HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-23, Page 1�t � - I , � . E, 1� 17�'1-711111110111071111101!1w� - ,7."W. � , * . . r" _ -, ­- . 4k __ _ . , - � rp?, I �% 4, - - - - ­ � � - I I . . I 4 ,. I 111-11' A . � T . -7 . . I I .1 I % It I � ;V_-,..,i�.-; � , - .. ��­­ .1 . - . I I � I � I 7_7 � I , 1. � - 1.11 I M. 0-.- . � . W___ 7, , " * . , I 1� . . I � . . 1, I �. . .. � I I . I I " . , '� . - . . - - , 1� , ..�­. ' -1 I t New I Er I R I �... I I - "' , I. , .; �'.. �. ­ 1.11 I . . , I 1.11.11 I 'enewalsil, , , , 0� . . I . I . I � , * I 141ave.,you, I . ... I . . . . .. .. , . I ­ Subscribers are urged to make tboir , ."". I e� . n- . . - I I . I . I I , renewals promptly.'and thus avoid :ho . I . 1� I -1 . . I oss of any copies of the fferal(l - ? . ' . ... I'll � .a.. � ... 11 , I � ..... Th � , , .. ., Renewed?' - , � li . in o . ­ . I . 11, .__ --.------ ... ­�-= � .11 ­ I - _______________�_______ � I � I . I I 0 Pphr "art lit Aidne a o I I I rs) W , -, .1, so, ,a . . -, , SUPSORlInION I I 0 . . I '. . . � I . Estalil " r.., . . 0IJNTON ONTARIO FRIDAY MAROH 23 11906 . I � . It'0131DY"Theadoe'nqS, ftbllsb� . ..1. . I . . . . I I III 11110 . I . I , , � ., .. ... . W--"--W--F-.W.---� . — I . � . -"� , I I ­ ;1 ­ . — - .1 "� . I 11 I 1. 1. � . . - . �, ____ , , , _ , . , � . I . I I I - - 1 ,� .; .1 ­ � . . . I 11 I . . � . I 1. I � I 1�, . , I � .1 I I � . . . . ; - . — ,, ; -k . .. � I . - � . . . =:�ZI::1:1, :111 :;:_� ­ � .. I . Waw , . Varna* . . .1.1 .­ .1.1 I lwo . I . Flo I a6burn, West Anosh . . I _ .. "T 7__'. . , ,4alkerburrl , , Iliett, Miss Carrie Stewart isvisitingfr , lends SuiciDu, One day last week ti, youn ,io . DIAMOND � , �, J seerelt ,ayer is bleirij; - - ,,I good Miss Proctor,, of Holmesville visited -residing 9 Id le �, week of pi don � ve , �. - . . The saw-iplij bits been doing week. in Morris tp. I man named Wilson, ' hear good is being e. , is I.J. It ", last . the first night. business lately. her friend, Mis 13 .01 rtei Prosperity, cominittei) suicide while seekers were at the altar � TURKISH and . � . . -INTEREST. PMD-. QUARTIRIV - - Miss W.R.*Thollipson of Blyth P.$., . - Mr. Will Fingland,,Goderlcb, spent Mr U. Carter solda good filly to. hie visited at tile Eratt home. . I laboring undt,.r mental itberratkon. He Rev. Z A. Steadman, of Ba,yfield, . I � I . wei,ins more than interest paid Sunday at home, . . . nephew, Norman, of tile . Huron road, is said to have gone to the barn, pre- will occup the pulpit of the metho- REXAL , o I n half . Yearly. you, as a ., 'Fackson., of I Qod6rich, last week. . I Miss 'March& Mole, WiDglialin, is sainabli to do -the chores, and not ro' dist chugoK here next 8unday, as Rev, . .. 111111111111111111111111111111111111 . 0 1 e, 11 M185 Maggie . I � I spending a few days at her home here, tIrning, tb'4 family went to look, for Mr Brow6 takes the missionary anni- I 17 . A number of f-wro ll, discovering a, note which stated - gin n. see the advan= ers in the vicinitf I - I , '' , bu egg ma I 1 1 spent Sun ay at houie. . Ali additional borse 'was ,Added to hit versary outhe Bayfleld circuit thatday : 1. � be your IL0001113. it .1,arge or sma I- Blip,99ary FinflAnd hAdaskating Of Londesboro. are trying to Orgill' izO 1), Asquith's livery� this week,inaking five. that Ills body'wotild be found where I . . -re- 01tv %turdayaf ariloonand evening., " e sheep. They lice I %1 the Wo .1 � . _ ,A . Mlss B. Cartelt entertained a laige, . � issionary Society , was cele- _y E, S ty & Threshing syndica,te, � . . . they waobbd th at o' The "silver anniversaty" o D " ''. good drivers, I ot no trace of men'$" Ali ' . . Deposits Of $1 and upwards � went tothe river, but g br4ted on Friday evening, March Oth, . celved. Mr, and Mrs Andrew, Roborton, of _ �� . g frieuds,here at , cotupa,lly of triends t6 a tea. and social - Quito a number eople from thi him. Next day the body Was; found, . I I . . 1), s I . 11 I Hamilton, ' tire Y191tin . evening on Thursday evening last, vicinity attended th,epopeniug of the having floated sotoe distance from the at the pairsonage. The spAcio,us par- A-11 colors,- for NV,00l and - ,� � prownt. Ig the new Methodist chucch in Godevich on 16rs were well filled with an interested * I INTEREST PAID FOUR TR =- I d �vlth Mr. A. *odden, who is spendlit . spot where he is sutiposed to hame been company who, listened to � atilaterebting A YEAR. MrB Whitmore has engage. 81111da , . ce the Ootton, or mixed.goodg",. � � , . winter in Clinton, expecti to move back . .Y . � drowned, in which particular Pla � 1, � . � I Mr G. Longman for tile coming to hiefk prograin. One part, of the'program . 1-m-oll the eighth in the spring. Will Fei- uson, of Ra,dison, N.WN�, $Vliter 'Wag so shallow that he Must I I __ I ,, summer. . . I . � n., w f, east' on a fe - weeks' haVp lain down on. his face.' Ue bore wita a. history of the Auxiliary since - its . � I . . . _�_ � I I , � . . � The be6f-ring of the 8th ItIld 9th cia ho has wen w I organization, givin%. tfie names of the 1--T H I,- ' Mr B, J. ovawford.has been laid up visit, began his return journey , it excellent reputation,, and the heart- . . . , Iting Will 0 eiI on Monday, April 2nd, Mr J , 'on a " with mpasels lately, but is gel, . Woo watt -has been engaged,asbutch Ag I broken parents have the sympathy of presiderits. since t at time, a.nd the � _.... . around again � . . T, . e I r. hIcnd6,v.,evonit ..,. I . the cornmunicy Ili their sad bereave. ,nooey raised, which was 4410. Light R, P. Reekie's fdr the season., � . On Sunday evening Mr. Plunkett refreshments were'serVed. A silver I'LlIV � I � . I � . I � t Mr. and'hfrg. Alogridge, of the base , tookoharge of the service iii, the Bleth, men.. . , . . , _5ov qe%n Bank . � ation of $6 Was taken It I . I � , �Z_`_ . . _Ilpio,,Antertaine4!