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Established 1800
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Iartof making money. To start
The art of eaving money is the
saving money requires a devosit
of $1.00 only in
-T H
Sovereign Bank
Deposits of $1 and upwards re-
. ceivgd.
1 -LT. RA NC E,
Manager of Clinton branch.
• , *
New Advertisements.
Single Fare, F. R. liodgens .,..page 1
Dollar making, Sovereign Bank 1
Special Bargains, A. A, Watt....... • 1
Formaldehyde, W.S.R. Holmes 1
House-cleaning, Newcombes ,,,,,, 4
Small Boys Salts " 4
Annual Concert, Oddfellows.... 4
Getting into line, A. R, Smith.. , 4
Items of Intetest, Robt. Clarke, 4
Wall paper, A. T. Cooper
Mens and Boys Suits, Galbraith Oo...5
Easter Hats R, Adams 5
Card of Thanks, Poppleetone 5
Easter Hats, Morrell & Holmes 5
Black Barley, Stapleton Salt works.
Private Sale, C. Allcock .... ,5
Lost, New Era office 5
Girl wanted, Mrs. Moggi:idge 5
House to rent,J.W. , .5
House for Sale,.T. 0. Allcock 5
More Store News, W. D. Fair . . . ,8
Comfortably settled,HodgeO*Bros.., .8
A successful opening " " 8
31r. Herbert Greatrix of 'Belleville, is
dying in the hospital, as a result, it is
said, of taking a dose of medicine, free
samples of which were distributed re-
. . .
A splendid graging fann in Stanley township.
containing 145 acres. About 100 acres dun lie
cultivated. No buildings. plever' failing water
supply. Good location, Price $F7.35 per cre,
14:to. cash, balance on easy tenni,' This is a
g ;'itrvestigate at (Mee. 4. number of improved
farms for sale., . • . r
ztt•ptonsttie.; • StrItit4.54nse;
modern convenience*: Furnace', -Bath-rooni,
hot and cold water, leirgo stable,,Godoricivstreet,
will be sold on easy berths.
• Frame Rouse. 10 rooms, needy remodelled.
furnace, Goderich street, Fosseasion IMF rea-
sonable time, very easy tonna. Some 'Myer
. priced properties for sale. Full particulars on
application to „ :
Real Estate Agent. . ONTARIO..
Single Fare for
Going April i 2th, 13th, 14th,
• 5th and i6th.
Returning until April 17th..
Between all stations in Canada, also.
to Buffalo. Nia_gara Falls, N. Y.I De-
troit and Port Huron, Mich.; reduced
fares also in effect to St. _Paul and
Duluth, Minn.
For tickets and full infermatiiii?.ei
F. R. Hodgens. l'own Agent
_ .
Spring Term Op -ens April and. A higb dtan•
dard of thoroughness is always maintained in
this school. Enter now, and be ready to accept
a fine position in the fall. College open entire
year. Circularsgfree.
W. J. BLuorr, Prin.
Corner of Yonne and Alexander Sts
Guard Your
Child's Sight.
modern coMps.
Ittlort every -Mead.
vantage tells and
none more serlouslr
than poor sight.
Parents whehope for
their children's sue.
coos, should Knew
Moir 'light is th• best
jeweler and Optician.
Spring Term Opens on
April 2nd
Wily should you conthilt Yeittiulf 111
the ordinary walks of life when you ean
better Yeur ernidition by tattle a course
in this school 9 We give a thorough,
Practical education and assist our graft'
ates to good positions. Commence your
emir, now. 'write tor particulars.
Elliott &
• • Principals
Jas. Brown, ofillLetrtiileshoro, has en-
gaged with Voun. 11.Te0ool for sununer.
Mr. Thos. Moon moved from the 9t1t
cou to his farm on the 10th on Monday
las:iiss M. Livermore of the London
Road, StanleY, renewed acquaintances
around Bandon last week.
MessrsP,Howthorne,ef Rolle tt, Robt
Ross, and William Patterson, near
Auburn, recently shot six foxes in
three days.
The followhag off:104s were elected
by the stock-holdersin the Londesboro
Threshing syndicate:- Committee of
Management, Messrs E Lear, J. Mann-
ing and J. Hill, Sen. Treasurer, J,
8tanley Carter, After incorporation
the above named officers will purchase
an outfit, engage a threshing crew,and
conduct all the business for the Com-
oon SALE. -The dairy cows sold by
Mr. Loren Tyndall, 3rd con. of Hullett,
last week, were. particularly well sold,
considering the day. Fourteen cows
realized $705, bele& an average of over
$50 each ; one pair sold. at 0.20. It is
unnecessary to say they were all in the
pink of condition, Mr. Oliver Mills
bought the Short -horn bull. Thos.
