The Clinton New Era, 1906-03-30, Page 3*'c li: SQth, 1900
s for crossness?
remove tho asv
os•-w4bocordsssnossvlaAlemsper,A Kleuegyourlinevepeoeve
and your bowels regular. Have a clear brain; it bravo
• heart, a hopeful outlook. One of Ayer'* Pills `.at bedtime.
f All vegetable. Sugar-coated, Sold for x30 years.
Pil S ti tileiI.ttsnee et an `it'we R, 11.6 r.4. 4e.,
Clinton Yost -mice Time Table
Public Lobby opens` . . , T80,
Public Lobby closes..., 9,00 pat)..
° Wicket &M.O. office open 8:00 a.m.
P. 0. office closes.. .. , -6.00
Wicket closes • 700,
Mails close as follows
South 0.35 a.m , 3.50
Eclat .3.1rmo
„ 40 p.m , 4.50 p m.
North 950 a.m.,.0,00 p.1n,,
West 1111.• , ...12.30 p.m.
Goderich..9 50 a ml., 6 p.m., 9 p.m.
M ails are ready for delivery approxis
mately_as follows :
From North8.00 4.30 pin
"" South . 11 00 a, til., st$ 00 a. m.
" East 800 a,tp., 2.00p in,
[from the night train
" Goderjeh . 44 44 -.3.40 p.m,
"For years I have been
troubled wan Piles. M tines
I would have to lie down aa-.
remain perfectly quiet for
hours. Each attack was worse
*an the last. I tried many
Pile medicines but tot no
tatter till I used Hon-Roid,
sad this cured me perm*.
p�esnntiy. Thanks to Hem -
Reid, I am now free front
every symptom of Piles. L. GLesso.r," Assistant Poet
Koster, Greenwood, Ont.
Thousands tell the same story of Hein -Roil,
the $1,000 Guaranteed Pile Ours. AU drugaiate,.
- 1.00, or Tan W uaocr-Fmu Co., Limited., -
iagara Fabs, On'. 25
I. -„,-....�
-Justice Britton is laid up with ery-1
sipelas at BerlinRe,
Hamilton, has rreceiA. ved a of Knox
u,Il td church,
The Royal Templars' convention at
Hamilton adopted, a new rite .of in,
• .Fire at the corner of Notre Dame
and St, Peter streets, Montreal, did
$80,000 damage..
• Wm, Seaton, St. Marys, bad a teams.
of horses, valued' at #400, struck .and
killed by a train at the railway crossing
The Ontario Government promises "a
grant of --$4,000 to the Consumption
Sanitarium of Hamilton, and an allow•`
ance of 01.50 perweek for each patient,
. At Saskatoon,, Sask,., 4.mos TIffin,•a
young homesteader,was found dead
in a shack with a WInchester rifle be.
side him, and a bullet hole in his chest,
' Death is believedto have been acci-
afsYiiynziotdth oMisMMcKee been
on Mozrday,followed by the
death on•Thursdity of her father, Geo.
McKenzie. • Both had suffered from },
° consumption for a long time. -
The accident by which ,Conduetol'
'Mahoney, of London, lost his .life at
the Grand River bridge, Guelph_ in
January,' was recalled by a similar
accident, . without its attendant fatal
ities,•on Friday, near the same place,`
on the' Guelph & •Goderich Railway,
it is 'understood, with the same
derrick. The big machine was stand-
ianain a cut approaching the bridge,
was without a load. The high
wind caused the boom to swing, and•
there being no ballast on the car, it
turned over. The engineer and fire-
man jumped: and escaped injury, but
several of the workmen had close calls.
I�O2'' 1 1 � 1(RV •6.7
a . J �y.�
,er„,f4"0�0 . Po
ANY even numbered section of Domin-
ion Lands in Manitoba or. the North-
west Provinoee, exempting 8 and 26, not
reserved, may be homesteaded by any per-
son who is the sole head of a family, or any
maietoyer 18 years of age, to the'extent of
one•gaart4r section of 160 acres, more' or
Entry may be made personally at . the
local land office for, the district in which
the land is situato, or if the homesteader
desires he may, on application to the Min-
ister of the Interior. Ottawa, the Commis-
sioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or •the
local agent, receive authority •for some one
to make entry for him.
Phe homesteader is required to perform
the conditions connected therewith ander
one of the following plans.
