HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-23, Page 7IE CLINTON l w ERS. ; L: ONTARIO'S INSANIE, Duty eta lbs Provinces Tgvlral'�f Th fol �► W 1I LUTE Thee* n r u11a tt ear --.H qt1. W. Hann* Address.s the Comet) len Clete The speaker at the Canadian Clu'te of Toronto on a recent afternoon was ]tion. • W. J. Hennfa.; the Provincial Secretary, . ' l'fho• talked entertainingly and instrue- tientline tive1y Open the question of the care of ourmentally afflicted, and the devising 1 Cr t e. 01 a syeteirs llvhich, while continuing theTi. efficiency of the present Method 'to- e. wade the afflicted themselves, will not be a direct incentive to the shirking of obvious duties on the part of the in - Little 'L VF S. dividual and the local spino w th. His •iii gi utterances were listened 'to• lvlth Sleq�f. THE GRANDEST LODGE. Thane 'la a lodge we all may join -ea The rich, the high, the tow; The grandest that was, ever formed Vol' mortals here below. There are no black balls, tines,n'or duel With Adam it began; The greatest lodge there is on earthee The I3rotherhoad of Man. Its doors are open to mankind, Its Membership, is free; Then .come and make the ties rnorp strong • That bindoth• you and me, Extend: your hand in fellowship, And Join it While you eon; The only thing that's asked of you Is simply be a Man, Gip tell your neit;hber'you• have joined, Go grasp him by the•hand; Go tell him you have found thea truth And spread it o'er the land; That an men are cur brothers—. The white, the black, the•tano- That all are welcome In our cause The Brotherhood of Man, —John 0. 'Wright. RADIUM HAS ALL GONE. • Mullet inoteseaigrintuje o!' See • Vac.Simife.Wrapper Below. 'Orr anima .mad .sus easy 'to take w *moo. • • CARR$ 2::::::::s.'" 1®IntE QR'DILIOU;MES- • 1 LER AOR TORPID LIVER., Lt. FOI3�`CO) STI,PATIOf1 1 iFOR'$ALLOW SKiN. FOR THE COMPLEXION v.. PI'S ICILADA9441F. HOW C~A'NADA,_GETS, ITS' TIME. • Paper Read by'Mr. rReefel.'Stewart'fio. fore AstronontiaaieSoolety; At a •coital Society of the Toron'Co•Astron- •recent•1y the,papegr for the evening. was: '"The` Time Serviese•of the Dominion Observatoryrat'Ottawa," a by Mr. R. Meldrum Stewart,' M.A.., whir a Ile in charge of the service. Everyone. from the .railway management to the t interest, the Impression prevailing that they were in a cense semi-otiiofal. °• There are, he a'atd, in the institutions for the insane in Ontario, 6,000 people, who. are maintained at an annual, cost of quite $1,000,000 it anything at all, is allowed for capital- account, eto. For the maintenance of but 1,200 of these; or about 20 per cent„ is anything con- tributed by patients themselves, or "by those' morally or legally responsible for 'their care .arid comfort, and for the year ending 30th September last the amount so contributed 'was less than. $115,000, the highest point yet reached. final; •of this waa'•eontributed by-•-th working. class, who are as a Glass the. least disposed. 