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The Clinton New Era, 1906-01-26, Page 4
a 44 '__ 4 T f B °L7 .'TON NSW SIVA, Business to Continue as Usual. l.. Until further notice, business in both the Dry Goods and Men's stores will be- cOn. tinued as usual We expect, In the near future, to have all departments in'or:estore, but for the present, business :will be conducts - ed as heretofore. All winter goods • are being Offered at greatly re- duce‘prices. This week ,in the Dry Goods: departllert you can. save fully ' 35 per `cent. in Children's Coag, .'- Fur Ruffs, Wrappers, Scotch Fingering and Factory Yarns. Also. Remnants of Prints, Cottons.,, Ribbons, Laces,. etc. Saturday is the last day,. of 'the - Special Dis,: GRANDTRUNJ\SV, =`M FOR THE HINTER 1. GOTO entartmiluil, names, QR • RI.Qlt IDA • The laud of minium* auneliiae TOUR OF ALL MEXICO heaving Toronto Jan. 29th- Coverial; an points of interest. SpedpC reduced rate. Mount elemeitan J St,,eathariites Mineral Bering's. Iieliehtfui resorte for those who need q rest. nest or hotel aeoommodation For tickets and full information call on F. R. Hodgens, 'i'artn, Agent "tug, mainning Iwo :. TIM IPQPVLAR ELLIOTT TARO TQ, ONT.. , ' Our reputation f;,r superior work Is Well awn, and we protect tans reputation. etu- ents admitted at onetime. oataiogue free. Cor. 'rouse and " W,, J ;IbId,TGT'r, . alesander.Rts. . ritioipal. J 20th, Z$08 Local Notes nt,eaoneolheeweanoprtin ithgspit hereon Friday last. Mrs. McEwau, who has, been living on Ontario. Street east, line moved to London to reside. Messrs J. E. Cantelo'n and R Graham went to Centralia yesterday, to pard- eipate in a bird contest. The post office flag was flying at•r half-mast on Wednesday, in honor of the late Hon. R. Prefontaine; The friends of Mrs, Coo er, Albert St,, will be' glad to know she is recon- ing from her recent serious illness. Joseph Ellicott, eldeet son of the late George Ellicott, of Clinton, died at Petrone, last week in his 49th year. Mrs. John Rice will receive at .her home immediately south of the R 0. Ohurch,on the. let and 8rd Frinay Of this month, Wellesley Whitely, of New Orleans, silo of thelate W. T. W bitely,of town, was mnsrried this week to a lady of that city. Messrs Fitzsimons & Son shipped hogs this week from Clinton, Seaforth and Brucefleid. The price paid was $6.75, which is pitetty good figure. We are glad to know that Mr. Thos. Mason, who bas been passing; through a serious illness; is on the mend, though still confined to his mover. illew , ittt t 'ltllsentt tg MissMoantcast e'was to have taken Bargain Days, Bodge= Bros. ; ; ,1. part in. an entertainment in connec- Are you satisfied, A. J. Grigg. • ... ,...1 tion .School, t f Seaforth, h the Presbyterian but the afiairbwas Satisfaction, "W S R. •I4olnnes Reekies ... , .. , • , , ... , .. .. I- postposect: Business to. continue, Newcombe ; ;,1 Miss Lilly Hunt entertained a num. January sale, Cooper , 4 ber of friends on Wednesday evening, Last week, Tozer & Brown 5 in hence • of Miss 13, Whitely. who -'What shall it be Ii llyar 5 1 5 5 e leaves to take a nursing course in New To Rent; J. B, handy -York, in a few.days. Eamil Washing .1r. =Hamer Greenwood,. who was elected. member of'•the. British *Par- liament, was a fellow student of Mr, R E. Manning, while attending the University at Toronto, , While Mr. P. B Sibley was . stand- ing on an old chair, making some al- terations in his rooms,. °the chair e,o1- lapsed, and he, was thrown to the floor, sustaining a severe sprainn. The regular meeting of ' Clinton Branch, of the. Wonien's Institute, will, be held at the ` home of Mrs,. Laird. i %=morrow (Fi'zlay evening, et -7;80- i m. Subjects to be discussed, "Home. made buns" and,jSoupa:7 All are wel- • come. Hon. 'Mr--. Haultain was: offered a Last week the • NEW Bite, credited purse of $1,000 :.by ,his "Provincial .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark, Toronto, with Rights" friends in the •W an addition to their family ; .we are West, but•.de- tol the d t this is 'n.c r a & he' i „ , it dined e n to a cent .:,i•... , e ,'Yt..:... G 1t' � ' Ii T T5""W!i " - =lawn P s 'a� cant y•-�s si.