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The Clinton New Era, 1906-03-02, Page 8
TW7Y7 ,,' 79PFF—"%. r"71 #1 „ .. ° 0 ' r- - __ " ,0r ° v .N ° T-1 M CLINTON SiRw Bim,, R-_• � . �.QR.Tt:�t FOR THE WEST,FNr, e lit txilie: left on Tiieeda ith _ .... ��R ....;, t oazd, of heavydrafght parses. or the .. � west, the -ware in }rood; condition, and �e+� N o t ,`w` N FRTDAY, MARCH 2, i800, should tlnd ready sale unless the friar- + �► M p'* I, ew kat Is overstocked. bIr Oliver Johnston ! _ left with a similar shipment. Mr ""''"' '"'`'''"' ' l "R Q sNi3 ar eon I , Far and Noss,. Wallis ►nukes another shipment of Mr Fred A. Lewis, `fano tuner ex. ' V Vg pp b,, a s i will t d pt W y K 8olgree' t►rap .$tete. I two car load+ In a .couple a# weeks.. pects to bre In Clinton in three weeks, I OHutari, Thureday� Mahlproothiaonra 10 I RRCOGNITIQN Ur AiERIT -wlrS• a.m.,,!s pea (,thoseq rgan$ p fitted. Mrs Norman Fair entertained a and diyeseerr: of these prgan4 properly F, W. Watts,, who has been attending inumber a friends one evening Iasi the Grand Catinril of R. T. at T:, r@;geek, .Remember the date oI Taube &son's viRit ' turned home on Tuesday, bringing The wife of Air John Carbert, H+�, . to Olintou, and it your ayes troabe, Fou n with her a very pretty boquet of ferns lett, who has ,been in the Hospital Un'derwear0*,,,,, any way make it a point to aogsalt them, at the and.carnations in 'a handsome Bobem- Ztere' for several weeks,. was able to go hetet Normandie, oa Mondor and Tuesday, ran vase, which was resented to her home on Saturda • : Maroh 18th end 18th. � y as Grand Vide Counoillor by the dela. Mrs Watt of'the Gravel road' this '+� 04ut ZA .ifs. ales assembled in convention. Mrs. ' , , it week took possessioq of the house she Watts had the boquet photographed had boa ht fn town from Mr Jones, U. 'I >x'�dS ` o Garments to Sell COXTRAOT.-Mre H. Warren, of while in the cite, ( and Mr ggobert Sanderson who11 boa ht L-0 . Hgllpett, was fn town on Monday, in �ACOID T. --On Tuesday Thomas the Watt property, moyed'thereta at M. a Car' S Prices, cis or Less (wlt4 �vh anym shth e has Gn ade S. home.I ��gVeKenz eQis me4 .employed ce dept that � yeM@ssrssterdayThos William,. and Lorne . since the deaWof Me Warren) and she �. was decfdedi . atnfthil, though fortdn- i Murch late of this locality . t contrasted with Me phos McKenzie tar y, who pup, ' , a; sly not atteAded with serious"r@sults. chased stock in a clothing firm In Last Fal we made ,l contract 'C+vith the the ''etaectian of a two-story frame , He was working tyt a band saw In the Stratford, have sold their stock in �r r boas@'' on Albert St., immediately ' second storey ;_ immediate! behind same and retire from the business largest makers ill. Canada of Lathes Fine south of Dr. Thompson s, , him was a trap door.° Another work- They have not yet decided what they :. White Underly ar, to tkke their, Sarn les as • FARMERS'' DAY APRIL 5TU.-- man cri,irie along and opened the trap `will do in future. # " p The citizens of Ulintcin are giving the door, without calling Watt's attention Elsewhere will be Lound an saver, g g to it, and as be stopped backwards in - sos�n as, the Travellers mere through with freedom of the town to the stock meq � his wank, he f'pll through the open tieement asking for tenders for the 1.hem, The were o be char ed fie US at . and farmers of the County. Every- p pretty erection of a new schoolhouse on the t _ y, t thin is urs on A til 5th, onl brra trap to the floor b@low, A tett se- base line, for U, s, S, Na, 1`L, Goderieb n.