HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-26, Page 9.it THE LINT SSW AR,A. Jou, 20, 19O6 Monday, Jan: 29th. The anon. on. Nei Eva F111I)AY, JAN. 20, IsOu AUt, W""".071 N'6, iauegYeon 1Ya, :fit' and Nl uueb, wale ee at W. N. Stones' Drag More, Ulinton, Thuree4►y Vet. Oh. neer* le .a in., tt, 4e, t». tUlasse. protiarly hated, gad diseases et these organs properly treated, { SATURDAY and MONDAY,Jan. 27th and 29th, we wind uy this, the i'host suc- cessful of January sales, with our annual Aid -Winter Bargain Days. - Then forstock-entering TuLsday and Wednesda , and the balancing of our books for the store stccks have been gone through, and every From end to end of the .. $' o the'year,. g• g , broken lot and odd line has been picked out.and marked ,t • a bargain for these two days. We do not want to take into stock a dollar's worth more _of winter oods than we can possibly avoid and haveput rices on these lines that. s out ' make their sellingsure.Bargain• riB will` d Here, is a list: of the Day- prices. It ' pay you at¢ read it through to the.last word. " Fri -es are good for' Saturday and .Monday,. ad these days only. earners .Nair f am.si. 15e, • 50 gids Camel'shairTaatoshan^ tars, goo"si'quality, assorted col- ars, regular 50c, bargain days.... Ulf ("1ilu�tIgs, 1•Je 50pairsCashmere and ring - wood gloves, also a -few pairs of knitted mitts, blanks, whites and calors, last pairs 4f' 25 and 30c lines for. bargain days, per pair'5C IiemattccbedHaudkerceieefs, 10g. Ladies pure Linen .Randker chiefs, extra fine quality. These are -the wide hem and not so much in demand now as the nar- row width. The.. regular prices • were 15 to 30c, your hnice on 100 Bargain Days Y Woollen and Cashmere Rose 60 pairs of odd hose, mostly travellers samples, sizes 7 to 81f only, plain and ribbed, regular25 to 35c, your choice for 150 Allover Lace '2i5c . • 2 or 3 Gude 18 inch a11oper lace, short lengths left from better Q5 #fiGoes, bargain days, per yard..•., L C n„.�'„ 20 per cent. off .Astrachan; Jackets On Bargain "Days we will give you 20 per cent: •off (or one-fifth oft) all Ladies' Fur Jack- ets, There are a few choice garments left in' stock. jackets that are good inside and put and that can be depended upon to. give satisfactory wear. ' If you are thinking of:iinvestin in a Fur Coat, you can get a' Bargain here S_ turclay and Monday. One fiifth•4off-means thatyou can get •a.. A $50.00 Coat Tole $24.00.. n • A '` 35.00 .Cpait •foie' 28.00 2 oily Down Quilts, good'quai ity sateen covering,. regular $5, an for Bargain Days..•.. M ,.r:,.•.. tt7..U. A 40.00 coat .-for „ 32.06. 5lrlpee Glughams 121,2e 150 yards fancy. striped' Ging- hams,.,. patterns. suitable for ;waists "or ciiildreris„ wear. Last° ends of linos that anld at 20o• and Embroideries and insertions ��� �^�•,• ■vr targam Days way before new spring pntterns - 800 yards embroideries and in- arrive; and Bargain Day theyo , 1 Het ons, assorted widths, last Short work to be.nxade of balance of Winter Dress on sale at per ard. g 2 ends of many better Imes. elutes y ^'` on bargain days, per yard C - `': �1 o-" l red n } !f po sable. "1( ai efl>Cn 'bc ;. }leaary tot¢el#ing,.l nod weight Laces Brown Serge 10e . ' and waidtlk,, for Barge Day p A table of !rices, blacks and 47"yard ..,••••,#•#••••••••••• v creams, regular 20 to 26c, on bar1 1 end only of wool Serge, shade of brawn, 38 inch, gain days 22C .. speoial for Bargain ..Days ° . . . :.. . .........:. ,.. 