HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-02-02, Page 2; ••44,•Alps.,
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The thinthll pew Eia
" FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1906.
Ayer's-Cherry Pectoril zer-
!notnly cures coughs, . colds,
,.broncbitis,consumption. And
It certsinlystrengthens weak
throats! and weak lungs..
b There eAll be no Mistake about
*bis, YOu know it is true. And
! your own doctor will say so.
*4031itgo boy bad a terrible 400gh. triad
ev 1 could near of 'eat in vain until
Z ad otyer'e °beryl Peere.l. The *bet
I tilt ireVabegrianl brgifireirtr,312,Prr,
S'1144ti. a.ltort. .
•• eop the beiwele regular with Ayer's
' 41411111 And • thus hasten reocorena
' Feb) 2ind
i **specter obb's" Report i n ave tunnuo tun &line
t- herewith isesgiven the tifpOrt of Ins Pri I ‘"U"Pli" 171141 41"14'"`"
epeetoe Robb, of Beet HUr00,,as NebelThe Kind That max
witted to the County Conn ell tbie week -tibia 'mese • Ta
To the Wetclea end Council a the ' ""-
COOlitY of Huron. • BRONCO:WS.
' 1Gals1:011NX
The Bind That End In
A. Climatic Chimera.
Whee the -Grand Trunk Pacific.
schen.e was before the country, its op-
ponents professed to be confident that
a railroad couldetere 713e built through
l•the !land, of muskeg and granite
ridges,' as they termed the northern
portion of this Pepvinee. .It, was said
the easternAledsienewould exist only
on paper, and that the 'Government,
• - freni the outset, had no Intention of
-undertaking it. The road, ho•wever,
will be built, and willobe of the higheet
standard. . The detractors 'of the north
ae a • country are eard pressed to find some
pretext for statements which have
been disproeed, and take comfort in
,„ •
4.: • declaring that When the road is an ac-
complisbed fact, it e Opeeatien in th
-*inter will he precarious, if not im-
possible, on account of the enowfall.
This is wholly fanciful,..in view of the•
experience of the C. P. R. in northerp
latitudes. The prodigieus snowfall of
two yeers ago broughtfar more trouble
In Western Ontario and the Maritime
'education in the ln tctorate of East, Ito rot Elvo tho gams to *ago ee
antaalfOr•tbe year 1 • ifala laefs, but on 00 flret gip Cof Se tu
. TEA-OSSEO. • drst itrul get a bottli et
. It
• There Were 128 Public School depart. IDrWoocrs
merits open in East kluron during 1905. s
These were in charge of 33 male and
90 female teachers*, a. decrease of four • .Norway
male teachers. In 104 -44 school des \
partreents changed teachers ; in I9a5 p ••• line syrup
there were 51 ehmges•
• When thine, .were •more teaChsers ..,. ,
tban sehoolsi' *sehool boards took fon A abler Coughs, Colds. ' Bluriebitis, BOMB
advantage of the commercial law of 'Amt. Polio In the Mesa lloarsunsw, eir mut
supply and demand, and as a came- affeetion of the Throat or Lunge Mrs. Ome
lewer year after year. During the thaw, 42 Clumeont Street, Toronto, writes; 4./
siteb to thank you for the wonderful good e. b
quence salaries became lower and
last three years teachers have vailed ,e,'Weed'a Ifeeearwar Vas 'Banes ikaag.de_nasior af,
themselves Of the scarcity of teechere, ...14.4au muu t" Shildren* 14 .. 11 "'rm.".
and have not hesitated to resign their Inedisiate it II os boating and motheig battle.
schools when a higher salars, could be Oressinaeotera, We are never withold $t bet&
obtained elsewhere. Whatever cm- sl it in the bolsi."
sure is due in the* case of teaohers is Deset acmes a subst1tute:1hr The 'Wood's
•equally,aPPlioahle to boardsef trustees. sogwas 0,70.- It la Pat IP I* • Oa"
• qualillOatien a the Teachers' wrapper. three pine trees the trade made awl
',asses se mate, it all dealers.
- 1904 1005 .
Tbird these ........ 52 55
var•y • •••••....! 1 3
Total ............124 123
• Average ealar;es ; •
* 101113 1004 '1005
•M , -F,
Rural ..$888-$293 392 e 811 0418 327
Urban.. 721- 821 769 - 327 770 324
For Inspec-
• torate ..414-316 453-317 482 31
There has been an increase of 868 in
the average salary a male teacher,
and $10 in that of female teachers ib.
two years, •.•
The increase in the aieerage salary Of
the urban female teachers is but J3,
while that of rural female teaehers has
been $34 in the same time.
