Sale A BARGAIN FOR A QUICK PURCHASER The house now occupied by rue, containing 14 rooms, A. two-story frame building; front, side and back en- trance corner bIt halfetcre t good stable, from side ' entrance; coed oreliard, For an immediate purclwer, will be sold. at it EAIIGAIN. The house is built of solid timberseand will last a, life-thne.111$200 spent recently in modern improvements. For further particulars, or an inspection of property, apply to ,THOS. 'JACKSON, SEN,,,, CLINTON