HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-02-02, Page 8• TIIE 0 ...,.,rO•A,• 151:1,! Bl a., i. t '7.0 ,rr vaMs of Spring. ew'spring Lawas and, Muslins ire .Dere, Not, as. many a% we will have later on, of course, but the advance guard of V. ,what will be the best and finest collection Of lipruc g .merchandise ever- gathered. within the Y . four . walls of _this store, Stocks are large enough to give early buyers good assortments o from, tselect. $3.33 and $5.+ Not a single Mantt'e is to be carried over: Each season must see its own stock sold, to the last gar- ment. Now. we are winding up the best' Mantle seasonthis store has any record. of and all 1905-06 y , -garr-nents must •find new owners at once, There are perhaps 15 or 20 yet to sell, and on Saturday y; we divide'them into 2 lots and give.you your. choice .for $3.33 and $5.00 Pat $3.33 Every Mantle in this store that sold at under 510. goes into this lot. Tweed Friezes and Beavers, each andevery cX ? from new this season, made r m g ood -quality : • cloths, and out in the popular styles. Renter price up to $10.00, . choice .Satur- day morning At $5.00• • Every Mantle in the store that sold ' at over $10.00 in this lot. Half a dozen or more extra stylish garments, made from good Tweeds and Kerseys, blacks.and col- ors, each and every one this season's cor- rect ' styles, choice of this lot Saturday morning, each .... - The best time to come -will be EARLY, , for Mantles, such as we had this season,' selling at .these prices, are bound to be picked up quickly. If . you put off Mantle buying :until now, this would be: your chance." Remember, onlyabout 20 to sell. All new this season. . A• Stock • -U4.. Wed esda�of this week we 1 t ok s ock, countednted or measured every article ih the store. --Here is 'a list of the Furs we found on hand, ' ,We . don't want to have to put them away.-: .Would a- good -deal ,Lather have the use of the two or three hundred dol- lars they represent, during the summer' months. To get this money out of them if possible,' we have made new prices that should interest you, ifyou' have any thought of Fur buying. There is not a doubt but Fur prices will be higher next season. You only, need to watch the daily papers to learn that. "',With the .description of each article, we print the old .price and the new "'little " price we are willing to take -now. In each -case there is a saving worth making. 1 only Alaska Sable Ruffs, number one fur, trimmed ,with - 1 food tails, regular, $10.00, rather than carry it over, we7 mark'it �., $'i�: • -apply black Coney Ruffs, . thick, close Fur, extra long,ea nn xegular,$6.00line, ratherthan carry it over, we marls it IMAM .1 only Brown Marten Ruff, very stylish, ;regular $050, •. y r it over we mark it ,.., 6.75 rather than carry• •1 only German Mink Ruff, regular $5.00, rather than carry it over we mark it.......... , , $3 85 I only Iced Fox Ruff, with head and tails, regular - $10.00,• $% q nether than carry it over, we mark it l a� 1 only Red Fox Ruff, very fine quality, regular $130°' $1 0 0 50 rather than carr ,it over, we mark it ' r, ••i;only genuine Alaska Sable Muffs, gond fur, well made, regular $10.00 and $11.00, rather than carry it over, we. �i ,mark it, $8 25 1 only Ruffs, one black and one brown, regular $i.00 and 8.50 rather han carryit over,we mark .it .... , ...... . iF t $5 50 1 only Stone MartenRuff, extra fine, regular $25.00 rather 0Q (� than carryit over,we matk it Vi00 $ 1 only brownsabella Fox Ruff; :trimmed with�;n`carry two large , Tails, very fine quality, regular 625.00. rath ti , it over, we mark it l : $1 9.00 • 1 only Ohio•Sable`Muffs, flat and round 'shapes, regular, : nn ' 07.50 to $8.00, rather than.carry it over, we mark it tOt.lapti • 1. only imitation Sable Muffs, regular -$4.50, rather than r carry it over, we mark it ...1, • IP CCM Just an even Third.• To empty our skirt racks before new spring garments get here. we are willing to take an even tWrd off eves -one in stock to -day. They are good, well mnade, stylish skirts, and each is a genuine BARGAIN at this 'r one-third off " price. Our $3.00 Skirt will ..cost ..ou .