HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-23, Page 4F 0 A I � . I � I . . . � I 4 * I I I V 0 � 0 ic"r 4% 1 * in Ueig D AV . 4, � nll� laph*�r of I I , 1. . �...., V ,� _1?1.tW11-"7W.J4,�WA46W. goseowowwuaW�,,,, . W" . 0 0 �� 11 . � 1_... - I I .I.• 1 ery I nD , -^.- -C!p M.. � ft, I PIN"If * , . . " It n urs day, � � - E venling, . ' 1 Fr�id and-Saturdathis' a . y y of , b I. . I ­ . I. . � Week . I I . I . I ­.. ..''. . I �... .. .. �. . � I . � Thursday evening of this week wemake our first display of the New. Easter Millinery and we give a cordial invitation -to all to visit out show room . . from 8 to 10 o'clock � . � . . . . ' . . . I . � � The t1ats this season.are .entirgty different to anyt4drij.. shown informer � ' -_ ­ _ I . seasons, almost every hal b6ing high, at si&6__afid_baW_­5`fi`d- range from --very . ' small to very large. Trimmings are,of flowers, roses big and IlUle-"moss roses, * . .. .1 I . I � real moss, and ribbon; al most. \% ithokit end. ., Many' -of. the hats are exact copiesofthe newest French styles. a.n,d the - prices will be as n icderate..as'can be made for High. Class Millinery.. - , I . . . . :. . ... . I . � � . . I . . . � r I 1. a New Lace Curtains, Fl.,or Oilcloths, LinoleumS, *' . I . I....,. I . � . --;-. . ' TableCovers, Chenille ,and Ta`etry.. . . . . e ­ I . Tapestry � . . . . . . I I Curtains and Draperies. . I . I . � . I . . 1. . I . I . � � . .• I . I . . � . . . . . This department will be found upstairs and althou,gh oUr.stock in this, line is' I . not as complete as it will be a little later still our assortment is good. - � I Better values are not to be anywhere.' . :. I � 7-..-- � I . . � . =, - I N6ttingham ]ace .curtains. 2 to 3y"ards long -4o to '5o ,inches. . wlje- in -neat � floral patterns, buttonholed edges, . . .. . ... ' I . . I ­ ' 1. . . . *- Fine Nottingham lace curtains, in, a, large variety. of floral designs 8 i72 . . yds long, 5c, to 6c, inches wide. Neat pretty Patterns per -pair $i 81.25': and V ' 'Zo. . . ' . Extra fine Nottingham' lace curtains. in, beautiful floral designs 56 to 6o inches wide; . . . I w � ' buttonhole edges -3 1-.2yards long. . Special.,'Price .at $11-7540 45.50� b. I I �. I Chenille and. Tapestry Curt -tins 33.754 $5,0*0 and $3,5o. -­ . . . . . , I . . . . I , . . . I . . . . . . . Chenille and Tapestry Covers *,7510.495..- * '-. , . I .. . � . . . .. . . I I I ­ . . ­ . . . . . . I ' � Linoleums, Floor Crilc1c,ths in �a large Choice. -of Patterns, . . I . � . ... . . . . .1111 . . I .1 . . .1 . . I . .. . . .... . . . . I . . New Styles in Ladies' Ciravenette'. - RmincoAts . I ­ ... � . .. I . - '. . '.. , .. I � _ . Ready=to=Wear Skirtsi '. .:for Womeni,. . I . I . I I �. ''.. . . ­ - I � . -Ladies', 'ithree-quar eii' I n, , . � Tel I . I t - _len, tb 'fawn , -e Black -. � . - 11. , i -gore . , � : . . .. � .and White. Twe0d I raincoats, mAde from extra qua-fity pWd., - " ' Double 'Stit'chcd Seams: Si ­.� , i ­:� , ' i " " ' St i tc b'i n g" o n b I I - . 11, i bl�ck Cravenette doable .• st � . . . 0 t t O m. , . . ) . * ' ' yl � . . - ;1 , . ... . - with�]-ar6-e lape]s',.'..fQU'r' P 'J. . tn' ; .atc .11 po-I.-ts, Special ............................ �..... IMF .' * * 'bath -I , � I - - y e . . - .. trimmed with. V u ftofig. �� ,N-'e.w st']' Ti&n-Gore flare. skirts :made from- - with belt. ' This 'Coat is - sold every,, . . . frons .. . . I fine black ladies' -c I o t b tri --e-d: ' w* e � I.i2. Out 7 m m � � re. fc,rl ' ­ prico:'thi�� I . . ' J . - ... . . 'r'" 110.,00 with straps of silk and buttons ' Sprifig will ,be_.. ............. I ........ ..... .".i........ . . . .... . .._��. "... 11 I . .. . .. � .. . ..1. I .. . , Special.,......_.... .... . $31*95 * . - . ' Ladies- Fawn and Grey... ravenette. '' . . Ladies' Skirts, ten- ore made from � ' _Raifi , Coai�,, Jull Je�gtb..- '- Four ­rows, � . ­ fine�-Blzciu and VV-h-ite-Tweed.-B.o.'x--.-.--p-l-ea,t-s--d-o-w-��'ok,,-tr�*-n*.I lith I :­ . I Guaranteed � � �.- I I—. .. I . . . pleated, trimmed with... but-* , " - , �silk braid: Guaranteed . thor- ` - - . . tons. Special at........ .... ..... .. �.. 441,60 -, ougbl'y, sbow&r�proof at ,'.,�.... . . I .%' $10,8,00, . 1, I , I . ., - . . . � . . ,.. . � . Ladies' Grey Homes un , twe-ca.'.. - - LadiesDark Tweed' Raincoats . � . I skirts, made -from light weight all wool 1 - � .