HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-04-06, Page 21110$
cial otter A4aligging wand Intompeteace. 1 RtiEumAirisivi „ . Premier iin4 Prince.
. .,
balm made arrangements
Pk we can off cr the New
Bra and the Weekly Globe to
3taw subscribers, for the bal.
.ssioe of the year, for $1,23.„—
This meat -is that those who do
flQt talte either of these papers
can get them both until ist of
January, 1907. for 25 cash.
The glintoa New Era
New Leader Chosen
'Upon Mr. Edward Brown, a success-
ful general merchant of Portage la
• Prairie and Mayor of that town, has
fallen the mantle of Hon. Thomas
Oveenway as leader of the Liberal
;Varty in Manitoba, and the choice is
vegetated as an excellent one. His was
the Only name offered ' to the woven-
. Ws:, this being a fair indication of the
atananimity of the party in this impor-
:lent factor to success at the next ap-
peal to the electorate.
.10. Brown was born neaa. Gresham,
.,Eairce county, Ont., in 1865. His fath-
er was Reeve of that county for many
years,and was closely identified with
'ublic affairs. Mr. Brown was for a
aline engaged in the general. store bus-
anees in Paisley, but left that town for
aatte West in 1888 to engage in business
,)with his brothers at Portage la Prairie,
-*here they have been remarkably suc.
e,ttsful. Mr. Brown has had a wide
itxperience in civic affairs, and his
friends confidently predict more dis-
s Unction for him in the wider sphere
ra'S opening. He is an excellent and
afearless platform speaker, and brings
Sao the Liberal party the qualities nec-
essary for -a successful leader at this
Spritical juncture in its history.
o Changes in License Measure.
Saa Premier Whitney and Hon. Mr.
,...li'aenna made it plain to the deputation
em the Ontario Alliance whii wait -
*ton the Government at the* Gov-
alaitment has no inte ion \ of changing
i"the.Previdehet ot the lice„tts act sta.
tlire"athe of the. vote
•altilled for the earrying ra aastSption
:Aqaba:vs. They also clearly .sated that
aahe Government will insist on equalize -
ton 10 regard to periods of voting on
sAcical option, thus, whether the by-law
tilts or carries in a >re unicipality, no
Other vote Will be taken for a fixed
'".44,nte. Two years is mentioned in the
taall, but the Government is not, it was
Amnounced, bound to that time.
rhe Fite Wheat •
a • Xi. S. Armstrong writes to the Globe
Correcting an item it had as to the or -
gin of Fife Wheat in this country,
and says:
,3 •
was David Fife who originated
..,,the wheat in this country, and whose
son, Sylvester Fife, still lives on and
farms the homestead where the wheat
S,*as first grown. It is also an error to
sSay that it was tires grown in Scotland.
Sit was taken directly from a vessel un -
'1 loading wheat at Glasgow from Russia,
aaand sent to David Fife, who planted it.
'It all grew, but all rusted badly, ex-
napting five heads from one root. Two
01 these were .eatens by oxen, leaving
atialy three heads. The great probabit-
..its is that the single grain from which
:these heads grew was an accidental
brid. Lonight say here that the late
ife never made any money out
of his wheat, but, on the contrary,
,•eishen he found that he had a good
thing; distributed it far and near
among his frfends. Kes that in a few
, asetirs it spread over the country.
The Lauria. Government is no
truckler to the corporations. It placed
the railways under public control. It
eintends to regulate the export of Nile
tatara power in the interest of Canadian
'conspmers. Its latest move 16 to place
the telephone system of the country
•ander public control, like the railways.
The first division :n the Local House
this session was on the Connta Coun-
cils Act, and stood 50 to 18---a majority
of 38 fcr the Government.
,10111111.111.' WNW
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each. day.
Does it send out good blood
iiat bad blood? You know, for
*Ood blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
yot know precisely what to.
take for bad blood— Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
eltdorsed it for 60 years.
