HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-02, Page 3• O O
March h 2n4, 4900
Bronchitis is a pretty bad
disease if you don't cure it,
but it does not do • much
damage *hen promptly.
treated with- Payable.
Psychine is a specific for
all affections of the. throat,
lungs and . bronchial tubes.
You can', Have both. Bron-
chitis and Psychine in your.
system "'at, the same time.
Better have .the
Sold in almost ovary Drug Stora in
Canada for 31.00 per large bottle. If your
druggist does not rave it, we would be
pleased to send'yiiut a large sized sample,.
with instruction., and our "Wreatise on
Throat and Lung. Troubles;' free 'with •
our compliments, Address . "ample •
Dept. J.K,•"
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Waited
Lubeeties'ry..' tee MiniSt, W.•. Tomato •
News •Notes'
Gaueatrwtst These Festveis wad. quit
Sentbeitiete Tear Awoke.,
'rlie happiest housenolds .ere thine
tltsit do not let die out the sentilleent
connected with various ttpnlyereartee„
Although gift giving or recognition et
Such events In a suitable way may be
Opt of the ggestion owlrag to the striae
tined circumstances of those ",rvatltla dile
sates," there canyet he a little tar of
festivity wheel mother't or father);
birthday comes round or come wedding
anniversary is to be celebrated, says
the IndianePtilis Newa,
An extra, dish, a little bunch of low i
ere or Some special mueie prepared for
the occasion will show the kindly eidrlt
and the loving remembrance that count +
for more than the money value of sine
gift. Ae the children grow up, if these
festivals are encouraged, they will have
touch to look -'forward to and much
more to remember in the years to come
When they go out to do battle with the
world and find that sentiment Is creek
ed underfoot and affection is 'regarded
'I' Only as a Bide issue.,
Neatly kept "nails;
Gloves neatly mended.
oothl yy d hair brusbed �► h
Absolute cleanliness of the body.
Waist and eltirt snugly' fastened to-
gether: '' .
Entire absence of the odor of • perspi-
Mr Gus .•E. Geroux, writing from
Pegkbrnit°e; tells how he was injured in
a lumber eainp. :'A, heavy log ,rotted
sthffnese and a hard swelling When
I applied Poison's Nerviline 1 got re-
lief. A few!'rubbings with this good
liniment cured me." In the bush, Ner-
viline is indispensable ;' it cures near;
algia, colds, rhedinatism and.. intermit
disorders,too No . erson can afford to
be without Nerviline. Useful for all
internal and external pain. Large
bottles 25e at all .dealers.
against my 1e
and d I was laid up with
Mrs Thomas Crowe deliberately
'walked into the river at Lakefleld and
drowned herself.
An nknown friend paid a 0400 note'
held by the Bank of Commerce against
Port Dalhousie Presbyterian ghureh,
Rev P; Almgrein was fliedbyfall-
ing tree on the trail. while returning
from a religious serviceat Pigeon Lake.
Deputtetions from Collingwood,
• Barrie atd•Orangeville asked the Gov-
ernment to establish Normal -schools
in those places. -
The Grand Council, Royal Tem�pl�""ars,
of Temperance, ]?ased a
s resolution
' n
eallin for or the entire suppression of
the liquor traffic. e;
Mr W. A. McNaught is the n`
member in the Legislature for North
Toronto.. His majority over ex -Mayor
Urquhart was 1,301.
One hundred million bottles of Pain
Inner used since Perry Davis wide'
the first. Billions of stomach-aches
and other aches cured ; what a record.
in 00 years. ' Have a bottle always
Bandy—you will not regret it. ,,.-•••:• ,
The decision of the Dominion Goy-
^ ernment to present 325,000 worth of
flour to the starving, Japanese,is-an
action that will be —
endorsed by every
huinane Canadian. The entire failure
of the rice crop leaves the Jitpanese
with no means of existence, and while
• The Great Air Whale.
5310 nattve inhabitants of • the Fiji
Wends bellies thunder to be the bel-
lying of the Poet -a[r whale; a hnytii.
,creatturs, Which, according to their
Ore stQrles►inhabits
e ,'ipposits
e of all thunder clouds. ff.the regn-
ietion thunder cloud appears unaecom-
nied -by the .ominous rumblingeepe•
,lar:to such phenomena„ they take it
ais at . token ' that 'the Great Spirit U
pl.assd with. 'their past doing.It, lim-
it. as the ther band, tate detonations
•frequ nt and Violent they ate 'sato
t the 'god of the elenemia is dli
weed and immediately *engage tea -
lily i In .all sorts of-ludicrous-lncaita.