Brown wielded the hammer, .
A FINE STACuroar. Messrs James
Leiper and W. H. Moon went to
Strathroy on Monday, to purchase an
entire horse; as both are good.. horse-
men they made up their minds to have
nothing but the very best, and bought
front Mr Colin McKeigan, of that
place, the Clydesdale Stallion Royal
Everard,. It has just- been imported
four months, and was one of the
stallions chosen by *the Dumbarton
Society to travel in that particular
district, which it did for two years, at
$25 service. It is a slightly clerk bay,
with white strip in face and three
white feet, and is a horse that at once
meets with the approval of stockmen.
Messrs Leiper & Moonwi11 travel it
here this season. It won sweepstakes
at Clinton yesterday. '
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
the report of S. S. No. 9, Fluillett, for
the month at March. The names are
in order of • merits -5th-Colin Fing-
land, 4th -Alice Fingland, Bert
Hunkirigs, Robert Good; James •Jack-.
son, Eva Marsh,- Will Hunkings,
Frank _Vineland, Dora Scott, Mary
Paterson, johny Wagner. Jr. Srd-
Sehert Henry, Murray Pingland; Alex
Manning, Rosie Wagner, Earnest
Paterson; Leonard Scott, Sam Govier,
George Jackson. Sr, 2nd -Ella. Wag-
ner, Roy Roberton, Walter Wagner.
•Jr. 2nd -Wellington Good. jr. Pt.
2nd -Murray Scott, .11erbie Lawson.
Sr. lst-Willie. 'Geod. Jr. 1st -Willie
Ociod. jr: 1St -;Willie W'tLgner, Fanny
pnaTn.,-,Wre:imesexeeedingl sorry
to:record the death of Mrs Hue of the
'Wiftecif Wi4Inek, Of the lath deft:'
-ceased has been in 'failing health for
some time, suffering with pulmonary
tubercolosis,, but her death was entirely unexpected., %Monday morning Mr.
Ircielialeft-luieSitiebed arid she said she
felt quite well ; sisme'titne•after the in•
Mates of the household went. to her
room end found her; as they thought,
sleeping, but- instead she was dead,
having passed away without a struggle.
She was only past her ' 47th year, and
leaves besides her bereaasedhusband.
fainily of three girls and two boys to
tnourn a mother's love and care. She
was a consistent member of the Metho-
dist'church. The remains were interr-
ed in Clinton cemetery on Wednesday.
The surprise party and "shower" to
Mrii James Southcombe on Thursday
evening last was a; very jolly affair.
Twenty-two of her young lady friends
from Clinton took possession of her
home, and '"showered" her with some
very nice pieces of china, 'linen, etc.
Mrs.:Southcombe was completely tak-
en by surprise, but, as usual: was not
at a loss for words with which to wel-
come them. 'The young ladies had
asss'ssWis:}1) them some well-filled pro-
sniete.neskets, and after lunch they
left for homes which they reached at
an "early" hour. -Among the Wedding
gifts received by Mrs. Southeonabe,
which were much admired, were a
beautiful sideboard, rocker, and coin -
bitted book -case and writing -desk, in
dark oak. the gift of her sister. Mrs.
Annis, of Port Union, •
RiPonm. - The following report
shows the relative standing of the
pupils of S. 8. No; 5 for March, based
on weekly test -papers, attendance, and
general proficiency : Sr. IV- Essie
Mair, John Wallace,Wna. Hoggart,
Gertie Vodden, Elsie Brown, Wm.
Snell, I3ert .Nott ; Jr IV -Della. Mc -
Cools ErnestVodden, Flossie Brown,
Sept. 'Wallace, Earl Squire, Orval Rap-
son ; Sr. III -Charlie Vodden, Cora
MeCool, ,Armand McCool. Ephrititn
Snell, Earl Mason ; Jr. III -Maggie
Mair, Wesley Hoggart, Richard Vod-
den, Charlie Lee Sr. II -May Ap-
pleby, Ploy .Coie Sr, 1P -Elva Mc-
Cool, Mary Vodden, Wey-
mouth, Etta Brown, Ella Lee, Edna
Lee ; Pt. I -Ira Rapson. Enrolled at-
tendance 33, average attendance M.
Promotions based on the uniform ex-
aminations will be made Monday, Ap-
ril 23rd. It is earnestly requested that
all.Who will be in attendance for the
summer will commence and continue
in regular attendance. '
..fhou an DEAD, - There died .rat D un -
lo 0, on Sunday- lasts it very old resi-
dent, of Huron in the person of Raby
Williams, aged 83 years and 6 months,
whose passing recalls the occurrences
of the early diva in the " Huron
Tract." Oeer half a century a resident
of this section, the late Mr. Williams
was connected in many ways with
those thing a that had to do with the
development of the country in those
pioneer days. Mr. Williams was of
English birth, his father was a judge
in tlae British West Indies, and Mrs.