1 tie T midngs, 2 yadrdg'f ora n.' • (xf•ll G,erseya Fancy Dress .Goods 50c 4 200 yar s•assor a nd fancy 15 only Ladies and Misses Golf trimmings, blacks' and colors, Cit - Jerseys, the lies we have 1' end only black arid white fancy Dress Goods, suit- choice on bargain d'ays,2 yards for 0I, left in able for waists or wrappers, regular $1.25, for., Bare gni Large Bats tit:,ek, regular up to $2.75, choice'( . gain Days , . . IUU , One Case large size" cotton. bats, 1e.trgain Day1 a 5 1 nit Dress Goods 33t' special for. bargain day.....,.... -I Mr • Wuz t p Probably a hundred yards of medium -weight Dress ' Ends CNH Goods and'Suitings, last ends of lines :that sold' at 'WOOL Blankets •50c, 80c and 05c, on Bargain, Days. your choice.. . 0ti sltghtty Dust seated • 1 25 waist ends of Flannels and Black Dress Goods 7fic 2 pair woolen Blankets, regular and Fancy t� uistiugs. Regular 6000 g and 60c per yard. Lengths run 2 ends only ftne'quality Black Drps�" Goods, Buci $a;7o,•Bpure i Days„ ,$2,1,0 • • from 2f to 3} yards. Your choice effect, regular $1.25 to $1.50,for.Bargain Da s' our 1 pairgall $4 25, fool, silk bound :• on Bargain Days, per end choice per. yard .. q y' y r regular 114,26, for $3.10 5C 2' a! p r, heavy, extra quality, all • QNB DOLLAR.. Sadtings,at65c wool, regular $5.75, foe ,Bar About 125 ands, lain •and 'weed" gain Days ,.$1.00 yards. p t suitings,.last .. °-„� T..b,e Linen :i:'e, lengthsthatare left of. several lines that sold at $1'', • One end half bleached table up to $1.25, on Bargain Days yourolsiiee.: fi5C "I:i•alioiieuml ends damask, good wei ht and quality, g A Half a dozen- ends of Linoleum, regular 450, for Bargain Days.. 0411.Spec ai: at s0c various. lengths and.sizes that Damask 100 yards Suitfngs olid fans niateriais...A collee , have been measured. it for.. the .. c.lotns 9brC y bargains days, marked at dear - 12 only heavy bleached table tion'of linea:that sold.:at 76e to $1,•,on Bargain Days in choice of this lot at peryard g prices. . get you .can use an . . cloths 2t yards long, good width 95� ' yourl' SOC end yob' can get,ra bargain. ,.. special for bargain days a7 - 3 Table Covers 50c ° 3 tor- 4 'tapestry table covers. fringe all around, 13-8 yards square, special for .• bargain days 5a Frills 2 for 5e 5Q nock frills, black or colored, special for .Bargain Days •2•for . 5C: !"*4--‘,..-.. Leggings 35c ` , • 4 pair only Ladies buttoned leggings, regular r' 00 for bargain da •s. ti `M iJ jj�� Y ■A� Odd Corsets 50c - 25 pairs odd Corsets, a clean up of our Corset stock, not a cow- '- ". plate range -of -sixes-of-an.y _Dnp ,snake, regulari5c-to $125, choice. on Bargain Days per pair • UMC Cottonade 12 l -2c $ ends good quality Oottonade, meduim weight, just the thing for smocks or woi°king shirts, re- .14) 1 gular 20c, for Bargain Days, ... 1;2. Yard: wide Print $c X00 yards sateen finish print, good weight and quality, blue or black grsund, regular 12 1-2c for On Bargain. Days ..... ... , . , .... O t Vests 37c . ' 20 only Ladies Vests,so•ft plush finish, regular 50c and e0c. on S i C Bargain Days ..... , a' , 1 ' Ribbonll ... . 200 yards narrow silk and satin • Ribbon. 1 inch wide, odd shades, le choice Bargain Days. Goat !''apes 56.50 ' 2 only blank Goat Capes,, well ° made •and .lined, regular $10, one gn Bargain Days '.,•,., .,......'Ur:s1. • Down Qaiii>ES $3.90. 45:oo'•Coat dor 36:00 JUSTE HALF•• • PRICE. On Saturday' and .Monday you ' can take any =Mantle in the store.forjust half its original price. On. Bargain Dray. ve •will give you your chokeof-" any Cloth Mantle: . in the stare 'for exactly half its .original price:, • Not a single gar- ment is to be,' carried .over,_for: there must be no left -overs here -when next season comes around Ther ea o;'. 