SOPS e for the purpose of eighties maty'
Lightning ti .to thein the result
1. bs air -whale 'tin Solent his teeth to -
set W end • thus striking tire.' Another
Peeliltarity of this pr, native people lies'
t1t the •fact that they will not:partelce
the action of the Government has be- •
?hind it the hope that ultimately the
et food while a ' thunder cloud ie .its
t, fearing that the air whale will
once upon and devour then,, for such'
verence. •
Japanese may use nothing but Cana
dian flour, the spirit that gives prompt.
relief is one that I
is commendab e. _
4, Keep, saying it, over and aper again.
c Ayer's. Pills, Ayer's Pills. Ayer's
/ e.7 Pills.. The best liver pills ever made.
' They cure constipation,.' indigestion,
table, sugar-coated;
coated' m
.,biliousness s%ct•headacto.AllveLe.
Teinroa.lei anneal Me ammo*.
L wail. roe..
The leraeLa • a!1 ser. idea. ;.Low» Mut.
HOMIER WATSON Photo by Carbon stel�',,Toronto,.
Canada's Great Landscape.1 ainter.
Every great landscape artist is both a•poet and a painter: The imagination,
the intuition, the interpretation, the sympathy, the reverence, the love, kinship
-" and communion with Nature of the poet; filterin • through the mind of the artist
find their meelium of expression in brush .and.colorss. Every. great painting is of
pottn in paint instead of in print. •
One feels this strongly in the presence of Homer Watson's paintings, the put-
ting on canvas of a single 'nood, with detail ever subordinated to the general
eti• • t. They are never photograihie, but see always' strongly individual inter-
pr� ationa, Whether it be a rough sea with the dancing fisher -boats under a dull,
rain -tilled sky, the white milt Catching the high lights with its background of
fol;'ge, the lone rider bent over his horse plodding Along a ruin -washed road,,
.sows noble monareh forest tree braving the elements., or his interpretations of e
any other moods of Nature one always feels the sentiment, the richness of color,
the htmos here, the glop, the feeling -•-•alt seam parts of a single effect, The•dainty
da ie is of dotell characteristic -of Tonle painters find no platen/ Mr. "Watsoe's work; •
it is ever bold, rugged, broad in treatment; breathing vigor arid vitality. ••
Homer Watson was born .in the little village of Doon, on Grand River, One,.
in 1856, and as a boe• at school showed his 'natural instinet for. art when he sur•
reptionslyy drew on his shite an over -vivid picture of the strong and peculiar fea-
tures of his teacher, which Brew Sppon hen deserved punishment,' He seetried
to teen naturally. to landscape work, and his first large painting "Tito Pioneer
Mill," which appeared at 'tete first exhibition :of the Royal Canadian Academy
teas purchased by the Marquis of ,exhibition
and now hangs in it place of honor in
Windsor Castle..
Vie Watson has exhibited at the Academy. la England, the New (lettere,
the Nene English Art Club, the Glasgow Institute and at International ,Exposi•-
tions, and been honored by one-man exhibitions where thirty or more otitis pant.
Ings, were hung together, thus enabling one 'to study comparativelyith range of
bis work. Ile makes almost annual trips to Englandl,but lovi•s Canada, hoe scenes
and her people too well to take up permanent residence abroad. It is. always
dangerous to Compare the work of ono painter with another as it ,nay carry with
It a suggestion ofpimitation Which wouldttbe unjust to ono whose work is so in-
dividua so Mrr. Watson's; but the critics itt their appreciation of life paintings
ebuple his name with Corot, Constable, Ilfax,"Tlosseau and Cotirbet---a ,noble band '
of masters with whom. Canada's painter may feel honored to be classed;
*toted aecera,nato Aet et the l+Aeimeent at Csnsd&, la the year 1O0, byW.0 ittetc, at tie bonnets* StAtriGuitus.
T•i s CLINTON W gra
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
is a positiv~'$'ure for all those painful
aliments of women..- It will entirely
cure the worst•forms of Female Com-
plaints, Inflammation and 'Ulceration, •
alling and Di�s��pplacements:., and( eon.•.
see ent Spinal Weakness; ; and is pecu-
liarl� adapted. to the Clis?;ye of .Life.