'to avoid payment. This :means that 88, per cent. of the cost of maintenance is defrayed `by the - pro- vince, . He acknowledged the duty of the Government •to take care of this class of citizens, but on far higher grounds .ofa measure of humanity and Practical Christianity he unhesitatingly advocated the most efficient system; •re- gardless of expense; The central plan of oaring for the insane adopted by thye Government Is superior to the localized` -one at many points, but it destroyed the careful oversight of each individual ease which ,is the distinctive feature of Deal interest and• control. The super- Xority of the localized. system consfsts, n the fact that the municipal officers ave personal knowledge of evert'y�;ease nd of the ability of the relatives to, Pay and whether they shoiild'he made • o�'pay. In this respect the Ontario sys em is deplorably defective: Mr. lian- a drew attention to the increase in he number.of insane from eihe;+tn each ;168, of population in 1871 to one in ach 340 in 1905, while in Quebec there only one in each 450., in New Bruns - ick one en 460, and In • Nova. Scotia ne. In 85'0, The question was, '"Is Gov - Man on the Street, ultimately dependent t - on some observat©ry.•oloelc The method )) Of determining the timenfrrorrrt the stare' .r.t was explained and also the •eesentlals 1 of a good clock. The ultimate standard e at the Observatory is one: made by is Riefler, of Munich. it has:a,nickei-steel _ W rendulum, is sealed up Im s .glasi saes o toned to ait .D lar•,anr3ts',own.•pier ,ilz a basement room, automatically, regd.- , w kiting itstemperature,' and it .winds it= . it Self up electrically every•:half minute.. 'k It kkeeps time with the -,stars; . and -is- e Galled a e *lock, which:keeps. ordinary,„tin e. Was.alsb made,hy Riefler, and is 3nount- ��td1 like theeether. :Its .time hi cheoked daily by co arison with•the sidereal Sleek. Ey electrloal means• this 'clock Controls a blacken .eaoh• of 'the Govern=• 'went buildangsrand these again• actuate ale placed In each of the roonte.•'Pbur ennment aid.to-day given ,in such a • ay. as to kill individual effort, and can be given 'in such'a way -as to stirnu ate it? Had the plan originally adopt - d and since pursued en some, way,tre.. sidereal Cfook. The chi me the assistance .above 'pictur a of the .jj}IE Mau lid_: 43-1I-the.trade-_ nittrk: of Scott's Emulsion, fend is• the synonym •for.• strength and purity, It is Bold in .almost all the civilized coun- tries. of the globe. ' If the cod fish became extinct it would be a worldiwide calam- ity, because the oil that comes from its liver 'surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties, Thirty , years ago the proprietors : of Scott's Em'tll- • cion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full \-slue of` the oil without the.objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the beet'thing•inthe world for weak, backward children, thin, clttlicate people, 'and , all' conditions of wasting and lost strength. Send -for-free sample. SCOTT & ]30WNLl' Cur -mars • •I Tormtvro, -qNZ.. 50r. AntiX.UO. All dr f uggtstd. • $Iia efonean- to d of the munici- i• Insulated• wires ;run from the Observa- tory to .the ofty :tor •this: purpose. At resent these are 42 dials' in- the• Par: palitie ; in deternnirenhe hd are •proper- ly adniis'ible• and who should pay and to what extent it wouldhave enlisted the help of thou.t:rids of prisoners hav- ing intimate knovledge of the, cases, who• would have nil been interested, in Frrrie tie'Tee do >;ec3nglylrat tine; system wan not abused. carne of 'the .most con- epieuous conseiiuences • 'of the '-plan adopted;is that it has,develoned .a syr- umane; and effl- tem which; however h met bueldingg,+•69 in the; est'Block (,fedi it. may he, : hoes a pauperizing ere 4 : 2.s;' a few •others,+ e; rrsrak .0 ,:. a' iota; �V D ter f f 1! owe. 