HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-02, Page 2r. 4, • •••.? 'Fara searea-seeeasssee °LUPTON NEW SRA 7 • -••°"••••••,,, 11107- ') .054- •••••••-•••••• •••••• .111011. ••r••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AN ARM t0 NOOK. ' Exhaustion seseesseee. COPT Cormier Wermaill ,Yalteuesea &moor nerreso. I The- cosy corner of earlier days, with • lta heavy, dust inviting draeltries, masa eushione-oftentimen an incougru- ouu array -,and diYint more or lees artletic, hp* become n thing ot the Aimee Cherry Pectoral is not sairuple cough syrup. It irks , street medicine, a doctor's medicine. Iteures hard cases, severe and desperate Cases,- dri)ele Cellie$ of asthma, Plow. broachids, consumption: Askyour doctor about this. "lute/we/a s matt deo of am,* curd roe t for comes eati hard mitts ea the *wt. n esserae. done MO great mew. it route tlionarelltraratiatribeargrit recovery by tale. you. hamtral pme at Montfort)* loKono of AYsr the thigi boa NeW Er .1 FRIDAY, MARCH 2. 1906 • Deeidedty Personal handsome old, Japaaese laCquer screen ntilized b.:, form a coat* cerner with - Ex -premier Haulten, of the • North- euccessful results..; The hiages ha•ve sontain csoalt past,. Ita stleceesor 113 a knot* artistic enough to suit every reasonable re- quirement and yet not infringe Well hygienic rules. ;Not every admirer of the cozy 'corner, boweeer, can devote the necessary space to it, especially the apartnsent beuse dweller, and therefore . ineenittty 6..tiateti into play and the . est • effeette a s estestaisla a tever space is at the coraniand ,of, the Info- , trews of the house. • An instance Of thls-ingenTelty' IS seen - • In the accomeanying sketch, where, a west, has been bitterly denouncing a been made fast at the end s of thelack tiumber of persons wi h whom he do4 )sforuled 137: the three Panels aa iVell as ' at the junction, of these three panels not happen to agree. anti making per- With thoSe 43)1 either side of it. A. mov- zonalettacks upon , t hears 1 1,:iiia' hes alsCactuble hingels fixed between the gone so fair that the Regina Leader •-: fourth and flith. panels to the left and. feels called upon to administer a sting- ' gle feet turded Inward, as indicated in the sketch.-BrOoalyn Eagle. .. . : lug rebuke to him, and it does so in . s the following scathing manner, fey wehichat evidently has good reason, or . it avolitd notdare do it: "II Frederick Gordon Haul- . • tain can spare a morriebt front the en- -,groseing occupation of. villifying the members and leaders of - the Liberal peaty, we should cou,mend to his at- tention the report of a sermon . quite recently delivered in Maesey Han, Torocto, by Rev Dr Torrey,. at nut tat • eve ngelist, which may,be found in the columns of the Toronto "Sun." The ex -Premier ina,v gather the meaning or the sermen from the following terse and scalding sentences: 7 "The adulterer is the tneauest nem that walks. A man thet .steps in bes tween-another man his wife iss the nuset cuatcmot ible scouediel on earth. The th' f who comes in and. steels s your pocketbook is e gentleman. a noble fellow, compared to the viihiin who ruins you;.home. I care not, what his culturesoeasesi tion, the man guilt y of thieserime id the blackest. meane-t • s.--sapetemeu that exiete." • Dr "rearey wee .•,k'n 'trrot.4‘,11 ly. The 'Leader is spetiksitg se rsouttily . or impereonally, just as Mr .Frederick William Gold on Haultain chorales to judge.. No -,man needs wear a cap which dues not --fit. strathe-' Istherat . patty and press • which have treated j the ex -Premier with courtesyand de .1 licacy -so zonspioneue that it has be- • come his own and his organs' abase 11413100'.41Vben11701'1411111/11f0141;0%***100416- " I •,..c..