The Clinton New Era, 1906-03-09, Page 3Or
• .
• Mock. 9tb, 1906
TE 6 -CANTON 6 -CANTON N.hIW 111,44
Vegetable Sicilian. Hair
newer. It *Mee !eta. letTiketratteal,
0m:0-AlegrOd the hair- anlbe. Wee
grow e faster) thicker; atop* falling
Hair v,Evaes.47.,..4.270.7,
unioutt dorm zot split at the ends.
Teeted and tried fOr half a *altar.
1 . .......,.....,.......„
WOMAN AND, MAN, open Or quote, 'contrasts arm emetic-
' Cencluslons Reached in a Comparison • lovesadmiratIon. A man respects, woe
tlener inch ein Man loietepowerewornan
,, -
of the Sexes by Dr Berna,... rel I-101 nutnadorte, A man has pluck, woman
Not Inferior. fortiteda A man has peels. a ',remelt
patience, Man is greateet lit Cenquest
, The study of woinda always has and and rtehievement, woman In self-seed-
sawaya will have great fasoinatiort for dee. Man may take the lead, but It
'snare Therefore when a man ee team- •le the woman who guides. Man Meet
leg Nets himself UP to talk of the oPPreeS Womanbut it la a Wornaer
daughter s of Eve according tothat Influences man. Women dearly love
ilattrillug be can depend upon having • to entabflah, g dominion over any crate
ein Interested and perhaps an interest- tura that Is larger and stronger than
fug audlence. A. little pamphlet or pa- themselves* and a study of history will
per published by the Ethnological So. *how ue how often they have obtained
Clete' of Londgya contains a clever ad- their way where man le concerned.
Areas dellvered' recently by Dr. Bernard It ort_safe Meeinto
en -not kilelwan,Y4aolfprthideeWinenknuebef
liollander. In it there is inueli that is
wise as -wall as much that Is snipe,- Patting to the comManda and punish- I
thetle. Dr, Efollaimlees clearly express. menta of the woman they worehtp.
°Pluton la that, Judging by her brain Many Women, D. Hollander added, se.
sad nervous organization women is (Bared culture at the expense of their
N.111entally not infeto mthey etarve the
*A17 dissimilar. Woman, however gift. heart at •the expense of the intellect
t'l she may be by nature, bee rarely the ',until they And themselves incapable of
slaps' streagth of tumults° Waxen her 1, love. Not being happy themselves,
- owers to the utmost. If alio had, there • h"' ca a ta•eY make. men,11/aPPY1' 33*
iim.s no reason why she should not tt Went, and needs repose; they Are In.
• .4hqual.. men, er _elrea....exeial_himr-gut-ths--,--caPable,,af-tiving4t._ Wernen---them-I—
lecturer continued, Is evident frOm the I selves Futter most because of title rine.
brilliant way in which many women 1 'Venal education, the effect of which,
have aoquitted themselves at examine Dr. Hollantier declared, is that it Is
salons. Dr. Hollander traced the Haien, easier to obtain a IctUerautey thea
title bearing the points he advanced, It Is to obtain a g k, and thee,
- and occasionally generalized upon the to*. at lower wage9. ' P
tatted questions Of women's character
-slid eaeabliities as a
"saewholntA ,
• •His Blooming Miltake.folowingpasg: . .A of oethe
recently 1Awan ovesextremee. A •mn
, gave an Instance of thet difficulty a Zeta I
stay like or dislike, a -person or obJeet. ' eigner has with the BUOlish language.
eh woman loves or hates It. A woman Re was invited to .dinner pion after his
... yen be generous in her action, bid not aerbeae In England and wap desirous of
ialways so In her feelings. Women, U. aayesa aomething in a very Pleasant
They love 'talkMg. Mei will tal
ea rule, are good ' •cenyersationalists. I way and made use of the following ex-
It yon give them a rtubjec., but women re yo have the bloomIng
Odd talk for houre upon nothint: Vet_ •a4lidnesei to," ete. He used it in the.
tier conversation, at least to men, US eerie that the word "blooming"' is used
Oot uninteresting, and sometimes Most In German, as being sOmething very
Iiiharming, for, unlike man, he does charming and beautiful, little knowing
Set talk a herself bizt himself. She is what havoc. slang has played with the
quick to enter into his thoughts and ele was absolutely
dirt°1111diens Etonguinadnecirs. tend why everybody
- lieelbilgs. and ean readily identify her- •
' ea" With his atras" ' •. . • . thought was an extremely nice expres-
was 'so utterly ehorrilled .at what he
Following this Dr. Hollander gave A efon,-.1„ondon ExpresS. • '
.. . .