`ffi:ade in. Newest: Spring. s,tyle. . Well,- . � . homespun Box-pleatedtrimr�ed . ­. . . � made.-aind equal to nianT.$7-b0- I '. ' - I . . '$5.010 . . . - with buttons. Special at..,. , .$4.50. ' .-coats. .! ,Special Prlte'......._.�.....o'. . I � I � I � I '. . I I . . I I .. . � . . . . - I 1. . �. � � I I . . . . . . . � . � . . I . . . . I . . . . . . . I . . ­ . . I . � I . I . . . . . `'s'_ . 0 , . Y'sy � I . %. , Headquarters,for .-Bo , .: . Clothing. at., '. . ' . ­... ­ . . . . - . I -1 . or the M-en's.and Bo'y's.'S-Uei..o. I., I:...:.. . � . . . . . Last year we, soldnearly livie times as many BoysSuits we did the year. , � . year . . .before. This is a pretty big increase but it's true nevertheless=- This season we ' I .don't expect to sell five tI;mes--as..-rhuch as we did last but_'w*e_w.ant,:,to. doubte-our . ­ ---.--. clothing business this season if possible. - 'No � better makes -of boys' clothing , I . . . 1. h.ing .goes. into a store than the kind. we sell. We buy, -from three gored makers,- one of them : I . beini.,, from the LION BRAND factory in our own town. --. �. . . .. . . I . . . � I . � . � . I Here is a small list-wilttell.y6ti more, about them later--=Bo--=Boys't , wo-pirce .* ' r . suits made from good strong. Canadianan'd English tweed.' Fair , '. . 1. . M, , I - �, linings sewn with linen -'thread Si, es* 23*:tO 2.7,; ..... i.*......"..,...i..*!....'$2.50�A ' $2.75 ' - �, . . . . � . . . . . . . � . A NDI: .1 . . . . . . I ' Boys' Two Piece -Suits made. frorn fancy Canadian and imported tweeds, : 'Single and double. breasted- Norfolk style, , first- class liniings and � I made to stared ha -ted ha - rd wear ........ ,­�.­� ................. k . � ..... � *.. . . I ... ­.$... ......1. . $31100'�To $5100 . � I : I . . I . . : . . .• . W� We sell the famous Hewson . all -wo wool tweed suits forBoys:, . M.tde in N(' . )rioik � styles Coats have wide shoulders, good linings,' double 'elbows, large lapels, .. . pants are made 'with belt," double sd�.ts and. doill-e- knees,. the most expensive . . I � I Suits we sell, but you can't bu-- -a better * wcaring Suit at any I I � y .. � � �. . I ........................................0. ....... __..­�­.. .... v....-- ............. � . .... .... .... $6.50 TO $7.60 � .. . . . � % .. I . I . . . . , . . . . . . . .. . . . . � . . . I . . . . . . . . " go 0 TER OLMTON SSW BRA ­ , maim 23rd, logo WT 11 ,vI." k %..,*.LWA aw-�� , , . . I - I . I 11 I I I ­­ I ­ I . .. I '" Soryleeo... of W111W 'I Tb -- ^ . - ,. 0 tra, I I � 111-1...'. . ­ ­­­ I I I - I I I , nT JOW � " , ,J Aviiersary., , � I 9"li r -on., _!, -_ � I Sburch " I I I 1. ­ .. I FRIDAY, MARCH 23,19M , 1 . , . Twenty-one yearB av tbli, in, � Headauarters for . , , 12 1 . . the present church building of Willis'Wi- I . , I Churcheongregation was'opeped for .11 ,..� . was' The 14,Aw Jileense Law , tise 4 � . ,wA place of worship, #nd every 11 . I ! I : since that time the copgregation. t . 11 - : Hon Rooms has Introduced Oto� �a,141114keu note of tbepecaaio" by hold. New, Wall I .. ! . ., Ing Anniversary Services. On Toost, the Legislature his promised License of theme occasions, prominent Divines . 6 .. N . - Sill, wlitchverymateriAllych,suges the of the Presbyterian church have been . I - ' law in this respect, The Ur , first ,feature socured-to, conduct the services, On I We are showing new .', . . . . . 0.4imday the 18th !not, the 21st of these, ' Wall Paper, of the latest � I I is the incl ase in the amount to be anniversaries was observed, and the . � . RI I I I paid for licenses, the, following being congregation were of,tbezpinlon that and most stylish patterns, I . . the new rate, I I no one could be found, who should in SUCK. -.variety and such .1 .. PAPER . conduct the services with more.43atls- . Tavern Shop faction, profit ana ability than their qilantity, and at such low,', . Cities of 100,000 or over..... 81200,$1,000 own distinguished minister, and so �, re- .. �� 11 �� Cities of W,60 AD, less than •­ ', " ,, ested Rev. Dr, Stewari, to offitoate. prices, that you can -cee� .1 I . � . - � 11 , 100,000. ................. 1700. 700 CAressfeinsaying that The event t . Cities between 10�000. and . proved. the wisdom of this decision-, taint do better here than �Jsewbere. See our 'dainty L 430,000 .......... 