�.yeare'cajil;; ''�•he'itear,�wa,s mendable act of nide' a idence';on the handed ta:aar-bs "erns to apply to b P part of Mr. Tiaultain.' anotlierClark, •' Mr. J. G. Medd went to Sarnia this Mr. john AnId, member Of the Pro week, to look into. a business praposi 4 _tion there.. He isnot anxious to leave uff :l''ound, Nev Era ` ..5 Farm for sae J, 1I. Wl}ite. , .•.. -5 Applications, D, L McPherson ' ...5 J. Rice, Plano Tuner , ... , .... , .5 Wall Paper, Geo. Potts . .....5 Attention, Az D. Bea on ,5 Niriiens Oa•£e..,.5 c Bargain .Days, Hod_gens Bros' ..8' Stok-taiking. sate, SP. Taylor & Son. .,8 Men's 'Underwear, "4 Fur Caps, Men's 'Clothing �, Bo- s' . .. ; Overcoats. Sweaters, a � eaters, ClothGaps., -etc;. All being sold at 10... to 20. per cent. di otlnt, 4+ +C-+ year less than • he has#, been receiving. X14.++++++4444.+4.4+444.11 -His health has been pour, and he is: n. ' ' ;^" "1' " 'X Rev. J. Ross, who' has been pastor of +$ Brussels Presbyterian hutch for some. +� • years, has accepted a: call to Port Dal- Church h ' �� Y`Y +�• ousie where lie' a •e S c cuts a call 1F400 a ONTARIO S T, hopes that the change. may prove. beneficial. Rev. W. E err spent Sunday last. Two.former pasters occupiedthe nun.' in Toronto, enJZying the Torrey-AIex-. Pit of tsvo churches here on . Sunday. der meetings ; the w ork was ably sup- Rev.' John Kenner, of Mitchell, in..On- plied by a' former pastor, R. J. Ken- tario St , andhe does' not look' a da net whose old friends were I older than' he did tenyears ago, and. , gladR , Bev. W' C: o .hear trim and the cordial14 wean also• .handshakes , Of Mitchell, were evidence of their appreciation of in'Wesiey.Ohurch, who, by th,e aboli- him. tion of his beard.has transformed him - Miss Brimstin, a missionary who as friends were glad to sees i been in China, gave an address in the r gsand hear him, schoolroom of Ontario St. Church, !' .nest FWIay evening. The chair, was . occupied by Mrs. Kearns ; the lecture Local .Sporting Matters contained a,good deal of interesting !�, L........„. information. .. r HOCKEY A series of social entertainiinents for' SEAroitTi* WiN , - Ina match at a se for h' between et en we the tam o . the e f the t e e 1 as of _ are the m h. fI �- tario St. Choir, and others, are lie ng 1 place and Hensall, on. Thursday, •Sea held, having commenced at the home forth won by a score .of 3 to 1. of Mr. H. Piudiisteel, followed by.i A,enme ae t London • reporting' n k' daye ri night, similar gatherings at the homes of Mr. 'r sags "Although the Goderich sailors James Cornish, re.DrEvans and B. J. lost last .iglits„ ,a. a :to• t • e• Londo' Gnbbings; they are,enrertatlfed at the sol lets "'in an extra time game, the home of Mr. E. J. Courtice tomi8ht. ,,; cha�nees�are that they will •w n the dis- h self into a reinger• man. His old -trict. Goderich-has an extraordinarily ST PAUL'S' heavy team, but '• they ate all good, steady players. When;they get into 1.Vliss McNaughton will sing "Con- goon.. shape they. will he e, hard nut to sider the Lilies of the Field,','at, St, erten 1', - Paul's "on Sunday evening, 1 •LoNBON BEATS Oonnazon•*-In what Rev, C. H. P. Owen, of Maysville, was best exhibition of hockey seen •in is booked for a lecture in the school London in many years the Seventh room on the evening of Jan. 30th, on Regiment intermediates defeated "Jamaica. • Croak ch an -Friday night after ten minor es'extra i T`he,services in St. Paul's Church on - me by .. score.of9: 4 8. Sunday the 28th instant, will be con- At half time the. score .was 6 to 4 in ducted by the Rev. Prof. J. E. •BAirgess in Goderich's favor. It wars a strenuous M. A., of the Western University, exhibition of hockey, and was contest - London, as the Rev. Mr. Gunne will be ed every minute of time without let in Stratford over Sunday, assisting at up• ' ' the opening services of the new at, It was stated here last friday that Pauls Church in that city. Hensall had defaulted to Clinton, but this it seems was incorrect. A. 15.. ' WILLIS King, secretary of the Hensall hockey club, writes;-- "Instead of default to The W. F. M. S. of Willis Church, Clinton, we have agreed to play thein has just entered upon its 30th yenr of 'there, Tuesday, . January 30th. It is service. A splendid programs has been not true that we' have d-opped out of prepared• for the year° 1900. At its . the associiitien We intend to play all tact regular meeting, held last week, our seh. doled games. Seaforth plays Mrs. R. Irwin ablydealt with' the de' here January 26th, and our game in' .