HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-02-02, Page 1•-,
Suneeribere are Urged to make their
eetiewalspeoraptly, andahue aeoid the
lees Of May Ceples of the Herald,
Established Me
Q*weitataffee, at:blister.
York Cauoty La611
and Saving e Company
and Depi3sitor§L
art' • es and Pass books will ba
received at all branches -of a
Ail necessary payiriehts and
transfers of money made. free
of charge
Clinton Manager
gjelV Ntteftiffelltalli.
Lexacold, R. P. Reekie- - .
Funniture sale, Hoover & 111:111 .-p aag
e 1
Wanted, NEW ERA 1
Testineonials, W. S. R.- liolnies 1
Announcement, Newcombeei - 4
Price Outs, CooPer & Co .4
Important, IL Plurnsteel 4
Notice to Creditors, W. Bryclone4
American corn, W. G. Smith.... , 4
Sale of Shorthorns, H. Plurnsteel4
Dray business for sale, Thew ERA4
Bargain Days, Tozer & Brown 5
20 Days' Sale, Poplestone &Gardiner 5
Reduction Sale, It Make- 5
February Sale, J. fl, Chellew5
Veterinary Office, Morrell & Holenes 5
Concert, DeAiva, 5
eaettaeg-htleye-Hodgens Bros 8
Spring Arrivals, Hodgens Bros 8
' NOtiCe " e
$advertisements arry week roust
Advertisers changing their
have their copy m not later
than Tuesday morning.
Girls Wanted'
To learn the manufacturing Of ready
made clothing. • Good wages from the
commencement, and steady employ-
ment all the year round. Apply to
J. C. Stevenson
We beg to announce to.. the
people of Clinton and surround-
ing country that we have
bought the Furniture and
Undertaking business of J. C.
Stevenson, and on Saturday
morning, Feb. 3rd, start a
Sacrifice -Sale- of all -Furniture -
in the store.
Me. Stevenson leaves shortly for
California, and has leased the buildi
to .1. W. Newcombe, who mustje e
possession in two weeks.
This is a genuine Sale 'of rst-class
Furniture, at cost pricevand many
articles for less.
The Big Mesical Prciductioti,
DeAlval College Girls
Lady Band and Orchestra.
Pretty Girls in a pretty show.
Watch -for the street patadeat noon.
Admission, 25, 35, and 50c.
Tickets onasele at Fair's Book store.
Private Tuition. .
Private tuition in Fable) School work.
Pupils tan,ght separately, either eurinethe
day, or in the evebing. Alao, books post.
ed and accounts rendered for .merobanta,
Apply to MISS M. O'NEILL,
tf Huron Stre
Are you satisfied
With your
0 Perhaps you have neglected it,
let it get dirty or rusty from lack
of oil. Perhapa It has been
badly repaired at some Utile.
Whatever the reason, don't delay,
aft delay mined:nee spoilt the
Given the opportunity we will
repair and return it to you with
our personal guarantee of.its con
rectness; are make no charge for
examining emir watch-an:I report.
ing its needs.
Our priees for watch repairing
are moderate. ..
A. j. GRIGG,
fortune:al with iived only a fewminutes
PEREONAT,,-,1ReV. Mr. Gisobler, who
h is not hadgood health for seine time,
has been down at Berlin undergoing
treatment. It is expected that he will
be fleck to resume his work on Sunday
Soraate: Daaaia-The peopleein tne
aieghborhood of Beale' uhurcle and
1.1 ewhere were both surprised and
pained, on Thursdiey to learn of the
sudden death of Mr. Henry Butt.
Deceased was in his accustomed
'health, and was about his work as
Weal; sitting in a waggon when he
eepertenced. stroke of apoplexy ata
inetantly expired. fie was one of the
old settlers of the township, and was
a, man of sterling probity, and held in
the very highest esteem. His wife and
one daughter -Mrs. L. Allan -survive
him. • ale was a life long menaber of
the Methodist Church, ?tad had reach:
ece the ageof 75 yeace. In- politics he
wasa.lieformer, Mr. Stephen Butt is
thesolessuryiving brother.. • ,
Sarah Good died at the residence of
her son recently, at the age of 78
years. Deceaeed was one of the pio-
neers of the townshipe having settled
here with her husband many years
since. She has beef! a widow for some
thne; living on. the homestead with
her son. She was troubled with a can -
met° on her face, and some time ago an
unsuccessful effort was made to remove
it, and this, it iathouglit, hastened her
death. She was a member of the Ev-
angelical church, and. a woman held
in the highest esteem. The fueeral
services were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Yell:tad, in the absence of Mr. Gischler,
Kippen '
George Kennard has, arrived from
Moose Jaw, where he is engaged in the
real estate business, •
Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Dinsdale•attendea
the funeral of the late II; Butt, uncle
of Mrs. Diosdale, in Colborne, Sunday,
Mr. Alden Whiteman, after spend-
ing,a,few months in the parental borne,
recruiting his health, left last week
for Detroit, where s• he has a splendid
position. His numerous friends here
are pleased to hear of his success. •
The Literary Society, which, owing
to bad weather, has net held a meeting
for three weeks, held ohe on, Mendel
night, when a pleasant time was spent
by, all who attended. At the nexs.
meeting, in addition to music readings
and dialogues, there min be a discus -
sign on "Education," led by Messrs,.
