The Clinton New Era, 1906-03-30, Page 8i p finery Opening..
Our annual exhibition of Spring Millinery will con-
tinue 'Saturday and all next week. It is a display of
fashionable and stylish headwear for women, that is well
worth' your seeing, and we extend to you a hearty in-
vitation to visit the Showroom any time, and as often as
you wish. We are showing Millinery that cannot but.
be of interest to all ladies. Millinerythat will,more
firmly than ever, entrench this store in its position as
the leading Millinery establishment of the County.
Flandsoma -�
Linen Waists
Just. in from the maker in Ireland are a, few
handsome hand-embroidercd Linen Waists. Tliey •
are much in favor this season, and will be very
copular for Summer wear. Just a•limited quantity,
ard when they are gone, we can get no more ,out
in time for this season's selling. Front,. Collar
and Cuffs embroidered with enough plain material
to make. the Waist, complete; each .
$2. $ -,2' oo
�5� 3 5� $5 .
Those Curtain Samples
We had hundreds . • of Curtain samples
when w started the selling last Saturday.
. They hav been ' go' • o, f ; •btf si•i fthere are
dozens 1e to sell:
are Tito 2 yds. in
length. 0.f ni st, there are pairs of'a pattern
Just,.,ie thing for small windows.-
E ach 25c...
New Coats
Are FIere.
'Jaunty Spring Garments, made from the popu-
lar fawn Coverts and black.' Broaicloths.. Mail
-styles. All correct; iii .every little :detail that.LLgoes
to make a stylish Coat. Of :none, more that
or three alike.
$7.5o and rao...
French ..
The handsomest French Organdies that. have
ever been on our counters, are here to -day. Dainty
sheer white fabrics, with floral patterns, in mauves,
green, pinks and blues, that are 'triumphs of the
French printers' art. Exclusive designs imported'
by ourselves direct. No two dresses alike. •
G 0-
45 � 5 e, 6oc der yard.
Hosiery Values
Onr standard lines of Hosiery are the best
values that persistent searching after . the BEST
can find. We have .proved the worth of every line
we sell and every pair can be depended on togive
satisfactory wear. You run no risk doing your
Hosiery buying here. We stand behind every pair
we sell, and if anything goes wrong at any time, all
you have to do is to let us know about it, and we
will make it right.
Ribbed Cashmere I{OSe°
25e, 35e, 50e, 40e.
Plain Cashmere HnSe
25e, 35e, 50e, 75c,
• Children's Cashmere Hose,
Plain or ribbed, all sees., many prices,.
Our special line of Cashniere'1-lose with tinen
feet i
g ng popular every season. They
are more comfortable, and wear betterthan the
ordinary Ykin
we have
in stock in put this make
Children's sizes, as well as Ladies', and
can now give you anysizes from the smallest to the
largest made.
Dig ()L NTON' MAN ',AKA*
n � it a�u ill' ✓;all
Ultt, OWNS, surgeon, Bye, Ear and rocse,
wilt re at W. is li Holmes' pees 5jre,
t ilntnu, s'huraday, Apt'il4itlt• He)Lra ti)
n. ni., to 4 p, 1u. (alas acs t,ralsoi ly iltt o t
anal diseases cif these orears properly;
• 41Xitlit '.010 Plat
INDISi SED-i3reel Hill, the genial
baker for Il. liartlilf. is slightly intlis-
pased .with the "grippe," Marry says
that Jeek told him ttiat Feel had stat-
: ed that the most rep ettable result is
that he is tamable to takehls t' stoutar•y
PICKED -CP,---Nin Tum laborers
were last weak ticketeclatlt,alifaif jikat
after their` arrival from the Old Jun-
try,for C liutan,t utbefore they readied
here, they were picked up 1)v - a;tl•nite s
on the I.,* in, who induced them to get
e er a it nit
lY as ' ut iii ti to points, and their
tt L a
,. „
luggage, which ciuruc•hetd, had to be
sent back to theta..
Rogers, who is moving to Tilsonbttrg;
hass i routto Mrv d
old acs property to t l
v \c»
r1r ,' „ s
of l tome a gat. i r foe , k)
,n I1tea,t �7
cash. 'Mr Ito wellife •bits also)„tough t.
from Mr Duncan,, Hiroo a,lfl»i-
ing, all set out. with herr ios, Paying
something over !&fiO4) tilc:refur.