Pace, the ./erster, ,
., , Pace, tie jester to -Queen Elizabeth,
. . ' was so bitter in it retorts ,upon her
Barometer .. . that he :was forbidden her e
•h the erhle. Where then, Iaii
constant desire to nrinareeeettee
the urine is hot and scalding -
it means Bledder.trritaticat.:
the •• urine b cloudy, highly
colored, or offensive -I hidiostes
Kidney Trouble.
Heed the danger signala, Take
I "Iin-In"'etlinulatei end
4 strengthens the weakened,
I clogged, overworked Kidneys ra
healthy action --and heals sail
soothes .the- Irritated, bladder .
"Iln-Ju " cure. We guarantee
it and yen can get your money I
, All draggista bur* '' SaJu "' or wilt
igst the= for yen.
back it "to -in" disappoint*.
• Atter he had been absent for some three
.1 re few. of his tieenids entreated,Iler, Ma.
.feiesty to receivehien beck. Into. favor.
engaging .for himthat he would be
• i more guarded in his discourse for. the
i future, • The verY•firet time they *gale
met Pito was as bad- as ever. "Come
•on, Pacei", said the Queen in her. grace
ions humor'.g.'nolv we shall hear of our
.faults:!'' ''No,. Madania". said', Zreee; -4r11
.... . .
"eleveretalk of What 1* discoursed by !in
the. woe/dia. - .. " - • • ''
The Single Woman.' • •
- ' ' -.Or. Itsmatiton . - DEBTORS' PARADISE., I
ireep the sunshine in your bet,
Wear a Mile:•
Live a bapy hopcA4 life
Ail the' while;
mome helpful work each day
AS cleats leading lights the way,
AO for calmness from above;
ICeep your place;
Let the Master's mind and thought
X-Ielp you true
Reaverds purpose day by day
In a noiseless, tender way.
Days will come and days will go,
Yet 'tie well,
For In joy or sorrow's hour
Life shall spell
God's dear message line by line
In this life of yours and niine.
ikienelt Chamb
The Way Irving and Toole Astan
..a • Scotch Waiter,
Sr Henry being- used • to tell with
glee Of' a Joke that he, with. Mr. Toole, '
the comedian, and a third party, played
on ene occasion: at a Glasgow hotel.
Alter -their work 'they +dere s.upping
at the hotel, and there was in the r,;(»n
a' high screen. 'Tire instant the waiter
was gone they commenceti. operations,
They striped the sliverwaee,,of which
ehe're ayes a tolerable supply:. from the
table and_plaerttUtisehind.--the-sereen.
Thek-tnen. opened the . window and
turned out the gas, and finally all got
under the table. • • • •
The jokers had only to remain in
their oramned position a few minutes
before they heard the unsteady feet -4'
the waiter along the passage. The -
darkened room amazed him, aid the
cold air from the window seemed to
etrike him with affright
"%redness!" exclaimed he, "Ita
thieves they are. I thocht as Much
free the luiks o' them and frae their
gay talk and their lauchin.' Bh, but
I'm a ruined man: 1 wish I hadna tak
en the hale, o' that last bottle! Hero!
Here! , Thieves! Thieves! Murder!