,,,,osw•frequent Caine et bad blood IA ainggith
OVer.. This produces constipation. rolsonotni
antostaisees aro then absorbed into thee blood,
ituiteed of being removes I rn111 t110 'body daily
VW nature intended. Keep tho bowels open
• tla AYeei MSC liver pills. All Vegetable,
Mate hr .7. O. Ayer Co„ testae KU&
A11110 Antliuralsturera of ••
ers Mum CCM
There is le freeh:" ragging scandal '
in Great Britain. Four °facer* of the
fir$t battalion of the Scot. Guarrie have
been *meted* and all the othet offices"
of the regiment have been ordered to
retava te Aldenhot, Pending the regult
of a full court Of .enquiry into the
"ragging of Second LleuteoantOlarit
Kennedy, because he Was too poor to
meet certairi regimental expeneee.
Lieutenant Remedy, afters mock
court -Martial, Wae ettil)Petlf bathed in
MOtOr oil, cOvered with feathere, and
his hair soleared with jaw Ile fled to
hie room, and thence out ot the window
to an hotel where he was cleanedand
. ,
The enquiry has been ordered by
War Seereta.ry Haldane, who isone of
the Basaerian apostles of elliciency
the public departments, and who will
see that sttong steps are taken towards
eliminating the pernicious tradition
that only individuals with considerable
private means can become officers in
the snore famous regiments of the
When secretary .for war attacks
"ragging " le is striking at one of the
mainsprings of incoinpateneya :hiAls
places,Whica is the baLe of insperail
adinhastration ali over the world. The
.gravity of a ragging." is not in itself
stupendous blot, upon the manage.
meta of a; stupendous empire. In • se,
far as it represents youtafol ebuilienre
of sph.it it might be winked at. But it
is a manifestation of the caste spiriaan
attempt t o preserve certain public
posts for a limited. class Of people, ir-
respective of their coropetehey to serve
the country.
The army must• be thrown open to
talent. Its regimental officers must
receive pay sufficient to support them
in the discharge of their duties, and
the duties' they disaharge must be coin.
mensurate with the pay they receive.
Looked at iron's this distance, the job
of making the array efficient indays et
peace,' to say nothing of its efaciency
in time of war, is a much smeller Ma
dertaking than those who are grapa
piing with it know it to be.
Any tradition is hard enough to k ill
but a tradition which is.founded 00
wealth and incompeteney is the hardest
of all to destroy. Ificompetence, when
it flourishes under the sign manual of
majesty, develops in amazing compet"
ency in sticking to those pings which
it has and ougbotot rcraiete, and in ;
refusing to.acquire those things whioh
it lies not, and Which it'ought to have
It is a great exainplenf natural cons
Canada and theChinese. '
. -
In a clause in. the gecretary's' abiltair
report Of the Toronto Chinese Mission
read lase night at the meetingof teach-
ers and officers in Cooke's Church, it
was expressed taat the tax of $500
placed upon Chinese enteriag Canada
was severe and unjust. The report
stated: "They (the Chinese) are
dustrious, sober and on the whole law-
abiding citizens, supplying the kind- ofn
labor we need and which our. own
Canadian people wilt not do. If we
were consistent we would not anew
our merchants to trade with Chide.
lest they should briog-money into Can-
ada that ought to be epent in China, or
we would ask the British Government
to cease sending opium into that great
empire and stop a traffic that is doing
more to blight the, lives of the Chinese
than the liquor traffic is doing with out
own people."
The attendance was fairly. large.
Reports showed the work progressing
favorably. The treasurer announced
receipts of $84(1 with $29 expenditure
The secretary reported 15 Chinese
classes in the churches of the city, with
an average attendance of ,500. -The
election ot officers remiltea Rev. Da
R. B. McKay, president.; Mrs. LaWrence
Hunter, 1st vice-president ; Jno. Ham-
mond, second . vice -President s lama.
-Humphries, • secretary; and Miss _IL
Stewart, treasurer.
Tarte for the Cabinet.? -
Will Hon. J. Israel Tarte be an in-
dependent candidate,in Nicolet,. with
strong Liberal tendencies, and later on
get beak into the Laurier Cabinet? is
what people are asking each other in
the streets to -day..
The ex -minister of public works is in
Ottawa, hut his friends are pushing
the movement fot. all they are worth* .
and, it is said, with Mr. 'Carte's full
knowledge and consent.