'Simco the h est of DecerrtXi r , e ]split ,0 and • S in tale ngevin Bisalt» These ,feet. , No. such. complaint exists in the with cases of houses oY refuge. and of non- : Baying;hospital patients.' Does tl1e lopa4 .tier ,r,;,ncle'P•.gild :treterept :in,:thehe• cases' furnish the exrilere tion? •:as asked•the ' Canadian Club ate, •solve the problem, • ' :imposing: but one..eendition-that the solution shall :not •result •in •:increased, burdens oil the naunfeifialities, tirneba.l has been dreeped every noon fill ? rliament JFIill, controlled automat Wally from the Observatory, and 'situse the New Year the time ..t has: been. given fly to tate el, N. W. Telegraph Co, 'The entire e erVice .Is •:oontroIIed• from the Observatory. It Is.kept..in.;a.high ' State of efficiency. Mise E. A. Dent gave, the: fine of ,a --teries-of--lessons;en_"Ilaw-to:-Fiathet r Stars." Dr. Marsh of :Hamilton, 'his-.. teibuted a number ,of t s •photogra h. , the eclipsedf moon; taken' by himself. Fortunate •Fa sea. A Jewish Panertelis t he. Storer a rabbi who expounded 'and.interpreted • the Jewish law to the faithful observers • for a stipend Which a Junior clerk; would scorn. The 'learned' man was asked by a friend ihow•hewvas getting on. "Slowly," be ousweredeewith:a sigh. "If it were not &r the numerous Pasta ' which �a c our religion hese gI ribesri P am sure Nty family would die;ef starvation" No Cause For Wear. • Husband—That's a'1oolish'habit you 4/Omen have of carsytng;youripurseg is your hands when In the street. ':Wife-- Why is• it? Husband --Because n thief , could easily snatch 4 em and get away, eeleife-Reil, tf the 17sbands oir other women don't give them. any::mare to Iput in their purses than you;give•me to I put in mine the thief 'would .etarse to' ,:death. si le. "Cltaraetee • 'i1n• the churchyard of Woreetetele leent, 'England, is tee epitaphs "SCereti.•to•tbe ' ememor;y ,of letelor James ltn'35h, •'royal rarhllery, tete--wit . killed by the ac- i.dentai discharge of a pistol -'iy his or. i .derly .54th Aprils, +1831. Well 4,926, good ' eineefaithfn1 servant" I,; Ube Food That Builds Maybe you athink of Mooney's Sodas only as a toothsome tidbit. Don't overlook their food v .lu.; Mooney's Perfection ' C'Peals' Sodas are made 'of finest Cana- dian wheat flair, pure but.. ter and rich cream. There's ..nothing -else .�:br tial._ size and cost du t contains so much wholesome hour, ishrnent. An ideal good. • Ali groom) e ' theta -•-fresh end aim In 1 1► 3 patters. , ; iiERrECTION ';1 C ..,., S rrj r �M•� fr•'r t l'it NCY setcone, ,101' i t • Inspector's hemmed Rejser. '' The thirty-eighth ann ai .repelrt • tSaha/ratic•and idiot( asylums of 0 -tar o- s owe- that there evert '4;213 p tients cef tifred insane on Sept. 3.0, 19 an increase of 632 for the -.year, dirt which 1.130; patients were admitted. 1s Sept. 30, 1905; the number of •patie was 4,613. .The total :eestoe mainte enc e for the- year was 760 2:bt atwe e •• :Sleepy L. eaters.' . •• 'The iPerlicament of Australia 'had' an 'all night session recently. It roust have been •a ,picturesciue^"pxooeeaing, The • rlrtgnrg cd beIls,.which occurred at fre- .•.quent intervals When a vigilant mem- her'dreaer attention. to.. the absence Di a .quorum„ '"supplied •a kind of triangle accompaniment . to 'the trombone -take notes df.the •sleepers." Under' these cit- • sums tancea the remark of jos eph'�ok • wliu_ openhl}jnsd loudly of the "dumb, dead •silence" of the -sleeping. members, rust have peen! irontcal, ';The Sleepers • were unmoved, .however,, .The, post- .' master -.general was in. charge ,of the •bill.. but, we. are told, ,his " head: began to fall gracefully :forward. upon.his breast, arra• he nulled :up his'collar, as • • •• Supply of Precioue Element Almost —�-.