• 1)At least 'six Months' e m nthe residence donne npo
and n lavation of
the land i
n each a '"
ar for
three years ,
(2) If the father (or mother, if the
father is deceased) oft, a homesteader re•
sides upon a farm in the vicinity of the
land entered for, the requirements as to
. residence may be satisfied by such person.
residing with the father or mother. •
�0.Milli., •TRIES
Mr. M. N.-'Dafoe,-
Me:lager The Dust-
less- Brush Co., 29
Colborne St Tor-
onto, is telling his
friend, how he totind.
health after years of
illness and pain. He
"•I have been a.
teat sufferer, from
Dyspepsia for man
years T have been
tr`eiLf"ecJ try1c car" d3ie'"
' - tors and hav
..�-w kn
n' Mn. its: N. DAFOE nearly all the adver-
tised remedies with`.'
elief, if
r i atall,.
,anybut since: using
Anti -Pill I can eat anything the sane
as when a boy. I have been taking
•one Anti -Pill at bedtime for the past
three months,and find they re ihlate
both stomach and bowels. My old
• TER. MANTON lfriir BRA
04 a 1. ' YQVNG v4oSi
Diamond Dyes
Woven Miiseii'ab*e and Wross,
4 Tor That Tenches a Lesson Ia
Light lteidectiou,
It is possible at times to get more. I
than mere aln,useineut out of toys.; t
There are some toys that will instruct I
As' well as amuse, and, while the Milan -
tofu pill inay not be in the strict sense
of the word a toy, It win amuse and
instruct you at the sante time, for it
will serve. the purpose of giving you
ales n
l so int heproperties
of •
reflection of light, This is the way the
phautow pin is managed:
Take a cork end cut it into. the form
Of a dish of about the thickness of an
inch In its center • stick •the. pony, of
a pin. This done, tape a alas$ about
three-quarters full of Water and place
the cork upon the surface: of the liquid
with the pin below.
Now if you' will • look at the cork
Harsh above you will not see the pin,
but if you will alter your• position -and
diminish -the wase of the visual ray by
placing the eye' on a parallel whit the
table o11- which the glass rests you will
perceive a pini above the cork.
A" Garne In .Which. the Players Muat.
Think Quickly.
A. ,delightful home game for children
is as follows': • •
•"I :see something in this room that
beglus with.. II,". says pie, one to. the,
right of ma,nulie.':
Now, this person may have ring, .rug,
or rocker In .his mind, Immediately
the guessing will be{;iu,• "Rut;, "rose,"
"."docker," and so ou. The otie:guessing,
correctly will have his turn...) he Se-
lect:tr•compotnneis work-as.watcli:eitnili,.,:
he v
� curd give " ,nit[*
cr. of each .'
word, "I see;: something in thi•s, town
thatbegIns with w -c." .
When tired'0P tills •they ,can change
it somewhat by shying:' • •
"Now, let's. furnish a house,' "I do..
•nate a carpet," says "It." The one .on •
his left ;instantly takes: it up, using the -
last Tetter of carpet as his initial.
He rill:perbaps say, "And I will fur.
nigh a table," white the next .will use
the .last, •""e," 'of table es the 'beg.
in -
nine letter. of his :.furnishing;. as
"easel," '
(3) . If the settler has Ins permanent rest. time vigor has : returned, , so that my
dence upon farming land owned by him ill . spirits are buovant and temper•normal..
—the tiioinity of his homestead, the regain. • As it result otr this unhoped for ex.
menta as to residence May be eatt9in d b . perience I am in duty bound . to give •
residence upon the said land.a 9_ till credit to this wonderful, r
p°Anti-Pin; •emody;
Every . dru •f .
y sells
. Leonli '
druggist rdt
a s
Six months' notice in'"riting should b
given to the Oommissioneer of Dominion
lands at Ottawa_of intention to apply for
Anti -Pill, or.asample will be sent free
patent.,by The Wilson -Fyfe . Co., . Limited,
Niagara Mills, Ont.
W. colts'; •
Deputy of the MinisterThe remed . that o '
p y of the Interior' y used IVIr. Defoe so
Aug. 6th 05 6 m coni 1etel is sural Worth a
fl.. ytrial. '
o .
Photo by Park nros„ Torento
A Life of Consecration to Humanity.