SOC'IALr lr''UNOTaiN -M s., W.,$.`, .
Harland. a uterteirlad aL, • nuniber nf'
friends. on Friday evenizig last, the 'oc'
nasion being an observance of hers
birthday . Miss Annie -Forrester
entertained a number of young friends:
on Friday evening last. Mrs, . J.
Uuninghatue entertains this evening,
as a farewell to her brother, Me.,3..C,,
Stevenson, R• ETURNED- TO .ONPAlti().-lar
Ewart, at • one time (laptein of the
Salvation Army forces here, and. who
married .Miss. Bitch, of the 2nd. c(ttr.,-
ofHuliett, and removed. to R'anitciha,
luta conte back to Ontario rt.,,. •entedl
the'Hitch farm in Hallett. Co;'rea-
son for so doing is the fact that ha was;
notable to educate his chilctt-@ ili.itie
west as he wished. ,.e.
vii'; James. B.. Lobb. at- one . ttir'e '
freight clerk, at Clinton, but for years
holding ai similar. position At Galt, has 1
been appointed,hir at the •
G.T. R„ Brantford, At an aitvaucerl '
salary. 'Before leaving Galt a nuumber'
of-• his felloev-employees, and friends
presented him with a handsome Mot r is
chair and: set of military brushes. ae- t-
conipainied by en address:.
• PROPER'1'Y•SOLI). 1.`hello use acrid
The Directors had expected this
week to offer stockmen and outsiders
reduced passenger and freight rates
an the Grand Trunk li;oilway, but the
authorities,. through their local -agent
in Clinton, have •.refused rho request,.
saying the .Show does not signify,
x• But 'viten Blyth, (•loder'ieb, Guelph
and S'flinghcttn made. the same request
• it''zv(Ls granted last year. You see,
thole is at competing )oi0ttn these
places.' No doubt the citizens of Olin -
ton, aid farmers in :this vicinity x'ill
not forget the present indifference of
the (X. T. R. This will have sante ef-
fect tin those entries from Guelph and
WoodlSteck, 1 ut those in tate cuuuty
will he lucre ctitlitisedto 0VPrc'1! 11' t lis
t i
lit1ledefeet. ♦' Rhein”: this r..doetion
we � C
e It. Sinew, 4) l
'4 Guelph, F'
P , t rf. with
his faenone s • norees,. I,ut hew ill Burl
k,`en contnetitiou in "Brave Boy,"
"Royal l;ve'tard" and others.
• ew
131.' ILD HOUSES.- There is. not a
rentable house to he 11atd in town to-
. day L;very+h.nuse, as Fat as known, n
tenanted Mr, Cottle, assessor, states
ha 's not tcorr
ie acr•i).•s aai emit y
house, and he knows families that
• would move herr.` if houses were to be
l, ` Sorely the progress, of the town
1 not 1 )atlrecl by the • lack -of
houses. •\V' believe. tlint at least,
twenty-five • lrotades. cenld be instantly.
rented .if they were to he -hard. Here is
as good chance for investn)ent. •
OON(:ER:l',--The.. ar,nr.tial entertain.
Mont of the OdrIfellaws takes place -on
the ever ing of April loth, ttnd,like all
previous aaffaLirs gotten up, by this -
Lodge, will be a good success.
following well-known artists have been
enga) edl ; '. '%lr. Gee,, . Fox, violinist:;
Miss l'latrrietta Lau Deli, elncatiaiist ;
r'flss Scott, soprano, • and tier, •Will J.
\l'[tite, the well•keown comic enter -
'Wrier and vocalist.• 'this will be an
Lrr'av of artists. that dhoitt&give Setter -
faction • to u11r eoncert:geetiF,atItt while
touting. soine,006y to Irring such
motile hair, it is pretty safe when the
()dcfeliows take hold of it.'