�h _Leqft�q 1__MrJJ1rQW1dte_ :1st-maisterof-Sutil, - . . OIL on March 14, -colle . - T1 And, a, .. J I . - — . P _pivlr jmoy- '--tho--yf-tru-i---ot bi- - arl-te r,oh,-i.ntlieitb!se"'e-of-the-pits--,,.",,.Co,'xoiL,r-.Uonn ivet - Ing -interest wag,cri'eate ln this . L, ster I V __�vi� 4-76- gron. - -k ­_ ______ --- _' — DR - ---STOR-�E-­_ _ _1-1 ­:­ . ,le a . VuVor Wednesday evening. � titerhill, has tease urnme t. Roe -BAIlle In UG --- OF OAZ4ADA , brotber-in-jaw,11+ Wallace. The I;Ltte; tot-, Mr. Fall!$, . . .1 ,its per adjo n part of -tbe oburcWiiior .� F . .. - taken the contract .. . tbsence�- I -the chair -, members all presslit, The _� I ' � , I I . . . Mr. O'Xiark has contemplates moving.west . . . . Olit Sandn, morning: lit Ehe i minutes of -last, meeting w4e con- ." I . - ' .. .. for the new bridge.over the 0. P. R.At f T 4 -; . Wlaghani' . . ' 11 . - I . ders;Ws Oit; � Q-th*14th concession; J er, the S.O.' 0 Xr,.Smal, the pulpit of the Pre by . firmed. The Treasurer's statement, . OLINTOINI, s. 'ONT - , 1 . 4111 .. �o .1 %An oyster supper was give . I I STATION INJUR101). - Recently the G. I . H: T. R A N,C E P I( " I . _­ ­­_:, .. ".... E,-af Londesb6ro,' at thlt,�'AiomQ of.Mr. ��rian church in this village was,00pu, shqwin5 a balance an hap I of $104,31 T. R, erected here a handsome new I I I � . 4' . . I ii�R69.Snell on Frlda!­Ust; everybody, pied by Rev. Mr. H(Lpliltoin. Leeburn, ' .. � . V. _r � I I I . I 1, I was *or ered-'fit6d, Afterconsiderin L tick station,and had only taken poss- . I . . � � ,comorne . had alnost enjoyable time, tinil -it was Fou THF, AVEST -'M i alnia MrsRobert the tenders f9r township rintin that . . I . . � Manager of Clinton branch, olical,church nearly time to start -in and do the Leach and the children �lef t last week 11 atom, � .Was essi6n -of It a few weeks -ago. The build- I . , /services. at the Evaull 0 ' Mr, Leach has lived .of the Lucknow Seritine, Ing was heated by it coal f urnaco, with' NIH - Tev out, Rmulsion of I , - Morn- chores-wh6n in st ,of th se present for.kelton, gask. considered best.. It was moved that . r Oil, Large$ ... , ).kill be conducted as tot ows : Petre Cod Live . � I . I steatiA atta.chinents,aud some tithe dctr- . 11 , � W� . 11 1. .. . - Ing, 10 %.in., evening at 7,30, Rev. Mr. .reached home. . � in this neighborhood all"his life alid the township pay 8c per yard for gray-, Ing Monda night,it exploded literally bottles.35o � , I � . IN Ott, of GoderiQh . will ta -A very p . retty wi�dding bq It a -pod citizen, We I � I . � . I ke charge of s proved himsel . no.damage for roadway into . . t Wvr)DwG� wish him Orosperity in his new home wrecking t1e. fiag6agia roorit, a'nd doing I . I I. . both services. � * ' - el' an" I . I I 31tew , sdiertlotmCuto / , , took.place at tbt; 'home of Mr. George I grave� pit. The 'following pqueli I . . I 4!L,Wag4qo:other parts of the builditild. I "I � 111111111111 , . One way excursions, G, T. R ... I..... I ' I"., --Wb are sorry tolearn that Alex Scales . on the Utb inst., when his goo-., CuoPPAR.-Tue repairs ner were issued: W. H. Wilsorr,lya,1118 The windows were blown to pie1bef; the -, —I . - . . I I I I I . I Kiltatriok,'of tbeftheou., is very low. ond daughter, Miss Lizzie. became the the choppers, ter the highwater dam- gravel, $6 20 ; R. . Ir %in, balance on door was throw it some distance a' w�ay, 4 . . . I I . . 11� ill Eyes Tested, .A.. j. Grigg ..... t ...... 1 He as been in goor health. for. some wife,'of Mr. Amos, L. Cartwright, a age of some weeks ago are about com' gravel account, 70c C G. Masson, two the brick Walls moved -cut ,of -position, 4k1 *"6'**'6AFlo'*'#'%.,%"%*"&.�IP .. P B W S. R. Holmes ... i 1 timeandfCfew ays ago be suffered an prosperous youn farmer 6f.th6.9th pleted, and it is expected. if weather wepict books, 70c. ' The following offic- and general damage done. in all direc- ftQ1 , . irelli 110 . I , , rMoarTBari;ains, A A. Wa4-.'.*.­.*-­ 1 attack of paralysis.which has brought concessWh of Huflett. The ceremony permit.,;, it will he in running crder ials were appointea : Pence viewews- tions. . P it . . . . I What caused the 'explosion is I io tcy and ' 11 .. ... �� 11 Haedquarters, COGPe`r!0-BOQ1r- -80-M-4 bint-toapritical, condition�,-­.__ _ Wits--performed.-by Rev. N�Leukip,_ot_ �agaiu -1).y- tLe ead of this week. I J. Mills, J. Stafford, A. Durnin, J. Pur- not'at present knowni as the" awam .k . .1 ---.,--- .".- ' ' . - - . - I . , e T. ­ ­ ­ I don�--Geo.-Greerjr., W, E.-G-ordon, ,_ ",ecommendatiomm I Buggy for Sale, Box 174, iOlinton .... 4 , , ... C Rev. A. 1). and Mrs. .Gischlor and' Londkbo', o, in the presence of About . I Intended for last -we t'l 1, - - - Roberton, W. Care, coils were smashed, but,singuhir to_stty,- I I., . -%M , - . I . ornet for Sale, R. DoWns ........... 4. 1 fifty guests, relatives of tioth bride and - At th . e regular Tn6iithily meeting of Potindkeepers-R. a,de, . .. ............ 4 Miss Moliring have again returned - the furn, -was still burning when the I I . . Lost, Commercial Hotel ..... , . 4 home; after being in Goderich for a. groom The parlor. wa,R ' deco.mted th-P _knhurn-Houie Circle the Merabo,, W. J; Jackman, ThOq. Alexanderi W agent came to the station in the m,)rtl'- ' It is our policy, when *6 �� 11 . Notice, 3 Jackson, SrA ....... ­ -. - dek, having had A bad runaway last 'with evergreens' ,and hyacinths. The took the opportunif-y of presonti . ng 'Humpbrey, W.. McQuillin. A large , Ing,' which wits the first intimation he- , recommend �nkthing to our .. I, - I Notice 0 Creditors, W. Bryrdone... - 4 w ' bride, beautifully gowned in Yeat-11 Mrs. F. Stratighan wilh.asuii � . nunibet, of pathuristerswqre also tip- bad of � he da done. Parties liv- customers. to know just what . Opening Display, NO.wcombe ........ 