Willianas Was a daughter of the late
Col. Ilyndman, the first Sheriff of the
counties of Huron, Brune and Perth.
The late judge Ackland Was a brother.
in-law, as is also Mr. John Haldane,
of Toronto, who was the first teitcher
of the Goderich " Grammar School
and a onetime principal. The hardly
of one of his brothers is loeated
Toronto. There are six sons :---.Quin,
of Petosky, Mich., and Patrick, Ar-
thur, Roberti John and Scarlett, of
this section ; the only daughter died
some years ago. The Tate Mr. Wil-
liams was it Conservative in politica,
and occupied from 1887 to 1893 the
• position of D. R. 0; at No. 4 Colborne.
Ile was for 21 years a township end-
Subscribers are urged tq melte
reneWals jYonqtiy, end thus avoid ;he
oss of any copies of the Herald .
Mr. Vrtley, of Stratford, has been
visiting friends here this week.
Messrs. Geo. Dinsdalts, SVna. MoGrer""
OL and Donald MeNevai left On Tues-
day for Saskatchewan.
Mr. Jas. Srnillie, who wedded it lady
in Essex county last Wednesday, ai.
riyed home Saturday night with his
Miss Lottie Grassiek, Nsho has been
ill for some time, is rapidly improving
now, and will soon be her old self
again. Her many friends rejoice with
her in her recovery.
On the evening of March 29th it
pleasant time was spent at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKay, the °el
mien being the celebration of their
golden. wedding anniversary After
partaking of a sumptuous repast, the
following address was read by Mr.
. Dpast Mu. Ann MRS, MCKAY.-It is
with a great- deal of pleasure we have
accepted your kind invitation to enjoy
this evening wlth,you in the celebra-
tion of your Golden -Wedding. It adds
very much to our pleasure -when we
realize how short life is and how few,
if any. of us ever had the privilege of
attending a Golden Wedding before
this one •, that you have been spared to
enjoy fifty years or married life, and
that we have the privilege of congratu-
lating you upon this occasion. As the
older ones present glance backward in
thought 'with you oversthe intervening
half -century, we are filled with grati-
tude to the Great Giver of all good, be-
cause we are spared though many
worthier than us have been called to
exchange Time for Eternity. We. feel
also that we •cannot let this occasion
pass without expressing- to you our
great esteem for you as kind and ob-
liging neighbors, having ever found
you ready to . help, in sickness and
trier We rejoice itr the prosperity
that has crowned your united efforts
in hewing out 11.. comfortable home for
yourselves, and the good health which
you enjoy even at your/advanced age,
and we assure • you, that your example
in industry and honesty has been a
stimulus to us all. ..We now take
pleasure in presenting to you these
two chairs as a Memento of this °CCM. -
ion, hopingthat yea may long be
epared to enjoy them, and, when time
is over, may- we all'ineet in Heaven,
where there shalt be no more:parting.
Signed on behalf of the guests.
• Mits. R. B. MeLailtar
MRS: J. parrz
Mr, McKay Made, a very. suitable
reply. R. B. MeLeen; ex -reeve of
Tuckersmith, was celled to the chair,
and speeches, • songs and. stories Were '
the ereer of 'the evenings Prof. -J.'. B.
McKay, Supervisor Comniercial 'Work
andPerama.nships Pablie Schools, Tore
onto; Mr. and Mrs. ,McKay's
son, excelled himself in the way of en-
tertaining. At a, late hour the gath-
ering broke up, having had a very en-
joyable time:
Stanley. .' '
• Tritipector Tom visited 8. S. No. 1,
Sstanley, on Monday afternoon.
. We are pleased to note that Mrs
John Gilmour is improving hi health.
Mr John Moffat however is still'cona
fined to his room ; he is not quite so
well as --he was last week. •
Mr John !Falconer and wife front
Bayfield were visiting at the home of
Mrs J. Gilmour -last week.
• Mr Geo' Campbell and Mr • Robt
Stelek, of Flay, left on Wednesda,y for
the West ; they went to Edmonton,
Alberta. • ' • ,
The 80 -acre farna on thellth conces-
sion •of Stanley, owned .by. gluts. E.
Johnston, has been sold.to Mr. James
Boyce, who gets **session at once.
Mr. Johnston will move to the west.
