HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-03-02, Page 1Renewed?
w Er
Subeeriberii are urged to malts andir
reneWale promptly, ana thus amok* ebei
use of *ay eopiee of the Herald
Established, len
• etfinniteeliCielnitn, nnelleeer.
- "The Sovereign Bank
never stops working day or night,.
and no Money comes More earaity
than interest money, Yoe • can
start an account here 'with only
one dollar.
Interest pad four titres a
year, whether you took
after it or not.
Manager of Clinton branch,
New Advertisements.
Dress -making, Mrs. Galbraith 1
Start for gam' salary, W. 11. Shaw., 1
Ready for Business, Newcombes4
Soiree and Lot, T. Jackson, Sr 4
Buy a good investment,J.R. Chellew 4
0. N. Pt, Podplestone and Gardiner5
C.P.R. W. Jackson 5
'Choice Groceries, A. D. Beaton 5
Select Jewelry, Renew 5
Notice, Morrell & Holmes 5
Preserve your eyesight, Counter.... 5
Girl wanted, Mrs. R. Holmes 5
Private sale, J. C. Stevenson. 5
lb° 'Tenders wanted, S. No. 14; G. & H5
Girls wanted, Mrs. G. D. MeTaggart 5
' ,Seed Oats, Loren Tyndall 5
Store News. W. D. Fair & Oo 8
Order your Spring Suit, Hodgens.8
,Sample Underwear, Hodgens.. .... 8
The committees of the Eitst End
Emigratiop Fund and the Self Help
Emrgrarion Society of England, of
which the R ght Hon. Lord Brassey
and the Right Hon. the Earl of Aber-
-deen are the respective presidents,.
bavenotified Mr E Marquette, provin.•
immigration agent at Montreal,
that they intend to send over early. in
the season a very" large number of
veople who desire to seutle in different
pants.of the Dominion. These societies
bave for many years sent out a very
large number of people, who, have
proved to be respectable, sobec and in-
eduefrious, all tendingto show that th.e
greatest care is exeriesed in their selec-
Farmers in Huron wbo require lielp,•
ishould make a_pplication to R. Holmes, .
in on, (thelesallifin band iffinady v-
ied to thermneigration Department,
ttawa) and an effort will be made to
eetetheir wantee A-pplicattons--sente
Ottawa Will be filled, if possible, im,
migrants being. distributedprobably
from Clinton. • •
Boys, and Girls Wanted.
The Janssen Mfg. Ca offer splendid op.
vortunities for Boys and Girls to near° a
good trade in the manufsetering of reedy -
made Clothing. Steady employment.
either pieoe work or by the week. Smart
. girls and boys cap:earn good wages. Fcr
turther particulars apply to the JACKSON
.131FG. Co. Clinton. •
To Our Correspondentp.
The New Era leas a number of good
oorreetiondents In fact we have sev-
eral of the very. best 'correspondent' it
has ever been the privilege of a Raper
to have. • We appreciate their efforts
in giving es good weekly budgets of
news of their districts. 11pm:fever, it
frequently happens that in some cesee
we are forced for various reasons to
stroke out some of the items sent.'
Some items are not sufficiently inter-
esting, For instance, it is not of inter-
est to all to know that a certaireyoung
men spent Sunday'evening at a certain
home This is a case which interests
two only,and in fact, is not repotted OS
a matter of news at all, but sunply nes
a 'Wive". Then again, items are sent
in that. so and so visited so and so on
Sunday, when only a half mile divides
them. This is not news, neither as it
interesting to know that one eeightein
called upon another. • To report visit-
ors from a dietetic(' is all right, but we
'must drawthe line at these neighborly
calls. •
Occasionally we have items Sent in
that in oureaund seem to be correct
and of valuen'but in time ace proven to
be absolutely Without foundation and
can be given with no other purpose than
to misrepeesent and cause ill -feeling
among neighbors. Itis -difficult for us
to check this kind of thing. Happily,
however, we have no regular corres-
pondent who will be guilty of such,
and we Would strongly advise occas -
zonal writers to "cut it out". Give us
a write-up of events of general interest
and we will appreciate it, an feel safe
iu statin i6 that our readers also appre-
ciate the siting. The general satisfac-
tion expresso l with the New Era in the
*rural district shows that our corres-
"pondents are doing good work: Where.
there is room for improvement accept
the opportunity,.
• Londeaboro
T.. Crisp is notbetter yet. • •
Francis Brawn is on the sick list. •
Some ' parties have been drawing
sawlogs to the mill this week on wagons
Mrs. R. Adams expects to attend the"
millinery openi
iegs n Toronto during
next week.
Win. and John Leiner get a carload
of cedar poets from Whitechurch•last
OP Monday Mr. Cantelon shipped a
load o.'hogs, and Mr: Watson another
on Wednesday.
