HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-23, Page 2`' . U - I 1�` ' �`r,' ^ ~ @ ' ` ^ ` . ' . °�_ n I I" -I Diseoses of Women � I — I ', . .. House for Sale - "'ESSIONALs, , .,I . . . : The readers of this paper will be — ,. . I ., AVOOtite E41"or.1.4--l-N.0teso 410olngWest." Did you eyer here. pleased to le-orathiit t , h i . * , I, gotork"Whig- tersely sitypt— OPUN 0 - ll'o-expressiou'? . at least , Win 10001111, -With- AWdlb6d and 4tabla I I . . . I , clence has hard and soft water, j more of land. oom. ch is. enjoyed 'TheGnetzfamily are troubled witb j common thing"on, the ­,tongue these been able to cure in all its stages, and trolly to 11 4m active Liver, whit . MENIR ays. Wlipla yon see a man with an that is Catarrh. Hall's Cats ,4!nd Y 131MATTIIS I . who .use Rpecham's Pills. the parliamentary bee In their bonnets, I , - a . no . Imlitoit for partioulars 11PUPITY . . Deranged " Kidneys unusual gatt on, or -a vale bill under is the only, positive cure now I lknown I W, I k ...­­ DOINII. . tosimilAor S9 Wr 400 1140" I �. IT in,sure strong I Rev. L. Gaetz ran for a seat in Al- , . . ..1.111.1 .. I I....... . BAXtRISTun, solaolToR, 4to. : � l 4 key , digestion, ev., oseph I —_ . his arin, ask him where he is TIP& to the medical fraternity. Otitarrh be- 01INTO I ";, xwoet breath ,and soun4 sleep, � berta, stud was defeated. It J when the U14110ya fire Weak It 10 invariably the answer will W, 11 )Ing Ing a constitutional disease, requires a tholee Farm for Sale ,,, I 'I . West." Some have bought lard, some constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat- I Hiatt BigeXt formerly occupied I . ,tan to are cing to-dayi and'som Subscriber offers for lisle his -splendid. . I I , I be Happy or Healthy. " out elook-out,butallareentlluslastic- directly upon the :blood guz mucous farm ot 96 sores on the Boo Line. being KOTiOT " - didate, and went uA.der, Preachers . — I I Farme " tradesmen, artisans, laborers surfaces of the aVstem, thereby des- nor , sh parzot lot 2, Maitland Block, Rullett ' . I 0, el, 61FO _01( ov, h a M f S sliould �eep out of politics. if"c4tIled" anA pr111�1;1Vsq1oaal mer, are among the tro Good brioX bqusiI, barn a 1 1 W I . . If the girla and women who are number. Some were comfortably sit. ,in living the patient strela�th ..b� outbuildings; �16 acres, bash; farm well va- 134KIRISTER 130LIOIT.OR. mlran.y , to the ministry they should Aay it, 4. , silently suffering with what they sup* tuited and prosperous here; others ball Ing up'tbe constitution an assis - Weil and in atood condilliou., 9 miles from - �USLIO. ETC. I . I pose is I Ifemiale trouble," would I ook to tivere not its fortiniate but all are look, Ing natbrein doing its work. Thepro- Auburn. 'JOHN $eRUNG, Auburn P.0 ' , � PHIS Print ipal Gardiner, of the. 1118titu- ,their kidneys they would soon find - to Increased prosper I I OWNTON . . Ad n boxes 25 cents. the source of their ill -health I M st firv'ee owers that they offer One, Hund. . F I . ..4 Everywhere. I N e , anti we wish them Itick to their t. , ! tion for the Blind, Brantford, is Aux- I The kidneys are very clo;ely allied he�irts coutent, Froin travellers and red B re for any- base . a I ' RIDOUT A MALIK . '!=--- ­­.— - ­­­ ­ ­ : i(,us that all blind children'ju the Pro- , with the female organs and. if the vIt%- . ; 011a; that, it fails to , rm for Sale., � I — - , . � I , lity of the kidney -is in tiny . others whol visit, otherparts of Ontario i cure. Send for list of testimonials. nbeoriber offers for pale his far 1 OONVICTANCHRO, COMMISSIONE111 ot, . : - way 1Xu- ., we learn tbata. large ritinaber of -people, Address F. J. OR I I Real Ice I � - . . paired, gr�%t -iftering is sure to occur, 10 ever, - . O., a tateoend Itnint1r.a.p.ce- Agent i _ I r district are, alli ma,teol by the Tole4o, 0. I 100 acres, being lot 24, Con. 2od, Stonleys I nei a � . : 1"he gfintan $ew- Eva stitutesliouldbave i opportunity tO i I No betwi mtediclue is known for the elilrit of the Great West and. preparing t, bonse, i 11 a V, � - I an Alt cleared bull 10 acres. Brial I FRIDAY, MARCH 23, LOW. enjoy its.advantAges, The parents of kildneys than Dr� Hamilton's Pills of to, take Horace Greeley's jidvice '. ! Take Hall's Family Pills for 1 JOJIX UPDOUT , I —.