Anat ,13noicEN.-About six weeks
agola sonofMr. Neil McGregor, of the
2nd, had the misfortune to break his.
arm, it had just got nicely healed,
When he had the misfortune to fall,
on Wednesday, and break the same
arni again. • ssiss •• :
REPORT. -The following is the March
monthly report for S. 8, No. 14, Stan-
ley, the names being in order of merit:
Sr. V-A. W. Johnstcin, Mary John-
ston Jr. V --Eleanor Hood; E. Gem -
melt .• Sr. IV Etta Jarrott..Tean Gras -
sick, N. D. Jones; • Jr. IV.L•Mabel Mc-
Beash. Rena Moleath, M. M. Fisher;
Sr. Ill -Janet Logan; .Jr. III -J. Kehl,
J. Gemmel), Oda McBeath '• - II -Lola
Rathwell, A. E. Jones, F.Gemmell ;
Second Part -Anna Hood, Ida Rath -
well; First Part-Wallie MeBeath,
Alex MeMuetrie, Nelson Hood. The
best spellers in the monthly spelling
matches were: V, Mary E. Johnston;
IV, M. M. Fisher ; Ill, J. Kehl • II
Lola Rathwell. '
-Miss Medd Sallows spent Sunday un-
der the parental roof.
Ed. Fischer has commenced opera-
tions for remodellinghis barn; James
Elliott, of Nile, is assisting.
° 1Virs. Archie Horton entertained' a
number of hen friends from Leeburn
and Carlow eta rag bee on Thursday.
•Berry Tewsley mad Hugh Rose, lett
for the West on Monday; Mr. Tewsley
took out a number of horses ; Mr. Rose
intends making his home there,
Sutnuterh111. ,
REPORT. -The following is the re-
port of Union School No. 12, klellett
and Goderich, for the month of March.
The names are in order of mer -it : Sr.
TV -A. Mair, S. Challenger. J. Hayes,
M. Dreper, A. Ball; A. Miller ; jr. IV
-H. Hill ; Sr. III -A. McLaughlin, 0.
miner, G. Johnston ; Jr. 1[I ---E.
L. Mair, E. McBrien, J. Lovett, L.
,Challenger, E. MeBrien ; Sr. 11-A.
Johnston jr. II -J. Miller,S, .Me -
Brien, C. Lovett ; Pt, II -F. Lovett ;
Pt. T --.T. Jetinston. The best spellers
are ; Sr, IV -J. Hayes, As•Miller A.
Mair and S. Challenger eclual ; .Ir.' IV
•-s-H,1-1111 Sr. McLaughlin, O.
Miller G;Johnston ; Mails
E. Miller, 1.. Challenger and E. Mc -
Brien equal Sr. II -A, johnston.--M.
11 Prernin, Teacher,
tishfield, •
AIVOINTUENT.--The death of Mr.
Matthew Shackleton, for year post.
master at Crewe, critising a vacancy,
his daughter, Miss M. T. Shaekleton,
has been appointed to tho position.
Mrs. Bruce is very low let present,
Mr. Morrell is putting a new roo on
his verendele s
S. Woodman is having material for
a new stable hauls& •
'Our merchants are booming the egg
trade by paying lac. .
, Mies Annie Jackson spent last week
-with 'friends ie the village.
Mr, J. Ernest Robertson renewed ac-
quainterices here on Sunday last.• .
John H.. Shobbrook is .contined to
tbe house with it sprained ankle.
. .
Messrs, Watson and 'Smith erich
shipped a car of fat cattle recently; .
Mr. 'Thos. Crisp has almost entirely
recovered. from his recent severe
Miss McGuire, of Brussels has taken.
charge of 'the Millinery department of
R. ,Arlanis, .
takielir pYo';',61-''''-isAfikIlitiln4.11' et". ftliV41- AteItas
& Holmes,
Mand Jackson, ',Who has been
visiting ber friend, Mies Verna Hiles,
returned to her home itt Brussels, .
Rev. B. Clement and Wm. Moon id -
tended the meeting of the Ontario Al-
liance in Toronto fast week, '
About twenty Forresters of Cotitt
Pride' of theWestvisited their brethren
in Blyth last Tuesday evening.
The last oyster supper -of the series
held by the S. 0. E. was et home of
Mr. Geo. -Snell on Thursday evening
Mips Myrtle Phillips returned to
Blyth on Monday to resume her stud-
ies, after spending a month at home,
being laid up with measles.
Wm. Tamblyn, a Leamington High
School, returned home on Saturday
last, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Ainslie, of Leamington. • '
Owing to inclement weather the
members cif the Auburn I. 0. 0. T. did
not visit Council No. 150 R. T. 0, T. on
Monday evening last as had been ex-
pected. . -
Rev. Mr. Hamilton,oe Stratford sup.;
plied the pulpits of Burns and Knox
churches on 8'm:ideas:last. The pastor
will be back from spending Ins holi
days in Hamilton next Sabbath. •
Wouhres lwaTrriTTE. -A Meeting of
the Women's Institute Will be held on
Thursday next, April 12111, at 2.80 p.
m., at the home of 1Virs. Wm. Lyon.