---Leased—Prohibitted-Ph/NW— The itieB-Rrioetr; _._.w. The ,andon Express says; The Sup•- •' ply of radium has practically ceased, ' ante the price of this wonderful sub- 1 stance, has :become almost prohibitive. "We would very much like to obtain more for our experiments, .but we can- not afford it," said •a' consulting sur- geon at a large hospital recently. . ""Tile diseovery, of radium is so' important and revolutionary t�i• t efforts are being made both intrica and this coup-. t try: to obtain efficient radio -active hub - stances from other sources than pitch Mende," A physicist who has provided many institutions with radium of various qualities said that he was now unable to obtain any mere from the greet ,cen- tre in Brunswick.. "It was from the. Brunswick centre that Prof, Giesel's pure preparation was obtained," he' said, . "There were, in.. •ia•ct, only two centres—Paris, where the discoverer's preparation, the Curie 'ra- • diem, was 'obtained. and Brunswick. "The fact that the Austrian Gover •:hent prohibited the eatport ef'radium of course, the reason' of its prese tri c@, "About three years eget !it was. De sible to'obtain the highly active radi •at 4 5 for ten nrilligrammes, or on fifty thousandth ,part of a pound.. "Then the'price crept up to' 4 •il, 13, £ 25 and now a fair price for this mere speokof 'the element •Would' be:' 270.- • "The. process :of extracting. these specks of radiurrofrom tons of ore is so costly and: tediotis. that „it only :pays to extract it In its highest and most ac= tive furrn. °In this foram it 1-• found only in Bohernia, : Hence' the I,reeent difil- cuIty. The. Balky, 6forse. • • Nine times out of• tion a 1r1111c 'le the result of i• hares ab alli5 ciiiver, declares an experienced' hors°eman. Many high. strung anti, nervous horses are' comple- tely- rained• kit lied,ram pre Y tgerrient on "Maple Leaf" Yong Rubber Boots are doubly strengthened at points where the wear is greatest, and are made throughout of . only the toughen; wearing material. Insist on "Maple Leaf" brand rubbers for all purposes --they fit .every shape and style of Men's, w .`saiacf-ehil-Stents Are warm, perfect fitting and lasting. " Maple. Leaf " brand rubbers please the dealer because they satisfy his customers and increase trade, • Ages of British Minister's. �. Sir H. Bannerman's Cabinet: Prem - e, ter, Sir E. Bannerman, 69; lord chafe. eellor, Sir Be Reed, 59; lord president, Earl al r Ce we48;z 0 a-d,privy seal, Mar.- urn Outs of Ripon, 78; Mime secretary, H. e- Gladstone, 51; foreign secretary, Sir E, Grey, 43; Colonial secretary, 'Earl of 7. Elgin, 56; war secretary, R. Be Hal - done, 49; India secretary,. John Morley, 67; . chancellor' exchequer, . •H,- .A.. As. . quith, 53; admiralty; Lord Tweedmoutlr, 56; secretary Scotland, John Sinclair, 45; bo'ard • of trade, `Lioyd George; 4:2; local •government beard, John Burne, 47; board'of'agricuiture, Earl earring- , ton, 62; board of education, A. Birrell, 56; postmaster-;geezeral. S, Buxton, 52; i h inc c•il•hI catchy. " ir, 11': Ino ler, 75: see r et al', ,for :Irt:l.nnti,' James Bryce, rift: stoma?; 16.12 - d... fir- Thert)ur's Caliente: Premier. :+,, J `I3ti font 5i'; loot' 1rl)anceliot•, 'heel I32 ii'r3 ,EO;:M.lord Prr:� dont , it ti`. of ].rirnrli nderry, 53 ku.i• .i r't t meal; eines:ie• of Salisbury, 4:, c•llithc,••1't ref e•e,•1- acinus; .4. Chamber•) aitl,.e.e; foreign • ' :c < r r•t:biy :tl:hrgttis :,f •Lancdo•c•ne 0: • the•. part.:of.,xtte one Working, :them, I n colonial seers: Gey, A. Lyttelten,.4e hetre the atteetiori•of a balking horse ca' ;pe diverted, half of the trouble is over yet -hop, few. 