HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-23, Page 3ti
ural 21rtd;, .1.900
1314titifled With your rlrt)rt, $tubbyr
'*ta:Iy- t'? ar 1"11141M1
ould op liki fir
Monger, miler, thicker' l' Then teed it
with Ha11'ta Vegetable l:ioilirwa llhi r
t;snsvrer" There's solid Comfort in
handsome hair. Viet it 1 Be happy
For the erhiukers xnd II,91Utrrcaap m
N f
$ t' itq,t
,I k
a �N
D r�
�orafoftbtxck. B:A.�Lr��CU�1tTirihuabN 8
Mr Peter Talbot, the new Senato
from Saskatchewan is au uncle of til
A. McCullough of Winghattt.
Mr Douglass Fraser, of Tttrnberry
hits sola his tine farm to sir, EaMer'kley, and purposes leaving Joy th
west. .
Word was rereived this week of til
death of Mr W. U Towler. of Balder
Manitoba, and a brother of the Messrs
Joseph and Thomas Fowler,-- of the
Huron road, Tuckersurith.
At a' meeting of the officers rand
direetoratof the South Huron Agricul-
tural Society, it was decided to hold
the annual spring show for entire
stock at Brucefield on Tuesday, April
We a•re sorry t(5 stit,'te that Ales A..
Hundreds of Boer War Veteralns
• • Tramping In England.
Many Soldiers who were invalided eta -
war, the army after the Boer war are now
a oe the tramp, the easu al Wavle of 134-
e tain's workhouses facing their • only
e The majority,' aro .,lisable¢, and the
remainder And It inip 'sstble to get
- work.•before' efore' have e)c-soldiers
had so much difficulty in obtaining em-
pleyment, even when they are In the
best of 'health nd have left the army
'with papers testifying. to unblemished
•It has become a very serious mat-
ter," declared the secretary of the Na
P• tional Societe for •the Ereploye set of
Black, of East Wawanosh is not in'a-
, , but getting worse. The
: whole of Mr Black's family have beery
summoned t.r ride y e of thllir sick
E )Soldiers- �"For iriatance,' 7:40' Men
Who have just lett the service with the
highest possible chareeter applied here.
for .work this morning., Oathe other.
hand,'•only three enrialoyere gent for,
"The same tale Is told' at each: • of
our .I14 branches, and the condition of
things Is rapidly becoming worse,
"The reason er thisdifficulty in find-
ing ex -soldiers employment' Is, ln.rny
opinten, due to the energywhich is be-
ing (revoked to finding work for the un-
employed- civilian, An ex -soldier who
does not know a trade is, however, a
much better man than a. civilian with-
out a trade. In the first place, he is
more cleanly in his habits, and Is used
to 'thorough obedience. .T.hert his wits
have been brightened and hie intelli-
gence developed, espeeially under the
new, order of things. .
eft is generally forgotten that a cer-
tiflee.te of unblemished character means
much more In the case. 'of 'a soldier
than a civilian, .Fur whereas the mill
tart' man is watched night and day,
and the least peccadillo is recorded
against him, the civilian has only to be-
have properly during working hours -
what happens, afterwardsis his own
business," •
There passed away at the home of
her father, Mr J. R. Reid, in East
Wawanosh, on Tuesday, Miss Ida A.
C. Reid. Miss Reid has been in poor
health for some time. She was a
young lady who had a large circle of
friends and was an active worker in
the church. -
The death of Thomas L. Salisoury
an old resident of Goderich, last Satur-
da'y morning was a sudden one, heart
failure being the cause: Mr Salisbury
had been out to Mr Lacey's in Goder-
ich township the previous, day appar-
ently in his usual health, but in start-
ing to rise the next morning he fell
back and passed away shortly- after-
When asleep, people that snore
breathe through the mouth instead of
, the nostrils which are choked with
catarrh. Just use"Catarrhozone" be-
fore retiring and you'll quickly ctrre
the snoring habit. • By destroying the ,
cause of catarrh and healing the mem-
branes, Catarrhozone makes a, com-
plete cure in every case ;. it. cleans the •
nostrils, stops the discharge and pre-
vents droppingin the throat in a few.
minutes: Nothing so pleasant or cer-
tain to cure snoring, catarrh .or colds .
as Catarrhozone-that's worth re-
News Notes.