Not a day seareely passes that does
not see a ministerial boom in La Pat
rie. It is noticed that beth in the
editorials ,and parliamentary, lettere
there is always a good -word for L. P.
Brodeur, who is salted to go on the
It is no secret here that the ex -minis-
ter has been trying to convert Sir Wil-
frid and Mr. Pitipatrick to the idea, of
allowing the ex -Ministers Pension Act
to remain as it is,but perhaps the Pre-
mier, who has always maintained that
Mr. Tarte is still his warm 'personal:
friend. might ask lam to drop the $3500
and pick up $8000 instead by coming
by coming back. via Isticolet.
A Detroit firm of tannerb has sue-
eeecled in producing a white leather of,
first Class qualita, something that the
best tanners the.world Over have been
ex per; Men ti n g with for years.
Isovirteen of the 1,200 miners who
were entombed in the coal mines at
Courtieres, Prance," twenty days ago,
hove been taken from the mine alive
arid well. They had lived en hay found
in oho of the underground stables and
the morsels of food Which they took
Into Ilia mine With them nearly three
weeks Ago, ..01: attempts to rescue the (
entombed men had been abandoned
• more than two weeks ago.
Imo fo the Blood
Consequently it requiem an internal
t_aeatotenta ,one that rui reetOre the
10100do and thereby relieve the Mee of
the peals.
Alter leareof eirperiMent
ton eucceeded in producing a rentedY
lt3,1111adtatIVOYellitlieftilirslo=i441)4 gout'
nutrvellotts cure has been ,given
to the public as Dr.. Hamilton's Mao -
drake and Butternut Pills ; in every
case they cure quickly,
By tontng,the kaaneye and litre; Dr.
Iiamilton'aPills ensure a clearabealthy
body. The blood is restored to a nor-
mal, healthy condition, renewed vigor
is imparted to oyerworked organs end
thus the general health is built up: and
00 room is. left. for • theumatism to
creep in,
Dscragea sufferer, relief is at
hand, Use Dr. Hamilton's: Pills and
you will soon shake hands Lor good
witlt your old enemy. Here is substan-
tial proof:
• a (Bowies Story elms.
"This is a glad day for me, writes
Iames E. Brosvolield, from Midland,
Out., "because 1 can speak of ray per.
nianent cure of rheiunatiera, I have
been all through the aching days and
sleepless nights, have spent MY money
on worthless reinediesancl consequent-
ly hi recommending Dr. Hamilton's
Pills I feel sure of their merit. No
remedy gave such relief or clid me so
Int1911 good as Dr,liamilton's Pills. MY
rheumatism they cured,and eVer since
so health bas been perfect."' -
hen Dr. Ilismaton's Pills are to be
had in any drug store, it's foolish to
live ou in inleety and illasealtla, You
ought td get this medicine to -day. and
cure yoorself, Price 25c per. box, or 5
boxes for $1 at all dealers, or by mail
from .. Poison & Co., Hartford,
Conn., 'U.S. A., and Kingston, Ont.
Homestead FntrieS
Homestead entries to the number of
3D"rerntkizT7155QIiwere made in gnitib1eZII!
• west Territories and British Columbia
during the halt fiscal year, Some
twentystwo nationalities figure in the
returns, including 4 284 English, 1,225
Scotch and 421 Irish. Canadians from
Ontario numbered 4,885, and returned
Canadiansirom the United States, 483.
There were 8,532.citisens of the United
States who took oot entries. That the
Doukhobors are breaking away from
the communal systere is shown by the
'fact that 207 became- homesteaders..
The bulk of the foreignets who lima
steaded, outside of Americans, were
Austro -Hungarians. Their strength
was 1,931. The total homesteads taken
cover an- -acreage of .4,931,040' acres
Arrivals for the last fiscal year at ocean
and inland ports numbered 140,200, of
whom 65,359 came from the 'Eritish-
IeleS, :37,255, frora the continent and
Iceland, apti 48,652 'law the United
States, • -
Frank J. Cheney makes oath thataia'
is sepia!! partner of the fl f
y o g us nese i te
' Cherie & Co doin b i 13 h
' On Vtrednetalay the Prime Minister
sent the 10110Wing meseage of welcome
to His Royal Ifighnele Prince Artheir
1 of Cleanauglat ; •
"Ottawa, March 28, 1900. -Iris Royal
Highness Prince Arthur of Oonnau_g. IA,
Victoria, B.O. $ On behalf of the Oov.