Rev. Mr. Leckie walked to Clinton
last Sunday night, end preached in
Willis church.' • .
Mr. Noah Spuhl recently spent a few
days in the village; he left here ever
twenty-five years ago. • • .
et. Andrew Sheppard, who was severely
'shaken up by falling from a waggon.
(input a week ago, is recovering .
No. n school .re -opened on Monday,
but there areonin about fifteen pupils
attending, as Measles a,re yet prevalent.
-7•",-1a-inits feeler returned from Oxford.
county on • Wednesday with fifteen
young horses, mostly coming three
years old. •
Messrs. James Elsley and John Tam-
blyn arrivedhere on Saturday evening
from Leamington, withfour horses
'and enough cattle to, make a carload.
— -
Mrs. W. H. Moon and Miss Flossie -
are visiting friends in Goderich. Mr.
Moon Makes a 'Visit to Toronto this
week, and will be away several clays.
Has moved her Dresemsking establishment
to the rooms over Jackson's Clothing Store,
and will be pleased to meet her easterners
-there. All orders will receive protein,
eareinl and preened attention,
Start for a Good Salary
By taking one of our Homentady
coarses. It costs but a tell snd
only regaires Our spare time.
write to -14y for particulars
W. 11. SHAW, • Principal:
Miss Bessie Garrett, of Pilot Mound,'
Man. is visiting friends in and around
Londesboro. She arrived too, late to
attend the funeral of the late Robert
Bo wcock, •
R. T. O. T. -At the regular meeting,
on Monday evening, an interesting de-
bate entitled "Itesolyed that women
have more influence than men." was
held. .The decieion was given in favor
of the negative. An invitation has
need extended the Auburn lodge of I.
O. G. T. to visit Londesboro on the
evening of March 12th.
Varna.' •
Dir Robert Campbell is verylow with
e --e
Several Attended • Mr. Obremplen'e
sale last week.
Mr Ed Wanless paid a flyieg visit to
Vaillit last Weelc.
The sick we are pleased to say are
all getting better.
Miss Anna Ward. IS visiting at her •
home in Egmonaville.
Mr J01411 Sperrow shipped a carload
o horses for the west last week.
. Miss Anna. janeKeyes We are pleased
to say is recovering„ from her recent ill-
Mr and Mrs. James Cook, of Rerisall
visited at the Cloak Reese for a few
days last week. -
Mr rercy Wanless has opened up a
harness shoji and is ,.rnedyto „do 9;11'
kinds of woylc.
The twins of the Yarns, Manse,
daughters of Rev. and Mrs. Davidson,
have again taken first and second re,nk
in the second term exaniinations at the
Ottawa Ladies' College..
Goderieh Towhahlp
Auditor Hudson, of the Provincial
Auditoria' departixtent, is examining
the books of the clerk, collector and
assessor of Goderich township, and
will no doubt spend many weeks in
the work, as it is supposed he will go,
back frinn eleven to twenty years.
Bomar Intern • RING, - On Monday
eventog last e partv was giveu by the
Mises Lindsey, towh, in honor of their
friend, Prof. Workman, of St. Marys,
After the guests had gathered at Ma
Lindsay's house, they were deiven to
the home of Mr. Will Lindsay, where
thee spent the evening in (landing,
card -playing, refreshments etc. The
Professor's music was very mud* ap-
preciated. The gueste'returned Ileum
tit a late hour, (Men having spent *
very enjoyable evening.
REPORT. -The following is the re-
port of S. S. No. *for February. based
on attendance, nemearicie and diligence.
the names afe in order of merit: Sr.
4th Men' elfeebbe 011ie •Lobb, Mary
• Eteeleeraedineenfyrtle Beacom.
Jr. 4th -Nettie Sinclair, Fein 'Beacom,
Willie Sinclair. Sze 3rd -Fred LOU
Jr. sr.d.- Vera Lobb, Alex. Mann, Duel-
. ah Neebitt Robt. Hiplines. Sr, 2nd ,
• Auburn
Miss Nina Baen,ely is spending sev-
eral days visiting Ruth Echlin.
A. C. Jackson has been engaged by
A. E. Oullis for a term, of three years,
and moved down this week. J. Law-
son moves back te his own house; he
will retain the Cellis farm.
A. S. Knox arrived home from Ot-
tawa en Monday, after visiting his
brother, who recently Underwent an
operation; he reports marked im-
provement an hisbrother's condition.
MoViNce. - Tuesday seemed to be
moving nay in the village. Mr J.
Lawson moved -up from the mill to his
house in the villa e ; Mr A. Jackson
moved from theni lege to the house
vacated by Mr Lawson. • Mr Jas Medd
moved to the premises lately occupied
by, Mr Nicholson and Mr Knox arrived
his stock of harness goods .to Mr
Medds stand, • ••
ConoanT.-There will be a cotecert
to -night (Thursday) in the • Temper -
"mice Hall here under the auspices ot
the Auburn Public Library. The ser-
vices of Mr Caineron, of Toronto, have
been secured and will be aided by the
Westfield Quartette and local talent.