4 week, Which caused injuries th t k t' It bf mon- pointed, Oouncil pAjourfied, to fifeet Ta .. I i Reliable watell6s, Hellyar .. - - - 5 them in town for a week. undttor tege grey silk, with trimming Of sequin aw I 2W d recognition o..' Ing nl6arby bear5othealiolse of the ex� we tire talking .about. 1Ve are . - . h � � i �, . I. ' L 1. � " Gxrdiin'�� 5 doctor�s care. All are improving. applique, and carrying.a. sbdw6r t)o-- I*' financial secretar her past servieds oil May 30th, as a eD.ure, of reViSIOUTOf losion, but not boing able,to see what 'Tiot 'herp to -day -and away to-, I Dress Goods, Popplest.one & . � - quet* of wWe carnations and m4den. Its y of t ' he Vircle. Assessment roll", and for general bits- Ead happened, no Marm wag given. , I morrow' and we won7t recom- I I Spr' Vv hi tewear, Morrell& Holmes 5. FARk SOLD�-Mro. Tewsley, .of the I or leanin� Miss Yungblut, treAsurer, made, the iness. W� 8 McCRos,riu, Olerk, . . I 1, I 1. Ing . hair fern, -entered the part aftei- meed' g the . . . . . . I ­ I . I I . 11, �, mend thing but,jyhat -we. I . e ........... !..l 5 Sth eoneeksion, has sold. h6r,farm of I � ,the . n . I I . . ow It . 1. 1. � New Uoods, R. Clark . -oil the'a-vol of herfAther; she was.un- presehitation ; —1 . � . . ­ . k n Jis-1%ght, I ... New Wbitewear, Tozer & Brown:. I'. -6 fifty acres. ta Councillor ThOmas Rob- attended. Hannah- Argent, .1toice of menti oers ,adjourned to the residence of ­ I . . ! slyth. . I . . - . . �, . I . 1. Opening Day, The GAlbraith'Co.­ .'- 5 ertson. Mr. Robertsori a few -years %he grooin., daintily dressed in white Sister Medd, where it daincy Itinch was - Goderich Township . . � Mr. J. 0. Moser, who has just com- 0 dr. SARSAPAHILLA is . the I N : . � I . . . . , StoreNews,'W.D. Fair ........"....: 8 ago purchasiod.the otberfiftyacrosand I .served by tbe'ladies,of the Circle,, and PERSONAL. . -Mr. Huck, of.th - . . . I I ,-1 , - i I .. . silk, was.flower irf, while'Amos An- . . . . - . pleted$�);years in the httr0rare and best spring -medicine. . * . . . . � ........... 8 now bas a splendid farm of 200 a2res - Am enjoyable hot r was spent in -social ieft on Friday to visit his brother near as taken I . . . March 2tth, Hodgen Bros. - - drew, -neolieW ofth6grootn� dressed lit * I � . . .. tinware businegsJn Blyth, It . . I . . . . . I I I . -rs moving ,west ; the in his son, Mr.W.P.Moser, fis a, partner. - .. I , , ;, was rl ng -hearer, . c l�" 11 I .-OP First Showing, HpdgeDs Bros ...... 6 , H64h Rose, who had Mrs, % Tewsley's I t, etc, . 7 � : . Wiarton, who Our. Hyl 116SPAITE S 19 the. . . . I A .;��iqiil ,1T1­..b­-f1 forfn@ Nvh I',(% edrd UrOY Velvet. � , L­1�_--ow—­ brother had 700 acres of land such as . . . � .. 'I best re-constriletioil f nic 11 . .� . �v 17 I West with his. wife and"fariii1y,accom- - , I ,r%l:"* Th o groon)"s - gift to the Niue -as a beautiful solid gold brooch. , The- . � . � , , Stan ley i � , I , /,dits(i) I it is.ne&r Wiarton, and, he. is leaving this in to work the $2.000 he � Dr., W. J. Milne, R§sisted by Dr.J. W'. Shaw, of Olin ton,'retiloved a large 1. :1 . .. . - . . . .. � I . . I . � . I If you use Huftmol Tooth , � . 1. � I panying his brother-in-law., H. Tows- ley, who is returning to Yorkton, Sa§k.' . . -Ide's goiti,-away dre�swixs aditt-k bi. g . ladies' cloth. wqh hatand coat dto Aft has 0AI6 to Ko- Johl 11 I . . It ssr';1 Mrs Me. ruok�, 1ISlt*1 III d ughter� . (0 order &cres I and his sons andsons-in-law have taken tuillor from thl, leg of Miss LenaPlaet- Tues'da;y. ' - ' - � - , � . . Paste, and Eut'llymol'Talcuin' , . . . I 'you -- I .. .. . kX OLD HoRsEXAN - W.L. Fei-gusoll. ' hAs ibld his impoited ebtive shire stal- - gyetill en.suite. After' ,,the - ceremony all( eibngMtulationsi. the'Wedding art , ,ty I . T - I � . t I . . gall.' . I V� . D MAI . 'last week (n . I MoEwen was ,.I . P. Mr. ,Huck himself does not care to . . go we . st,and in addition to .working. . his own farni here, also. work the- zer, on _` % , , . - I . _. . I ' M� H. Hamilton, - one of 'the : best. . Blyth hastakf,n Powde r, use the best. : . � . , . i ,I . ' . . I � I . v ... ,, - I � . .1, . .. . . . - � . . . . I . . . ­ .. . . I lionAo Alibert.Mitchelli of.Benmiller,. pnrtook� of. a yery tasty 111141001)'� F, Carl iq,-,,;.Blyt -served Alm n ,�5r,,,uhty of Kent, ,visiting Acquaint, . . I � . there.' I . . �will Ricliarason farm for, hIr WheatleY,'Ats known r0sidents of a position witha.Londonrealestatefirm , I I � . � ":' . $1 W'S. R. HQL'MES' *ho is taking.it e a'catload of - W , "'t'l hors'os. This sale n Arks Mr Ferguson's daintily by I I. . and ,M.ItEl Scales; aunt:and sister of o ances . Bir. Win. Sage, music teachefi was .. 1. preserWowner. . - . I . I .-and . .. I,.,.: � . � . . . -�vill shortly letive'llere. . I I 'Tliq , . I . Ph in. B.! .. .f � . ,.,. . I . , . I , ' retirement front the business in horses � � "Which he'll -carried on for.the.'Past Ais bride. tile tables boing Very PL-6ttl'V deco' Led With: carnations: gaid ivy'. ra at the home of Air. Thomas Bairck dur- Ing, the. firbt ofthe week. 1. .. - . . I ANOTHER - DEBATE 7-A .debate has . e. been.arranged f6�'karcb 29thi 1) gvadiiw: of .tb6 O.'P. R., is at a ,standstill for a few sveekb� 6,01ng to the N, I . . . ' � .. : " I - � . Kiwnufa�tixilng. 0.1he*mt4. * . .. ­­. '' .. .1 . : ; .. e . I thirty years or more, N1 r, Ferg�v�oti * The bri'did party left, an-ld showers -Of _'Mn John Tough, the veteran assessor . tween'Holme.sville -and' Ebenezer, to *take *is steato shovel being moved further� w est ., . I I I All ... I 11 .Post 0111ce brag St . has been one of -the m'bst enterprising, I rice, for theii newly4urnlihed home, . ,for the towh:h1p, wag making his the line place &it Hollllezi�jl]6, which III- and also the disagreeable weather of ' ' . ... . 