1I I . I .. I - I 5ML 5W Forrono more successful and profitable - . stripes •and small floral designs, for Bedroom s., Our Cities below 10,000 & towns - . . anniversary was ever * held In the mare elaborate patterns for p0lo"fr's', etc. I I"w .between 5,000 & 10,000., 450 450 -churob, and the general verdict is one - . I . L L Towns of 5,0W or less ... ; 3W 3W of satisfaction On Very few of such . - I � I . Villages ........ .... III ".. MO no occasions way seating Qapaoity.of ALL 'PAPER -TRIMMED FREES , . . I . Townships.., L ........... L _ 120 taxed , I I ' 2W tbe.church building %Xe a as it was. on .. .. . . . The bill will allow the council of Sunday evening, to accommodate the 11 . . . I . any municipality, except in cities, to large congregation, who gathered to . . . I ­• . . I -increase the duties as; the elect.ors eiwaege In the services, I . should deMe. . discourses both in the morning . EASTER GOODS .. I It has been provided that munici- and "Venin were appropriate ang . I . polities shall have the ower to eu- marked by the well known feature of We. are right in line for Easter, with the best I force local option by the appointmeaf Dr Stewart's preaching, A 'searching . . ' ' of .Inspectors. The positiori of th� and illumivatitig ,• ex preaching, of the sele'pted stock -of Easter- oveliles to be fQUad.:T.W,hpre. �, � , - __ sem. S ' Government is that where a munici- truths ofthe texts -chosen. The text Our Easter Postal Carat. are pronounced "worts of art" , I pal4y was bent 'on local op -tion; it of the morning sermon was in Jet: 17 -, . , . . I . . , . should be given the power to enforce 3, %10 i.ny mountain in the field," God, , by all who ha've'seeii them. . . , I I., - the law.. ..Local Option votes shall be through .the prophet is addressing � I,. I I . I. . . � � - 0 , . I . I I . . I I taken only on.'annuhl' election days., Judah. A .con(rast is pr6seilted- . .. . . ­ .1 I - .. I_,._._.I:I . and it is provided that upon a petition Judah - compared With the . other . '' . - I ­,_, .. ..I I . of 25 per cent of the plasters the roan- nations. was a mountain in. the midst I . _'e,,� '. . . - . . .1 . dil must submit "the - by-law. Three- Of I plitin. rhe reference was to the . Coopexr�s- Book'S.-tore. favored position of Judah in OP I I . . . .1 fifths of the polled votes are required, . p ri ! I . . . . I and if the by-law passes, the council tunity and privilege both ,in temporal . I C L I N � TO N ... :. must Dass the by-law. . and spiritual matters. The distinction . .. I . 11 . . The argument for this WILS t"t gi in these regards was as marked as the . � 11 . I I I . . � I Madority of six or seven might easily ph one of a mountain in the . I . . . I be upset in two or; three years. There miRticalf A:. plain. The 'practical use I . 1. . ­ . . , --"----- . . I I . I should be a substantial pre made of this was to apply it to the - charge,where he has tende,pladepIendid I I tg),nl,r4n,, e.., . , . . . . " Christian church and special reference beauty and, impressiveness of the ser of seutiment, in favor of law be- , vices, The choir under. Qie -training of seryie. I fore a change is made. was inside to the church in Canada, in Prof. Campbell desemves praise for the Rev. R. Hobbs, of Strathroy, -as . her favored Mndirjon temporally' I � r , h 11, . Another change has - been made in . .t� in which they perforiiied their been invited to Gerrard st est. Metho- - the law in respect to local option, To- spiritually, and in passing, i was way seeing that they had no outside dist chur6b, Toronto. It is currently � P out that the Presbyterian Par!, day, if local option is carried, It is assistance. The,ppecial numbers, be- reported that had Wesley church, 011n. - I good for three years.; if turned down church in Canada was one, certainly sides the anthems were, in the morn*. ton;'not extended an ,invitation to a. f I good can be.tried again in three months, not t4e least, amongst other mountain ing, a solo very sweetly sung - by Miss pasior outside theLondon Conference It is now provided, that. a vote may I peaks, Whilst this was the subject of ZiidaMcR�,e, .In the evening -Messrs- fAr. Hobbs would have, been sent here '. . , . n9t.be taken for: two years after a gratification. the warning was gi I v6n T. Jackson jr. and Stewart Jackson' . . _ . " I j. that this highly favored placil demand- -lent taste -a duet, and! ' , , preceding vote. - . . with excel . L .. . . : There is -provision for labelling the I W corresponding seryice, - In this . - Coats , . ' I sang with B. .to gave with her; ' NeW Advertisements . 