Jas. McDiartend and W. H. Johnston.
" DneaireaOn the leth of January
Mr. George alcaettir, aged 93; died. He
was a man of kind ancl, generous nat-
ure, beloved by all., On the 29th of
January his brother-in-le,weeeerch. Mc-
NetII, aged 83, died in the same home.
He was a Mau of more than ordinary
ability, poetical by nature, audio for-
mer clays used'eriemed the religioue ser-
vices be the Temperance 'Hall on the
3rd cen, Stanley, with grace and abil-
ity. These two are the las' of the older
iaaembere of a long-lived family. The
only survivor left is Miss.Belle MeNeill
on the old honegatead, who has been a
most patient, loving and faithful nurse
tosa large family of old people.
.-Brucefiela .
" Wm. Logan, of Moose Jaw, former-
ly of oulayillage, is visiting relatives in
John Snyder has 'Monad into his new
handing, where he has a good stock of
harness, etc. • -
Hugh Cameron Moose Jaw; returned
hers lasit Week tetthe Imam of his fath-
er, John Cemeron, and will spencLthe
winter her. eae
The congCegetiori of. thieleiesayter-
Ian church beld its, annual meeting on
Wednesday last; whfine reports and
business matteesareev‘considered. All
expenses were p with a small sur-
plus on hand. bout WO was given •
durin the ear to the schemes of the
-chum '
• D - On Sabletth last out neigh" -
b r ood was saddened to lean), of the"
eath of Miss Agnes 'Hart, the eldest
daughter of Mr. fleet, at the age of 32,
years. She was ill for a longtime; sat
that her death was not Unexpected.
She wits a young woman of beautiful
character, beloved ley. all with whom
she came in contact. She was a mem-
ber of the Presbyterian choral, an ac-
tive worker in the Christian'Endeairor
Society, and in the Sabbath school.
Her loss will he most keenly felt in her
home, where the familyeonsists of her
fathee and :deter,. Miss Katie. The
funeral took place' on Tuesday to
Baird's cemetery, a nuinber of friends
and relatives from-. a dietetic% being
present. The synipathy of thaw -hole
neighborhood goes out to the sorrow-
ing relatives. e, •
Winerree.emen.-On Wednesday of
last week, while the stage driver, Mr.
Little, was in- Varna • post -office, the
horses started dff with the stage ; they
jogged along until they readied Wile
Vit -
son's hotel, Brucefield. When it was
found they had no drieer, Mr. Wilson
took charge of them. They did not
seem to know that there was no one
driving, as the tines were put through
a peg on the top ef the stage. Mr.
Little ran to step ehent :tapir Mer-
reer Gibsolee, but finding:he could not,
Mr, Gibson drove him to .the station,
where they managed to get the mail
bag out be tinie for the 8 o'clock train.
Peopte on the road eould- molly have
stopped the team, but, as the stage
was closed in front, no one knew that
there was no driver.
Ketenti STRATPORD, r- Patrick
Mulcalueof Seaforth, it young mewled
man employed as,a barber in Stratford,
was struck and horribly mangled by
an engine at the station and instantly
killed Friday, evening, Mr -Mulcahy
was the well Ithown Seaforth lacrosse
goankeeper. Hie wife and ix:other are
still living in Seaforth. Apparently
he wee eneleavoriegto cross or pass in
frout of the engine, raid erebably
!stumbled, when the engine caught and
passed over him. The remains were
breughb to Seaforth ou Saturday
tight liatertnent taking place on Motel
FateaNet Turat,-Or. 11.
Woods, a fanner of Turnberry tn.,
about three miles from Winghaba
Icilled; Friday forenoon by a tree fall-
ing on, him while working in the bush of '
.1 it B• Te
o n Hardie a amigh or. Theatiee
.Marriage Licenses issued after the eecideot. He Vies about 55
eaereeeseaweeeereeeeeeaseseee awe Vete ef aga and tlatflattied+
The youngest daughter of Mr. Jas.