Thu .1 of S
ayner was
killed in a collision at South River.
Alberta's new Legislature islature was opens
ed at Edmonton, with yery elaborate
ceremonies. to
Liquor Tra#Ylc in the North I wow Agility 1tBUt►1 ig
('Toronto ()lobe) •
1l "owe, 'Which Swooth the Pa*
The Ontario Gorturimr nt has glee** ALL OV>Ef TOE DOMINION
be given to twpvery unreasonable ap-. oh/rotation front various Province
1licatfony for p � points p act that man
restrictions that have for years been women have been deceived and tndu
iolposed on the sale of intoxicating-
i r the northern parts of the rite
thea only n reasonable y r .asana le ars fiver that could
1 L th rel aaatinr of the of Canada po k toth f
li( I'or in 1i tel to use the weak and atlulte :
Province. •t)ne was to 'request from the nprnse 11 pilyes
s put .)1 1 byo ergtoli to
Grand .frank Railway ('o)irriany° for the; popular DIAMOND tYYi yltnitate
1 ge 1) tie tag )enol athoteis Our Canadian women, thor•
they .propose to build Ila Algonquin aroused, after loss of time, money rant
• Park, along the line of the Venetia valuable materials through the use of
A.tlant o Railway ; the other was ca rt'- • Muddy, blotchy and week )lyes, have
latest for the issue of a liquor license directly laid the blame for their Iogee
to a hotel in the new raining town of on the retail nn( rchallts who sold them
'Cobalt. '1'o have granted either re- the deeeptive ciyt'-.
(iffiest woad have been regarded by This actions of indignant women hats.
t 11L vast nI;L:ority of the people of On cansc'c! many of (lute retail end whole-
t:trio as as flagrant and gratuitous sale dt':tiers to peek up anti return to
outrage. the manufatctmrets r'l'sponelble, theii-
The prohibition of liquor' -sed wort liieSS;Intl danget'ous dyes.
within Algonquin Park, and ,within MoitAi.:-.-When ladies decide to c o
five utiles of any ruining town or'• vill• 1lonteelyt•ing work, it pais to use tZ„
age, has been for y«gars part of the celeitraLte'd and populate. DIAMOND
statute Jaw of the Province. The oh- Dy ES, which have been -the home
jeets in vier in its enactment are clear Iiia nils of tact' led ies for over 25 ears
,:Lad legitimate, :the task .of tweet,- When buying, see that each
ing the magnificent fewest of the park banded treyon hearts I piayCkIA-
from destruction by fire, betrd enough MOND.PACKAGE the Users-rof
-under prohibition,-would--Bonn.-be .itn-...DI .Stege of
possible 1f the locality were allowed to Te -al ; "tie�r'keof l ex-
become a resort for people so addicted colorin the fa11nd Chet work sof home
• to the use of intoxicants that they can- ( age I, l+" and rind theta of cent peek-
net getalong without then, The task ad. willrenew.the life .s tang faded
of _preserving order in a lace like C'o• 1 • clingy miry hosba i . sleixtr blouse,
" p ya kelt cape kir hllslaand'. i or son's r Door,
halt, not easy at any time, would be.. vest. or trousers. Allow no dealer to
come indefinitely harder it the ligriot offer you the somethin heca "" '
traffic were introduced. ` Those g 11s JUST
Toe who AS GOOD, No other dyeo equal the.
ask the privilege want to retake money ' DIA:IIOND DYES.
by exercising it, but the interest aurid Send yew- name and address to
reputation of the community as a Wells Fe Richardson Co., Limited,
whole are vastly more important then Montreal, P.' (,,).,'and you will receive
the desire of a few people to gratify free of cost new Dye Book, (card of
their acquistiveness. ' ' Dyed Cloth Samples and Booklet' in
. r., verse, entitled The •I,ongjohn's Trip.
P; . tO the' iKlonaiike."
That ?wade to It )gleloeria.