�t dust ofF froom Al belt scree: north,
owned,.by 31v. '4V, Robb, was sold by,'
au:tion' on Saturday, the. purchaser
rbeing blr. Geo.Ladd of o1ines\t11e
at 'I3(), .Which is considered a very
fair'price.- Mr. -Robb will probably
take tai) his residence with his son ,
:Jolla, in Seaforth,.. and Miss harry
Robb takes a position at Si. Joseph,
Mich.;•'\here ;he h is a Sister livinn, 1
13US1NESF, CHANGE - Hodgens ,.
13ros hay-. got their elutiting•;aind gents .,
furnishing business settled • in the
building formerly occupied .by .:W 11 ''
Newcombe ; they certainly have aL ;very ,','
tine; cornmoclic..gird
ius. store, should tae.
able to handle considerably more haai
riess. The sovereign Batik will fit up',
the -premises pr•evieusly• collies by i
}lodgens Bros, .cxpteesly for its own a
use is ai•batnk; it. milt have all the•mod-
ern rip -to -date equipment.
• . EXPLOSION- While some iron 'E:as
being melted in the casting loom Of It
the Clinton l.11aeshet Co.. on .l'hiusitny,
preparatory -to moulding• an explosion
tank place• which blew out the end of r•
the cupohl,. wrenching apart hea,Y't•.•
irondoot's, and breaking the windows f
by its force, • Fortunately no. one war,
near by :tt the moment, or theyy might '1
have been hairt. ' The :cause of the. ac•.
cident is
supposed to have
the tic-
crenulation of eats in the melting retort,. I
1lelines, dentist,has sold lits practice
to'Dr. F. AAx .it
o i . of ,who Gaaledun'a
takes po ssssion. about the end of AP; t
ril. Mr.:Holmes has been desirous of
going•\\ est fill seine time, and will'
ovate at.Saskatoon, where he has a
'brother :residing. i s lender' of'the
choir , of \'Wesley church he leaves a
vacancy` that' will be` dieftelllt to fill
':Che )Vest is certainly getting Some of
. the hest blood •and ability of Ontario.
Mo. Axotn is a graduate of Chicago. . • s
present to join with them in the pleas.. o
•uses of the occasion, among them being{ ,g
Mrs is
N Lottie and Pearl a Wheatley,
W. \i . W .
e and a wife, of •(,lint
Quite it number of presents were ie- , to
cel v ed by l%lr. and Mrs. Ward, express-
ive of the good will.of their friendls,
are weddings t -
1 s and weddings. � d s.
tip, E.
Reim. •
1 .has F
i resident of'
nfor n' n
months, and, whai . '
usual i his experience had not been
close of the1eg,ul,ir proceediut;s • df taloa.
Oaltlfel l()'vs' Lodge, on Tuesday' even-
ing a fare well sapper 1vats tendered
Air C . Stevenson, on they eye,of his.
departure to take up .his residence in
California. Ile 1155 been cnneected
with the older for :tome 18 ve,rs., The
supper Was.sp1'ead in the C(,ldfellotv's
2,1:111, :111 Nimens tial.tering for same ;
Mr Jacob Taylor, .Nehle Grand, oc-
cupied the•chnir' and Mr T. Jackson
jr. the Vice ()hair. .A. voucher of conl-
ulimentar•y and. eulogistic speeches
were made, Master Steavart. gond. Mr,
a r
J cl`son sitlaplying, music. • DIt Shields
of Toro r
ILO, gave a rendition frons
Shakespeare ; the: evening w,L5 pleas-,
nntly spent, the one regret voiced be-
ing at the:loss of :�o vied. a . citizen .ars.
31r Stevenson.- e
B1irED'S -The to'r'n was alive tui
•farmers on Satut(1113', many of, whom
Tad come 11r with sleighs but they
found it pretty.hard. pulling here.....
