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The Clinton New Era, 1906-03-02, Page 7
K K K 8, 1( • PRETTY CANADIENNE: ,rayed Afoot rein ie iNney DilTeme "Fru its[IRt1ves. + ltnseotr,P Sl., Nov, ,6th.. rant "7 leave tatttejt pleasure in reporting to you the great benefit Slum • received from taking "Itruit-adtivee"-40 I feel that I cannot say too snitch,infavor of a medicine which has done me so much good, I Waist inortyz'to that distressing complaint, chronic constipation accompanied ;with severe headaches, backache, sick stomach and all the ayniptotusof • dyspepsia. < had also a dreadful complexion, sallow in tate extreme and black under the eyes. i bad every eysiptogt of kidney irritation and 1 had been; told by Physicians that my kidneys were affected. i consatted ai slumber nt physicians and tools various remedies but received very littlebene,fit, bast May I was advised to try "Fruit.a-lives" and when 1 began 40 item thew . r bad little faith of Sided anything to give me permanent •relief, 'out after <' bad taken half a box of "Fruit-a=tives,r I began,to feel better and before I bad finished one box the constipation Was solieved, Atha beadachea left me, the pain in my back was better and I could ;seep to fondly au when I was child. Also, my complexion began to clear up again, all the sanow- aeas disappeared and the blade circles under my eyes went away. The pain in the back Sradualiy left me and all •signs ,of kidney disease disappeared : i y the first of August later I had tricep slime ,boxee, Since then I have continued to itnprove and now 'have none of my old symptoms stud my appetite is good, digestion splendid and my complexton as clear as • when 1 was young girl. Also the .constipation from which x had suffered so.long"haabeen entirely cured sunlit isnot necessary forme totake the "Fruit -a -tines" now as Tam quite well in every, way. Itook no medicine but "Fruit•a-lives" but T followed faithfully the directions as to diet etc., given in the pamphlet which accompanies each box of " itruit.a-tives." " ' (Sgd.)• .Irx.m ewca ;Mallow. Every part of the 'body xs constantly decaying and being renewed, The dead cells, or .tissue waste, . should beremov$ by the skint ;kidneys and bowels. When these organs do not aet regularly, this poisonous matter stays in the system—is taken 'upoby • the: blood carried to heart, liver, stomach : brain and nervesall ethe o ., ,.._.. � overbody —and poisons everything it . fondles. "Fruit a-tives" keep each orgasm cyan and healthy; "Vtuit•a- tives" act inn the skin, stimulating the millions of nunuteoglands and opening the pores so the -waste can escape. They act on the liver sending more bile into the bowels and making the .bowels move -regularly and naturally every day. • They aet on the, kidneys, strengthening and invigorating these, organa and curing all kidney disorders. At a1 druggist, *or 'sent postpaid onreceiptof price-.-- -.. soc.. a box- or 0 bones for :$;.go. fi4fv or Fru.3t Liven Tokslatt©. Manufactured by: - ▪ FRUIT-A-T11'ESLIMITED, Nos LOG :'IQi!lei Cromwell fhled, Englunu,no is-. a Inst 11 1 i e" 'wed . edict . ga , a fest v ti s at atrls�as, The festival Wee .altogeth- er •a'bolisheds and ;the diepiaying of bol• * and mistletoe and other embl'emi of • ha time was held to be sefi- the p t tiouw` In 1644 the long arliament • csmin'an ed: that Christmas day should eas a strict a when; all obs ed feet, w bet, people should' think over. and deplore t4e great 'sip. . of which '.they and their forefather had been guilty in making merry . _-at that Beason. This act so.pro *eked file people that on, the' following natal day the law was violently . re - :dated In many places. Though these scenes' were: disgraceful, they served. theirpurpose,; and put an'erad"to: an un just order, : When Charles II. regained ihs #hrohe the v Mace once more Made i•. s t a time of re oie- ' mad Chr stmt t de. _ ) .. 3 ing.. Andeadl �ott� w � anted Highest prices paid: Rini log's especially required . STAPLETON SALT WORKS R. & J. RANSFORD: l imerican Corn Por Sale. cash Ce re exchanged nae for grain. a. Also other Stock foodA quantity of first-class Amer- tan orn will be sold forpopulace ' INARY CONCEITS, diet if loam of lottuco wbikh are Siot iittractivo for salad win be boiled elk stsitnie4 anservsd as greens. Dr limp rho soler of paisley dip . it bit* Mute or two In boning water, Meal shako on the water And chop One for soup or stlgca, It to much' milt Ins been added: to soup, ,tura It aria potato and basil it lo Ole soup for a few £moments. The po- $t* will limit much 0 the salt; Afeat.baked In time Oven and Hever bested "le often like tough leather throughout, In baking A eery bot oven• in wanted for five minutes, then the hest should be redueed for gentle cook- Good meat 401114 he Arte and not too *$xk nor too pale in color. There should be no burst veins nor blood marks; If so, these places will decay early in kept Meat and will spread alt: area of fection around them, SEcLJFI' s+.