The .ocial and other advantages of
residing in a• town or viliaga no doubt
accounts for the difference in the ad-
vance in salaries.
Experience. -The average experience
of all the teechets f ast Huron is Of
years, and .the average time in present
school is 3 1-2 years. There are :20
teachers in thie in.spectorate who have
•taught ten years or more.
Reral-enrolled, 8676; aver. otten. 2122
" • 590 • •, 884
Town " 1846 " 937
' 5612 3453
• In 1904, 5664 pupils were enrolled in
the whole inspectorate, beote there
has been a decrease of 52 pepils during
190/a. The. average attendance is 61 1-2
per cent. This is an expellent showing,
Proeinees, the mostsoutberly portione ENTAANCX, EXAMINATION.
• 3:31 candidates. wrote on the Enteance
Of Canada, than in the Canadian North •-
• west. or in the long stretch of bleak /Illumination, of • admm • :ai8 passed:
f 1
';';•••znl'..- •
e aVerage age A .t le' successfulpan-.
countey in Northern Ontario traversed didates was '18 1-2-y-eata. Lat candid-
.ates wrote at the two. Collegiate Instie.
tutes; Clinton and .Seaferth, and 207 at.
the five ' °tibiae '..centre, Brussels;
Wingham, lelyth,Fordwieh and Wrox-
eter, These centres Were established
by the •Coun ty. Cetmcia and last. year
cost the County $64.60., This sum was
by the Canadian Pacific. A.great deel
of the difficulty arisinifrote. snowdrifts
is batised by curves and cnttings,which
will be aveided as far as possible in the •
ecnstruction of the new line, and the
snowfall is not on the average greater 'paid to eight presiding exiininers, for
ink,. eeppessage, printing, etc; • Eaeh
in • the latitude through which it will examiner -received.$0 and railway fare.
run than in the southernmost districts It is estimated- that this outlay of
of ,Oreettio. 'The promoters of the $6 04 saves in board, railway fares &c.
at least 31000 . to parents: of • plirals'
.G.ratel Trunk Pacific: appear to have •
no misgiyings cn the • climatic issue"
which is worryieg its opponents.
writing on this examination.
The County., Connell liaS full•power
to aborish these•centres. •
• Monee.Seupoes. • :•
Deere were 83 teachereentraining
• It is referred to as a Matter worthy
• of vete, that in the :ld country elec- the Clinton Model. School last year,.
tions only one Conservative is elected
in Ireland, and one in Scotland. Sure
--prise is expressed that there was even
one in the land of heather.
It is send-ufficially announced that
Hon. Mr. Brodeur will becotne Minister
• of Marine, and that Hon. Mr. Temple-
man will be Minister of Inland, Rev-
enue. Mr. Templeman deserves ed-
vencernent, and will add strength to
and 27 at the Goderich Model. • 12
teachers whose third-class .certificates
had expired re -wrote on the -final ex-
amination, and bad their certificates
rer ewed foe three years: - All the can-
dilatee were soccessfut • • '
Model Schools' were established by
the Public Schools diet of 1877, and for
a time the teachers -in -training were
required to atterid but six Weeks,
hence there were tveo Model terms,
from Sept. rst to Dec. 22nd of each
ye . oust rouud that the
term was too .shoet, and after three
has hitherto been unrepresented.
the Cabinet, because British Columbias
see% Sogre of these schools, espeeially! the
yearsenthi it was three lengthenedande tt iltfsxornestebT.
---addition to this he is a man of ability, two Models in this County, have done
excellent work, but as some others
have bift few pupils, some even aa few
as 4, it his been felt by many that the
time has come to replace these schools
by Normal t Schools, thus allowing
teachers; to receive their training•at
one time, and, not piecemeal, as at
present. ,
W. R. LOU gh has been Principal of
the Clinton Model School for 22 years, •
during which time 640 teachers-in-
tfaining biee 'passed through this
scjeool. For the last eleven years no
• candidate has failed me thelinal exam-
ination at this school. • •
which is only natural, he being a news-
paper editor.
HOWS This '1
We otter One Hundred Dollars Re.
ward for ape, case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J.-CHENEY & CO , Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known'
F. .T. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Drugeists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and nuucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 7.5 cents
per bottle Sold by all Druggists. '
Take Halls Family PilIs tor con-
News Notes
Judge Lazier died at Belleville, aged
79 years.
• • Grimsby forty men were fined 35
85 each for takirg part in a cock-
Alles es •
•,t. e funeral of the late Hon. Hay-
• ' Mond Prefonteine took place at Mont-
• real Thursday.