In Leigh Hunt's beautiful poem "Abou Ben Adhern,". where the angel wrote
on the tablet the names of the world'•s great odes, because Abou 'Bre Adhcm loved
his fellow -men, his name led all the rest. On the tablet of the world's remembrance,
surely high place belongs to those who have consecrated} their lives to the better-
ment of humanity; who were g•Peat not for what they possessed but for what they
gave, not for what they absorbed but for what they radiated, not for what they
became but for what they helped others to become.
Among the Canadian women who have made philanthropy a living, vital
atmosphere of helpfulness rather than a mere theory of living, the name of Lillian
Massey Treble deserves high praise. Born in 1854, in Newcastle, Ont., the only
daughter of the late Hart A. Massey. of Toronto, who was the inspiration and im-
petus to some of the Dominion's most important industries and institutions, from.
her earliest moments she has lived in the atmosphere of wealth. Her fine mind
-*as -green—additjenitl--stCelinthenif am- refuting under-'�the- bet' inctructote. and' -
later in
that hest
shoal -
s•• --•forts
and the many „n travel --where •au:tervatioft is the teacher,
y nets cities and .countries but new wheel -room. The heiress of great
estates, she consecrated herself and her wealth to the good of the world.
Her earliest work in the Fred Vjcter Mission in one of Toronto's neglected quar-
ters, soon convinced her that the jfrimary source of good or evil itt most instances
is the home, that tt
the greatest
good to it
preventing evils,
not from curing them, and from building up higher ideals of life and living. The
first step in this work of regeneration was in the organization of domestic science
,classes in connection with the missions. Then carne the (Aland for a higher grade
of teachers,t`
aliveto their het
duties and
riV' e
tl es`t this led toh
pt cfou founding n�in of
Lillian Masey School of household Science and privileges.
In this institution the prac-
tical work of training women for the home, so that "they May make hotnc better
for themselves and others is the supreme aim. of all the teaching. The education—literary, scientifie, moral, practical --is ail centered in making woman more fitted
for the responsibilities and privileges of woman's sphere,
in 1897 Miss Massey was married to Sohn M. Treble of Toronto, but this made
Ile difference in the intensity of purpose and helpfulness of her philanthropic life,
Constantly broadening, into wider channels of us -.e i__ss. Her work its 'rustee
Ir one cannot think of : anything
fore' "It" .counts ten he mus* g.0 f
or toy a -forfeit.
when tired of the house the vin
will furnish entertaiument of the sn
sort. ."I .see rain," .cries one. "Nee
says the next. z"Thrust,,'. •'hill, ,"'"1
tide" and "evergreen" will follow
quick succession..
Tine-- game Is capable of an aline
limitless number of 'variations. T
children can plant trees or a vegetab
garden. They Can have .the 'map
elm, mulberry,' yew. ''They may safe
place in the' ground potato, okra, aro
eggplant and tomato, or they may de
in.floivers•in.the same-m'anner.
A. Curved Ball.
Many boys do not understand why a
ball may be'made to curve in its flight.
Here' is the' explanation: When, a ball
10 thrown'it is ',retarded , in Its forward
motion by the resistance of the: air,
which exerts a pressure not only on.
the face of the ball, but a' resisting
force on its sides' by friction. • IP the D
ball be simply thrown forward the Eric -
tion of the air will he equal ,on each
side of it, but If one side he made to
move faster than the other—that is, if
the ball be made to rotate on its own
axis so as to increase tbeolateral fric-
tion --the natural' result is .a eurve in
the direction of the side on - which' its
motion has 'been retarded. That is the
philosophy of a "curved ball."
Haire Made Iviitli<ons of wives.,
mother* sod pow:oder*
NaPPY and 00II
Women wino buy and use any of the
adulterated, weak and worthless pack-
age dyes put up in imitation of the
reliable and never -failing DIAMOND
i)YCS, must expect to meet with -sad
trials and disappointments in the
r package Crude
ack e d
a s ..
e with i only fancy
A h fz
names ta. reCOMMend them ten Rohl
by Borne deniers for the sake of lare
profits, are the direct cause of much
of the feminine bad temper and irrit-
ableness manifested in ninny horny,,
If our wonren azul girls would avoid
trouble, loss of goods and hard cash,
they trust insist upon getting the
DIAMOND 'i)YES. whenever borne
dyeing work is to be done. One • ten
cent package of the tinie-tried DIA-
MOND DYES will always color more
•goods than will two packagee of other
dyes, end give brighter, fuller, afore
bI"iliitent . and _more . lasting shades.