Thieves! Thieves!" And, shouting at
the top of hie' voice, he ran out of the
room aod along the paseage,
hTe minute he had eeone the other• s;
shut the window, lit the gas, restored
.the sill:rel. to the table and sat around,
as before, enjoying a quiet Ogee
• EteSeritly there was a 'conitised
xhutalong theepaseage. It grew louder
•and louder, and it poured a truly mot -
y throng, reostii• half • dressed, con -
sting of the manager, two men in
re legs and slippera, and a lady with
blanket, followed by . the agonized
Iter.e man was0armed with a poker;e
d another carried . a bronze status, •
dy 'to . hurl 'it at the thief. As they
ered the merry trio all sat baCk
d looked at thnni with well feigned
azemont, and Toole bald to the as -
!shed and bewildered manager:
Do you always cutne in this way
h your friends When a gentleaem
$ for
r- 'Tag
._._----.-.,._-.--•.. •.'-,J_-
irerrift,"jiely aeperrels On .the inother's
; , if s e is animated 'and
hi, svez:yi
one s happy ; 'hut if she
ervauk irritable atid cross-aeveeee
g goes wreng, , ' Bright cheery
en usually use Perrozone, the
test healtii/rnaker known. By
:Ig tbrough the biped Feerozone is
to reach all the ()organs that need
tante •, it eitabliithes 'regular and
thy action of all ,funOtions, builds
the g.eaeral health, fortiRes the
erti-with a•reserve of energy that
s disease. Don' put ofT-Ferro;
coats only 50c at:any :drug store ;
get it. to -day •
"T• •
• -, le
' here . :ire man'a nature. -a secret
• - ' • • brig
ineinsation.. and...motion toward love of., is
others,' Which), If it be not spent upon wow
Sortie one •or a ''. few, does _: naturallY • . grea
spread itself!toward many," said •Lo,_.!d • acti
Bacon,: three 'centuries:,ago„' The re" able
mark might be .applied with good ren- essis
iwlthjon to' the.. onmarried woniane who healn t e last, he.# •centurtlum .bet .po
totneettenteeing•poeter Inthe world, se syst
such names • as Florence Nightingale. 'done
Susan B. Anthony, reined' .15111a:zee .zone
Clara Barton, Harriet Martineau, 'Fran-
eee Power Cobb% Mary Lyon, and..Tanir
Adains-to; quote a 'few -.velli -show.
Imuts".....t. I Have you renewed your subscription.
. •
JOHN COL(N FORBES' R. .C. .4A,,,"'''''''
• .. , Canada'P' Great Portrait :Painter,-
The artist who was • commissioned by the 'Canadian paint
ithe portraits of King Edward' end:Queen Alexandra for the Dominion Rotisrf•of- -,
Parliament, and who was honored with sittings by their Majesties in the early
i'nrt of this year, is John Colin Forbes who hes a long trail of suecesSes • in his
temy years.
Horn in Toronto of Seotch-English parents he Was edueated at tipper Canada '
( .Auge in his native city, and et an early ago showed the first faint datdiiings
f . ilk artistic genius. Ile was entirely eilateught, followitig with the sure instinct
ts tree power along the lines of natural development, and sileat13r working out
I,:- 0'411 destilly instil la! produced his• first real work, a, ..portrait of his father.
-eve:tied so eominancling an exhibit of his ability that he WAS sent to study
er th . South Kensington Museum and later at. the Royal Academy in London. -
one of his first Paintings, a Marine VleW called "Toronto 13a,y,” took a .first prize
, sa tip, Provincial Exhibition in 1800 and he later painted n number -of portraits
that added greatly. to his fame, notably those of LordDufterin, Sir John Mae- . ,.
lialt,tt Blackwood, ' •
&maid, Alevinder MiteKtetizie, Edward .1.4hI. ike Sir Charles Tupp& and Lady'
--re ea'ireteetleleeeffaeleeteaTicilre Iti-iYar CarileilleireACOjetireei;i4ifeeafur five rare • -
la ter tiainti•il for-tiutfelauselifin-Pfti.ifie-Perlke.teserieff•wHrietiires-wItiehl• - - a-, a -- - --'
some of the masterpieees of Nature's painting and enthrone in the wild, romantic •
Canadian Rockies, where Titanic mountains, deep gorges, great expanses of.
scenery are shown In a calor eche/tie of Nature at, her 'best. Thiee gave him
themes that filled Ilia artistie soul with joy. Tlfose who are'tatitiliar with his
paintings "The Carlon in the Royal Corgirae "The Menet of the Holy Cries,"
MountStephen," and the "Gelder of the elelkirks," must ever awry ulth them
j the inemery of their majostio levity and power. In 1891 members of the ran-
I adian Liberal party sent him to England to paint a fultdentith portfait of &Aide
stone for the National Liberal Chili of London: . For the past filo years Much of '• •
his work has been done in the United States where he has made portraits of many.
