The Clinton New Era, 1906-03-09, Page 8.4
FoMerg �Sok
mans $Oftlt4kI!J,R1arCi10IM
Our Annual Lace and Embroidery Sale
the ..nth dayof
SATURDAY, h . 14
commences e
March. It will be a Sale well worth come
ing to. Away back last fall we,placed big.
,orders with manufacturer$ in England,
Switzerland and Saxony for the, Laces and
Embroidries that . go on Sale Saturday, for
the first time. ' blundzeds of yards frotri Iow=
x'iced Cotton Laces to daintyand delicate
Swiss Embroideries,go on our counters,
marked' at' prices that are possible only because
the goods go to you . with no profit but ours,
between _you- and- theaker.- Lowness- of
price is not the only attraction these Laces
and Embroideries have. The beauty., : of
design and fineness of quality of the bet-
t� r lines are. enough in themselves to win
the favor of those who see them. Saturday,
�•1Vlarch 1 Oth, the Sale starts. If you have
Laces or Embroidel ies to buy, for any pur-
pose, be sure"and come. Bigger stocks,.
greater variety, better values than ever-
before :—
Hundreds and'hundreds of yards of Cotto
Torchon Laces and Insertions,.. -dozens of pat
terns to select from.. Assorted widths." in any
case, worth doublthe 'money, All at ohe
price, far our Lace and.;nbroidery Sale, ant€
that price is •;a'.
.3c PER . YARD..
Many yards of Nottingham ' Laces, -Cottons
' Torchon, Valenciennes and • cambric embroider-
ies and insertions, Dozens of patters to" select
new, this season, all at one price
• , from, everyone
and that
for our Lace and
5c:.. A. YARD.,
Nottingham Lace', Cotton Torchon, :Swiss
Embroideries and Insertions dozens of new pat-
the M
n du.
terns, s.
or our
rice for all
( 't�
rlin e
�' ...• and awl e
i "Lace acrd Embroidery Sale, an, i that price,
A )(Ali!)
Fine Valenciennes Laces,-Torchon Laces,,
Trimming Laces with Insertions. Aiso Swiss
' O
ambrtc' and Muslin, with Inset
' el
( y
tions to match. Dozensof"widths and_ *Reins,
good values, all at one price for. -our face. and
mbroidery Sale and that "price
fog. 'p► YARD
Corset Cover
- 25c
10 patterns only Corset Cover Em-
broidery full width, good designs on
fine strong Cloth, :regular 35 to 40c' the .
yard, all. at one price for our Lace .and
Embioilery Sale. and that price
25c.A YARD
Very fine
' tie
• Dozens of patterns in yery.fine
Swiss Embroideries• and insertions. -
Beautiful designs on fine•Lawns end
Muslim, Insertions • and ' Embroideries, -
to match. All: widths from tiny edges
to those wide enough for Dorset Covers.
The handsomest lot of • Embroideries
that have -veer been on. our counters..
The Sample
White Underwear =
- We never•sold as much .Underwear.. in, a ; day
as we did last Saturday:' It . was no wonder, for
these samples are good ":a and prices •:low enough to
make every garment a- Bargain. There: is still.. a -
good assortment left, and the Sale will continue for
another week,• until all are sold; It's not often we
get a chance to give customers of this store values
that are as good. If you can use "
Clowns : .
Shirt Waists
Corset Covers
Children's Dresses
let this chance slip. Vdhen they are one, it
will be many a day before you can buy tem as
cheaply again. ,
e Waist Ends
VVr�.pperett • . •
20 patterns in, Cotton Wtdstings, .All new, In. three
yard lengths, just enough for • a Waist. ' Regular 15c per
yard, on sale aturday at per end.
i eC
,'Thrt�pt v
r '
Night Ilene Been a *artier. ,
e GLIU;UUUflew' Erb
an'1~needwy at caidnightit man well:
FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1900 knonie ebony town went home *soder
theinfiuence of liquor, and it is alleged.