Switzer, we are pleased to note, is
Mee. John 'Sheppard Jr., still con-
tinues to km:trove We are pleased to
learn. -
Mr. Ad. McCartuey and his neice
Miss Lillie McCartney, Sundayed with
friends on the Bayileld Line,
The concert in Varna, on Tuesday
evening was well represented by the
people of this locaiety, more by the
lads and their lames, all of whom
speak of it AS a high class entertain-
ment. menet,
Heim flesh is 4till in constant de -
mend, as is seen by the faney pricea
reeeived. Mr. John Thompson dispos-
ed of a two yeat pit realizing .the auto
°f0$11181:Eter-itwing to sacramental ser-
vices being held in Bayfield nexe Sun.
day, service will be lield in Cole's
Church in the evening, 0, be followed
by saoregiental service. •
8°0141 gatherings have become the
order of the evenings in this neighbor-
hood, in Which the. yeung people as-
semble togetliet. irral enjoy thetnselves
in company one Wita another.
The average attendance at S. S. No.
9 school' is increasing, Miss Bertha
Hayter, the worthy teacher, is quite
capable of managing them and her
labors are deserving of much credit,
• The 9th eon: people mass their kind
neighbor in the person of Mr. Samuel
Switzer, whose merry jest was always
heard even in time of trial ; we know
the Ideation Mr, Switzer has settled in
will be brightened by his sunny ways.
SALE: -The estock andaffects of the
late Osbaldeston will be sold by auc-
tion at the farm, lot 10, Huron road,
on Tues,lay, Feb, 18th: As Mrs. Oa
beleeston intends to m ov e into Olineon,
„everything will be soId without reserve.
G. -Elliott will be the auctioneer.
" SALE 00 FARM. obri 'Huclie has
beuglat the farm on the 7th concession
which belonged to his late beotheg
James. The property 'contain? 100
:wee and the price paid was $4,000.
The farm ie at present rented to John.
Marshall, who-will.continue to occupy
it for some thriee
Bororea ' Agana -During the paet
onnimer, Mr. Irwin made three- at-
tempts to semere ttesupply of water On
the farm of Mr. John Yeo, but was
unsuccessful, in. one attempt losing a
"sinker," valued at about $00. Mr.
Bevans has undertaken the Job, and is
new at :work sinking • a fourth hole,
Which Mr., Yeo naturally hopes: may
prove successful, ,
SToCK NOTES.—E. H. Wise, well
known eel a breeder of good stock; has
pm:abased from 1. Watt &Son Salein
a grand 15 month old. shorthorn bull,
"Duke of Riche -lend 58412," eornes
froni , the gineat Dimness, family, his
sire being Royal Archer (Imp.) 55037,
by Golden Prince, a son of the great
Warren Fame, a Duthie bred bull.
Duke of eltichneoucrs Dam, Duchess
42nd (linp.) 54145, by Village: Archer
717:!. -Duke of Richmoul a- nice
roarteeretystrorig, low set, de teho,died
and very smooth.
Sonpore-The following is tlaenteriort
of S. S. No. 1103oderach townehip, for
the month of J,athiary. The names'
are arranged in order of merit: Sr.
4th -Zelma _Holland, Arthur Trick,
Heleo .Walter Jervis, Walter
Disney.-- Sr. 3rd-Cleail Bowden. Law-
rence' Ileern, Lillie Jenkins, Ethel
Baines, Willie Russell. Jr. 3rd -Mabel
Smith, Orpna Pickett.; Sr. anda-Viole.
Hearn Marion 'Hibbs.' .1r. 26.d. -Mae
Elliott', Edna Powell, 'Hilton Baines.
Peet...ells-Edna Jamieson,' Laverne
Ohurchill,Robert Bowden, Ernest.
Smith, Sarah Baines, Rubio Currie.
Pert 1 -Viola Powell, Zeltna, Churchill;
Vera 'Fria, Waltee ,The num-
ber on the roll is 27, with ea aveirage
attendance of 23 for the past month. a
a .--A'tthociritgly—
.sad accident happened on Sunday,.
whereby one of the brightest tnost
popular young women of this section
lost her life. Miss Annie Lamprey,
youngest daughter:of Wm Lamprey'
aiuron road, wES almost instantly
killed while driving. home froneKnox
church, Goderich. She had a short
-whip in her hand, and, reaching over,
she struck the horse with it, when the
animal kicked, striking the unforttin-
ate 3roung peeping her
to fell out of the buggy. She uttered
0, cry, managed to walk to the side of
the road, and there fell dead.' She
was immediately eareiedento the resi-
dence of Mr. Driver, front of whose
place the accident happened, but, she
Was beyond human aid. Miss Lamp-
rey was well known and much ese
teemerl, and the sad occurrence Ise, -
shock to the community. Mimi( syna
13aathy is Manifested for thebereaved
F Riley left on Monde. for Detroit,
Thomas Weise, remains in a very low
condition, with little improvement.