••••••••a—cir••••••-•,......19.4* Al 1 CA r4e Gertie-Tben y" think ever/ W00111 • 1,41•••••,••••• lresdAY 011sk la Buoyant WK Wraith end vital ammo, Give by 3 idedleln0 10040d tn tb row. ale Sex. ••,i1,1•••• There is no RUM': e for health strength that *Or 4,kaiehee3tft, • ch Dr. lianallton's Ville. For -7bianualy troubles they have no equal. Miss Katie B. Emerson, one of Brockton's popular young ladies, in the following letter voices the con- , viction of hosts of her friends: "Two months ago I was com- pletely used up. 1 was weak and Miserable. My strength was gone, and I had no appetite or energy left. What I needed was a blood Pitrifler and systematic tonic which, I found in Dr. littrailtoa's Pills. To -day 1 am brimnaing over with spirits and virile goodhealth that "came from using •Dr, Hamilton's Pills." No one can over-estunate the true worth of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Their enormoue curative power makes one marvel, You soon have richer 1)1000,' better appetite, clearer complexion, freedom from weakness and. ill -health. Dr. -Hamilton's Pills are sold ever y- where,25c per box,,or five boxes fpr $1. By mail from N. C. Poison ea Co. Eartfora, Con% U. S., A,. and Xing' Atom. Ont. • should have a oler afarldeeeNta but think every roman ehOUld AIM 0 00ter. •rolner•••••••*,---•••••-••••••ca.”.....• Fiegremy. • "The under Or this a'pple plii too lough to eat." "There the Inner ion. It can beused again, you know." Ininrions The habit:Lot eleeping late' on Sunday mornings by those wheat& accustomed to' riseearly-throughmit tlie week is injurious, said st visiting physician ef Seney hospital, Brooklyn, in en Inter- eiew recently, because it disarranges the regular habits of living and even: predisposes to *al illness. "Wonten who sleepsaix or eight brews one daa and ten or twelve ;the next are rarely physically well, for their daily habits ''S• that he is beyond criticism, do• net sr • ally longer •have to put up with 'Mt ‘Frederick Williaiii Gordou Haultain's • coarse and repeated attempts to he. emit ch the personal character of men who are not, we repeat, in the eyes of the public arid in fact, so ' far as pereonal standing and moi•al worth --ao, the inferiors �f the ex-Preniier," s: of living are too irregular. • One day too -much rest, the next day too ll e, Gossip. • How frequently are the honesty and Integrity of man disposed of by a smile •ore sbrug! How many good and gen- erous actions bave been shrunk into obliticia by a distrustful look or stamp- ed with the imputation of proceeding from bad niotives by a mysterious and seasonable whisper! Look Into_ gem - panics of those Whose gentle natures should disarm them; we shall find, no better account. How often d'oes, the reputation of a helpless creature bleed by •a report -which the party Nebo le at •the pains to propagote it beholds with •much pity and fellow; feeling -that she is beartily berry' for It; hopes in God. at is not true; bowever, as Archbishop Tillotson wittily observes upon It, is resolved in, the meantime to give the • report her pass that at tenet it may have fair play to take Its fortune In the world to be believed br .net, ac- cording to tbe charity of tbose into Whose hands it ellen happen to flints. Addiston. ' s • . •and as a result irregular meals and disturbed order of the day," be said. "If tvonieh' would sleep properly, tak- ing just enough, aricrthat as regularly as is possible, and then have some out- door work or recreation when the sun is shining, there would certainly be less illness, or, rather, tendency to illness, - among them:" ' • •• .asip iteund for America, •but ,he was ' • taken beck by a eonitahle, and the re- sult was that he became one of the we•••••••••••••+,...... • Itoves This We oiler One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any Ma Of Catarrh that Can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Clime. F.3'. CHENEY tit VO„ Toledo. 0, We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the tact 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busineee transaction e and financially able to carry out any obligatione made by hie OM, WALISINO, KINNAN as MARVItts' Wholesale Druggiate, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting direetlY Upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cente 11 Evis ...,,npfuay masa per bottle. • Sold, by all Drugyiste, Oltalla warm:V.8 eannot fee •• Wh e one '1 • . Lurk. • Abrehara•Lincolu, after being a'ment- ber of congress, desired to secure a clerkehip in Washington, but be was "defeated hy• lustia Butterfield. He . • • was disapPointed but bad he not been • defeated he would lavespent bis