— stico childr' , lKaildritke and Buttermilk ; they at!- ,.yojIIjg 1),.t , () West.- cou$t'P' sore of orchard find small fruits, 2 never- . k , I . . intil,tte and strengthen the kidneys Tho stoi y conitected withthe orignal . ling wells. Driving bouoe, pig pen, hen . I . 11 thity to see tbat they are sent there. and thereby.aselst the other organs' expression, is interesting by reasou* of ... ­-,__­.__­._...____ ­­ miles from Clinton and tbiee'i M-edLea.. .100, A AQ r Wel Offer I if ,,otiu it positipla to provide thein. to do dhture.'s work. Instant benefit , its restilts. A young man Ili New %1jyj1j,CE, 11.4) CRED1 I I 'ho . da. .., . . . with clothes or travelli�g expenses, it and certain cure are guaianteed Ili Yol-k. asked Ureel6y's advice as to 11 TO ALBERT NOTT, ., I Drs. GUan & GUnU* , . I . , is stiggested that the municipalities or I what he abould do,, ,.%lid the veteran - � I .Sufferer don't,viait, begin treatment ed top $aid ,,Go west, y . oil In In the matter of tli6 Et*tRte of Thomas Quigley, ..., ___ — 1 Dr,j.X1sbe0;uuu.M- ILL.C. S. Buxiandi . . (lovernineiltshoul supply the whet e- , I x ng an, go late ofthe Township of Hallett, iathe�Coiuoity I . 11. 19, 11)"Ir., Z41-40114 . I I [."' , - . . q . I with Dr. Hatililtollis Pills tit once; west." Theyotingwan took the lid- of Huron, yeomen; deceased,- . Farm tor Stile, office— Ontario Street, Clinton. NI t calls at I I I �1� We have made arrangements withal, . they will cureyon as-theydid Mrs. '­ "Viee, and went to'lowa—that, wits v0ll� Notice Is hereby �Ivon, pursuant to R S 0 . I _—, . : front door of office or residence. eattenbury : �"` I., � ,whereby we can Qffcr the New . I . I B. Coburn ,I, woll-knoo-la resident 'if 81dered '10ie far west" Lit the time., Ito Cap. 120, ' Sec, 88 an amending acts, Gai aii . . . . lk, , 1, , .1 1. Commenting gn the offe'us of titlets the town oi. Portland. . Read her ex, , tonl1ded what is to -day the city of por8ona. having claims against the estate of The term of 5) acres in the Brd,00a. . of Street. I . I ;�,, . perience : I . . . Grullitill, auld inserted in. every d,� f the said Tholonits Quigley, who died on or about Hallett, occupied by subiloriber is offered .. I . lobe to. that have been made .to Oana(lian pub- , s,rioi, t . t 0 the 10holay of January, A.D.t 19W, fire requir- fox sale.' Ail but f6ur sores olpered,. and- DFt. J. W.. SHAW, - , I . _. I wo yqn6ws past, I have been litud. s6ld. that no liquopwits io bv,.�olol ed to send, by post. prepaid, or to deliver to . -1 I 13 gar"IL. -_ P=IBIAX. JIUMNQN— . . . 1 �i,.�_.! . lbitt it knows abs . 0I.Alteli that InJ902 a -alid sallow, Awl Up exIIA1113ted . KlIq Yi`he restill. 14 that u0 li(111011 hits OV$r I r nk&mes, wheat eecde4 dowd.. Ittionin'g spring, all tario St., ol call , glish .. � , . It. befilre the I0,h day of April, 1906, thel �e Hp .church, formerly oic. 11,- . ­ -1 addr6ase,4 nnd detictiptiOUS, shot a fall state-. jail F, lowing dons bfit Ili acres, Pewframe . I . . . I , . — . . . "It". - ,fiold tile. place, no ment of partwimars Q - their claims anti the house, small barn, Acr6.of bearing orchard. . �, _ ance of tine -.veai'*, for .81,2-. its if !ill nly sfrengtil w envied bvwlr. Appleton, 011pton, Out. . . , eater up with some hiddep 1�-i.ji�iiiial has ever )et, st%nt tor stktte rature of tile at. oi`u�-,!ty (if atiy) hoilli'ty them, . — '_ - , , �,`I "I . loily oertAled anct tbat. after the said day, the 1�j'-wkY.iw*6`zja Clinton. Albo team of po?d DR-- co. lVi PS ,�'.. �i ell -Sir Wilfrid Laarler. It adds -1 - L """""ill 'TT(lolired to " i . . �,:.- This means that those whodo tenilL ti!'inu ) e, .1 lie,ard. of'Dr,-,-,11au.iIIVPv!S , )Lllliliii,,I�11(t.