The g1,1 who is slovenly abort her
pe du or her clothes need not waste
s money for car fare to the city where
8 the hospital school is located. IIntidl•
nes clips the wings of 'a probatioger
t1 as quickly as a physical defect, The
c1 atrong, straight tiptoed, full cheated
girl who carries herself well and whose
skin is clear and well kept, whom)
t clothes are immaculate, whose every
>tnovement is alert, is the girl the ell-.
perintendent is looking for.
s The girl who is given to violent Intl -
i ' vxacies, followed by violent quarrels, he
not fitted for this .work. The trained
nurse must be self contained to the
point of tieing _sf:eretive. She must
study the alit of keeping to herself and
her work. Neither Is the traiuing
sc•l:ool fur ntrsee the pines for the
high strung, tstuutit>nal girl, who over-.
. estitu tea her Importance.
The petit .which leaels to a diploma
nolde for Con absolute self effacement.
You are bet part, and a . very small'
part at that, of the great hospital sys•
ten w.itls WIlh h you:have cast your lot.
Titer personality is mergedinto- taut
',one word, "duty." -Anita S. Richard -
soli la Woman's Borne Corep:inion,
Tragedy in Tliackeray's'l-ffe.
Ott -the 20th .of Aug 183.6, at theBrit-
ish embassy' In Paris, ,xhagleeray mar;.
rted Isabella' Sl tame ofDonexalle, Coun-
ty Cork:_ Theee.daugh:ters were born of
this marriage, and ,afi:er the birth.. of
the third, iifay 23 •:1349, Thackeray took
a .trip to Belgivau, having arranged tor''
the eu'blioation of k. short book o2 tra=
vele, Het.had ;teff . his wife -"nearly •
well," but returned to, find ter in a
age state of languor and .mental la- •
tectiegy, Which•'becatne graduany more
pronounced. For aling ttine'there -were
:of hope.- Thaeki ray himsele at
tided to hers••exciia lvelei fora 'tame.
He took her to her. m•other's•in. Ireland
nd, afterr'vard's. to Faris. There she.
had ;to,be• placed in a'inatson de sante,-;
h )ray taking lorts•ltigs close by and"
Being her as frequehtiy'as he could. A.•
`ar later, is. he •wrote to F1tzGeralO,"
then very intimiate • with him, hs.
hought her ."aIle but well{" He was.
t ten. with her at n hydropathic estate
hment. in Gernitany; where she seem
to be improving for a short time;.
he .base, howesler, liad become. almost'
ageless .when in .18 42 he went to Ire•
nd. Yet.ie 'continued' to write ,letters
'her. as ,late at 1844, hoping that she: --
fight understand them• She had fin ' -
ly to be placed with "a trustworthj'
tendant. She was placid and gentle,
ougli unfitted for any aetlXe• duty and
ith little :knowledge of anything
and her. She survived till 1894;
Mr James Thomas, of West .Luther `•
• was czught in the machinery of his
and killed.
. T
F. J. Reilly is to be liberated at ,s
.Ileville this week,• after serving a ye
.ser for his connection with the bogus
llot-box scheme. • t
Mr. Justice Mabee fined W.J. Walsh'
.plMei ler, of Hamilton,$400 for conspir.. 11
acv The caseagainst theother twelee ed
• will probably be dropped.
Fire at Tamworth caused about $10.- h
000 damage, three stores, a. siish. and . la
door factory, four residences and rev- • to
eral stables being baited. - m
Sir MacKenzie Bowe11, asked to re ' a1
consider his refusal to any longer be • th
leader of the Conservative party in the '
Senate, has declined to do so, t"
Hamilton Police Commissioners
granted an increase of twenty cents a
ay all around to the members of the
police force, from the Chief down,
♦ Picton has deeiaed to • accept - Mr.
Carnegie s,offer of 510,000 for a library.
and steps will at once be taken to
secure a suitable site for the building,.