life in. obscurity instead: of becoming pres- • ident 'of the United States. • * , Oliver Cromwell was once on board •• • • NO DIFTERENCE aistinctitin• is made aa to the kind of Piles that De • Leolahatales Hein-Redd-cirees. • • The. names Internal,Eaternal? Bleed- ing, Blind; Itebing, Suppurating, eth., are different stiges through which, every. case .3vni pass if it continues long enougu. • tales are caused, by congestion or staguatien of blood in the lower bowel anti it takee an internal remedy :to re- al Take Halts Family pills or con- stipation, matter wbst iss -ars may I" • Perinininor nRoom, One of the Most delicate ways of perfuming a room Is to 011 wide sleuthed bowl or other dish with bail- ing water and. then Pour "over it a feW drops of perfumed oil, Half a tea- epoonful of oil of lavender so used Will make a room delighttully fresh at the cost of a fraction of a cent, Any other oil may be treated in the same way, roso or violet giving the effect of a con- servatory. It Is the oil and not es- sence whichshould be used. ' • Clear complexion. • • Tbe .woman who strives after a clear complexion will not eat poetry, fried or greasy food of any description or nuts. When t.he Estee Jacks cOlor, eat Rouse for Rale • Tea rooms, with woodehed and 'table bard mud .of water, acre of lend, cen- trally lortittea for. partioulera apply to W. BRYDONE. Farm 'for Sale Subscriber offere loratale his fernrOf 78 acres, being lot 17, let con. 'of Hallett; ill °leered and lit for cultivation, Freese house, bank bon, orchard, plenty (garotter Oa tleedelltatel Teed, oily one end a holt miles ftom Climate. tt-4x 000.11. WHITE s I • Thoro-bred Buil tor Sale. 1.••••••••••,I., • The Sabeeriber often for eele, 1 there. bred Ball, ogee one year, roan in color, sir. edsby Imported Short -Horn sHull. ADAM WEIR, p4$1 Lot 27. ()on. 4, fla Bull tor Service, The undersigned will keep for see vice tbe I American aria Canadian registered Here - foal hull-pro:A Duke. Terms $1,50. Also youne Hereford stock for sale at any -time. E,T..s. FA.RNHAM. Lot 11, Con, 9,. atullett; Constance P.O. • • -Bulls tor Sale.. -- • Two thoro-bred Shut Horn bulls far ;tale, aged 2 erS years, teeth red with a little' plenty of underdone beef and take a white- spleudid ' individual bulls of mil sroall dose of iron after each Meal. Pedigree. One by II' Ma' Imported Fan - When the face is too highly coldred ey's Pride; the ot er by Snell's Star of these things should of course be spe- eforning. • Will be SO d reasonable.— • tf • cially avoided. JAMES SHOBBROOK se> • Londesboro , ' .• . - • AIM . lit MEN ANGRILY AROUSED • ALL OVER THE DOMINION Information from various Provinces of Canada points to the fact that many women have been deceived and induc- ed t� use the • weak and Adulterated Package dyes put .up by unskilled and unscrupulous manufact urers to imitate the popular DIAMOND DYES. • Our Canadian women, thoroughly * Men Wanted, NOTICE All accounts due 3. C, Stevenson most be settled on or before the firet day of March. 1906, at his furniture store. Piano ior Sale . A first-class Kean Dominion Piano; ex. bailout tone marlin good cordition, ler sale chesp,-J. 0. $'TEVENSON., Good tire -proof safe for sale. aroused, after loss of time, money and • , Good reliable men in this district to represent no and sell wire fence to fanners; splendid miler: Work during span 'time or permanently. Splendid opening for a hustler. Write for particalert to the CAll11/4DiA•14 FENCE Mfgt-t-C°.' Wood- • stook, Ont.Seed Oats and Clover. valuable materials throogh the use of muddy, blotchy and weak dyes, have directly laid the blame for their losses on the retail trietcha.nts who sold them the deceptive dyes. This action of indignant women has caused -many- of our•retail and whole- sale dealers to pack up- and return to the manufacturers responsible, their worthless and dangerous dyes MORAL 1. -When ladies decide to de. • home dyeing work, it pays to use the "eelebrated and popular DIAMOND DYES, which have been the home ' laiends et the ladies for over.25 years. When buying, see that each package •Minded to you bears the words DIA- MOND PACKAGE DYES. Users of DLA MONT) .DYES sood become. ea- • perts