Topics for discussion, "Our Kitchen
Costumes," and "What to do when un-
expected company conies." Ladies
welcome. ,
On Sunday last the scholars ip the
Sunday School class of Miss V. Stevens
took occarrion, to present -her with a
beautiful hyina book, in the oceesion
•.of her leaving to reside..in Clinton to.
which place her father, W. Stevens,
has moved. ,Miss Steyens appreciates
Very much- the kindness of ' her
- Atihiirn
Examinations in our school, Thurs-
day and Friday of this week. .
lanais C. Sclater spent hist- Suoilat.
with her .parepts, iu Seaforth.
Witt Gipson and family move this
week into A. C. Jackson's houae. •
Wedding bellS will ring next week
'on the • corner of John and King
Streets. . .
Mr Henry Shear, Preston, spent the
last few days visiting his uncle W..
Holtzhatier and other relatives.
• M1;13. 0 Palhs, Son of Rey. Mr,
Fans, 'occupied the pulpit- of the
Methodist Church last Sunday .even-
Quite a number of the farmers in,
this vicinity have commenced making
maple sugar And syrup .and t•epoyt
good "sap run."
rAux •RENTED.-JaS Raithby has
rented the farm of John Wilson Sr„,
for a term of two years ; has engaged
Norman Singes for the coming
Summer. .
Dame Rumor has it, that with tile
coming.of the pleasant days of spring,
two persons, of whom one would
never emspect such a things have de-
cided to be "one," and that in fact the
day is set. •
TEXPLAR NOTES -The last program
of the literary' contest between the
Whites and Reds was given last Mon-
day evening, and at the close it was
found that the Reds had wen out by
it narrow margin. Therefore the
Whites provide a treat ,next Monday
0RAN/ZED-0n Thursday evening
of last week, a number of young
people met in the Methodist Church
after prayermeeting and organized an
Epworth League with the fqllowing
officers a -Pres., Miss E. A. Blair ; Ut
Vice Pres., Miss E. Knox ; 2nd Vice
Pres., Mr E. Q. Erratt ; 3rd Vice Pres.,
Mr 0, Ragers ; Secretary, Miss 1-1.
Ferguson ;Treas., Mrs Lada; Organist.
Miss C. Stewart.. It has not been
decided as to what night the League
shall meet, but, in . all probability,
Tuesday evening will be chosen for
evening, Rey. IL Nott, B. ph, D.,
of Goderich, will deliver his lecture.
entitled. 'North and South Palestine"
in the Methodist Church under the
auspices of the Church Choir. The
lecture will be illustrated by beautiful
views cif that Eastern country,
through which.Mr Nott has travelled
extensively, Choice Music will be
furnished by the Westfield Choir, and
Rev Mr Small and Mr G. 0. Fallis are
also on the program. No doubt a
very interesting evening will be spent,
and all should make an effort to
Mrs, Bush, HenselT; is yisiting her
brother, Duncan McTavish,
A branch of the Sovereign Bank has
been started in our villagesin morns of
Wilson's hotel, formerly, occupied by
3, 13. Jamieson's shoe store, •
A number of farinersjn this vieinity
will send their -cream to a butter fac-
tory in Centraia, this summer. Our
village has a factory andit good deity
country around it. There should be it
tlourishing creamery in our village,
but at present no one sees fit to engage
in the work.
.....,,rAleio.••••••mommemola•••••••••••••, •
Toreduce our stock *e are oireriug bar.
gains hi Harness, whips, trunkst ete. Call
before you buy at S, J0111•ISON S, Certer's
old stand, Blyth,
RIL 6 1906
, .,....,....••••••••••••,••••••!,••••••••••••••,
.• , .
SUBSOMPTION ri (*Per Year, in ad vanes
t I.6e when Rot so paid.
John Thompson, sr., we are sorry to I LINE STOCK SHOW
Goderieli Township
uote, is confined to the house by illness.
tiu7nissys.Eva Yeo has been confined to
the house with a slight attack of.
Charlie Middleton, • 13ayfield Line, in-
tends renovating one of his barns this
sum niers
Mr Rott Cluff and his sister attend-
oecolitt)larren.esveendiNlvinegdnoefsdaBye.nson Cox
The 'special services are being:con-
Wiped in Cole's chnrch this week; Rev
sidotuspeeteoafclutnizi? gerotrondrt appeals are the
The' balmy days of spring are near
to hand, and the thrifty housewife is,
beginning tc bear in mind that houses
cleaning time is on the 'Wing. • •
The timber anen are making -havoc
in the, woods in, this neighborhoed.