-• !T yo p Y h vete shaking up was the extent of pts' and Rupert Tenders are to be sent Ae-quarter 'to one-third less than., the- re u- our stock with you, and make this tajuries;; - . at and Show the. biggest even, held ' to' R. •. Dra Clinton, by,., uop of >�pp Son of tt r Feb., st in the County and we will do the rest I ONE OF THE UL15, TiKsRs. - On. .to'R. . Drs er, tar Prices i . sh ed as o. . r See the bills and programs for fuller .Wednesday Mr. Stewart • Plummer The wife of Mr John N, Barber, 01 as-- possible. The entire lot arrived this particulars. _ .. , • passed his 80th milestone, He came to Lena. Manitoba,, died on Feb. 15, at ....• week, andtintb.s. De. commencing"w SETTLED, -=An insuracice"adjuster�l cUu le of ars,bQcoiy in minu� l exnia crit ci*astitfora ed was a s star of Mr 1Jab Ca pax • . wa here sk over 4s:;+'':.�+r`,, ti;€to the �ftpcnof a@tEler in 1854, since which rials he has and leaves a faq►ily of six children, ;._ ___. "- , _ i restdad its _.it cositinuQusly. He aQQks They have resided in. tllg west lot __:.. _ __ Mr. 3aiiard, :b smoke, mitde h;m an as hale and hearty as he. Was Lein yearns :nearly 80 years; 'f Sato a�,, blanc . 3rd, ' allowance at' 459 bh@.eon. The flit• `ago, and has every prospect•of man in sof the Masonic _led @room above Y Mr. Will . Nimens is having pretty g S years yet to the ood. A resident of a d t' • fi t 1 d h a, 01 were also injured -by smoke, and an a1- Clinton for pearl a Scor@ of ears r tares , rs at tip wit nervous •F lowance of $25 made therefor. - Mr_ and member of, the,Towa Coub)ol ' ni6thi r, be due to the death of hfq We put on sale hundreds of high .class , Searle was allowed $100 by the ad'us Y years, for mother, he is now suffering from in- _ - _ __ . 11 j several terms, he has hosts of friends - flauimt>.tionof the bowels, being laid ���� -• •-� ___-� �"""'"-""-'�--~--- under garments at rices that will. be one- ter for damage to the building.' who will join ua in wishing hien mann . We happy returns of the dayr which.the up.,at the home of his sister, Mrs .Tae. 'quarter to one-third less than regular, SOMETHING UNUSUAL,- Rev. H. ct7ladherty. . „ i NEW ERA can do with as much race do not want these to ltlterfere with re u- Newcombe says that during his T.he London Advertiser of Aionda g len thened,ministry, he'has officiated and pleasure as if he had been a liber- thus refers to a former Clintoni in :y � a lar lines alread on orderpaild have marked i atcouble weddings. s, and d3pble chris• aural ch of belonging to another pot- already,on- g• itical school. `"The many friends of Mrs C. E. Tan ,every garment very close, in order to clear •tenings, but not uutif last week did he ney, King street, ivho recently under-. . ever have a denote funeral. He was IS THIS CORRECT ?, •''T-ieize are went an operation in St. Josephs Hos• `. _ Ord.er • ° .. 44 . . . ripe entire lot, quickly. They are 111 ,inert called on to officiate at, the: burial of i more bachelors and fewer children in pital, will be glad to learn that she has . . • ,class condition, save that , all , are •very two Inmates of the zona@ of Refuge, Huron and Bruce counties and the been removed home and is conyxles- �.., . they were interred side by side, one l -north and 'west. of Middlesex than in cent.". • .. ,� ,. h slightly soiled from parotin Eder ar burial service answering eon the two. g y . , g; Y g , I any other district :fn old Ontario,"'is Have the NEw ERA sent to your sons I Yo- . .inept was sent to the Pressing Room In BEET ROCtT SUGAR, -Last week ithe rather startling statement made 'and dao hters• who are away from � r . i Me Shuttleworth, of the; Berlin Sugar by one of the Farmers' Institute lac- tThome. daughters. 