HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-26, Page 2OW Birth You mustliaVe. had sixty at 10115il Visit? Only forty? Then It must be your gray hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops' these frequent birthdays. It oyes all tire early, deep, rich coley to grathair, and checks falling hair. And It keeps tile scalp clean and healthy., . mr was peaky troubled with dandruff which e1atrier3grigar4Igeoraltii%'dtane. dratt'seen disappeared, My 'Air aiso stopped tiallagl!atAlki°07111111ragillectiehoellal ay .r.v, Ayer cle., Lowell. Mom Also mananteterers or SARSAPARILLA.. CIIIIRR . ECTORA tiers ""5.1( . - Ser .fse. The matilop Insurance Co. 4,.... Me The annual meeting of the men3here of the McKillop MutualVire Ineuranee \ Company was held. in Seaforth last Friday. The lessee Of the Company, I thie year.were unusually heavy, but an account of their excellent financial 1 etanding they were enabled. to meet all claims without increasing the assess- ments, and still have a large surplus in • the treasury, The new lousiness re. ueived for the Year was very satiefac- tory, some MO new policies having been written, • The Company com- menced the year with a ha epee o $10,95010 the 0:reasury, and after nay. so mien o eaun gr I grants will be seleeteti irore a possin.e ' hin Palm ' e hundred th usand• applicant% and he glinton New Era FRIDAY, go, 1906. 79rInri.47111110141711r/V7VC r"".. . • Ai THE CLINTON NEW EEA Bright's DiseAse Ten Tpousara ° Selected Immigrants 21 Cure of litarvelosto Imam That will be brought to ealinda through (MOO Instant liftset Poun!1 the agency or the Salvation lirnty, the majority as, • No malady is rnore stealthy ar fatal farm. laborers. They have a &Say eiseratioo hi the heed. Di resat e. • fOli' 26th, 1906 WEAK ther mt:rtgot"ne* st• 1101.- Tippri , frothoot from Ile". • 1")."411. They woke in the moris, WOMEN-Ingsafeatiroderths* when they went to bed, than Bright a sease. 1 itatee t,b,/ ar• Every Teat' it Cialnis more victims The eiYorts of tbe Salyation Army the heart palp ' and 19lonSe for a el Ten ro‘mis, with. vrodiootheedof ailductsceblne, lilt Aridly' in° ead .oft fwoirt ti nliars anplY to W. BRYDONE. , Lands tor Sale thaarfamine and war corablned. on the lines of immigration vvere SO and nerVOlmitoTiakehoidanfittlirdurt the 6 °IA the far 'VVertt" neward, Assa, Im- urine !becomes scanty, often contains ritain through the same agency dur- . ILBURN'S HEART 01? pox acro, good land trot: ctine to sitE BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY W"' farms for tole at $14 per acre, 1 9v BRy130NE In the be/inning it is marked br eucceesful last year that orrantements the lightest rodeo fr town. Fare pm 0 Veriest I PUBLIC,jtrETO. 't the coming season. These unrni• II • • inVeeting. N. P. 0111013, fiewerd, Aso. CLINTON PROFESSIONAL HENRY OgATTIIK (Sweeper to ebri Omit • • ISSERISTER. BOMOITOIt, tto. CLINT°, ° Otto -Elliott Ilk**, formerlY PottPhsl• I by Mr Hewett.. leolegr TO LEND . puffiness un er the eyes, yellow, sa • ' have been made for ten t ousand day seem to be a dreg:—&14 a burden../ other farms withOut -buildinge from $6 to • low skin and, pain in the back. The teople to leave the shores of Great ' hag all loss clanns and ocher wor balance of about $7,000 with which to pins gtt once, ThiS Vitalizing medi- thoroughly inyesttated, and. prefer- , expenses, they • will etill have a cask these syraptonas, get Dr, Hamilton's when it is ludo wn that each ease is• thReader, if you are troubled with on q °eminence the new year. • We got 141,618 immigrants in 1905, some thousands of them being repat•-• rioted Canadisa.s. We want those. people e they ha,v lbarneil by experi- ence that Canada. • live id. But we nee to Coax people to come here; better go slaw and get the pick of the world. Hon. Mr. Hanna, the Provincial Sec - e hotelmen who break le says the Government will e inspectors in appointing eteetives to catch , the law- ers. Special men have