• uch a combinietton of talent cannot
fail to be duty apnrecinted• and it is
earnestly desired that all who possibly
can will attend.
The paernbers and adherents of the
Methodist churclt here,' wishing to as --
sure J. Nicholson and wife of their es.'
teem, Resented them with n. ,set of
silver knives and forks and a purse of
Money. The presentation took place
in•the churchnfter the Friday evening
meeting. Bro. Nicholson will . be
missed in the church here.; but no
dOubt-hv will find a••sphere ofwork :inhere his ever willing.. services'. will
inea,n much as here. ,
FrankeLobb. . Jr. 2nd -May Sinclair
41iiirold Lowery, Bertie Beacom Part
rr Isabel Sinclair. . Helen Nesbitt,
Luella Lobb Part I -Everett Lowery,
Beryl Huck, Emma Nesbitt. - H
•Loyamr, Teacher.
• Smoot, -The following is the -report
of S. $, No. 11, Goderich township. for
the month of February.. The names
are arranged in order of merit : 4th -
Arthur Trick, Walter Jervis, Zebra,
Holland, Stella Perdue, Walter Dis-
ney, Helen Hibbs. Sr Bed- Cecil Row.
-den, Ethel Baines, .Lawrence Ream],
Lillie Jenkins, Willie Russel. Jr 3rd -
Mabel Smith, Orpha Pickett.- Sr 2nd
-Viola Hearn, Marian Hibbs: Jr 2nd
--Mae Elliott, Edna Powell, Hilton
Baines, Pe 2nd Leverne Churchill,
Edna Jamieson, Sarah Baines, Robert
Rowden, Ruble Currie, Ernest Smith.
Pt ist Viola Powell, Zerelda Chur-
chill, Vera Trick, Walter Smith
• . co!borne •
Mr O. R. Foster was the guest of
Mr, F. liewschenski on Sunday last. .
Themes Biggins has sold his heavy
horse for $200 ; Ire took him tg Clinton
on Saturday.' • • •
Michael Uhler who was on the sick
list for some . time, is now able to be
around again. ' • •
The y oung people of the Maitland
!pent a very pleasant evening at the
. home of N. Baer last week. . '
Tobias .14ishee •has purchased the '
property of the late Henry Butt, and
will take pessession in a few days. •
. The Councilaof Colborne and Godera
ich townships are making an effort to
free le the dispute- regardIng the elan-
conceesrenebridge. • •
• Mr. and Mrs. Baer, of the Maitland
con., had a party last Wednesday ev-
ening eat -their boineer-thertinterwas
spent in genres and music. They evi-
dently had a good time. as next morn-
ing one could tell who had been there.
A pleasant evening was spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwanz
recently. when a - number of their
friends assembled in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Ashton, a newly married couple,
who are making a short visit in this
neighborhood before going to their
home in the West. •
Otneerntmeon f 100 reir Year, In advance
(lee whim not so paid.
,• • 1111114tt--- - •
Mr John Tamblyn made a• business
trip". to Leamingten last week. , • ' •
e Mrs Sands, of Goderich, visited her
sisteienfrs S. M cOool last week.
Wro Vodden, son of John Vodden,
has engaged with John Gibbing&
Mr and Mrs Robt Hesk returned last
-Week tritheir home in North •Dakota.
Mrs Mc Vittie returned last week
after a month's visit with relatines at
OBITUA.ItY - It is with feelinge of
deepest regret that we chronicle the
• death of Rebert Bowcock, which took
place on Tuesday morning, Feb. the
13th Ina, from heart disease at. the .
home of Mr. John Garrett. .of Hullett.
The subject • of this brief sketch was
born November the 25th,1807 in Reck-
ington, near Sleeford, Lincolnshire,
England, and came to Canada about
half a century ago, the greater part cf
this time living in this vicinity,making
his home with the late Mr. and Mrs, J.
Garret, in whose family he has lived as
one of themselves. . He was a man of a
• retiring -nature And a Eitel ling Christian
character. He . was converted to God
when be was about thirty years of age
and from that time forward was a• -de-
voted member ot the Methodist Church
holdingdifferent positions on the Quar-
terly Board. Hehas been 4n poor
health for the Oast seven years,at tunes
suffering very much, but God gave him
wonderful grace, enabling him to bear
it all' with that patient Obrist-like
spirit.- The funeral -took. plitee 011
Thursday afternoon, the 15th inst. A
ver y impressive service was held in the
Methodist Church by the pastor, Rev,
It Clement A large corigregatioe of
sorrowing friends showed the high- ea'
teem in which he wee held. He leaves
one brother in Torentoand four sisters
in the motherland to mourn theeoss of
a loving brocher. Interment took
place in the Union Cemetery.' The
,Pall -bearers were John Brendson and
M. Braithwaite George Lyon, Wm,
Hiles and Joseph and George Garrett
Private Tuition.