in the fascinating work Of home • • • eoloring, and find that a ten cent pack - •age will renew the life of any, faded and dingy snit, dress, skirt, blouse, jacket, cape or husband's or son's coat, vest or trousers. Allow no dealer to offer you the someGthing he,calls "JUST ?tSOOD.': •No other dyes equal the tts Y ES. • esastal Send your name and ''_"*address to NN ells St Richardson Co., Limited, intreala-P. tas;atiarls-you-swill srecelises • free of•cost new Dye Book, Card of Dyed Cloth Saniples and Booklet in verse,,entitled "The Longjohn's Trip • to the Klondike." . • gteateet.men ,England -ever knew., .....Ulysees. Grant WOutds not have been . seamilitaryanan-had it eat Veen thathi Heal' forA,, West Point eaaptsbipshad Peen found to have elx. toes on each -sfootsinstead ot-lives• -a-sa - sass The great !diver.. mine, the . Sliver King, bid been discovered bY.the lucky accident of a prospector that -Wing 'a piece of reek at, it lazy mule. • . • move the cause. ...i Dr Leenhardes klem-Roid la . tab- let taken internally. • It is a permanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been-foundit failed to • 'cure Money baek if it does., A guarantee with every package. Price 51,0a at any druggist's, or the Wilson -Nyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. : • Why the Liberals wanted to contest North Toronto for the Local is a mys- . tery. to outsiders. 'Residents of the ,••city freely admitted that Mr. Urquhart ahem no chance whatever, of being elec- . Jed, and to hut up against a stone wall . .for the fun of the thing is not usual. :Crossfield is a Fine Village Following is a description of Croas- eld, a lively little town in Alberta,, role one of the western . papers, •elets:John and James McCool, form- - erly residents or Clinton, are Iodated taillrossfield . 11There is.no village . on the line of Abe' C. and E. that has a prettier loa tationam presents a more busy scene of tutor -lege activity than Crossfie:d. It is situated on the highest point of land between Calgary and Edmonton. For miles -east and west there is one un- • broken stretch of the finest agricul- tural land to be -found in the province of Alberta. There are no homesteads to behad within many miles, and no • more contented lot of settlers can be fou d anywhere. The village has three 1 1107Prilf!I tb. A... „A -Jammer, Dm r. Flasteed, who wile astronoiller royal ew op's tlnue, was rather tic- kled by the helleVof 'hie neighbors in Ithe poWers 'of consulting the •stars **tett terrestrial affairs.: • Anold wash- •• erwirman et Greettwich who bad been lobbed of her linen came to consult bim about Iti reaayeri. Se he set about • drawing squares and:Circles. and aim - tested ,that if shewent into a: certain geld he wintld not be surtirtaed if be found her beet linen In -a diteh. put when she came back "with hasts. and toy" and a half crown in her hand -'for his feehe Was Atifonla vefy niueh sur- prised, but alarmed. "Good woman," he said, "I am heartily glad you have blind your linen, but I assure You I knew nothing .of it and intended to read you a lecture on the folly cif ap- plying to any'person to know events not in lauMan power to tell, but I see • Satan has a mind I should deal .with him, and never will I attempt such an affair again -so long is I live." utcher shops, two blacksmith s shops. • why mead° Wore the pint Profeesor Blackie frequ,ently stayed at Dia Donald Macleod's house in Glas- gow. One night, said the doctor, we one harness shop, two lumber yards, one drug store, three real estate offices °lee hotel, one livery stable, and other minor offices. Fr m Moaday morning until Saturday night scores of teams •can-beseen lined up before the -busi mess plaees. The farmers are elated with the bountiful yield of the last harvest f oats averaged 60 bushels, bar- ley 45 bushels, fall wheat 40 bushels per acre. A considerable acreage of fall wheat has been sown. Chisholm Cowling have the largest acreage, aving sown respectively 135, and 80 ores each. The present appearance of the crop promises an enormoos yield, The Methodist church ianearly completed, and is a neat looking atm- ture and is a credit to the villaO, and it is owing to the indomitable