of the leading- mea of the country. . ' • . • . '
I•lre and watee have been merciless in their'Inirsia or Mr. Forbes., "IN'hen
. 1 the 'steamer "Hibernia" went down in mid-o(ean in IN(i'ii it, carried wi.tli it mane'
tif hi, best paintings and he harelyescaped with his life, and Itie 1111001)»painting ,
of tlifieWreck was destroyed by
fire in 1870. In three later fireeihe work of years
. fed th0 flames,' and yet this Phoenix painter. of Canada, undismayed and un-
datineed,has ever risen with new life from the age,
t(n• _lea Act otthotioltutient of Omuta, In the Vttatliiiry by W. 0..Mttkikt (Si faseitateut Di Agriettitute
The Seed of Hemp. •
.Chlef Justtce Cattlin '(1571), from
Whom the Spencers, ltusselis and Many
of the greatest Engliefik,samiltes..are
descended, when senteileing eigsrisoner
cahvicted as a go,between. in the cor-
respondende between Mary of Scotland
and the Bishop of Rose thus. addreesed
"The good seedstnari hath owed
in you good gifts; but as it is said in
the gospel, then carne the eitenty'antt
he sowed darnel, cockle and noisome
weeds. • Such. wicked seedsmen have
. been in England. ' r, they hed Sown the
right seed.for their own use, the seed
• of Aerrip, and -felt of It, therr had they
received "aecording to their. deServing,
hcmo, meet geed for such seedsmen,"---
Lout.IGn Standard.. - • • -
Parliamentary. ,
No M. P.., is permitted to Say bltintly
and directly that another IA drunk, but
he •may hint. the fact. In pert ohra
as when Mr. Gladstone, roolying 1k
tinconydntitinal speech of Disraeli's, re-
marked: "The tight .honorable
'man has evidently U.
sources of Inspiration that are not open
'M me," A violent stoma has. been. eaue-
Cures Rbennuitism. I A
YOU 1.100 ills Mandrake and Seto keveno,
The floe Art of Liviatt AanCs`eillft
tornutrills_040u4ranteec Judge Noulon's latest dictum that i
' Lagoons) eure, i gugland is the best counta7 In thi I
WOrld for people who want to get into
healthy, they will filter out the wastes the ease with which it is possible td
and poisons.
In case of rheumatism, the kidneys
are not doing their work. As reeult,
poisons cry etalize around the joints
and, cause:Ipain ahnobt aisle to yor-
There can,,be no cure, no pert -mimeo
relief until the kidneys are stimulated
loirst get them into working order.
For this purpose Dr. liamIlton's Pills
excel all (other remedies ; they heal
and strengthen ,the kidneys as no
other poisons depart from the blood
and:all nedicine can do. Ont' the
kidneys a re, renewed by Dr. Handl
ton's Pitts the trace of rhenniatiern
dieappeal .
NO CASE is Too °anoxic! To YIULD
Rhettraististn begins and ends in the I debt is borne out by business experts;
blood; which athint i.„no time is ever free I
from poison, f the kidneys axe says the London who eMphaelee
"I spent nearly three Years experi-
Meriting with eheutnetic remedies,
WX1tes,Geo. E. Sunbury, of Portland.
bad almost given up hope, when 1.
tried Dr, 1'Iainiiton' I1lI ; they com.
pletely cured me. No fretnedy could
Ile better.lea • •
obtain credit in that country.
The manager of ItesertS. Stubbay debt
collecting agency recently eXpressed
entire agreement with Judge EMden..
"One reason w1y debtors find England
se prefitable11 place," be said, "is be.
cause of the 'facilities tbey have for
evading. payment, The county court
procedure here is slow, and cumbrous
compared with • the more summary
methods ,of other. countries. 4man
who makes up his; mind to do so can
often avoid payment altogether. •
"A man can obtain the neceaalree''
credit with ease. Heel) business cern.,
petition tial Much to do with this. The
great advertising firms, who sell every-
thing from furniture to jewelry on the'
installment plan, are partly response
ble. The man who wants goods on
credit goes to the locartradestrien, who
needs must supply him or be cut out by
the installment firms,. Eventually com
You Willnever regret using.