'men "niii•' •refrain• from •beating him at such times: m s. 'When 0, horse Is . inelinefi to • b balky he should be put in chant;. e the. best horseman about' the .place' and not driven by every one to 'ret farm; roe vieidly. _1f memb' sharply: .. r r rwl]t)7., s ar iy p y Then he will not i' . sto in ll. Gut :let n pit g of hes own. flee Will. Get doNen and walk about hint. frrtlug: up one foot and then smother; tapping them . wit a, e stone may answer in tiir•c rtinf;' itis enti On r'- 1 tf.,e;fil tie lie his coli rr . Per- haps his. mane is melte'.it and n. t dC ttentron• There. are mithe neay�s of al- erting z hoes `s attention ;to; make in'i forgot •his I iti h ibifs; .like ponying r_. )itt t• twofer in jibe ors or: rubbing and in hie n rutty Then, if -car sped 'to the fir <lutrit k o se , ]cin ,SidA of hint hc;•• Mal :,t r:' t a'm, ret r if seeking more warmth." his Cook arae: n at , usnll i n Y indignant. g Grit: Here ts,•.the • on i' :4rinister is charge of •'these . phiposalls '• steeping nice a bird With his head upon : n • is e, ., r rc1ai d i id'1 a^ A li't'te „� , ;Ater another member rose to a Oct Penni of order:: "Is an.honorable merit- ; • ng' " her in order in snoring so louding thatI '. On testnnot hear. ?'' nts t. n_ t r- Aust: of res Pr +cb[A m kl 't Y - • e • co et per n patient of :$2 3 Revenue'fr I paying patiente art�rttunt<t5 to $#14;91.6 Dr. Forbes Winslaw is quoted as a, big •'that "aloohel' dense • be given: t l rst,plaee as a eanse.Tee insanity," wi tpbaceo, especially cigarette-srndkin as a potent ,factor :in ;lunacy. ;In t as ;sttuare mites.' The imrnenee' entire t the cases` pf insert/fere *hile`in ;Onte. Richard .r i.. 2 d `lrth u r . �r 1 r ,r r x to r ,. he Immigration a � loll grr�._run .League.• of :l.r ;t: _ a y.. 'has : been puiatting -out tutu:: eeh • i aro he ft tete in referee a •to' ,h c tl� .acii i�f 1, •rn:E, 1.. th -NM in the Commonwealth Int e v,.1 g,• northern.territory there ere' (May he %whites,' oe one, inhab tk i n1 to eV IT. 74r 'British' asylums intemperance ;Ise signed as • the cause •ef (eta -quarter • of :spaces, he says, cry out: for• perpula.tinr,.. kr • 'The world has:grown so sih•ail tha•t the t t- • only solid title:to' arty part of -its sue 4 :ne :Safe is . effaceiire •occupation:. Modern .. T e' ..methods• of transit have :brought. the. + ' i'- • •west, 'unoccup eel .nortl'rern territory of ;: tr on .Australia within easy reach of the j w ori- tteeudng Asiatirr:r,enplts: i bel only 6 1-2 per cent. of*the ,ceases .are.a 1 etributed to drink, • ''Uniformity in 'the manual of servic •3s. recommended for the different inst • ttitions 'which have .shown a dispositi 'to live apart instead o;E'wcu'king in sy apathy. The itinerant system among: f cia]s is .considered a belixfui oho, .