A deputation of Hebrews waited on
the Goyernment at Ottawa and asked
for some relaxation in favor of Heb-
rews in the proposed Sunday observ-
ance law.
aind Victoria resulted bye -election in lin e Bthe re-
turn of Mr Ross, Liberal, to the Corn -
mons by 047 majority with one poll to
hear from,
Little aches never grow to big ,ones
if they are promptly treated with
Perry Davis' Painkiller. A good
thindiiiarrhoea, to cholerarmorhus season of
and other
bowel complaints that come with
Members of the Ottawa Cabinet are
to have new uniforms. Word to this
effect came some time ago from the
colonial office. The despatch is believ-
ed to have been inspired directly by t
the king, who takes a great interest ini
such matters. His majesty regards the i.
new uniforms as a tribute to Canada's
growing• importance. They are Iden.
tical with those worn by lieutenant •
3 Cents a Day
Will Cure • ,
Your Kidneys
Bishop writes
No condition causes so . many incur
alhle diseases as c insttpation. It not
only prevents the kidneys ming the poisonous.vvastes, but. crausee et. ----�---
r neys from ehm• •- DRESSING TH
n E
• N
enaemia, stomach trouble and indiges-
trap, Why wont you use Dr..I-iamil-
ton's• Pills and get cured i' This ex -
Cel ient nnedlei nerestores normal bowel
action in one night, Thousands saw
so, ' .our system will be pure- anii
clean, yon 11 he free lucent headaches,
11u moire sour stomach -in shop t yota'll
have jo'Vlal. spirits ...and er•fect good
health. Dr. Han)rlt(lit's }1'llis ave sold.
everytvllei•e, ` c a box.
• The Work' bf Oxyaai'+en.
The oxygen gas oe •the air is 'at once
the great atianufant and the great de- 1
tiltroyer of •.life? In fermentation,
gr wW; putrefaction, eombustfon and
Oxidization, which erre inerely. different.:.
•dames for the. same process in different
• tains; oxygen is doing,its universal,'
work. It be • no nietephor, but a .cheni
foal taet, that our world and everything .
in it are burning with a greater or less •
degree of rapidity,•. It le only. when the '
proeess"becornes very rapid that we cans.
see the flames; ;So Instead • of •saying'.
that we are in•the midst of everMsting
a saying `which `plight' -&farm ,tier
timld-the_ scientific merely say that'ox-
idization In Its 'various forms goes eon'
without cessation. • •
'Wnnderfull Meelts►nienl Pile*..
It Is 'not necessary t� ,remark, espe-.
Ciatiy•'after one reads the following,
that it taxes 'credulity : to. the utmost
to believe some of ;the old tune stories: •
• J'ol1u de. SIoutroyai. presented. I+im,per- .
or Charles V. with an automatic Iron
tly which escaped, eii'cled around his
majesty's head .a fete times. and then
alighted upon his sleeve, • • , -
VirgiIlus, bishop. of Naples, made tin'
ren Ili' wli•teb:•did not, only fly;: but.
cept',•ill' othee flies out of the -city, .
Once BriNlant Surgeon. •' ” , .1
Sir Patrick Heron Watson, who tee .
Just retired from the .presidency of the'
Edinbyirgh Royal College uf Surgeons,•
as. also largely 'retired orcin active 1
practice.: He was at one time one of the
moat brilliant surgeons in. Europe and
bas doue :a great deal• for surgical n
science :'Hts professional career began S
treeu the engine will: tear :through it
Ventllntibir. *L‘• Simplon• Tunnel.
'alae system of ventilation adoptedfor.
ne Simplon 'tunnel • necessitates the
'losing : f each end. This i i effected by
I!i'ge cnnya:t; taCrOena, which .ivork.auto-
Inti(ilily -on. the passage of a train.
ttould , the meehanisin fail :to lift the'
just about the trine of the Crimean,
it;e a circus performer through a •paper
War, In which he was actively engaged i
as an assistant surgeon. He had the li
misfortune to be invalided , home, and -
was .so 1l4y indeed, that his life was dee
spaired of. A return to .the bracing
air of his native city, however, restor-
ed him eotriptetely to good health. and
he soon becai:me'engleeer7 iii Native
to' arae=
tide. He was the first surgeon- to re-
move the thyroid gland for the condi-
tion known as goltrc, common among
the natives 'of Derbyshire, and, also of
Switzerland; He was also the flrst .to
perform, the operation for removal. of
the larynx for Imalignantdisease, -which
operation, It will be remembered, the
late etunt:igu Williams .underwent, • He
Is Surgeon in 'lrtlinary to King Bawerd:
In Scot' eel., and in 1578 was attache
to the s, ' xtitatassy .sent 'to Spain
on the; mit. • of Ch1'. late Xing. Al-
though ooMi..1 „ably over seventy, ,Sir
. '
1?atrick aits(ui stars his years lightly
and few would. be able to ,guess his
Dean Swift Did Marry ,Stella.