9 . . ..ore, . . . . - . � :, . I I .. I . .. ­ 0 ,lb,*,&�,IL,*%-,�. andstlecessfulho ,nienofthedfstvict T-s� ,eiv6d by about a where"they w6re re�� !rity-64rth* rpund,-alo twc I ug readyeausing.agooddeal'of interest., � Week. the. past � I . � . . �1 . 4%04V* 1 � % - and. has done- a -great deal towards the I ' I bundr;d of. their' friejids, arid -all en.. this week. m .. I.. .1 .. .. . I '. I . ''. R. J. Draper, J. Diivid'Bttrns�,. and W. I . I Miss- El.� ,Nlo�er wag entertained �by . . .. . I _.­ ... - . I .improvement.of the stock in thb,.4dis- ' . . . �oyedthe evening in inusic, games,�nd . MI. ' ' ivo . . Melvin Lloyd, who has-been ti H,'Lobb,- representiiig hbenezer;': Wilt . . her' lady1viends at the home of Bliss �. � I . . . I I . . . I . 1. . I ... . I . - I I . : . . trict. Re. will now confine big atteri-Tdarleirij.' . .. . _ Tb6: large inumber'of costly . . year withlift. Albert- Nott; leftthis .1 s detetiath& affirmative', and members Jones on Friday evening- last, arid . I . .amount of .contract *Ith interest; loss , . . : don to his -farm I ­ I ... I . . . . . . . ... . I I 11. . ,� and useful present$ testify to the es- 1, . - ' - ?k f or Saskatchewan; he Wipifik to w , ' e' to ll� selected fw,6 could not learn whol . &niongst:' the a,niusoinent � the above . . bing sanl� par ,� � I cost of,complel ts of the ..: . , . I . . . ... . , . - . . . .. , bride anii'&�o b6th "I t corn in which ,,, . . . *1 . . I . I Battlefoid. - , . . . � I .�, . .v ejittivle,- for ql Jes.ill uphold",the rk, I I ' , . 'lady; -v ' * , I a, "granite -shower.", ' N as givei . � ,.contract w ,.. .. I . .11. hicliwere.1noomple ..'" , ,te. . �. . .. : � . .. I. . I. .� .." .0oderich " . 1. .. . . . .1 nit ,Axre hold likhe colurmi , y where they , '. 1. - * , . . . �. ' FARM SOLD. — Messrs Hess &, 'DeIA- . out&- on _t e sub e.c,t: I I esolveil ihatit 1W 3 ' 8� ,This bein& the Ifir§t eptowardslipme � r .11 � I . I . � ; - . . 1, I � , - I- 1, - �- '� .., : . . . . - I .0. , , I ­.. . ,�� I . NHnv.v Busimiss.1--mThe ar�ast tit � Brussels of a; man, who'liag been caus � - ,.. I ­ are woll�khowu. - . . . : - ' ' ' 1. � . ',df6it'udate, O"haj)py-day I - 8th ert have-6old .their farih 'In . nley. .. bo�fnt IntereeV of Goderich .Town- iihi to issue de ehtures for Per raillent; . I - making. jn.a V. ery short time.. it is a . ' f %vise thouglit to be 1116 di "' ' iner I ng 4�ry . �­­ I � I � � . .. .. . .. 1. - , �... I.. ... ' , . . . . . . . ­� - . , I I I.- , 1. . Annoyance in that dection bri Ing Ing's . -'.� . .I -.1KWhon a new boulDhold finds Its plaee . townslipli known as the,Mayo - farm to. , . m R.'� ' albot for'$I6ffli;00 .. The f Air . - 91 . ... I . ,: � I roye ent � .. . I � ...ar � , -: . � . � . future d4y9. ' :'. . .- - I e eetid I � ,eX 9_ I. %S� ,South Huron T ut#erau� . I . . ­ :.. ,., '' , to. light some interesting detalls Of. his, . ultinner i6-ktorting monby.'. Tile' I ,;�- _*,' Among this myriad homes of earth ; Like wuow� star idst'sprung %o. birth, ., - . . Z , - � , . . - contain's aboutV, Acres. ... . . . . ­ � . . � *WHbDIN& ­1'he residence of Mr. *W. . . . 1. � . The'spring milinery ov�ening of Alri . . . . _-­� � . . I . -epresehfitti;ve t6m- .' .1 1. 1,..� A meetingof the i . I .of, . I . o mives his'narne:as'Geo Rel : - And rolled on its harin o1iious way -to -er 1,ounaiAis realms of spa�e-!� ' - � .. . .,Keyg Sr., , of the i UU-INIrs N-lv.m Nesbitt wAs the sdene of. ,I quiet bIlt' G.M, Chainbo�§_-wlll be held on Friday t� A 01 4- . perance worker� ot Sotith'11tiron *as'- .& '.-' :'- � i� . . . - . .. I . . � . . � . . 110 . retty wedding ,�vLien hissister la -and, Sat4ipay,,.murcii SOL, an s IF . I ... Oper of B411itylon, Line,'has%eein' for the Vast, ;. '- bel& on 11oriday March Igffi,' in - flig �. �* ' I .1 W�TL� ,4tiugin the.roW s Win. Rinn recently sold avery no . , . 9 ate 0. 1. the ladiW�hould makelt a note.to at - . I 1, i He draught * filly, coining three,, to*.Wm.�[�vs 6 ,Weeks at.the home of her son in- ' Miss yillage of , R , . March iftrgaifis- ,. Ashfipld, and later near Bruss; . � . � I (second daughti�i of the 1. en;all. ' Ray. Dr.. Medd . . , � I . . Nesbitt)', `066 linited in marriage U.1tend - as his. effidient 'milliner,' 3oinf6 chairman,,aild Rev. J. , � _ , , eebles o arris I — -lith, gDoloired. No Would, obtain. e loyrrient - sonle, f, the 'West end of Tdckov- I law I .S. ont who � . Banr more 'was apt - Z I * . .." ioo acre farm in Tuckeran � ,�ay ni0o . 01iristopherS.Loweii, tile ceremony, ; will have something of.. , , 11.1 . . waste land. Good buildij3gs in'fir$t class repair; farmhouse, and, orki g. a short. � . - is ser ousl ilt. . - Ithough- tbe reports I - - quality to show. the . Yager, of ukoh,, secretary. A. 'T'_ 11 .. id 1mile . . ' t 'mi :b , r which lie recety�d the. hand . being being pbriorinedbythe Rev. T�. thlio rdihary m . - I .. . . titne . 1 Mi.. .1.1 I ,. .. ave. notv,.been very . omin I . 24 miles to. market on good gratelroi . would dem money. an , its he� some sum .. ,is -to his reca or - . � . -tit, Of Holmesville. Prom -.season. : : I I . Cooper, 'reprasentativ�e of the D* ! �' '� . * ' . � . . � , . , , of �.. . . -1 . . . I .. -favorable so fai- still we hopewe,mxy Sw. � - . 1. 0 y at. ,forthe coining . , . In XIliance, Was in attendance.,' At- , ": to school. )t in Seaforth'. Ib stbry frame accompanied. the - e . amdwith threats . . l +1, , . I . . ic . . I House and 1( . . , . e , '.1 . $p.rn. to the'Arains of: the we ding � I . . ,, . ­ ---- * house frame kitchen attached. cellar. About of violence, be'ge, erally succ6eded - it, Sphil. Wells, of con. 13,'a; short time soon hear of his...recov rY, � - . .�, . . 1, . . I ter a round table conference as to the - --- . . I aar� in lot, situated on one of the bostresident- , ago archaseA from Xidd Bros., Lis- . - a , � . marchi played bv' Miss. Sara Nesbitt.. ' ---- - -r- - G­­­ �. � .. , ttin"ornaLhing.