Private tuition in Public School work.'
Pupile taught separately, either luring the
day, or in the evening. Also, books post.
ed and amounts rendered for merchant%
Apply to MISS M. O'NEILL.
tf Huron Sire
Are you satisfied
With your
Perhaps you have oeglected it,
let it get dirty or rusty from lack
of oil. Perhaps- It has been
badly repaired at -name time.
W hatever the reason, don't dente',
aa delay sometimes spoils the
Given the opportunity we will
4. repair and return it to, you with
our personal guarantee of its cor-
rectness; we make no charge for
examining your 'watch and repott-
ing its needs,
Our prices for watch • repairing
are moderate, .. • . 0.
.1F,WELEIt AND orriotAll,
Joseph Freeman, son of Renry Free-
man of the 2nd, has engaged With Geo.
Thompson for the summer. .
The,Sons-ofe, England held a supper
on rhursday evening lasteat the feline
of H.JI. Hill. They had nvery jolly'
time a good number being present. It
when the gather:ng
broke up. .
On nen. 23rd there Was held on the
farm' of J. w. Mills one of the.largest
and most successful sales of farm stock
and implements that was ever held in
Hullett, amounting to $3,810. Thomas
.Brown, the famous auctioneer, wielded
the hammer and got good prices;
lowing is a, list of some of the prices:
A 5 year old mare brought $213; a 2
year old gelding 1185; one yearling
filly broug t $1 50; one driving mere
$182-; one 8 Months old colt. brought
$120, sired by Cairinbrogue Pride.
Cows sold at from $50 to $60, and all
other articles went accordingly. The
day being fine brought one of the larg-
est crowds of people ever seen at an
-auction sale. Mr. Brown, who is a
hustler, disposed of the whole arnoont
in less • than live hours
SCHOOL REPORT S. 8 No. 5,. Liniarta '
ary, based on weekly testpepers, at-
tendance and genezal proficuacy. An
asterisk showsthose who were never
absent &min the month. Sr. 5th -
Viva Main Sr 4th- Basle Maw, *Elsie
Brown. John Wallace, Gertie Vodden,
Wm Hone* *Wm Snell. Jr. 4th-
Erne8t Vodden,
Della McCool, *Flossie
Brown, Orval Rapson, *Earl Squire,
Sept Wallace, Bert Nott. Sr, 3rde•
*t)harlie Vodden, Ephririne Snell,
*Cora McCool, Armand' McCool, S.
Appleby, Earl Mason. Jr. 3rd -Maggie
Mair, Wesley flogger% • Charlie Lee.
`Sr. 2nd - Ploy Cole. May Appleby,
*Mary Vodden; I•Elva McCool. Jr.
2nd - IWilile Weymouth, Etta Brown,
Ella Lee, Edna Lee. Pt. 1st -Ira Hap -
'son. Enrolled attendance a5, average
attendance' 27.
1Fiensall • •
eVErmiNos. -A very pretty wedding
took place et the Methodist parsonage
on Wednesday forenoon when Miss
L. Vollick of Hay tovenship became
the wife of Mr, Jacob Snider of Bay-
field. The groom Was ably supported
by Mr, Truman Gardiner of St. Joseph
end the bride by her sister Miss Laura
Vollick. After it samptuous werldinn
-dinner at the home ofint. Joint Vollick
.father of the bricle, the happy couple
proceeded to their new home In Bay-
field followed by the best Withee of all
who know them. Rev. Dr, Medd tied
the nuptial knot,
A very quiet enduing tobk place at
the Methodist parsonege, Renee% on
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 14, when
Almina, the only daughter of Mr
Thos. Cann, of the Oth concessiore___Us-
borne. was married to Mt John Hun -
kin, Mr and Mrs Ruekin will live on
Mr Cann's farm, Mr flunkin having
tented it for a term of years.
Marriage Licenses issued u •
"'It"yottMet"- Your suesorinnorn
• , ' StaaleY •
Mr. Andrew Stinson has rented alt
Charles Johnson's farm, Stanley, for a
number of years. •
Mrs. Dustow, of Bruce county, was ,
visiting at the home of her nephew,
Mr. Alb. Nott, hint week. • .•
,.Mrs. D. McKenzie went to Brantford
-on Tuesday tip visit her sister ; she was
aceomparned byheron Hugh. :
Miss lda McLerrnare of Clinton, and
Miss Jennie McKenzie, of Lucknow,
are visiting on the line this week.