$2.0O Our 4.00 Skirt, will cost you 2.67 Our 4.60 Skirt ; wjII cost you 3.00 Our 6.110 Skirt will .cost you 03 i The ghnton, New'Era-a Rind wa ae. "The New Elsa s likea letter. W FRIDAY, FEB.. 2. 1800. OR. Olfelts. Surgeon Eye, Ear and Nope, wait be at W, ni A. Helene' Draw Store QHnton, Tharreda Usb. 8tlt. Hennee mete 4e, m. omelet Properly Med. diseases eases of theme wear* properly !uaut topic . PUBLIC SCHOOL. .Miss M Robb, who has been supplying dining the ailiness of Miss. Shepherd, completed'. ber dutieeon Wednesday, though Miss Shepherd will not•be able to resunse her work for some time yet. Miss. M. W}•ltse has been engaged as an extra teacher, at $300,and.will conitinue in Miss Robb's plaeo until Miss' Shep- herd is able to take it, when she wall be give a new room.. CHECKED TO DESTINATION'. The G. T. R. has introduced a new fed- tura that will be appreciated by travel- lers to the various cities., Persons go- ing to either Toronto, Montreal,Ottawa or Hamilton, can have their baggage checked right to their destination to anyy of these cities, alad. the Railway will see to its delivery. This willobvi ate the necessity of arranging with Transfer Companies .for 'baggage, and will relieve,trav'ellers of all anxiety.•. GUN CLUB. -At the annual meet- ing of the Clint& Gun Club, held last Friday, the following officers we a el- ected for theensuinyear; President, J. Ireland ; vice, R. Graham ;.secretary, J. E. Cantelon ; treasurer, J, E. Hoveyy ; directors, E. Poster, 0, Overberry, W. easter, N. Fair and W. Jackson. The treasurer's report showedthe club to be in aflourish ing condition financially., holding assets valued at $1,000, with - i 4ttt any liabilities. CHEOKERS. - A friendly contest took piece at Seafortii on Friday night last,-Ulinton winning, out. The play- ers aud.score were"as follows:•-. Clint onins�l w ossaraves. ,. d ot s afh e t Cook . , . .1 4 L... Broderick Hoover ....2 , 8 1. Wilson ,Grant" ..3 0• 3.. . . Shanahan • Wiltse ' 2 0• 4....Steven son • -Johnson ....5 1 0....W'inters, Watt 5 0 1.... Scott. - Houlden - ., 3 2 1. . . .Sutherland 21. 10 1,1 . • II. RAILROAD DOTE.5.-On Saturday a la•dq'from 'Gloderich, who came up on 'he evening train from London, lett bur pocketbook, containi1 g neariy $00 on tee seat at the oar ;•very fortunate- ly it was found by Conductoii•-MoKen- zie and •retnrned to her on Monday.... f The early train from Goderich on Mon- day morning was 21) .minutes late, due entirely to:tiie fact that the i-ils were so frosty the : train could not make. headway Conductor ahoe, of the Goderich branch, who has,been.on the sick List, is uow.able to resume his run. - •i DIED AT EXETER.' Mr. 'Thomas Trick: was called to Exeter last week owing to the serious' illness of hie. •brother-in-law, Mr. (leo. Saniwell, who suecutsibed to an attack of pneumonia 01. Friday. Mr. Samwell was obe i!fJ the oldest residents and business. men 1 of.Eiteter,though not:now in merea the business,, A man Of the .very highest i e" .en 1 integrity rt nd i , Mla,o , g Y i t, »I esteein;.. a leading °and. l..rlicc, ,,Cin[ Lulea -al,. arid an active member of the Pr•esbyteriatn. church.. '•Hitt 'fuii.•.-aal on Monday was largely attended, ,..tome :taiuse•present -tieinMessis Levi alit! Itoekt ab g tri - ek= was I He buried' under the auspiees of ! the ittasonic °Mee.• PIANO RECITAL - Mr. J.. D. A. Tripp, pianist . of'eon-ioa,e Conserve - tory, , whose fame extends: across the continent,' has been engaged to give a piaito,recitai in the town heli, Clinton;. on the everiing..of Tnuesdacy. Feb._ 15th The ladies who have ,:tee affair in hand have been so' 'sueeessttnl . in their can - yeas that they tied themselves in a: positiou':to be able.to engage a vocal soloist, whose mune-will be announced shortly:; The •snbsetiptign list, which is alt Fair's beok 'store•for the conyen- ience of those who . May yet wish to place their :•names' thereon,will' close on Wednesday;,' Feb, 7. Subscribers will have first choice of seats when the plan -opensi Saturdaq;ereh lour.