The Clinton New Era, 1906-01-26, Page 1.Saboortbe),..e Awe. woo4 to make thole: renewalpromptly, an4•thuaayold the • • jeeki ,or Any opeet tho Iforaid 10,11••••144.4.1 4n, Establishers nes ttenoiaT togrAthh, Publisher. Renew SubmerliTere ere urged to make tbiar rene*ale promptly, *Ad thui avoid ;be loss of any copies of tbe Herald Saturday, Jan. .27111 • Monday, Jan; 29th The Big Clothing Store • Will be Bargain Days at Once again the time for our Mid -Winter Bargain Days has tome around. They are the two days at the ciose of the season that we are williag to work without a profit, in order to clear the stock of the last semams of Vtitiuter. goods. The necessity of moving in the nePrfuture,'On a64,r!',31,k. our present premieef to the SO'vereign. Bonk, makes Us doubly anxious this year to clear winter stock to the last dollar. We won't move a Winter Suit ,or Ovorcoat if we can help it, and prices have been made so low that it cannot but pay you to visit the store on the,Bargain Days. Here is .the Iist. :It is a money -saver, for in every case the price: cut, is, genuine. • Bargain Day Prices On Overcoats . 3 only dark Tweed Overeoatet black ground with a vety fine stripe, strong linings, well made and exceptionally dressysgarment, Just 3 of ahem! lett, they solaay at $17.00, Bargain Dthe piece writ be I each A CA tA I LIM' 8 nnly men's Tweed Overcoats, high class goods, • single and double breasted, first crass linings used throughout, last ones that are left ofour,$12,50 to 7gt, lines, choice on Bargain ........ „ eeth I el 4 only-T-weed-Overcoats.in/anay_paatarne_double breasted, straped hack, the popular arid drab -if' - style) well lined, regular $10.00, 4 of thern left to en fin sell on Bargain Days at • ... • • • • WU' eV 7 only Men's Overcoats, dark gray cloth, french • • ' facing, velvet collar, well tailored and lined, a • drermy and serviceable garment, regular $7,50,' the eg last 7 to sell on Bargain •Da -s at each..... UU Men's gray frieze reefers,made frona extra quality . frieze, heavy linings, regular t5.00 for Bargain to.gn Days each • Oth I.PU Men's black denim rubber lined coats, corduroy collar, will turn the wind, just the thing for out el 7R door work, regular $2.50, for Bargain Dayg•• •.• • • gr I , oys Overcoats . . '- Overcoats for the boys as Well as Barin Pay .. prices. You can get your boy a new coat ,for little • money if you take advantage of '• these offerings. Boys tweed Overcoats, 8 only Boyefeleze Over, • s nice shade of dark gray,i • • coats, velvet-eollar, good- . vrell rnade and trimmed, linings, regular $5.,00,1ast - regular $5.00, forBargain9 c a ef them to sell onBargain Days your choice . di ihr Days at each 1 Boys fancy tweed over coats, real dressy- gar- • Boys reefers made trotn raents, well made and good material, tweed tine . . lined throughout, the ' mr, pet- the thing for ' last of our $6.50 line,A •Rn se coo wear, regular 2.75 choice for Bargain Day. .11 . i) II for Bargain Days , . : ,-, 2 00 • Suits for Bargain. Days . You can make good interest on your money buying, a suit here on Bargain Days. You will realize the saving the minute you see these, for the qualities, are good and prices genuine. Men's Suit $9.90 Men's Suds 36.65 - lefen esuitodd lines of Mens tweed and serge broken , sizes left bons suits, made from • first ' high priced goods, all . class materials and lined made from fleet class . throughout with good Last materials and good lin- . . r large. Last ones that lugs used throughout; . are left of $8,$9,and $10 . Regular 6.12 and smell nn lines, your -choice of theeg RK choice on Bargain DayopOi Om lot Bargain Days at.- .. (MIA) ................,,.....•-.............--w-............i........., ..1=4•74.,...,...440.1 • • 1. Kens Night Shirts Me. - Mens heavy weight night shirts, extra long, fust -tL Days ...........the thing for Winter wear,. regular 1.25 Barga• in • 95c....... • 75e Underwear 50e Diens fancy fleece tined Underwear, 'velvet. back, • very soft and comfortable, a splendid line to wear, regular 75c the garment, for Bargain Da s cho' oe oys Sweaters 50e • Boys wool Sweaters, assorted sizes, red or navy, your choice .. . ...... ............ ' . ........ ... . regular 60 to 75c, clearing them them Bargain Days at 500 81.50 Caps for $1.03 Mens fine caps, new style, sliding hand, with fur lining, plain blue cloth, regular $1.50, to clear . on Bargain Days each _ .$1.00 Caps 75e Mens tweed and plain cloth• caps, several differ- • ent eatterhs to select from, all new shapes, slid- ing bands with fur lining, our special 0.00 the last ones go on Bargain .Days at yeur ohoice.. 