Once used, DIAMOND DYES become
the chosen dyes for all well -regulated
Send your name and address . to
Wells & Richardson Co,, Limited,
Montreal, P. Q., and you will receive
free of cost new Dye -Book; •C;trd of
Dyed Cloth Samples and Booklet in
verse, entitled "'Tile Longjohns' Trip
to the Klondike."
'4A Star Out at Jaoab"
I» the time of the reign of Hadrian,
about A. D. 180, a Jew appeared among
tjie people of Palestine Blabbing' to be'
a al sstaa_ the '""star out of Jacob"--
wbleh" alaanr-predicted in his-proph
eddy. - (See ,Numbers xxiv, 17.) ' This
Jewish messiaf`'s name was Simeon.
$ar-Cocheba„which latter name. in the
Hebrew language means "son of a
star,” This individual wiio so blatant-
ly proclatuled himself to be of divine
origin took Jerusalem by storm (A: D.
132) and actually colnmeneed • .the re-
building of the 'temple. Re took the
government in hand and.. issued coins
and performed many other, public , of
flees " One of these coins,. now In th
�itush""lnuseutur":has an.enlarged star
upon. 'ode -side and • epee the other ,
Hebrew legend meaning "The Deliver
er of Jerusalem." The Jews, it is said,
lost 600,000 men•' defending 'this mes
scab at the time when the Roman .gov
ei'nnzent attemlited'to nut down, the
miller delusion. In Boman: history
Bar:Cocheba is known' as '"Coziba o
Baichoeheba, The' •enemies• of the
'"son oI a star" changed his name to
"Bar-Cozeba," , which In the Hebrew
'2U Ons ""son of a Tie,`'
ate peculiar Irrasteased by a1
'bride istm'aRerienee..
"What 40 I think of kleptomania?'
tifald a detective. "'Well, let ale tell
yell ..4 kleptomania story,. This story
fits, I hold, about twine eases out of
"A. New York specialist got 'oil a
Certain morning the card of one of the
richest of our western millionaires.
He went dawn Instantly and found a
Well dressed man, who said:
"1 am here, sir,on a delicate and
painful nutter. •My wife is a vietini
- of . kleptomania, and, knowing your
skill In mental diseases, 1 have brought
r ,�
11e o for treatment re_a
t u u
vele to
under 1.
0 yot
' Bring the lady to see me tomorrow
morning,' saki the pltysleiau.
"It will be hest, perhaps,. not to
bring her to your ofhee,' faltered the
millionaire. aiThe sigbt of other pa-
tients might excite her. • I 'suggest'-
”' `I'll receive leer in my• drawing
MOM. Will that be better?'' asked the
" 'Oh,much better,' said the other In
aselieved tone,
"Anil' the next, day the: western mil-.
llouafre led into the physician's.prxwv--
ing roorn a young woman of singular
beauty. Sbe was magnificently 'dress-
ed, but lrer eyes wend furtive andrest-
less, and when she thought no one
was Iooking at her she secreted cutler
her coat three or four valuable orna-
ments. The physician and tbo west -
ernes smiled slightly at one another.
"The physician, after his examina-
tion of the patient, told the husband to
return the next day alone. •
"And *lieu 1 come,' said •the hus-
band, 'I'll bring back these things that
she bus taken.'
"Do,' said the physician. .
"'I will,' saki'the westerner.
"But he didn't. i:Ie won't. He and
his wife are thieves, and they .have
worked their kleptomania dodge . hi
neeriy`every city in America."—New
Yori„ n'ribune, .
For.. all weakness from wbicb .girls
.and women suffer, no `"surer, reni..dy'
exists than Dr. Hamilton's I'll's. They
- maintain that bracing health every
e woman so earnestly" des1res they up-
root disease,
and thin strength
t that
h t.
a lasts till old age,
"" No medicine could be - more bene-
flciei than Dr. Hamilton's, .Pilin: •"
writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton, of Vic-•
tori* "" I have been . strengthened,'
my digestion. isbetter, t have improved
in color and feel' considerably better
sines ,using Dr. Hamilton's Pills."