Some Of our townsmen made good
sales of horses the last few days
The Ball in the Commercial Hall on
"Wednesday eyenina was wellatten fled,
John Woodman has returned, after
a.pleasant holiday with ftiends at Her-
lleiss Vary Agnew, Wingetatie gave
a few of her fneods hermit' call on
Friday last. ,
Rev. Ara Clement returned on Wed-
nesday from attending the Torrey -Al-
exander meetings. .
J. B. Robertson, now of Goclerich
CoJegiate, was in town on Saturday
last, shaking hands with old friends,
Rev, De Marceau, of Blyth, ,will
preach in 13urns , and Knox' churches,
on Friday, and Rev. Dr. Stewart, of
Clinton, will preaeh ioseXereeeetlefeeh
on Sunday :evening. lea• •
Hogs were slapped from here on
idenday and Wednesdey. The price
paid was.$0.75; It was boticable that
the loadeof hags in the farneers'wegoes
was net aselarge as ustlet,
Mr. Squire has had the smoke stack
of the saw null raised again and the
n3ill put in running order. There are
quite a numbet of logs in, but not near
enough to keep the mill running till
• WonIAN'S Ite'sriatera -The ilentreen
ing of theInstitute will be held t th6
home of mrs Wm. Hiles, at 2 p. m.,
the subjects ' for discussion to be,
"Simple meals tvell cooked and nicely
served" and "The washing 81' floosie,'
Ladies welcome.
RIPE CLEcAGE.-Mr George John-
ston of this village, attained the four
score years on tbe 31st or January. He
was born in the county of Fermenagh,
Ireland, in the year 1820; He is hale
and hearty and looks good for another
score... He received Many congrate.
talons on the occasion;
Misses Myrtle and Edith Fessant,
QuAppelle; Sask., who have been visit-
ing friends around here for some time,
left for Wingbam on Saturday, where
they will Visit friencIslor a short time,
'They also intend visiting :Niagara,
Toronto, and other places, before re-
turning to their Western home.
Miss Courtney epenta few days with
Miss Carter. . - •
Mr. Heevey Halst , of yrtle,
Man., ist visiting his au M :George
'run gblut "
. • •
WEEErarro IN leant . -It • eaks•
well for the Weatherato h ing
January, On Feeday Oscar Ors
rode home by witaef Blyth to • linton.
Wheeling lee -December about Christ-
. inis conadeted. 'rare enough.; but at
. this tangof the year it is certainly ex-,
../Pnornata Soraaarobn Nicholson
- has sold his property in villege to
Nertves. We understand that it
is the ?intention of the latter to rent
the snap. Mr. Nicholson Will now be
leaving for Earl Greyein the course of
. two'or three weeks,
• OYSTER anomie -The Rifle Club
supper, held in the .0. G. T. hall on
May evening last was the best ever,
held the Club here. The:ladies up-
hela their reputation' for good tahlge,
and the program was well rendered by
local talent. Eveeybody. agreed to
haeing enjoyed themselves immensely.
Good ' Tempters Ledge on Monday
evening' the following ofilcere were Ole
bete(' : Chief Templer, O. Rogers ;,
Vice C: T.,, Mess Mabel' Ettatt ; Past
C. T G. L. Sturdy; Secreesity, Miss
H. Ferguson ; Asst. See, Mist B. Daw-
son ; Chaplain, C. Robeitson ;.Fin. See.,
Miss E. Blair: Treas Geo. Howatt ;
Marshall, 'Will. McDonald ; Deputy
Marshall, • Mies H. • Doevion ; Guard,
:Jaekeon. • .
' Capt•J. Ferguson is home 'for the
winter. ', - • • •
Mese Duggan, Of, Southath ton, is
e g est of her suttea Mrs Thrnas•
Miss Lizzie Fergus , of Toronto, is
spending a fave days under the paren-
tal roof.
Mrse.Tas, Ferguson arid son epent a.
few days visiting her mother, 'Mrs, ,
Porterfield, Marnoeh,
Thos. Bailey met with an accident
whilechoppiug in the Woods. His
foot was so badlycutthat it Wile neces-
sary to have several stitches.
Mr. Thotnson's flour mill is now
ready for business, and he expects the
men from Woodstock to come and
give its first trial this week.,
?dr. Brownlee anaMiss Steabury are
bupy training the school children for a
concert to be. given in 'about a -Week.
The proceeds are to be be -treated in a
library for the school.
The Many frietalit of Donald Martinis-
WhO 'WU recently taken to the Heuse
of Refuge in Clinton; will -be-serry to
learn that, he is in nVery low condition
of health Gangrene having set in
to hope of his recovery is entertained.
° Porter** Hill •
Mr arid Mrs Ainierson and son, of
Menitgbreare visiting at W. John son's,.