__ stronh-:prot:est-'is 1011'rtr�ire -regi tared againstethe commitment 'of 1 .sane persons t', jail: •it Is !pointed oL that .the word "asylum in •connectlo of may. not. in any •event, ltee;r.cool'. cello se1Terne• mn t - worli thie 'tin] rt aird.;ur:0t• ,ver at ot•k' on the seine' hot st , °•1, he oni -. alt native •to be i f: t- sus,: patient, iorig ."ufr 1in_, r n ?.... '• nail you. fine some ai1i r, fir llo;v that ants to talte- a hernih :ir driving a lily horse. w 'thee insane. Is becoming obsolet 0. rctat•i•.f,r:India; Sir'John Brodrick, 49: •'sc c 1 etary 'ware '.1•ficlld 1 i,i 1 •50 hi,nit4 icer c tary, •1_ , A. Dougl is ;: 54; *acllniralty, EarleCawdor, 55; lord ehtin-' e011or for .Irel nd, heel. t 1h1•er•r• gee • eeert•'rale; Scotland, rote., •LinlitItwee.,. 45; board • of .agriculture, Ateven Fel- Ioties, . 1Q;c first e'atnieIs onar notk:1, • Ler e eery; 1OU'eit; 4s;--cultyt secretary ire_ . land; W.. -Long, 51; postmaster -general, Lord Stanley, 40; average; 53. • Dee bfetlr sift Mrs. . lv:r�, ; Ie.-lee—The new ;air l tire. Close' keep has got must be a jewel. Young—W hy. Sher eom �i:=?ire about OUt ltE"r ;Imre tenth sire ciid shoot dile --of Ler Other~. Me,. lS ice -O f • course. . She av rifts tis 111) ,tel think that thein iso' worth elite -111,g awryg t. .. • A min,tt•',Gift cif Hennty, • 1. A man may he as uri,lttt'fletivetphys . icalle as tt gargoyle. but If he possesses nersontil force aid strength 01 ''eharac- trrl ne Wed naver lack feminine admlra- r 'titin.-Lnndon .C';etitlewomnn; Leetu real it- Len _ • , - - .. kninq. Hoepital 'the proper name tor -insti— tutions devoted to their eare. Next to 'eerie county, which furnish 260.1unatics last year, com.es.Middle sex with 63; Wentworth and Shontena had 45' eon; CarleiOn, 46- Leeds and • Grenville, 45;. Situate, 41, 'and, elorth umberland and Durham; 40. Of ehe to- tal number of patients 1;097 hal from York county, 351 from Middlesex, .280 /rout Weetworth, 253 from Sirecoe, and - 245 from Carleton. I As many 'as 64a patients have.been eesidence twenty years and upwarclh 'There were 315 discharged cured due - lag the yeareone of these after twenty years. The numeer• of deaths for the Year were 243, a percentage of 5.97. Tuberculosis was the cause of 43. Sen.• De decay and epilepsy were the next I of the occupations of insane persone , the great bulk Of them 001110 front, four classes. Housekeepers heed the list for 1 the period ender survey with 5,434 caste; laborers follow with 4,680; farm- ereewith 4,365, and domestic servants, with 2,726. The eriormous difference is apparent when It is noted thee the next . twee classes are WiVeS 'with 656 cases, I and carpenters, with 471. ii Patients wore given emPloyment in he asylum to the nur-nber of 4,431, with ' an average number Of 208 days for eaeh Hairbrushes shop% go tato the wash Weekly4 as regularly an do the Sheets and pillowcases. Into a ehalldir basin 1,put- soma •.1rerp-hot valet -and ipoonftti ammonia. Shake the brushes an and down In this, keeping Or bristles down and thi books and handles out of the Water as much as posalbla• •Dry them in an open muting The Eyelaishee, Irst'ths lashes alone, Tee mueit trim. Ling Is certain to woaksn tho strenggit it tits eyes. Girls who gs to the hair- dsolastos Ovary ss ,to • 1Jciiin Stewart leleaaig; a Scotch barer - 150;00o, for the .Meetion of •eratuch of 1' erted .to' the- Britten leariene en t 1 Of: •ht had .to hiss tee babies. paw p nte be their mothers and ex - .plain the beintlee te Lib( iisin• to their ; fathers, who: ut ver 000111 • be 1 hOW they would vote, e .the. flay f.t tht'VeleCtiOn eVerillIng turned on about Tory 'went out et) eiSh'. in a punt, and • oatmeal Wit° acconiPanied him Wes .