�t-l-o,[)oli(,eft)l,(,e Executors wi I proceed to distribute the as- - 'working h6reea for sale. . I I kided to uqe *-'th . Ybe, Inar tiiii (AAcr very small'. The acts of the deceased. amoing the parties entitle OBAS. MASON Hallett% I - ­ , not take either of these papers that tile 'corret,ppiallt nce.on the subject i (-hit ngeln a few days wits surprising Nvj,jt(q� (Ifthis wits IiaI!;uthlg tht-0 vii. thereto, having �e rd, r fily,to the PlAims Nov 17 05 1, elpectial attention given to diseases of the . . Oe beWeeii Lox Kin , Y Lift - .They regulated . kidiXeys and cunistances on a; tiain not loug I Dated this 10th d,ly of Malmlh, 1900. . . . . L, . ir, , �can get tbe-ni both until Ut still in.exi.szeiine, And ,expresses the bowels and curpol till my st&eriiiA ; Nybox a chaxaetori,ttic 4owan e-iiied Win Quigley, � E . . - . Fat in hil TockerSmIth to I - .. Office and fteeldence- I January, 1907. for$1.25 -cash. hope that sorno day it will be wade I . . 'over and gaid I-Sivy, mister .1 that'S All ' -Margar . et US ., I - .. Al , r I . . I U, very woman can take Dr. Iltmill. trIle, -%%,Ijatve,%,e J)o,eil $;tying about '. W BRYDONE, Rent . . avallable for Publication'. . Whill ad- At, lo'g Pills with 800tY ;'nO;' b("Iefit, 'Opinnell, fW I live right tliar." ; I. . . Solicitor for Executors � . I —.:— I 0. W. -,Uanning Sinith,, X. D., UK mitting an iddiscretion in making till- ! i - _­ , I I ­ To rent tor a term of 3 �' , I , In offering theho.-,pitality ofBncking- fitet known no I w, it defends itself on tt�lxl ill, heitithy, well regulated or(114. j 1110, KNOWS -' Comlinenting, oil ad- .NOTICR TO .' : Q , cession two, L. R. S., oonidintrig i0o acres.- PfVISIOIAN & f3URGEON, ' I .. � , . . - . . No wedit;fne mote -gentle or niorp j C RE It ITORS - 80 acres of which are cleared and in a good ir)]FFI�E_*�,'am Street, Bayfield, formerly � I t bam Palace to the ditugliterand sian-ini tile gi-ound that thete ts no indication prompt in. reshlts.' Now is the thue to voiLisiti,14 in I�cal papta's, Mr. Rbbsun, . I stati of cultivation, This Urni is situated I . I . . . , . � . . Asw of President Rooseyelt, King ,Eol, I. I head. of the O.P.R. advertising det'al t' In, Ott Matter of the 204ateWR461 holwco4, 1 1.2 miles from Rippen', 7�mlles from See- . (A�u�led by Dr; Pallister. .. . I ­ that.Lord .*n'tlo wished to keep'the gi.,�t Dr. Hainilton's Pills, 26 )(- per -box . I -In the first, place, I have jap ,, . A- . I ,— . .. . � �, ,,, ,,ward gave another 'iiistance of tbaL I or five boxes for $1, at afl. dealers, or ment says : . . f the . T-ownship of Hidlett. in ihe Vounty. -16neall. This farm . . ro illat . tgr secret,...and therefore ixo har ! al l by 1. 11 a, j, from N. 0 Poison & Cri , ofHuron, reoima?�l Deteased. . is well fenoed, drained, and has first.class D . G. IER N EbT HOLMES , A � lgrliceftil ttict which makes for him w.is being d6ne. to anyone. * , Hartfortl, Con . n.) . U. 8, A., and King ig g d ,k 'or. the uniiii- : . 1. . , buildings thereon, and in oneof the best .. I . DIENTIST . . . I I many per,;oillal friel..tls. . . . .9ton, Ont, . . . . i , o'e ��ed , w.t I m Notice !a hereby given, pursuant to R,.vised U (Sizeelissor to Dr - T. C. Br I I 1 I . . . . . .---Ob-- -1 ..- ­ , ­. . . l,f6r 0e benefit of the conjilitinity in amending acts that all persons hnvjrig claim 11' &a, apply toii,Dciig & Doig, Attorneys. Sault sp ecialst in croVW and Bridge Work . I I I I * --- , , , 1;1111 y against the estate of said Robert Bowcov , , geomp of Ontario, %uronto, . . People %i ho tell yon that they are in . I -T I ,1k, Ste . , Marie I ,:Michigan, . . . . . . Wherefore t4o British ImmIgran". I whi,-,h it is located, and,. like t w ao died oin or about thet3th day of February, ,,,, r . rrr I favor of protection in the Old U .r Ilsandi of people throughout the D.1D. S.-Fint-class Rono - graduate of Dea- I I �, r it a, new Englialk . othet, blessjugs' its y6lote, by - A.D. looll, are requited on or before che Ifth day * tal Department ofToronto Uttiverel I -on�olation trot -ounny know that, . ordinary - ,r . recognizml. *. 16 preservation I . cannot gafli�!r much ( u o, . . the re i Writing In 'iCanada, r thinkingi is not.' of jkpLjI.A.D.i9W,to.-ead by lid. flouse and, Cot in Village.. of s .1, I - publication, -Mr. rBeckl a Willison has . 