25 3 Jacketson. our racks. to -day, a ter a seascin of i 1-li-ng we- ha.v • known. All are new, stylish and good:. You fox' can take your choice Saturday snd ..Monday for EXAOTL.Y HALF ', ._PRICE. Oxford Shirting 7c ' - 2 ends only English Oxford Shirting, good qulaity,' light days,. color, • special for •bar gaiti s.. .0 y.. 1 end Kentlucky Jean 15e. Capital thing for smocks :• or. overalls.' It 17''give splendid wear, regular 25c, for •13axrgain 1 C Das . ' Mercer' • ee skirting 38C' New Moreen Skirtings, silk finish, very fine quality, • nice .. . 'she - d ofgg-�een,: regular sae;' for. e.ggpp Bargain Days.., •' :. , : Dila Shaker Flannel Sc ' 2.ends oni heavy y h y Flannelette e-•regt ta- e " Gingham's plc .. - Pink and blue fancy stripe'and checked ';t ingharas. A limited quantity to sellon Bargains Days FURS FOR :`. t -i A R: A:I N. D . Y ��.. Buying Furs to -day is a betterinvest'ment•;than. putting your money in a Bank, for prices for raw skins. -:are st'11 advancing and :the finished articles wills be higher next season: There are stillp Ruffs that vve: would like. g e'so;•rrecnoice Muffs and to turn into money before stock -taking, 'Qualities of -each and ever oite can be de-' pended upon as first-class, Bargain Day prices have been put on all, and we promiseyougenuine if you come here Saturday or .Monday. Here. is a -partial list of what we .will' rel ' :- ur argarns .. 1 2 only Alaska Sable Ruffs, numbe cam fur, trimmed with t , good tails, regular, $10.00; for Days...; ,...... 'P1i�1� 1 only Sable Huff. choice Fur, good. size, thelaast.of our $10 , line: for Bargain Days ; �, 1 only black ,Coney Ruffs, thick, close Fur, • extra tlnrig, regular $8.00 line, for Bargain Days:::.....,...:,{, .J., AO. Q.' «1 only Brown Marten Ruff, very stylish; `regular $9.50,• 2 only Ruffs, one band: O lack and one brown/ e ular $.00 g . , . d 5. $8.50; for•Bargazn Days . , r• .1•only felguim )`'fair. • Dal*s Sidle, regular $ 50,; for•T argain• �j 25 1 only Stone Marten Ruff, extra fine, regular $25,00 •for: ,uQQ n Bargain. Days......,....r....... ..w,.1..i.:.. .VO • Bargain Day . • 1 only brown Isabella Pot Rufttrin:nied with two large((. Tails, very quality,.regulat' $2600 for .Bargain ' Peyotp� 9Oo • 1 only German M• ink buff, regular $5,00 for Bargaingg 0 5Days • Son li+ Ohio Sable Muffs, flat and round shapes, regular $7.50 to $8.00 for. V Bargain Days.. iv* r fi. .$r00 '4f f.. ,•far! i.,f {...i 1 only Red Fox Ruff, with head and taile, 'regularae1000 for Bargain Days ' �� 1 only Red Fox Ruff, 4e'ry fie quality, regular $18.00', for f . Bargain Days pp (ry�,: 2.arxly imitation Sable Muffs, tie tiler . 4; for Bargain e� • ......... U f U•. Alva g $ e.. 5. 1 only Brown Marten Ruff, very thick Fur, regular 820. h or Bargain Days: I only iinitatioti Bear Boa, long thick Fur, regular 1000 1��+ •n • • ''f y "F; oa for ,Bar em •Da s.. , g $ ' 2 only genuine Alaska Sable Muffs, good fur, Well made, ry regular $10,00 and $11.00, for Bargain bays...... $ 45' 1 only ain D �.sgrachan 'storm (7ollar, regular.81,75, for q a Bargain Days No room here for...a. further list, but we havd 12 or 15 Ruffs arid� . styles and first-class qualities. Caperliles, all, choice garments, nod •on Bargain Jia s. These We 'will give you your choice of at one-quarter less than regular prices n ys. There is lots of Fur l p es r weather ahead of;us yet, and you will be money in pocket ' if youtake some,of these.Bargaiix.Day offeriilgs.. :, • Sample at Na kips . p ..... Three for 25c. 200 only Travellers' Samples T b1e Napkins, qualities that sell in the regular way from 1.50 to per doz, . All 1 holes close to one edge, were theyare boiledgave together,3 to 4 ea e Bargain i ays at your choice of thinti "faun 2 oOn sale More Remnants for Bargain • .i3uy;s,. -Je 5anuary Sale oracle lots of Remnants. These hav all been' gathered together and go on our Remnant table at•about half the regular price.: If there is an end in the lot you can use, • you.can save money buying it Bargain Days, Shaker Blankets 4JSe'. 