Stewart MoDougall %old a span of
horses to James letcOluekey last Week.
Mr and airs Frank Hewitt, of Strat-
ford; :meat it feW days recently at
David Pox's. • . . ,
Pred Pickard recently lost a two
Irene old steer, part Of a Straw etaek
falling on it,.
• • Stanley
• MSS T. Matheson; Olintoct, is visiting
' this week at the home of M. C. Ross,
Mr, Hugh•Mclienzie has gone to At -
woo e to visit his sister, Mrs. Chapman.
Miss.Kate Thomson andMig.s Tema,
-Baird were visiting in 13ayfield during
e fir t or the week.'
Mrs. John Butchart has returned to
her home, after a.prolonged stay with
her daughter, Mrs.. McDougall, at
Messrs. Hugh ,Gilmour, Alex. Gil-
mour, ancieWm, Ross went this vreele
to visit friends in T,urnberry and,
'Wingham, • „
Ma and -Mrs. Hislop, of -Manitoba,
but at present Of Grey, and Miss Smil-
lie, of Grey, Were visiting at the home
of Mr. Wm, Taylor during . the first of
the week.
Dneen.----After it lingering illness,
A rchileind. McNeill passed quietly away
on Monday last, at the age of 83 years.
He Was a native of Scotland, and came
to thieeoentry many years ago He
WAS an. elder for a 'long time in the
Presbyterian ebutch at Brucefield, In
politics he was a strong Liberal. He
beeves one daughter, Miss Bella, to
mourn the loss of a good father. His
wife died a number of years ago. The
funeral took place on Wednesday to
Baird's cemetery, followed by a 'sage
concourse of sorrowing friends, to pay
the last tribute to his memory. .
Mr. and Mrs, Howard Alexander, of
Manitoba, are • visiting at the home of
the letter's parents. '
Robert James has leased his father's
farm, on the Wingham road; and will
move there in a few weeks.
Misses Bertha and BarbaraMiller. Of
Milverton, are visiting atethe residence
of Mr and Mrs O. H. Deese, •
la V. Denstedt, an old Blyth boy,
but now of Brandon, afan., is renew'-
ingald acquaintances n town.
Wan Johnston was returned as
councillor by ace's:nations on Monday;
there being no opposing member,
Mrs, S. B. Xelly, of Goderich, for-
merly of Blyth, was visiting her lady
friends in town for a few days recently,
Nicholas Ouraing left on Thursday
Morning for the West, where he will
travel itt the interest of Plummer &
IVIeNally's cement machine,
Mr, and -Mrs. S. Poplestone are now
nicclytiettled in • their new home In
the ninth end of Elam Livingstoneal
terratie ; We extend it cordial welcome
to their I Mr, Pottleetorie' is it good,
puslung finked.
Gerd= Jefferson, of Hope, Detkote
woes the guestof Robteleinestay. recently,
MriteRobt. Clarke WAS visiting Mrs,
B. Mcitlegray, Egrnondville, this week.
Miss li.1a Drake, of Staffa, is the
guest of heketunt, Mrs, 11. Hothata.
Alias Katie Jamieson has resigned
her position as„orgaeletan the Metho-
dist church hate ; her services have
been feitiefully performed, leith credit
to herself, and erairaaeatisfaction to
the congregation. We learn Miss
Jamieson intendagoing to college. ,
Yore a.,
quarterly service will be beta in the
Metliodiet church on Sunday at 10.80.
Miss Dousville has returned to het
home, after a pleasant visit with her
sister, Mrs. -Vane Dennison. .
The farraers in this vicinity are talk -
nig up a beef ring; this is it step in the
.d We hope they wi
Mr. lasianiltoo,'if Huron College,
London, took charge. of St. John's
churell on Sunday ; we are pleased_ to
note that Rev. Mr. Holmes will soon
be mile to take his work again.
The Canadian Order of Foresters held'
their annual concert on Tuesday night,
when they were greeted: with a full
• mese. Prof, Bennett, of Tomato, and
• r. 'Neil McLeod, of Seafortb, meow -
'anted by Dr. Smith, of Bayfield, fur.
leashed the program. •
Miss Yea- of Manitoba, is visiaina ae
J. W. Yeo's
The chopping mill is kept lively
these days. -
Sit' C. Akelding, of 13eleuente ,visited
tettaAlisserld. Cluivathice.
visited her sister, Mis
A. W. Tre aerate. • .
Miss A. McLeod sperit several days
visiting hi Goderich this week. •
Win Mime, of Hullett. Wait it visitoe
to our burgh on Tuesdayof this week.