Surveyors are now out on the last
forty miles of the Temiskaming &
Northern Railway.
• Graeme Hunter is on trial in Edit).
• burgh, charged with obtaining money
from emigrants to Canada.
• General Joseph Wheeler, the fam-
ous Confederate cavalry leader, died
-yesterday in Brooklyn, N. Y.
• Fire tie a buiiding on Victoria edhare•
Mob -treat, did $150,000 damage, and
several girls had to escape by ffremenag
ladders. •e
British Liberals have now gained i.cli
• seats. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannea-
,•Man has now. over half the Hoin3e be.
Boys Wanted to sell THE
Illustrated Weekly', Prite date cents.
TWelve -copies t� atart With sent free,
• Adtese r The eanadian Graphic,
Wubll�hthgGOi„Ltd.i MI Victoria.
• WA* Termite, OntatiO,
' The three large Continuation Class
Schools in tlais inspectorate are doing
their usual successful work. • Two of
these schools, Wiugham and Brussels,
each have two teachers devoting them
Wale time to High School work. At
the High School exattihrattons in July
they were more successful than many
of the High Schools of the ,Province.
Blyth employi but one teacher of 'High'
School work. This sehool, also, had
good successet the midsuenmer exam -
mations. There were 504 pupils tale-
ing ut High School etudies in the Pub -
the year 1005.
NUw Sorlopr., Houses.
• . •
sebool garden; the ikfacdonald Insti-
tute ;the Ontario A.gricriltural College;
and the many other attractiens ofthat
edneationel eentre, It is hoped that
nob only,every teacher in .tile County,
but the majority of the school trustees
will joie' •the excursion and see he
trend of advanced inO:lern education.
. Coereettstost. • • •
• It hes become the fashion for College
pro°essors and others .who have not '
stood inside of a Pub ic School for,
.thilty. 'or more years, to carp at and
criticise Unfavorably the work done in
these schoole. I have been t. teecher
for the past forty one years, and dine
tag ell that time not an hour of my
waking life has been free from, the
thought of the work done in our Pub -
1c and High Sobools, ap,d how it miglit
be improved t. yet I have no .hesitation
In saying that our Public fechools have
'road°, greaterprogreos than any 1.49 the,
allied professior s e•Divinity, Law oe
,Medicine.• ••
•To compare one Of ourgood Modern
schools with a similar echool of. forty
yea,rs. eo, is like com paring a ined ex. t
express train withthe stage, coach it
disolaeed, •' ' `•
Much remains to be done, bur it will
be clooe in due 'thee. • • . • - •
In conclusion, I may add that all the
sehools were visited at. least tw leadur-
ingthe year -once to .each term.•
• , Dori ig the past fifteen' y ears. eVery
'scheol• department has beers visited
twice each Darr. - • . •
• • I auto gentlemen, • • . •••
•• Your•ohedient Servant, .
.•33. ROM
Tao .Leacea et the amp.* °vex, Ike
DielsorOs 011Vrilt.-
The eimertititiOnterefeeliOg to par,•
tieular dears are very ntlineroys. The
Uwe* at St„ Swithirt ie Alt extmplit
that will eecui to every One:
ewitbini.day, If tbeii 404 rain,
For forty dart it will remain;
St. Swithin's day, If thou be atir,
ror forty tlaoir 'twill rain nao ma.
St. SWIthin, bebop of Winchester, ata
cording ta the author of "'The reptile!
AntiquitieS," Was "a man equally not.
ed for uprightness and humility. So
far did be carry the latter virtue that'
on his deathbed be, requested to be
burled not Within the church, but Outs
• eide the churcbyard the north of the
Alltered hullding, where his corpse might
receive the elliesdreppings from the
roof and ilia grave bp trodden by the
feet of passersby, .11is lowly request
was corriplied with, and neglecb.
ed.spet his remains reposed till about
100 years. AfterWard, when a fit of
pious In.dignation seized the elergY at
th'e fact -that the body or So holy a
member Of their order was allowed to
Occupy Mich a position, and on an. ap-
pointed da a they all ataiembled to con.