Two weeks .from to -day. will be Good
Friday. i'ho Winter int s.passecl away
very. ))e tsantli and signs of .spring
are pientifnf: ''urine it Meets.;nit
'itotidtky night M.Avei 'Hrnover has
been re-elected one cif the :Executive
of the i\':oo'diner.:of•elle i\'ci:Ld The,
House' of Refuge Committee of; the
Uonnty. Council 'rill meet .here on
Tuesday next; : . \4 ( Ij))ped fro an t11,"
1 Lp of•:'cinter to the boson) o -f. spung
us 004113' as a child gets oft its mothers
knee._ ..illi John Shobhrook, of the
gravel road, is on the' sick
A,.i ilken haas the western, fever, .and
wilt go west if he can dispose of" his
property here.,.,.A.S'ningsare. nil al-
NOT R ArN S1:10\\•'LItS.-'lire:new:
est thing in the wa.y of wedding favors
is known as a "sh.owel," If the lady
friends of some Ilapp%' bride wish to
wrote their appreciation of her -outside
of the Wedding proper- they give her'
a shower. either bei of useful ul ct
icles in c ly aL'-
the.hape of'tiracv.Lt'e, or asup-
ply of linen • or crockery,, just as the
fancy strikes < them, ..Several of these
unique affairs have ahead y token plaice,
and they are' likely to be a recognized
accessory, to future weddings. They.
have ' several advantages : that make:
thein attractive.. They : allow for the-.
genuine expression of goodwill•; there
s no "not for its. intrinsic value" non-
euse ; they- are informal, :and provide
ots ,,1 fain fora the . partici pants, and
usually- provide J deap
0 lot oaf•. useful ul •-
Pu .LL
ides for future housekeeping, than alae•
of more real value 'than halt the wed-.
presents, The latest event of this
incl•took piaace lust night, when it lo
f the yott'ug friends of Mee. Jaen
ottth • t
co jibe drove out and showered
er with linen ten a
ndc china. Th.
e novelt
f the event is enhanced by the reek
ss disregard_ :fol conventionality i)
reaching their destination. • L°,ast night
the young ladies went ' out in a dray
and a lumber waggon; One vivacious
lain s '
Y she did d n
g Y of dare • c -
.a on
tinental if ;she diel Have to let her-
ahem .!-•"limbs" hang' over the side of
11e•dray , slie .objected to the.use of a.
inre common word. • They're a pretty
vely crowd, •,and "'laths". were rn.evi-
\Y . / T
,, fI�,-
C Mr, and.
31ris Mitt Ward,. of Varna. (daughtet•
and son-in.of Mr Jeseplh 'Wheat -
Alai celebrated their \vooden wedding
lannrversilry en Tuesday,:evening of
ast week. A': nrunbet zit friends were
Robins were seen in town on Tiles -1
day; guess we'll count on spring,
St. Paul's church will he the scene of
one or two weddingsinthe near future,
Miss r
I tn
McCaughey bas
g eytaken charge
of the Wallpaper store at Mr, W. T.
'Che G. T. R. pay car . was here on
Thdrsday,: and gladdened the hearts of
the etnpl�oyees,
Mr Geo Duncan was in Seaforth on'
Saturday,;laying some pipes in con-
nection with the Brewery.
] tr 0. IL Carter, who some time ago•
boat t
bh the home of Rev. H. New,
combo, stoves thereto this week.
Mr Mitchell, of the News -Record has
been confined to his room by an attack
n e but
tobeout again.
1 Y,a
g n
Before leaving town Oarl Schwarz
was presented with a' pair of cuff links
and an emblematic pin, by the Odd -
fellows of town.
Me Young,��daughter of Mr.
Henry Young, Maitland Concession,
Uolr,orne, underwent an operaa,ion for
appendicitis, here, yesterday.
Mr. Whitney, of 't7xbridge, has
taken a position with Mr Wes. New-
combe, and will have charge of the
men's furnishing branch of this bust -
On Tuesday morning W. .Grundy
left for..tloydniinister ; U. Falkner
and F, Elwood, for Moosejavf, being
ticketed by W,; Jackson, O. P. R.
J. P. Harrison wishes to thank most
stucerely the kind friends who have
assisted his wife and child during the
past month. He intends to 1eave.toiVi�J
and start life aa,fresel"><": ..
A -Ti ernited States government has
decided to abolish' ten Consulates in
Canada, as there is no business for
them to d the one at<Goderich being
amoug the number. ,
The Sovereign liank.'-has opened an
office '
c tnGo
h Rich forh pre-
sent t a pe
sent is under. the management of Mr
H. T. Rance; the genial manager of
the Clinton Agency.