1. . . Post Preps � , the fact that by 474 to 98 the British ­ . or to deliver to W;. Brydon a. solicitor o Ildren'steeth. ILL visit Bayfield a. . , � turies ;Intl appliances will not ciire. , some ve,ry striking thin&s'to s*y In an,' 4 Executors, their names, addresses and descrip- . . E ondville, for sale - r . I I 0oninions has voted to res st tiny The best of them oill Ing article -on colonial Indebtednbas. . I . ti tie, and a full statement of particulars, of ". I ­ --- . I jLtte i,pt at intro6ucing piotective relief. . . ef, were In . . . it any held 'by them duly certified', and that One-ana-a-h a*lf story brick, containing .. . . . . � . - blackheads, Only. by -ider all; frame . ])]K..r JR.. FOWLER$. . m I . . Dr. Leonhardt!s 11tim-Rolid, is n, tab� .1the.beglnnihg, and,,kUl should be, our ,,niove pimples oL :. after the.litaid day the ex,cutor willproiceedflo 7 rooms, r with cellim ui . I I . I I � Autles. .------ ------- let 6,kell ititer r nally that rzinoVies the great refreshin an , ti'llfiltiti"g 6treallition- and V111-if)-ing distribut,ii the assets of the deceased am'"Ir kitchen Attached., - I -lard and soft,viater I I DENTIST. . I . � itise t f Pil.e..�, hebee the cure I's -.p_. -r- creating grounds;, the -great opea space* rr Ciebloodcanit be done. 14or quick' the parties entitled thereto, havirif r , r. . . Offices over O'NEILYS r3toret; - - . :. Perrot- to this claims of which the, .,I., iZ`ndh.A1,Y. Alarge'stable. All in excellent repai L In the last eight nionths the forelkii " " silre release from theseliests use 1, . .. I . .. . mallent. livery pickagg e -old carries '-where the. race thatIs losing -its stam- Notice. . I . . The lot consists of 3j acresbf first-class I I ; . . . I -trade of Canada has beqn $3158,27 7., 9 0.6. ap-ilariaitee with it, .r r . . _. . ins, can recover it In honest toil In the . this Oth day of March, Iq06. . land, on which are a uumber of choice 81�eoiml care taA . . � � . . It is oeri - most- fresh'air, under the blile do -140 Of heav- bI00d, TI)RIMS Lhe Sk healthy, tones ; . r in a painlesi as' posdible. rW V.i I , - - . At this rate it will clirn b over the half- rectly h, g.to the . ­ . . , , r. -,pur nu rit.i- -% Soilicit or for the Executors Auburn every Monasy., , . . . elieste con4iitutioty. A. inonth's I 'en. ,This Empfre exists for the'UrItlab (Ills j+.,011 ,nk . I d up the systei -With�th( 6 t i 1' ' JAS. CA. 1PBRM and dry. This is a veo desirable pro- s I . billion mark liefore rbe end of The f.-eatnient in-. each pitekAge. '83old at I greatest. dan V to the. I . r'. ,pL for .a, r4ired farmer; or would - I , llscalyear,.June.40, No other ,country $1.()Q. . A l; finy dvuk'store, or The Wil- _Erapire will- co n ease. Yon,'11 have a.smooill deligh0d. I r make an Al market garden., , I inile to : . . . r ­ ­ . . "� , , . - .Qou-Fyle,Co.j Limited, Niagara Falls . Seafortb Station. $9W for quick sale. . . . . I I ­. I . and wa's, educate(I 16 to bring , -oper4tI!:m be., .- : .. . is . Two bund red: and, tb ittjt -five .actes, 13itu.- :, r, 1. 11 El . the English nd,'the. Csila-dian I . , . Pri te funds to loan at or tent dud up-�. . . I I And if Consex vatives .brilflant students which the u 1,hirsi-ty Governments ,on 4his, (fuestion, of the. . Write QEo. SPO,7'�N. tl;i! . . I �. . ever. had,, and. lie was itivard'ed - every' migration of tile poorer," xveaker,: but mens of thp,fish . -fani . tent condition, havi - ng been all. under , , - I ', 'L 'generally hada molicintimat(A 11c(i ' lialli-I P-rize . and ,holarsbip practle . a . lly, wIltch . r . b16 13rid8b.,raj6p-trom . flyli, e,0iiiinihal :. . grass for f0e yesrs;18�lendid grain or grass, I . ELLIOTT.' . .1 . ,, I tatice wit li him. thcy wonlol 40so de- ill.,: unl,0'1�.Slt' )lm. Ed I .1 I 1. I *. ,,iana,r well drgioied.'.. Fiv . . I . ­ , r cline to reo- vii; . .,,t,hi ril 111-.1 Imi "I leader. bilrgb did not seem to gi '6 njill.ii, I&rgd .,i,out 'of th6.t-welte milliolls'. on ,tile seg, an anlinal-'of Alie whali6 species, Wby A e d, - bar . I . I . . :.r . .11 . rL everlLy WiLm Called .33 aiiiito*sia both and, excellent orcharc One ni . . . . . ,�e,. ek��n�l� afforded by many. -1.1on,,,who ,cotild be Intiucea to . P I I), town of S .ar e, ore barn, 'SU54, wit st , F, r . sales I Y.. - . r . , that at tliv presvnt time ilo p-trty ill metropolis.' There! -.v . at. tr�inoin _�_ ne raillb)n -whose ..history,. .has eyes as hirge.as a OaUberl. I lb� .Wd, it sebooter -with'.a'-full 'cargo. of ,' . r . __ ' nd'pig pen,, power and pump. Orders left at,tbe'NEW ..ERA will be ' 1, , ,,the British House of Commons 'is led once r6cogrlized like t1i'LAII16,�Sir wbosa' dhzracter,-', ,\N,l1nq6 ­t�rhlmphs,* sidesthe,abo! cb w'tcfe�lstie featureiv b6ins entered that port� Poroa) wells ana4unnirig wator. at. rear of r . promptly attended to, . * ' . , - - Andrew. Clark, he ..was appointed phy- . - . , our,',, ,and - may be. sal(l - to - be wbalel ko, - - the' whole- towii w1th­beans; hence thili. m r. Appl'y' to - ALF4X,' M.. . . I I I . - siclan to ih5_L,?ridon. HosbitaL. Since e . p ' "Bever. McEWEN, Clinton p,o,,Lor Lot 28, Con. I . . .