'lai nlelette Maniocs,: heati *sight, grey or Bream 10.* size 40 parr to sell, spe'aial a�C xor Bargain Bays 1144..,,, Shaker Blankets.85ie Shaker .Blankets, good qua!• ity, ra y or cream large size, soft marsh, 35 pairs, Bar- Ott gain Day, per pair ..... goo Septa. • BARN .I3(JRNED.-•-One night last week a barn on thefarw of JamesSeale, near Lucan Ur ssing, was burnt down. It was insured for $000; Mr.Seala is a former well known resident of torn, TRH PROPOSED 1''A111, -The rod. of livects are st good thethe pring proposed exhibit, iat ` ter is being enthusiastically pushed, and although only about an hour bee been spent in canvassing, almost $100 has been .secured already. It is a fore- gone'conclusion that the fair will be held early in the syringe' O. F. -At the last: regular meet- ing of Court Clinton, To. 470, T. 0. F., the following officers were elected. fora. the ensuing year ; - u R"., Wm . Wal- ker ; V. C. 11.. Fred Brown ; P. 0, R., R. l'ennebeker ; Treas., J. =W. Irwin-; F. S., G. W. Rogers ; -Ree. Sec, • R. Pennebaker ; Orator, 0. Crich ; Sen. W., 3. J. McDonald; J, \V', J. W. Cook ; S. B., T, Grealis.; J.'' R. B, Blacker. NARROW .ESCAPE. -(ane even last week Miss Mabel Harland thou she would change the water in `a gg1 of goldfish, and taking the . globe 1 1905 19c5. 1905 11905 5 1905 1904 I904 1903 19Q3 x962 - 19p•2 ,o Magazines i 0,,.. Are Good 'Reading At Small Prices. Scientific American, . - 51 copies for $1.00 Saturday Evening Post, 5i copies for 65c Ladies' Home Journal, 12 copies for 55c Wide World, , 12 copies for 5oc Strand, , , -- 12 copies for sac Good House -keeping, . >: x copies for 40c Ladies' Home Journal„ . x 2 copies for 45c Munsey, . 12 copies for 50c Ladl�'es Rome Journal, , 12 copies for 35c Mutisey, . . . 12 copies for 40c Ladies'-l:-Iorne Journal, 12 copies for 25c Munsey, x 2 copies for. 30c : JOurNews•Stand Is always replete' With current Magazines, The'. -W. D. air Co,4 Often the Cheapest Best, '. P. �lvt�ays the Tiest, ) in Domtnian._Express Orders Issued. g obe ■. !n , one hand and t • lighted lamp in the . other, started to Gross a room, Eler , foot caught in the fringe of 'EL lounge, s and threw her down. Both globe and lamp were•sniashed to atoms, the light afit'abeasaciwhtmghhaen serious acci- dent; resulted in nothingore than the breaking of the articles referred to. l ' THE NORMANDIE On tide 19th of January 1 -905• -the Hotel that I was formally opened, so that Friday • last was the conclusion of its first year. j We are informed thlat the business during that time has been very sans-: factory"; lite house has established for itself the reputation of being one of the best commercial hotels in Ontario; the travelling public speaking, most ---fi voriwbl3Lof-i ,4tnci_being..oLthe opin.. i ion that Mt.. Lewis knows how to keep 1 a good house, Mr. Scott, the popular clerk, has been with the house for ten. , months, on •sr nore Oblig:in; or: eat-. dent clerk would be difficult to find. HIS DAYS • AR1 NUMBERED,_.. The latest addition fo the House of • Refuges is Donald 14Zc:Ginnis, an- old' l' resideu.t of the tQwa•sllip� of- Goderieh, who was brought in with his feet froze en. and gangrene.having.Set in, his. condition is such thatmedical assist 'once can only afford .him temporarry... relief. He its one of two brothers echo were famous iu the early daysas shop pers,,the other having gone to British' Columbia ; and while the statement' seems incredible, it