- • HORSE NOTES -What is said to be one of the finest general purpose horses ever "br5ught' to town was delivered dere the other day by Mr. J.: Tiplady, of Iiullett ; it was a perfect beauty,a id was. intended for the use of the Eatoii Cotnpapy, Toronto,. -A consignment of horses were recetly brought into' this neighborhood from Toronto, and they actually sold for • higher prices than were paid for thetas in that city • this looks like'bringing coals .to New- castle e.,While horses are a pretty high .price at present, it is anticipated that they will he higher by spring, and local aealers are buying all they can.;. some people contend that the . prices .are even higher than their real indite, but if there is a demand for them that '•cannot be- met, .the .price will have. to be paid. . DEATH ' OF MRS. SHAW. --,The death of Mrs Shaw, wife of Mr. John Shaw, sr., which occurred on Sunday', at the home of her son, Dr. Shaky, was not unexpected, owing to a severe stroke of • paralysis experienced some three months ago, betsheis none the less nsourned. by • a large'circle of ac- quaintances,, Up to•that time she bad been in comparatively good health, but while at the borne of her son she was afflicted, and 'was, never able to leave there ; she was conscious up to the last, though largely* in a helpless Sgqbdition. - Mrs. Shaw was a native of t. Catharines, where she received her early, education; After her father's death she,,with her mother and•only 'brother; oved to the township of Hullett, where she lived for about ten years, during which thee'>ihe married, Afterwards she lived twenty years in Brussels and five years in Teeswater. About four years -ago she, with her'' husband, cantle to reside in (Minton, where she has since made ber home. She leaves to mourn her loss a hee- 1 two sons -Dr, Shaw, of Olinton, 1 and Colin Campbell Shaw, of Spring- ] field, Ohio;•and three daughters -Mrs. i (Dr.) Marrs and Mrs Muir, both of Port i Elgin, and. Dorothy at hotter John a Matt -light. Tuckersmith, is her only brother. She was a consistent rnem- b ber of the Presbyterian--ohurch,:a. true • and faithful wife, ender laving mother, having been married for 47 years. ,She I had made many warm friends dtlrin her, residence here, some of whom showed their appteciation. of her by sending l,eautifni floral tributes. The funeral wee nittendedWb friends from Goderich, 'Win hato, rna§sols, Pert Elgin, Stratford, Ohio and Clinton. IThe btfriel sereice was conducted by Rev. Dr Stewart, thee. all«hearers being hetltwo eons, `file. Johti and Pole in Campbell Shaw, Dr. Shaw of Motrs't, ; Mich, (a brother-in-law , Dr, Marro I and Mr. Muir, of fort Elgin (sons in, law), and John T. McKnight, of Tuck. d ' ersmith (n nephew.) always look forward for the day comes. C. G rtAVF.LLE, Stratford, "The Niw Rue, is well worth a $1 a year ; it is better than a letter, for it gives :.all the home news. --Ins. I.. Ki. NA, Sebringville, Women's Institute • The regular meeting of the Clinton Branch of the Woman's Institute was ' held at the home of Mrs, Laird on Fri- day evening last. There was a large attendance ; Mrs. C. McKinnon, let Vice! presided. After the usual rout., Inc of business, .Mrs, Kearns gave a paper on' ' Home-made buns," which Included several flne recipes, all of whichwere copied; Mesdames Trick and Ker then followed with many well chosen recipes for different kinds of soups. An interesting discussion fol- lowed. The next.meeting will he held. at the home of Miss Tebbutt on Thins: day, Feb. 22nd, at 7.80 p.m.; subjects, ,"Value of Cereals es breakfast food, and how to cook .them, to be led by Mie. C. McKinnon and Mrs. tx. Barge. '•'Pies"will'• be introduced by Mrs. Frank Flail, Visitors are always we1- conte. Come• and redeye pleasant and profitable evening. • Thirt •t iirRegiment ..