Mr. and MraJdha H. Hislop, of Ar-
cola, N. W.T., Were visiting tlaelatter's
sister, Mrs Wm. Taylor, over Sunday.
. ampbell and Mr. McLeod,, of
Fort 'William, were visiting Mrs. P.
Campbell, and other acquaintances,
during the end. of last week. .
• 'euckersmith
• Mr and Mrs. J K. Lowery were visit,
ors in Blyth on Friday and Saturday.
At Mr. A. Ruck's sale on Thursday
of last week good rices were realized
eepethally to he no of horseflesh.
Rev, Mr Rhodes bas been around
getting names on a petition for further
legielation on the question of Sabbatn
observance; it is connected with the
work of the Lord's Day Alliance of
which the Rev. gentleman is an active
Porter'. Hill
Cressie. Elliott spent a few days in
Seaforth recently. -
The Misses McDougall of Seaforth,
who have been visiting in the neigh-
borhood, returned home last week,
We extend our congratthationsto
Mr and Mrs Sterling McPhail and Wel-
come the -bride' to out tnidet ; flute un-
ending hapniness be the lot of botb.
No young man in this neighborhood is
more highly esteemed than Mr. Mc-
Phail, and his wife is not a Irtrenger
here, and Will be equally popular. ,
.--,.. gee •
Miss Martin is visiting at L. Tebbuttn
Mr. Hanna was visiting at J. Gra-
on Sunday. •
Angus McLeod is on the sick list with
an attack of pleurisy.
.11r and Mrs Alf Jerris visited with .
friends at Auburn last Saturday.
Herbert Bess and Henry Swallow
visited at 'Woodham, St. Marys and
Kirktoihneoing on 'Thursday and re-
turning Tuesday.
• 'Mrs Ueerge Moon, of Londesborough
wean visitor at her sister's, ,Mrs. Jas.
Ross for three or our days, returning
.home on Tuesday evening.
Mrs Shepherd, who has been spend
ing the winter at her father's, Me. Geo.
Tebbutt, started for Stockt elm Assa.,
On Tuesday. expecting to meet her
husband in Winnipeg, to accompany
'her the rest of the journey. He.has
been spanding.the winter with his par-
ents at Seattle. , e ". •
Henry Monteith will have a sale of
his farm stock, •
Mrs James Aikenheon is visiting ber
eon John Aikenhead; of London,
Jos Robinson, London, called on a
number of his old friends here last
week. •••
Mr rbtle, of Rullett, bas bought Mr
•John • Chaprnan's 100 acre farm for
$4,200 to get pessession at once. Mr
Chapinae leaves for Manitoba, in a few
weeks, where ha has bought a large
farm In the Brandon district, with im-
plement, boreeti ete. , •
Striven -The Ondfellows supper on
rridern evening was the client of the
season, a large number ite.'•re in 'at-
tendance with a goodly share of ladies,
being the wiyes and sweethearts of
the members and. their friends. The
order supper, which was prepared by
?dr. Itobt Murdoek, was excellent, the
room had a festive appearahce, being
beautifully decorated with choice
floWeitt After the supper /dr lower,
one of the charter anemberteetook the
ehair, When a short but very. appro.
priate musleal eritertainment delighted
the audience, all left with the assur-
ance that the Oddfellows of Bruce -
field were 0. X, •
Mr S. Switzer out about 1200 cedar
posts last week.
Miss May Cooper, of the Huron
Road, Hulled, is spending aweek with
her friend Mrs .11. Carter, 2nd. con.,
Mrs. Dustin", of Berlin, who has
been 'visiting relatives in Tuckersmith,
lett last Week to vent her sister-in-law
M -r. Mason of Egrnmadville.
Miss 'Minnie Ptirguson, of Loydtown.
Ont, aueioe of nfrs H. Carter, of 2nd
con. Tuckersmith, was married last
Wednesday to 'Walter Bernrote, of
Beeton, Ont. •
Mr Frank Plewes, who has been sick
the last few weeks is improving and
hopes to be out in a week or so, his
many friends will be pleased to see him
around again. •
The 0.0.0LF. of Holmesville, Coun-
cil 301, intend holding a pnblic oyster
supper in the Holinesville House, on
Tuesday evening, Menai Oth An ad-
mission fee will be charged ; supper
served at 7 p.m, A ,good timi
e •s ex-
tedMusic will be furnished dim-
ing the evening in the hall. .
Cm:men-The pastor is taking a ser-
ies of topics at the Wednesday evening
meeting, dealing with some of the
temptations and how they may beover•
come. W. M. S. Society will celebrate
their silver Prinniversru.y on, Tuesday,
March 15th., in the church. Progrene
2.30 to 5. Teo, at o. Silver offering.
EpworthLeague each Monday evening.
Come. • .