;14:letAllin el:11'41Z ;0%n:1M:10Y:huff; .
part of re natjeaty'a derail:ions, aad
conftdently hope that your visit may
piove as eajoyable te /ourself as A
will be gratifying to the Canadian
• (signed)
wthrtun toslatmit.
To the foregoiug the following reply
was riceived - •
" Victoria, B.C., tlexch 28, 1906. -
The Right. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
Ottawa; I am deeply touched by the
kind Preset:, e of welcome sent to me
by you on ellen of -the. Government
and people Of Canada. It g.iyes me
the very greatest pleasure to have this
eaportunity of visiting this vast Dont-
pawn, of meetiug its loyal inhabitants,
and of learning aoroethiog of its great
and ever-increasing resources.
President Oreelina,n, of the Ontario
A.gripultural College, is in the habit of
pointing out that in the last two' de-
cades the output of the Ontario farm -
in industry has doubled without any
increase in acreage. Re tmee this
marvelous result directly to the Glielph
Iostitution, and therefore, be arts rea
eon for the enthusiasm which makes
birn One of , the most ioteresting per.
sonalities of this country. Agriculture
in these days is a science. Moreover,
t.is one of the fewaciencee which can
offer equal ;delight to the speculative
thinker. and the utilitarian. Every
success, every discovery, every possible
experiment act diteetly and inamed.
lately on the wealth of the country.
Once it was mad by the happy-go.lucky
farmer, no cloulta that only a wealthy
tnan could cultivate 100 acres of land
scientifically. Sensible people now do
not talk in 'this :manner. The farmers
of Ontario are seeing -the advantage of
pure seed,'crop rotation, and Soil study,
and are embracing the opportunity of
learning how :to make two blades of
grass growwhere °lie grew before: The
Legislature will well to give the ,
College all itasks. There will. he 4
manifold return for every emit exPeral-
d there.: ' -
I .
aansee a, . (.1arfielirs brother. I
. Themes Garfichl, a brother of Presi-
dent Garfield, is -living near Hudson
vine, 'Midi. He is . eighty-three years
;old and has lived In the state and on
the farm he oNirns for ,forty years. Mr.
'Garfield' bite oeeer been in Washing .
ton. "After James had been . elected
'President!' saySlie, "I went to 'Mentor
' to aiSit litio for a week before lie 7ent
. to 'Washington.. While thore.he told -me
a -that it was the, worst thing that could
bare happened tp alna. He. wanted to
go to the :senate, Where he thought lie
could acconiplisil mere'gotid, bet the
preside:Ica was forced Upon him, When
-,1 started,to come home lames carve to
Clevelartd :with meand put nie on the
train: His ' lest words to Me
'Thomas, I have to Say goodby to you.
Aou are going back to a quiet. Michigan
home, while I am going whete 1 shalt
bee° 'Increased anxiety and Ptiros:1' Tae
next time. I , saw 'lames be was a
city of Toledo,County and State.afere-
'Aids .andthat said firm s pay the
Of Cas.41. 1-11,7NDRE11..C.OLLARS
-foreach and. eve ty etiatbarataisthathat
cannotsbe cured by -the 'use' of- Hall's•
Catarrh Cure. FRANE CHENEY.
Swot to befoie me and stabacribed
in my presence this. eta day of Demos-
ber' A.1: -1* 8.36. • A.W. GLEA.SON,
Catarkili Cure is taken inter -
natty and acts directly. on .the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system:
Send for testimonials free,
F. J. 1111hINEY & Co,.Toledo; 0.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
tion. , •
W. Er. Maclean, M.P., was uncere.
moniouslyseat upou by several of the
Opposition members at Ottawa; on
Thursday, "Billy" is .naisaace,
somewhat of a humbug, abd almost as
lacking in principle -as the Evil One,.