heels act- goOd place to be in no hurry retary, is a er . the law. ' support -s brea •0 • . will best restore brilliance to ' ence ren only those who are likely The following is a statement of the • clue losses for the, year: Goven oe , lightning, $80; S. • Sweitzez. house struck by lightning, 590; W. Staples, house damaged. by fire, $59 25; R. Doak, house struck by lightning, $7; A. Broaclfoot, steer killed, by lightning, $41 ; James Carlin, steer killed. by lightning, $50 ; A. Byerman, heifer killed by lightning, $20 ; T. Curtin, anintals killed by, lightning, $260; R. Grieve, house and contents, $280 ; O. Delaney, heifer killed by lightning._ 528; R. Oharters, ' sheep killed by lightning, 55; W. G. Hartriiefferkilled by lightning, $20 ; T. Curtin; colt in - ;lured. by lightning, $30; IC Wise, barn and contents burned, $1,070 ;" W. ing in Londop, ,Prescott and Stratfcird, with the result that 'six convictions have been obtained in London,. :bur or five in Stratford, and eight in Prescott. sins it is. not known when • such Men may be put to work, hotelmen should see that they keep within the law. . George Grant, bk. P., is credited With, an interview in Ottawa, in which he is declared to be in open revolt ag4nst ..„ .the•Liberal party, and says many cat. el' Ontario members are in -the same • position. Ho was evidently out a his - head when he said it. for he has since ' been taken to a hospital in a high • fever. George •Gr..nt, in bisrational* moments, is one of the most loyal •sup - pot tere of the party, and wonld never be guilty a saying .what is attributed .to him, it he -knew. it. Dogger), house and contents, $300 • • I who-ha,ve. een elute Y •g honse and contSritS, $300,3 Geo. tirie • 'stk. Itrani ration Department, James 17.711Y +suffer any longer ? Dr, Haruil- and Albert Sts., Toronto, for applica- ton's Pills will restore yon to robust tion torms and farther particulare your. u anxiouseyes. will be °replaced by - surplus- viger. General Booth's worthy movement Your back nettle and urinary, disor- will be thoroughly appreciated by tiers will cease. • every Canadian, - . Renewed life is -put into ihe kid. ! The entire accommodation of three neys, and tlrigiat's Disease passes steamers has been chartered for this - away forever. . , season's business, and the first organ- ized party of 1,500 will 'embark on the , PEnnONEXT 0171tE IN EvERY CABE. --. -. - . . Doi it. ensmigton on March 1st, arriv• I ease avo ?ea,rs ago," writes Mre. 0-• of these people are from the ageicultu- E h t' to ma e pod settlers, the efforts or 1 "I was stricken with Bright's Dis4 ing Hali ax ' ten days later. ManY I E. Matt ewson, Ati.ddletown, 41 roll districts of Great Britain ; fact, grew worse, Sugar was almost eleven the majority are coining to Oanaclaan. per cent, and the doCtOrsgovve U. 'tent on engaging in farm. work, and "Alter using Dr, Hamilton's Pil s will be distributed to farnas in Ontario one 'week I began to mend. • • on arrival. Farmers who have not se - 'Dr. Hamilton's Pills have made as -cured their help the coming season well woman of me, and I know others tvkll do ,well tn. write immedietely to el • T Howell Secretary S. Turnbull, barn and con tents; $1,1 , . Kehoe, !mese damaged, $5)Itobt. i;icar• lett, buns and 'eontents, $2,800 ; Ed. Jarman. house • and contents, $800 ; O: Ceinpbell, barn contents, $70 G. S. Black, steee kille , $ . • 'Vf' • colt killed, $100 Jae, MeViCar, house or fiye boxes for $1, at an dealers, or , SALAD‘A4' Cesion Tea can now be AND NERVE PILLS • an the very: remedy that weak, :Limns, bl in of good health. tired out, tsickly women need to restore OM They give eound, restful deep, tone up the nerve', strengthen the heart, and make rich blood. Ma. O. McDonald, Portagoila Prairie, Nan., writes: "i wai troubled with shortneen of breath, talon of the heart and wept speU sot four boxes of Milburn • Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking them I Iran completely, cured. Pri Rtitents-fer box or three boxes , Choice Farm tor Sale • i3nbsoriber offers for ▪ sale hie splendid arm of 96 mores on the Bass Line, being north pert of lot 2, Mettland Block, Hullett Good brick house, barn and all necessary outbuildings; 35 acres bash; farm well wa- tered and in good condition. 