Our butter-inaker, Mr J T Roes, bas
got in his supply of coal for the fee -
tory. for the coming season. •
Dr. Helloed, County Treasewer, of
Goclericbea was ,yisiting his aged
mothereof tles place, on Fridaye of last
Mrs.Jas Ross ,nade a visit to her he
ter, Mrs laeoege Moon, of Londesbar,
last Saturdayereturning home on Mon-
day evening.
Mr Fred Leoharal was celled to
Brantford last week, owing to the.
death of his father, vehe was killed
vvIalle crossing the railway near that
Theatem relady to grke the house
of the young,man on his recently pur-
alined farm on the Maitland is likely
-,• .
to be an accomplished fact, as invite -
tons are out for the wedding on Wed-
nesday pext tate Seaforth lady.
, • -
John McCartney, celebrated their
Golden Weedina on Monday of this
week; a nuinber of friends and relatives
were entertained at their home in the
village, and it is the wish that they
maybe Imig spared to enjoy life.
Revive' Services are 'being held in
the Methodist Omagh here, and while
there are not as many, as there should
be, deciding to live a near life ; a great
deal of interest has been 'manifested '
through the earnest appeals ofEvange-
list S. Grigg, and many have been led
to a fuller consecration of themselves
to their blessed Master:
iseieetin of the tRifle Association
was held on Thursday evening; at the
armoury, and was decided to sena to •
the Government for the necessary am-
munition... to cOntinue their regular
rifle prat*, at their taage on B. Fors-
ter's flats during the comidg summer ;
all chose desiring to enjoy the vent of
ithoolereg may do so byega_gIviri am tr
ilitines and membership ;lee., •
•PRESEETATRU.i.-The ladies of ' the
Methodist Church at Delawaia, laet
week presented the wife of Bev. J. S.
Fisher with a life membership in the
Women's Missionary Society, in re-
cognition of her services in connection
with an auxiliary thereof. Rev. Mr
Fisher was formerly stationed here,
and both he andelfrs Fisher are held in
just as high esteetmas they seem to be
. Goderich
An Oyster supper • was given in the
Oddfellows' Halle last Thursday even-
ing by the Women's Institute ; a long
and varied program was given, and the
entertainment was a huge success.
. . •
AN OLD LANDMARK. -At the meeting
of the county council last vveek, the
resignation of ' D.C. McKay, as high
constable for the county was :weaned,
and Major W. H. Gundry, of eloderich,
was•appoiated in his stead. Mr. Mc-
Kay was compelled' by illness to relin-
quish te position which •he has filled
With dignity and credit for many
years, enclehie successor can be depen-
ded on to maintain his high standard.
PoWen SCHMIDT. -Mr. Goldthorpe,
the proprietor of the new pewee
schema on the Maitland river, is ac-
tively hustling his seherne to develop
about 2,000 horee power from the cur- •
rent of the' rarer, about 3 miles from
here, Using a dam about 80 feet, which
floods about 1,200 acres of land of the
townships of Goderich and. Colborne. ,
The estimated cost of the latent is
$250,000, ready to sell power.
StnsiXExt Hoane-The Goderieh sum-
mer hotel is now on the market; and
will be offered at public auction on
leeby. 3rd, The hotel has always -been
well patronized- y surname tourists,
disadvantage.- e town is heavily in -
but unfortunate' -- has been run at a
terested, :Is, Mortgagee of ehe proper-
ty, end for insurance, and Water itod
light rates, and are considering the
advisability ef taking pt ssession of the
building Under their mortgage. .e J
Atyoung man trained Conley, lately
employed on the 0, P. R., drew $0E of
wages and came LCI Goderich ; he
stayeri to haye a good time withegthe
bops,' andnext Morning claimed to be
$30 short. Ile blames his robm.mate.
Theta has been no appointment of
an assessor nittiele yet by the council,
and several schemes are on feet for an
improvement in the assessing and col-
lectingsestene of the town; The people
et large are much dissatisfied With the
Gundry Bros. bus teatn bolted the
other morning, and ran into and broke
down two electric light poles.
Subserlbere' are urged to make thaie
renewals Paaaal4Ye aud thee eiverl,4 ks
loee of leay copes of the Herald
017080111PTION ae
ate Year. ozli'onet
t OR velum not rate,.
We are pleased toeirrhelpie
olrt improve-
-went in the Mile of Mrs. I. Jones, who
has recently been so ill, ..
Rev, Mr. Rhodes is desirous of fern-
ing it conerinetion clam To say the
least there is no scarcity of •-material
for such, .