energy and push of the pastor in charge. who took his place with the workmen. Be could be seen in the sand pit, in the •quittras on the roof, in fact he was Actively engaged in every part of the iverk." • Were sitting up together, 13Iackle said brusgtievatty,SaWhatevor _others/1 tallith I have, I are free from vanity." An incredulous • singe en • my fade • lrOused hjni. "You don't believe. that. Glee me an instance." • Being thus challenged; I said, "Wby do you •tvalk about nourishing a plaid continually?" "I'll give you the history, of that, sir. When I was a poor Man and. Whea my wife and :I bad our difficulties, she, one day drew, my attention to the thtead bare charictet of my surtout and asked One to order t neW Oi10. I told her 1 eoUld not afford it jog then, When fihe • 'went, iike a %Ohio Women, and put her **a pie* shawl onmy shoulder*, and than a plaid ever since in mem-. fy of her dee'." A Prehistotit monument. : In Siouthern-Cafifornitt, in the county 'if Sari -Lida ObisPn,-there ettuated one of the most remarkable prebisthric • • - monuments known. to the archaeolo- este. - From a distance it looks like an imtnensb rock risiiig from the 'Plains of 'Carbine but uponneater approach it le seen t� be tetratle of extraordinary dimensions and Of. unknown antiquity. The Inner court has: a -level., floor so • feat long and 125.•feet wide, and the • ceiling Is from 60 to 100 feet high, ac- • cording be s1t6ation.63he building was evidently utter!, by. prebistoric man; but for what purpose •and how long Once Pp one knows. It bas been suggested, hoyreeer,. that it was 'eitbet a tempi:rot warship Or the capitol of ;tome ancient • government.. The walls ,and Portione Of the•cellieg are beautiful)* decorated . With paintings in 'colors red., waite and black, many of them supposed to have • sons, symbolic meaning. . • ...rite Earliest Shoes. , The earliest shoes were 'simply pieces • of hide or skin_drawn in purse fashion • round the ankle with a string. • Courtship In Persia: •AR hiteresting custom . prevails among the nomad tribes of Persia. Be- fore becoming eligible for marriage ea-. • ery girl hanto prove Iter skill, by weey-• ing two very fine rugs or Saddlebags. It is this class of work 'which is partic- ularly prized In Europe and America. (Mc Price 40' • GET M ()Val ! • yen are tired, nervous, sleepless, have headaches and langour, you need Dr Hamilton's Pills; they tone the stomach, assist digestion, brace you up at once. Taken at night, you're well by morning. Sickness - and tired feeling • disappear instantly.- Vim, spirits, happy health, all the joys of life come to everyone that uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine . so satisfactory. Get Dr Hamilton's Pills to -day, 25 per box at all delitere. • nig igutterflien. -"There- Is -a -butterfly-of the ---Malay peninsula and Malayan archipelago which has a sPread of ten inches. In India- and tropical Airlea are fotmd giant torins of those remarkable in- sects known as "walking sticks," which look like twigs of trees. Some of them measure eighteen Inches in length. They are related tet grasshoppers and •,katydids. * • . • A Rontan Cnatom. • At the Saturnalia, the heathen pro- totype of Christmati, it was the Reiman custom to decorate the house with evers greens. Thie was done to 'give the woodland spirits a refuge from the cold. ° • ' ' , . Once'. "Wood. One of ' the natural curiosities Of South Afrita Is the "sneeze wood" tree, which is so called beeause one eittinot cut It with a saw without sneez- In, as the fine duet has exactly the ef- fect of snuff. No Insect or worm will touch it; it in very bitter to the taste, and when placed In water it sinks. • • Marriage ta Ovate. Marriage In Spain takes Wade dnr- . larthe day or night, according to the position in life of the young. people. If weal to do, the cerentony °emirs early In th.ti morning. • , Buildings In Links. . • 14 Lima, .Peru, there are still many. -balldings , Which, on accbinit of earth- -quakes, are constructed •tel 'caries set upright and liberally plastered With • day, filen ;painted .over..