2 miles from Auburn, JOHN SPRUNG-, Auburn P.0 1 • forlit:25, ' deit ers or the The T. ' bUrn Co:Xiinittod,'Colonte, Out, . \ \...... „ ....s„ ___ --4 More men are killed and maimed in 1 Allegbeny County, Pa in peaceful ., . pursuits in one year than are i pc 1 and wcmnde in e g , ttl f history., Statistics for tne rst year good health,‘ °No medicine in, the Many splendid tributes have ieeen show that there were killed and in, world so efficient for diabetes, Bright's paid to the Salvation Army for the ex- -lured in the iron and steel mills and Disease and affection of the kidneys, cellent class of men who have already 'blast furnaces 9,000. In other tills, liver and bladder. Price 2.50 per box, been bronght te this country. shogs and factories ,4,000 were sacri • darnaged, $15_; M C. Donald, contents lir mail froin N. 0, Poison & Co., . • d either died or were maimed; -while the coal mines swell this figure by.400, and -the railroad's .victims in- clude an annual 4,300, making up a grand total of 17,700 who were slatign- tered or injured' in one year. ' . . fice , an of house damaged, $400 ; Thos, Dick- artford, Coon,„ U, S. A.., and King- sorho se -••damaged • by • fire, •• • $2.; -James s 13' ' l ban) damaged, $2.50 ; 11. Doig, to 0 t eampbell, bar... damaged, $2,- - A Heavy Penalty had everywhere and within the teach of every person, as it can be purchased inerold Label at 60c per 'pound, Red Label at 50; Blue Label at 40c, Green '• TSB FAS -.11%,1, ET LIGHT: ,Label'at 30e; and Brpwn Label at 25d er'lb.-all equally pure tea, but of . The following clause .of the License Visitors Have to Be Swung Ashore by 'Course the cheaper .grades are notes Law may be of interest to some who means of a all, fine flavored, not being grown at as are not eavere of its existence : . eat Britain high an elevation as the 'expensive If an officer, of any 'munielpal cor- that the Canadian tourist The first glimpse of Gron a teas, the , latter being produced at an poraxion is eonvicteoffence under d of having know- 13 gets -11i elevation of 61)01) feet above sea, level, ttre-Lest-hesslatills j_n addition to any lag* committed any • other penalty to which he may he liable under this Act, therebylorfeit and va- cate his office and shall be disqualified from holding any offide in any inunicie polity in this Province for two years thereafter. . • ' • s • uropean tour is that of the Fastnet lighthouse. • It atands -an -a' rugged ad n•solftarY-- • rock, • situated nine miles south el Th -e -C. -P. R. freight slitectortage- Crookhaven, at the extreme southweat la Prairie was destroyed by fire, with corner of Ireland, and is Perhaps more much of the contents Loss, $10,000, . storm -beaten than any. other around • our coast. The rock is eighty feet in height, and the lighthouse towers ' other seventy feet above, yet in wine ter gales the °..Aitantic, literally. Don't Dose The Stomach. . • Hyaline ettreit Caterrb by • ' Broating 24romat1c Huai - Jug air. , You cannot afford ta,•risk perma- nent loSs Of heelth ta,king lit-long ••drugs jot° the stomach' % tbe vain hope of curing. catarrh of the nese and throat. The only true way of curing catarrhal trouhleS ' is by the use of Hyonien which is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit. Hydniei Is not . semet remedy, and its formula is given to all reput- able physicians. Its base is the far moos eucalyptus oil. 1. This tit com- bined with other healing, aromatic gunis and balsams, so that when us- ing Hyoinei, the air you breathe is filled witbsgerrn-killing, health -giv- ing, curative powers. It kills all ca- tarrhal germs and restores .the min cons membrane Of the