HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-26, Page 8•
• Jai, 26th 1906
•you want
To SaveMoney?
Most. People. Do.
A good many 4re 'appreciating the rrioney-saving'op-
. portuntties, we are offering in
Dry Goods, cloMing, BootoShoes
Our sale has been very successful so far, and we have
no reason for "kicking,',', bur we still have our.shelv,es
- full of new and up-to-date goods, and only about seven. ,
•weeks.,,left•lit4° C4tl•tenl. . IC •..s not every day
yOu have a 'chanceto buy new goods at wholesale
priees. We have a few orders not yet arrived, but
not wishing to cancel them, we will turn them over to
you the same ns the rest of our stock. ' . . ' •:- -
Not the few lines mentioned below.
We have a lot of Lace
Curtains, which just ar-
rived, bought for the
spring trade. You may
• not need them just yet,
but house:Otairtir-tipe
will soon be.here, and we
• can. certainly • save you
some money, • '
arn in° white
• Factory.Y
red and grey, per
pound -350
A few Wool Blankets,
Reg.$3.B0, du,
-for L.I
We think we have the
but, 5oc Corsets in
ttatit; while they last .42C
Ladies' Wool Hose, regr
• 25c, arid extra valuei at
• that prjce ; during
Ladies'., Vests. reg.
25c, for ....' . - 20c
Lclies! Vests, reg.,
65c„ for. . . . ., . ..,. . .. . 7, LIDO
„. tiarabargains in men's.
Underwear The best we
could find . to sell at 50c
.per garment. . Per - ,
A large assortment of
Suits and Overcoats, to
choose;from, • and every
one a bargain..
• Odd pants from 89c up.
Only- two Fut Coats
left. No better snaps were
•ever offered : even in. the •
sprig,. .and • the cold
weather is now only com
mencing. Have a look
at them.
° Special bargains in
heavy Rubbers and Socks.
1°Y: heavyDuck .Rub.-
1er,is que.,....$
Store for 'Sale .or tor rent •
- -
• That's the question that is
asked over and over again
when there is a present to
be.chosen for a bride
Most people agree that it
should come from ajewel-
lery store, because some-
how jewelery and presents
If those interested only
knew it,we could relieve
them of their uncertainty
in a few minutes, •
Our stock furnishes the
hints. It reveals in a
nute more approwiatepre-
sents than anyone could
sit at home and recall a
whole day..
So we invite- buyers, and..
we prornise to make their
-choosing ,easy and their
• choice Satisfa.ctory.
mi.••••. ••••••••••
, .
lit ill 11A it
„ .
Eyes Tested Free .
$ Clinton arket Report. .
• We'had so many oddi and ends....
We have--eut-priees-in-twof
and soon won't have them.
Prints, Ribbons, Laces, WraPPerettes
Shakers, Braids, etc
Even if you don't want them, come and see what
• can be done by - • -
Morrell - & Holmes,
• Corrected every. Thursday afternocn •
• Wheat „ ............. 0 77 to 0 77
' Oats • 0 33 to 0 3t
• Barley • • 042 to 0.45
-Peas , , 0 65 to 0 68
Eggs . , . .. .018 to 0.18 •
• Butter ' •• 0 17. te'0 18
Hogs • 13 50 to 6 75- •
Ducks .. 0 08 •
Turkeyd .. . ...... 0 10 t 0' 1
High Chia Ranger's Official visit 1
. Last Monday eveningbeing the' oc...t
ensign ofthe official visit to Court
Prosperity No 78e3, A10.F. of the High I
Chief Ranger, the Ocatirt.turned-out7to 4
the number Of5o and gave him a right i
royal welcomer' Atter the husinesa of "I
tile evening was ()Ver.' the floor . was 1
given to to High Chief Ranger, 'Richards, I,
who for*an lion'.r .triore,• gaVe a,n,•en- I,, • . .
tertaining andprofitable achiress, He • , •. ..,
touched briefly oia the advisability of . •
'organizing a '' Conrt of Companions of
the Forest" in Cliiiten,anclit, is thought 1 RS/I0MliiV441P likiikniknk A MWARWMITkiliMMFIMRWMIIA,WAMfil
that his diacburse will : bear .fruit in
that line, Mr. Richards is an old For- i .edern==-•-,..rirtrror.zr.icr% ,,tFaler.aWAta
rester, having been in the,erder for 35 ; .1 • '''
, years,The secretaryship of theLodge i . . .,.-
he now belongs to, Court Forest City; 't • • Hava- 1 ou renewe.a. yatir •kilib§crip‘ tion t
This May Interest You. ,, ..