DEBATE, - A debate is to be held in
1 hereonThtirsdayTeneeninge-
March the 8th, which promises to be
very interesting. .Subject -Resolved
thatthe pulpit _headman more from the
buildifig up of character than the press
Four ladies from the Wenien'sInstitute
have cbosen the affirmative as against
four gentlemen from the llolmereille
branch Farmers Institute, the negative.
Admission to non members will be 10c
members of both Societies free.
Thehorne of Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas*
Horton, of the 12th conceesion,Theker
smithwas the scene of much gaiety and.
festivity on Thursday evening, 15th
inst, in honor of the celebration of the
25th anniversary of their wedding.
Miss Danes of Stratford, who- has
been living at the home of her nephew
John Dallas during the winter, had an
attack of prealysis some weeks ego;
she has improved, soloevrhat but is
still very' helpless. She is about 80
years of age, .
WEDDING.- An interesting event
took place at the. Methodist pareonage
111 Rippen on Wednesday,. when Miss .
Hannah, clauehten" of Mr. W. 'visor],
beceine the wife of Sterling McPhail,
of Porter's Hill. Tne..cereniony was
performed by Rev, W. Baugh, there
being no bridesnund or groomsman
The yonng couple left on the evenin
train for London and Detroit, BoLli
are veil popular, and earry eith them
the good wishes of it host of friends.
Mrs. McPhail will .be at home to her
friends next week, - • ,
• Constance
, Mr. Crawford of Londesboto' was
the guest of r- Geo. Riley last week.
Mr..Geo. Wheatley sr., has been ser
lonely ill fox a time but is at present
Mr. John Wyatt hal a very success-
ful auction- sale on Feb. 20th, every..
thing going at a good figure.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rands are via -
Pike friends at Clinton', Blyth • and
other points previous to their depar-
ture for the West. ,
StinnEre'DEAT11.-Mrs. (leo. Clarke
died very suddenly on the evening of
the 21st of February. Mrs. Clarke •
was going about the house as usual
when at about fiveo'elock Jn the
evening she was obligedto retire to
her bed and by. 8.30 passed away.' She
reached the ripe old age of 73 years,
having settled with her now bereft
husbandeon the farm" where he still
residest 53 . years ago. She leaver; a.
sorrowing husband and a family of
eight to mourn the loss of a, kind and
loving wife and mother, who all her
•life was a devoted Christian vermeil.
Deep sympathy. is felt by this com-
munity for the husband and family..
County • Clippings
Mr Philip Hartman hensold his farm
on the Town 'Line, Ha_y, to Mr. Chas.
Beaver, for the KIM of if°4.8ca
Another of the ;pioneers of McKillop
has passed away in the person of Mr.
Robert Hewitt at the ripe age of 93.
Mr Ed. N. Talbot has sold the lam
on the nauble Line, near Zurieb, he
recently purchased from Wm, S. Wil-
son, to Ben Charrette. •
Miss Mabel McClelland, of Belgrave,
has passed her primary examenn music
at the Toronto Confiervatory of Music
with first-class honors.
Mies Bessie McMichael, a eesinent o'f
the 8th cep., Morris, died at the home
other sister, Mea. Wm. Kelly. on
Wednesday, aged 90 years,
Tile farm of Smith. 7th line,
Morris; has been leased by. Kellington
Bros., and the fernier and his wife will
leave for Albeeta next month,• •
The clerk of the peace on Tuesday
made his return Of the justiCes of the
peace for the couuty. Of the 126 pointed, alt all hut 24 hademalified,
The marriage took place on Wednes-
day, of Miss Minnie Andrews, daugh-
ter of Rev, Mr. Andrews, .of Credition,
to W.H. McCormici of Pierson, Man,
The many friends of Mrs: Jacob.
Weido will be grieved to hear of her
death, which sad event took place at
her nano near Dashwood -On Tuesday.
The many friends of Geo. Webster
of Toronto, eldest son of John Web-
ster, of con. 10, West Wawanothe
were shocked to hear of his death on
Sunday from perelysis, -• • .
Me. Samuel Gingerich purehased Mr.
John Gascho's farm on the Goshen
Line, flay. Mr. Gascho will move to
the Bronson Line, where he has p-ur-
chased 12 acres from his son Chris.
a laxative tablet,
Treatment for
Coughs and Colds,
Grippe, Headaches
and Neuralgia.'
Fred Willeit, Dashwood, sold in Al-
bion colt foaled on the Oth of May, 1905
for $10C 000, while Jacob Schrader
has several times refused $300.00 for a
pair of A year olds got by this same
Mr S. M. Sanders purchased that
fine residence from Mrs R. H. Collins
Exeter, the consideration being 02,000;
Mrs Collins and Miss Bonthron ate
conteinpleting going to Montana to
reside. ' .