-ent - a� a i. d eg The annual nseetingof the•offlcers of the 33rd Regiment took place at the Hotel' Normandie last Thursday.'It was stated that the late Regimental Band had been paid in., full, and the Marine Band, of Goderich, selected as the Regimental Band. The balance in 'bank to the credit of the Regi +444•04444-4+1+10 24 Local Notes xf444464:+444444444+4041 Miss Mabel Kerr,. who has beenni e,- tlloycd at her profession of nurse, for M, the past 15 weeks, in Seatforth, is naw hoose. On Saturday last, some boys fishing In the river, caut,ht a nice string.. of fish.; pretty goad for the- 27tof January. Mrs. John Rice will reeeive at her home, immediately South of the Rr.: 0. Church, on the let and Ord Friday of each; month. Mrs. Shannon entertained a large ember of her Alen is on Frid'ay eve's., ing last. Mrs, A. O. Pattison doe. likewise this evening. Ur. John Rideut has been laid up ,for a couple of weeks with a , severe attack of pleurisy, ; we are glad to know he is improving. Geo Becker, son of J. Becker,• of town left on•Monday to attend "-I-Ar- mour's School of Telegi .phy," -Strat- ford, We wish him success, Miss Laity Wiltse had a party last Friday evening for her friend Miss.. Elsie Bennett, of Mitchell, who: is spending a week at. her Meme - Robin . Macpherson, • se.eond: son : of Mrsr D. M,acpberson,, qf' town,has been laid up in a 'hos. ttal at Ottaw. with an attack of typhoid fever. A married woman of town; whose mind has, been unbalanced for spine •tirne,•was taken to" London Asylums on Saturday, ibrcharge of Constable, -Wheatley. $95.93. The report that the County had granted 25e per day to ie men while in camp was approved, A gen- eral disbussion followed • in reference to the next vamp and other matters. • Messrs P. Oentelon and J. Wiseman,. auditors, auditect the town books last week ; their report to the Council will. state that they found them 'correct and' well kept., t '' County Councillor John T. Currie ' and wife, of East Warvanosh, cele - Lan Bowling and (iurlin _in 'January, brated the 25th anniversary oftheir wedding, a' few days. since. Mrs, • Cnmeis i 1 a lar 'Uf s er delis Job The following is the score,. of the, ,• o P Lawn Bowling match •'which took' t .Over $200 have been subscribed to - place in Clinton. last Saturday' after- ! wards the proposed . live stock show noon. I°t is an - unusual sight to: see • to•be held here ; the response hes been weather" in the middle of January.nsild ; most generous and by the . time' 'the• enough to allow bowling, to Coke place; i collectors'are through, this sum:. will 'but such was the. case. -7'At the con- I be somewhat increased. elusion of the match a photograph;I Mr, D. A. Oantelpn, of Hensall, son. was'taken. of' the la ors and thi alto ra ho t• years to c , a wilt bs of Mr. W. Cantelon, Clinton, has been• p g po suffering frotn nervous prostration, something to talk about. end has been way on, a trip for his - J. L. Courtiee Jr W, Iriviif health. • He is back to his work, being 3. Witt • J. •Johnson now somewhat better. Johh.Hunter r C. 1Vallts . A boy named ?batik Ribbert who. E. M. McLeanTaylor is employed with 'Mr; Manning, Hut - W. Jackson skip.8 D Forrester sk. 2 : lett, had a very large abscess removed:. W. J. Stevenson, W. P. Spalding, J. -from the -aside -of itis,.neck-last-week by. Nediger, De.. Shim, ,Ft, T; Jackson, T. :a:couple of•doctors.-- He is a step=son, Jaekson fir., H. Wiltse, E. ,,G. C.ourtiheMr ,• of s Hibbert, of.town. H. T. Rance, `were also -On the green .t-. i12'r W H. , Newcon be is 'having -his and played a few ends. • i stock of Dry Goods -moved to Niagara At the conclusion of the howling the Falls, and in a short thee J: W. New- combe will open a new Dry Goods and Millinery. Store in the•premises at pre - sad occupied by J.: C. - teyenson.. crowd adjourned: to Fairs Fahr, to a sheet of,iee, and the .following is•'the score'of the curling match'tt W. J. Stevenson R. Grahaun •A meetiugg'of the Executive. Com M. D..1kl wdtngrt, E. M. McLean •mittee of west Huron Liberal:Assotia- C E. ckson ng N. Faitr' tion was held at Godericb on•Monda . 