Selloole -The trastees, of .Ie, S. 8,',
No. 12, littilett and : Goilench, are us-
ing the Orange hall as a school house
and the ordinary routine of school
work is proceeding undeathe menage-
ment of Miss Petrie,
Mr: Booty Beacom was engaged in
the bush woodeuttinre when it pole,
which had been taken down by a fell -
leg tree, loosened and came up with
feeted e few daysago with he disease
Mr, E. Jordan's laciase became af,
Sona0 forceeetriking itu on the breast
and laybeg him off work.„
known ee "blind "staggers,” and it is
.This means heavy lose for Me, Jordan
arise uhbe thf uais i, sf uhffee willred1 bein this.
sti, siea
j n,,e7more.rt t
since he began farming.
Snlaneta SCHOOL:- Mt. J. H, Low-
ery has started a singingethool, which
Is held every Monday evening in the
school house; it is purely %a -voluntary
thing on the part of Mr. Lowery, for
the benefit of the young people in this
neighborhood,a,ncl is very much appre-
ciated, ' >
FOUND DEAD IN BED -Thotnas Abra-
ham, one of the earliest settlers of this
townewho has been engaged in the
shoe repairinlabusiness for upwards of
forty years, yeas found dead in bed early
this morning. The old gentleman had
been in failing health for about.three
months. He was a prominent metnber
Of the Orange Order and a life-long
Conservative, He hal been, for forty
years it member of the Wingliam Pub -
lie School Beare', and was re-elected by
acclamation at the electionsin January.
NOTES. -The County • Council has
granted permission to proceed with the
erection of a High School. Material is
now arriving for the addithinte the
Union Fprniture Factory, alai work
• *lobe commenced atan early date. Mr,
Roe was fined- on aaturclay, on iiifortn-
a.tion laid by Inspector Askwith, for
selling liquor to minors.
• •
Local Sporting Matters
Clinton hockey team went down be
fore the Seventh Regiment,. London,
on Friday night, in a score Of 7 to 4.
The tine up was ,aJohfisone goal Dey
ment, point ; McRae, coyer; Foreester
rover; Sheppard. center ; Moore, left
Wine 1 Doherty, right wing. .
The Free Press says: e "It WAS easily
the 'beet game seen on local ice this sen -
son to judge it from a true- hockey
standard: No attempt at ichighiaess
was ,aPriarent on the part of either
team, each being content to measure
skill witle the other, as , skaters and
'stick handlers. The speed was conse-
quently ' terrific throughout. Clinton
at the outset set a fast pace, which,
they were unable to maintain, , andi
clueing the second loaf were Worn out
They !stuck to their work, however,
and at Ones kept the loose defense
bus". The Clinton forward line is ex-
tremely • fast and shows considerable
combination, They have been severe-
ly handicapped because of the lack Of
..ice and the consequent loss of practice,
but, despite this fact, they are evert
now capable of serious trouble to any
steam. , Sheppard at centre played a
'stargame, showing up, perhaps; the
best of any men on the ice. Clinton
has an excellent goal -keeper in John-
ston. His stops last night were some-
times almost impossible? The visitors
gave the Seventh -supporters quite a
scare at the outset. After Clinton had
kept the play pretty into Clinton terri-'
tory for about five minutes, Sheppard
after a pretty • piece of combination'
play. Doherty scored.. Sheppard; re-
peated the trick unassisted; exactly
one minute later.
The Advertiser •-says:-The
team is a good one, and should improve.
They are heavier than London and
check harder. The forwards are, all
fast skaters, and very pretty stick
handlers. The star of the forwards is
young Sheppard. He's geed. Veery
small in size, he.,handles a stick Per.
fectly, shoots herd and fast from any
angle, aud is hard to step. He made
some beautiful rushes last night, and
he was responsible for the major por-
tion of the scoring. He looked to be
the best forward on the ice. Doherty,
at right wing, is a geed man and plays
well. Forrester, at rover, is strong,
and shoots well. The Clinton defense
is it good. oneebig and strong. Johnston
in goal, is all to the good,and his stops
were splendid. '
. °rewrote 10, HENSALL 2.
Ira a rather one sided game, on ice
such as pbe soft weather would euggest. •
Clinton easily defeated Hensall, -Tues.
day, to the tune of 10 to 2; The frame
WAS entirely void of roughaess, no pen;
alties being necessary. The Hensall
team lacks fast skaters, but they are
not cowards. .A little more 'ambition
on the part of the • local seven, doubt-
less Would have added to the score. -
Mr. MoIvor, of Goderich, refereed the
game. The line up was as followtf:-.
eliuton Heneall
Johnson goal Shepaard •
Dayment point, Bouden
McRae' C. point Taylor
Forrester Rover, Hogarth
Sheppard Centre. Buthan
Moore L. wing GlenBlaeltall
J. Doherty R. wingGuyIllackall
Won lost to play
London 0 , . 2
Goderich ... . . 4 I 3
Seaforth ..2 4 2
Clinton ...............'33 2
Hensall* 0 5 8
4, meeting of group* No. 8, interme-
diate series. was held in Clinton, s on
Monday,,to arrange a new schedule, to
incite:le the postponed -games. The
schedule drawn up was AS follows1---
Jan 31 -London at Seaforth.