�L - .. , ter, the_leader ofthe Opposition, kind I ' In'ter-' . 17,0r; . -has two Immense tlisks which reseuI- ly Beaners." , In.1081 tbe town'Of. Bev. A.Starle . . I I . I THOMA GUNDRY- . ��111, itolci, (if the Labor parly are ied ' more. slowly. the sarip. blood? . . I , , . . . . . . .. . 'Live:,st6ek and genera, . I Auct . ioneek,. - . I I ... " I the,. , ]�' . . rup success... He has published what e will be ble� tliose of,the ek-plialit, both W sla erly Voted to ImiI.ose a ta- Y. - -� I - - . Y�� . . L . . .. .. .. I . L 9 . . li L at the present time L the itandiirdL- . 1)elieve me, inn- few,,y�ars tiler - '. I . . . . I I . . 1�_!_ . . . . . . . work on "Food and Didtisties I am# also Ili .'4ljglai)t1 soniething fn. the nattire.,�f'L and color, aud tiyo queer winillki lIhgs oh all future absentees,fyom.tb . . r . .L - - - ... / t Slaves . — L . .Farm ick salles & L ii�eoii&jty�. Orders -left, - .. I , I I the 0abinet, ib largely Scotch. 1 - it manual .on chlldren's_4j"ase,' jD4. - � a social ' prill'eava'l; a re-arrang6mc,litt in niginbrahed - extend 1)ig along .its, sides, : meetings. In 1754 twenty-elgh . .... . ... I , ' t. , , , ,�', I 1. - . I F1 - the 6ehry and praciiep'ot dpaling.witti I . . . town't'. ig, , :7-Tile'Subsoriber offers fok ale, 1 tborq- , �EW- 9RA,'0111ce, Clinton promptly attended . 'LL . ' __ . utebison Is a tall, very' strcrhk��iliolit , ... , I from th� side fills alluost to the tall L wero. owned '!r, -thoi Tfie ,11' . .. L I 11.1 . ITialiressive malln i er, " and h1g. whole pM-� the method-; of,thp unempli)y(�dL thp`m- . . 1. . ed'.by. Szell's Imported 'Short -Horn. Bull.- . t I . . . - . . . . .. , I ing less for drink. In the - laht fivP. I L . ma�sliallng tbeir.lzind, to do battle W . lished. In Beverly in 181O." . - . . 'L. . L . I . . ... , L', . . )na*nv frieWlia, . . . I I I �.. I . I - . L . mariners say t4at they maneuver with 1� Animals and -Pain. ' . . . L .1 I MARtRi.iGE LicFmim . , . � I . . . Title Viddle Drill: - much intelligent;e and sagaelt that I A �orre pp U I shes to a Lou, . . . . . ' - , . , ' 0 Tile "fiddle d0ll" is olie ok the oldest * they. arqkuown� to I) 11 the Islanders by � don: Joun Lal some curjou' instances of. - , 'Bull- for Services ..., . . _. ." ; I head was $20 a year ; in Scotland. Any aching t6oth car be relieved Ili- sai(I to. antedate* Greek sculpture and iylnged war ,. It . . - ,L . . L . I , - - I . ., I ­. I I . 1. '. I I Se'lS. L : ' '! .. . I bas: be say,,;, seen a. sparrow *SllotL flylilg American ana. -Canadian. registered Hera..:* ,. :- . - - , . ..2 ! .1 - s it A"A's -6,666. y'e'ars �go. I ., . . I . . r,afl tb I ound!and'in less than two Also young Hereford stock for sale at any .. � . : J. pa ... . I., I tconsunie ]ties drink than they (lid five rtib the gmils* irHth Nerviline- ii-lsot' IfL li . .- ..j ralwit,ps.-begin picking- up.,graips tha . t . Ine. E.L.FARNHA-M.Loill,'Oon. 9, . . . .. . . . . . . - L 11 . . . I . .1 . . I . ' � � . years ago. tile fnee* �s swollen and scre bathe the' -Impli.es, I o pleties, In I one* hand . Although - thi� he I- TO ed to be lying n.eiii it.. 6n, iin- Atill6tt; Coniitance-P,O. - - - .. . . . - . .. . _! . , I , L a :111, The drill is of tw . . . . lloti6pe: Is a itender ' , .1111PPOli ' . . . Our:loum. ON"Y. . J ..fL . I holds the rit, extreiliely sensitive -to col(l, it is �othcr oe.casion ,,I.. tarile rabbit was det ' . . .. . ,. . . . . . with a Ran tie]. This� can't fail because a carver Arloll.stQck, which Is . Pla . I ... . . . I I � . .. . . ,.