.... :
London, having been.filled by him for
23. years, Tlais Coort ha Clinton wda 1 . .. , ' _ . , . v : . . 1 . ' .• .. . - . : the NEW ERA y et ? • • • ....
organized 14 years age, at which cere- ' -c-x7 , , , •:•,,,
mony Bro. Richards officiated: NVhen , vt e . can supply Yop with ..a.' new•...eWing Machine. -either a - .
Bro. Rieho,rdslidd conchidect•his re- 1: • ... : ond-cw ' .;i:.' AVII i t L' ' • • ' .. • . 1 * ' .
• marks, Lunch was served,' after which 'I . ' . • • ''' • - - • .
• a prograrn of irnproinptu speedb.es was' ' : These are aniOngst the hest alaohid'es.fOr fa wily use Canal -id see therii: ' I i
i given.• The meeting broke up about '• We havea large stock of Rtibbera, tootit and Shoe,s, b VI i table for all kindsOf . .
We take stock, 'bud want to get our stock down
bo the lowest notch by that date. If you are in
need of any of the following articles,.you will find__,
t to your advantage -to shop here for the next
six clays.
MCR'S. [UP C0415 di 4 Saving.
$50,00 coon Coats, for $39.5o
• Men's Coon Coate, made of whole skins,
good thick fur and good color, 111 eon nn
guitranteed,.all sizes, reg. $50,' foi ki ti •
$30. (Pp Wambat Coat for $25.00.
• Men's brown Wombat Coats; splendid
wearing quality fur, all size% regu-eqC
lar $80.00, for • , iJ UU
$65.00 COCI1 Coats for $50.00
Men's select A 1 Coen Coats, guarant eed
regular $65 00, for color, good, thick' fur, Well. Ma.de,$501 UN).
$22 oo Dog Skin Coats, for $17.00
- • Men's black Dog Skin • Coats, el 7 fin
all sizes, reg. $22 00 for • 0 I :I IUU
5c Children's Toques for 18c
Children's white and .colored :Woolen 1
Toques. Regular 25c, Jan. Sale price.. I
56c and 759 Tanis. for 25-c
• Your. amigo i,f the balance of our
1 -mind and square Tams, plain white,
- 'blue and black, regular 50e and 75c,
Ianuary Sale price ••
25c Worsted llose for 15c
r • •
.Cleaning tip our heavy Worsted Hose,
.• you will lind them all on the Una 'Wile,
sizes 614;7, 7 1-2. and 8;. regular 25c1
January Sale price , '
15e Wrapperette for 10c
Wool Blankets
80 •
• Owing to the mild %weather,
Woolen -Blankets .have been slow
selling, and, rather than.carry them
over, we, are clear' g them- out at
5gcost and Jess:
Woollen Blankets, regular $2.50 for. •-$2•00
Woollen Blankets; regular $3.00 for- .;$2.46.
. Woollen Blankets,
i. • .,.
Wool en lanke
_.,... _
C Woollen I3laiikets,
• Woollen Bjankets,
Galaway Calf Skin Coats, on pieces. one -yard wide Ainerican
n Wrapperette, in grey and blue grOund,
a-z5.0u • - newest designs, good eight, -regular
all sizes, reg.•$30 for lOg'
15c, january Sale price. '
-2,po-M-eds Overcoats far -49,00-
-Men's nobby winter Overcoats, made •
of f...ncy Imported Tweed in, brown,
sti ipes and grey check, regular $12,03 n
January Sale price.. . ........ APO UU
$1o.00:Uen's Overcoats for $8.00
Men's 1' Tweed and dark OXTard,
Grey Cheviot Overcoata, have splen
did appearance and will give good •
wear regular, $10, for... s
• • ioc Wrapperette of-r-Ze
25 pieces 27 -inch -wide Wrapperette, aU
flood pattern and weight, regular ltlp,
January Sale price .... .... .......