It will surely cure
It has cured more cases . of Female
,Weakness than any other remedy the
world has ,ever .;known. it is almost
infallible in such climes. It dissolves end
expels Tumors in an early stage of'deve-
lopn•;ent. That'
Bearing=down Feeling, .•
causingpahi, weight And headache, is
' instany relleve21 rinanentiy cured
by its use. Under all circumstances
it acts in harhnony with the feinaleeystcin:
It corrects•,
.1•rregularity, -
Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weakness,
of theStomach, .toe. chIndigestion,
n ,
Nervous Prostration;. Headache, Genera.
T'ebi(.itp. Also
Dizziness, ,Faintness,
Extreme Lassifilde, " don't -care " and
want -to -be -left -alone" feeling, excit-
ability, irritability, nervoueness, sleep
lesenese, flatulaticy,, melancholy. or the
blues:" and backache. • These :are sure
indications of Female Weakness, . some
derangement of the organo.. For
_Kidney Complaints
and Backache of either aex the Vegetabl"
Compound is unequalled..
Youcan 1'
write i
w to Irl. Pinkham about
yourself in strictest confidence,
May agar Jap Draftees.:
According to The. 'Vancouver Prove
Ince, next tall Japanese oranges will be
barrel from Canada if they cannot pass
tdspectlon as free from pets such
ptuyle-•oterian-J'ose-scale, Thomas -Cue
Gingham, fruit Inspector, no declared le
an interview with .tha't paper. ' •
,onetr'neaeon iiafeoted y.P�ete
oranges have 'been permitted to enter
the country t ls.-;yrear." Bald Mr.'Cun-
ningham, "ht', because 'they have been
paid tor. ` Of course, no distribution
of them is .allowed till :they have beefs
thoroughly fumigated • and.' the' scale
parasites ,destroyed. Merchants hero'
placed letters of credit in Japan on
w hich the Japanese growers "'drew as
soon es the -fruit was despatched tO this
port.': Next year, to protect themselves,
�Vide�nee That Would Convince the
Moat Obiti*ate nagiragentan.
The old lady had lost the check to her
trunk, and the depot officials said that
she mist enumerate the contents and
Batley them that It belonged to titer.
"Waal, new," sire began, "right on
top of everything you'll .find a red.
woolen inert that I was taking to me
brother :Witham. 1Krtltiatn. pa's rheuma-
tism, and. red woolen is,powerful good
•tor that."
"What else?"
"Then you co a to three new sheets
for Aunt Mary with a new bedquelt -
for Aunt Sarah. Thep vthere's a calico
dress 'pattern for•Aunt bfary's oldest
girl and a catskin cap for'Auut Sarah's
oldest boy; Then you come to my
clothes.. There's a silk • dress that has
been turned top to bottom and made.'
over again, and there's"-- -
"1 think the trunk mutt be yours,"
said the baggagemen,'
"Waal, there's:the old corset I bought
five years ago, a white. skirt that I'm
going to put some new trimming on 1
and an alpaca dress that I• may give to
Aunt Mary if she hasn't vowed too.
stout. Then you'll dud" • .
"You can have the trunk, ma'am."
"Mon yulell find a jar of raspberry
jam, la bole of currant wine acid
'"Take it along, ma'am. 'It's your
trunk for sure,"
"Yes, it's my trunk, but now that you.
have got me naming the contents I'd
like to tell you that there are two: pairs
of shoes,•three paint of. stockings, ley
last year's bonnet, ' an extra'waist i
and"— .. • l
But the baggageYnan pulled the trunk
around, broke off one of ethe"bandies,
bent 'the lock' and ,told her teat he
wouldn't be responsible for spontane-
ous combustion if the tiling remained
there ' fifteen minutes longer. Bald -
Nigkkind Teo.
IS Pure Teen
Grand Mogul teas are
the products of the high,
lands in Ceylon;,
q .,They are the real
mountain dew of the Orient,
Q Nature put into these
Highland teas a high ?er..
centage of theme (flavor-
• ins) and a low percentage
`.of tannin (bitters),
Orand Mogul teas are
a nerve tonic, a pure food
and an aid to life.
q Nervous ' people prefer
them to medicine.
Q Healthy people' -regard.
there as the beverage. ` of
good health.