• Mr. E; Tbisley, the Chief Game War-
den for Ontario, in his annual report
to the Government, asks to have the
special privileges' given Indians, :aod
so-called settlers, trappers and poach-
ers in general Curtailed or abolished.
White meta he says, hire Indians to
kill mciose, isod does whan heavy with
calf, and settlers in unorganized terri-
tories provide accotrimodation for tour-
ists during the summer season; the at-
traction being his abili y to furnish
his guests with all kinds of game dur-
ing the close season. Mr. Tinsley des-
eribes some of these risen as white ant-
inals'or beasts, andhe wants the. Gov-
ernment to deny theta such privileges,
in the intereeta of the gime and for
htunanity's sake,
. .
That the far:ante footnote in tae
Method* discipline, prohibiting danc-
ing, theatre -going and other so-called
questionable .atnifeeirients, would pro-
bably be modified considerably at the
next Methodist General 'Conference,
was the opinion expressed by lip% E.
N. Baker at Moody morning's meet.
ing of the Torooto Aletbodiat Minister-
ial Association. There are a good
many Methodists who reepeet the dis
cipline, but thete ate also a good many
who do not, and the &suer: referred.to
Is to all intents and purposes a dead
letter. If all the pelts o the'diacipline
ore eliminated tlutt itreinot observed,
there will not be much of it left, and
we do not know but that it would be
wise for the General Conference to re-
vise it anyway, for it was franie'd
when cooslitiops of life were different
to what they are now,
The first place of worship in Westhrn
Austialia was unique in two 'mascots -
the materials of which it was built,
and also the several' purposes to which
it was, devoted. l'ins remarkable
building was made .s,t Perth by sol.
diers, shortly after their first arrival
in 3829, and Was eoroposed altnest en.
tirely of bulrushes. In addition to its
use on Sundays for divine worship, it
wasionally served as an amateur
theatre during the Weekp and during
the whole time as a barraake, •
The Isicontiox Stream of blaMoadsb
More than 36,000,000 worth of dias
Mends ,and other precious stones hive
. been iiimeSted"inte the United States
dueing....the peat calendar year. This
;importation of diamonds end' precious
stones is by far the largest' In the his-
tory of the United States, the high wa-
tee Marla Inearlier years haying been
*28,500,000 in 1993, while 1994 elunied
but $27,150,090. In the ten .months of
• 1905 .ended with the Month of October
the total was over $31,000,000, or more
than Itt any full year.prior to t.905. The
imPortation of theses 'ten' months,
anaminting to $31,309,157; gives an eia
• erage of. over *3,000,000 per nsonta, se
that it • may :reasonably be as:turned
that the. figures for the two following
Months will bring the total up to $30,-
000.000 as *27,750;000 an 1904
and .$28,500,000 in '1903, as Hertieral
. .
TOligNTO Illigs
$00TRIN0 Niftw
DEitigirail—FEELS LIKE
'A 110Y,
Afr. N Defoe
Mower The Dust-
less: Brneh Co., 29
Colborne St.Toronto,
is telling hia friends
how he found health
after years of tibiae:
and liana 40 !aye
"1 Isa,ve been
great sufferer from
Dyspepsia for many
years. I bye been
treated by local dec.
tors and have taken
nearly the adver-
Ma.M.N.DAtecar tized remedies with
only temporary relief; if any at alabut
since using Anti -Pill I can eat Anything
tho same as when a boy, I have been
taking one anti -pill at bedstirne for the
past three raonths end find they regu-
late both stornacla and bowels. My old
time vigor has returned, so that my
spirits are bnoyan t and teraper treatise',
As a result of thie untapped for experi-
ence 1 am in duty bound totagive all
credit to this wondertul remedy, .A.nti.
Every druggist sells Dr, LSoultardt's
Anti -Pill, or a sample will be sent free
by The Wilson-Fyie Co., Limited, Nis
ftgarat 1:10ot,
No. 23, jaannl°e'sT4r,etuill of
the it C. Cliurch. vAnsurpowistoludrcrumorisoumox"* **to.