'who appreciate the. hotne , the Factor to Ile: re -folded and to all in- Factory Factory-, was here in eom any .with tuners a}.his .• report to ,S0 Pt, Putman news !rack week more, perhaps, than' : ' '� -tents and purposes the are good as if taken l &t: Toronto Being a lecturef upon i some who reside, nearby, If you send Y Me Wf liam Graham, visite a •irumber . • . freshifrom the boxes, There are dozens of farmers who eplitempplate raising soil and subsoil, cattle and grain, and them your• own copy it costs you 52c a sugar beets tilts year. IYIr Graham Ys other things of :a tiaaterial nature, h@ . year for postage and the trouble of S pring •ot high grade garments,better than we can opt every day, and is kept very busy i does not delve further into the peculiar wrapping it up. : nontractin for land ; h@ sa s the the' situation presented -.by a superabun carry in stock in the regular way and the " iT Y Conductor McCallum, of the L. ll, &S .. 'i ... _ - ' I 1 L IL �. � ' dance_ of. bachelors, and a. marked acreage this year will be. mush larger B. wndcto been ll the sick list, re - whole lot will be sold at Makers riCBS Or than last, as farmers ar@ realizingthat. dearth of children: He simply makes 1. P. the lain, bald -. statement, and lets it sumed his run on W, nchay ; during his . itis a good profitable crop. p illness his men were in charge of Con- t I , I I � - I . I . .11 L I I. I less. There are:— > ggo at that.. We . dopa. know whether' doctor,. McKenzie. It *sera co -incl- " . A POLIC E MAGISTR d'i'E. =Mr. S. his statement is true or otherwiae,.btit ' Ski• ° ° J: Andrews has been nominated for. we . are under the .'impression •tlitit : dance that both trains on :this line . . rts the position . of: Police 'Ma lettere of there'are mor@ bachelors in Ashfiatd should be in charge of conductors a#' - , • town:. • That such an. Officigal is much '$bwnship :than ,in any other in the. the satin@name. .. .. needed •will be readil admitted; and county. And -there is -no good excuse The Huron Old Boys;' of 'Toronto, I Li L . �• y I' ,/�O�S Mr. :Andrews will perform,`tho duties for it, because Ashfield has some of.' met at the Sing F•dw?ira last.. Friday thereof as satisfactorily, as anyone. It the finest girls to be -found in Ontario: r night ant] decided to hold their annual . �' is a position. very few care to accept: ... . : excursion to the old county, on July - . Drawers. His :a ointment has been venom• DEATH •U14' MR. MITCHELL. 7th,- The returns from the recent , pp . h1.o. time quite so %• mended 'by the local Conservatives; Me. Mitchell. o£ the Ngws-R@cord, Was at ham@'were received enc trued to . i , • • • � - '. ;and also that of Dr. Thompson far the.. called to Hanover on I'rid,i,y, owing. to' 'be very satisfactory.' 11ir �. O •Me• .. ,goad as N:OW ' t0 to , Wet Wali " tit L. . { osition of Coroner.: ' - the death of''his his brother, concerns ig T,iggart, president, was,in th_ a chair. " 17 �7 I. ` P.r- - r a, .. c ... .il ` .Juit.: \\ der our Sri . ,whoin w press re ort says.. Mr; J`nu.. )t, . • p g . . . UN USUAL8E1tvI(7E Me sis, lisp -o 'the Hanover r ' March,nuiiberof the Canadian ev a ,. Mi.ehell, publisher, # n e .The , All the new • ;Sultiri $1. Mauning,and Wade conducbed,i retie- Post; died Friday.. afternoon of.pneu• Magazine has a fall page lioto'en- g Corset Covers, r tilled •'They old school -master' and be- nd. away leas service at •tlie.Qcgan Factory on xuon�tu', rifler an illness of about;ten : . neatti it this statement rhe origfinal,. , are here' Fara :• Friday last.