Q Prepared by machinery
from planted to, teapot..;
Gran� Mo ui
�I Sold: only in. whams as >
30c, 40c ,end 50e per; pound la
Wadi. green or sable& Look tier'
the premium touters and premium '
lin in each pads.. Tbs ass if
these coupons is net title fiat of ihs
tea lee is simply a pestel' the cows
tidos appropriable
., splen slid chance
err.. to),l-siuy anything in the way'
of Clothing and Furnishingis
0 AEemembrance .�►�al' .
For .one week, everything at
half -prig. •, - }
Beginning..sat., Murch 3
Fridin ' '
g Sad v�,1Vl�rch #a
SE • � EN DAYS a0
7 a
to buy
a new
Overcoat a: pair of Pants,a
new _Hat, Shirts, Collars and
Ties at Half-price.
Paris Exporitiou For 1916.'
i . In spite of the face that the last Paris
exposition was not- a financial success
and the statement that. there would
not be another "'show" tor many years,
it now appears, according to Le Figaro
of Paris, that a parliamentary corn-
mettee has quietly planned, one for.
• • 1916. The committee bas -been (greeted'
to draw up another report on the sub-
oct: - Under the old scheme o ex o
Ij >? p
Romafee and Reality.
The young man had pulled the young
woman jip the hill• on the toboggan
and was •amazed to find her moodily .
silent when they reached th op.
"What Is wrong?" he :asks: • '
"If you had any romance about you,
.you would have taken advantage Of the
occasion and. the opportunity to • say
teat you would .be happyr.to.pull me up
the hill - of • Iles forever' and ever," she
sighed. as g
'Bet �- ,,-
>W_b twI
local importers of Japanese oranges
will have to insert a clause In , their
men i t w
agreements to w Lh he groomer" that the
oranges shall not be paid for till they
have passed inspection. Any scale -In-
fected oranges found neat 'season
either be shipped' back to. Japan- or de-
'T have issued ordersto all teepee -
tors in-Brittah 'Columbia. to Mace ail
citrus fruits on :the list of.frults which
mekrst undergo inspectlori. I did this
because I' have found that 'the' lemons
and oranges. shipped here. from -Cali-
tomtit. carry 'settle in :stone instances:
It is the purple scale." •
The entire---conatgnment of 20,000
Japanese oranges which arrived re-,
cently by the steamer Tartar from the
Orient had to be fumigated. ,
Twenty -Six in a Bed.
• -mr. ,s it u. rncfmpeon returned''on.
- -$`ta u"r""day from a. trip in N eve Outerio,
going about fifty:iniles nfirth of Now
Liskeard, says The Orilita News -Let-
ter. The country seems to be mining
mad, Mr. Thompson thinks; and. it is.
• almost, impossible 'to: get acoomhnoda-
tion near Cobalt. In a -betel there
wen one -of. 26 sleeping in one roc
The beds were put • close together, and
to .get into one's bed' it was • necessary
to climb over the foot of it. Past New
Liskeard there ds no timber "to speak
'of excepting• pulpwood, poplar; birch,
ate,,, which grows So close that a, rash „
bit cannot run through. Mr.. Thomp-
son Was looking for railway tie thrt-
ber • but found it was scarce in that
"tut 'last 'summer when we'-veere'
.'boating you said you could think of no
i .brighter. future. -.than: to drift together. '
down the. stream• of life,''
„ •I
�.. hknow,'dear,•but.when aase pulls;.
a hundred and fifty pounds' of a :girl
'up a'balf mile hill : he hasn't enough
breath left ..to say what he thinks:
-Drifting Int a boat 'gives him more •
breath and more time to think and less :•
laborious -work' for his arms!'-Oricago•
t .Tribune.._: . •, .
eitiona• originated in 1855 the next ex-
x position should be held after an lie
terra! ol! `eleven ye s or in 1911
Too 3lneh i on .' ---...
T 9 l the, Wate;..
-Oil wits poured .-on --troubled Waters
at puekirk recently with dire results.