The. discovery of an unpublished let-
ter in the library 'of Christ Church, Ox-
ford, clears up the literary tnyetery. of
Dean .Swift's re -lateens with Stella, The
letter was written by 'the Rev, Dr.
Evans, Bishop of ;Beath, to Archbishop
i Wake, and is data• 1 ,truly 27, 1723, The
"Therewas rep.,r'ted to be a promise
rot .marriage •between a young woman
natned Miss Van hinrig and the Dean.
She designed to give him ail her for-
tune, which was about £ 5,000, but on
dtscovering, that the 1)ean had already
been married to :Mrs, Johnson, .daugh
ter of Sir Wililam Teniple, she became i
indignant and'madt• a new will:'
'.the letter corrob ,rates In detail the
information as to Stella's announce-
ment of the marriage and her wish
that the bsrtespondenee with Dean
Swift should :be ptrbltehed, a request
With which her i xeeutore refused to
oolripiy, Altogether the:tette.^ makes
the-evidenetr-rill g tone. Ina2'1"lliil
WO strong to resist... .•
35 a day for a specialist --that
will cure you of every trace' tit
Kidney Trouble. That's all it
costa -3c a day --to take
' , And "" Bu 3u" enres- tetnetnbet•
'that. Not rziereiy eases tlieltah '
and tnakca you feet better.. -,but ,
heals and strengthens the ],d.,
ucys and completely cures. -
Take " Bu -Ju" on our guarantee
that they cure or money refunded
At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt
. f price, 50e.
emote*. tray,
w tNTI•:re by (;hirego whneeetle 114uae, epee . t
I LI renr('•+euir ctivt' Inters or wnnlanl for each 1114,
vines, in Carbide.. eatery �-2O0()and °elevate•,
we.k i-• Bei -trim, t),nnny at1vsueed. nu •t
Z'�tlV 4niA.n4"ftrt: I4',reinll pArnianent. ave invest- t
:firm required. Prevtnne extorienee set ensent-
tI to err drama.
Addrnas (10 term! tfsttagor.154 mite Iltreet,
tl'r 8310 Olti'catia. tri., i r•:
The l'rftveler's Tree,
tree that that island
admired there
all 'Wid
tors; hence ite panic -traveler's tree.
It its similar to the palm tree, 'bid in
shape is like a fan. A eurioua featut'e
or tide tree is that its plume -like leave*
sway and bend with the sun and the
rain. In rainy weather the leaves bend
almost to the ground, but in sueribilie
they raise themselves to their upright
acid more graeefui legiltlon. The effaet
s v0t'3 curious, for the 1oave1l 0 Lisle
tete are.imtnenstt. Any gllace oil or►nse
queues in Jamalea has one or Mort of
hesr epeoimens, but it to necessary,' to
ravel there for a sight of ; theta, for
they will not grow in stny other aiir entie
cop, and no bang= result. •
' ,Nosy She Hates Him.
5110 wished to break •It to him gently:
"1h ti e deemed," she said, "be return
y 4,r. ring:""..: • - -....
Ile, however. wits a resourceful man
tvho did not believe fn Jetting a wo-
xzinu get the better of hien. "You
uertlli't bother," he replied. ."I buy -
them by tile dozen." .
Helping 7#int On.
Mr. Timid -e-1 -eta-:suppose your daugh-
err ba, told yon the--etobject of u1y-
er--vielt to you -gr -this evening? Iter •
Pallier -.-Yes, 'young -Man, and she. told
it better than you seem able to do.
Three of Then'.
Dearborn --Do you know the seven
wonders of the world? Wabash -Well,
I know three of 'them. Dearborn -On-
ly three? Wt4bas11-yes; I've only got
three sons, you know. • •
Vtterty "Iloreasotitrabie. .
a -Don't you
irfa Ym011, she's very trifid, blit ghe f
Jolim ,d
expect a boy to keep' quiet on Christ -
are that
FA if How many W0133011
1� get se
TIRED freahinent from sleep.
j' They wake in the reoirn-
frli OME N "ing and feel tireder than
when they went to bed.