Feb 1-Goderich at Clinton.
Feb 1- Seaforth at Henson. - -
Feb 2e -London at "Gotleriehe
Feb 0 --Lonelee at Clinton.
0-Goderich at Seaforth.
The London club has arranged, it
special train for the Godetich game on
Friday night,
London defeated Seaforth on
Wednesday. . • • -
Have you reneived, your snbeeriptionl.....
"WaRma. alwasiwilWreasemme
a laxative tablet
TreatmentAt L.: 4.
Couibs:land ColdS":1'
Orippe, Headache,
and Neuralgia:
6Ru6 ,STORE,
eLuirroN, OAT.:
N. 8. Try Cocoa Creatil
• for Chapped h4nds, etc.
Grirle Wanted
To learn the rnanufaetufing of ready
made clothing. Good wages from the
,commencement,. and steady employ -
meat •all the year round.. Apply to
Clinton. ' • e
A testimonial from Goderich Township
Dr. Douglas' Invigorator
few Weeks ego 1 procured a quail-
tity of Dr. Dong.as' Stook invigorator
from W. S. golines, Druggist , we fed
it to our fat stook, with entire sidle*
faction. Wo also fed it to an animal
suffering from indigestion; the animal
wee eeinte back, but as soon as :we fed
Doug,as' Invigorator the animal re-
covered, although other treatments
failed te benefit the animal," '
Dr. Douglas' Stock Invigorator Is
•the cheapest and best preparation on
the market. It's good for all kinds of
k, • •
noiseless' Lang Tonic
•• • • .
is the best for cbughs and • colds'.
• It does not interfere wita the. Stuagoii
or bowels.
$ W. S. R. HOLMES,
- Manufacturing Chemist
; Post Office Drug Store.
Last Suny
da. ntuhletwItater in various
places reached the highest point for
several years: • .
, Mrs A. Weyexiouta is under the care
Of an M. In at presenie *aad does not
make much improvement. • • • a '.."
Mr Francis Little, last week moved .
A email size house from Lot 28 to Lot
22, with the aid of 0, traction engine
and as few horse teems.
Florteics. -Mr. F. Yeungblut sold a
pale of • horses a short time since. for .
$825, and bought one from A.: Halli-
day, and another from W. Chisholm
aegood prices; theyare two year old
and weight 1340 each, and were bee
freneRoyal Token; so they are a fine
team. Mr; ReGovier sold a fine heavy s
draught gelding to Mr. W. Miller, for a ..
kw over $200. Heafterivards bought
a flee filly from Mr, Harvey,. Stanley;
• Mr. Govier likes good horseflesh, hee
also 'sold one to la. Wallis at a good
mice. • • •
SentrearWEinellea.--On J role
20th, 10 and Mrs Nathaniel Sunder. -
cock, Of the 12th cob., celebrated the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their wed.
dam. A.bout'50 of -their relatives and
neighbors Were present, to • :Iasi n
the enjoyments •; of the evening. A
pleasant time was spent, and after
present)* Mr and. ebbs Sundereock '
with a lot of handsothe silver presents .
suitable to the occasion ; all went -to
theit homes, wishing them many
. happy years yet to come.
Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Regina, (son-
in-law of T. Leslie, town), has signified
hisrwillingness to accept a.call be St.
Andrew's Presbyterian chetah, Sarnia,
and it is expected: thate it ?formal call
• will be extended to him sliortly..
The musical treat of the season will be
DeAlva's "College Git Is" February eth,
This attraction is one of merit and will
• draw a big hoose. • It comes here en-
dorsed as the stiongest and cleanest
attraction of its: kited on the road.
They carry beside a ladies' band and ,
orchestra, it carloid of scenery and ,
effects, also special costumes. High
Oise vaudeville acts form part of. the
Program. The setting of "On. Board
Battleship" itt thelhet part, is perhaps
the finest carried by any company in
Cinada. See the street parade at 12
o check on Monday. Plan on sale at "
Fates book -store,
. • THE
„ Incorporated 1855
Capital. Paid up $3,000,000
Reserve Fund, n000,000
Total Assets' $30,000,000
by depositing in our Sevin:es
, Dank, It does not requite teearge
ailment to begialtitli, We pay
3 per cent iaterest on amounts at
$1 and upwards, ellettet begin
now -deposit What you ban :entre
-Add to it Whenever possitnee
We will Welcome your aceounih,
large ot smelt.
A general Banking :butane*
transacted. •
44' 0.4%,t4A5D, ,SEE us
ishwiter. canton