'trey it with great 'pomp to the adjoin-
ing cathedral Of Winehester. • When,
they were about to commence the cere-
mony a. heavy ram a burst forth and con-
tinued Without intern -418404 fog. the
forty succeedingelays. Tire monks in-
terpreteci 03111 tentpeSt as a warning
from heaven of the blasphemous nature
of their 'attempt to 'contravene the di-
tection of $t. Swithin, and instead of
disturbing his remains they erected a
chapel over leis grave." "St. Swithin ia
• christening the apples"' is the More po-
reattic:1 way of describing • St Swithin's
• Can't even eleep- "restlese day and
nightr -broodin_g aver imagined troable
all the time. The disease Whit in the
brajn, but hn. the blood which 14 gl,111
and innutrneoute Do the right thing
now and you'll be eared quickly. Just
take Ferrozone ; it turns everything
yon eat into neurishinent, consequent-
ly, blood containing Iota of Iron and
oxygen is formed. Verroaone makes
flesh, inusele, nerve -strengthens in 014
week, mires very quickly. You'll live
longer, feel brighter, be free from mel-
ancholy if you use Ferrozone. Fifty
cents buys a box of thas good tonic
(fifty chocolate coated tablets in every
hex) at all dealers.. .
The aloonta Phasee.
The phases of the moon are caused
by its relative position to the earth and.
the sun, so that when it Is full moon
In one part of the earth it is full moon
In all parts of the earth, and so for all
Its other, phases. The moon revolves
around the earth mice In twenty-seven
days, thousk on aecount of the earth's '
'revolution bound the sun the mean
duration of 'the lunar month -that b,
the time from new mem to new Moon
-Is twenty-nine . days, twelve hours
and forty-four minutes.. The "dark of
the moon" is that half of the lunar
month during which the moon sbines
Least at night.
Nothrof' house as good WallePaper. '
adds so much to the decora-
tionam in a position ahow you the very
hest. and choicest patterns, as I am
agent for the
Empire VVail - Paper -Co.,
ot Toronto.
The samples for 1000 are entirely
new. Prices run from 5c atoll to 35o,
with borders at same price. Every
roll of paper guaranteed to contain' 8
yards, I will Bell this paper at cost,
from now to the 1st of March. Samples
gladly,shown to intending purchasers,
at anytime, and hang it at So per roll.
rfourse Decorator and Paper Hunger,
Cor. Queen and Princess St., Clinton;
J W Torrance,..:
FamilyS utcli
' Meat Selections -always the i best,
nice and tender and juicy.
' No tablets needed to aid digestion
Saturdays always Bargain Days.,
A. TRTAL timed:rem COME EARLY.
Clintoe, Jam 06;
, • ,
Ten mon" with weodshed wok 'tibia
heed end soft weber, sore of lend, Oen.
Write looted tor pertioulers apply to
Farm tor Sale
$nbeoriber effete for sale his terra of 7a
twos, wog lot 17, 1st oon. of Hallett; All
ear an o ou Siva OP. ratue
bourne beak barn, orchard, plenty ot water
Oat gOod grovel road. only one and a half
miles from Clinton.
tf.4* GEO. H. WHITE
Choice Farm lor sale
Subscriber offers tor sale hie splendid
form or 96 %ores on the Iles Lioe, being
north part ot Maitland Block, Hullett
•Good lariat Imuse, barn mid all necessary
oatbuildings; 35 sores bash; terra well vet-
.tered end in good condition. 2 raileS from
Auburn. jOEIN SPRUNG, euburn P,0
. . •
.Debentures tor Sale'.
• The Olieton Thresher Company Limit.
ed, offer,for sale twenty debentures of $500
yeah, bearing 41 3er cent intermit. •nese
are Gold Mortgage Guaranteed Bonne and
are atitiolutely secure, For particulars
ply tO.VV. ,BRYDONE, Secretary
• . •
Thoro-bred Sulrfor-Sale
0111xcuseAmCoo,4dLildaarma,,,nbue13.said, "but red 13- till;1 aged one yeer, roman color, sir -
The Snosoriber offers for tale, 1 that.).
you remember, In the restaurant sl by •Snell's Ireported Short-Hora
'After -the theater the other night yeti • . ADAM
• were kind en'ongh to notice me. 1 , pa$1.: .Lot 27, Ooze 4, Fin .
• , .
Yes, and „your strength too. Slop ,
,coughine• lied get rid ot that catarrh
The One • remedy ' is • "c'eterrhozone"
which goes to the 4iseesed tisspeS
along with air yen breathe; it" can't
fail .to reaeh the source et. the eraoble
its'bented to kill: the gegins; mid as tar
heirlitig.up the Ore 'placed. nothing C;Iri
. surpass Ca tarrhozooe: If., you fiOn't
get inStnnt relief and nitituate e
you leasit get' your, rum te v
foe e.,Sittri•le3zone is guestenteed toe o 0
eatareb in any !part Of the 8yetf rii, YOu
run no risk: --..therefore.. Catarrho7
gone- at 'onr:esrpense if not,siit
lic So ools of this inspectorate during
During 1905 the village of Wroxeter
built 114,fine two -roomed brick school-
house tit the most approved modern
kind. It is equal, if not superior, to
any other two -roomed school in the
Province. It cost $0,500, and is cheap
at that peee. &heal Section No, 2,
Tuckersmith, also Wilt a fine one -
roomed: brick school.housewith a base-
ment. It cost alma 32,500, and is a
eredit to the section.' Union S. S. No.