.$56.bo Boka;ren Jacketsfor$,37 So
- • Three only Ladies' Bokax•en Jackets,
made of extra, select Whole skins, good, thick
early fur; guaranteed Columbia Sable,- col:
lar and revers, sal i alined through -CO 7 ;
• but reguldr $50 00 for %pa ou-
t2ic Prints for 10e'.•
Clearing out 2alF-our English. • and
Cruni's priqts; to make room' for our
new spring patterns, all at one price,:
during January Sale ... ; . I
• 7c Factory Cotton far, 5c•
10 pieces good clean Factors, Oditnii.
• nice even weave and weight, regulatt
7c, January Sale pride ........ .......
• • ' '
regular $3.50 for
regular 400 for
regular $4:60 for
• • • •52.75
. , 53.25
• ; • • $3:75 -
regular $5.00 .for. ,
Iderdown Comforters
Tile weather also applies to
fur, Coinforters. It will pay you to
•.buy. these athe following ; prices, „
and carry them over' for next year.
Satteen Comforters, regular $1.50 for.. $1,25
Satteen Comforters, regular $200 for. $1,50 •
SatteenComforters, regular $2.50 for.'„ $2.00
• Sett een Ceinforters regular $3 00 for. $2.26.,
• Satteen Comforters; regular $5.00.for.: 400
• Satteen Comforters, regular $6 50 for, . $5,50.
5C Satteen Comforters, regular $8.00 for $7.00
•. • o 1 . • • . . • . . .
F,Very member enio-yed-lxiinself.' weather 'Fry then .
We are welt supplied with Patent Medipines,..of allthe leading lines.
Much, araithellifhOlnef Rafiger•.
• need, call this way.
was grea,tlypleased wi la his reception I
• arid with the way the' Court is work, '‘Ve sre -always well stipplied With a. tirst-plitss stock (If Groceries', which we sell
. .
en in
. • • . .
1. B. Hoover. . Mahlon Ball
Every branch, m our line is complete, you can get
any article produced at this store. ••
Our Prices bring The Trade. "
Our personal supervision goes with every pur-
chase and, satisfaction is guaranteed.
• ' Night or day calls profliptly attended to
:litOOVER ..0k 'B.
ing.' It is. hoped that "The --ijornpaii_1.• it lowest posSible prices. • Stfeeessors io".McKinron ct5 Myth
ions of the Forest" will soon be organ- Len't forget about our Flour, Salt, Coal Oil, 11111,Chine Oil a.nd Separator 011.. ' • . . • r
ized. - Then Clinton Court will; be fay- I
ored with a visit from the High Chief ' Londesboro Emporium,& • . •
• .
• ,JN 26thGreat daiiis
and also the High Chief Conapanion.
x Miss Dempsey, who has spent some
time working with the Jackson Manu-
facturing.. Company, left, anct has
started to work at bledgens Brothers
tailoring: . • - .
Sale Register.
Auction .8ale of Polled'Angus' Cattle at
Lot 19, Base Line, Goderioh Tp.„ on Wed.
nesday. jan.;31.st. . E. BUTT, Prop.
Thos. Guidry and Capt. Robson, A.uot.
• New • Advertisements.
To Rent
Rooms or office, J. B LUNDY. ,
•-Ruff Found
• Fciund,, a Fur Attff.' Owner can have
the 13aUleon proving property and paying
expenses. New Era office
Family ;Washing
Advertiser will do family washing at her
own home. Satisfaotion gnaranteeu and
prioes reasonable. Inquire nCliew Ere °f-
iles for particulars. • • • •
••• Farm for Sale *.
Subscriber offere for sale hie farm of 73
Korea, being lot 17, let son. of Etullett; all
cleared and tit for cultivation. " Frame
house, bank barn, orchard, plenty of water
On good gravel road, only one and a half
Miles from Clinton.
tf-4x GEO.
J. Rive,
Piano- Tuner,
No. 23, jaAnes St, south of
• the R. C. Church.
•Applications. oi OfflCe.
Applications addressed to the under.
signed:krill be received by the Council of
the Town of Clinton, up to ft o olook
on reb. Ind, for the position of '
114' 'Cletk •
wo'. Treasurer
•• Assessor •• .