Moose mor Side
Ten room', with Woodshed and Sable
Orally located for particulars ripply to
hard and *Oft water, a sore Of lend. een,
W. BtorrioNE.'
Chelee Farm, tor Sale
Elitheoriber tiers for Bale big splendid
krin .of 26 eons on the Buie Line, being
north part of lot 2, Montana Block, 1114141
Good briok houee, barn end all neoessery
outbuildings; 35 boree bush; farm well as -
tared end os good oandition, 2 miles from
Atiburn. JOHN BRAUN% Auburn P.O
Good House for Sale.
Subscriber offers for Sale hie large end
ooniforteble frame honee on Albert Street,
The house has every oonvenienoe for °van -
'try family. Good oellat; hard and soft
vsater the lot; three.quartets•of.an.acre
of lend; beeriag fruit trees, alp good
reship. Will be sold on reseonabla term.
Clinton, Moh 3003.
The remedy that cured Mit Defoe so Farm. tor 'Sale. •
completely is surely worth a trial. 502 ' •
, ' Subscriber offers for :sale his farm of
Railway 'Phone System
100 acres, being lat 24, Con. 2ed, Stanley,
All cleared "but 10 acres. Brick boriee,
bank barn 4000. gement elle, 14x30; One
aore of orchard and email fruits, 2 never -
ling wells. Drivingboues, pig pen, hen
hOnse. Five mike: from Clinton and three
from Brucefielci, on good gravel roads,
Clinton P. 0. -
Arrangements are being made by
the Grand Trunk Railway Company
for a telephonte installation of their
own over their entire system. The
central exbisa,nge will be at the general .
offices of . the company., wl•ere the
switchboard, with all the necessary
terminal facilities, will be erected, and
the wires will run from Montreal to
Portland on the one hand, and from
Montreal to Chicago on the other,
This installation will mark an en-
tirely new departure scatar as Gana-
dian railways are concerned. It is re-
garded as a highly important under-
taking, involving an expenditure of
between three and four hundred thou-
sand dollars, and the construction of
map)? thousands of, miles of copper
vsire. • .
1VAIMD: by Chicago wholesale house. spec-
ttg'ir."381:4117. tragwiroAf:cleeage,i,r.
.111.1z2Ziuin'zrtgnuiVenniTe.. matir. 7TO: ini•ZZI:
:anent required! Fre:Anus onEperomee not assent-.
IBA to engaging. . .• , ,;
Address General Manager. 134 Lake Street,
Mar 23 10 . , , Ch1cagc4 U. 5,4
.• •", ,
• • . BUSINESS .
-• is a hesitator:le Cemnierefal
• Three ;Courses _' •
na ereio4-,- Stenography Telegraphy,
Write ono. si)orTnN. rin.Aparl.
1, •
- Start for a .Good Salary'
By taking one 9f 'our ./fome-study
courses, It costs but a trifle, and
•;only , requires yon spare. time.
Write to -day for partial:Liars •
• W. 11. SEBW. • VrfUtpd
Clinton Post -office Time Tabie
blic Libby opens.— a7.30 a.m.
Public Lebby closes... ...9.00 p.m.
Wicket &M.O. °Mop open 8,00 a.m.
P. O. office closes.. a .a..6.00 -para.
Wicket closes,. . .......1.00 pan.
Mails close as follows
South ..... 6.85.a.m., 3.50 pan.
East -6.35 a.m., 2.50 p,m., 4.50 pin. •
North. -9.50 a.m'
. 6.00.p.m.
West 12.30 p.m.
Godericha .9.50 a ria, 6 pan., 9.p.m. .
Mails are ready for delivery approxi-
mately as follows .
• Fronallorth, —8.00 a.m. 4.30 p.m
. " West .......... s...8.00 a.m.
" South. -11 00 a,m.„ 00 .
" East. .8.00 aim!, 2.00 p,m,
[from the night train .
" Goderich . . 3.45 p.m.
Advertise in ".thi: Vis! .ERA
IMPRQVED machinery
I will , not, o'f itself, pip -
duce good flour.