\lr. and Mrs, Walter King were
*nests at the wedding of Miss Wilson,
in 'l'uckersmith, This is the third
'wedding in the same family they have
had. the pleasure of attending. .:
Mr Torrance, who has been. running
a butcher shop here for the hast three
.months,, has d.scontinued the .same, .a
finding there was pet ronin for a third
shog *e understand' he will start .up.
in Leamington.
It is
Currently repotted theta certain
church choir' in town- will.tese all its'
sopraano singers this sulniner; they are.
charming young ladies wllo, it is said,
have consented to make the life of cer;
taitl young then happy.
The Litany friends of Rev, Dr. . GU -
ford, formerly pastor of Ontario
Street Otliu'eh, will regret. to learn
that he has been °unveiled to giye up
active work,.owing10 paralysis.. It is
said that be.willseperannuate at next
meeting of Conference
l oht Gardner,' of Elamilton spent
Sunday with relatives. in 'town P A;
;fewalaysaLgo..he happened_ to meet in '
Hamilton,. an old gentleman' named
Laiv, who about. -15 yeaars'ago teas' 'en-
g aged in the ,)..blicaticn of the Clinton
Courier with the late George: Laycock.•.
The mulles of -Revs '• Mo." Ford; ' of
Gienl;oe; Rev. Mr. Rogers, of .Thorn -
dale and Hee. Mr. Going, of .Exeter,
are ai'ready mentioned as possible _..
candidates for the President'S"ehatiir of.
London '. Confer ence for next year.
Conference will meet' i t .\Windsor the
first week of June. ••
The Ew
Nn I71aA as t
h a s tbscrfber who
has such confidenee in our stability
and .such appreciation of the paper
that he has paid his suhseriptionup to
the 31st of Dec, 1t>03. If. there are any
her'; cubo wish to show the a
s m
confidence;: We have no objections to
',Jake Simian, who has been eon-
sec d w',�
to with the G. 'T,. R. for. • maLny,
years, has tendered his resigniation, to
take effect at the end of this month,
and Will seek his fortune in, the' west.
Ile has been a steady,• hardworking
einployee,and will doubtless field scope
for phis energies in the illimitable west.
Then next
e etin .h
me f
.L,icense.Commissionei's wilbe Iieeldin: '
the Court -House. Goderieh, ApriI17th;
'to consider applications for licenses.
It is said that great care w111 he taken
that the applicant fur a license must
t be rC�ison of good moral character,
Janie also the trianager, where the applicant
does not attend to the management.
Y The firm f r i gad employees nee
- .iacksan Manufactuten; Co , sent �a
1 handsome clock as a resent to Mrs
Amos Cartwright, of Hullett, who acs
3Iis Scales c les
was formerly A
me l
played e
Y in
the factory. They also sentpa sunder
.oLV Stevens,Mrs W. 5o present f lrlulte
, tt,
who e
p to W dnesdaiy was known as
Miss Alive' Wow], daughter of Mr.
John Woon, of Goderich township,.
also an employee of the•factory.
Mrs. Simpson, widow of 'the late
Rev, J. IL.Simpson, of Brucefield, who
is new living at Hensel', made w visit
to Clinton on Wednesday, and had the
misfortune: to. lose her gold watch by_
its becorning'detached from the chain:
The watch was presented to her by the
members of Brueefie d Presbyterian
congregation, gad she was very much'
relieved when it was returned to her
by Mrs. Carter.
TElgin following
M nitons, s Banner from
14th : --"Mt' W. FI. Webb, of Clinton,
Ont., has engaged with ,r, W. Maguire
as tinsmith. Mr Webb has had over
ears experiencetrade,
t e
and Comes yery highly recommende
as a furnace man and. plumber, and
Mr Maguire is certainly fortunate in
tecul'ing it man "with Mr Webb's
ability." Since going west Mr'Webb
hes had an attack of inflammatory
rheumatism, from which he is re•
• March 3Olb, 1
Sale & Stock Show, April 5th.. 'Good Friday, April 1rs,
For the Laster seasat1 we have
a more complete assortment of
novelties Man ever before,.