nose, throat and Wogs to a perfeCtly healthy con The complete 'Hyoinei • outfit,. con- sisting of a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine drepper and a bottle of Eye - mei; costs lent 1100, and extra :bottles can be obtained for 50, cents, 'making it the lb pst economical meshed of cure ing catarrh, as well as the nitist,'re Official count showsthat thereatre in the Unitect States, exclusive of Alaska, 270,000 Indians. Of these about 70,000 wear citizens; dress and 32,000 a mix- ture of Indian and civilized clething. About 50,000 can read, and about 60.000 can carry on an ordinary conversation in English. The number of Indians in aiibda in 1904 was 107,978, an appar- ent decrease from 1903, There . were 6,259 Indian children attending school in Canada. Of the Indians in Canada -14,758 belong of the Church of land ; 1,909 are Presbyterians; 11,000. Methodists ; 34;915 Catholics, 1,601 of other Christian creeds, and 11,269 Pagans. When Prince Loins of Battenberg I was in New York with his fleet' re- cently a dentist charged the Prince) $1;000 for fiXing some , of. his teeth. Now a New York surgeon has charged a Patient $1,000 for cutting out his appendix. Excuse is made for this charge that doctors often perform operations and attend patients for which theseget. little. or nothing. But Might not a grocer as well charge a customer a dollar for a pound of sugar because some other Patient neglected • to pay his bill'?:Certainly the charge - is enormous for a half hogir's work; - but then's what's money to a man - who basa gangrenous appendix. John Button, a St Thomas young man. Went over to Detroit and got a job on the Detroit United Railway. But to hold the job it was necessary .. that he should take out papers de- claring his intention of beeoming it citizen of the United States: He a• e-. cordingly went Abefore the groper authorities to tiktfthe necessary oath of allegiance. He had his hand up- - raised ready to swear, but when it • came to renouncing King Edward and his native country, he suddenly stop- ped and said: "Sir, cannot, take that oath. I can- not be a traitor to the land of my birth." .* Bully for John 'bitten I Not that he loved the States the less, big he loved Canada more. He lost a job, but remained true to his rtati•ve land, How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any 03,30 of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure, F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, 0, • We, the undersigned, have known V. J. Oheriey for the last 15 years, and believe him, perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligaqions made by his firns, WA/351RO. 1CINNA1 & Wholesale Druggists,Toledo, O. Oatarrn Oure is taken inter- naily, sooting directly upon the bloocl au&ottucous surfaces Of "the system, Testimonials sent free. Pride 'Mt per bottle. Sold' by all Druggista, Take Hall's Foully Pills for coustip. *Mon, If you cann nbtain 13.yomei•of your dealer, it •s• be forwarded, 'by mailrpostage-Paid,soarecelptof ice. Write today. for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our Medical department without charge. The IL T. Booth Company, illyomei Building, Ithaca, N.. Y. bombard :the massive .etructure and have .eVen smashed in. a 'portion of the lantern at the summit of 'the:erection, the seas' freqiientlY Sweeping .oVer the , „reit with tremendous force. Some. Pelogerr•-or so. years. agothe stormy wea- ther then- prevailing preventedalt. eoni-, iminication With the reek for • many ., ' I • :—..Debentures tor Sale . . The Clinton ThreFiber, empairy ed, offer for sale twenty debenturee 011500 each, bearing 41 ler Om cent 'an These are Gold Mortgage Guareeteed Bones, and ere absalutelv tiecure. Fer 'particulars sp. ply to'W. BRYDONE. Secretary • Pots Rent or Sale That desirable, commodione residence, formerly aeoupied by W. Philips, on Mary St. Firat class Pate of repair; 1-2 item garden, with fruit bearing treee and