'goods r -connection a statement was given of . . . .. . .1 so when a -mate calls for � - usual clearness tone and beauty of: . : .1 _. I Scotch he will. get what he asks fur. �1. the excellent findneW'standing of the expreOslon, a solo. No special effort . .. . _­ . . . . . Presbyterian church in Canada, as managing -Board to-! BUGGY, Catver, and Harness (or sale. . I 'On thembo'le the bill is one that will follow , .. I ... . was made by the managi g. : Apply to -. . Box 174" 0inion. I . I . . * . I a.: . - wards securing a ,large offerin . L I . commend itself the approval of the ThePreslyterian church funds are Simply the Statement front L the, pulpit I I . .-'!- I people. . The provision making It 1 � now in a most satisfactory condition and a printed request to the members ' I Pi I I im- All funds an ts, showing that. the Redp'ath',s Granulated. Sugar ' . I with only one exception, and adherents, : " . . , perative for a council. to. submit a by- t are put 6f debt but that of the aged amount required was between $500 , 4 loo lbs. for $4.50 . . . . ... I law on a petition of 25 per cant of the and -infirm ministers, in which the and $000. it must be gratifying to all loo . 1. at . I ' � .. . . deficit this, year. is $4,000, as I eliletots isp, good,oA6, No reasonable . oncerned that the amount plaued, oni W. . T. O'NE141S, Clinton. - . .- . . winpared,with *about' $0,000 a,-ybar c . . I . objection can be taken to the 'require- . � . . the. collection- plateb on Sunday was ' . Inent of three ago. ­ I "fully up to the. .e ectation of the ! . . . . .. . Lost.� . . I . I . . , . I I This it the best year the -church has managers, being $518T ,h -the. pros- . . , I -fifths offbevote polled . , , with I .1 . I I . . I ­ I being favorable to I ocal. Option; be-. had yet, "The receipts over and above, Peet of the sum being still considerally. I . . year are about $42,000.. The deficit _Ve extend. our hearty con-, -here in'town, onV,.anePa&yl7_th . .1 Iasi ye; about increased.. '8 1 Some . . fore it can be adopted ; a were ma- in the- foreign mission fund, Amount- a ohecied hoiae-blanket, and BaffdIo robe. - . 1 . . . . rAtulationis to the worthy pastor and : at the. .beginning of the year to bis is people upon the soccess, which I ch has, finder jo,rity vote has -never been iufficleiit .. in ' 9 . . will oblige by returnina- q%me 't6,--,.__ . . , . I I 000 has' been.willod. out, t COMMERCIAL HOTEL . I I ,to ,justify the bi2st enforcement of the.. - I attended this anniversary occasion. : . . . . 0 .. . .. . , . . 9mallgalancestands to the credit of . . ... - 1 Aot,' ,The featute, of supplying: hotel fund, in'additioato* the raising .of the - . ­ � .1 . . . I . gue8b.4-with liquor .on Sunday, �*wigiit -$90,000 needed for th6.' caxr�ing on of ' **#*##""I"# *"**""" . . . ... 11 . . For svdeo. I . I . . . . . " I . ..� ... I .. �� . I . . I . .. wall have b6en.,eliminated.. ' . . , the foreign mission work, .besides.. the . ... . .. . , I . I I. , . required missions. . . I F irot-blr.�s, 'plated abrnet, in good con-., I I .1 . . I .--.. . . -diuo,4, -will sel't cheap.,' Aliplyia , : . . . .i Tbe.estimat(�s were considepab.1y r `WN - ' .S' ; DO �TJNIS Tai,16 �§bqp, . Clinton . . . . ­ . $140,000 i. Cho c e. � I . . .11logied] .and Untrue. . . �170%-� tllnseof lasf-year, being $,993,WO. 1 . 1. � . ... . 11 . I . . .1 . . r . I . : ". ­ . I I ­ * � . . . . .1 .. I , ThocontriblAl'ons 'in 1904-05-exceedod.i .1, .:� ... I ,� I . * . '' ... . . . . 11 I . 4 : . i _ -1 , * I I . � - , I I . I - � YWIX A y - -. , .. �~***"4*'"#-*""##4*]" . � 7 � .� 1, - ` , , 6tie� * . I .1 Rev. R.,B. Bowl", of Sherhoiiene tI1 (�),z(� o'jt- t lie: pX!0Vj6,.1,, ­ b 410 OW , , ''... , �, - X ,. 1� . I 1. . . . .. . - . I . [,�ztrect Met,hOdist, church, I-, � delivering , 111vaged and ilfflilm'-1111111stera, funa . WESLEY . ... . .. . . I . . . . . .1 . . I I I . -si6rles Of 80.1 I nons ol the 'causes ca . nses'af . bild a deficit at the first of the year ..of - . I . -All personsI Ind . ebt6tj to the - . undergigue . M z . he W. M. S_ .of � itbis � church will a . 