There was a violent sea, and the cap
taint of the, ship. Cowrie, stranded out-
side the harbor, pumped. 375 quarts oe •
petroleum upon the waves. The oil ua
happily Stayed in the harbor, and for
weeks afterward the 'p agn'of-fe -„
sell was . elo sed. •;with greasy water,'
Oki . were poisoned in shoals and 'they
'whole "town• smelled of the cif. '
ltelie 6;i4 i1d `Thea 9argery:'°�
• 'When the floor of the operating thee?'
ter of the old • hospital at Canterbury;
England, was torn* up 'the other day,•'
in - CLINTON, from,.,:
r M.
who is retiring, after 52 years in busi. •
ness, and is p now winding up by a real
sale, . which will be called 'a REMEMBRA . l•
SALLA In: place of one man getting the
whole Bargain, I: am giving all my old
customers a chance. Think what it
will • be' a snap' to `lay in a' stock Of
Clothing; Scotch and English Suitings,
and Troia serin s, Men's `and Boys'
g Y .
• . Ready -to -Wear, Suits, Odd Pants, Odd
Knickers. , Everything goes, for.Seven
days, at just half the price. .
Everything ash no
Y � �` , goods exchanged or on approval
h s guaranteed. (We never sold any shoddy.)
t ds. $ale. nd come.early.
• the• rings , were, discovered through•
which were passed the cords for tying
patients down • on< thee operatinee table
.prior to the discovery of anaesthetics. .
'War's Aftermath. •
The Masterful' lady with., her meek
spouse stood at the hallowed grave. of
her first. husband. IIere, -she: said •
impressively, "lies a hero. You would
not have beenm
y husband to
day; Hen-
ry,' had not John been killed at getters-
"Oh," cried, Henry, clutching his
Y g
hands convuislvely, "what a curse. War
Ise'' -Woman's; Some Companion. •
$I00 REWARD, $100 ••
The °
reads s'
r of this paper will: be
le d
s to learn
that at there is ' t least
,a est
' one
dreaded disease a ethat aces
nee has .
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is:Oatarrh. Hall's Catarrh h :r Cure
is the only positive cure now' known
to the medical` fraternity.' Catarrh be-
ing a: constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment Hall's Cat-
arrh Cure is taken : internally', acting ..
directlyupon .y
the .blood and Mucous
of the system, thereby 'des-',
troying the foundation of the 'disease,.
and giving . the patient' strength by
building up the constitueson and assist-
' ing nature in doing its work? The pro-,
prietore have so much faith in its cure-
t tivepowers tbat they offer One Hund-
red Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list offteathmonials.
Address F. .: J. DHENE Y- & -C.O.
Toledo, O '
Sold b a'll7Druggiste, 75e. • •
Take Hall's. Family Pills for constip
I •
• Hard Liner.
"1 tell you, man was :not meant to
live alone: The young man in business•
• who le not mauled is seriously handi-
"That's wbati Not being able to put
his property to his' wife's name he's at
the mercy , of hts •creditors:" --Catholic
+ Standard and Times. .
"Were you an dyed while on the wit -•
nese stand?" .
"Slightly," answered the great cor-
h poration magnate. "The judge and;one
nes. r two other people in the "courtroom
seemed to think they were quite as Im-
portant as pnyself."-rWashington Star.
' AYE YOU A BOSS ? or are you rode.
taden7 it,you .are snaking money for some one
le, quit gad ,,sake utoney for yourself:. ' Get out `
!slavery ala be free. Write G. Mattsirntt. 8c
Ito T.ondon. ,They will show you the way. They
Ave started thousands on the road to freedom.
even dollars a day, every day in the year, is be.
lag +node handling their goods, Write twit..
Time is money. ,
-The Kind That Stick.
'JCrhe.rnai That Turn To
The Kind That End In
tit mot give •a eoid tie 'haus t4 .silt. es
Sive lungd, but en the last oleo Olt Is be yew
insist and qet s bottls•
Dr. Wood's
Nor -.,a.....
Pine' Syrupy...
If wises • C utdu, 044 nemebitl., Mee
'Mese hear fa tri. direst, Vie, a• M,Br
d0a.tlsq at the Throat 11 Lass. Ira Gni!
thaw,. et tl i ss.isiak Str.si, Tis real., entire t
irlsri to lase ate ler 'tk. emetterfel Ilk.
w..e. Benisyr ri.. SSprv` ills cfs.e iitt�rtft
Huhu d mei twin Whiten. lit Nis a "WsrMls
sseiiie. Nr kg* Wallas ,ratll ossllArie lea illet
Sete eg ss . W. are thews obi** a M�«IrM
al SU
OA hssMts."