You may be an excellent
cook, but you cannot pro-
duce light; wholesome
baking unless the flour you
use be the kind that. permits
such results., ,
So in the milling; machin-
ery alone cannot produce
• Royal Household Flour
• out of the wrong kind of wheat any more than you
can make the right kind ofpread: or 'pastry out of
the wrong kind of flour.
Ogilvie's ROyai Household. Flour is made from
bard spring wheat—a wheat that is rich in nutriment,
that grinds fine and white, and produces bread and
•pastry that,,,tre wholesome and nourishing as well as „
light and crisp—it's a flour that begins to be go9d in c
the wheat fields, not in the mills.
Your grocer prefers to
sell', you Ogilvie's Royal
Household Flour because • .
he knows the value of a
pleased customer.
Ogilvie Hour Milk Ct., LW.
"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," 000.
tains 180 pages of excellent reeaspes,
tome never publisbed before. Your
104 grocer ean bit youlow to getit FREE.
Farm tor Sale.
• The farm of 50 sores in the 11rd eon. of
Hurtettaccoupied by subscriber is offered
for sale, Ail but four sores cleared, and
in good State of cultivation. 13 sores fall
wheat seeded down. Bunning spring, all
fall plowing dooe but 11 acres. New frame
house, small barn, Acre of bearing orchazd,
n miles Irma Clinton. Also team of good
working horsea for sale. .
Nov 17 05 oilv °BAN, MASON, Hallett.
Farm in Tuekersnilth to
To rent tor a terra of taarsaLot 14, Con-
ceseion two, L. R. fa* containing 1Q0 sores,
SO sores of which are cleared and in e good
state of cultivation. This farm is situated
1 1-2 miles from Kippen, 7 miles from Sea -
forth, and 3 1:2 from Hensel!. This Parra
is well fenced, drained, and has first clam
buildings thereon, and is one of the best
Maas in the,County of Huron. For terms
&o, apply. to, Doig & Doha, Attorney Sault
Ste. IlliteleaMiobigan. 8-11
'Iv Aunt. for Sale "
. :•
Two huidred and ilairtt-five hares. situ-
afea on Hayfield Road, Goderiot Tp., three-
quarters -of -a -mile frow :.Olinton. Soil in
excellent condition,rhaving been all under
grass for five years; Splendid grin or grass
land, well drained. Five acres hardwood
bush and excellent' orchard. One barn,
5274, with stone stabling for 12 heroes
and 35 cattle; one barn, 33t54; with silo
and litibling for ,-17` cattle. Large ,itople-
went house and pig pen; power and ptiinp.;
ing windmills; large frame house; two
good wells and. running water at rear of.
farm. Apply to MRS. ALEX: ' '
RUE WEN, Clinton R.0,,, or Lot 23, Con.
2, Stanley. •
4 WI. • .
Bulls for Sale.. '
Two thortabred Short Horn bolle for
sale. aged 2 &ayeare, both red with alittle-
white; splendid individual bulls of good
pedigree. One by Oiggins' Imported Fan-
oy's Pride; the other by Snellai atom of
Al coning. Will be sold reasonable.
Seed Grain for Sale. •
Manchuria Barley arid Siberian Oats,
good standing stiff straw, and Mediuth-
Wbite rem!, A.ti free from wild Oats and
Mustard, and the two former acknowledged
by Government statistics bight* .vielders
knOwn. JOHN' YE0,. Holmdsville.
• :Seed 'Oats 'and Clover.
• The ur8ez'signedhsa s, quantity of first
Class seed cats for sale. Theyare two of
the beet varieties ever gni* n , this _Part.
Therhave good straw and splendid grain
hayIng yielded 70 to 80 bushels' per afire.
A clean and beautiful seed, free of Siritt:
-These oats sell at 45 cents per bushel. -
subscriber has Red Glover Seed, also some
first class dairy cows, about to calve. -
• • LOREN TYISDALL, Efullatt
Itinerican (!!.4) ir
For Sale. -
A.quantity of first-class A nieri-
can Corn; will be sold for
Stash orexcha,nged for.grain.