-.we* • the e
.county court proceedinge and •ne
. , .
'Iltriffe-PillS;TGiet-S, supply
that -ther
to:1-1 f
Dr- Herk'''" trrowiedge. e-
that -no. goods -lo-
your druggitt, 2.,5c per box, or 'five
boxes for SI. By mail to any address
if price is forwarded to N. C. Poison Bc
(1o., Kingston, Ont., and ;#1trtfer41,
Conn„ U, S. A.
lauesetws use war au satepsistato
Gabriel Rossetti had a penchant for,
wild animals. Re was with difficulty
prevented at one time from purehasieg
for a Very large !gum a young elephant.
Browning said to ban, "What on earth
will -you -de with him, Gabriel?" and
Rossetti repited: "I mean to teach him
to clean the windows. Then when some
one paws by the house he will see the
elephant'cleaning the window& and Will
say, 'Who lives in that house?' and peo-
ple will tell him, 'Oh, that's , a painter
called Itoseettie and he will say, ea
think I should like to buy one of that
man's pictures': Sohe will ring to
come In, and I shall sell him a picture,"
I:Tireless Expense.
,An old couple fell 111 of old age to-
gether. The husband died, but the wife
had niore vitality. Oa the day follow-
ing her huaband's death she was bet.
ter, an the doctor was congratulating
himself on the success of his treat-
ment.. But the woman's point of view
Wits different. She coMplained bitter-
ly, for, as she forcibly pointed out, "Ef
ee'd lat me alone one funeral 'ud a don
ra n ore
"Many *advertising firms sell on
credit, merely asking for a small depos-
it and, making little or no inquiries
.about :the customer, 1 know a man
now staying in leu( who has provide(
himself with both the neoessftles
comforts of llfeler years oa credit:. t
:"Xhe upper and lower 'classes find it
easier to get Into clebt than tit i
e es ddle
..ttifrow- -44110:11Pommiamorit
sttinks highest in public favor ir-2i Its' armual
sale of 14,000,000 packets proves this. .4'.;6,44H41"
pgr Ib, OreCersis
!Mild 0111Y sealed Lean Packets, 25., 80404,4es oOO,. and
We sell Dominion Organs and 'Gerhard Heinizman Pianos.!
These instrutnents .orst a little more than other makes, but you get •
'more than value for the difference in Ince,
Call at our Furniture Store, where you may hear and see these
instruments, •
. • j. H. CHELLM, -norm
liovey's Baking Povvder, per lb... -.250
GVOF Oompound Syrup cif. White '
Pine and Tar, for coughs
40(1.0414s: . 4 oz, bottle for 25c
Hovey's Beef, Iron and Wine, for
tonic • and strengthening
Wilnedinine " o110.1;tle 75c
tlovey's Ootnpound iron ?ilk 66 In I
oxes $1,00 '
sell goods, varying from tea to Jewelry,
classes. 4.11 army of peddling travelers, B tiovE
to the poorer people on credit, while in , ..
the west end nearly. every great heal- . .
ness is conducted largely on the credit.
'syst'em, Aelstocratic customers must .. .
1-10vey's Emulsion Cod Liver'. Oil
and flypophosphites. 50%
pure Norway Ore made by •
our own receme. Notie
other 'just es good' le as.
Hove•y'e eloocia, Cream, tivetem Of
Wiroh ffazei and Vrearo of •
derolees„for chapped bands,
, per bottle
yDispengiag Chemist , .
9 •. and Druggist
.• •
.••••••• \11
not be offended by requests eer caste - /lee
"Tbe businesses that 'suffer most in
the west end are those ot.jewelerse tire
lorsedresernakers, winemerchants, haa
tees MIT provision denim while every
.11rip that advertises extenSively is vie -
'Cutters and Sleighs
First-class Cutters; and Sleighs at -. •
• •
.timized." •
• Another business, expert bore out this
,Yieve, prolVasiqual debtori"-he said,
"can make quite a 'decent Hying if lie is
prepared to take:some risk aird kueves
theerteres. As to tile west end credit,
systole, :its full'exeettt is' -weli nigh in-
credible to those not in tlie swim."