They have }r„ 4izayJriensation in the head,
the heart palpitates; they are irritable':
and irervoui, weak. and worn out, and
the lightest household duties during th
day seem to be a drag and a burden.
are the very remedy thaat,weaic, nervous,
tired out, trickly venom need to restore
therm the blessings of good health.
They give sound, restful sleep, tope rrit�p
the nerves, strengthen the heart, anCd
make rich blood. Mrs. C. McDonald,
Portage la Prairie, Man., writes: " I WASit
troubled with ahol'tness of breath,• palpir
tatron of the heart and Weak spells. I
Nof four boxes of ;viilburn'ra Heart And
erve Pills, and after taking these Ilona
completely cured,
Pricer 50 tents per box or three babe
for $1.25, all dealer.; or the 'elle'1'.141&.
burn t:a., Limited, Telenet*, OtDM.
It Bee stn Important Bearing an the
Effect- of the '1I'oilet.
Many. an otherwise artistic toilet bite
been entirely ruined because the' neck
Was not gracefully dressed. Fat necks ,.
can be made to look thin and short
necks long, with a chic little bow pin•; •
ned here or a faney'ehain hung Chert.
Onea short neck tulle bows and band
have to be applied with a very carefu
bancL Oust as they serve to shorten
long neck; so they.'can rodnee a shot
ehubby ' neck almost ` .to noth ing'nc't,.
f reputable business. Yon can start without a cent
, of capital. Write•today; G.'rAatsiinii8t•Co,..•.
f 1 Wholesale• Teas, and Cofft•es, London, Out: 1
Cttliasing (1,lltlrenh, Galatea.
In playing ally game that requiresi
enumeration, such es the well known
""enl, Irony, rainy, rho," I substitute
sornething,that will be of after Lase foe;
the children to know. For instance, the
Greek alphabet, pointing around th
cir'elo wlth ".alpha, beta, gamma, dee
'tai" etc*. -the one coaling, out on "erne.
;a" being ""It'" Sometime • it 1
signs of the st.jnic in thole order,
"•tries; Taurus, Gemini, Cancer," ete.i
m l,,.inat. the numerals. in French.- Of
c. n' se in this. wry, the children get only
'• :r^ilnnieal knowledge of. these
ill: leg.' ..but terms are fixed. In- their.
11...../73 that often prdve a stumbling
Noe!: to begiuneree-Good Housekeep
Lieutdxovernor :Tones of ` Nova
Scotia d ied 'Thursday morning
Now s the ii e1
p bay that trivia packet
The ria lit►' is such that :lt you will never .regret it
tad Pai'lfets Maly Tse, 30e,
t;1 , aitnr and en. per lilt
Kt ell. grocers, 1Sla41k, fluxed.. ter Green.
Rockers—new.sty,les worth $2.5o for_$2,00.
Rockers—fa* finish 'worth . 3 5o for z... .
Rockers--saixied as cut worth 5.00 for 3.7'
C1GW •
. . BLY�Ha
Furniture and Undertaking,
.H.ovey's Baking Powder, per lb • : 25e
.Hovey's Compoiind Syrup of White
Pirie and Tar, for congas 1
Hovey''s ,Beef, Iron and . Wine, for
tonic and strengthening e
rnedicine..,,..16 oz. bottle roc
!C'ovey's Cotupound Icon Pills, 50 in r
a box 25e; 5
max'; a boxes :1,00
Tdovev's• I+,iutilsion Cod Liver 011.
I pure Norwaynd Oil; •50y
, made by
our own receipe. Notre .
and colas.. 4oz. bottle n •r• •
other "lust as good' 16 oz
•VAfEp YOU MAKING $2,003.22 A
t I
YEAR? It is being done with our goods
§ every,day. No fake,•
and no needle create the demand, Legitimate, I
Work is pleasant,. psruraneut and rotirtible, t.