Win. Brown, con. 2, Grey, has dis-
posed of his • tine 100 -acre farm to his
sou-itelaw, S. G. Sangster, for 06,500
he has resided there for the past forty
years, and will still make his home
with Mr. Sangster. ,
•• • A quiet wedding took place at the
home of Mr. J. Snowden, Eginondville
on Wednesday, when his onlydaugh-
ter, Edith May, was emited in holy
bonds of triatruttony to Mr. Edward J.
at Seafordr. -
It is not given to many to celebrate
their diamond Wedding, but thiefor-
tune nes fallen lo Mr. and Mrs. George
Dickson; of the .5th emeessiore of Mc-
Killop, who, with a few friends cele-
brated the • sixtieth anniversar of
day last. • " •
Mr. A. G. ° Ault hanereceived the
red news that a cousin of his living
mg in Scotland has been so -entrees
as to leave him the sum of .000 or
$160.000. We nnderstand it is the re-
sult of a deed of kindness that Mr Ault
didfne nis relative some years ago.
eLiNyoN, emr,.
N. e. Try Cocoa Cream .me
, for Chapped hands, -etc.
Wingbant • -
' WANTED =Filly cases Eggs and a ton of
Butter, weekly, also raw furs and 10,000
-Rae gins. GEO. E. KING, Winghans.
A former well known and highly
respected resident of Wingham 'died
in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Saturday'
last, in the person of Elizabeth Hughes,
relict of the late Geo. Hughes.
ing and impressive service was held in
St. Paul's church on Tuesday evening,
marking the Induction of Rev, T.
Sta,nnage Boyle, M.A., 13.D.. into the
Rectorship of Wingham parish. Von.
Archdeacon Richardson, of London,
had charge,of the service; he was as -
slated by Rev. H. P. -Westgate. of At.
wood. and Rev. W. H. Hartley," of
Blyth. •
ond meeting•to consider the organize.
tion of a branch of the Retail Mer-
chants' Association in Wingliam, was
aiele. on Thursday evening: The object
is not (as many may imagine) to raise
or fix prices, or interfere in any way
with legitimate competition. The as-
sociation aims to benefit the retailer
by bringing the merchants of a town
together to consider interests that are
cone -nee to all..
• ,
Coun, Johnston this • week left for
Regina. Sask., with a tar of 10 horses,
and. will be absent until May.
A. McNally has sold Ms house on the
corner of Dinsley andWilson. Streets
to Henry Deatty, for $1,800,
A, pKeparation that will ad as a regu-
lator 'broil kinds of etook, at a prise
whereby the farmer can feed it ream'
larly, and make money out of it: Bitola
preparation is'
We have received unsolicited testi-
monials from every surrounding tow.,-
shid and now feel satisfied wo have
sue° -eded., in our effort to g:ve the
farmer the needed artiole ac a proper,
Prioe.-Four or five times cheaper than
any Stook Poou on the market. .
. and Ws will explain.
unequalled for destroying Ticks,
Lice and infectious diseeses.
Phm. B. . •
Mantheeturieg L'iteuest
Post Office Mimi Stbre„
Local SportiHOCKEY . ng:Hatters
• .
• •
In the first of the .home and home' • °
games. fo... the charnpionship of tee ,
Northern League, playednt Winieham '
on Thursday, Wingharn won by 9 to A.
_Melee...was very aoftelanteseented to
be to the liking of the locals, who out- .
layed the visuors at all stages of the
• Berlin's second contingent Ofhock-
eyists won the first game in the semi- A
finals with Goderich Friday evening •
by a score of 6 -2. About 1500 spectre..
--thin witnessed a fast exhibition on ice
,that had a hard bottom, but was' cov-
ered with water an, inch deep at the
foul. corners. •
In the -Intermediate final played at
Many of our readers will regret to Godeba score of 13-5Thisut God-
Johnsonwhich occurred at San Jose, rich on Tuesday, the home team
. ''
learn of the death of Mr. Duncan C. woo
erich up four goals and t e finals
anfor the-- 0. H. A. cham-
California, on January 30th, after
pionship. The genie was free from.
illness of two weeks, froth pneumonine
Mr Johnston was a native of Seaforth, roughness, very few penalties being
being a son of Mr. Samuel J ohnston; at •
one time a member of the hardware.
firm of Johnston Broseof Seaforthe
Another of the pioneer resident has
-been removed from our midst by the
liand.of death, in the person of 'rhos.
Glenn, Usborne. °A native of Ireland,
deceased came to Canada over fifty
years ago and settling in the township
of Ushorne resided in it ever since.
Deceased was much respected in the
community and had reached the age
of 77 years.
On Saturday death claimed Isaac
Hamlin, ot Dungannon, in his 74th
year. Deceased had gone to Kineati
dine to pay a visit to his son, P. F.
Hamlin, when he died. The late Mr.
Hamlin was one of the bestknown
residents of Dungannon and distrirt,
having resided there over 30 years.