splendid lines, large'assortment,
including Post Cards, some plain
some hand -colored, Laster Bells,
tirade of tissue paper, three sizes
in bright clear, solid color, Chicks
and rabbits, some in coops, some
not in coops, some made of wire,
and some made of china and
actually a duckling which •is
real, killed on. purpose for the
Easter Flowers,'
aster trade Pat e
very realistic, in Lilies, Carna-
tions, Daisys, Violets, Apple
Blossoms, yard of hoses. etc, ', •
Our Wa11 Paper Stock is
p r c about
complete, s'
a .lee extensive '
e ten a m 'v variety,
ar t
choice in selection, modern in
'design, the goods. that are in
vogue ere the geode -you went,the
price is•also•an inducement. Will
you select yours this week,
If you need as Cushion Top see
ours at 27c each. We are con -
de st that it is not Only good
but 1perlor value, you had bet-
ter buy tiow, you may not be
able to by and by..
Did yon kno.A there was such
a thing asasterilized tooth -Plaid' -
have them 80 a dog,, each in.
a separate wrapper'. We have
the common kind too, 5 a and
IOc per box„
We don't sell our 'Wall paper
at cost,• but we share the profit
with you, Remnants . are ex-
cepted. On these we lose, you
them n.
em ata
y old(reasonable).
n ble.
price, I
We' issue• Express `Money, Or-
and are agents toe pArker"a
the hest dyers we know,
be We a '
Often the Cheapest, _ Always the • Best., --
called upon to perform'41 solitary
It was unusual in many resit
nage service until Saturday night last, d
when he had his first wedding in town,
much so that ilii. -Kerr couldects, so hardly -e
control his merriment duringthe cere- ch
mony, one feature of it eing that In
Mayor .mover acted as groomsman. a
and Chief Wheatley as "bridesmaid,^ to
white no one thought of paying the an
minister a wedding fee. re
THE ILL -Mrs Moffat, Ifigh Street, s0
who went on ;t visit to her son at .bo
( Kippen, is laid up by : illness, due to Pe
exposure the night her son died here.. so
..Mrs Ker, Victoria St., who has been tie
o11 the sick list is better..,.C,larence of
Johnston,. son of Mr T. L. Johnston,
is confined to the Ilouse . .Maaster 01
Otto Andrews, son of Mr S, J. An=
drews,has•been•seriously i11 for several Lea
days, and under the care of two dec• H
tors, owingto incessant bleeding m
caused by the removal of a tooth, At a
latest accotrnts he was getting. better. Ile
Ed Shepherd and Roy Pinner. of the bit
Dry Goods Palace staff, are Maid up.
...TheMisses`Sniith, Victoria street, iia
have all been sufferers front grippe. 11
.have received the ninth annual report Il
of the Children's htldre
Aid "
Saci t
e t
o the tv.
County of Huron, from which we learn Su
that, since its organization in 1897, it fro
has eared red for
w nt •fie
e child Y
ren, they having been phtced iii fester
homes, where they are doing well.
There is no more eotilmondaable or
worthy work than that .it1 which this
ssociation is engaged, and' it should
have the cordial; and hearty support of
all, The Society has requests to lied
homes for two infants, one about six
and the other
I of ten months. Anyone willing to
take either will please communicate
with,l'antes Mitchell, President, Gorier-
reh. ()opies of the annual report may
also be scoured un applid�ation to sir;.'
nine ll,
I'RISSENTATION. '•On Wednesday
'ening the members ' off Wesley
arch gathered in a body to take
rewell of 111r. J. C. Stevenson, and in
tangible way show their good will
wards him. A beautifully written
d expressively worded address was
ad hirci by Mr. W. Doherty, who
his acceptance of a gold-headee.
itably engraved cane, a beautifully
land teacher's Bible, and a fountain
n. Though surprised, Mr, Steyen-
n feelingly replied. In severing the
s that have hound hint to the. people
f this town for a life -tine, he realized
at he was breaking friendships that
n never be re-formed. He came to
inton in 18uf, and worked with his
then at' the furniture business ora
mein St., after was re-
oved to Albert St., where he carried
the furniture and undertaking busi-
ss since the time his Father gave up
siness• In early life he associated
utself rvith and was an active worker
the temperance Codec, on Band of
oi�e and other temperance societies
d. het(1 illlportant positions • therein,
iilg Treaaittrer 01 the County . of
iron -Scott Aet AsSoeiStlon,e
as connectedeCted with
nday School of Wesley Ohurh
in its conitneneentent,heing as teach.