1. . _ '. . I . . I S0,M0, wh!61i.bas-not-�beie"n. a . I '. IT - .1. -, I . . not I "p'; 'fi�ld its Silver Anniver-sa'ry on April. I disbone,cty,' and' in, tbc.coilr�6 of -his yet I . .. I . . I .� ' .I ekkler by note or, book 4�0011�ob iirs reqlnrid . , , '. . , J * ' 12, 'when it is expected hire '06rhan i to $e%t1f., on or., - . un lted'w,tth �These. general. references :wolild , e 10th .of .April, .- . I.Tenilliks'last 9 , is cred I rig li-t will be resent to'dddress-1be j after iliat ,ate 'T'h',Oyr.%�211 pees into other :. t.h - - - -:- ': - .- , .. ,-, I . R) ally and mention was made . . -- . .. . . I . I , I . , .f lowind,', 4'. . _ . e e f6l . . apply locally meeting, - . I ,,"hauds. - � .TH02d&8 SAOKSON, St.., � . 0 tho �qkitlsfa'ctory condition. of the - ... : I * , . .. . I * , I -"Tfi6- payinent of v,ery, inadequate . . a- . ,- * , - BAPTIST, CRURCH.- . I '.* . . � . 011atou, Oxt. I . . salaries �may sometimes b6tbe cause oil corgregation.. Tlic.,finandal repoft a I•. 1. . . . . I., . . I I . . ., . :. . : . I :occasion of disbofiesty.. J,4bor sbould . published was- incomplete qwing, to �Rev.'11I.A.'Wr-ight,' la:A;, God "I . . - '. I .. . . . never . er bp considered . onl�, as a eom the inability, of some treasurers to . wi.11 occupy the ,pulpit: in the . s - I I .. , PIO'.' hand in their statements before.the re- , I Auttlott Sa.10 offariii Stoek.,. .. . I'dity to be *.purebs4od, i)a' the lowest � Ort was. printed. .$587 werd contri- c " church next Sunday; morning. and ev- . . 1� I . � I . . . I . I . I eiling,and will preach at the base. line . ' ', . - . market;. Any. business which calmot hilted for the. various scheines of the • . .. - .. . . . . .... ­ . . I 6:nt I - - --- I � I h* in the. ix Rev. Mr. . Albert Nott has insiructed'Thos. Brown !2� i i�ii,Y.R,dvc wag , % ;IIVWUIJ M CEI-TV-V,T.-7$',9ff-To-i�-(,Vr,eFl-�igtuUs- Lt%A : : � : y: . 1�ff`u I I ' - I I .. woi I nen - . e . mploye, is Itri unnatural in- charitable pu es, ­ -The total' re- . , 'e4whrug .. I 11. * U0 ion -A �� ­ . ­­ . - here. -Pr I . _7� -1 . . - I olernall =111 . _ I 011, . CrgeeBw,ipr1ti&s an. there. - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11TH, 1906, . , I � this or business, or is badly inaii-, I n the I - ' ceipts were In other things' I . . , , On lot 24, eon,..,, Stanley, -the following proper- . try , � I I . - I aped.. Of colli-�e- there Mly he tifileS I there were gratifying signs. .The -at- .1 , . . . W .. I . .. � ty viz..:- - . .. - .. . . . ! Q . n . � ILLIS � . ! I span horses 7 yeaxs old, I'span mares 8 and 9 temporary dell-ression. there, 1 te dabee at prayer ,meeting was !in- �.. 1. I I I I . be stages of growth wbere a business I - . .. .� . * years old, 8 draft ffilies'rlsing'0� years; 1. draft ,School , Interost - in the Sunday Rev W. E, Kerr. will .preaih here, stallion rising 2yearsi:13 steers frommoto 12oo,. I absorbs:. too .munch of its profits in in-. 6 I , . . . - 1r) 2 -year-old helf@rs, 0 Yearlifiio steers and heifers. . I ,' S611001 UpoeAred. to :be incre4sing'.) ng• , ., . ". . I creas6deapital-4ut •generally speakin 9 Ther, -%,erci, ., however, : discourage7 , Sunday,eveni. .,.. - . .. .11 I. . � StoplEisAll in 99od.49nditipn,and willpositivdly .'. .. I 1. ., At the monthly . I . . I I the ale is one that 14i.4ine;ses wbich ments. The spiritual life.'of the con.. ; 6weting -of the be-goldias proprietoris. giving up the farm be , . I !. cannot'pa, I a, decent Itylp w � age are Willis c1inrch 'W' F. M. S., Mrs 1;�' ird had rented and has not grass. I . .. . 1. . . y giegationwas not as vigorous as 'he. . . i Tbei!e wifi also,bo sold at same time and place ... .' monstrosities. I believe t%ere have re, p6i. oil the de'votioiial tOPid, -.the household furniture, etc, of Mr. '14elwood ' . .. , would like to see it. as manifested ,by `Blessed: "' a p" � " - '' � ,. _ I ..been serious lapses into disbonestv many neglecting the dfitiei of family Bles,,d are they that � wolmi, - and: Lloyd, as (011ows:- .. � - �. . I . . h_ . - in' -l'BU99Y 0• - . . I -itual training. of the : board, I Extem,lorijable, I Coilob, I Bedroom I . which never have occurred bail ,worship and spit e in,, - -1 Cart, I Cutter..1 aid e• s',onary .