10, Ilowick And Grey, rebuilt their
school -house, veneering it with brick.
It cost about $1,500, and is as good as
new, ,
I have not urged the building of
la -eve schooI-housee for some time, as I,
hope that the forinatioo of consolid-
ated sehools will receive sueli entour.
agement from the Education Depart-
ment es,to make it a, live question.
Every TIEWV sehoOlehouse is an °bated 1
In the way of eonsolidation.
Tnacituns' CollvEr-rtrosr.
• , •
Peculiar 'Wityri of the ono.* Of ileerti
• The' 0114S, a tribe of Indians inhabit-
ing the Mainland of the •Tierra del Fu-
ego island, are physlcel giants. • Their
• average height is •over feet. A. few
are six arid oirelbalf feet; a few fallbe.
lew eta feet. • The Women are more cote
• pnlent :and nett .so tall. • There. Is no
'racein the world with a more -perfect
Physical development than the Ona,In-
dians, This is partlyclue to the ,
• raptly of the 'country and the distribte
tion of the game, which makes long
-tatirches.across the country a necessity.
In mentality they fall far below -their
• Tihyslealsattairattentse-in-the-past their
supnly•of game bas been plentiful, and
this may account for the lack of •In-
• ventive' genius among them. ' This lack
Of prOgrekisive skill is portrayed ill their
home lire, clothing and. homes. Their
children suffer from it, for, contrary to
the pratlice common among most In-
dians of feeding,. dressing and training
the children well, the Ones' little ones
Are mostly naked, poorly fed and alto-
• gether neglected; They have abundant
• material for supplying themselves With
elOtiaing and hordes, and yet they throwP
a few braneheatogether, put skips over
. the windward side and then shiver un-
der the miserable shelter. • •
• Scientists who have made a study Of
the Mil:ilea say that the 'language- of
the Ones Is the strangest ever lietened
to. Many.of , orde are not difficult
• to pronounce, nor is e construction'
of the sentences di , t, but very few.
words are 'interrupted , by a sound •
which it is Impossible to produce. • The
. speaker hacks, cobghs and grunts, dia.
• toting_ his face' in the most inhuman
mannere and then passes on to the next
'stumbling bloct: • The •Onas princle
• pally upon meat, whicliin former years
was obtained from the .guenaco.
A. very euadessful Teachers' °envoi -
tion for the entire County was held at
Clintbn on May. 25th and 20th.. At
that eoultelition it Wee deckled to hold
the meeting 1111000 at Guelph Agriew-
tural College, SO that teachers might
have an opportunity to insorct the con. ,
• hope I 'am not mistaken in supposing
that your interest was -ah --not alto-
gether"- se
efeh,• not at ala remember now.
thought for .a Moment that you were
the coachman. roy husband discharged
•a few. weeks ago for trying .to make
love to the cook, and I wondered how
reu,e0uld afford to eat in Mich an ex-
• pensive place." •.• • •
• ,.A.fine of.$50, without 'costs,' evas Urr-
. posed upon H. Ho lilac Evans, inanag:
er••Of the Union Life Insurance Co., for
a breach a the alien Wier act.'
• Mrs., 'Archibald Caineron of Pore
Arthur,. Was found in a dying •-e6idi-
tion by her litliband, and her brother,.
on hearing.. of her death, eon =it ted• • ••. .
At• tin; :annual - meeting of Knox.. . .Farut•to Rent.
Bull. tor Service; •
. • . •..
The undersigned will keep for se. vice the
Amerioen anct Canadian registered Herr: -
torsi• brill, -Proud Dnhe. Terms 31.50.
• Also young Hereford stook for sale at any
FARNHAM, Lot 11, Con, 9,
• Ilnllitt; Constance P,O.
* .
EsIlA tor Sale. .
• • Two thoro-bred Shtrt Horn bull for
tale. aged 2 &S years, bath red with a little
white; splendid individual bulls c*.. good
pedigree. One by Biggins' Impotted Fen-
dy',.3 Pride; thr other by SneIrs Star of
Morning. • Will be Sold reasonable.