bathe% possession' given Oot. lst, If par - chased; buyer can have easy terms of pay- ment, Can be inspected any removable -Meeting . • The Co'nebil. of the Connty4 of Huron will meet hi the Council Chamber in the Town cf Goderich, on Tuesday, the 23rd day. of January, at 3 o'clobk pan. • All aceounts apainst the county must be placed with the Clerk before this date. LANE. Clerk., hoar. Address JOHN RANSFORD, DR. G. W. THOMPSON Clinton P.0 • Physiciets Surgeon, Eto. special attention given to diseases of the • ' Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Office andResidence- " 111DOUT ic HAHALECONVEYANCERS, COMMISSIONERS, Resa Estate and Insurance Agent Mone -to loan , 0./13. RALE, /OEN BUCOUT '1Vieda1. • . Drs. Gunn& GUINN Dr. W. Gunn, 14.1t. I'.. L. It. V.5,, Min - Dr, J, Nisbet Ounu,11. It. V. S. England, L. It V. I. menden. 011ice-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls Mt front door of °Moe or residence, BattenborP Street, -° W. SHAW, PAYSICIAN. SUBSEON ' A sec nehear etc. Office residence On tarlo St., opposite English elturels, formerly ore (untied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. Farm tor Sale. - . ,Lpaaon Road froni Clinton about Albeit sIr5eI.2 Blocks North of Batlinburr 42/„acres of first-olaes lona. Rich as a garden, has been a stook farm tor a ber of years. Frame beim, large barns; plenty of stabling, pig house for 100 heed, implement .buildiog.' Possessien givenat any time. Owner wishes to retire from farming. Apply 41) H. PLUMSTEEL. May 1 1905 • . Farmiiii Sale. . . The farm o[59 wires in the 3rd con. of - • Hullett,:occupied by subscriber ie offered for sale. All but four acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation. 13 mires fall swheet,erieded down. Running spring, all r fall plowing dodo but li acres. *frame house, small barn, Acre of bearin &aid. 2e miles from Clinton. Also tea of 'good working horses for sale. Nov 17 05 CHASLMASON, Hallett. DyspEPsuk -AND - Farmin Tuckersmith tO STOMACH.DISORDERS Bull for service. . • - MAY BE cgrickpv AND PatiiANENtrif CURED By Weeks so, that the store of food Was • consumed, %WI' the exeeption of 'aime u-RD0 . . . dour. .At last a schooner Managed to . • •approach sufficiently near to enable 3 small quantity of food to be dragged through the sea by the hungry •men, and fortunately the next day the seb moderated, and the Acmes were once more fully replenished.' , " Except in very calm- weather • the Pe.stnet is surrounded • by a fringe of • foam,' and the only means of landing Is by the aid of a "jib" fifty-eight feet In length, so placed -on the rock that in moderate weather its end reechp, outside the stmt. When a vi4tor w1she3 to land (an unusual' ocourrenee) he is rowed in a small boat as near *a thii waves ' permit, and the light keeper throw out a smell budy' attached to's rope, which IB secured by the 'man im tn. boat The Jib is then awung andthe visitor, placing must tin the loop and, cat1. a tight hold ot i I rope.' hoisted about forty Set vertl- .• • prince Arthur of Connaught, after. visiting Japan, is expected to arrive at Victoria on March 28. From there the party will proceed to Vancouver, stop- ping_at Banff and Winnipeg en route for Torontd. When Ottawa is reached Parliament will be in session, They will stay two or three days there, and Prince Arthur will be the guest of Lord Grey. His next stops will be Montreal, Quebec and Halifax. - • -, BLOOD • BITT-ERS. , Labelle, .Maniwall, Que.. writes IM as follows: desire to thank you for your yaw &tint cum, Burdock Blood Bitters. „Three years ago I had a very severe atiaek Dyspepsia. 1 tried five et the best doctors 1 Gould find but they °Geld do me no seed. 1 'cali 'aiNited by a friend to -try Burdock: Bitters and to my great surprise, after iaLig?d two bottle,. I WM es perfectly curet that I have not had a sign of Drileeinda dam eannot praise it too highly man safferers. my experience his the best I ever neeko-Firilie Ing for me like B.B. . • • •Don'tfaeceptli substitute for Burdock and lestars There is =thing "bit as VOW' rally, and then the Jib, beingairotil at It. -foot, swinge him horizonvaY , about 100 feet .on to 6. Safe leading...