He had always been hale and vigorous
until about a year ago. He wits a man
of genial disposition, exceedingly ' well
teed and highly respected. He Was a
member of the Methodist church. His
Wife pre -deceased him several years
Mr. Joseph Goldthorpe, Goderich, is
in Toronto in connection with the ap-
plication for a tharter for tbe company
which is being organized- to develop
powet on the Maitland River. Among
the directors will be James Clark, J.
McIntosh, John McEwa,n and Joseph
Goldthorpe. A special 'Act will also
be applied for to enable the town of
Goderich to guarantee the bonds of the
companY to the extent of $150.000. One
Of the promoters states that a -London
Ont. syndicate has already offered a
large sum for the charter and rights
. CONCERT --The Scottish toncert and.
tea Meeting, which was held in the
vestry of St Andtelys Ohnech, met
with general success': A good supply
of pipe'rnusic was imitated with the
organ by Mes Ferguson. The choir
led by Miss' Armstrong, rendered soy-
eral appropriate a:nee-bons. The eolos
were well rendered. The selections
are as follows -Miss Stanbury, "I
ken my Reart's my ain yet" ; Miss
Thomson, "Duncan • Grey" ; Miss
Whiddon, "Loch Lomond." The re-
freshinerits were chiefly composed of
oatmeal cooking and very tasty.," In
all the entire entertainment, was a
good representative of the "Land of
The thirty-third annual Ineeting of
the ,Howick Mutual insurance Co., was
held in the T.ovenship Hall, Gorrie, on
Friday. President Jno, R. Miller O0 -
copying the chair. Mr. Miller spince
briefly of the peat year's business, st
ing that MOO was added to surplus.
Now $17.000 with six million at risk.
The Company had been fortunate this
year, and the standing,of the Orr wits
siren that two outside Fire Insurance
Companiee had come to us for pointers
and improved methods in managing
their business. The Auditors' report
amount at risk to le $6.598,911, prem.
turn note capital, $329.045; aefiets, $517-
388 72.
At Port Arthur a man named Mc -
Nab committed inicide by blowing out
his breies, •
Mts. James Brown, an old lady of 76;
Was ShOt and probably fatally wounded
While driving near Picton, and a noY
named Frank Nelson was airrested,
oharged with firing the shot.
The Grated Trunk Pacific Conipany
will eel( Parliament to sanction an
amendment to their act of incorpora-
tion, authorizing them to iSalla deben.
ture stock to the amount of $25,000,000
in lieu of $20,000,000 worth of prefer.
Oakes." • a once Stock,
inflicted. Referee Muir gave entire (N
satisfaction. The Goderichboys are • A,
in good shape for the finale with the
winners of the Peterboro-Parry Sotindil.
Last Fridayevening the Independent
Order of Foresters and the 'Ancient
Order of Foresters played an interest -
ng game in the rooms of the A.O.O.F. ,
J. W. Irwin was skip for the Indepen-
dents, and W: 0, Brown for the An-
cients.. The score stood33 -38 in favor ' --
of the latter. '
EARLY . RUN' OF SAP. -Every-
thing Is out of Ireason this spring. The i .
latest we have heard of s the early
sap -running. Noble Reiland, of the
Huron road east, gathered a little
maple -sap crn Jany, 31st, and -has since:,
gathered a fair quantity. . ' • •
eTirriEpMe rPa En efteA0N1 t ibbE was. .t.a gyaonui en egd meend' s.
nesdey• evening. The object of the '
club is to furnish music at the series of
public temperance meetings,' which are
to be heldin the Town Hall, the first .
of which will be Sunday, March ilth,
at 3.p.m. It is expected that an out-
side speaker will be present •
STONE BOAT FUND. -In• connec- -
tion.with the launch for Mr. Stone,
missionary at ClayoquoteB.0., the
amount ahead,. acknowledged .W03. -e
Since then there have been received
from Mitre Parleee $1 e. Master John.
Hall, $1 ; Rev. J. Gmene, $1; Miss B.
R. Greene, 50o; Bayfield League, $7
Westfield League, 52; 'Bemniller
League, 52;A Eciend of Missions, el •
Ezra, Washington, Mc ; total, VD:.
Those who have not contributed, but
purpose doing Pro, will oblige by send-
ing in their donations at once.
Molsons Bank
incorporated 1855;
Capital Paid up .$31000,000
Reserve Fitidy $3,000,000
Total, Assets $80,000,000
•by Appesiting in our Saninge
Bank. It dogs not revive a large
arnotiet to begin with. We pay
3 per cent inteeest on amounts of
$1 and upwards. Better begin
now -deposit what you cad spare
--add to it whenever possible.
We will welcome your account,
large or small.
A.• generaljianking,Lbusiness
transacted. .
iliti.-AND SEP, tie
miutiger, ainton