,.,, that he attempted to kill leis bouee-
keeper with a club. Only her superior
On. *TENiramo
le .n ose
Eye, Ear and N,
wilt be at iv. S Hoeneen Ong Store
Clinton, Thursday Mob eth. Hours 1e
a. rn., to 4 p, m, Thursday, properly fitted,
and diaaseaot 4hese4an
a properly
treated. .
strength prevented" him inflicting in-
+ juries that might have been fatal. fie
should either be ;pieced in safe keeping
o under Hornes restraint.
,., 1 �....•,._..-.
Remember the date of Taube & son's visit
to Clinton, and it your eyes trouble you n
any way melte it a point to °mout t tient, at the
Hotel Normandie, oa. Monday and Tuesday,
March 12th mat 12th.
gOrA it `gajilr .
QUARANTINEDenSohnston • ' Aic.
Alta., as
fie d Its w�o bas
Coni, of l•ros,s t .A,. ,
been visiting friens in
is quarantined at Hayfield, . kiy
authorities there who fear he has small
ere say it l
pox, His friends h y is only
Owing idetention
h - ox U his
c i w to
then ,
it was necessary to h ve bis return
ticket extended, the time limit' having
expired. - •
E :� n Tues dt ni ht
T THE MANS 0 T s g
of this week, Rev. and Mrs Stewart
entertained the young�_ppeople of the
church at the Manse. The guests •ar�
rived. at eight o'clock and spent the
evening very enjoyably in. games of
. all kinds, music and light refreshments,
, The party broke top at about half -past
ten after singing, the hymn "God be till we meet again."
The regular meeting of Council was
held on Monday evening, A. comment -
cation was resolved trove, Dr. Shaw,
secretary of the Huron Countysate and
stock exhibition,: asking for tbe free
use of the streets on the 5th .of April,
and also for .a grant towards the ex-
hibition. On motion. of Coun. Gibbinge
sec, by Oonn. Ford, the request was
granted, and the. sum of $� voted tot
ward the ptuooses of the same.
Ntr. M. D• Mq'l,'+aggart •secretary of
' rd tea
oa d
Collegiate B
relating to the actions" f .the boars.
levhioh gave rise to considerable discus*
Coon Ford moved and Coen Graham
seconded a motion to the effect that
the report of the Trustee hoard be re-
ceived and in.our opinion the board be.
entitled to the further confidence of
the Council.
Moved in amendrinent by noun, Gies-
.binge,. seconded by C•tm. Wiltse that
the report be received and fyred, This
wits carried on the following vote:-
Yea-Wiltse, Gibbing4, Aoherty, Pais.
ley_Dray -Graben] Ford,..
MM�C1'` art !deo stated"tliat__the `
gospel temperance meeting ,will be amount required by the Board this
S year would ? n
ternoon, March. 11. ' Rev. H. A, Grah-
am, of St. Marys, o will address the
meeting. Musical selections will be
giyenby the Gospel Temperance Club,
also a solo by Miss, Luli'nn Coats, ' The
chair will be taken at t o'clock sharp,
by John Houston.. Everybody come.
het in the 'Town Hull on undiiy af-
Johnston, Kippen ; Hartley, Blyth ;
Moffat, Seaforth ; and. Tigert, Goder-
ich, methere on Saturday,. to consider'
a suggestion that the Teachers of"the
County should hold an excursion to
Guelph. in June.'. Two other members
of the committee. were -not. present,
Sevei',;al suggestions 'were considered,
the mat-
no decision reached anda
terwas left fold future consideration,
ALMOST A RELIC. -Rey.. H. New-
combe nes a valise which has been in
constant use for over fifty years. It •is
one he carried with him as a young.
man when.he first"started out in his
ministerial career, and it held' his •ser -
Aeons and whatever, other articles"a
zealous" young exhorter would require
whose " yearly salary was not then
much larger than what some ministers.
now receive in a m:With, • 'If the•t valise
'could only talk,' what a story. "it would
tell. .