�subjed, "Missions fioarly now, 'I props} wages, been p�id.l' - - - . . � . On n - r... . The evening . cermon ` was I with .Suite, 1 Bed, 6 Ritelien Chairs, I Royal Washer. ' .. " . I h. : - ., I I �Parlor StoVd, and other articles. I.. It often bappaus,tbat rhen a clergy-: lounfed-upon Rosea, 24 :.5-0, -111' will . 9 � . . , -�-AllAumoof6i . ' . ­ . I ,. 9 . I ATERMS: O and widereash ; over' . . the Nil was deak', h ,'by � Mrs �Oii . . be as the dew unto .Israel ; be shall - � . ONTARIO ST. I that amount credit on approved joint I nomic. question, or .. . . . . I not r cent, discount i. man tackles .an 66 I . I as'the lily, and' cast forth his . � � qf. Optarlo Street.a amounts per 6 months for cash in credit, - -- 1. . on's but of the " At in Wbi6h lie has, grow . .At the meetillmounts I . . . 1. . .. . . roots As Lebi0aon. . His britn-,hes shall League last Monday evening, Mr Jag. T.MlOWN . ALBURoNOTT . . . ' done his -thinking prdinailly.1e makes d and his. beauty shall be as the V jnstru�_! Auctioneer, , Prop. I -a ]"troe, and -bis, smell- n tive paper v I . . . .. Manning presided. Avery .. I . . .statements. that are eco�omic�lliji_n. Zvo . .. as " was read by , Miss Maud, . I . . *.I . . ' . , ' Mlestern people could not a�pr�ciiate,' Wiltse. Mr J. Maniling 'by.. a solo;'NOTOX TO - CKEDITORSO, . sound, and the above extract is an il- .: . . . . I . l lusti�a . tion o . f this fact ' I . .1 1. . as could- the - people to. whom the Misses Marjory. Manning and Elva; .. " . . pro het opake, the figure of ,the dewL, wilise sang a duet, and Miss Hattie' f the' Esiate ofR4�t PIeicw4, ' - : ' what-does'Mr.''Bowles mean by*,'1in- - In Vaitein countries,'on clear bights. 'Courtice, gave a ,reading. '- Another ,, In the Maiser o I I I . late of the, TpurAddpof Tuckermith, in the . the fall of de* is as copious; refreshing . - . I ad auate, salaries ?" iind- -b. ' . of rain. CouneVof,Huro -Yeomalt,.Diciased. - �_______ ow is be to . e e grogram :wits: the reciting - . _-__......_1___..____ p . I . I . ... , f.,tb I I . ..... I . .,-..-. ­. q ., p.4th � apter of . --ii- . no . . . . The meaniv.g is Ue-'e6mi'hig of God, ' ' IV I— __ --...-. ,41,)d , - ­ ­_­__ - * ­ , _j decide whatis 'adequate and -*bat is ,!Oylvifying _ns 1 a shower . fii&ubi� - it . t ew. by. a 0-t-i�e-fl- . . nundber d"W fii'e'rub i ­­­­­-.'­­­- eieliii .17 . .___­ ­ .­ ­ifi-�,I­ . .1 His people, the desee nt of the .. I I 1- given, pursuant.tiijt P . I not'i A man- wants a cord of wood F 'e ' IIt "J. all .ati L I , I ser jeeS 'Statutes of Ontario, Cap.120, Sec. 38 L'd " . . . The effect of this is such' 11 ional'Anniyer r S amending alts. that all parsons h.vit)g claims cut. Two menAofequalabilityconie , 1,)'�1t,y.­,r1.iif�gle figure or ,will be held, nex,t, Sabbath morning - against the estate of said Robert Peacock, . . . I , I . . along, and one is willing to cut it for a I naturi- could set firth. God, .,through and evening. ' Thb pastor ill preachI who died on or about the 8th day of March A. . . ,. I g,apd Rev Dr Stewart in . D. 19W, are required on or before the 20th March, . . His �i6phet,' sets forth the resultant in the n)ornin . . , . dollar; While „the � . I I , . of April;' A. -D. 1900 to -end by oat pre d e . other V011 do the . I for d, . I � , � blessings of -the union of'varions the eve"11.110! . I I . . . . .. ! or i6 deliver to W,'Brydone, eoll-citor ort !be for fifty cents. One man -is mar- natural growths. .' The lily is - the . .. 11 . I , . .Xx6cutors,their t)ames,adc1rogsOsaibddeparip- , . . . . I ti ns,and a full statenient.of vatticulars of ried", but the 6ther is not, Fifty'cents beautiful which blo(hns in tbd . . ST. PAUL'$.' .. � i thAiralahka and the nature -of tbs. security, I .. I . . . . . . I .. I .valieys-of Palestine to which our Lord .. Turnbull of boderich, con... if sul, held thet&dul,v certified, and that . I : may not seern an.adequate wage to the- referred,- when be Aid that Solomon Rev. Mr. Tv . " ' I ducted service bets •�on':Wediiesday - after the oulFilday the ezvoutor will piocced to. . le a . . . dt6t0bute the assets of the decle6tert among . inarri d man,, batt is ,,adequ ie" for ill all his glory was not arrityed like lg.� . .. . � . I . .1 . I . , 1. . . I evenir, ., . - I I the patties entitled thereto,.havin regawdonly . , . 