is vouched` for- by i those who know that^Donald has` to his .credit . the•chopping and-spiitting -of seven cords of four foot wood lit one day, ••,,... NI;WENS' CAFE -Mr. Wili Nimens, • who some time,.ago bought the build ing on Albert street, next to Ballard •, has had it thoroughly overhauled and handsomely f! rnishecl,as a bakery and. restaurant Tht'ee.'lar e, show cases,. (manufactured by' T. ' eKenzie). are• provided 'for donfectionery:and cakes•. while a beautiful onyx wall fountain will supplconi. drinks inthe.warm eason. A room-t4.the rear, furnished with circular tables,. is used; as the reshment'room. ' Mai Susie' Haddock s in charge of the store, M oetimens ANNUAL • Stock=Taking Sale Wet take. stock on the first of February', and from now till then we are offeringg special induce- ments in all kinds of, Footwear,` . .Mitts . and Gloves. --1r Ceut-thS- is giving his personal attention ':to the practical part of the business', MOVllv . GS:. --Mr{ Bartti#f has moved into the former residence of. Mr. :T. Sing, and, Mr. King has moved to the house vacated' hy Mr: ': Bartliff: , On- tario Street.... Mr..' Will O'Neil has moved into, the ;house bought of Mr.. Will Newcombe,. and ''0, es 'New.; cornbe.has'woved to Mr. O'Nei1's hour ver.-- W-a-tt----hAs--waved-•-into •the 'house she bought Mr. W. Jones, and Mr. Jones'has Moved. to his, :own house, lately occupied: by Rev Mr. Magee. Mr. Magee has 'moved to• the house vacated by Wes Newcombe:.,. Mr. o the Ogen Factory J. staff, addition edto the house lately o.,cupied by S. Murch, THE,ASSESSORSHIP.--One" Of the most important things the town Ooun-. ail will soon have to do is to :appoint an assessor ,for this year. The names of several personsentioned as as- oirants..:fo�hspoe tion. It is to be hoped that a goodman will be selected, one with some knowledge of real es-. tato and its value,, and one who, if.ne- cessity demanded,; could do his work" without reference :to the roll of a pre- vious year, . And,in appointing a good nn.an,, the Council.,should be fairly gen erous. with hie salary, for no salary hitherto paid for this work has been adequate therefor. A good, .:ef flcieiit assessor can easily earn. to the town., his s aIary several times over, > . THE KNITTING• AOTOIIY.-,-Tire Olinton Knitting Coo . started' its machinery run hang in -tile new factor ; on Monday morning,. and the hands are busily engaged in. trying to catch up with orders. The factory is heated,. lighted and run by power from the Electric Light • Works, three motors bei required therefor, and is fitted e li iuodern and up-to-date mach- in Some of these are automatic, arid equir!e.practically no •care; some manufacture nothingbut stocking les, others make stocking feet; while 'others take the two parts and attach them,.. They have azteo machines for snaking fancy silk stockings, 'and' a slight adjustment turns out any. pat- tern desired. The factory,.in . ite en- larged capacity, and runningto its tall' force, as it shortly will be, : should prove a good thing for the town: A. GOOD • r,ROTCRR, The Ieeture on "The Homeland of the Bible" given in 'Willie church, by the Rev..Mt'. - Glassford, of Guelph,' fast Thursday . d'ai's not attended by a very large audi- fence but those who were present were delighted with the enteri'ainmen t, r Over.onohundred hnagniflcci,t vie -'vs - were thrown on the screen and the di teinflt scenes, customs, and cllaraictet-is tics of Palestine were very vividly itis«. - i it t tired, "' The views were exceptionaally- and 1vtr, tllassfoi'ds descriptions it were given clearly, distinctly, and ire a. s had suf redgthe�,misfor't n e df 1l u vf, g 1 "broken orae of the lenses of Iris lantern hut Mr'. Brewer very ' kindly daimsme to the rescue with leis lantern, and a great part of the success of the lecture WAS due to his expert handling of the , o lantern. Everyone present expressed complete satisfaction in Itaitin been jeetu saki hayeldrawnaariiinuc arg r' o audience.. • , a L T. Weare' likely �to Have s. LOTS OF COLD W1 ATtIf R • YET. Come ,and get `^our, share.: of -'the Bar gai • Y g ns�a our stock must be reduced. • • 0,. 