• It ineans.thai disease will soon at,.
for us two, an' look what It'll'eofit o •
tack the lungs. 'Wheezingber
iS distress -
e0 dttitien-ifed..,'.t4
• •
. Rumba!" k...1V10)1.1.0
.1-ThrorrStreet„ Clinton...
y g two of nw
us separately!". •
g Prolific Writer. -.
' While was writing "Gladys Fano"
/ was doing my. full work for the Leeds
Mercury and was not only editing the
-paper, but wan wrifing for It -an aver-
age of twelve coldrans a Week. "Gladys
Pane" Is a long story, 'containing 160;-
000 words. I wrote it during my, scanty
leisure' In exactly sixteen weeks, or at
the rate of 10,000 words -o week. --Auto
biography of- Sir Wetayss Reid.
)''a In Swedes'.
A door key hung outside a bouse In
Sweden. Is a sign the family are not at
home. The custom Is more courteous to
callers than the A.merican practice of
• allowing the visite!. to "find. out by as-
cettaInirige through ratite bell ringing
or button punching, but it requires a
greater confidence in your fellow man,.
justifiable perhaps In Sweden. •
I, du. •:•inall wondee that liver
ite lee kee you feel so miserable.
The eyin ptoins .are constipation, d izza
nese, indigestion, headaehe, feeling of
depression and lack of appetite.
There is but one, sure tairde-Dr.
Hamilton's Pills, In eVery: ease they .
are suecessful. By •.,1:.D
g e su. erer and annoying to
his friends. Nothing 11011' • so eertaih
in bronebide and . throat troteble as
"Oittarrhozone" ; it gives instanerelief
and Owes even.the'avor e.cases.'Br011-
ebitis . •
air y flees under the Magic in-
fluence of Catarrhozone which .enres
sb thoroughly, the diseaSe neverre-
tufts, Other . remedies ' may relieve,
but "Gatarrhazooe" 'cures bronchitis,
catarrh; and throat trouble for :dl tiine
to aline, SOldIeveryWhere.
**Snob" meant Originally In -the land
of its origin a person of plebeian sta-
tion, 'considered froze the height of,
"birth." It was a word used .with the:
downward eye and upward, nose of su-
perior station Cr assigned. to the
haughty by popular convention. Then
Thaokeray' took it and rebuked with it.
the reedit! ambitions of the vulgar...,
The Flftk Nerve,
Sneezing 18 evertere by pressing the
-.iipppr Hp, because by:0.1ljg se we dead.en the .
repression made on a certain 1,}1
branch of the fifth nerve, sneezingibe-*. ••
Ing a reflex action excited by smite •
. . • • • , . • '
Tim. /A4.0toh,.;:bDtit; sE,eds? Call.early, 'We have B.d CloVer, Alsike 'and Lucerne ,
vt; eretow.• 1111n,tin0,.,,,its „.._,-,itteRti(k'FI
thing special should call and order early so as to he
sore of procuz•ing• it when needed. We will talk more of seeds later
1,23t f bit ES ,4- Gall and examine our new Spring Goods, of all:kinds. .See our
'beautiful range of Collars, get a pattern sheet. Our magazine and pa;tterus are
- very cheap. ' • . • • ' ,-
Emporium, Londes bore, . 1)Aivis . ..- '
Feb. 20tb, 1906.. _ • # • . •. '
' •
...*.d.""t".711". ,M"Idill,""a"1"1"."1"!"1""Mirdlail""N"i"."'""8"1"1"1""1"1"."1""all"'•..7.r..•-•...........-n.......“.••
' .
. . •
. • ,.. New Crcickery:Und 'c'bristina. Fruits
+1,t1 just Received,
. ' •
ported direct frointhe makers inEngland.
We have just opened live crateof bedutifeaclaCritroyekt4eeryfi,
and largest ass3rtitients qf crockery in the county itfid. this lot
contains the very latest and ehnicest patterns and designs, in
Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, and fancy China. They ave geode
you should see.. • 'We are selling them at less than regular prices ,
NevTeas, Sugars and. Canned:Goods. •
We lead in qizality, quantity and prices in new Fruits.
Teas, Sugars, and Canned Goods. Callsand get, prices.