. ZAIso other stock food,
Standard Ekvatort
We beg to call your attention to
• '.the Sugar problem • ,
100 lbs. ite.dpath's Gran-
ulated„Sugar, $4.40
Canadian Sugar is quoted 10c less
We are offering Quality as well
as Quantity - REDPATH'S is
the best Sugar on the rearkettas
those who have tried inferior
makes, know, and are always
pleased to return to its use.
We cak obtain nothing -too
good for our people, and there-
fore Will keep no other grade
Our aim is always ' 1' 11 e s t •
Quality at Closest Prices," as the
nimble 'sixpence is better than
the slow shilling.
1 ...........a.....-a........................saaasa.
Clinton,- Ont. •
brOrloti-rillett EWA, fonaraly tome*
IfferST SO
Pram ETO.
VONVRTANCEBEI coinossimuni
Real Estate andIusuraeceNgent
Money So loan 'saS
tatia ITALE, JOHN 11113Prill
MedLal. '
Di*. Cana & Quinn.
NM W. Gunn, L, 15. e IL N. 0. fit,, wow.
Or, J. Nisbet 0113111, i.b. 8. faulaWil
. V., Leaden,
Office- Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla st
front door of office or residence, Rattenburr
Street. .
PfrasiOraN, etatentOts
anerneheur eta °face ande idenCe
0 kit., opposite Hinglfsh church,rfO4r 324
onvied by Dr, ApPleten, Vinton ork-4-.erly oo . •
• ,Phyaiciau Surgeon E50. s ss
, .
special attention given to diseases of the . '
Ere, Nor, Throat and. Nose- .
' Office and Residence--
Alukert Snreet.g.Blocks North CorllatteRbarr
GI. W. Nanning Smith, 111. D.terd
PaYBICIAN & 131:11WHO1.
QrBIUB--lgaitOtrect, Bayfield, formerly
• occupied by Dr. Pallieter:
(Successor to Dr. T, C. Bruce,
Sp ccialet in Crown and Bridge Work
S,-Groduate Royal college Dontotl.t3ur
goons of Ontario, luronto.
D.D. Mono e graduate et Do.
talDepartraent of Toronto Duive•
special atteation_poid to preservation ,Ser
ehudren's teeth. Will visit Bailield •
DR. 11, FOW1AEll,
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
• Special care taken to make dents Ire
anent as painless as posdible. W vi
Auburn every Monday.
• Miscellaneous.
TABIzs oastrBELD, LONDE1311080.
No witnesses required
Private fundsto loan at 41,4_per cent and up-
wards ; W. BRYDONE.
• CEORGE ELLterrir,
Licensed Auctioneer,
Farm sales a Specialty.
Orders left, at the NEW ERA. will he'
, promptly attended td;
Live stoCk:and general Auctieneer, .
'Perin stock sales a specialty.. Orders left at
}Taw lins. °slice, Clinton, promptly attended
t414n:t reasmahle, Farmers' sale notes
J. B. Ifinnballs Slinton.
J. P. T180.14.L. •
BAN, 1 •
Private Irina': to loan on reortgageitaitt.
• : beet current. rate. •
General Ranking business le tne.eted •
'Interest •allowed on &podia.
Sale notes bought '
O. 'D. *cTaggart Id. 2. MoTaggart
IALBRrItll'I:ISNT17:.?.tiaw.ro. '14
Glineingtrannesilakeitnet 13111111n"‘
Drafts issued. Interest allowed cn
The McKillop Mutual
Fire insurance Co.
Farm and Isolated 'town Pro** -
• erty Only Insured.
J. -B. 1VICLean, President, Xippeni- Thos
Eraser'Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos. E
Hays, Seat,. Trees,* Seaforthl ,
Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; johns
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seaforth; J. Evans, Beech,
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bea.
newels, Broclhagen.
Each Director is inspector of;lossesPro
his own locality.
Robt. Sinih,. Harlock; Ed. Hinchley
Seaforth; James 'Cumming, t gmoud-
ville; I. W. Vet),
R. Fitsoithons & Son
We are still in the Iiut-
chering business, and are
in a position to fihl, all or- -
dem for seasonable meats,
intrusted to our care.
Our new business stand
is in the Combe •Blocic.
R. Fifissitions & Son
Pb* 74 Clinton