0 HE QUI RELIABLE .i+s+ ,+,lei �,R • . : • , &SUN' ro, The Luton. .1 . Ewer,.son. • •Alleged Riotous Conduct. . Tile f "olloy¢ing particulars concernin -. O the ea th of the, late R. G, Emerson u n Friday lash Police Ma gedra ll • will bo of interest to'his friends in this . d caber of oaG•omerrch was engageh all' locality:-- s ayattho To An Hall, Seafort9, hear- • ' . ing charges' of alleged riotous eonduct The Saturday revious'to` his d' : ( g p i cath ! brought a urns he was told that he wasto goout'.before men from g b i number of. young daylight on Monday,. and plow snow; stab C rhe'nettorney Se ger Cin he knew it + ce,' O ownd Mi A est, o y Sea t re - was don erous an o p don g u S n s e cu ted and M r,B t ee D f , e 'da . s .for t to a h Id iii s ta: y m' fa it , d b e was � • y ,• bed they fended�tha accused. . •The'interesttaken wn wouldsend him out in • daylight, in- I in the matter by the peo' lewas sho stead of in the darkness. The snow I in the ler a attendance• at the trial t was packed like 'sand , .liftin he e - gg e. • • the off the. g'. t . n, l Town $all being fairly ivpll$lled: g track,' and it turned over, Five of .the young men ., viz.: Thoniasi tailing on :,Mr. Emerson, kill'in h'm ' i. Adams Ernes , tAd aam : 1' in at e s rC to T , a 1 ` nt o ` I r h ..Te 'r fo y. m ..y. , y err - taG g etnept that .John Fee uson - and- • his low was nor,' e , Jt a hi Rands_ urt. p • n to position was in- .committed Por trial.at: a hi her: csorkrt. e • correct, as it• wasmeasured by the Sup- 3t is said•, the alleged disturbances erintendent,'There were about 500: at took - place at the Met odistchurch, the thefuneta, ; an there- would -hay emperanee`IIall 4ind.the Lost ;.O been . that many more, corild they have: at Constance. got the special trains as they •wanted: - pecial, oars .were attached to the pee- u senger Prom Winnipegg, 300 miles dis- D�Oriied.'$tieptts at the $aUse 0#. taut. Refuge At an inquest the conductor and brakesman described how• the , train Two weeks ago. the N ov Eiin`men�' left Snowflake . at, 6.35 a.m. Three or * ttoned that' an important meeting of four miles southeast ofthe town they the here.House of Refuge to nature o was experienced a sudden stop of tine train held here, Although the:natnreof the . and a jerking sensation as. it.Ieftthe business transacted was known ie, as„ „track, As soon as it came to a•stand- at the time. it was not Made public,.:as still they jumped out of the coachaitt;; the (3ombnittee did not desire it, How- the rear, .arid saiw.-.-_t[le�nn�o ever, it has since become public, and slthheditckh. Theftremsn emerged tothedeaall with itban Monday. anether pceeting terns a n , yY , . esIt con- , umber o the inmates Who are supposed to have 'money enough to help .keep . them, ye^t refuse ' to con- tribute to their :gem maintenance.,.. A.report Was made to: the:Comniittee showing .that'_ in several instances in,. mates have either property or money, : in one case. -as'• rnueh; as, $60i) shinding to the credit of one nein, and the Con;• inittee reached the conclusion that • those who• are ,able to 'bome''pay patients" must do so, or turn' their as* sets over to the County. ' • Vader the Ontario Statutes; inmat