Sold everywhere. 25c, pal• boic or t`ive'
f for one dollar.
tY. 1 , r:he i.01•,. 1v'Aie
Qin ""douse may dtift'i:.:mien' In `m
•teri;li, size ant1 ar2ltitei titre, but�e': `le;
i.•itt?.el.t111?•.•hila'?}e,:�.tii.•>`etl j1?24444,
Ye.'t •liOlile" -1 • '"
� 1..� same, for, 9t i�•.
1r111T oP 1 n•.
Enna "love."' 1� e�F inti; i'CCnt;fi 4444,,,
s the ""lo, e stone" ill 'some of our howls '
s structures, :for the kind of etiute'lna;
o he hid den:by 7. jegge-t, rough ,exterior,'
Y.' wiiieh ride clad no 'eltiseling or polis' h-
i ig, and so' the beauty of •tlfe real stone'•
he lost. Soifietitne,, even the f;tnhily.:
i` ih,tillaelt2a 'may '?:111 'to recognize tate
t fart ;hat ;ilei: ?tome is built 'of. anti-
..,: , i,, t
t 4444 i,tic, so l:lutiful or lcuveniyis: loch,
�'1lil,':i,•is,;,'"lllil :,.` lain: it lrAT
tl,Ilt.•ii LPt'llel, ;(i !i - I •ni it .her
�"� 1 dlo�iil }n,. hQT
n• •.
.,tit t11� ; . ,.•••
J ,
t brt"`
ct, P•
a 1111 d.n.iti1.� .,lull .
nte':akfasts, of.,ptttuUNig . and Men hirs';,
sweeping anti (1 tIn� `the. care of bsibv
-end the children's p:ay--rani; -
, • of it ail:
is "love ." -_-otinor-' 1ittgtigine.•
>V EY'.
On worthless eures for' • 'catarrh
There; is onlyy. one - remedy that's 's'uc
cessful- "Catarrhozone" it • cure
when the ' doctor•• says 'your case i
hopeless. No. drugs •to take; n
atomizer to bother with, • you. Simply the fragrant vapor of this un-
failing.cureand get well quickly.; Re
11ef is instant, ' cirre- is' guaranteed So
you: run no risk••.with . Catarrhozone,
on't experiment, don't put cif, ge
Gatarrhozolie .frons your 'druggis
to -day. 44
be- 1 In tho' ease of • Weak 'eyebrows their
dot growth•greatly encouraged by
brushing .with a soft. brush. Tine does
wind a World ,ofgood; says the London
me Queen; No one under any elrcillnstatz-
c"es, -yrieng'or old; should cot 'the eye-
at-. brows, but ` lnanvwho boast of the
In „prettiest ruched ones and of the fullest.
• growth owe this to the excellent habit
st of combing them teom the side of the
heface toward the nose; This is very:
le. good for them and will often. thicken
1e, them. Vaseline and...fatty creams are
ly boueticial .for the .aetual• eyebrows, but
e, • . the danger 'is. they may be' Allowed' to
al . ,go - beyond, - and so.' encourage .the
growth•ot superfluous haft rags
Welaiming the Baby. -
A valuable niediis of ascertaining the
progress of a ehlld, which. Is too often
neglected, is regular weighing. - A child
from birth to six months of age .should
be weighed weekly, as , by this means,
almost- to the exclusion of all others
the can tell Trow theehiid •is developing,
urine. the first week there. is general-
ly' weight, but by theend of the
second week the ebiid should have re•,
' gained Its -birth weight, and if there is
a gain of less than four ounces Weekly •
or a stationary weight we know there
is some fault with its •Nutrition, either
in the quantity or quality of the milk
Which .it -receives or its power ores.
similation:• ; J
• 'Why a' bog Trots
•- It is said that a dogtrots sidewise 0o
that his hind feet will not strike his
fore feet, That seems to be a reasona-
ble'explanation, for if he be harnessed
to a small wagon, . between: shafts, so
that he cannot' turn his' body to one
aide, his feet will often come into eol-
1lsion, When he trots Sidewise, how-
owever, one hind foot goes between the
fore feet and the other outside.