9� : ,Jackson skip,3' D..Forrester sk• n e- At the finish of the match a photo to make arrangements for snita�blere;, presentation at the ass taken of the proved;• and it.will .'be' to be held'in Toronto,nan N'eb 21st. Laurier banquet, something uni ire in time to come to look at the crowd that both lowled:aind .M,,. H. Pelman'Evin - of Toronto ,: a manager fanIus ria U nce�, ":bro'ther of Fi•ank Hynes, and a forme Clinton - Ian was fined 550, the other day:. for violation of the alien halms 1ar;w:en gaging a. in.unfrun) the : United Stites. T. H._Race,of Mitchell,. forineredi- tor of the Recorder, and *ell known here, has received; official :notice that he has been slated as a cosiiniissioner to this New Zealand Exhibition to be held the conling.•.falle. He leaves in June.- . • The wife of Mr. C. E. Tanney, of Minion, formerly of Clinton, has fast undergone :an.operation in one of the hospitals of that_cit.y The latest word from her is that she . is, recovering, a fact her old Clinton friends are pleased curledonthe 27th of January 1006. Some half dozen members of the Golf Club played Golf that, .day ;• House of Refugetonnnittee f The members of the House ofRefnge' committee, consisting aR Warden Spackman,'Councillors:McKenzie, Mc- Quillan, Ferris, `Cantelon, with Clerk Lane, Judge Holt, and'Cuaanty Crown. Attorney ;Seager, Mat. in- Clinton on Wednesday 1 or the purpose of dealing' with cases of patients in the Mouse,.. who have ample means for their sup- port. • Three of these • patients turned over to the county about. 51.600 in al), Which will be held 'in. treat. for them while alive, and tanned over- to their heirs, if any, after death. If there are 110 ciaimitnts for it, the morieywill be- come the property of • the county; to learn:. • '' Providence having blessed the union of Mr. and. Mrs. -Thos. L. Johnston with four boys and no girls, they-haye There are other cases of it like 'nature remedied this. discrepancy.- in their yet to be_dealt with.. ' ; family hyedoptinga fine !tette, seven The committee also decided to secure �';year old girl from a home in London:: an option on the farm of Mr. Plumsteel, • Someof these days thefour fine. boys 'uf;the-family•will-a-lse-b opting'. girl's out of other homes: - ' Mr. James:Sheppaid, bf Orange St., says that we:didd not give Dap' Me- Iinnis, now an inmate of the-Kouse•of Refuge, all:the credithe deserved last week. Wit stated. he had been: known to chop seven cord's ^ of wood' in one day. Mrd Shelipard Stays te; his per- sonal knowledge he' had: cut, eight cords in the tinre•sppecified., - The Winnipeg, Free• Pres§ h an. account of the wedding et Miss S bil Wesle -lansc y orb,: whrckl, •took dee ine:114a: Church, on. Wednesday last, the groom being Mr. George R. Ryan, of that city. The bride • is a grand- daughter of Mr. and Mras. S.. Pratt, of town, and made many, friendshere during: a visit to Owns coupleof sum-• mers,ago, The happy couple will ire- side is Winnipeg. The Toronto Star pays the- follow- ing • compliment' to, its late • editor, a brother of Mrs. 4, J. Oentelon, Clin- ton, t --The .new editor of Saturday Night has taken bold this week, and. the paper has started upon its new regime. ' Mr, 3., T. Clark's departure from The Star inflicts a loss upon the xeaders of the 'pii,per--t[se loss :of -4 - DIED FROM EXPOSURE,- Robb, McKinney,•aged 75, years, late propri. • eter of the Elboner. Hotel,' Toronto, was found dead,, beside the . Railway, near the Oshawa Junetion, a few days sine. .• The old. gentleman was on his way. to visit his son Robert'of that. town.' As the train approached Osh- awa, it stopped at the water tank,. a distance of two or three hundred yards from the station. Mr. McKinney, thinking he had reached. his destina- tion, got off:. This is the last seen or heard of hint, until he was found, as stated, near, the station. Deceased was• a brother-in-Isyw of Mr. John Picket, of the Huron Load, who last week attend- ed the funeral. BruEes,--Reguler 'meeting of Town. Council nextMonday night. -The roads in town, till the recent .snowfall, were 'just as good as. they were in the middle of. summer..