1. * , . t the alms of which tillcy ilha, , then have I the work to be done. According to. one of these. When the . church an.4 11 I I Individual Christian were open" to� ..'�p . ,G . . I . eg. C., R. .Dunne, was in. Goderich ' so' , ; - li . i J�dtlpe. - . 'Mr. Bowles' argument the dwilerof It: divin& operations of God's spirit: esda , when he preached in St.. I - i ated this 20th day- of March, 1906. . . the wood should po,y. . $1. . for the work- . the fruit was .mo operations beauty of eharlt& _ George's Xurob, , . . 11 , W. BRYDONE, , . Solicitor for the Exeentors, . . ter, But these flowers are fragile and A.YX, A; --.A lecture on "Church Thos, IT, Peacock, , I . and the absurdity of such a thing short lived.. To overcome this the hymns" was given by Rev. M. Turn- , ch"k. J. Fel000k, I Exedutors . , 1. stands out prominently that he who figure changes.. In L contrast, the, bull, rector ,of St. George's church, - .. stands prominently . I I . I ' I run ma see'it, The. very same prin- cedars L ofLebation, are presented. -,On Goderleb,lin St. Paul's school douse, � The' 'Nova Scot!& Legislature has., � the lofty heights of Lebanon these on Tuesday 0.-�eniug, March 20th, un-, been forced to adjourn since there 16 � I qiple pervades .every branch of work. ma4 estie trees spv,ead forth tbelf roots der theauspices .of the A.Y.P A. Af- no Lieutenant -Governor. . . . . When Mr. Bowles says "labor should , anti take such firm hold of the soil ter the usual opening exercises, the, . � .1 I I . •. . I I . never be considered only as a COMM I I that in spite of all the fierco winds, lecturer Was Introduced, and for ant SERIOUS CHARGID AGAINS97 ON. I . � which haveblown up6n the mountains hour spoke of the hymn writers of the I TARIO• AJPPLH. SHIPPERS. 'Tile. , , dityo to be: purebasect In the lowest not one of these trees have ever been . past, , ilv;,ellin more particularly on !Provincial, health authorities of Mani. , market;" he' talks nonsense, It can- known. to have been overturned. The the works of &:Ilonner, Miss Haven- toba will be asked to take steps for the' . . . 0101, Miss Carey, Heber, Toplady, Mao, protection of consumer's against the in . . not'help but be so considered. Itis its meaning i%,that, abiding in God, the' i Riscriminate shipping of Ontario apples I . I Christiala,-amid the fiercest; per6poll, esley, etc, The lecture was Inter: -much alawof theunivers-- a's any nth r• -tions find sorest -temptations, shall spersed with anecdotes on the authois, to Manitoba; and Western 'points. . .. I Prdvi'dence ordained that it should be stfknd "fast, tut there,. is 'sozii6thing accounts of circumstances under which an of the apples received in Wimii4 11 ' ' wanting yet. The growths that have many of the hymns wdre written, and Pe this season arb said to.have been* so, . Every ta an, whatever his Oce"Pa' been mentioned produce no -fruit at brief sketches of the influence exerted , it and wormy, and unsaleable. In tion, is entitled to the very highest least more useful for man. We by, thepoems on Christianity, individ- it loltimbla similar fruit is being " wages,bis ability can coTilrannd in le- prophet adds another figure; thAt. of tially and collectively. The audience dumped into -the ocean or river, and it - . . I � I the olive tree, with-: its -evet,*ygretell Is proposed to adopt the sante .course" ( . . ' lecture by singing some favorite hymn nnipeg, earners. Whethor. it is '�T In- of of the authors. A heart , . --- gitimi�W 6ompetitidii with other wage verdure and its fruitfulness had the opportunity of illustrating the in . 41i . . ing fruit ,of great value. 4opdoalle. I I ' i not depends on his mail. vote of thanks wos tei.d r.d t Mr. I in wage" or* dwelling in the Christian lends not e e 0 1 . , ' ' e i 0 � Sr. ' ' I r . , I " I " 11 I ,I ad, , we .1-1" I I , .. I - - I I I I I i 11 I I I I _ . . 1. . I .k. . -'^-' +21,u , . . � Ma .� _ . � I ,.r. I I. I I I I I I M t b rs. sa y b h %V I _WWk I S . I I � I ner of living, but the question of his only to beauty and stability, but to Turnbull for his instructive, learned . living ornot bas no actual beat-Ingon lasting' beauty, strength and fruitfulm and Anittaing lecture, I The meeting 'COAL.,10. I the fact that immutable econontle.con. ness. And yet the powerful picture is cloded In the usual manner. I . . not complete, The sacred writer pre. . I . . . . . . ditions, govern the sale of big labor. . - sante to thio mind's eye. the slopes of . 