A ltiesaciiiter. • ' . 1
Little Jack by the seaside stands, i t, t 1
• Watching the setting, sun. 1
Ile runs to the beach at eventide, ' 1 1
1"or his day of play ie done. -? •
Itis father has gone to -the Chitna'Seal1
• For it Canino of a year and More,
,Altd little Jack is left behind
• -vn t. i r,. .
e -ed if-
dff - -
g Lois...&1a
1: a d •s area
3 n b
He k1Sses'his ,salad as the sun teriki3 down
And murm(ris'it message low,
"When you shine on father toiuorroW
' lust tell hfm Jaek says 'Iloilo,""
"Supper rs ready,'* the black nurse
Jack answers; "I can't Come, Dinah.
The sun has a,
hmesSage to give to
I'll ,welt _till he get:* to China."
--St. Niotho1#,,
11 TUU. A OOS$ ? er are you bide.
titdeutr If you are making looney for some one
ke,gitltend make 'Money for yourself, Getout
Jelaveryr and he free. 'Write G. loans ntAtr. tic
, I,ottdoti. They will show you the way, They
started trd
M t
on the h road to freedom.
f edtn
vee dollars a day, every days In the year, is be.
'made handling their good.. Write sow,
is ;mode,,
of the P`red Victor Mission, honorary�president of the Canadian Household Economic o'
Aetiaoo}axion, viae -president of the Women's Council of Toronto and an executrix rve
of her father's lirt:
e s estate are,uut a £civ phases of her busy career, ins
Itle$e teoori nate an state 1' oSitteatofCteel&, to the tar 1 by W, r1, ,leek, at the liepe,tteilettt of Attttnittte
It knits people in a tender- spot and
makes -,itmighty hard to brace up.
Nerviline takes that kink our of" your
sinalcoluninin shortorder ; it soothes
that's why relief conies so soon. Ner-
viline penetrates, ;that why it cures,
,rive times stronger than ordinary
remedies, Nerviline can't fail tocure
lame back, lumbago,• sciatica and
neuralgia. Nervilino is instant death
to all muscular pain. For rioarly fifty
years it has been the largest selling
liniment in Canada. - Better try it.
Bu eetus !nodi.
If you are cooking iish, ham' or any-
thing else that makes a strong odor, or
if somethingg has boiled over orrburned
In the oven, scatter a little ye,�offee en
top - of the stove or on a .licit griddle
and lei it bairn. The odor of the tofteo-
+twill qty utiich sta oiiger-thutt-the-others,-•
and far more agreeable, I.will
g t not do'
any harm .o the
so l
Ylet t burn
up and if necessary carry some through 1
the house on a hot Pan, This is better
than the old method of burning sugar.
A Mistress ter'rariarfee.
Miss Mintietta Taylor of Greencastle,
Ines., for years professor of Romance
languages is the De ):'auto university,
speaks fluently twenty-two different
tongues, is able to converse fairly Well
in nine -others and can read four more.
Prom early childhood she allowed as-
tonlshing ability to master languages,
and when little more than a child be-
came so Paitlliar with Latin, Greek
and Hebrew brew that she spoke a
p each of
these tongues,. -4 ansas City 3ournai,
Suffered Terrible Agony
OUREA ' HI -1Y1.
Swed the words of praise, SIr. 1111 A.'ifdlnais, '
Sado& Midio, N.B.; has rtes Doan's' Kidney
Fla ate writs us): "For the pate three years
I Save suffered tem'ble agony from pain . awns '
arg.liddasys. I•was so lead I eouid'iwt stool,
sr bead. I.00neulted and $ltd several' eaters
Mat Me, but Could gel se fact On tea advise '
.1 a friend. I procured a hot of your rain abt.,
11164dh ing remedy (Doak', Kidney Pilis), and M
of =prise and delight, I frutnedlately apt
bluer. In snydpinion Roan's Kidney Pills lune
se scat for any form of kidney trouble." ' .
• ltfsaa's Sidney i'i1L we ISO bents per box se
limits bozos for 41.26. Car be procured at ail
• Imam es *Ill be mailed (areet on reotrips aM ,
viesb/' Th. Doan Mho, Pili Co, Termite, b •. ...__�...�
De set Moept a wutsa. substitute bat ° CillintOfl Sash boor. and
aai "Dona' � t y
Its Purity
lis flavor
grant: �
Are all responsible for it:' +naz'lt'tw
ous sale of • 14,000,000 packets
annually. '
Sealed Lend t';_ckets{ only, re acts, 40e, !SOe, and
At all Griner*. slidheat award St. Lou,s, 1904 04,1
REED 11,00 EIIS..
R,Ickers-new styles worth el o for $2,op.