� I - ' like a carp9ni . er's brileci, except that It: one of the beit p1quth; for cultivation 'L lTedLby a'spanief-bf its tajl� bone'a.tiof . I . . . . . I 7 . Private funds to loan 'on mortgages as' - - . -.1i I -The niost successful linsiness men Nerviline kills the. ptibi* oldtright and . L L Prl ghtes, - I -1 , B01I.S. for S 1.6 - * - '. 'bestourrent ratect. - ' ' - . I : ave the best advertkers" said Ald prevents it from returning,' Stronger, 4s stralklit instead of'Lliaving a crank.' 1jaddoKs:. It seembl,to hilvp 6* diselis6i all. It took hot the sli V-ndtice of . I I - .. ' ' ' I . .L I I . .1 . ,juicker. wore sa . tisfactory filtan any. . . aies - -its logs and began.'?�edlng again direct- . . I - ' . I - _ E= I . I . . . 'SL j� . Ili the other hand he liolas'the "bowl" and is lasually free from insect enen ,. - General 1�anking , *buaint a � It aspoied - ".. - I - wire�. a till while - wi . � Its.. aged 2 &3 years, both red with a little . ;uterest lovied'on aeliosits. 6 . I . . other linitnent, lolson rviline ba,,' which Isstr,ung with a brasi . . Lth abundalit -water and. sun. - ly, -it - . eturbed to Jts hu I .tch. I . I . as . . . . ,.. -the creation of a deppi-trilent to boolil , beeiti the largest seller for nearly fifty Which Is given a turn Ar6iUnd the4rill , shine tind sufficient artificial -heat It , - - I I . 11 I I . Sale'noteo'boupbli , - , . . L � . .... ".. "I &'hateity. The trulli of this statement . . . I , apck� To.use the drill uie'ciarvir. *ill bloom all 'wintor long year aftef. ' I . . pedigree. .'Ond by Biggins' Imported Fan. W�. I I . I . . _. .. .!. . . I- -',,' year andels so tentielous of life that FfOln ,continental Europe colnes cy"o Pride, th3 other by 8nellla'Star of 6. D,?Ai0Tpg9fLrt . . AV.-D..M.Taggart , , is self-evident. The inercharts who - I . . . . . . ifilleps the drill stock p. gainst.hIs breast, ' ' ­ �­, , do the most and best adyertishig' are. . TRAININO-THE CHILE). - ' o .1 ' ' ' - now Ing noto. p1nned. to the. -pillow In a ma I n. . . .if . JAMES Sil"OBBROOK t . ­ . - . .! �. . . ght he dra" t 4 he r .bow .back and quickly ,shoots forth luxiorlant' . ' , . - - r . �W., . . Apluttelly Emse)-titaj� . . rotary motion to the drill stock, And ) . plant is pinned the. more luxuriantly It, says, 'LC us .not into terni:itatlon., . I I I . I SANICERS, . 1 �.3;1'1 1 are slow to realize'thk fact. . the drill Is'ground to cut in either way , bl&soms..'The blossonis sbould be cut You and your sbow'of weath tempted . . . . -Coht for.Sale IS . I , . . ­ I I I 1� I . . Itturns. 'The fiddle drill Is. used In. tho ; with. a' considerable k-tigth of the new me, and I.fell, though an.bone.st work! 1. _* im �_. I I I . I . . . I . . . . . mistake and all c4ildish, wrongs are if at' Ingman. .'Therefore' yon , are. the.* sln� ican Corn for JaPe Ili --, G.enerall Banking Business . , A . I .1, I i . 11nest work,, In -etevices where the woQq upon w.bleb.they gr9w, and. . . Lots of gooa'Amer ,: The Mail anl Empire smys. "Al". but mistake% It is the dtity, find prIvI- . ul r" . re It is too, cash or 2 to 9 mariths -time,'aa arranged. '. -tiansacted - - . I . . not reach .his chwel once f ly Immersed in water and then ne not. 1. Repent befo' . , . i Vionteith*s N11 t,r, altor the constitntioll'! lege oi the j3arentto..nilikil .that child out bfidan'gering th6. placed deepIn a well filled vase.thdy � lite." . . I Also 6'kobange � 100, pounds, corn f9r 100 . I . . . . -1 I Is I wrong and and hammer wl . th . ; I remit . In .frqsh at . id I - for , . many . . I . . - I .11, . I.. . p I onads of. bllrle�'oi osts,, Cash for all NOTE$ DiSCOUNTED. - I . . � . . . why It Is so. A child 'is , neither' a toy . I I I . I . I . .littlli diffl t 1. I ' Jiress'�Curex. : . I . : I air ds.of g . rain, ­ . .W. . . . 3%,rafte.1squed. Interest allowed on , I Jact, nobody seeins to want it, and . - red, but the . I . . . . . 1. . ; -v- aniateurs to propsgrite from 61ttings, ,! - Men do not seem to deri-v Y S] I . I I . i . putal ions have gone to Toronto to Pro" feted to man and womankind. '. . .. . . 11 l3oldluff Itands. : - . and some bottom beat the young'aut- by waistcoat -.when stocks'4011 or their. . I ' I . Can you teach ttuthand obedle4ce _ at When a felt, ' tinds,quIckl[y root and prosper. . -.