LEAVING. TOWN. -Mr. H. Plums s been a resident of Clin-
ton for a good many years, most of
which time he has been in .mercantile
life; losesRlip :•his beret this
week, and will reinov73, the""balitnce of
his stock' to :Moosejaw, where he has
rented a store."massif and, sone' will
be missed in town ; of sterling integ-
rity, their' lives, Kaye been all ,that
e i dad. best : wishes' :for
could lied ere n
their` future'" success -go with them
1 Mr's Pluinsteel *ill, -remain here•till
• the fall. . •_ ..•
are inforined• that
parties are canvassing among tbe•farm-
ers in this vicinity for stock in in so-
called Cooperative Mercantile Associa-
tion, promising stock' hold ere: certain
staple articles of merchandise at very
an bele
miieh lower prices than. they c
cured from the regular _de:alers 'The
prbhabilities are.thee those who Perini t
themselves to be beguiled by the voice
the ex silence
charmer perience
•n ltlie other fellow will get thenaoney
At, any rate itis worth while to be care-
fol. Co-operation is not more power-
ful than competition and. any person
who says that it is, is either deceiving
himself or.trying to deceive others. -
Seaforth, Expositor:.
be• $ 100 in case• theyhad
to build their own sidewalks. or--$1.000-
-should the 'Comma build the+.n.
Mr. Paisley reported in. favor of re-
taining theravel pit for';the use of
the town, andthe report was adopted.
A soecial con,ittee was'appoiuted to
report 'at April meeting re -enforcement:
of the dry'earth closet by-law.
A number of accounts .were ordered
paid by the Finance Committee,
• The second Dress Carnival of the
season, which took place Monday
evening, was ,not so well patronized,
either in point of attendance, or in
competition, an the previous one: The
Clinton, band was again present, and
.rendered several .new pieces nee inost
delightful manner. The mostarnusing'
part of the evening, was then -tug of.
war,.betweena picked team from , tel
hoarders, v:s, the Pastime C. he
former winning: two pulls in three.
Space will :not permit us to give a full
list. of the pari icipitints, but the follow
ing are the prizewinners in eonpeti-
SSIAS1 ED A WHEEL . Tuesday:
evening, about eight o'clock two. Hien•.
from Str•",ttord, hitched their•horse to.
a light wagon loaded with brooms and
started for Goderich. Whether• they
were under' the weather, or in the
dark could not "see very • well,., they
drove onto the town plot in front of
the Post Office, going on it from the
Victoria - street crossing, opposite
Twitchel's Laundry,and drove toward
the Normandie, but noticing: their
istak turned around by the Sower
plot' and tried to drive'. off the plot..
opposite •Twitehell'_s_.._shoe store, the
dropbroke a hind wheel completely
from the axle, and they were forced to
remain in town over.. night.
THE WORKMEN.-W..Heinen, of
Brussels, District Deputy for. Huron,
visited the Workmen here on, Tuesday
evening there are 20 lodges within
the district.. Mr John Shaw, Master
Workman, was in;the chain,: Mr John
Torarnce was, elected .and installed
Foreman. " Mr Kerr gave' a general
talk in . the progress of the order.
showing that it is in fine shape, having
added last year $100,000 to its reserve.
Short addresses were also made by
Messrs • Shaw, Welsh,. J. W. Irwin,
Jas Snell.John Torranee, T. Trick,
R. J. (Buff, J. Dunford and H. Stevens.
At the close an oyster supper was
served at Bartliff's ' restaurant. Mr
Welsh will represent the Lodge at the
meeting of the . Grand. Lodge, which
takes place in Toronto,, on the 21st.
SILVER WEDDING. -The follow-
ing from the. "Grey. ' correspondent of
the'Brussele Post, . will be read with
Local N0t&S,
Rev. Mr. Wade has rented the Freer
property on the London road, juet,out
side the ,corporation.
Mrs Thomas Jackson, Jr, had.the
misfortune to lose, her pbeketbook• on
Tuesday, while out calling.
Mr Chown vas called to Huntsville
on Tuesday, owing to the serious-ill-
erious-ill-Hess of hie mother,
Mr and Mrs Belcher, the former be-
ing the new cutter in Tozer's store,
came on Friday froru Brantford..