What will be dpne for our Sailing yes-
Pels when the best dinkier is consumed..
'The youth of the metropelis of
Varna and sitburbs are a little nettled
over special services being held in. that
place, simply because it has • affected
their fiitty amusements • we are ex-
treinely sorry for such: people and
trust they will be reconciled to see
better things.
IT'S IME FOR A 7:ULT.-A petition
has been signed by it large number of
the voters of this township, and for-•
warded to theauclitors who are audit-
ing the township books at a useless
expense. merely to satisfy two orthree
old cranks who rose, as if .having
authority, in the council chamber, and
ordered that the books of pastyeats to
be looked over and probablyrectified
but finding no particular mismanage-
ment, hence the petition.
Elford spent a day or two here,
going to Goderich on Tuesday evening.
The farmers here have started to
plough, and seeding will soon be in full
awing. • • , •
J. L. Courtice and Wife, of Clinton,
visited friends in the yillage during
the last few days, • , •
Robt Johnston, of St Thomas,
has been visiting at the home of Mr
Fred Leonard ; he left Lor Toronto on
Wednesda,y. ;
The last- thecker match between
players from Holmesville and froin the
16th, resulted in favor of Holmesville
by 5 points. •' .
The hatching Of chickens with' the
incubators has again been started at
„the Poultry Station, and visitoreare
welcrame eyeiy day except Sunday. .
A general meeting of the Holmes -
vine Rifle Association will beheld itt
the hall next Monday evening, the Oth
inst., Or the purpose of electing it Cap-
tain, in place of A. Wilson, resigned.
'A genuide old-faelaioned "sugarsolr
has been promised the mernbers of the
League here, at Mr. Gould's, next Mon.'
day evening, and is lOoked forward to
with'eonsiderableinterest, A program
vening's e. tertainmentis being
Word was received here on ,Wednes-
day of the death of Wesley Irwin.; he
had ,been; working at Grand Bend,
where he was taken ill and died. .
The April meeting of the Bayfield
Branch Women's Institute will be held
at 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon,
April 12th; at the home of Miss Lizzie
•Onmeron. The subject is it very seas-
onable one, "Flo,Wer And Vegetable
Gardening," ands a'full attendance IS
expected. , '
. •
R, Coats left Tuesday morning for
Haily, state of Idaho, where he Will
make his hcinte with his son Albert in
the future. .
Master Geo. Pollard is very sick at
present, but we hope to soon, see him
well again. .
Ma•RobtArrnstrong,of Wallaceburg,
was recently visiting with 'friends in
this vicinity.
HilrOn's Population.
' That the exodus to the west •which
has been so marked during the last
few years is having an effect in the
decrease of this county's rural popul-
atiOn is shown by the figures compiled
by County Clerk Lane from the re-
turns furnished by the assessment rolls
of the various municipalities for 1905.
In 1004, according to the assessors'
figures, the total population of the
townships of Huron county was 40,687.
In 1005 it was 39,997, a decrease of 690.
The total mutation of the towns and
villages increases 220 in the year,,
from 16,104 to 16,381. The aggregate,
population of the county in 1901 was
56,851 and in 1905 56,381, a clecrease of
470. Mr, Lane says that in ton years
the population of Huron has decreased
by about 5,000. We give below the
figures for the Iwo • years for each
municipality. It will he seen that Ash.
field, Goderich and Tiirriberry town-
ships are the only rural inunieipalities'
that show an increase..
.1,01.ULAITION ' OP 1:11.712,0X . MUNICIPAL.
Ashileid ad••••
Goderich . 4.-,
Hay., . • . • • .... • • • 44 is 4
HOWlek ......... 616411 •• 4
•1005 1004
•.2010 2911
. 1670 1679
• 2468 2250
• late 1184
. 2126 2151
. 1755 1702
, 1801- 2012-
. 3205
. .3668
Buffett . 1661- '
McKillop... ... ........ .. 2388
Stanley... ..... - .. 1952
Stephen.... 4•4644 40 40 44 8755
Turnberry ..... 61! 2028 ,
sWest Weavannosh
klast Wawanosh ........
Towns aba Villages •
.. ... .
BrUSseiS 60 •
Olint0114 40,440400 6 • *
Hensall 4 4444
Wingliam a 0 44
ok•Ii.,•• • ke.•*1•11.00
39997 40687
519 510
, 9153 880
. 11i -i 1221
.. 2007 2.2/0
.. 1585 1017
.. 4205 4040
fa 003 703
2211 • 2177
.. • 2210 2213
, 411 431
16384 16104
Tagir*Olitligittittir St 56381 56851
A Good Attendance and
Fine Exhibit.