s of asylums orpother siniilarinstitutionsWho have , compelled o turn tb samnd e ovet,t to- the Province, but there is no law Compel- ling this to be done so far as, Houses of Refuge are eoneerned, aitd the County ' Council will petition the Legislature for an amendment to the Aet that Will enable any ...gounty : Oouncil, Under whose control there is a Hi tiseof Ref. • Lige, •to take :possession of property uzn- der. the cii'cutnsta•nces•named, Canadian Pacifc'to Parallel Brat°, ' London .Free Frees . that tt as oni Justice to tiYe mernor ; That the Canadian Pacific. Railways y will Build a line to parallel: the Lon - of one who ialt nobly at h;s post. Dl; don, lIuro,i and Bruce Railway, in the duty i;ogive:this letter duepxotninenee hear future is now an assured fact, in ycitta«pa)er. The yearsofserviee.he filled xtseltshl given here have been It is also certain that the new line with u„ stainers to the corporation tidy run either throu h or near' this and public. Fiona every quarter re. city, and it is probable `that it will , greta'cotnespontaneously, Hts'bioth- be extended in time not only to Lake en el the Order et Locomotives En i Enron but to Lake'Li±te. g Andrew Thompson, solicitor for than sera m ane in large Tal'iiiborar tenni :Viii ff- iii peg .to pay their''-triiinte to a Ytian'..t pany, h teriet•i'a,e city o1 neo .._..:_ whom they honestly honored. Five! pony, 'lois notrtieei two city y London. of the gospel took part in his:i that the compainy will apply tea !hat , funeral, some of whom struggled,vol-.- sesiont fpr a: Charter at fire next ntaiily in long drives through the'"The now to sen hie face for the Inst time. Twe Company wall start a branch at This man is very deeply .beloved for hem snit or nesse Lo 14. w l sags Mr, tis starling rivaitities pans leiter. It will run'noirth -......*.i..----.----,..... through Middlesex, Oxford, Perth The lirardiirtsili Huron and Bruce counties, rind • will jt' terminate on Lake Huron at some The County Council met at f odericli point in Huron or .Braise,,, n Tuesday, the first business being. . e selectiran of Warden, Tian cattdi• Many Irappr etarns ates;rnominated ware Messrs. R. Mc. fevx Lean, of (4aderu h, and ii. Spacktnaa.'n 1 1<ir "Vi�adc, borer at Clair. i.i . f Lrxeter, Mr; Snaekntaan wase elected Rngiand ')- 1g, g29. We wish hltfi fromthe wreck on his hands add louses. Tinniediately a rew searched •f or de- ceased, wh , -was found quite dead' in the cab in a half -kneeling position. Ile had received a severe blow onthe right. side of the head, causing a depressed fracture of the skull about one and a half inches long,' -and a laceration of the scalpp Berne. three inches long ; a few sligght'bruises • were also sustai gid.: No evidence of carelessness on the: art of railway ofBcialswasshown and dhe jury returned a ;verdict of accidental death due to fracture of the skull. The following letter appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press, from one of the clergymen present at the funeral :- The Majority of the citizens of La- Riviere district -are convinced that it is due to the memory of the late Mr. Emerson, to state erephatically that as fax as known that accident was not due to any carelessness on his part. Of all the men'. in the department of the Canadian Pacific in which he was en- gaged, no man stood higher, either in point of faithfulness or competency: i%fr. Emerson was very widely and very favorably. known- Elis ability as an engineer, and his faithfulness to duty's call;stand unquestioned. among aver unquestioned yIarge Circle. 1"thinkltir, Editor r a majority of , thong hatippy retail a of the easy, W.rif._. ice..... _..._...