-. I �; 11yers are. out oforder, but there Is no . . . . . .. . �_ 1. : . fell the.. story of the' big black low Is alone with a girl be loves they . time ften a wonihn cannot be distinct. . Fire Instirance eo... : , I ! man, only to be' held In contempt when seldom play cards? Merritt-Becatise . " .. . I ly cbeered.by sombething rew to weard, Ab6tit.&I'l .the Clover Seed used in this 11 I . 11 .. . I . I . I tends to make the Councils cumbrous , * ' 1. . A Pat Repir. . ­ I . . . looslity bile a large percentage of Backborn Farm and Isolaied Town: Props . . 4 the brain, which 'at .least Is- your If they did she would have to hold hei I ,President M ad an ap- ­, 1; . I . " it, and I wotild -ad,viee farmers to closely . , I vretionalisni that wits happily disup- I � qual, develops enough Ito find yqu out? own band."" ' . plicant for the post -of irinisteir to Wit- � ­ ---- -- - ---.--" -- inspect their seed before usin . �' - OFFICERS. . . . I Ust year after attending a luncheon I. 1511 glit; With him a petition I -1 I , . . . buv: and ship tini of tpe count - I ; I went' v th a friend Into her apart- 118oinli men donl� Wtirry,ll said UnclO signed 'by 7,000 Ckleagoans. It selim . .. . . . . I , . I .., .injured, and can Bnpply a first-class quality .J. B. McLean, Presiolent, Kippen; Thom ," � I I I . . III - . I , . . . I . - Seed tbat Iguidantee to be clean Eraser, Vice-pres Brucefle . Id; Thos. 9 - . ` I ilrould have rernoved the only rewsor. I ments In the san;e buflaln� to' see her luber, "'caiise dey" I I . .. ... . . of Clover I I'll FJ k0t too much that -he was a picture. framer, 'and U I . . , " 01 �. I . ' .. , . I and in accordance with. the requirements of Hays Socy. T,ieas.,, Seaforth obleobjection to the Act reCeDti -4cuqe, - m3d others don' worry. 'cause be. W I . . , I I . I )J I . . Y n threeayear-old son. in the corridor she - . , . ent about 4�anvasSjng for or,d,ers I . - .1 I 1 . . the OntWrio Seed A0. �. ' . . . . . I DfRECTOPS. -., , - . ". force and preserved all its o6nefits. 1 1 explained to me that he had not wish- de.v nin' got sense enough.,, -Was . hing. ho� was In 60 habit of collecting signa- I . . . ­ J. A. FORD, Clinton. . . . I * I I I I ed her to go tik the luncheoh'and that , toli, Star. . , I I _ I ­. ..".." . . turei to his petition, President Ms.- I . - I I I I . I . I . . Tas. Connelly,. 13orter!s Hill; - jokn - I .. . " . . - . . , . . KJaley,listened respectfully to the ap - - : � I r j - I Seed Oats ajQd Clover.. Cbesney, Seafbith; J. . Evans * Beeclk. . 01 . I through to the other side of the . I . The utaoisignea has s, quantity 8 I . ; Pale, 7'h - iiig without being seen by him. We ew fore he 6ould give the matter' serloof I I I . .1 tered, and there stood the sternest of LIVER COMPLAINT@ , ' . I class seed onto for gate. They Qre .two Qf . Each Director i insiedtor of. in I.. �' � . : . . I consideration lid -would have to. confer . I I I. ' I . th6 bigit vaiiatipa iver grown in this- part. . . , in,,. Are you a . suc his own locality. s I . ��, I little judge�, with fade like a thunder . I with the senators and represeIntiii1ves . and pasfi7 The� have good straw and splendid gtain . I., . AGENTS. . . � . , . 11 cloud, vrith unforgiving eyes and scorn- The liver is tk# largest sland In the liody'; Im froin Illinois , nted li� your rriends It' A clean and beautiful seed,. ties of start, Robt Smith, Harlork; *Ed. Hinchl I ey - ,. . 1 . . 0. ful mouth'.As his mother approached Ziffice is to take from the blood. the properties . .. . )US 2 him h; ba�ketl to the farthest orner of big men for 1 said the, If not, wh( I YqUYS I ,:NerIX 0 . I ­ c . which form bile. When the liver In torpid and subsoriber has Red Clove): good, also some ville; J. W. Yeoj Hohnesville, ,.,­ tile roolli aild cried, I'do away, bad inflamed it 0 president kindly as be bade his �aller or the miller'i, Ifyod are wiccbst. . . . .. 1, I . I - aundt turniiih bile to the boweb, . I . fleet class dairy cows, about to calve. . . . . ,. ft, mother; you said -you sald"- And then *ausing t4em to become bound and costive trial goodby. . ful in other lines) y1our .reputation . LORR,X T YNDALT,, Hullatt I -_ i I 4 1 . --.