•,•,, Cenul m Carter's polished, Recently, however, word. . • •4 !ng to the fidelmentall Industrie, the Little Liver Pill ENGRAVING ON DIAMONDS. • Intelleidt Work *s rooters*** Yee';/ Artitrtlea lex, Engraving on diamonds can be ,pee'• termed In a very effective mauner. It - is true few not very artiNiicaily M graved Stones were found in India, and s dlatnond on'which the portrait' I 0 the king et Idoiland was engraved was elto vn at the Paris exhibition in 1878. But the work was imperfectly' executed, and the •atones looked as if they' bad been deadened ranter than Must Hoar Signature of sr see I itsslmite Wrapper Below. I'Very assail Pont as Oerf That old Wlolacer Chair. to.tetieFIEFeoliar. To renovate a shabby wicker chair d .. _ ...:..., FOR MEA,DAc{llr *rat, cleanse the wicker thoroughly, 1 chums got DIZZINESS. using scrubbing brush andd plenty pleenty of D1110USNEIriS. soap and water, When dry the chair Will be greatly improved with a coating er two of green plain, For the seat • make a cushion of green linen or a pret- • ty greenish cretonne. Another cushion for the back may. be Iiked�.-and_it is . snail made. Make it of the same 'ma- �eet s*usit sAutese, saruer. y it tsl'°eiits'1 I _/f_+,✓;.e. a It terlal• as the. seat cushion and Jr bag ''""'�" �• '"""'" `"� shape, longer than wide; It'may be fas- tened to the chair by means pQf tapes Awed at.�tbe..top tr g r :' aye . -U a Ioose cushion be preferred „a ,pretty yellow . ,.Boxing the Earn. Wien would look niee and contrast well • There are still sow intelligent wo- 'with the green.. Make the case slip eaten •who after all that has been writ- fashion„ rit fashion,; so that -it may .eas1ly be wash' • ten on a subject insist on boxing ebil- ed. An, unbleached ,Calico bag°will be t'en's ears. Oniy 'while ago, in this good enough for the vegetable down twentieth century,' an edueated Wo - with which the cushions are $hied,, man was seen. to, give her little.nephew ' 0 three years a Sound box on the. ear, An Aid t. Relaxation. "Why people should select the ears :When you are resting, even ' if it's• for this purpose is hard. to tell. Al. to be only a matter of a few minutes, most any other part of the face or body darken' your room as completely as pits= would be less dangerous; Authoritied Bible, Lying down throws your head declare that a great deal of deafness so in such'a position that the lids 4f your common in directly traced to the sharp eyes have ab lu t nob e a t c vase o y e so et keep oft rays oP light, and there is a definit. 'boxing on the ears which, schoolmas t tern -of the past used to indulge in. -- eye strain in consequence:. ' No bed New York Tribune. should be placed In. such a way that you are forced to • face the, morning '" • tight, 'and especially not so that + the 7' etcints knlc. light trill waken you, ,Depend upon an ' In packing a trunk use. heaps of pa- -per with tailor, made and FOR TORPID: LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW Shill. OR THECOMPLEXIOU E Shell ;!is E.II,Ie,rr+r., .:. larm clock for that if there"s nch^ategarments willing to Serie in that capacity: There : pack tdieni as mush like a man's -suit must be no strain.upon any part of as possible. Never forget that wrinkle you it your rest: Is to be perfect, and and many other wrinkles will be avoid - A mater'atremember e$ And of i s se e x the matter t darkness ,serge o . k ess h a or It ria g. t sa andmost ole >a oat v l s pack magnificent*, ai- ttl'eat deal, to do with the ease. , para altdays creases, faced. cloth wants dare, cashmere does crumble, but soon . ti{)S�'.1 NT •1 ioNIA STARTS' shakes out. Velvet,, of ;course, !must Y,i•t'c:,tc if,a,little :calil,tu day,.hy to- never'he•creased.at,ali •erepe de chine • oi••, r„ r, lilts leashed the thraa:t,next travels very well, oil the whole; ;silks vary and. any how should treated un t t ,' 'big:: are affected :tend you 19 a d y sh d be t e ted w .-.1. + ri • Mid used "Catart-hozone" • with discretion, -Household Companion. a Iasi' i.I.:- cokes in five minutes. In .1 t,.,• , IN r • I l' dee Gatiirrhozone soothes' O• ersted Mattresses.. I:,,..t.1Pa, ed ii einlirtines-and relieves ' Parisitl`- aseek r c • I e, t, t n :... Itn. i ` cuts On the • ■ thefed to spore phlegm ii.:1 1 :destroys troys the . germs: • 7t on seented, ma��ti'ases: Bags of: differ- �e; asses :1- 1.1luod to retain 'it -00,.; urn; • eat eolored Ins are made and .filieel „l,i,i•,• ,ir a;ygen, lting:fooc'i, and vita-. with=violet, heliotrope or lavender and i,, y. 1 ,. tr(;\ . eoligh;' hi oiichitis'-or.lung 'sewed' on •tbe•; ides ;