-. Advertise ,in Ike i- EW ER •London Telerranh.. • ' The undersigbedwill -keep for se. vim the American Ana Canadian registered Here.: ford bull -Proud Duke. Terms $1.50. Also young Hereford Stock for salent any time; E. L. FARNHAM. Lop 11, Con, 9, Eullstt; Coastal:we P.O. • _ _ , ANNUAL 41EETIN.G. Annul.Meting of the inembare, ef the McKillop Mutual Fire Insitrance pithy; will' be held in the Tosvo Hill, Sea- for,h, on FRIDAY, JAN. 19th,s„1.906, it • •mirso'olook, p nt., for the perpose of -reoeiv- hie the annual reports, the -election of three Directors, and other business for the good and welfare Of the Conpari'le ;." The retiring Directors are J.' B. McLean, Seaforth; Thos. Fraser, Brucsfleld and William Chesney; 'Egmondville, who ena eligible for re-election . THOS. E. HAYS. Secy: 4.1 13. lieLHA.N. Presiderlt. . . . BARTLIFF'S RESTAURANT SubsciilDr _having Moved. his Restaurant . ter the store recently occupied. by F. W. Watts, will he glad to meet all his okl 'custorner‘ and AS man new ones as may favor him with .their patronage. . Having also bought out the King Bakery,he will supply the public with ',first - class Bread and Cakes. - BREAD DELIVERE1D• AS FORMERLY. BARTLIF Rent. • To rent for a term of year% Lot 14, Con- cession two, L. B. 13., containing 100 mires, 80 acres of wiffehlarelliiired and in a good state of onitivatiou. . This farm is eituated 1 1-2 miles from Xipellit, 7 miles from Sett forth and 3 1-2 from Hensall. This farm is well fenced, drained, and has first ,01389 buildhigsetitelton, and is one of .the best ferias in the (Thunty:of Huron. For terms &c, apply t81106ig az Dole; Attorneys, Sault Ste, Maria:Michigan, 8-11 G. W. Nanning Sinith, X. D., CM PHYSICIA:N & SURGEON, • oFgzun-Me:in Street, Hayfield, formerly. :occupied reader; • J. 11. LUNDY, Successor to Dr. AgneW, 'Dentist. °TINTO*, Choke Farm for Sale. . . That first-class farm, comprising the E 'hf of lot 29, con. 3, East Witwanosh, 100, acres, one-and-a-helf storey frame house, 19x 28; with good stone cellar and kitohen 17k22; gcod bank barn 52x60, with stone stable ; 18 acres of good timber and 1* sores of orchard. The land is in good state of cultivation andsis all seeded down, except about 22 acres. Well watered, good well and never -failing -spring creek. With- in easy reach of oleuroh, solieol,cpost Mee and railway station. For terms and Maher particulars apply to ILIDOUT & HALE, Real Estate Agents, Clinton,. or to JAMES MUCH, on lot 28, Anbarn. . Earns tor Sale oNTAitIO, Offige open every droyanli until 10 o'oloe f3aturday whining. Evening appointments made DA. G. ERNEST .HOLNIES • • DENTIST (Successor to Dr. '1'.0. Bruce. . Sp ecialst fn Crown and Bridge Work L, D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur aeons of Ontario, lurouto. _ D.D. S.-Fintelass Honor graduate or Den, tal Department of Toronto L'alversibP Special attention_naid to preservation ,,ot alaildren's teeth. Will visit Bayfield • Monday. • *One 9q4 acre farm in the Township of Col- borne, 7 miles from Ooderielt and 9 miletarom Clinton,l-rnile_frore Village of Benmiler.:.close to Post Oillee; daily mail; churches and schools. There ion good, large bank barn. baggy house, . implement house, pig pen and hen house; aI good large frame dnelling, With ten rooms; 2 good wells, fences In good state of repair. there are about 13 acres ofpear orchard and 28 sores of apple orchard, fall and winter fruit, about 6 acres of bush. This is a first-elass fruit and.atook farm, fall plowing nearly all don 4 and five scree of wheat; half of farm ia seeded' down. Possession can be had any time. • • • • CHILLS ..PROVE FATAL! If warmth and circulation are not promptlyrestored,chills result in fatal pneumonia. This necessitates keeping Nerviline