-• notional topic, "Blessed are the poor Goderich will probably be played this in spirit," and the introduction to the week." • missionary study for' the year, "Mis- Unless.the weather makes a change sloes in .Africa; was taken by Janet during the next few weeks. the. Yodel. Wilson. The meeting was well at- hockey.districts will havesomedifficul-: tended. ty in returning their winners by the At the quarterly meeting of the end of the month. The Seventh al - officers and teachers, of Willis Church ready- has its Goderichgame postponed S. S., the followingofficers were and to this is now added the game at elected : - Superintenent, lqr, James Clinton announced for .Tuesda night Scott ; Assistant Superintendent, Mr. last, manager Folley having, received A r nston ; Secretary. and ,Treasurer, word that there would be no ice. The Mr. Geo McLennan ; Assistant See dcriclr game has beet%•arrnnged for rotary and Treasurer, Mr, Janes Me- hhtthe two' Managements for January ©lacherty; Librarian, Mr. J. Cuning- , Cutting - harm ; Assistant Lihrazt•iain, Mr, Tor. The'sehedule for the ,games to be ranee ; Audit rs, Messrs Lindsay,..eyed for Mr. tial aifWs Medals is cl � pp lar lrl i as ; Cunningham ; Organist, Mrs; Gunn, follows, (lee permitting) Pastime Mr. John McEwen, of the (Minkel Club vs, Collegiate, Jan. 31st. Organ Presbyterian Factory vs. Iown, Feb. 2.. Collegiate y ch, who went out. Institute vs Town, Feb. 5. Factory last summer as a missionary to Lipton, ve., Collegiate Institute, Feb. 7.. Pas - Manitoba, remained in the field dur. timeltilub vs, Factory, Feb. 9. Town ing the winter 'months. He will re- vs, Pastime Club. Feb." 13, Not more turn to Toronto in March. Ile had than eight players from each club al• four preaching'stations, He Was sent . lowed to practise. Wit bythe Knox College Missionary Sociey', who last year sent mit 40 • students to new plaoea.' ikiostiy in New BASKETBALL Ontario end the Northwest. They get The Collegiate basketball asso i i elation the knell salary of $I.00 or less for the ireoraanized this week for the $611.8011. sift Months summer vacation. They of 1900 with the following officers, do good work and the church, is proud ?resident Mr, Cranston, .of ite"voluntteer iniesioitaries,'.who are McKinnon; See,. Treas., tV McQu en, is nn willing to brave ail difficulties to The following were also elected asseat). M preach • the `word in new districtp, tains of the four teeing fur the selieel apes °'wv'here the people aro .tot• able to pay 'eeriest -1660M C, McEl:innon, D. mitsisyter. . Cranston,', Taylor and R. Moxcenzie, Wi eer FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1906. E vincial Legislature for South•Essex, Clinton, and many would like to see believes that the. County Oouncf:'s cans him remain, but he cannotat preselrt :. get a building here i a svhich to carry be •dispensed with. 9 bout. ,the only r on business.business transacted by County Pour'. n ` A meeting was held 'at the home of ells, he says., is ,equalization ;of assess= Mrs. McHardy-smith yesterday ,after- merits, andnuimerous cotinines spec* noon, to co'nsndez the •aclvisaIJ,lity, of seethingthe services of Mr, Tripp, •nal commissions .have • had to be ap Pianist,of Toronto: Conservatory, fin - s•• pointed to.do this workHe believesh'gh•olass en tet•tainnient early in Februairy. that , t fle entire ;business done, by (nun Last'1'hiirsdxy i"ii- eSsr.,-. N. Fair W, y Councils could -be done'as well -by .:Jackson, R. Graham,. Jas Stevenson, c}pai. councils •.i W... Spalcliing, B: Gibbings, (.i . 1:� each enuttty, and the tas-payer be re- . rib tnoWilin oalnui Dr, Shaw,. Went 'to Sc • i t , have a ' match- with the Iieved if the .expense', of the re a e nears • p, 5 nt ,the; ice was not in. prime eon.: body. He twill , advocate this at the dation,: and .the 'ga�ne was not finished. next sessnun: Certainly a good deal of. Warden Miller, :