• • The undersigned has a quantity �f' first olass seed oats for sale. Tbey are. two .o the best varieties ever •growe in taut part. They have good straw and splendid grain haying tielded t70 to 80 Masbate per acre.. A' elean and •bearitiful seed, free of emet. Subsoriber has Red Clover Seed also. LOREN TYNDALL, Hallett. .1......••••••••••,•••• Choice Farm lor Sale ROFESIONAL.HEIR.. 44.,a404.4" "ft Jrae Me* EASEPTSItt oomcrrou. ti, • SKATTIM coice-lcoomottatvo:.arootoroug): ogimpt.o, I ba ale Nasal. 4:114121" W. ourootis. BARRisTER ooLunToR NOTARY I PUBDIO, CLINTON RIDOUT & HALE Subecriber effete for Bele hie splendid: 0 s i CoNVETANdElta• OOMMISSIONRIle . ferin of 96 scree on the Bee. Line. veins , Reel Estate and Insurance' Agent • north pert of lot 2, Meatland Block, Ilullett i Mont* to Wan Good briok bowie, bern and all necessary I --- outbuildings; 85 acres bash; farm well etc- 1 0.1H. KAU; JOHN =DOM , tared and in good coridition. 2 reilee from Auburn: .jOHN SPRUNG., Auburn sP.O ....••••••••••••••,, • • • . For Rent or Sale • • That desirable, cornmodioua residence, formerly et:stapled by W. Q. Phillips, on Mary Bt. First ohms etate of repair; 1.2 acre garden, with fruit bearing trees and bushee. Pomeesion giVen (Waist. If par- ohased, buyer can have easy terms of pay- ment. *Oen be inspected any reasonable hour. A,ddress attliN RANSFORD, falinton 2,o MedL91 & ' Dr. W. Gunn, c F.. E. R. 0.5., Wei - Dr, Nisbet Gunii, M. R. C. 5. angisma, Lat. r.. Loaaau. Oface-Ontmioetreet,Olinton, Night calla at front door Of office or reeidence, Patterlairr, Street. DR. J. W. , SHAW. PaYli/OIAN, SURGEON ' Aiecueheur eto., °Moe and residence On. • tario St., opposite English church, formerly oe • envied by Dr.APpleton. Winton Out, • ° "C.balce rosin tO Rent. DR' es' W. 71"UNIP845" Phyekstao, Surgeon,' Rte. sPecialettention giyento diseases of the , 'Tlie farm of 100 acres being lot 27, Cm. 2i S.anlev, is offered to rent 'for a ternt of years. Goopouse, bank ileum, plenty of .water, bearing orclaard, three medarters. Of a mile from school. 80 sores under °al- tar:4ton; Bret -class soil; 0 preeent entirely under gross. Apply to M. 0. ROSS, on promotes or Clinton 0„ or T. FRAZER,- Brumfield, • FaX11$. tor, gale. • • London Rosd rcule from Clinton, about 132 acres of firetsolass lona, Rich as a genital, hat been a stook farm tor 14 num- ber of years. Frame houses large barns, plenty of stabling, pig house for 100 bead, implement building. Poeseesion given at any time. Ctener wishes to retire from farming. Apply to H. PLILMEITEEL. May 19 1905 • , Farm tor Sale. • • Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100 acres, being lot 24, Con. 2nd, Stanley, All cleared but 10 acres. Brick. house, bank barn 40x80. cement ail�, 14x30; one acre of orchard and small fruits; 2 never - failing wells. Driving house, pig pen; leen house. Five miles from Clinton and three from Bruoefield, on good gravel roads. ALBERT NOTT, • Clinton p, o. Farm for Sale. • The farm of 53 acres in therd eon. 'bf • Hullett,:oceepied by substiriber is offered for tievle. AU •bra four sores clearea, and Cl.See•din good stateof cultivation. • 13 :mires fall • --s" . fall rlowing done but Is scree. New frame • .ove.r ; wheat seeded clown, Running spring, all About all the Clover Seed Motile this house, small barn, Acre of bearing erchard, looality has a large percentage of Baokhorn in it, and I would•acitise fartneristo closely 2fmiles from Olinton. ' Also team of stood • working horses for sale, •,., • inopeot their seesl,before tieing it. I will setdrontsorthescouirtry all ettoireos s . ASSes_elEASsXasS_Ola, Hallett: t injured, *and can supply a first-class quality . • andinaaccordanceswith.therequirensente Olj . . i Fatill ill TOckersmith 1 0 „mt--.- - ot Clover S:ed diet I griarantee to be clean- tbe Ontario Seed Aot, • - ' ,• - a ae" • • • . ' ''''' * 7 JA. EQR13'•Clint°6' To ree; Mr a term -o7 yerars, Y"L;rt 14' Con-. oessionstwo, L. R. S., containing 100 acres,' 80 aeree of which are cleared and in a good stare of cultivation. This farm is situated ,r1:2 miles from Kippen, 7 miles from Sea- . • Ifintoo Women. , • • The Hindoo liely books forbid a wont, an to . see dancing, hear music, *ear • jewels, blacken her eyebrows, eat dain- ty food, alt id WindoW Or viestsber- self in a mirror during the absence of her husband and alloWs him to dleorce. her if she has no sone, injures his prop- • erty, scolds bim, quarrels with another woman or preemies to eat before be • has finished his ,meal. • The Cote. „Ifl Chaticerat time a woman's gown was called her dote. • • • . • MoAt housewives judge the purity • flour by its whiteness. White sci.