• tf JAMES S'l 0 B BROOK
Chntele•Gitel. b, R R WR
p ev. I. qs$ was
• iresented'with a checklor two 'hund.
red dollaes, and his salary increiteed to
eighteen hupdred per year.
At the civiainvesbigation Joseph.
,Weight, President of the •plutiabing
time Of Beneett & Weielve testified
to loans made to Mr. E. S.. !Lentiok,
architect for thenew City Hell, •. •
• It 14 reported that Metere: Eld.er
' Dempster:az CO. preps* takina up the
West. andia-Canachan! steamship ser-
• vice; incleding Jamaica, with a well-
equipped fleet of steamers, to run from
_Halifax arid St. John in winter apd
front Meetreal in summer. •
• 'Often causes a good deal of troubls.
• The b st• t re is a prompt a lication
of Nerviline which instantly stops the
pain, prevents swelling, removes all
blackness and discoleration. Nervilme
is antiseptic -prevents blood poison-
ing. No liniment so strovg. so ep.en-
=sastiattsoefsAiftftortd1r)sturoyt pa.ing. 1,,v-
son'slkerviline. ;or nyear?y ye:re
it has been the standard family ,
ment of Canada, ••
• • -7-s- • ,
The farm of,1110Secres bting lot 27, Con.
2, Stanley, is •offered to rent for. a terthot
years. Good boose, bank barns, plenty of
water, bearidg orchard, three - quarters
of a mile from school. 80 acres 'under cul-
tivation; grst-class soil; at•Pregent eatirelY
under grass. • Apply to M, C. ROSS, on
prat:obeli-of Clinton P. O., or T. FRAZER,-
Br defiele. ' • ••. •
• 9 ' •
For Rent or Sale
That deakelelfe. Peeetnedimia -residence
fornierly 000npiad by W. Q. Phillips, on
Mary St. Firet class atate of repair; 1,2
acre garden, with fruit bearing trees and
bushes, Possession given Oct. bit, If par.
chased, buyer cart have easy twin of par -
went, Ow be. inspected any reasonable
hour, Addrese jOHN RA.N• oSyinOtRonD13.0
olootecoor to ala aite keit.
BARRISTOR, 0014101'1'04, 43,, ,
byoffice-A:Mott Block, formerly ,occeeled
efetiooti. • '
4 mon"..,....1.4.••••••,,,,,;;.......1.1.
- W. ItitTDONE.
°60NvE3rAziot• ‘00)Missiorno 2,
Real Estate na Insgrauce Agent
• MeneY to in
0,1R, 11.411, • JOHR MOUT
Dr. VC Gunn, 43. L.' Z. It. 0.8.. Eddie-
Offiee- Ontario Street, Clinton. /slight calla at
front door of effice or residence. Retteubttry•
• DR.4.W. SHAW. .
aoecnohenr eto., office and residerme On,
tario St., oppoaite English church, fora:1(01Y 00
envied bv Dr. Appleton; Clinton Oat,
„ •
Fano tor Sale. DR, D. w, THOMPSON
London Itoid !mile from Clinton, about
132 acres of Aret-olass lance "Rich .es.
garde% has' been a stook farm -tor.% num-
ber of years. Freme house, largo barns,
plenty of etabling, pig lionse for 100 bead,
implement Possession given et,
'any time. Owner wishes to retire from'
farming. Apple '.(3 H. PL171‘ifilTEEL.
. • May 19 1905 '
• Farmlor Sale.
The farm of 50 acres in tbe 3rd coo: of
Hniletteoccupied by subspriber is °tiered
for sale All but four acres cleared, and
• in good state of +cultivation, 13 acres fall
wheat seeded down. Running opting, all
fall plowing done but le acres. New frame
house, small barn, Aore of bearingorohaid.
• 2a, miles from Clinton, Also team of good
working horses for sale.. •
Nov 17 05 013AS.• MASON, Hallett-
Tenders Wanted'
. .
. .
• 'Tenciers will be d by the ^Council
of the Townehin a Hui ett up to Friday,
February 16t1i,•at 2403,refoi Stipa-lying the
following quantities�f Rook Elm or Tam-
arack plank, if Rook Elm to be 2- 1-2 inches
thick, if Tamaraok it . inUat be a inoheii
thick, and all of it•16 feet long, to be deliv-
.ered on or.about May 1st, as follows;
. 1000 it at Mallaillana
.• 1(0) It at McCoolli
1000' ft "at H. Hi,l'a•
'1000 ft at Leiper's •
' 1000 ft at Barr's
The lowest or any Tender not necessarily
accepted, •
Clerk's Office;Jan'y 1.9tb,•1906. • 41 •
frirnsen memo.