- . -Three - - .informa- - - � _; - . , . . . � IRY -SP-R1N"-SS1XES---- -.a-edN--at--t"­1!O,u,, it Was Zolved �,' . - �T , . . . . I... ­ � � . ­ .. -tE-fl­iffi��ftdidltllyd,s QlLI It; ­t-'UUNCT-LI-.L_I1t!i_bU_W11b .I � nolli of � the--bpjail - -­ ok their -places -and - . I 11 . I . I . la.istreets-in town. Buildingsin-good--c6nditidn-�,�g-C . . I toweF, e ne I : I I I . . I . I �.. , org:nize an Anti -Bar -room - League. of, ,.. . . at very reason . tio . - Stanley, held a meeting t e, ha -pres- � � - � S .., .." able prices for a quick sale. At , No Orlminal Oases. , th The above properties will be -sold . .. ns hats been laid, two by farmers 11 the �061_11WWN_I n the . Huroft. The officers elect are :.' 9LW-1-: id one.by a constable, but his arre.t . S t- Patrick, and will irav'el.him in.tbat ' he i . I . . . " I . ' 0 Monday. The c. Ifector re- ... if you wish to make a quick sale of Your farm � vas beft of neighborhoodduringthee iiiiLgseasen here on I once. of the immediate relatives of ' . . I -sident, Rev. Win., hfartin,.Exeter: I . or town Property at -E6 satisfactory prlee.wSeod V immediately due to his t . . a � ' � .. . Pro J i . - � � pbrted the completion of his work and' contracting I ti es s Congratulations . The jury sitting. of the spring.jerm len ' � - Some valuables irom farmhouses near v I . - 'A writ6a, sumotious din- H Vice Pres., Misis J eniiie Murray, I . . . for my plan of converting it into cash. - .x. .. . . . Brue ' . returned the roll. , The contract for w6ro all sat X69 1 __ - igh CQAtrt of Justice opened oti sail ; Se6retar Paulin, Dash- . - . . I I .. . B,russels'a few eays ago. A largelly. at-. - . ef leld.. 1. . ' the, . superstructi*es' - for two, StPel I ner after which the,ev I enin Wits, spent . I R, E I P. . . �� .. .. , ! A. A. WAT , BRUCEPlELD.1 I . . � . . Tu,esday a.f ter�bon. of last week'before . � , T . ten'ded funeral to6k people aLway from � - John Landsborou�h, Of VintAllog, is. L9. , wood; Treas.,'! r. O'BtieV, Chiselhurst...­ . . � . . � . bridges were let to Hill & Company,, in music, soeikilchat ete. FbAi wedding his Lordoh1p,_Hon.'XrJtistIce McGee" A'vice-president wits also eldicted'from ., , I .,:. . . Real EstateAgent _ ;.ONTARIO. home, and gave him a chance' foi,.de'- At present visiting: old friends. ­ . I mlnal-cases�on � . . ' .. . I - . pit t . Id. . - . . , - I I . . ot'Miteliell.' - These bridges.. are to were numerous.and costly and and astherevore no cri . the different- municip.alitiesO the rid-' , � I I 1 - is -pose . John;Hill; son of George Hill of Our have concrete floor�, and tenders. 'for gift tbe-recoid there wag no' ran -the :-, . , � predation, but an attem 01 te,tiffied to the esteent'in which the d jury" so . I I . 1. I . 'of a bracelet.anda'r' i B n-TuAiscl I bride'is heffl. . The young .c6u�le take I W, . Ing, w1io shall be resodrisible for ' . ing_tn. russels led v e I r1he West.o XY the cement abutm�nts are being asked, , ineq- -,c at once. . organizing of .his munidipality forag- . ... 'I. : . . . . I . . the civil cases'oorh . . . . to his appir'oheiislon.'.. He is here await Oilla t I:f'kfp . I... . . i to be deposited -with the I DRAPER v. I 9. WILU10 is an action for' -empe, ' % . % . . . 2 IN .�v et . I I I I I for and. ar( their residence on, th6. faim on' the . . I . . . I. I . - essive t rande work, for Local . . . , ., Ing trial. IIX uichased UK , uction. V - dictforplainti WI and, in - , , . . . ' .. ... � I ,. -Rev., Nell Shaw,'; of Einiondville, cferli'.on or,. before April 2hd. The * I th conceissior recently D I sed or If for.M. ption � whdro it Is. FICSSI e,, .. . . ched in 6 Presbyterian'churbli b df *fs . ­____ . 0 - I CHuRcH OPENING..�-The handsome th le are to be erected on the second 'the. groom,and'the Now ra, I . * ' . - rea . . . � , I Long . .. . I. thp entire dommutifty in wishing them . HAMILT011 VS. STRETTJN - His. Lord- - other places, a. m ve 1 r license. redub.; . . ' I Fast Sabbath, . � a r th edncess' - . : . I Special One'awaV new church erected.for the North St. nd I I �T 0 - .. G7 . . . I I . thai tile ca'se be adjouria- -tionwill.bemade. Astrongresoluti6n* . I . . .111, I . � Methodists, wag fo6nAlly .6peried,6n .. niong;ha d rosperous. life i ship directed . �t, Ohas� Gibbons, of Lucknow, former- DliATH! OF MRSWILP,Y��The laCeMrs, ' ed to the. County Courtsittin 7 oii June , was passed unanimously., dis4pproving . . Excursions. * Stindaylast The building isredbrick, � I Mid 'a. flying -visit ,to 6ur. ftt" h Wil' whosi� - deaW occurred the matrintorital stati. - I I . I., 9 . of the Boardof Lidebse . * .. . ' .1 "I ly of. here, p :. . I �. . I 18th next. I I 1. I . . of the action .. . . ' . I . I . I . . . � ... . , The . Wid,y. , . � , I . I . I � � CommiWoners for South Huron, * in. . , r, 0916rad6. .and is architbeturally a fine one , 91�;", Was one of tile ol.dest I I . I . , , Derive ' I vI . I I - f . : �% STURGEON v.s. THI� PORT BURWELL . I Ilage last Week. , - Oil . . . � 1. . � '. - . . . to Billin s, Mont . a4ditorlum is commodious.' with large . , I tion of countr . . . holding their meetings in, hotels, and 19 .gallery, the'ientrance from the street Quite a number from here'kttended set Y 0 . ,� Sprin S. . a I , I � . ,,Vlli(,h.Vitrilai6-th�!�entritI point. Her - Londebboro I I FISK Co, an action to recover damages requesting that ,.1 , uture.meptings be*' 7 �� I I � . � ortand, Ote.*t San . -','the., the t -in I . Fred - I . . . � land, ancouver, andlobby being 1well:arrange4. rance convention Rensall igblut and 00 . Crawford'. for the death of his son, Gi6oze 81ur held in iodie .public 'hall . or building � � .' , . Francisco. - Tickets on sale daily basement is roomyi but that i 8 . "'�O,b oil %I=y last. .. I % maiden name was Agnes XcCllymonti yUr . 