The Town, officials entertained• the
meridiem of the Town, (came l; to• an
oys er sapper at Bartliff's restaurant
o evening.
n lMlanday'es n ng
The Iluron" county • assizes• for the.
!Tearing of juny cases will commence
a e hon
h u a Gad is
•.the outs o e t
in- C
Tuesday, trhe"13th inst.
The four•year-old daughtee of Mr.
E. Daley, of, Seaforth, died on, Monday
Trout gen
Mrs,. Geo. Davie, town.
Her manyyfriends will her glad. to
know . that Mts. Alex Taylor, who , re*
cantly sustained a stroke'o paralysis"
in London, is'.improving
`In honor' of M.r and Mrs .,e ed Hartley
Watts. about= a. dozen ,+,.lugs people•'
were entertained at tbe residence of •
Mr and Mrs Sr J. Andrews ,. '
Thoma5Durnin, brain beer Deegan.
f she is a relative•of
was in. toxon looking tows?, house
his week.: We did not haat of• his se-.
ourlog,one ; they. are very scarce.
A"general•conference of the Temper -
ante Wnrkers of South Huron win be
field en. the Methodist church,Hensall,
nt 10 a.m. on M:bnday, 'March19the
Mrs Geo Baird . who died at Hem-
ntingford, on Friday, - and whose mains were interred,. at Baird's Ceme-
tery on Tuesday, was a sister of Mrs
McLennan, .of town, .
Mr. F. W. Watt* who holds a good
position with the Gt N. W. Tel .Co.,.
Toronto, is home on a vi -it ;;he likes-
the city so well that he w6uld not
think of returning here.peurrianently,
Mr W.J, Cooper•,•who has been laking..
extto the public school i esorne time.
gone back to his own hoose in
k li r" len w`11
iia m i
e En land; , 1 r e
move to the house vacated by Mr, Coo-
Warden Spackeran, Med. Mamie.
stoner' Ganteton ' were at Dublin on
Tuesday, .where they met t oxo repieesen-
' tatives of Perth:4 (Munty Oouracil in con,
saltation •about bridges between. the.
two counties.' -
John J. Drummond sonr'of=' the late •
John fh'umrnond,, of Blyth, and a .na-•
Best skater in eostiune, Hugh Grigg. 'tine of Clinton,. has recently graduated
Ladies or Girls -Fancy Drers, at M, ies from the American school • .of "Osteo
P. U'Neil.2nd )Janis King. pithy. He will:practice his profession
Boys or Girls 'lt?ancy..Dross,: est :. W. . in Lyons, Kansas • -•
rr• . Doherty.. Munni 2 d VkT
Ladies or Girls Comic Dress; 1st
Miss R. Finch, 2nd Miss N. Branfield.
Men or'.' Boy's Coniic Dress,.' fat D.
Goodwin,2nd N•. Davis:
Best Bown Olcwn,•W. Haywood. '
Best B ay skater in costume,' Swartz,":
Very Complimentary
•Not Y
In the legal Questions"& Auewein of
the Mail-Empire•of•Seturdgiy, the £ol-
lowin occurs :
A. U •Clinton u .Daring an in'
vestigation; A!' Was intiinidated'. and
hurried into •signing. 'a Statement of
Mr Will Nimei:ns hi}s recovered :su B;
ciently from his illness to be out again
and is -now on the::road • to recovery..
His br ther Robt•.who has retrained
here, wing .to, his illness; returns to
New :ork on r uday next, ;
e understand that Mr Geo'Rogers,,
f r a' number ofyears employedwith
has osi:
�ath s t en •a
1 &• IcM ak
It hal $
tion at. Tilsonburg; • and will .move•
thereto. ' He hies •been a • And Citi. en •
find we regretto see hilnaleaving town.
who � ed iii. e'=
'B ad h esti R.