- The spacious. office had • dti, s. Deceased. was burn to the vel-. u n st arid' best- lot y of this: •ihoto 'ra h was an Irish •sch .l- . o the fl e been kindly' placed at their. disposal by I " a of Arthur 53 years ,ego, hied aboat • g . p �o Children. S. Dresses' i ; Mr, Dohert and o '� a Cdent f mast@r; dao in his later days way . of hi h -class oods we . . ; y, d , at 1s, P noon; about. Say years • since . became - res, o %es' ]'nsitrtute g .' g . .- .. . .' ,, Librarian of. the 1liechan . . one•hundred of theem to seer' tethered ]a<<os er .IPL --,1889 he: uh Chased the . . . .. p y.p. ever put in the" store.. , ° 1 i1 sari les.well made from .. OOd:materia :s there 'and wase ,'addressed h Mr. i h' `.under his: •able mans e- in.a western 0htario town, 1 e was a -LLL `' p P g l • , , ; , . y.,' Poet, wh g , . a nobler ems'. ,The 'hot.:is b Hent •r _ 47ade: from the words. "Choose Y6'this trent becitwe one.of the •niiost wider. • . Y[? li Q „ p Y •. ''. Our ever - increas n and this seasons styles.- .: We do not often i • Clinton, andlis• an: excellent. likeness g }' a... .. day whom: ye ". will serve .. It seas a react and influential local w eekh -a m haves chance to sell arnrrents of this ual- abort brit im ressave disiiourse and extern Ont ,f - TIe was u mrun of of the late Jaates8cott, cif aowai. W. e 3 t e r'n business was attentively listened to. the strictest' integrity and was held iii l nlatl?: 5. it absolutely " rty at any such prices and it will pay ;you .. the wry liigheat est@em by. hi9 fellow - . ,, �.' - f us o and a_ ...:ou. well :tb_take advarita a of :this_.- _LE. sl, _Lent,1_seaion.for_19W _ _townsme , He_ is _ s.'ttrYi d_ Icy. .. him K"�'�""�',�'.�^''"�'""""'"'." —_ . err 1. - or. t ..,.. _.: : P YY � . opdned ,the last. oar of .February, wfdow,.one son` 'Gear e'H:,..ed4Bor cit pens g _ . : • '. airy - l a r g er r snort- - sale of sam Ies: You can depend on them . P •.. • P which is "eight days artier Shan' last 'the.Post, and t o daughters, Mins W. Pe/'SOi3a/ N 0:1t fe S �,. mentS and.. r'e a t e r being ood, if.we were not sure of that, yeiir Lent begins oiri Ash Wedues• G..Clendening of: Chicago,:: an&Miss it these h.vtirs relatives or'leiends ( • g . I day, and 'terminates . on Easter Sun- Edna ,it home. The funeral tools place + -visiting, in town or eine aw•y + , variety than We O. • the would not :be here.. . }r airy. cowering a peried of forty days, on Sunday ..afternoon, and 'was eon- ,. notary ue or:ahe toot saoh week; we Y P y by the iwiasonio order, of winch would annona1.oe it in the Ntcw Tien. sib! otherwise.. could: exclusive of sand=s s: Ash Vlrednes- ducted .. . • da : this year came opt February 28, Ixe,was one gf-the arost active memb„rs - -• Y y C of i'''�"'� To --day you can have . l oid• . I and ,Easter Sunday, falls on April l5. .and.a Fast .Master. Tn p.. it o .d �+ p p p. p Pal I aa. Li eral. Israel a for London was .in : Or, t. hoice .'. eri d Col se m Sunday pull be ora April B,.and cetsed w�a b, Mr, s I,T y . , .. praC ally LS r Good Freda ..one. of'the• moat im or- townlast Freda ... Y, pp the'fine • stock vw a have boa ht i fpr this 'season.., ` . ' tant-occasi ns fallen 'im-ulat' will be LIT'.CEE LOCALS..• •.Last week4 .the � g >!dr Wal er Uole spent? few ,days in of • ' • A' rf113th,o S wei►ther was -spring-like, and', birds Ei month: from now the Ve r attern'yQu Would have ., , p Toronto lAst weekk rY [ - . v were dpi ri merrily.; this week: any • eft five Certs. eke ma be old. No eedto a for :our suit an R ii+�u�g L , bird was.fimolish'to venture dull. •:aha ' Mrr Thos. !sick 1s spending a few, l.. d, s n P. Y. your Y . 11 , TRAIN DELAY. -The tram from roads. that were: tit slush last-.wc4k; da s,with frtendb�fn.Exeter.. y • = London, Mande ev@pin ,was delayed ', Y _ sooner than if you ordered at moilthlor two later. dick'. We have SOmethin new in- `Corsets-- U5t a : for over an hour b a s i' ht accident having frozen up, are wee y roughs ... Miss • Pearl Shannon has ane on ii .