The :live; stock show beld, here yt
terday brought out its good a display
of horses and live stock Lla has been
seettat any fair for a long time. The
exhibits of heavy horses were Messrs.
'Alper & Moon, Hullett ; Bell ,& Sphul,
Hulletta Sae. SnelI, Hullett ; IVRey.
nolds, Hullett ; P. Fisher, Goclerich,
and S, Chambers, Kippen ; and all had
splendid animals. In light horses
there was good competition. A splen-
did lot of agricultural horses was shown
The Shorthorns shown were more
numerdus' than swoold ...be found at a
County Fair ;, in fact, stockmen said
theyshad net :nen seen a better dis-
Play et the large faits. The promoters
of the Show have every reason to feel
satisfied with the result.
Throughout the morning the Weath-
er was cold and chilly, and in the af-
ternoon a flurry, of snows made it a
little disagreeable, but this did not
lessen the enthusiasm which was dis-
played by the crowds which lined the
strests. The attendarite was very
gratifying. '
The prize -winners were as followsa-t•
OLYDESDALES -Stallion, 3 years and
over -I, Leiper & Moon ; 2, Bell &
Sphul ; 3, •Jas, Snell.
SUIRES -Stallion, 3 years and over; --
Dominick Reynolds.
Fisher, Goderich ; 2nd, S. Chambers,
Kippen. . • . '
Dnarronts.-Brood Mare, 3
years and over -Jas. VanEgmond, A.
banes ; brood mare, S years and under
VanEgmond, A. Times, W. Nott.
gelding, 3 years and ever -Jos. Rey,
nolds ; gelding, 2 years and undee-G.
Dale jr, A. Challenger, W. Connell ;
teani -A Innes, G. Carbert, J Hayden.'
Four colts -N. Horton. '
'SwEEPsesertEse-Best • heavy horse,
Leiper & Moon.
' ROADSTERs.-•Stallion, 113 hands and.
under; 3 yearsand over lst 85, 2nd $3,
3rd Badge -lit T. Murdock, Hensall ;
2nd S. McPhail, Porter's Hill ;13rd J.
McCaughey, Olinton.
Stallion 16 hands and over, 3 years
and over- lst P. Scott, Brussels"; 2nd
H. Govenfock.
Tenor ip harness -W. Doherty, J.
W: Elliott. J. Caldwell. •
Single horse in harness -John
Torrance, Gundry Bros., J. Spam*.
Annicuetonsat,.--BroOd mare, 3 yrs.
or overs -A, Innes, Jas. Ma,haffy, .S.
'Chambers. Team -Jas Reynolds, , W.
Elder, Fair Brea; . •
SWEEPSTAKES -Best mare, any age
or glass, Jas.,VanEginond, '
&Unitas H0nsis-Dr.4. 'Gunn, J.W.
Elliott, H. Davis.
PONY, hi harness., IL Seett'M. Gralla:M
SPECIAL Stepper -R.
Graham; Dale. Pereheron Stallion -
Peter Scott, Brussels, With ,stallion
SHORT HonEs -Bell, 3 • years and
over -W. Doherty, • Jas Sti, Jas
Shobbrook. • • •'"
Bull, 2 year and under 3 years -A,
E'er:rat, L. Tyndall. . -
Bull, 1 year and under 2 years -J.
Cowan, E. Wise, Jas Snell.
Cow, 2 yr. and ' over -1 and2. W,.
Doherty. .
DAIRY Cow -Jas. Fair.
• SwEEPsToKEs-Shorthorns-• .Tames
'Juretass-Heavy horses, R. BeSth,
ex-M.P., Bowmanville ; Light horse's,'
Dr. Rontledge, ex-M.I".P., Lambeth ;
Cattle, T. Russell, Exeter. ,
[As the judging was just over when
we went to press, our report of the
Show is necessarily brief, and subject
to correction next week.) .
County Natters.: •
Warden' Spackman and Councillor
Oantelon attended it joint meetingof a
committee representing Huron and
Perth, at Mitchell, on . Monday. To
let contract for erecting two bridges
on boundary north of Dahill,bridges
to he 1621 wide, 20teet span. An Ethel
firm got the concrete work at $4.25 per .
cubic yd. Hill Ss Co., of Mitchell, got
contractof Superstructure(both bridge)
at $530. Decided that that tenders be
called for building two bridges between
Grey and Elma. Tenders to he ready
for June meeting. • •
A meeting of the House of 'Refuge
Committee was held on Tuesda,y. Ac-
counts for quarter audited,found satis-
factory. 92 inmates in the house -cer-
tain repairs to be attended to by Torr.
ranee and French; new range is satisfac-
tory. Tenders opened.bread costs saw
per ovt, and meat'$6.75. Decided to
advertise for sale or rent the properties
'of Dora westolf, Egmondvilte, and E.