• induced to keep him well out in the • ,inereafied power of forgetting. — Cone fession by the Treed Mester of Eton. "Mine Is a pursuit.' I'm a bill' 001• , bour IMe passed, Another aged and ED HER BOY deerepltellory was hept in, las house by havlee ettbs run at him whenever he trii ii to *issue from hie doer. Einally the Litherals won the day." Newmarket Mother is fond in Inc Praises of the Gitat Con- sumption Preventative , "My son Leurence was •takezi clown , with Pneurnonia.eetsaye Mrs. A. 0: Fisher, tended him. He ;lay for three months ' almost like a, deed child. Ms lungs became so swollesi, .1,1•4s heart was pre,,r4en °Vet` to the right side, Altogether I think we paid $teo to the tbctors, and all the time he was getting^ worse. Then we I cortimenced. the De Slocum treatment. The effect Was wonderful. We saw a difference in two days. Our boy was soon Here IS A positive proof that Psyhine will cure Pneumonia. But why wait till Pneumonht comes, It alwaye starts with Chree the Cold and the Cold will Pneunichila into Corisompilere 'The one sure way to clear nut Cold, root and branch, and to build up the body so that. the Cold worhhhorrie back is to use TOM. let -wing in the grofinds 'erf rice, two Veer children made. irt- teiresting Oise every, 'With email :epatles they were digging a hole, and eust be- low the surface. eeveral gold. eoinx, •wert, unearthed. They contintied .din gra ually seldtxtg to their en -edema - store., Theeiouegeters soon had a pile, Of Enhifelt gold ezhvereigns The sea - .ton then joined ehe seavele and It wee hot long before treetsure to the value es' nearly $5,000 in gold Una silver tones breught eo Hort, 'During the war Ihe church wee wed as a hespital arid tor housing refugoee. and it is eine shifted that the freastue must Neve been buried by sortie Ono who is now 0.-11(1. 01 all good fairies roehd the hintee Good Nature is the sweeteet, lame where she fling her airy wings Tho Moments fly the fleetest. "And other fairies, making bieer; • ' 'With her are gayly present; They shine like sunbeams io the ihaess Aant make mere living plettsanL The angles; she Divest r he Shed softly on the wearer; They make a plant feet stonaotimes fair roYCHINE .0tore them dark •Suspielon files, And make a fair face fairer. And Envy toll:ewe after, And Gloom i$ lost in laughter. t�tNie hair eii eti or Crim ed dnd (tom• w r air Olt the *Melons operator tit shape irk O raPer Bottl Were there great feat hl, or great ed.wroth way IiA!& til %f! Great wealth, great heathy offered. paying «fouls i t essay these Pays, dear ret, but ]seep , la a tot luta: y tAmor obese aft Billet 3t2• -••cell druggist., All the good stature pt t! .04,4,4•-w' 01 t Ali 8LOCUM, Limited, Toroth. tufl'arriet a :esCOtt Spofford its Sgt. Nice. .ill.. 'Grand '1,1601. Purc• Tea q Grand Mogul is noi exposed to store dust or ' microbes. The clean, air -tight paCkiges are the housekeeper's .protedien against inferiority .and dirt, 04 It cbrnes to you the from aduiteration-,:=the nic- est possible blend of the* finest teas of Ceylon -L -and ,affords you double the sa- tisfadion " just Ss good" teas .that are, sold in bulk, or packed in poisonous lead. Grand Mogul appeals to ihe nerves. Not a mere sub- stitute for bitters. Grand . Mogul 1/Sold et g54, 304, 404 trid 50c per' potted, WA great or mixed, Advertising ippropriAtiOn Is divides, with buyers.of Grend Mood Tea throw* prolific% oopos tic f�, ' easy to buy rROST { �'NCES Our prices for Frost' Fence are only as much as the best