- g. J : y.. s... , . What is needed in town; and •badly g r,. - ct out. now. •.Y,ou . get just what .you want, and can little bit out of the ordinal High- rade Tae t tri the engine. Ap roachin l entralia visit toper sister„Mrs Joy, at byline )' g Q P needed„ ails a number of houses -tltaat - p gg� i it was fonnd that they, sou) not 'con. i}ion h - li+e take it just,when.. ou are read ! Girdle Corsets, embroidered in ink nile reen or trot the en in@ and it ran est the - would rent at $0 or $7 a t, , t y . .Miss . Little; of° Londiyn, .wise this .. ... .j }. Y. P g p need not'be- expensive to build, bait . week visiting ,pan sister, Mrs White- , sk blue. Thee. Corsets slave had an ,enormousstation at full„speed, oxri>:'atopptng they:ahou>slbeconifoxtable,.andivot�td :head: . when steam was -exhausted. It was G,anadiain TWeed SU)(ting5 $Ig.00 t0 $ItS.$O y In the cities. The _ ualit is as ood `as most ` � carefuil backed to the station and pav good 'interest on the investment:.' A. Q.: Puttisoruaud wife spent_ Sun- _ Me q Y g .. Y' i _ :- kind sold at c and the •TI be, another engine sent for, but"before its• •The Jackson Factory:' was ,vrorkaaig d day with the:ii son, in law, J. wlicG.uire, Scotch TWeed Sulting8 $il$.01i) t0 .$2$.00 ' Corsets of the 7S ► Y. i arriviil'tlte •refine had been fixed up overtime on: hiondaT..:.Although .an et Parkhill.: ' ' Found ver comfortable and easy fitting. :We have, ' : and the train' then roceeded 'on fila ui.usual number of business, changes Dov@'Garanein,und PrneSt 'Ewitchell Y _ g - ...- have taken. lace_m..tuavn...durin .the Ser._.S4itln S.•_...........•...., _._ .. . . , about i i airs to sell with the sane les of Under- way xi anturday with frigmds to $ $� $2S _4 . p $>l0 4.. Q 5 p p :: last few months,., others ,are under �' .. . • . •FRUIT,' INSPECJTION�-Mr. Clifford, . ne otiatibb, and also the establishment . incardane, wear at g Mrs.. Bauird, of' Parkhill, -lupe :has R111cy,Wo1'Sted StlittngS . $I��00 t0 $x$:00 one of the Inspectors ,ander the Fruit .'of new tiiisinesses.:..Mr : Cott!@, Rs- , . • Act of the Dominion Government, was sessor, iwpretty well on with his work, been visiting hiends here,: returned . .. . a in town on Tuesday to investi ate' it ,.Another -'month and the whiier home on Mond,uy« i• Ifty five- Cents a pair.'"' r y All made.i.oiyour.orders from'materials of quality, .Char gge aggainst a mari of town or ai- will be over ;-about 1950. the oldest Blake; Edwards„ of tare Moleons le�,ed violation of the Frieiit Marks Act inhabitant will tell his grand chit Bank;' has been transferred to the, lined throw hoot .with ood linin s, aria ut` to= . .� I while ackin for Me Henry, of Osh- of the remarkable winter .of • 1906,: -. • Brockville brwich,, - g ' P I I "I . . p (awn. ..The pi ty concerned proved to .In the netghborhood of V10,e00•worth Miss Pearl, Guise„ of Briupefteld, was, ether b people whq know how to do it,.and do it ` •. - PRINT. PATCHES i oc. I Mr. Gifford's satisfaction that he had. of horseflesh was shippped to the,, wrest the west of het~ friend l�iiss Emma g Y P P1. . - • ! northing to do; with "the Mackin onl ,from, here this, week....The .ne alar r La.vis over Sunday. � RIGHT, . � . . I#undreds of bundles, of Print Patches, light, dark and - r looking after the shipping. r. Gil meeting of the Town flouneihakes. . ° , , f' Dr Thom n was called. toHamil-° . s medium shades, j_atit the thing for, -patch .tivork on sale ford sppoke: 'very favorably 'of :Mr•. D. place next 1VIonday....There is some, lam' . Cantelon's work during' the past sea- .talk of ut+lizing the -old Itakting ton, on WbdreWay, owing to the ill- -- Saturda >roe er' bundle. son. ” •: Factory a§ a cooper sjtop,.fdr the -man- Hess o£ a hrother:s:child, . Saturday., • p - ufacture of :tipple barrelo, 'but-mothing.I Miss Edna Manning.was a guest :at • �I definite has been decided upon..,Hogs the Normal School At ,items in. Lon. : ! . WO1V,r�N'S ,INSTITTii1`E.