Goods used 'lit curry house eve da
. bottle 75c-
Huvey's Cocoa Cream, "Cream of
Wytch Maazeland Cream. of
Violets. for chapped hands,
etc.... , , ,:. , „ per bottle '3tia
Choux of tulle at the bark. or, side o
the neck are only for `slender throats
while, e, on the other band, the bow o
mane fastened directly in trout .11
. becoming Only to a woman; with ,shor
neck, though she must Rear. it well
down on the collar bone, '
Thin collars. boned verybigh; canoe
at the back or front give n decidedly
Choked look to a. fat neck. A lace bend
• o. v'
I cry 'nietiivaii height,with- a scant
valenciennes frill, alone becotes the
chubby throat .. Neeklaees or ;Olathe
worn with t these •low bands should 'en-
circle thefn'nildway and have a pend-
tint.attaebment to: give a:long effect IrI_
front, or.: they; should .fall well'below
the cellar bone. A slender tiro tt iooics
best With an orna)rient` or chain at the
top of the .collier. •
•When a neck is pretty, but short and
chubby,' a long dark, . jeweled :chain or
a •laid of narrow black `.velvet .ribbon
encircles the backof the throat ;and
-hangsdown-straight-on-either__side in
stole effect. W ide:dog collars are only
for long, slender throats, and the short
neked woman wlto effects them is apt
to look as though her head
rectly oh her . shoulders, -B rested -
ester Tri1v:
• A.. Word About Spending• Money Arid
Haying New Gowns.
¥ euralgla and Nervousness rale. +X 09 e1
tI1 • Taiitea
9i Aio !ligla
*ktAicvqoheartdelression •(intsteslIareavyr*ewe
(tW$z1urCsar,rcew-.OE �, s:rsF
' ..
W . .
CHO �1BOu'1`
YO i1.[2
1: WALL PAP •R.a
I.' Nothingg a(ldsso much to the decora.'
,tion.of a house as good Wall Paper. le
am in at position tc, Show you the very 'i'.
hest and choicest; patterns, . as I a-.
Dispensing Chemist
and Druggist •
Paint Your
Buggies need painting this cr,
a�` .. P g s i lt7 and the bill
A a,e'to
'•have them done is now, and the place to have.them
•. Mone ri ht is' at, •
>i.' ,mba /+
U .
r n t
. � • reef.; Clintol7.
agent for the •
' '•a
Empire Wall 11 Pa
prey Co:
of Toronto • .
The samples for ly o .14706 are entirely
new.. , Prices run from Sc a,. roll to 35c,.
with borders at. same price.' Every.
roll of paper guaranteed to Contain S
yards, Samples gladly shown to ire:
tending 'puieltasers. at any .time,' and.
hang it at Sc per roll:
House Decorator and Paper Hanger,
Cor,. Queen and Princess St., Clinton.
tte`'1. a ��' 1
I .
Ho%!'bptit Seeds?-:(1a11;etari-y
tanz clinoth •etc 1i tL 1lr:-Ala• -
n nr
I r3i-c—ern_e_
wanting anything a ecial slroul r"`
i sure of .procuring it when needed We will talk�more of 'se ds atlren as to be
LRn]<ES+ Gall and examine outnew Spring .6-oods; of all .kinds,,
See our
beautiful range of,Collars; get a pattern shet. O
t„very cheap, Our m agazine rind patterns are :... .
Elnporinm Londesbor'o '
Feb. 2
Uth 1 •
s 9tT cc
How many housekeeping women are I~�
always in debt to the grocer and'per- e.
h :. �.
ops the butcher as 'well? Th , j
They run a blouse
bill and.. have the �ed111t1
purchases marked•' ey
down in a book, and on this plan a
great deal more Is bo t than if cash
were paid. Many prom merely send
a certain Sum ,on account. each Satur and they are always in the batch
er's•• antle.grocer's debt. ` Under these
date. No.trouble to shorty goods. .
Intending.'purchasers of WALT, PAPER
-will do well to exaxriine mystock, which
r- comprises :the product of several of the
best manufactures in Canada and the
United States, and is all new and up to.
.c ireumstAnees..tleydo not:question ei
ther the price or the quality. They go
on .blindly and waste.$5 or $10 a week
Just in; -this. one way: ken are often
heavy spenders and often. 'they gamble,
but. they get a return of some sort for
their moats, in enjoyment•or in sport.