I+merp Read,
gina in. 1882,; died 'suddenly °on' `Friday,
aged 80 years., He •was the father -in-
htw of Hon. 'Witter Scott,• Premier of
facts which purported to give evidence Saskatclre lean,. and brother of :the late
relieving the officials'of an institutiot 'Mussel H: Read,a one-time resident of -
from l lane He
now regretahaving
signed thestateltient. Chan herepudiate
itand- bring a an- action-ag;inst_the par-
ties for causing him to sign.11..
• Ans, Even if"A'eansucceed; iia prove
signed. Lucy whoshoutly,leuves-town ;
which he a
'n that the statement ,�
h.D' oasts.with
ted. Miss
i3'o presented 1M'L rse
true also
was' untrue, it will. not add en,ything, a' •,,void thimble, .asenes , ei:pressnon of;;
to his. credibility as a witness. The there and
Man who alhimselfwn21,
lto he •intimi R.
dated into putting his naive ea a• false, Mrs. Easel has •ren;ted.ithe home at
statement cannot be considered a very present occupied .beenn r J.;C. Stevenson ,
reelable person. He de and Mr. ,McCartney ff om,near'Auburn..
stroying the value . of the statement- has rented the house•Mns. ,Etsoinis in; :
which hesigned,: but it is quire cerstain•. Me. McCartney, ,we.believice goes in
that he cannot; Maintain; an .action .for- wfth Mr . -.Thomas ttwson"in the hurl
damages' against the parties••whee Sint;: element beaak ess
duced him to sign it Miss "Josie Wortihington,i.bas. been,
The NSW "Eike., has no' desire to be. compelled3to give up a•isplen,did posit-.
either unkind or unfair to "Ai C ' wino, ion in Boston, on account of in health,. •
is well known here, but it feels:dispose and is.visiting her nether- here fora;
ed to give him *'word of advice, and • couple of : weeks, , Prior; to. ,going to
that is to' quit discussing imipprnt the Denver,. -in the hope .that, th
investigation he refers; to... It•„woirfd there may,prove benefieled."
be wisdom ornhis part to let it drop•. Mr. Waugh hr, bs;,had;a,Laous of.
• sic esssince New Year;s,, bein three-
Houses.' of &lige• weeks in.bed. himwelf, andibis wife bee
ing:also laid emebya serious attack.` of
ha es.•
followed b hamar
id :
t lac g
1 y
Itis saicj that- ..the.. gill' respe uce are state that;sh and the eithr •
countyh s• of refugee introduced g P
in thLegislature by Mri Eilber, the' ers are aa►a a -fair wayrto,arrecovery.
member for South Huron, has. the ' Mrs.Ohaiuhens-got,waosd this week;of
a rovaref:and will be 'supported by the dleath "of:'sa nephew,, Mr. Pierce,
thpe Government, as •it ehouldr be a which occurred+atc" Eine r•t Watiliana,
meets a condition which,was•nofrlook- when -lie has heen,empiogged. ,eta -for
'ed for. Ineffect the•hill,proposesthat. "many residedi at .Hensall to which
where inmates" Of such institutions are place the body- was•, brought." lLb • was
known to,be possesed; of memo they: married aornewhera•allont .
'shall be compelled to' eontribute'sonne- 'etre ,w';At,;webbo:who has been, me•
thing forr.•tbeir town support.. For' in- chanical superintendent for liluliend"
stance, among the inmates on Huron Bince, hae.tempted, a:situation,at Elgin
County% Lienee. of• Refuge at Clinton Southern Manitobe,•and left fon- there
it has been foundthatthere•areseveral on, Wednesday The is a•.competent;
with. paid-up insurance. policies, a few steadygoing;young;naan whoisecaappeable
who own some• stocks.. and one man of renderinng;goodrsservice,. P,(irs..Webb
who is.the owner on a: house and lot. will remaifn here•fe r the present:. '
Some of .the•ininates. who have aural!
meaus.are.incapable of looking after Mr., Etbisard Moines, of Me gravel
themselves, .ei or•from this -infirmities .road, sbinth,of Wifisgham, haa,neturned
of old; age or' •
:mental ineapacit .' Mr home bone Mallon, where, he spent
Lilber's trill proposes that in such cases. five week in, the. hospital,, baiting un-.