fence in the world is honestly worth. And we make the terms so. easy that every farmer and stock. men n a t can tak: advantage of them. Here's the way we witi let you buy all tie- Frost Pence- you need —On.' third cash- on delivery, one third by note, due Oct. 1st.'o6;, One third by note, dile ¥arch 1st, '07, • Five per cent, discount for cash if paid within 6o clays front date of .invoice And • remember-sh0111a I no;2r Prvct~s go wrong, frons nie'har Jeal defects. or workmanship in -building, Let are'repaired, free:of charge., DUNCAN McDONALD, Birth j. W. ii.ILL i • :4 r 'Ent tt�... J. MOORE Summmerhi l I�erami11 ems. • W. IL STOGDILL, �tI1hT4 ... �s '� . rtt'd°tdh '�. :-vrrme,u.•...uura -- 416,.itsw.rr' (roil. Y' Wadgtr E§:=.9* T 'eetee)) a,:l indieeretiotts ate the cause bf nr re sorrc w a it sttlfcririg titan all other'drsea.ses conrhir., e a y + vie Fee 1 0 v,ctu::v G1 1'ic1"us habits Gi. 1 ?tart i` -1 i fists tliow, p nphd face, dark cit clod e c s .,i,. R._ ..i•'d rr,,..,..n,,.•,,.„+• ,,7:•r;.rt,e,S s, 6to (,tr„ coicntenvee and ttf_.ni; t;car og i.c.lair.l to ail t. world his folly and. tend to blight his eaiietence. •.oi.r treatment post tively cures :all weak men by overcoming and removing t' +; effects of foreaer iodi..a et us.a ei excesses, lt'tops art tosses an .ramtran - t� restores the patient tewhat netere Intend td- a•heafr+ y .arid happy man with phyeical, mental a td ncrve:porw- ers eoniple' e. • For over 25 years Die. Ir. & K. l;av heated with the.rreat est success F alidiseases of men old women. 1f you have any secret disease that r; a weary Gra �. - 3 Menace L U your o health consult y su I e �. t tad zl,;. s ed• • h h•' S 6l - n is who yr s do not toex ' - me tt� z u 0 J u. i Pe. y • We guarantee e i_'o' entre Nervous Al`:+tiiNty,.. Diseases,: Stricture, . Varicocele; ICit:neg and meed r' Diseases. Consultation Free. If affable to call, irt.te for Question Blank for home Trea mens t DRS KENNEDY .8 KEfu$Iij ' Detroit, 1Witerh. shell for 2, 3, and Abates& TA (Noee genuine without thie name). Mei is our Specialty, We've been at it many years and going to keep oh longer. For . quality of work and tenoune of work. this Disk, fan -tone. throughout ail Canada. eonsfrizeilattIs simple, _compact, streams: - with immenee capacity: ',elver/2es and mak.% a tine seed bed. Ltuht of Draught. No Neel( 'Weight Sold by our Agents. Manufactured by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA ONT. ' Write for Bcoklet "EJ 1'. T. MURPHY. Loral Agent. opereeme (lolly, hush. mere ant take (Thep home with therm Prieto riehr--toil eer thatrafeelit repeater echo, J. W. TQrrance; nice and tender and juicy. RESTAURANT s,Lurdaytnthvtlyi, pargaiti Days, 1 '' Subscriber having -moved. oftigoil. Jo), oo. !recently occupied by F. At. ' !Watts, will be glad to nice( all ; his old customers,a.nd as many i ne% ones as may favor hint _ Having also bought out the King Bakery, . he will supply cOT:vnbte MTAIIKO DEMONS the \public with ' first - class Any6no .ond Mg it metre ima description was merely re( erten ( ur opinion tree II:letter ar 'Anna St rictlYconadent Ml.„11ANOBOVIK 011Patentif BREAD DELIVERED 'AS sees tree. ()Pliant Rooney tor Securinatietenue wow Notice, withoutoioirtio. lathe, Stitlitific Jililittican. li,BARTLIFp. hihefore piecing purr ordere for your sentem's supply of Coe?. get our'Dmees: The very best goods revered Sto4 and sold et the lowest possible pride. with Eiectrie Light Plant, 56 YEARS' •