0 - I , geon, of Bayfield, who was. ta on out . � I . .. - . . .1 I.. I She wits born .in'. Scotland .88 Years ago. each loata, fine cow recently. � their than hotels. A - co y. of this r'es- .:., 1 �* �:� . . . � . to all that can'be said. Ili- its favor-. , The:, . to lift nets on &'stormy day and lost 0 � , I I . F, ' . ,-, Miss -Maggie Campbell, and her ti-otli. and came to Canada, with her'parents. n .7611. be �ent to a I parties con . Speclat-SettlerS Traftis ob - will' .. seat a Rev. -Mr. Clement will occupy tile put;-, his life by being wathed overboard. olutio . .. ��, _. I I . _urch proper bout one. er Geqrk�, of .Bgrn6ndville, visited in They settletl4it it place ,called Noun. pit of Knox churdh next Sunday after.', ' corned. - Otherresolutions were passed. � . ­ .. . North West diousand persons, though more can be . -they resided . . . I . � ­tlry� a,warded.the plaintiff $200 � .. -The . I 6cal Option and'MbNaught's Antim '- - . ... � crowded in. �.�The mornin service 1n our vicinity over Sunduy. I . t4n, near Qtleboo,'�vhere .. _ .. .. . re " . � 314reb and .. WormAill and'.Jas. Boyce forsomeyears. Attbef. Treating Bill, ete.,copies of which-%itrill '. .-. hurch, and Leon.qpd M( 1, r, Robertson, of the .- ro)lei, in ills, oL " of h .... �:, I I... _4.._, �'� Every Tuesday, During Victoria St,. Methodist'a .. Ike of 22- she .- Bi - d � ainages. - - . - - Wilctl(lyi - _be� i6it- 1,66iii''Memb *� 6 ­:, . . -1 . � A ril, special train,- -with-' 061ohls�_. th6-eventrig'-service--in Xnok'P�-6 ave,purchkii.edauevo threshing -outfit, - rn.t��ried.Tiho.m4s-.,.NVal.1ce-t.;.-.�They--had. - f Or; his lildni t 1) ' ' ' ­ NZCHL0D-,'K V.R.- PIG:OTT-L-�A t6':fhb'� .1 . F . . .. . 'i. . I sb--'---- -h . , �i4x'dri Tuesday , e a unit . . 8 ?eeper, wilf leave Toronto at 9 p.me'. church were Y A. will be. ready for a large ..season.'s three children.' After six years her ..ville. I .. I.. . * . I .. . -brought by a.?ple to recover damages riding.* � -1 � .. �'. . terian. :withdrawn,, so ,ani . . . I . � I. . husband died. ,She . then married . . . � Injut .1 'was manif6st I for Manitoba and North-West. - . -s- could atte work. , , I I I . . I I . . . on ship A a fine from defendant F.,gott fe'.. k -ies re.- A. keen, lively interest � ; � 'thattlie member nd the . I . . . .. . .., . Hugh Wiley, who died 8.0 years ago . W. Grainger & S -ce . ived to his hand. Nv,fiite operating a - throughout both sessions of the meet- � ,,, � Passengers travelling without live 0 1. I d a new � . ung short -horn bull � to .Krt Hope . '. . " � stock should take F,xiii-6sa leaving 'porting. - �Expellent sermons were � Albert, Cr.meron has purchase . & The family h'ad moved to the farni ' .. _. I derrick fordefdridarit, action nonsuited Ing. -The atteudance was good, the . I -, � '1� I n' 701 . � � ireached morning and eveni g by Rev threshing outfit from John Goodison th week. � - ., . ... . � ".. I I .. . by u , . . p,4 . I . ' beach on Monday being -filled. There is �no mistaking * "' I Toronto at 1.45 P.m. ' I . �, (Tirman. and in the afternoon by Co,,, of -Sarnia; Abb N bound to ke.'e neat Varna, , ' which they' cleared. . , s . J dge Doyle, who odcupied the lectul,o room o.f the Metholist churbb. � e times. . "I .1 I P Thtde sons and three daughteila.were tvIr.'6nd Mrs. Benjamin Lyon Started ,and Tuesday. in .the . � . i For tickets and full information call.on, Rev Joseph - Phil President of the tip with.th � - I on there, sorn� of 'whoni -have died,,, from here ,'On Tu;sday morning for absence f Mr. Justice McGee. . - the feelitig of tile hour -that the bhr- , I "I � . . I ; 1 � boi . . , V � 9 , I. I :�".� 11 � Conferenbe. . Other - ministers Who Donald C. Campbell and son Harold - The deceased wits it kind neighbor and their homb near Brandon. . .1 I - F, DoximoN. FISH Co;-, .momls.doorhed, . It mustgo. .1 I . ­ '.; . F. it. 11odgens. PFOWD Agent took part in the exercises.,were Re . 1. . . � BRvdn v s., TH . . . .1 � .. . . of 1311mondville, formerly of ouryilz ,was greatly beloved by her children . The directors of the'Creamery on- suestlie, Company for $1.000. for.siek . ,. . - . I . . .. � , . — . . . . , - - Hamilton, 'so 1. . . . � �11 I Aft of Stratford, , for Motlach. Sask. - iifid grandchildren. She was ,a me . some parties - on. Monday to 'and hos ital'-oxpenses and. sufferitig ,! "' , ' I I -----.:- Rev. J.. Hamilton. � of Goderi : , 'lage, ef t last week � Olmi In. gaged . I Johann Most, perhaps the most vi'rU-. - - . 1 - ' .. � ... ev' Mr. Campbelland son have both taken ber of the Presbyterian �Pfi- and , V � . � . Mr" Nott;- W. H. Graham, 011is, I . raw the cream this seas0n. I . caused y having to. sleep in a house ' . .�, . __ . . I , 4 up land; We wish them success in their much interested in it$ progress. �She Bruce claims. iPhtof tlie blatant anarchists of the i * I .. � 6 r ' .. .. liffected with.vermin. . . __ � . �. . Guard ur , 11, and the pastor of. the 6hurch 1. . new borile. . .. . . . Ieaves!ilarge number of descendants: Rev.' Mr, Leckie oand".wife left on . .. . . . , . I, as Iste - . . that thbhoose wits buggy, that their Vis dead. .He w . is;ht. . I Hkzda. 'The choir. Wag .abl . I . and lived to see her'gi%rid-'ehildren. .of Mondayto visit friends. in Kjamilton United. States, . I . as one 6f ,. I , ofb 6E. -Tile Sons of Temper. . . bitin caused blood poisoning, and he ''I lild's n':)ers of the er c Ws., The TEbipt-RAw I and other places -, they, expect to be I the men who are as'bra,ve -with their - - ' . I modern coMpe.' by mer meeting the fifth'gehiiiation. - - . was inally forded to go to a hospital I . � I . . ill ion every dlsad- . church cost in the neighborhood of ance held their half-iriontbly _r, rom t1l, away over two'kveeks. , . 