,Dueing the Smith African vier an i111.
Mettee' etorie monument was removed
'at•Cape Town during the night, aird no
one knows tofirie day 13Y whom or why
• It wee taken. Some years ago, in broad
daylight, a 'cleeer ntid bold gang of
thieves carried Off a Valuable fountain
fourteen feet high from Uxbridge with-
• out exelting the stispicione of any one
and •milte receetly an omnibus was
calmly removed, horses arid all, while
• standing Unguarded outside a public
.110nee in London and has never been
• Nen or heard of since. It wOtild seem,
-indeed, .that' it IS 'often far Wier to
-steel a big thieg than a little Ore.-.
/sender* Telegraph. •
Placing 11n.
"Voting Man," began the , dignified ...
r gentleman Its blaek dresS, "have yoU
tufiy considered the.future? Have yeti
made provisions for the hereafter? IN
ltt not tinte"..-
. •
"Pardon me 010 moment please, but
' Sire you a minister or 9 life insuraaes
• agent,"
solidated school eetablitth there ; the
, •
• ;
- • rrHF.. 'success of pastry •
• I depends N -Jori the
flour. " Bread and pastry
mug be more than mere-
ly appetising ;. they must '
be wholesorne, digestible,
. nourishini
' The ur depends
. upon the wheat and the
. way it is xnUled,-
oyal Household • Flour:
•1 Made from spring
wheat only. It is milled
by the newest and best
• machinery:. It is purified
• by electricity.
• Use it and jou get
• . bread not only light, crisp
and appetising, but also
• wholesome,digestible and
Yo nti will better your
' baking by buying Ogil-
\vies Royal ...Household
• Flour from your grocer..
Tin trak6I
ski tabb 130 pageg of as
pesoome never pub .
OgIllit Fiolar Mills C...
ow to ast t
"Ogilvie* Book tor a
• ;
Farm in Tuckersmith to-
, Rent.'
• To rent for a term of Sears, Lot 14, Con-
cession two, L. R. 8., containing 100 acres.
80 acres of which are cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, This bawls situated
1 1-2 miles from Kippen,•7 miles from Sea-
t:TO, and 31.2 from Eteneall, • This farm
fenced, drained, and has, firlit wags.
buildings thereon;and is onia-Of the best
•farms in the County of Huron For terms
&o, apply. to Doig & Doi, Attorneys, Sault
Ste. ' • 8.11
• %Choice Farm for . Sale.
That first class farm, comprising the•E
1if of lot 29, con. 3, East Wawanosh; 100
Bores, one-andeebalf storeye frame house,
10x2; with good stone cellar and kitchen
1,702; gcoa bank barn 52g60, with stone
stable; 18acres of good timber and le
acres of orchard. The land is in good
state of. anitive tiOn end is all, seeded down,
exciptAbout 22 acres. 'Well watered, good
well and neyer-failine.,`apring creek. With.
in easy reach of cburoh, tion.:sol,?post 'rffice
and railivey atation: For terms and turther
parteculars apply to 11,IDOUT ITALB,
Real Estate Agents, Clinton Or to •
JAMES MUTCH,, on lot 28, Adburn.
.Farms tor Sale
Physician, Surgeon, Etc..
• special attention given to disedses of ib.
Bye, Far, Throat/ an Nose.
Office and Residence -
Albert Street.2 Dlache North of Itattexthary •
W. Running Sinit -11, D., C.111
OFFICE -Main filtrate, ReYfield, formerly *
- occupied by Dr. Pallister:
J. 11:4..1JNDY,
• fincee.ssor teDr, Agnew, 'Dentist.
Offioe opereevery dayancl nntil 10 o'oloo
Saturday evening. • '
-- Evening appointments made. •
. • • •
,., •
..(ouccesssor to Dr. T. a Bruce
• Sp ecialst in Crown and Midge Work
L, D. S. -.Graduate Royal Colleae Den* Sur
geons af Ontario, luronto.
S,--Firat-elass Bono: graduatacoi. Den-
tal Department of Toronto University.
• Special atteation_paid to preeervation ,•of
ohildren's teeth. Wlfl visit Bayfield. e
Monday. .• •. •
DENT1*T •• • '
(tftlose over %NEIL'S store. ,
Special care taken to i3sake dents ire •
ment as painless as eosaible. W vi
Auburn every Monday; .
• Miscellaneous.