-Chief Constable, ate
Tax Colleetor
Night Watchratt, eto
Cemetery Superintendent
Found Keeper
Town Engineer
'Engineer Fire Drigadd
Assistant Engineer
Duties to commence., tin' Feb. Mb,
and to continue for one Vbikri or until sue
other that, ed the Connell may deteritine
11A0E11121400.14, Clerk.
Births. Marriages, 'lead's. •
• OW ABOUT.. YOUR': -0.
This certainly is file greatest - sale we have -ever knOwn.
WALL PAPER? -since we opened our doors. This great .stock bought right by
hundreds of citizens coming for miles have been our customers
Nothing adds so much to the decora-
tion of a house as good Wall Paper. „'
aniin a position tu shciw you the very
best and choicest patterns, as I axe
agent•for the .
Empire Walt Paper Co.,
•• • BORN . • •
' kicTAGGART—ItrElinton, oh January 21, to •
.Mr, and htrs, Geo D. Moraggart, a son. •
MARSH —In Detroit, al" January lith, •to
Mr. and Mrs: li, Marsh, pee Miss/lathe Davin ,
Olinton', a son. . •
MoNE1L—In Eitzllett. on Jan. leti, 'the. wife
of Mr. D. McNeil, of twins, boy and girt.
'.FTEWAIIT—In Clinton, on, ;tannery 21, the
wife of Mr. John Stewart, Goderlea township
of a girl— still born •
DIL —In Seaforth. 011 Sattunry qth, to the
'wife of Peter Dill, a daughter. . •
PROUT—In Ushorne. onjanuary 10th, to Mr
-and Mrs Jo n Prout, ja, a daughter. ,
oa sok.'
Jewell,of St, Thotrlas; Da'k.; .
JEWELL- Et Dunlop, on Friday, Jan. 12th,
to Mr. and Mrs J. I
• s
unt.soLns•-rINSONNEAT.TLT-At the R.O.
_cluirch,AinGiegor, on Jan 16th, by Bev. Fr.
Pinsonneault, brother of the bride W. J. Rey-
nolds, of the th can. RUllett, is t Miss • Edith
Pinsonneault, of St. Joachn. ,
'KELLY—WILSON—At Knox church, on Jan,
16, by Rev.4 A Anderson, B.A. Walter Kelly
of Goderich, to Isabel D. Adamson, daughter
of the late John WifsOn, of New York city.
' •
CAMPBBLL—LrGolerieli, Januaryl4, E
Shannon wife of George CanInbell, aged 78
years. •
MoNAIR—In Stanley, ainy. lith George Mo.
Nair. aged 03 Tears. •
BIR/C8—At her home, Toronto, 0/i .renuary
18th Mary Reamer widow of the late Rev W
Birks, formerly of tfolmesville antrElyth,eged
• Mrs. Birks, step -mother of Rev. --A..
K. Birks, Seaforth, and ' relit of the
.late Rev. W.•Birks, fortrierly of•Heltn-
of Toronto. •
The samples for 1006 are entirely
new. • Prices run from 50 a roll to 35c,
with borders at same price. Every
roll of paper guaranteed to contain 8
yards, I will sell this paper at cost,
from now to the 1St of March. Samples
gladly shown to intending purehasers,
at any time, and hang it at 8e per roll,
Bourse Decorator and Paper llnger,
Cor. 'Queen and Princess St, Clinton.
Iufts for Sale.
• ;
Two thoro-bred Short Born bulls for
tusk. aged 2 &A years, both red with a little
white; splendid individual bulls ofgooi
pedigree. One by Biggins' Imported Pan -
0.'0 Pride; tha other by Snell's Star a
Morning. Will be sold reasonable.
esville and Myth, died' at Toronto, on •
Thurectay, aged 70 Years. • Choice Farm to Rent.
., -- The farm of 100 aures bang lot 27, 0.n.
NIMENS' CAFE 2y,eiTrirecyt,00irclita:gesree.dbtftonftetillrnfogr, apiteenrii; (81
water,- -bearing orchard, -three -laarters
and Restaurant of a mile from sohool. 80 fibres tinder dul.
tivation; iitsWilass soil; et Otetielit entt: ely
ander. groom, Apply tq, M, 0. ROSS, on
Has been entirely refitted
premises or Clinton P. 0,, or T.,FitAZER,
'yvtipse, and. furnished.— • Brucelleld. ,
Try' Nimens' for Bakers
or Home Made Bread • The tindersigned7Al offer for tide by
Public: Auction, on the Market &pare,
Clinton, at 1 p.m:, on Saturday, Feb. 17tb.