---- , r weight in OWon!t I be just as big as any of Itm - as -a cook ig -vindicated, and I is . . , . . . �,_ Then your blood must be; I be, sobbed bitterV, and I thought bet- vymptons we a feeling of tulness 6 lilly the f it . ..: .- . THE LARMOTIR .�P il 11 ter of U.4 mother that the tears rolled the light side, and shooting paind In the Mine If I get the job?" was the retort. plai ault ofthe Hour. I . . I . I I . . I � a vety bad condition. You down lier face as abe took his liftle Mica, pains bOtween the ffi h0uldoil,ro, yellowneiij. 1, - . — I . Look tip the: good breftd and CWW Root CompwW, I I I I $ , . '!o stage , ,of the skin and eyeb, bbwe% irregullaro coatod" Faitheir of the Weather Bureau, . Int I I , iinwillIng body Into her arms, N . . L pastry makers .of your acqual ance. 1441jesP vilivatita 1, ceriainl� know what to take,. tongue, �ad toste in the m9rulng, . I The father of the weath %r ,b r u To the only gnu rend* Sch.001011clegrapol , � �. ever told a more tragic Incident: . .. !ct.thei ' then take ft—Ayer's 4grka. mother t6ld Die that I slie liad learned I . service,,was I C*Ulator oni ..M FIM. . ... t r"rgjl ' .1 what he , will say about this. '.'the heart abd mind of her little so I - - Royal Household. Flo i .1 two Ma;gjj, The new to . I irand old fitmilY medicine, . To teach obedletice begin Nvbenko LAXAi*Ll--V,ER, ,' of the -whill currents and storms and. ladly paving a little. tnore'per barrel Is by far the boa I by this iiabdol has proved a groat success. . . thild flr�,,t acts of his. own volitibb, . I " to predict their appearance In specified 9 . 11 wedl nown. I � Yupils.gradosto In the shortest possible . . on the' tiny hand first reaelies for I . I libighborhoodg. On the strength of a ' . for it anJ getting 'for that extra cost, c a eaws-10 - 4O.W.A falo, therefore at the least, expoispe, I . 11 . � Sold for over 60 years. the tlill)g It should not touch. Gently, . . ,i weather dispatch from Omaha In 1869. a purer,.better flour, ' ror breaa.or' k Tour deu at totl it'Employment nrovided at once, Xrlte . PILLS III, n90 Oonitpou I Om, for free pamphlet whiiih will givo. full infor. % . Id'dio t 61tion Y6f1r doctor w6uld I or thereabouts be.announc6d the first pastry, it has t6 equal. . ; ". vift , - 11 Y willa to bof firinly, draw the hand back until It I , I rest 4 � a . . on of tit* bow6lk *be tel . an Pleasslit mad easy to talce, do not girlok, StOrin on Lake Mielligan thit ever Wit , 0jilvie's Royal Household— 9= 011rand Vd. I jxfflifi , matian, dall , . a V , ecases to reach. The child will look, School room in Gordon Block, o 08ite I .. On!# to roto .. 4114, aken or sickem, never fall In their effects. find bera,lded tWelve hours in advance at repeat the taine to your grocer. 620 I your bo if I Vol Into your face, and the expreigsion will we post cAea, the most dositable loset bin in 6 I . s"i of Ayer I . .. 1 . Im ress ,him. Ito watehful, persistent we by far the listed and, QatakeAt remody lot "..-Its liLrrlVal. The first work Of tlk# , .0glIvIe n6ur Mills C06o Udo ' the oity, I I I . I I I -1 1-111 - __ ­ - - ­ __ - ; P I sildis"movilhordirselthelivitir. . ;. , I Weather buretz was t:inder hW ehaftmi loopelition of o1fiews at work cordially 11 T. 0. =it _%_ and consistent, and you Will. t6adh him , , I bo. �' MontreAl , - ' W . 10=4 L"M for $1.00; In chleago. it Wag on the sawl is Ogilvie's Ilook r(70 (lank," oti. ' . . loss rare *1 to let the article -alone, without a bl6W. Price 25 centd, or 5 bottlo ' a . Invited, . . . . . .. . I I I --Grade a UOUN& I& dealers or mailed diriiiat. , (I in Clinton 63 UOYAURT LARMOUlt,8tratfora. Oat,, . 1; ilers 4M . kftw. � . . price by, no T. WRIum Co., lAtnitedo , "'system st tbb signal servies was sorne iwver publiqllied beft a gle 0 ­ - R. . a,, . . I. 11 . �#'� � 21c two 11 a VS.- , 1 6 a! j I , - P, An our �A '11,11,10"Al. .1 . � MWANNOW , I . . J, . .. . . . .., . ill 0. � 0 I I 11, . . I 1. . I . .1. .� �, . \ I . . I I . .1 I t : ,� I 1� . k I I it. .. . 11 ,. I . .. : 1. . . I 1. . 'It , -1, I .",., 7, . I I I . I . 1, ... . .4 . .. 1. � I .. . . . . I " � Iii".. . I I I JW . I '.1 I . I .. .1 '? . � I I . I I . . . " . . . ­ I I I _ I '. 1. 6A_ X� I