harid: Taken in hot Water it breaks ura chill in two min - rites. By rubbing freely over throat and chest it prevents colds. No lini- ment go strong, so penetrating, so swift to kill pain and • inflammation. Nearly fifty years' record has proved: the yalue of Polson's-Nerviline. You ithould get a bottle to -day.. • Iso -a farm of 180 acre's, adjoining the above farm ; a lame, .good stone ,house, triune barn, horst stable, large sheep and cattle shed, and large spring near the house, witk milk house thwaon,•epring runs through farm to Maitland River. Several acres of bush; farm over half seeded down and in aood state of aultivationi with some 7 %ores of good orchard thereon.' This fe;rm is known as Cherrydale Farm, and has 18 acres of fall wheat. . Apply to . liftS. MARY WRITE, Benrailler, Ont. DR.'S' FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. • Special care taken to make der ^ ment as painless as possible Auburn every Monday. peee,••• e Miseellanean,s. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBCRO,_ &SUER mARRIAGE LICENREs . No witnesses reqiiired , - • Money - 14 ' Private ,funclis to loanat 41ercenand p. 'wards • W. BRYDONE. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auctioneer, GODERIOH ONT Farm stock ales a specialty: .Orders left at NEW EVA cam, Clinton,promptly attended' tl' eoud, Ten7esftm rsonable. Farers' sale notes. ae M.A.RRIAGE• . LICENSES ISSUED:BY ef. R.. Rumball, Clinton. J IP.. TISDALL. • nAr.TKEic,'' 0:14017LAPTs.ONT' Private funds to loan on Mortgages' at - . best current rate" . General Banking bueniess' traneseted; - ;Mitred allowed on .depoSits.= Sale notes bought • G. D. McTaggart ,' ri..Maaggart. McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST, • CLINTON General* Banking Ruslnisi transacted . . Wampu . Wens. t. . The Word signifies in aboriginal ver- nacular that it will, pass current for wampum, and is interchangeable as an equivalent, same as we take diamonds or other standard gean stones In 11611 of coin, at a fixed value .per karat. In - the breeth-elout and blanket days, pre- ' vious to 1890, warnpurn moons Were the ' best and most convenlent collateral which a Wealthy redskin could possess. A large one as big as the palm of a mazes hand would buy five pontos, or fifty buffalo robes, dr a second-rate squaw. - With furs they constituted the currency • of the 'section of the cOuntry• adjacent to the, .Rocky Mountain» on both slopes, a beaver skin being the unit of value at a dollar 'Iteriece. These trinkets were made of the peaeh-blow eheeks ef the conch ahens of the Pacific coast, and were nearly round, varying in size from the dl. mensions of a quarter of ciscd011ar to a Silver dollar.They Were certainly Very beatttifilf, 'and Were Very much affected by aboriginal. -dandies, eepcially by the mountain and river braves of Mon. tana, Chiefs and wealthy men sus- pended them by a thong areiind the peek, wearing them as substitutes for honor medale bestowed by the Great Father, and the women arrnend &ore. Illes, They were originally obtained front ti, family of fontere named Prost, in New Jersey, who nianufaettired them, from the pink cheeks of conch shells. They Were 41110 obtained through mid- ' dlomen in regular COUrSe of barter with the Paelfic toasrt Indiana, who Warned to imitate them.-rteareatiofl. nave you r1wed your subscription There cannot. be.difrenent degrees of ,purity any more than there can . be different degrees, of honesty. IC 'a man be honest, that is all he can be. There is no superlative. One flour •cannot be 'purer than another.' It can . only be more nearly pure: In these times when all flour man. ufacturers .are claiming purity you , should .remernber these two things: Actual purity in flour can only be • secured by. the lige Of electricity. Royal Household. Flour is the only flour, made and sold in Canada, that is purified by electricity. You can get pgilvie's Royal Household Flour from yoursrocer, Ogilvie Hour