-Tire reg. ... . ,A . I alar me@ ink of the Clinton Branch of are %noted this week at $6:80„ that be- � don last Faiday evening. , the Woman s Institute, was held at ing paid yesterday by Fitzsimons +Rc . Mrs. Neil Pox' of Morden, Man., who, . � The$2.,50 Skirts f the hoine of -Miss on Thursday Son• has been visiting her, old friends here, , evening last. The meeting� was pre• leaves in a few days %i• home, R.a.i A lot of Skirts were said last Saturday. Still sided over by Mrs C. McIihinba, 1st Carnival . • • G ' Mr J©hn A.very .1@ft ort Ttteeday • ' • - Vice Pre'sident,: After, the usual morningfor •the west, being ticketed , .- �. we have a dozen or more of the Bargain lot to sell, routine of businessthesubjects,.t'Value A carnival Twill be lyeld in the rink by•W, ackson, C.P.R. Agent • _.. (�� If you want a Food Skirt for ever da wear, here of cereals as breakfast food” and on Monday*, March 5th: when the fol- Co ��s' Y by, : • "Pies" •were . Introduced and warmly lowing prizes (ori exhibition in• W . R,. bliss.Violetta Thomason, of Clinton, ,04- - is .a chance to savd'a little' -money: discussed. The next meeting will be Counter's store will be fven t was the guest of her sister, Mrs A. H. • . g l g Tierney Blyth, duripg "the.past week, ' ' With .the weather such - M,,,, ,,, . I. held at the home of Mrs G. Barge on, For best skater on the ice, Cn�eas- 3 ,. 12 or i5 Ladies Tweed and lain Cloth Skirts. .. p i Thrit'sday, March- 22nd, ;>;t 7.30 p m. tume,'overll5,yeais old, stefiling silver. Me Wanless, of, Toronto, an ,las we'have :been having', , assorted styles and sizes, well made from , Subjects .- ''Uges of eggs to be 'intro- desk set,.valued at $4.50, Official of the C. P. it, stopped off on materials that will give excellent wear, •regu- . iduced by Mrs Wstts ;and °'Ins@els Ladies' , or iris' fancy dress.; first Wednesday to visit his brother-in-law, a Raincoat iS an absolute . lar $8.50 to $4.511, price now . • ° •. how to get rid of them," by, Miss te, comb and _brush dace, valeed at Wm Grahruni.., . :necessity, .if a mall has to Tebbutt, 2nd. box of erfume;valued.at$1,25, r. Mr Geo Robinson, o£ Lucknow, .was be 'put .every da Oris ..• , � IT, pp + onated by R. P. Reekte. I.the guest of Mra, C, Wallis, this week, ° Y .�.+r. O.."_' I 30 DAYS WITH HARD >.ABGR, - , S 5 Gents or boys' ,tinny dress , first, with. whom his•sistevin-law, Miss Mei does for showery weather - h J. P. Harrison,. who foolishly tried to prize, -set military hair brushes, value , Allister is visitin • , . e - work �a blackmailing scheme on Mr at $2 ; 2nd prize, clothes brush valuead g' and takes the place. Of ii . Davis, of the Hotel Bedford, Coder- , at.$1, . ' , ;- — � � Mr. Austin. Mahan, of Toronto, who 11 lit OVeYCUat as well. g I ich,last, week, add, was cominitted to Ladies' or girls' comic costume ; first has been the guest of Hartley W, ( 1 . stand his trial tit the Jurors' Session, ,prize, box of- perfume donated by W.. , Watts the past two weeks, returned (Jul' stock is large, the n mad e•: application for a sppeedy trial, S. lt. Holmes, valued at.