church was on \Wednesday►` the scene
of a pretty wedding, when Eno. (7. It,
Gunnel performed the beautiful and
impressive ceremony th:lt made hiss
Alice 31. W iron, da'; 'n@i' 013ir. John
W, Out o1 xucftet'atxi1th, ":and Wiy1. I•L
eyelid, Of :Millett, liusbaiid nod 'Wife.:
The weather wasbesoutifuliy fine, anti
erything r
,onib r l
t 1@c t ruga •
Y o l.e the heo,.
cion one of the utmost .pleasure. The
ide, who looked very sweet and
aunty, was supported ' by. her sister
ary, while the groom was assisted by
cousin, 31r. a W. IL Dalyy,'�teaforth.
large ttttn7tbei' of their friends *ere
attendance at the ehiarch. After
er for of mzny years, and had been on cox
the executive for a number 0f years br
of the County of Huron Sunday School . d
Association, being at one titno Prosi- M
dent. In this connection he was at his
delegate to the International S. S. A
Association meetings at Louisville and in
( hie:tgo, In thd' moral developtnentand
t <)
Less of
i,r S
Loa eiisor
1 has
'filled is by no means unimportant place ve
and carries with hien to leis new home 'vlt
at Alameda, California, the goodrvishee a1
of a large circle of friends. Ire leaves gr
this week, going by way of Manitoba, yo
In order that ' he niay visit his sister, Err
Mrs'. Vaunt#der, at ilartuey., li:tp
the ceremony as recepdtion was held at
ry enjoyable time was spent, after,
ich Mr. and Mrs. Stevens went to
eir new home in Hallett, where the
Dorn la as progressive and popular
uII farmer. We join with their
ends nds in wishing them long life and
the home of
the b
t rlesf
het, both and
ifl n
'tore '
Thisew n
.bi al •
g C othi:n Store is a modern
Mens' store in everyY lighter
. A better .a: g •
Y lb er
or more convenient store for men there is not
in this part of Ontario. ` The stock, in ;it is
just as good as the store. Styles are right,
assortments big and values good. . Come in
,. and see the new store. We wantg
ou to get
with it
and its
fine te new
stock tock
Come any time; No need to buy .utiless you
Suits ready to .ut'on that will appeal to
Y p app mrn who
want Stylish Clothing at 'moderate ; prices. . Every
Suit is made -by Makers whose- reputation 'for-
making GOOD Clothing extends . rom:.Coast '
g �� ; to
Coast. Inside and outside, the hldden,,parts and
the hpartyou can see can be
d e
depended uponabsol-
utely. No sweat shop goods or inferior garments
will find a place An this new store. Ever Suit
that is here right Y,
is right in style, . .. in quality, right
in price.
Mens' merge Suits.
$5: 00, $f.50,.-$10.00.
Mens's Tweed. Suits
u s
$6.50, $7.50, $10.00, '$12:00
Mens's Worsted Suits
l O.0O, $12,04, $15.00
sur Special
t $Io.00
• The Snit we sell at $10.00 is the full. ten dol
lags worth and a little more as well. Made from
honest Canadian Tweeds, lined with good lining,
put together by •They skilled : workers, are
good through and through: Ralf a dozen, neat,
new natty .patterns toselect from. Special at each
Mothers' Corner
The Mother's Corner•of the new store is
where we keep the suits for the little fellows whq
are not old enough to buy their own. It is a cosy,
convenient corner, and filled with a stock of Boy's
Clothing, worthy of this new store. Specialists • in
making Suits for Boys made every Suit that: is here.
Natty, dressy styles that mist win the . favor of
every. mother who
o sees the
m. Bring your boy
when .heneeds a new Suit. You vllihncbig
assortments, good styles and best values. Suits of
many stylets, tl"... Y klldsr all sizes.
0.5., $3.86, $5..0
Clinton's Big Clothing Stare.
t a•.
' tFa