•••Nowitnessee required
Money • •
tnndst� teen 1.it.411R4rDi6eAVind
• Live stock and general Auetione.see ,
•.Farth stook sales a specialty. Orders leftat
,•_promptly attended
to. Terms reasonable,: .,• .
Fanners; sale note•s
:One .99% adze farm in r the Township. of Col-
borne, 7.miles from Goderich and 9 miles:from
Clinton,/ mile from Village of Bentailer.'olose
to Bost Office; daily mail; churches and schools.
There is a good,Iarge bank barn, briggy house,
•implement bouse, ig pen and hen house. a
good large frame awelilng, with ten rooms; 2
good wells, ferioes in goad state of repair.
there are about 13 acres of pear orchard and 28
sores of apple orchard, fall and winter fruit,
• about °acres of bush. Thi. ,a iirst-class fruit
and stook farm, rail plowing, maarly all don-
and'five acres of, wheat; half of farm: ie seeded
down. Posseseion can'be bad any time.
A186 a tarn:ref 160 acres; adjoining the above
•farm; a large, good stone house, frame burn.;
horse stable; large sheep. and cattifi shed, and a
largespring,near the house, with•milk house
:thes.eonve, piing runs through farm to mattlan
-•Itiverr---Seviirai acres of bugh; farm over half
seeded 'down and In good state of cultivation,
• with. some 7 acres of good orchard thereon.
"This farm is known as Cherrydale'Farm, and
has 38 acres of fall wheat. Apply to • •
• . MRS. MARY WHITE. Benmiller, Ont.
• • .-
• .
is a high.gradeCominereial School .
Three Courses.
Commercial. Stenography -"Telegrapirr.
• Write CEO. SPOTTEN, Principal.
J. 1:1„ Rumballs Clinton
• T1s11.414.. ,
. .• BANKElt, •• • "
• ON " • .!
,Private bands 10 - loan on mortgages ali•
. . , •• best current ' ratev ••
General Banking •
businees trenerefea,
" ntereet allowed on depoeits. ea.
Sale noterti
DilicTaggrirt e M. D. MeTaagart:.
MeTaggart Bros. •
• torenerag.trasnasnkin• eg •Balalaika.
••Drafte issued. In arch enowed on
• • depoeits.
Tihe 1VicKilloP Mutual
• THE :LAEMOIIR / Fire Insliranee eot
Pawn!' and Isolated Town Prop/ •
SchooloiTellegraphy erty Only Insured:*
• And General Training for
Railwayt,Service .
• The new method of instruction adopted.
• by thie school has peeved a great success.
Pimile graduate in the .shortest possible
time, therefore at the leaet eepense.
Employmedt provided at base. Write
for free paraphle t which will give full infer
1:nation. , • •• .
in Gordon, Stook, opposite
tphesetobio:ffiyc:I°°nathecex,.most deeirable location in
Inspeedoli of °lasses at .1./011 cOrdiOlY
itOBUBT LAMOUR, Stratford,. Ont.,
' Principal and instructor, formeily
• triot Superintendental. T. R.
WI-IEAT and 0A.+S
Before yot sell any of above, get my
prices.' It will pay you sure.
• Pure Manitoba Flour,. • unetpitilIed, • for
•Bee • ; stgaight lloller, espeozally adapted
iiiastry ; strOlig Baker's, Mtn
edd fro
eel oted blended wheat and gnarentetx1;
half leo, 1 Maritoba, TRY IT. •
Chopped feed, et every fleaciriptiOn, at
rookexatom prices, either in bag Iota or,
ser lotS..and delivered anywhere,
t ,..../
sollottee boa done to yoUr setisfeetiOn.
J. B. McLean, President,'Kippen; Thos
Eraser, Vice-pres'., Brucefield; Thos. E
Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforthea
Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; jea.e
Watt,' Harlock; G. Dale. Clinton;
Chesney, Seafoith; J. Eirans, Beeeb-
• woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. nest
h, priredhaaogrein•.
s; inspector of leases:in
his own locality.
'Robe. Smith, 1•117r3loNe"k;7Edlerlincliley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond-
elite; J. W. Yeo, Hohnetville. •
LI operation dady. Customers can take ,
•Chop home with them, Prices right -toll
or oash, Satisfaction guarartesd, .
J. BROWN, Proprietor •
-• Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stoek and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Itowland's Hardware store, or
Orders May be left at Davis
:with itiromun
. J. •Steiresse.on,
or. sQui RE, port:victor 14+14444444abt, Planta 01
Ltiodeoltika.J.A.10th. *
• • .