'Rockers -fancy finish worth. $ o ..for 2.75.
Rockers, -same as cut worth s.00 for . 3,/:5.;
11. � heltew, • BLUE('
Furniture and Undertaking.
Hovey's Baking Powder, per ib....25e : Hovey's Emulsion Ood Liver (XI
Hovey's Ooinpnund Syrup of White - and Hypo:phospbites. 50%
Pine an .Tar, dor- cou• ghs
'and colds... 4 oz. bottle for Jc
Hovey's Beef, Iron and ,Fine,, for ` -
pure Norway Oil, trade by
over own. reoeipe. Nous
other' just its good' 10 on:
bottle . ,
tonic and strengthening i iovey's Cocoa Omani, Cream of
medicine.— ; .16 ez, bottle 75e i . Witch Hemet and Create - of '
Hovey's Conipoltnd leen Pills, 50 in 1 Violets, for chapped bhtnds,
a 133x.,, , ..25e; i ,loxes $1,00 etc.,. • , , • , , per bottle 2Sa
'Dispensing Chemist
B. H/�. •�J �J
L! i •l andDruggist
f D gg st
aint YourJ3u
Buggies steal :painting .this spring, and the tim
have: them done is; pow,and t:he:place to have thee_
done right is i
tom t-
a.S et..
,. Gy,... •..
Howttbilut Seeds?
iluloiby etc,
Call 'emits-. 'We ha yeTtiii; Cloven',:A,isille lint%flucerne.•'
Ant'flie mintinganything special should call and' order earl so ea .to h
surerpfocuring it when needed • We will talk more of seed's late on: ' '
LA JEs,-- (liell•arid t+xtimine our. ttet5 Spring Goods, of all kinds.
b , 1, �. See • one
eautifut range of; Colliers, get a pattern sheet.: Our magazine and atterns •
ver:,r. cheap " . p are•
'Ennior him,'Londeskoro,
. Feb.. 2'•0tli, 1906:.
Did you ever Stop to think ?
When buy:ng a Dinner, Tea`or :Toilet Set or Faney China,
first-class goods, up-to-date shapes be decorttionshe sure and call .
_1111., .�... �`
Teas, Sugars and.. Canned .Goods
•1S`o lead in Quantity, Quality- and Pekes.
Special ciit.prices on Sugar in' 100 Ib Labs
SEEDS ,."11l kinds, Red ,Clover, Alsike, 'Tiinotbty, Or-
• chard Grass, Mangold andT"irnip Seed. Ontar-
io Agricultural College says : •- ""Yellow Leviathan stands at the
head of the list in yield per acre in 25 different varieties." •
8016 by ••
J. ins'. IRWI1
'" a" Blind Factory,
The Town of Clinton is on the eve of
a "boom," If you contemplate,
let .us; give you 'our
etc. tc.
WWIttlquarters for kinds of builders' materials:VI
Anyone sending a sketch and desert tion may
entekly ascertain our opinion free whether an
tuvelltion is probably pet4)htnble. Communlaa-
t10ns strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
dent free. oldest agency for soeuring stents.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
epectai notice, without charge, In the
$cIoutifie merkkan.
A �in r{tsomolylihntratod weekly..1,argObt efr-
etllatton of any sctonttihe. /mullet Terme, $3 a
Pearl four
, 81 20
5 b
r w
ealer4UNN.: O61Brroedsr,.New
Branch G
MO. til 0.626
tTt» VV'adhln
rt ,
• Exclusive sale for D, - L.
W. Scranton Coal, Orders
left and money received at
Harland Bros, Hardware for
all kinds of Coal
St S. COOPER Clinton
ase and Lot for 1!
S a�A"
The P house now cicd'n fed'
e, containing ntalnl
,r1. t •s rY frame building:1 ar, franc" side and.
back en-
trance : corner lot; half -Were t good stable, from side
e franc " ,
e cod orchard, 11 Pot. c t
y Lir .
1•'i Immediate diL
ha solid willt r1
r sold
at. a BARGAIN. 1, tC,�x�.I
�r, The
house • .
ib t • purchaser,
built i ' of so}fd
timbers, tied will last a lift! -titre. $200 spent' recently* in
modern Improvements. Ivor further particulars, or an
inspection of peopeyty, supply to
If you want to get the best results, advertise i1 `
the Clinton New Era