Nistsr% boosa list
ssistlMttt. . 'rleiYi6
>lrt 1f1Nis "r�I� iw e
wAlipf>tiMbtllos 1f>t•+ "1"1111titlifs itt.ri
One Ezceptiott.
Suffrage Leader—You don't seem the
least worried about the fact that. wo-
men are crowding .out menin every
profession.. •
Sandy Pikes --No, mum. Dey'Il never
crowd men out in d tramp profession,
mule. Columbus (d) Dispatch.
.A Cat-a.tiropbe.
teuitW stet•
Four anarchist plotters in brad,
Invented a new kind of bomb.
They had just got it loaded
• When: bangs—it exploded
Md struck the contsplrators .dumb.. '
Hf. Lase Profit Knocked` Out.
"Ignorance of the law, you•knovrio -
said the justice of the peace, "Is nos.
that efso,"' replied the prisoners
"you 'Oouldn'thave it leg to stand on
' if they ever hauled yon ap, "rota
Thur:-Ohtcago flecor°d-Herald,
Neuralgia awl Ne vascula. Wad. ' fly by,
H1 A H
MIM. Sll
cfb. ON
begot d.urstsInitest dew lg'
Tk �
k !-).71"
Offers to farmers the fol-
lowing remedies:
Stock Tonics. and Blood
Indigestion and, }Colic
Cure. '
Spavin Cure. •••„,3
Worm Powders,'
Distemper Remedies,
• Poultry Tonic.
Louse Death,
Antiseptic Healing Oil.
Sprain Emulsion.
• Flesli
and Gall Cure,
Heave Relief.
Lump JawCure.
Breeding Powders.
Diarrhoea Cure for
colts and calves. •
Leaking navel and joint
• ill. -
These preparations are put up by.
persons who have bad 25 -years'
experience as Veterinary special -
lets, A coupcln is itt everypack.
age entitling the holder to free,
Veterinary advice.
Por Sale by
Ws'8. f.. Itolmes, Clinton.
Millet', Holineforille,
old est' Clothing Merchant in Western 'Onta.rio , .n)V'td
tiring ad' winding
. up, after 52 years,, by a geni:Ine Sale.
�`re .you comms= ?—
Hovey's Baking Powder,,P er lb; :;255e
Hooey's Compound Syrup. of White
Pine find Tar, for coughs'
and colds... d'oe.,bottle for 25c
Hovey's'Beef, Iron and Wine, for
tonic and strengthening •
LIA 81,i
Hovey's., Emulsion Cod- Liver oil
• • and. Sypophosphites, 50%
pure Norway Oti, made by
our own receipe. ' Noue.
other' just as good' 16 oz,
HoveC O O f - •
s. Cocoa,
ream ream o
Y ,
• medicine... 16 oz bottle 75e Witch Hazel and Cream of
Sovey's Ooinpotind Iron Pills, 50'in Violets, for chapped -hands,
a box 25e;'5 boxes $1.00. etc., per bottle 25e
DiSpeileing Chemist
y an uggis
Cutters:. and Sleighs'
First�class Cutters and Sleighs al
reduced prices. •
Repairing- proij ttv .attended to
Rumba! & NICMath,.
Huron Street., • Clinton.
ors \UBtiORI
Hot; about Seeds?;. Call early. We have Rad Clover, Alsike and Lucerne'
Timothy, etc. .
Anyoneewanting anything special should call and order early so as to be
sure of procuring it when needed. •We will talk more of seeds later on.
LADIES.-- Call and examine our new Spring Goods, of all kinds. See our
beautiful range of Collars, get a pattern sheet. Our magazine and patterns art.
very chetfp. .
Emporium, Londesboro,
Feb. 20th, 1906 ,ai ADAMS.
New Crockery and Christmas Fruits
Just Received. t.,
We have just opened five crates of beautiful Crocker i'n -
ported direct from the innkers in .ii',nt� land. We entry they finest
and largest assortments of•erockory in the equity and 'this lot
contains the very latest and choicest patterns and designs, in
Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, and fancy C3hina. They are goods
you should see. We are sellingthem at less than regbin.r priees
New Teas, Sugars and Canned-CCoocis
` kai'�ii1 ixc� t{:ty ; u�t•nti1y nil.",ihie t n fish* ii is
Teas,Sugars, and t:ia ed t
g nn �oods. Call and get llriees.
>'P That lt, aft. We sell the best 25e Tea in
ESS (leeen anti Japan. 1 town.
lrwln. JMat