- Quite a number of the lady friends•of.Miss Carol Newcombe, assembled at the station on Tuesday, to: see her off. to Indian Head;o Miss Prost had preceded her to 'Toronto. - Mr Mann, of Stratford, has-been, gaged as Superintendent of one of the cheerful,.. earnest, intelligent' writer, departments of the Clinton Threshes' • one whose conscience' is always behind Co. -A skating party went to Goderich his work, and whose devotion to truth, on Monday evening, bergq entertained and public service will keep his pen on at the home of Ni' Str iron• , all occasions and everywhere from was breaking when they got back ht writing anything contrary either to town. -- Mr James Connolly hes been personal honor or,public :duty, He is re-elected one of the ofdcers of the one of the mostentertaining of writers, Dairymen's Association. -Mr Gi•re ry, and,'at the same time.. one of the most of North Battleford, formerly of hxe- serious ,purposed., 1unior and earn - ter, called op friends here' on Tuesday. estriess in him pi hand in hand to sup- -There is•talk of a couple of irnportantport each other, . To have such a.man business chaiPges in the nearafuture,- eave the parser is a permanent loss. Mt McNeu ht,.�of Rapid City,'Man.: at. The Star's readers will therefore see tonetime fS ttor b • asysi visiting pf ti f t , w I t � here Mr. Clark leave the paper with regret. ' this week. --Mr Hunt, miller at Mee, And greeter than. their regret is that' says that 3S yy. erirs ago jest such a,notl, with which the managing director and 'erwinter ais,this was experiencedhere, staff .ofthe paper see him. n, even t; -Mr Butt, who died suddenly in Col,- borne, ol; borne, on Friday, wars a brother-in-law of Mr S Pennebaker, andunele of Mr id. Butt, -Mr .Paumsteel advertises a dis.. 1ersion sale of 29 Shorthorns and a number of grade cattle. on the 14th; he has always been a breeder of good cat, tle, and this will be a chance for buyers to get good.stock,-The Huron. Old Boys' ,Association, of Toronto, will hold its• sixth -anneal.: At.IIoine,- on the evening of the loth. -Abner 0osens,toi Viiin``f�ham, was in town, Wednesday. - Mr B. Hill has opened a grocery store n the stand formerIy occupied by O. Olson. --Mr Ritchie, Brussels, who was in the hospital for several weeks, was able to return home Wedneday,--- A hand billlfrom Sid Jackson, Leth bridge, shows that they were able to play base ball tit that place last Saturday,' over 1000 people attending the game, --- Mr W Rabb has returned from the west. A good crowd attended Mr Butt's sale of Polled Angus cattle. an Wednesday, fair prices being realized. --•Since Meg. ay last Cantelon Bros: shipped 1000 doz• ogge and 400) pounds of•pbutter.- -ti though it be to take an . important • editorshi, Ile has our best wishes. May he fend his new chair conifortable. COMING. TO TOWN. --Mr, A. Smith, of Wingham, has rented the Store of Mr. Il. Plumsteel, and takes posessioti •on April lar,.. Ile will carry on a gents furnishing and clothing • business._.Ileesta•rtcd his. mercantile career here a good many years ago, • ' with the late J. Iicdgens, BUSINESS. CHANGE: -Mr. J, C. Stevenson, one of the oldest business men an town, has sold Mathis furniture and 'undertaking. business to .Messrs.. , Hoover & )301, who announce a clear- ing sale. This announcement will. wine as a surprise, as will also the one that. Mr. Stevenson will move to Cali- fornia, where • his wife now is. Ile has been here so tang that no thought of his removal has been;entertained, and it will be regretted�by all , his old friends. Mr. Wei, Newcombe will oc• copy his store. vw1 Feb. g ScientificforHornecopiesLadies' iiiiimasieseiremoseseseeempe • RELIABLE-- R, e, even- . toDepartmentbestandyour youyouwanttohigh Scotch .Tweed • Suits•$'18.00 to 25:00,31 English Worsted Suits $$18.00_ M1 g #0 25.0W. .. English Serge Shits $.1-8 00- to 20.00 a Canadian Tweed Snits. $ 15.00 to 18.00 -All made .to"our .order, in -first-class ystyle, by skilled, Workers, and lined thxougl out with. first.clslss • linings. Hodgens ]Bras., Gent's Furnishers' and Clothiers, Clinton - •`"�ii"rlw'. ave Mai, eselee. 4