Mills Co., Limited. mom:REAL. "Ogilvie* Book for a Cook," COntalilS zo pages of excellent recipes, some never before published. Your grocer can tell you how to get it FREE. " ° gNOPSIS OF anDIAN NORTHWEST 'HOMESTEAD W3rIlLATIO11$ ANY even numbered seotion of Domin- ion Lands in Mitnitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be 'homesteaded by any per- son whole the tole head of a family, or any stale over 18 year(' of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, niorce •or lees. Entry May be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situate, or if the homesteader edesires he rally, on application to the Min ieter of the Interior. Ottawa, the Commis- sioner of, Immigration, Winnipeg, or the local agent, receiwratrthcirity for sane one tO make entry for him. The homesteader is required to peeform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plane : (1) At least eix month'? reaidenoe upon and eulavation of the land in each year for three years, (2) if the father (or Mother, if the father is demand) of the homesteader re- sides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for, the requirements as 40 residence may he 'satisfied by snob person residing with the father et mother, (8) •If the settler litte his permanent 'rest - donee upon farming land dated by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the require. Monte as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land. SiX month& notice in wnriting should be given to the Conamissioneer of Dominion ands at Ottawa of intention to apply for atent. . W. AV, CORY, , Deputy of the Minister of the Interi or Oct. Oth, 05 6 m WINGHAM-• BUSINESS ' COLLEGE lea high-grade Commercial School Commercial - Stergir1p1178- TelegraithY. Write auto. S ROTTEN, Principal. 144 examine a copy of cur catalogue, if you hare an . idea of:taking a 0001) PAYING oprerraWry mum '.' Wo he 1,aitibera le rip Behool, :equal to ours for prefinoing abed reetdts: 'We Solicit investi- gation nd ooraparisbn• 'Enter any timerr--No vacations. • HEAI Neuralgia and croveasuset Oiled • AJAX ittrItalMitti tett =1. Higettom. Yonge and Gerard Sts., Toronto mi. 0. SHAW, - Prineipa. • .110AVID VIOSEINS, 0.19.A., Instructor. TIIE U Schoolodelegrapkg And General Training for 1Railway:Service The new Itlethfid of instruction addpted by thie soho61 has proved a groat Burmese, Pnpils gradtiate in the inserted possible time, therefore, at the least mete% Erepiciyment etovided at once. Write for free pamphlet which will give full infer rotation. School room in Gordon Block, oppoeite post office, the most desirable location in the city., inspection bf classes at work cordially invited, ° ROBERT La1tM01111, Stret ora, rabbit/Al end Instructor, foreierly Jia Wet Superinteirdent O. T. IL NOTES D113COUNTED • Deafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. ' The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance co. Perm and Isolated Town Prop* ' erty Only Insured. • 1 OFFICERS. 'VB. McLean, President, Kipper). Thos Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos. E Hays, Say. Treas., Seaforth;; DIRECTORS, . Jas. Conbelly;- ?orter1s I-1 11; John • Waft, Harlock; G. Dale Clinton;' M. Chesney, Seafooth; J. Dale, Beech- wooni J. G:Grieve, Winthrop, q. . newels, Ilrodhageti. • . Each Director is inspector of losses itt. his own locality. AGENTS. . • Robt. Sniith; Harlocic; rEd.2talinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmend- ville; J. W. Yeo, NEW CHOPPING HILL IT , RoillIESVILLE . . In operation dailY. Cashmere can take . Chop home with them, Pritiee rIght-4oll oe cash, Satisfaction gnaratteed, • J, BROWN, Proprietor x+++++++++++++++++04 1ff COA.1.1 4+, Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our plices. 'The very best goods carried in stook and sold at the lowest possible price, Orders may be loft at Davis Ilowbuid.'s Hardware store, or with Vt. J. Stevenson, Mieetric taitibt Pfants' X444444444444444440t. -