Black, Geeen aucl JaPant,011vYmel'seil.the hest 250 Tea in
..., ,
light !impression Oa thtet aerite.. three*, ' •
Ing doea not take place when the fifth
Sense of smell is retained. • ,
le paralyzed, even though the
liamilton's Pills rti are sure of strong "You vrill
cheery spirftsee No longer will' you feee w
Careful Anetle. '
vitality, nettles ing blood, 'bright again until. you get to heayen," a little
The marvel ef this medicine hi that it
never1 see your, Aunt .illaria
suffer fro di
na soldered liveror kidney. 1 tire oth te di t th' L -
as flialerAnly, told by her mother
er ay, aceor ng o e on
ote sickness of every *Ind. 25e per My feet?" evai her oply response. It
box everywhere. thrOws -a flood of light on Autittlaria's .
character a d hi
... ,,,, .. _..... .._.w.,:...trwin.., . 7.
, , , ' • ii,
keeps you well.--Iprovents and wards • don 'alie• ask me to' wipe •V1,4,14.44*-*-44-4*-4444414-*st4st-44.4:*
•• Amine Age. Perfumers.
The great perfumers of the middle
ages were, it. appears, the Arabs. The . ARE. YOU MAKING .$2,003.22•
fashion' Of using 'perfumery came into 'MID
• awns „a It is being done with our, goods,
west Europe through the crusades. 'Work is, pleasant, permanent mut pfo,fitablcsc,
in 0 arliament 14 'Victoria by a I .
Labor member saying of a legal c il-
I and ofte
• league: "The 'honerable and •eeerned
,1 in their
,gentlemen Was OUCCI eal led to the bar, i el, like n
and he has since gone frequontly with- 1 he privt
out being called.L" The angry barrister -1 ,polsonOn
retorted: "You tea -drinking skunk.":1; lieu first
eiventuanyaboth wlthdrew and apolo- il
irtzed.-London Mail. • . . creited. b
. auge grov
of 4!mstr
were the great dealers iii. it
a sold disguised subtle poisons
perftlineS. Catherine de' Medi-.
laity Of her ancestors, gained
lee and public ends through
a. perfume's. Cardinal' Riche
saw 'eta a business .could be
y distilling the field and br-
e flowers -of Provence. Anne
• la, the wife Of Leith; /II„
ABS LUTE, cOuld not go a moment Without her
Seentbottle and liked to have herlinen
• Scented. Voltaire spoke of the per-
, . . • I turaed bath as the Iniury of luxuries.
1 „ • .
The sunny hills of the Var -becaine• a
mine of wealth and remain so to this
• r, '1 :ers
Or the sePnt distilled from flow -
has a Subtle delicaay which still
' .
' gives It the primacy., The Empress
Josephine gave another great stimulus :
.Cerluine . . • 1 to thesent industry. She constantly
. held before her mouth dainty lace bor.
, 1 doted lawn pocket handkerchief's, on
ar . , whitch she had sprinkled some delicious
$ r' unieLondon Nes.
Little Liver PillSo bin ar
Must Bear Signature or
tee Par.tiosile Wrapper Delo.
ett anuatand C9 Want
take atleagare
CARTERS To014742::
int%FOR MIND men.
FOR stuoussitit
FOR THEcomeiorldil
Wait Slag eiluktm0int.
Ok and this Assabstaisador.
the Atistilan ambassador
to the federal diet,. Count Itechherg,
received a dispateli instructing
• VOte With PruSsia for a certain linpor-
• tant mensinie, aecompanied with a con-
' fklentlal letter direethighltr to . induce
man 'States to vote against the measure
and thus defeat it. In* hie lotted he
handed the wrong paper to Ilismarelt*
Who read and returned it, with the re-
mark: „
"There must be some Mistake here
Reehberg his blunder and gt13W
Pale and excited. "Don't he disturbed."
said 131smarek. "You did not intend
to eve me this docilment, and thet*
tore you have not given It to me, and
am wholly ignorant of its contents.*
In fact, he made no mention Of it its
kis °Metal reports and thus won Roth -
berg's gratitude, beside* hating bhn
henceforth '"dn the Idle"
5. -
Goods used in every house, every day. No fake,
endno need to create the demand. X.egitillulta
reputable busines, You can start without a vent
of capita/. Wate to day. O. 11meSHALL & Co„
Wholesale Tas, and Coffes, Eondon, Ont.