High.class Confectionery rittar 64,[1.V.telr43: br:Oilte remani
and Lunches: der food hardwood, 6aaores Wboat,
Albert St, Clinton, of water, and only about 4 miles from
Clinton, Terms made known ,on day of
sale, or upon applioation,
- 17 ell plowed; remainder vase. Stone
house, bank barn, bearing orchard, plenty
1/1" 141
1, • VIA a )13)10kb:100i AtlOi4 0110i0:141
Aiak oil JAS, ALE Gall
ssrs c neon Co. at away down prices and our big cut
prices aie telling the people why this great 20 -day sale is-sucli a , 7
huinmer. Come one! Come all I Don't roles this great,immense.
bargain, money' saving Sale. It is the -..m
'greatest on reeord,on.e/
saved is money made. Buy Furs now. Vont 'Wait. ' . , W
, • , . . . •
,• _ _
Ready.toewear Skirts • .
2 . Misses' Skirts „grey I. striped
Tweed, 33 and 36 inch, were
1.75, for 1 49 • ,
4 Ladies' black Chviot Cloth "
Skirts, were 5. 4 25
1 I4Tsir.7'5BjoarcV )1.4,1stx Skirt,
1 Ladies' black Vicuna, 'Sk t, "
was 425, for 8.K0
1 Ladies' Black •Skirt, corded,
was..1.75, for 1.49
. 2 Ladies' Black Skirts, stitch- '
ed, were 2.75, for 2.36
2 Ladies' Black Skirts, heavy
cloth, were 3.50; for 4.95
3 Ladies' Black Skirts. trimmed
with buttons and satin piping
were 4.00, Chiffon
Ladies' Broadcloth
Skirts, were 0.50, for .5.40 .
Ltiliess' Wrappers
Greatly Reduced
3 only fancy -trimmed Wrap-
' pers, were 1.75, now 1.25
2 only fancy trimmed Wrap-
pers, were 1,25, now 09c
2.only fancy trimmed Wrap-
pers, were 1.25, no* 00c
2 only Print Wrappers, mere
$1, now 85o
7 only Print Wrappers, were
• $1, now 75c
2 only Print Wrappers; were
1.25,:fcr 69c
Ladies' Readygtolefiar
Skirts at Bargain Prices •
1 Ladles' Blue Mose* Cloth
• Skirt, was 7.50. for 5.75
Ladies' Black Sateen Under-
skirts, at our cut prices -
75c Ladies bik "Underskirt, 65c
1.00 -14 it gee
1.25 • 4t .1 it 1,10
1.75 " " " n 1.50
2.00 , " 1.70
Ladies' Ralfteoats
Are put at prices to clear.
We don't want to carry oyer
a single Raincoat.
5 Ladies' Cravenette Raincoats,
••• Were 5.00 for 3.05
4 -Ladies' fawn Cravenettettain-
. coats, wore 6.50, for 5.50
1 Ladies' Oxford Grey Craven-
. et,te Raincoat, 7.50 for 0.50
2 Ladies' Oxford Grey Covert.
Ofoirotsh7.25Ritincoats, were 8,50,
1 Ladies' Fawn Covert Cloth
Raincoat, was $10, for 8.75
Look St these ortees of • '
Dresti Goods •• •
We have over 75 pieces of
Dress Goods We must get out..
piece Heavy Ribbed Serge,:
• was 500 now t5e
2 pieces Fancy ,Zibeline, Were.
• 75c, now 25c••
2 pieces fine French Serges.,
were 25e for.156 '
1 piece Fraley Tweed, was 50c,
for 85e ••
1 piece Black Lustre, was 45c,
for 85e
1 piece Fawn Serge, was 50c,
• for 88e
1 ptoce Faney Green Cloth, was
600, for 85e .
Every Department. Full of 13a.rgains,
Good Goods at Cheap Prices,
Successors tO McKinnon & Co, 'Myth