••0•1,iw signifies purity. But while pure flours are always ,white, white flours are not always pure. Royal Household Flour I. the whitest Pour that is milled. it is also the. purest. 'Yon may think the flour you are using Is about as white as flour can be. Yet if you aiace it beside Royal Household Flour it wil. look yellow by com- parboil. Ask your grocer for Royal Household, and make sure that he 1 understands that you mean it. Ogilvie Hour Mills Co., Lid. Monireal. "Ogilvie Book for a Cook," ton - tains 180 pages or excellent recipes, Borne never published before. Your grocer ran WI you how to getitliattE. • • Rye, Bar, Throat and Nose. . Moe and Residence-- • 'Albert streei•ILEXodia North °filial! "Near/ O. W. Iiinnirig Smith, M. • PHYSICIAN, & BURGEON. OFFICE -Main Street, Hayfield, formerly occupied by Dr. Palliator: D G. ER NEST ACILMES 'DENTIST (Successor to Dr. T..0. .Brucc, • Sp refills* in Crown and Itildge Work L. D. S. -Graduate /Loyal College Dental Bur aeons of Ontario, luronto. S.-Fivet-clage Reno: graduate of Den- • tal Department of Toronto Universityq Special attention_paid to preservation .,or children's teeth. Will visit Reviled' • Monday. • . • • • DB. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S etore. Special care. ....... to snake dents tre . _ merit as painless as poseible., W vi i Auburn every Monday. • Miscellaneous. • • TAMES CAMPBELL. LONDIOSBORO, el RICER OF mARRIAGE LICENSES • No witneeses required , , — . • Private' funds to loan atatesper cent and up-, . -wards W. BRYDONE. GO.IROE ELLIOTT. • . el.frivyoN, 0Nr., . .• • • • 1.1.CallSed AUCti011eefy. • • Farm' sales a Specialty. . ' • • TERMS REASONABLE s• , -Oadele.LIeft-at-the-NEW--ERA.--Wilt-tre• proniptly attended to, , • Tenders *Wail ted. TENDERS , will' be received by the ll o 2 p.m,' Mondsir the 12th of Matchszfor the erection of two_Co_norete el:nitro:pats to seaport a sted• bridge 10 be erected over the River Maitland sbont two Iles from Londonsboro. • The lowest or any Tenet not 'necessar- ily. accepted. Speoifiaatiofls oan be seen at the Clerk's Offices, ondonsboro. . • ' sjr'°11E's (IIM"Mjiel• lerjr Lomicattibero(Feb. 22nd, 190a. Live sttick Mad general Auctioneer, , 0 • • . GODERIOH ONT - Farm stock sales' a specialty. Orders left ,at ' New ERA office, Clinton, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Feu mers' sale note. m , +aounted, Connettbe Township of. Hullett up to Boys Wanted. to sell.The Canadian "GrapInc, a • National Illustrated Weekly. Boys, don't let the others get the job, write for 12 copies free.to• start, sell at 5 cents. The CANADIAN GRAPHIC, 176 Victoria St. Toronto. . Dray ,Business -for Sale. • For kale., a well established Dray a Business n town in Huron. Good money ill it. Paaticularr on appliea- tion, at the ItIEW ERA OFFICE •Family Washi int • Advertiser will do.family washeng at her own home. Satiefaotion auaranteee and Prices reasonable. Inquire of:New:Ere of- ' flee for particulars. . SYNOPSIS` OF. CANADIAN NORTHWEST HOMESTEAD' BEGT.TLATtOlstS even numbered esetionsel-Domin • ion Lands in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 arid 26, not • reeerved,may be homesteaded by any per-. eon who is the sole head of a homily , or any Male oyer 18 years of age, to, the ex4ent of one-quarter eection of 160 . tier:man:tore or Ie t e. Entry- may be made partionally at the • local land office for the district in which the land is eituate, or if the homesteader desinft he May, on application to the Min. • iater of the Interior. Ottawa, the COOn1110- sioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the 100til agent, recewe authority for some one to make entry for him, • File homesteader is required. to perform the conditions conneoted therewith under one of the following plane : 1) At leant six months' residence upon and