'The undersigned. is pre- I , 4311usinesses which cannot pay a do, - Rev Mr Manning was One of,, the . I . '' _W,19,6 ­,&� - . ­ ­.- ., ,ea*m 'ng in North I I - .6, � .1 'I " "et' , -;66iA-1WnK-:, fil"fiftaktim" -Mount, T-jebation,. clothed,. with i� rich spe arg at the tea -meeting pared to fill all' orders for cayslMe. Bowles.. Ther0a hot much growth of --Aiomatla - olikab __ 'a Odei�iclh,� OT1;--Xbhd&1k: first tlms�_Seahtort-.�r_oallj - ­�­-.-:.�._..1. - 1 Co w widely diffused that it ( r P fragrance is so wx '4' " Karr will be one . . q, _:vVfiOse_ �8tr - "" � ' el't �1 U" . e I 0, 0 Isr lument in. 4 statement like that, Oft dlot(tnt. evening. Ilev . ,� N 4� � f the g . auW we fancy Mr. Bowles world find it may be noticed miles o sneakers th saine church, on ' r- IQ 4. . . I . _____.._,_._.________ - . . �. I . I 1. 1. .., difficult to prove. A good many fit- The teaching is that, when God . �UO =VV U U 'i __ __., __,__________­­­­___ V!T..t_.1T_____ --- _� I Jifethere is- not only I I I . . wessaythey cannot possiblymake Mines into the . I � I I The Galt ReTormer says: . The third license board within a I n , beauty Itis reported that the . "Nowa- in and aga,in for liberty would be , fair and I -a -sting, Sir �e will of the late - At lowest prices. their farms pay, though they and their . , strength, . � . . days it's law for this, and law for-thut, made, , year 'has been :i pointed In West famillos work like slaves, According e abiding fruitfulness ever extend.. Win. Batterqhalbof 8ttatford,contains . . " � to, Rev, W. T. 0 ff. -Office opposite G. T. R. ... i, " I rind law for ever thin H . . Kent, both tb Others being dismi8sed to ur. P�owles'ptatementtheiribllaln in;l1but-a quiet, unconscious influence a bequest of $I(K . g. Ow watild - .1. " �tor of St. James, Church. Y11r. *" ' - "" P � . . � � U btleorh � �'j, . . pal " Ing out and sending forth its frag- :'reeler Harland Bros, ' I s6little education on ihf good at the deman Of the public, fortiotori:• is a monstrosity, and tho" I de! . T had .visited the deceased in big Station or at H, v: , log " ' ranee,„ to that, which flowed CWf N 1, I . g ,;A � Pram f W principle go fora change 71 we It Is lumored in Brmiaon that the ously partisan abuse - of 'office, ,The duction Ofthat is that they 8 oul . . 411, He is a brother of R. J. Oluff, Store: think it would be hilbly bo,nefleiril, Robert Simpson Co., of Toronto, will party executive set out to punish Lib- out of it, I . r in theointment, wllj,,,,h ,,,Tr - illness. I . Ch ,St�, t pour .. our statute books are itetal loaded establish a store there. I oral license -holders by refusing them questiotil of waires whatever ced up�in the head of e pre. of town. . AA . 41, A. .11AMILTON 11 I with laws which meddle where I I licenses. Then char es of 11traffick- sh'oioilil make men aishorlest. And sentation of these wonderful truths itev. *. A. Svilith, 11. D.,'of Ashfield I . V, s .be ined, COAT. DEAIXI.t "I ' , 11 tit tell their hearers to left a marked Impression upon the Metbodist church pirellit, has doelf � .., ­ ineddling Is resented-whete it is pro- David 11111, working onAndrew ' 4 11 the illamis6al of two of tht. wheia ministers - vocative of contempt for law, if claim, between Cobalt and HAlleybuI7, I �al partisans, The last board perolstedl� the contrary, thoyare simply AIM1,41). whidso the attentive. heltrers which , the call to, Trowbridge circuit ashe Pl1r,I, ____.___ ,� . . ' , � i . 1, ; ��b'�e readily. effaced. he ser. � � Hina of this legislation .were, was saved from death in i� dyna" h the r(wemge.policy, and now, it bag Inq men with An easy argumont ant* 81114 I poses aceeTtint . ( q tile invitation to re. AdVOU90 in the NEW 19RAL, - � , I . *iped out our people would lose troth- , explosion by IninpIng into A bucket, hsid to go, � I shield for subsequent wrong -Going, vice, talse added much to the[main the ourti y6iii, on his present . . . . . .. ". . I , 1: � I . I . I ., I . 1. . . '.., 1 -.A . -1, I I / 110#1 . * I . I . I 11 . , I 6 11 I " I �, I . , I --"-,---.&-----.--.,.--L.-&-..--"- -., __ . .... - � - . ­"­ ­ - __ M....-_... �_ --..--.i I..., --.-. __ ___ � .,�__,_ _.., .AA&&.NkdA,1­A1Ah­_ .., I ­