-01in.ton8ash, -Door, and
Blind Factorjr
"Nils factoryes tiae largest initrie eoarity, and has tke very latest improved,' Into
°binary, capable of doing Work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stook and prepared 'pina end give etimtes/or and ban 1511ohms.
68 01 baildings an short *cabs, ant °a the closest page. Ali work is sapvit
edict a insahmiosi way and ettisfastloa grieranteet We sell alt kials of
terior and exterior material. •
te)er, Latk, Shi11e4, Li 113, mh, Oaarg Etc for the Oslebrttel Q11V suit, • SG.I6 lit. 0 SSW ratadisatare
Aat frivolo', 0411 Al I git paps eel Is( *t '44 31 itt y ' 1e
St. Si CO OPE lin11.
. •
aroluistmAr) IIEGUL..tvrtONS
rirNr evennumbered station of Domin-
ion Lands in Manitoba or thd North.
west Province,' excepting 8 end ea, not
reeerved, may be homesteaded by any pr;
son whole the tole head of a family, or any
male over 18 years of age to the exteut of
onequarter section of 16b acres, more or
Entry may be Made personally at the
Neal land officio 'for the dietriot in which
the land is sittutte,or if the homesteader
desires he may, on application to the Min-
ister of the Interior. Ottw, the Commis.
dozier of Ittnaik•ation, Winnipeg, or the
local agent, roam authority for some one
the homeeteader ie required to perforin
Is neither pletoging nor It forgivable
eight, but 'on the other hand, neither
is the wonian who goes about her house
with a draggly gown and a scraggy
neek and deep :wrinkles in her forehead
ling her, face.wlien She Might look
'young and attractive, It is not the
blg things that count, but the little
ones.- Tenminutes* Work ea& day wilt
keep any face tree from wrinkles and
15 -in. a presentable condi.
• 4. betttlr 14(;:r Ititttri 144.***
table Bettlig *win
there are to be a number of elaborate
• eattrses, necessitating various forks eat
knives, is to have the small oyster fork
laid *areas the others ready for the Oat
This precludett the possibilitt
et any reistakeeither through igrorriie.
or the Intrieacies of Modish; iiertind 41
absentmindedness, thsl, As end se0.
*ceding course is brought on, the di*
lingers of the maid or discreet but*
eau et* tt slight tilt to the 0Orrett
te BM for tket toertiettite db. -
to make entry for him,
the eonditions connected therewith tinder
1) . At lttetsi months! reeidence upon_
oue of the following plene
Ihraing COsnetieAt.
The harm does' not come in tieing a
cosimetic, but in having It show. do
declares a beauty specialist. She says
A woman ShoUld apply rouge if twee*
eery and that the only crime lies in de-
tection, the woman who goes about
the Street looking like a peter picture
and cultivation of the land le each yearlfor
(2) If tner fatheror.t mother,: ittlie
' father is deceased) of t e Onseeteader re.
sicles non a farm in the yiety of the
land entered for, the requirements IN to
residence may be satielled by such person
residing with the father or mother.
03) If the settler haa hie permanent rest,
donee upon forming hind owned by him in
the vicinity 01 1111! homested, the require.
meats as to residence May be satiitied by
residence upon the tatid lnd.
• SIX rneralue notice in 'writing should ho
given ter the Oeremipsioneer of Dominion
lends et Ottawa Of intention to, apply for
patent. *,
• W. W. COS,
1)spnty otthellfinister of thp Interior
„ eth, m
Our Bilk 'Teas....
• Are as goodawe say they are,
probably better than you think
they are.
They have no fancy' names
hey need none.
'iniply ask for our 2e, or
or ,ide Te, and you will etin
your parcel this StOre's• idea( of
Tea GOODNES, Without, pay
trig more than you ought for it.
Ofatouree there. trilty -he people'
who h.i e formed apreformo
or some ot serTiland of tea who
WI:mild/ft care to•chittige.
13tit we have noticed that the
majority of those who try•thse
teas of ours stay v'0.h them,
We T. O'NEIL,.
The Hub Groeet•
Clinton, Ont.