cultivation of the lend in each year for three years, s • (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deal:wed) of the homesteader re- sides bpOn a farm in the vieinity of the land entered for, the requirements ea to residence may be satisfied by:tech pitted reading with the father et inother. • (3) If the settler has hie permanent reel., denee upon farraltig land evened by hien in the vioinity of his homestead, the require- ments as tit reel en 0, ay V residence upon the -aid lend. Six Menthe' notice in sariting should be given to the Commissionter of DotniatOn lende at Ottawa Of intention to apply for patent. CORI", Deputy of the Minister of she Interior 6th 06 6 • THOMAS' -GU NIDRY fth er, and 31-2 feom Henetill. This farm. • is well fenced, drained, and has first team bofiditi*thereon, and. te oneca .thelest firms in the County of Enron. Far terms 8m, imply to Doig as Doi, Attornet a Sault Ste, MarieaMichigan. . • ' 8-11 • Conitry Store and Stock tor Sale. . Couotry Stoneand Stookswith poet office in connection worth $250 yearly. No op- position, immediate sale and possession. Apply so • ' 'NEW ERA OFFICE. Plato Tuner, . • • • • j.• RIcE, o ".e ARRIAGE LICENSES- iiVED:fry • J. B. Rumba% Clinton J. P. TINDALL. . . ..BANKEtt, • ONT • „s* Private funds to lean on Mortgaies 15. • , best current rattle , General -Banking. bunions te .nsected-' • , • Interest allowed oa deposits. Sale -notes bought • NO: JanieS:St,, south of the R. C. Chtirch.. • • • • NEW CIIOPPING MILL AT 11014MESV ILLE In'operatioci "daily, Customers oan take ;Chop bome with them. Prioea right -toll or cash, Sstisfaction eneraeteeds • , BROW N Proprietor G. D. MoTaggart ' sal. D. MoTaggartt McTaggart 13r.os. t•. BRIVICERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON.' General Banking Business; tranaacte0 . NOTES DiSCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. . W. Torrance, -Family • ButCher. Meat Selectione-always idle', best, niee and.tencler and juicy. , No tablets needed'to aid digestion Saturday's alCiitys Bargain Days. A TRIAL SOLICITED.? COME EARLY. - Clinton. Jan- 06, • • •152 • •. • • • • , e HOW ABotir VOW - WALL .PAPER ? • Nothir.g adds so much to the decora- tion ore, house Re goad Wall Paper.: I ant in a position to show you the very best and choicest patterns, as I am agent fob the EnIPire Wall Paper. Co., of Toronto. The temples for 1006are entirely new. Prices run from 5c a roll to 35c,. with borders at same price. Every yards, . •I will sell this paper at cost, from now to the 1st of March. Samples gladly sboWn to intending purchaser% at any time, and hang it at Se per volt. GERGE POTTS THE LARMOUR roll ofpaper The McKillop Mutualt Fire Insurance co. Farm and Isolated Town Prop., erty Only Insured. •OFFICERS. ' J. B. McLean, President, Kippete, Thoth Eraser, Vice -press Brucefield; Thos. E; Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth; • DIRECTORS. • 1 1 Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; John, Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; Mv Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beechs. woore.J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bea- • newels, Brodhageri. . Each Director is hispector of losses.iel his own locality. AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock; Rd Hin• ch Seaforth; Joints Cununing, Egniond- W: -Yee, Eohneeville. • guaranteed to contain 8 SCh001101Telleiripkg :llotirso Decorator and Paper Minor, bor. Queenland Prineess. Clinton.. WINGHAIVI BUSINESS co.I.,LEGt fa a high•grade Commercial School Three Couises Com anereial stenogrephy s Telegraphy. whitc ono. SPOTTaN, Valastpet. ' And General Training for• • Railway:Service The new method of instruction adopte4* by this school he proved a groat enocese. Papile grade:de in the ahorteet possible' time, therefore at the least expellee. * • Employment, trovided at once. Write for free pamphlet which will give fall infer matters, • • Selma room in Gordon Block, (*poem poet oftioe, the MObt desirable Meatier' iti the city. • Inspection of Gloom at wotk cordially invited, • ROBERT LiiRMOAIR, Stratford, Ont., Principal and instructor, formerly Dlit A Wet Superintendent G. T, It, v. • 1