1. . . .. Vatitiade tells d $20,000, of this amiclunt about $15 ' oil Thursday evenin Alar.ch 15th. � At � MARRIED IN THE WE'ST. a ' I for*treatment. The plaintiff being to6 'inouthis - ' as. they,' are depraved at (. �'. ' i none more scrl0a=17, . . I has been I - I ' ore 1, , inton, is taki . . art. This salo 11 0 . � provided for, and as Ch Oe this meeting twb ni mes wete Willie Lvon, of 01 -1 . Oaron-, Sask , Enterprise,. we learn of ', � ' Ig Ill to appbap, t ' he case was adjour'ne_d.,,. :,fie onist-bookitioder. . I : than poor slghi., I two woeks'enforced holidays; we hope . Parents who hope fer Opening services tire continued next added to the roll, After the initiation .the wedding'of Miss Edyth S Mahaffy" NAUGLE, V.8 -OULLIS and -PIGOtT et . , I I lie will then be able to resume his dU.t- , 'jMPERL�L CEMENT 06..� editOr-A itator and pot6tial mlir- '. 11 . their children's suc- Sunday, this will be increased some. some of the methbers gave -hort read. dAughter Of Jag Mix�affyj of StanIoY9 al. v, s. THE . 9 ,� � N Will- to youtig. westernerf Dr. ies in his uslial health. - ­ I .. jui , . . ifeof MiS6 Frtlne6s A -.1 -y sitt- derer, was driven out of Europ mg. as No u I d 'k n a W ,son tile It popular � were adjourned till next hon (3, and t r ,g I is the boat I what, The church is a credit to the 'in _ s were elooted, Ing of tile court.' The first was %it ac- . I � .., , "' possible. I I I goo(I taste and geneiosl�,y of the Moth- ar1c, who -,was," it, gilvat t0niperatice David E. Hodgson, of Caron. The The followin ,� "'Z he ensi,ing tion to recover balance of payment on spent his life 1n America inoiting I ­ ' , . godists of Goderich. I I Worker. This 80cietycor(kin,11v ipvites young lady was on it visit, intending in theR pwortb .jeague for t] , 'I which he was - . . � I . I . . . . . offiers io deeds of evi I . . IV I � � - . .. . all-u,ho.are not members, to join. . . to return -home,.'but the groom was year: Pros., A. F, Johns', 18tVl'ce a contract to build it, cement pie" on too cowit,rdly to do himself. The � ' -­` � 11 . . ­ . . unable to come east just lit 1) pies Miss C. 9 - the mhffland on lot of No.A Blattland dea of , 11, . �. � . I . � 10011mosville .. . 1. ­ . . I . . wesent, so -Huston , 2nd -Vice -is to world'loses noithing.by the tb . I . 1� . " � . . . siaior'th . the wedding' was arranged to take pres"; Miss Mary Brogden ;:See. freas,, block, Hulle.tt, and the s6bond W. Most. I . I ��, � %k 1. Bliss. Olara..Aridersori, of Constance, . I .. =le, James Bliss A. B611 ; orgarlixist, M aduefor empty cement - � . 11 . . I - . . 0 place at the home of her u iss Whitely. recover, a sun . . . . � . . . I 4 � . . . who has, been �visiting her aunt, Mrs. Suj)))nw DEA.Tn �Mr'Andrew Young. . * to the Cerri Co. - .1 ­ _ . I . A, . f Seaforth's oldest and most ro. Campbell, of Summet-side. . There. Albert'Vodaen, Who rented his farm .bags returned - , , . Geo. �wallow, rettirned home the. be- ,one r, wereanout fifty gui?sts present, and, OWNSfttP6F MOKILLOPV.S. PIGAON. - I - � '. I , . I ginning of the week, . . Illinent btisine,-;s-tnbn44ied,verysitdgleta- . . I . - the bride., who wore Ivory India, silk, ,,oil the 8th.con. to his nephew, Wesley lit, I . 1huredai nigbf. Altfiough he . Vodden,. hist fall, has got the faxin. et , An Action to'recover $1.150 for . .. . � .. ,� � . I . � The game of - checkers mentioned in ly last 9, _h for was given away by her uncle-, she ,k stmie work soon, nonfulfillment of. contract' to dig a . HE . bad not been in the best of healt I I � .. . . last week's issue was plAyed At Holmes- the past week, he was able to attend to orted by her coumin,, Ethel A�L again,and will re . farin n being rilade tip of a p�n- . T ! . Wits 5111) esle� Vodden has ,veiited. it d"AiM tile But .. - h 1. . . .. c n. . ' ' ville, the players of tfie 16th concession Cam pboWio while Thomas Hodgson, of Wo.wit ) Alty of .$'5 per day for not finishing t e ' . being victbrions by one game, A re- 1111"Inegs every day. Thursday, while - from . times Match, ,nosh - ) I . . . Saskatoon, assisted the groome Rev. . Work, Tboplitt'ntil.ito%vnsliipatisolsk- . . A .1 . sitting at breakfast he was aken with near Auburn. . I . . ­ . Molsons Bank . I . I � turn match this (Fridag), ovenin Isto it severe pain in the'region o the heart. S_._ McLean,: of Mo6sejaw, tied the ed -for ,Ali order of the Couft, conipell- I , .. I I It Theta-p6m's !O THE, LADInS — . : . . beplayed at the pesi endeof 1 arles Alal knot. gift to the I COUNTRy.-HILving opened 06 Ing def0dilants to. complete the con, ' ' ­ . . Nothing serious as antici ated, but nuge was it gold Vvatch And chain, and S'JRRO'JND'NG would apprec. tract. The defendants, pleaded that Incorporated 1868 , . I Rolland. . I . he went to be , and last ni t, shortly bl� shot) above the stoic of DrOv011 � I . the bride's father hont, a check for $150. late youk kind patronage. It i'l lumnatorial to there were 1300741lids Of With more to 0. . ! I WoxP.N's7IxsTiTuTz.-The regular after 11, -he complaine o a severe - urchaso the goods. I Ma 0011- bt� excitvitted than the specificittions Uapitiol Paid up $3,00000 . I � . * the be4u me where Von P � - the 111dieq . R* J meeting of the Wipixien's Institute was le t1most im- dacting my own shop and working foX 00 . "I * ' to of the cormnnnity� . nxijorionce halt (IM1606d C Hose pain in his heart an " "' !alle - township en -1 . I if"' to "" � st; held on Thursday last, a6 Mrs, Mulhol- mediately. Deceased was native of " r 't"u g iehe8 of ithell' abilitybywbiolt You all may profit at a vopy gille d tor, and chat .W� � . ­_ a _� -6 em d a M e c an goo w the rve Vind, $3.00%0 . GRIGC. I th � frien s or bad made At Inistake In his Osti- . . 1, . Oxford county, and had 1, 0 at a we in VI 8- $301000.000 , I th 1. I Asset I land's, A very. interesting time was Blenheim, lend nd A -trial order is regnect-. -11 Tota -t a ng e long Ife 0 1 I s' w , I I 'I Ot It in 'n� modest c6paideratioU. .t was reserved unt I . Jewe,er and -Optician. s on The topics Were .very ably been in business Ili Sefiforth for over h n , I . 