They rarely put money Into the pockets
of tradesmen as women do, .says Kate
Masterson in the Philadelphia' Press.
Women, Ilk so many savages, are
caught by the glitter of bargains and
fill their homes with hideously ugly
stuff. They buy clothes when the sea'
son comes around Without going' over
their present wardrobe and ascertain,. 1.
Ing what It is they really need. Pre-
guently a new 'gown. la purchased when
there Is Dire already en hand that would
do nicely for' another season, but. the
new, gown is the newest thing, and it •
Is put on for all occasions, even in the
rain, and by and by it hangs, half worn
Mid ebabby, with the Others, So the ex•
travagant girl accumulates a supply of
useless .hats, veils, gloves, hosiery, none
of it really worn out, but none of it fll
to peek fora journey on a short notiee, 1
as a man can always 110.
`Pa Hi 11§ &Pa er=hay � • ..I
P 9 �9
done;' and illustrationsshown for the
decoration of any room in the house
I Will be open on car about the 22nd of
•March, In THU STORE Pottsfktltx Oc-
1 Ot rr$D n -.NI SrCOMBE, one door. north
eattle s Lew'Offioe
Dwerf furniture is pretty and appro•
priate In the nursery. The little ones
do not have to cit in chairs with their
feet deitigling, -
Never left .a ehild by the arms or un.
der the arms or you may cause de,
lorrlty or dislocate the shoulder. The
little body should, be lifted from about
-thee tV{rytt9t. t.:....
Te make baby's haeu2 ^brush it up.
Ward and twist around your fingers
while wet after .whetting. Brushing
downward encourages the hair to grow
sttratglxt tout smooth.
When desirable to see the tongue of It
eery smali child the object,may be ne-
conhplished by touching tb* tapper tip
With : a bit of sweet oil, wielnh orbit•
cause the; child. to protrude Its tongue.
Doh't neglect heaadttche hit children.
A doctor should be Aonenite.d withetat
1 delay If a Child Sutter* from trequefut
Iheadaches. net'ileinber the saying, e":11111
hour lost itt treating the illness of tri
)hind is as bad Aga day lost in treating.
the fllne3tltt of a man,"
A "iii i t at`i.:,")te la the ISYEW' EItJ
Stoll for a Good salar•
By taking one of our Borne-stadv
courses. It Coate bet a trifle, and
only requires .your spare " time,
Write today for particulars•
+,-,,,. TOISON'.CO •
W. 11. SHi11!!x a► RrllsglpAl. ,
\t..\\tri "-
call and examine -
Our etook of high art pienoe of lea
bat Otide designs, abd.eOutisining finest at
Hone purehastibie for money, See out vete
'meat styles of aweet•toned organs, at' low •
.pricee, Inetruements routed, tuned c•
utty at i-
• Music Emporium
New Crockery and Chiiitmas Fruits
tf Just Received..
fif 'We have just, openeddve crates of beatitifiil Ceeckery; het- •
Ale ported direct front the makers in England, We carry the finest
'97' and largest aesertments of crockery in the- comity and this lot
.ffe contains the Very latest lend choicest patterns and designs, . '
Dinner, Teaeand Toilet Sets, and .fancy Cigna, They are- geods'
yen shetild see.. • We are selling -them at less ehan re.geliteeprices.,
New Teas, Sugars and Canned Goods.
We lead in quality, quantity and prices in new Eroits,
Teas, Sugars, and Canned Goods. Call and get prices,
TEAS 131ack, Geeen ittla japan. We:soll the best 25e Tea in
J. W. ir in.
Olinton Sash, Doer and
-Blind Factory.
The Town of Clinton is on the eve. or
a "boom.," If .you .contemplate building,
let us give you our estimation, ete.
St S. COOPER, Clinton
House and Lot for Sale
The house now occupied by me, -containing 14 retinue
-A two•Stoty frame building ; frank side and. back e
trance corner lot hal-acre good stable, from si
will be sold at a BARGAIN, The lionee is bulle of solid
tit/the/seam' will last a life -time. $200 spent recently in
modern improvements. loor further particulars, or an
inspection of property, iLipply to
If you want to get the best results, advertiSein
the Clinton New Rra