Walker, of Londelhoro, (parties now
in House of Refuge). W. Torrance
has sold an old team of hems •and
bought another team -cost to county
. a. general conference of the temper-
ance workers of East and West Huron
will be held in the Methodist church,
Wingham, at 10 a.m., on Monday,
April Rh.
COuncillor Gavin Wilson, of East
Wawanosh, has sold his farm on the
gravel road tojohn Norman, of the llth
concession of the genie township. Air.
Nortnitn has seemed a, good farm, con-
veniently situated to a echool and the
town of Wingham. elle in turn has sold
his Wan on the lith concession to
Messrs, Robert and Harry MeGee.
A telegram was received from Win
nipeg on Thursday announcing the
death 6f James Elliott,. it one time
well-known resident of Goderich
Township. The deceased, with his
family, had been in the North- W est
some years, but had re -visited the
old township since his settlement in
the Prairie Province. ' He leaves a
widovi and One son, Lorne, and one
daughtereMiss Rent, and five broth -
ors - Gabriel and William, Goderich
Township ; John, Dungannon ; and
Robert and Thos., of Los Angeles,
and Emir sistets-Mrs, Robt McLean,
Goderieh ; Mesdames ,Tohn and James
Cox, Gederich township ; and„ Mrs.
John McLean of Ditngantion,
All colors, for Wool and
Cotton, or mixed goods:
R. P. Reekie's
euusrrom,= ONT
- Try our Binulfdon of
Pure Cod Liver Oil. Large
bottles 35c
The season is at hand for sowing
your grain. If you want the best orop
It costs no mere than others. For
sale by ns only;
W. S. Rri-&?LIVIES,•.
Manaacturins• '),rmist. •
II):i.Ptila ui.vr 'Store.
r ---
Wealey, Moore -went , to Hensall. on:
Tuesday, to attend the funeral of her •
tint, Mrs. O'Brien, who 'died itt that ,
neighborhood pn'Sundity. Mrs O'Brien
was forinetlya Nisi Farquhar, being a
sister of the four brothers ofthatname
who all at ono time lived in Hullett,
and a couple of whorl' •died in Wain.
She was the last remaining Member of •
the family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrell
and Miss Farquhar also attended the
. iirrera•O'Brien being their aunt.
THEY' DO .1T WELL: Hcidgens
Bros who Inc stores at Clinton and
Goderieh; are firm believers in the
efficacy of printer's ink ,and are pro-
bably the most extensive advertisers
in the county. of Huron. They cer-
tainly spend hundreds of drillers
annually, for newspaper advertising
alone, and it would be a thankless -1
task to try and convincethem that
"Advertising don't pay," Their faith
is shared by other business men, who
are also liberal users . of newspaper s
-One night duringthe past week a
Clinton lady who had been in the west
returned to town by the 11 p. m. trait- - • z,
and went to the house of a relative, •
She rapped for admission, but they
would not let her in, not knowing 'who
it was, and thinking it might heat bur-
glar. as she did not answer their ques-
tions, being so hard of hearing,thatshe
evidently did not know whet Was said.
-She theta went to the house of her sis-
ter and met with the - Same reception,
afterwards seeming admission- to the •
home of a friend. ;It was really her
own fault that she vvas not- received
where she first went, because had she
spaken she would have been recognized
at once. , .
. A strong deputation from all parts
of Canada will wait on Hon. A. 13,
Aylesworth, Postmaster -General, at ,
Ottawa, this week, to present their
case, which consists of certain grieve
ances under which they labor, and to
offer suggestions for the better im-
provement of the service. The depu-
tation for the western part of Ontario
consists of the following postmasters:
James Scott, Ofinton ; T. Farrow.
Brussels ; Robt. Paxton, Otterville.
The Torooto'section sends Wm. Halal ,
ikon, Uxbridge ; H. E. Proctor, Avzs- •
ora H. S. Broughton, Bradford.
Kingston and Ottawa divisions will
each send three delegates. Quebec.
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick .
Prince Edward Island vviltalso send •
delegates. Manitolu and. .the neW
provinces, ,Alberta and Saskatchewan,
along with British Columbia, will be
fully represented. • .
Molsons Ba0
incorpoxated 185
Capital,Paid up $31000,000
lleserve Fund, $3000,000
Total Assets $30,000,000
by depositing •in our , Sayings
Bank. It does not require a large
amount to begin with. We rety
8 per cent interest on amounts of ,
$1. and 'upwards, Better begin
now -deposit what you on spare
--add to it whenever possible.
We will welcome your aecomiti
large or small.
A general Banking businesa
?Ant slant) SEEstre
manager, Clinton