where proper evidence is produced be- dergone• as so Lnus opeeatipn. Mr.,
fore -the Uounty'J.udgeehe should have Haines. is: now nicely =peeving : and
authority : to: direct appropriation* hopes to. be neeli' enjoying?good health.•
li on -
C Itnt
n e anafterr ooh
Miss 11 Mtdrllo fav n ,
tea-on-Monde/y,a Nim:en's �Cafc,:to-the•
Earls' SewingeClub, ins honor, o6 Miss
Tito have riot gat it; porcine/is-nue ale caa' get 4'for ;fav, ' We sniff One tit'
A package of Envelopes cola -a•
tains 2fii--rink, of `20 for Ora • •
Faiaely good swality- square or
"There• ie. nothing we may
not hope to repair," Dickens app"
plied that to morales;. we apply
t tt to your window shades..
P11IC1Ea _ T O VA ISH. The
goods in, our south. window,
where we reduce the price two'
cents each: day, untili, sold. li'ri
I. any the price is lee; •Saturday, it
will be- Inn. •
We have started down the 'in-
cline of it euccessful year in
business, Our Tapestry Cushion
Top, varied d
gns • a
nd c
et 27c, should cleen the pace.
We suggest th ou ae it.
wife entertain'
9, ing this season 2 l E -Not very -
e For those -who are- entertaining,
I . we have Tally Carde, big ash,
sorttnent ;. Crepe Table Napkins; .
Paper Doyleys andtTable Covers
in perfect imitations of drawn
i:' worst.. Playing. cauda£e if, yot
want them.
Staple. Stationery Lines are I.
espec;ally strong in each depart- •
ment. Writing Tablets are a
staple: DM vows eee oner5o value
in, shire department. 1,
Our aim is to'give• you a ser- '~
vice profitable te=yoo,eonvenient
for yoa9•and at. good liberal as- -
sortment from which to, select. •.
• I•
ce t
Until, recently h sere
were few .
pieces- of Aril work. he town, '.•
Now there•are-several pieces of
this•artistic•detonatioan, We can
show youi designs„ and obtain, rt
you a,gguotation ,;
Dominion. Express, Money Or i."i
dere are- ehea»„ sate- and! con 'i.
v'enient....We• ssue:theme
• Offen the Cheapest',
i ,
Aiwa:Tit the Best.-
Tile .New Store
•, A', .
arpenters,andpainters have. possession of what
is• to, be our new- Clothing. store --across the: road:,,
They will be'through: in a.week or' `tvv> , when :, 'e will
i g stock into, whatill
move.. this• big cloth ng tsT • will. • be one.. of
the finest,. best,equipped , and• most: convenient Men's
Stores, in Western Ontario..
L..r _
1 S ..•
New Shirts," for Spring -are here. Neat, and
nobbpatterns that "cannot. help,but make' an . ,man
Who ,. ee•,a em
h s s h watlt a new � S t>rt. ..R fon ' s
h �Y. �'. add.,_
ti the'swellest •lines, we have• •ever shown," Madre,, b.
• the .b
est'Shii=G:,luliakers .ln:Canada.- The �t� nsw ab
solutely :faultless. and the calors; 1AST..
Prce I
Prices .o . � . It 25 an •
Of lots •of them:only two. or three of a, pattern,,
the:right time: to buy;. is: early if. you•' wanti the,
c Aoi4e.
from, the properties of the inmates to The• liiietropolitan Life Insurance Co.
help to pay cost of their mainten-
interest here :--On Wednesday even- anon, and thus. relieve the burdens• on
ing, ill eb. 21st, 130 guests assembled at thee counties,. The measure also pro -
the beautiful home' of J. K. and Mrs vides for the inspection of houses of
Baker to join with them " in celebrat- refuge b air, officer of the Govern-
ing the 255th anniversary of 'their mar- went. There is" no such inspection at
riage. After the usual congratulations
the guests sat down to a sumptuous
repast. After the beautifulln decorate
ed tables had been relieved of their
generous burdens. toasts to the health
and happiness of the kind host and
hostess were proposed by Rev E. F.