'Julfy solidtit,od, and nq offort Will be spared to matf,. Judgemon . ;A,-.. . . � t' y Mrs. , Leach and Mrs. Ross. He was 59 years of age. c ere I 11 I . give entire satisfaction. a report is made by . Onti nod app'nes, . p e q, . I tak 6 b thirty years. n h . � I I an independent . I - . �� ..... . I I . miss M. STAFFORD cilgilloor. .. . :- _-_-_-_---O^ -0-0-0-040, M any new ideas and muck valuableln- He was for several. Years a member of . I Dress. and Mantle Mauer THE, (40MAM(Ilt HNOINL, (040.4 V, s. SbVX YOUR DOLLARS 1% . I . , formation can be obtained At the mqet- the public,sel�ool'boatq1took a deep in, Constance. . . I ­­ � � -,-1- .. 1-1. ­­­ - : L. . -_-It .;a, _M,.��.m"11� 1 1.1111=113119. -All a0ti-011;t0� rewvvrr­ther by -'-de' --ti --- ­ 8 V, " ­____�_ ;a" � post ng in --our - a 111199 " ­ ' I I -1 . - � ___ � - C0r,re,Sp,6ndQ_ft4­WAUte.d1-� I ings,.which, are .held th6 third Thurs- te.eListinl)ublicitif4irA,"ap)vR-01;lnt,nt - Ti�;'A1ol1A4_hAi_�RcM- -Jiro drIvIng, __ I --ollb-into iv-Vteht .-Dank.. It dd(muot-reqn1rea IArW .'-- . . ; ------ * - . -- .- . ,e , figure. Mo4)AM1rA1)-4hd %wedding t6blk-PlAcOi-, lViow-O"t0hinery - - - . 'InA has a splendid daylof each month, and out, ladies Liberal', Was Vice- resident, I mare tot G60., n4le for, a good � at the home. of the, bride's mdantj who is,a resident amount to togin with, We pay I arents, in owned by defe _ 1. The Ngw H I would do well to atf6tAd and helpalong _____ __ Aer Company, 9, .. Thos, Audrewl' of Gorrie, spent's, ?I 3 cent interest onamounts of � �Aan in religion, and a mem Goderioll, on Wednesday, B areh 22rid, 'of Tororto, the amout at risk- being., staff of eorrospondents, to whom . thd �ood work. I Presb, h "ifeartid, upwards, Better begin : oytt�, ' 'few days At G. Steptionsowe last w6ek, al)ont $5.000, Tile defendetit claitned . . — I . her e managing board bf First at 3 o'clock, of Miss Laura 'Drew and -,vas not delivered, be, it owes much of the Interest th t , years. of M . d that tile vessel now-depq . � t -is not accepted by .1 Mr. St, -add to it when-6yer possible. is taken in the paper .. �; I summerhill. Presbyterian Olturch forover 20' 10armers ,in thi's vicinity are receiv- Mr. Natlian Warroner (son r an - cause it wt sit what you can spare . . ),I the�re Nnw SenooL.-Tho contract for the * He leaves & wife and three datlghte�rs, Ing for grass cattle five 'cents pot lb., Mrs, Goo. Wartibrier, of tOw*))- ItOv I . arp a few localities Inthe, dtstriet' now school to be ardated hetoo has . __-+-.NW . which is considered a good figure. W. H, Graham, of Goderich, p0t(Orilled John ; that it xas not delivered tit the We will weledme lyour account, . . , Ill . . . . - tny� A large concourse of proper tithe, and h- asked �UIW as it ,,large or small, .. , '5 . which are not repregentea by it been. let to Mr. McDonhu of Blyth, . Morris The many frietidS Of Mr, BrIldO'Dev the COMM( and penalty, for such delay� and it was .also A genoralZllanking. bushi . � . I It is too be of trick, ai,d VARu SOL!). - Mr Clai,k, (lork of the er . will be pleased to see him home, friends and relatives were present, ily clainteil that the vass�j wits not finish- em . - - correspondent. Any persori who pressed re again�,aftor taking a course In a bus- tile couple were the recipients Of ma transacted. will be built on the Hullett side of 'tile Township, has sold'his 100 Atom farm . The par- ed., The'Naintiff compang in anawer , � . . would be WiNing to act as eor- . to Mr Itobt Neweathbe, $011 of James inds"ollegg ; he topics w.ell. beautiful and vallInble gifts- Ila of tho said that the yatht was 6livered in . * . . voild. I .w. . I .11 ty'drove to Clinton to tile hot � -�ALL!AXD' .89r, *06' . - ,easurer, for Ina, Sutherland and John Button dant that there . - , , "cA, respondent in any of these unre � . Newcombe,- formorly Tt ,04,ted fbr the sammer with Mr gVOom1A parents, whore they remained August to the def6n 'arairif penalties . I 11 Invited to Tucketentitlill . tile sum of $63M. Mr Newcombe has have efif aforth - ads, orso. Mr,.W&rverlerhasoponed -waq no agreement reg C. E,, DOWIDING, . presentedlocalitles Is ' M. Manning, of Clinton, bee John Are, ibald, of So. , Mr. .1ev, Henry !n living in the eilstern, States, but it, sectirilig these a bNe-shop in Hensall and will make - for'dolay,and that the vesse WU pra . ! , reach in Turner's church neXt lie prof, . I 1. I . . .-: writo us, and we shall be glaa to , Archibald is lucky handed, ovad: 01110111ft I will�p ers Ontario. Mr Clark will pro. . are quiet, indus� tlin t place his home. We extend con- ticallir hnished when r .. 1. I . Tda . 31"fto . ." � � .1 _ . - � I nsh tile, nee Uly supplies. "Ittl Al't . � %tioir - Oung men,' Its they I . � Juillgoniont in ftCvOV,Rf ,plaintiffs for. --- � I . Sal, 2.80 in Thetluo,, tul � bably move, into Bel rave, and live ro I 0 grudif4tions, - , . . AAAA011 = il A ..&L 4 Ife"'ing will be tk'e'rt. I I tired, reWnlmg the %orkshiii, f0ous'and reliable. . . . t * . . ­ � -,- �A - owi A A . : I . . . I . � I . 11 . . . .$ . I � I 11 I � i I I . . . I n - I . — . A Ok R -F e 1: mp 'Iecl a;f er and I d ni , n I 'I , a , ch . A. I it Y, ho I , . "I I i f X f - - . I 41;1 , 1 7 ! � : � 11 � � � I I I � I 1� I I I �". I I . I .0 . . I I . . . # . . . I 1. . 11 �!, I . f, , . . � I I .. 11. I . I . I ., . � I I 11 . . . 0 . I .1 I . . I .� . � I I I . . I I I L . I/ � � � . . . I .. . I I . I . . ., . . . I I I . . I '. 1. . � I . . I 4 - I Y / z � I I � IN I I . I - -.1 . � ? I �-J I I . � � . . I I 0 , I J I . . �, - A91d i . - ­ � __ . , � I . ..... 1 � � I . �_ ____"d- I—. -L I I -.__..____L.1 ___­ - - _.. - -