$2 ;.2nd prize, to the oily yesterday, styles are right and the Last Call, for Coats wlrieh war ranted, and he came up china jewel case, valued at 76c. i Miss Lva Clantelon, of Brussels, why before His Honor Judge 'Doyle ouTues• • t va.liteS good, • Men's or $nye comic costume first � has hoer visiting her cousins, Misses $' , day for hearing, He pleaded guilty size, uinlirella valued at $2 ; 2nd, pair Hattie ani! 11,ossey Lav is, for the last f•l.ere is the last call fpr -Coats for this season. ` and elected to be tried by the judge, hid gloves'valued at $1, . two weeks, has teturnedihome'.t . A£ter'tlte J'edge had reviewed the case 115t Or IO left and we mUST. SELLTHAM tJ Beat eltinvn ;. let prize. list valued at , Itobiti 1Vlacpiterson.of the PittentDe- Dain fr(►t$� ready -t0. ' Just nP dhe erfine h prisoner the .wars linnet $2 ; 2nd prize, $l worth of shaving partment, Ott;, , is ,Iiotnc on a true r W QAi'� $7.5U, I O ' - '�Ve will not show our customers one t , e tickets, given by E Munro, barbel•. ....juontl�vieave of ihhseuee. He has just - ._:_ ._..___---: - _:_ __- . _.. . . for his wife and child, the latter' only ,. ► I i " ears ,uc . _. . i-- . _.._ . - am i ( �._ ... - . ;...... r f -_.Coat—when-anext.Xa;ll--comes est_l_o _p_ .A Iii- Y-_ __r,,,l, ". If' solita ; feliv months nld lxe would- feel diapos- _k _,_.con3a nut- of i1t ..-hos titikt, afEei mix * i S . _ ' knife donated by Harland Ards„ week's illness with t i�tofci fc c o - � m 1317IIC[, ti�C'�t tai-e4n-th _ 7u i;ei '� Aa-g,i li 131 " L r d6itt Y^ _. �r ._ �.,�..... � • to the circumstaneee, arra with a haps _ _ The Great_V ls, Mobbina, Tribat> n mope 's worth if you .only wear it this _ tbat,herWduld lead s,more m,i.nl n Best ktay skater under 1Lyoais, parr says : INIrs .James hiring, of White, • Rain CoatB� made�tO ,.get your y Y y y a d of knickers, valued at $1.50, y . C Honorable life, he committed Ilarvison ,t - Bear,accorn anfei byhertwo no h9ws ' ' r .. _ sea011, aria yt3tt Earl have It: for All skaters trust bo t t coetttmo *lien p , p order, $ t 2.0. .. to, Ituron county a ajl for one month entering the rink, as dr'essfn rooms ' Ro.nalcl and Maynard May, arrived in and iS. � ,, , �., ' 11 with hard labor, he prisener brake i g .. the city esterday, and will spend sev. �II[P,„,� Aft_ t `..•• p y pl . eannot oe furnished, Y � brat wee s is down and Nept bitterly • and a te,tled Jatnes, Wies will give a box, of 10c � bete its the guests of bit a,. AIV �i�T1fiN`s for letttency and prc�mieocl he would • 1' stud 111t's Williritri ltrunc <, cigars, valued at $2, far best gentleman `- - --- '` �,, �µ ,, .,• lead it more inanly life fn the future. skater in the rink over 30 years of age, ' George Lifthwaite, of 1,61itib'urgh, . . , .�•,, r ;,'trr the tneantitn@ his wffo and baby IIo will also gfve a similar I csx far trig 'North ,rlcota, �vho with life *firs and , ClOtIIIE 1' E m . x _, ,,tl "' (the former a trained nurse) euro loft to of ivivr on skates, seven then to a, side, faintly have ireen visiting relatives ' . get inion as best they rail, fIlouah lite i ' t tit °e o c . 1 hero ylu' resect rotarnm Home this ,;.., pall to take place uco li centre of , t to , purposed g , • •:Y: too le o town will not see h r., sitf£en , HODGENSDROSo CLINTON' � ,, ®: :: .r I p t r first two teams to bond'in names will wook; but is unfortunately laid ti �:; She will like! return to the old coon- . �J . ^ + r - p ( with a severe attack of pleurisy, at the :' . �• ��? - . , I bo.tlie oras to till, _ _ try, to £rionds: 'i`he whole affair is a ", Loveryybody come and enjoy th6 fust, . home of itis fatherofn-law', Air Henry1. most unfortunate one to say the letust as this is the Must of the season, . , Murphy, of Goderich township, i " dajjr6 _ - ....P .. . - .!� I I 11 . sir ' Y ,,