Armstrong, L. Mason, L. Lucas, S.
Wilson, ex -Reeve of Brussels, and ' W.
Snellt of Elimvilie, and were ably re-
sponded to by the host. Mr and Mrs
Baker were the recipients of a many.
beautiful presentsshowing the high
esteem in which they are held in the
community,- - A Well -- moaned -.ppro."
g�rram was rendered by Mr and Mrs
Hoar of Clinton ;'Mr and. Mrs Wilson,.
of Silver Corners ; Mr Longmire of
Henfryn ; Misses Amelia and Tillie
Whitfield; Chas and Miss Alice Davies,
of Ethel ; Mrs Luke Speiran, J. K.
Brown, Miss Manton, of Monkton' H.
F, Speirar, L. Evans, Wesley Speiran
cud Angus Brown. The evenin 's
festivities canib t, a happy close
singing 'nines, a jolly good fellow.
After wishing . the host and hostess
many happy returns o' their 'wedding
anniversary and that they might live
to guests celebrate :Golden
re theieirdavarlous
' homes,
the present time. It is thought this
could be carried tint by the officials of
the prisons and asylums department
during their visit to'other institutions'
in the various counties.
RMr S. S. Cooper •lies closed `a con-
tract for the completion of Dr Shaw's
new brick house on Rattenbnry St.
NEW STORE. -Mr. Walter. Smith,
Seaforth, brother of Mr. as. Smith,
of Town,.
Outs.opening a wall paper store
in` the premises -formerly -occupied by..
Mr Newcombe, Isaac At, north of the
New Bra, • and of him thea Seaforth
News says: -We are sorry to lose Mr.
Smith from town, as he is a most eap-
able young man. }le will be much
missed in the St.'Thomaschurch,being
a member of the choir and also a teach -
of the Sunday School, He was also a
member of the Seaforth band for a,
whicb, is: centralizing its: work, has re-
moved its office from hence• toStratford,
but Mr, James McOlacheuby,the district
agent, wilt, remain hewer, and transact
business. ae. formerly. Mr. Geo. Mar-
shall, who has been his resistant, will
be givencharge of an *fusee at Seaforth;
Harland Bros. have for sometime
been endeavoring to secure dee 'set.
Vices of a first-class mce hanio that
•thoroughly understands furnacework,
steam and hot waber, arid plumbing,
and feel satisfied they have a good
Mnan, having engaged ; Vito. Ross,
of Toronto, who comes hi:01y r-ecorn
Mended, and, will take " e position
some time"next week.
'BRIEFS.-•-'.t`he`train which took O.
J;W'allis_twcl aarsof horses to the west,
had fifteen ether car loads- of ho+:ies
also. :•'.; While last winter the Trail
way • section men were kept •• hasy
shoveltiug snow, this winter they haye
not'oncelfeen called upon' to do so ;
the snow plow never left the Strat-
ford round house all winter,
. The
skatingskatingseason isfleetly'over.
There's ot
much likelihood of
nuinber of years. - any.,�ore sleighing this season...
' The Expositor says : -"Mr Walter The enuncn should lay out pplans for
Smithn Clintonpthissprini r Mrl-tzt1th . roadsrthorar ninc� traveled, ale nd tho
is well up in the, walip aper business , one leading to the station should re -
and is agood'painter andppaperhanger eeiv'e first attention... • Itwould bo
so that we can heartily recomimmend a good i vestment to erect a rink at
hitt'* to the gond ,people of Clinton," l ,„ beet04tveice the me' of. the present one.
water Sar.
Boy's Woollen Sweaters, navy' ands tecL'
only, goal quality- and weight,' regular 6,o, ;•
and 7i5c,' a special Bargain lot, yontfr'cha .
Fifty" Cent
It's not a bit too
soon to order your Suit for
Spring. All the new Suit-
ings are • -dere. A stock
larger and better byfar than
we have ever shown our
customers.;The best al.
ways go ,first. .You. might
As well have one of .them.
Clothing a"dw Gents Furnishings.