750 Fur' Caps 8290 Mena electric seal zaps, good shape and quality, 'erj (In regular $4.00, for Bargain Days . • Persian Lamb Cap $6.00 - Mans good quality Persian' Lamb cap, nice tine • glossy curl, wedge shape regular $8,50 for Bar. ta nn gain Days -Better, Line IPIP$11141 Meta extra quality Persian lamb cap, rieh clOgse curl, best odds we have, regular $10,00, for Bar- $7 RR gain Days clearing. ......4,.ran; Flannel Shirts 90e Mens Overshirte, neat gray check, very strong, warm and corciforteble will give excellent wear. Alia regular $1.25, clearing Bargain pays at each... Fur Coats for Harpin Hays • If you want a Fur Coat we will make it worth your while to buy one Imre on nargain Days. Here is a list 2 only Canadian 000h oats,. raturaf fur, very choice, special garrnelets that are .exeeetionallytg'i 50 good, choice on 13argaiti Daye andtPid 1. 8 only Mens Canadian Coon coats fine fins nice- ly marked, well lined throughout: apeetal to cleat -4E07 gn , on Bargain Days at each 14 t I A 01/ 1 '<py Black Gallaway, a splendid coat tocar, , speeed on 13aigaiti Days .... . .. i21 - NrOA 1 only islaek Calf Coat with dog skin other soft tanned hide, and thick close fur, a essat that! will stand any amount of hard we, epode/ for 13ar-ton R A gain Days 4.4t* 4,,,w4oe,o ...... IriNWirsit WgiUlUIU • , -Hodgen s Bros Gentle Putt:di/sere and Olothiere, Clinton °LINTON, ONTARIO FRIDAY JANUARY 26' 1906 DaYrIelti NoTa0,--:Art entertainment will be held in the basement of St. Andrews chureb, to 'which every one is Invited on Thursday next ; a geed time is ex. platted. Jas, Towner:3 now busy build - rug an ice house beside his store for the benefit of his adjoining restaurant. Geo Campbell, who has been vlsitin his friends for sometime, has rcturnai to Myth, if. Sparliug. of Brucetield, fortaerlY Of here, is now here on a visit. To the great disappointment of the ladle% the skating which Mee been good during' the winker, has been de- Istrnyed. by the recent floods. The work in Mr. Thompson's IMO has been delayed owing to a rels-shilement af some steam -pipes. bar. Jars Oampbell halo now moved into his new 'residence *Inch has been recently completed. Mr. J. Whiddon is now taking out timber for his new evaporator which I s to be built early next summer. Mr. Laneb, the Govt engineer. of London, hes-recently -leeen here to inspect the work on the south pier, winch, was buened last summer, and which has been rebuilt by jags -Thomson, • . Conatahea ' John ltergueon, enter, tained a large, number of hi', friends ' last Monday evening, to a dancing party in the vacant house of Joe Brown's, recently- occupied by Win Leitch, of Chesellturst ; the boyar all trey they had a "big time," well worth the money ; when John does it he does it well. He expects to have another for them before the winteris over, ATES.-Mr, and Mrs. Lowes leave this week for their home in Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting and...faintly, ef Manitoba, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Ben. Riley at Present, e -Mr: Wm. 'Lindsay and fatuity. expeetto move to their new home in New Ontario in a couple of weeks. • Notre criticism is made by otir car respondent concerning the alleged uns ..seemly condact_ofs_cerstaip boysessad„ • the complainants, but as the case is now before the, courts .vee 'are not al- lowed to discuss it, and therefore omit the ism -lice -no. NEW Erred .• • ' 'Cioderich • . young lad of about 16 years'Of age: named WM. • McLean was arrested on Saturday afternoon by. Policeman Postlethwail 0 and coriaped in the lock- up until 'evening, WheWshe Wa3 fined. for being drimk and disorderly' NoTE8.--Miss Jennie Nairn Is now of the staff of Grocierieh' poetofOce. Miss Maud Sharinans daughter of Mr. Wal- ter Sharman; hag passed her grirdua- tion examination at the head of her. clats itt Grace Hospital, Detroit. Mies BrInsstin, a missionary from China, gave a eery: interesting address in the court house at the regular ser. Yientof the Methodist church. Het 414etteld for financial„ essietattee and: more intssionary'workers in the West,' ,Ohina, field were quite effective. ' • On Sunday. morning the trestlework over the masa stream of the Maitlancl. which was being- used fer the con- struction trains carrying. earth to the embankment ` being built on Saudi* Island, was wept away by the rising waterice.and-slush brought down by the sudden thew: •The framewbrk, tracks and timbers. are strewn Mona the river edge, and ..nstreti was carried into the lake. PARC,/DRESS ..§4kLL. - The 'fancy dress hail given byithe FlorenceNight- ingale Chapter n the Oldfellowe Hall last Thursday evening was a splendid sircess. The costumes were varied , and beautiful, amongst the ladies particularly. From the stand- point of the Godetech Marine and Gen-. eral Hospital) the affair was a financial sixecess. The 'Blackstone •orcheetra. frianished the music. Lunch was sere - ed at midnight.. • twivft. scheme which has been mooted for some time to develop the water power of the Jklaitland River under the pro. Mathes of J. T. Goldthorpeand others is, hi a meaner, fairly launched. The working out of sonie detail is all that is required,accorcling to the prordoters to cemplete the development of 5,600 horse power from the present wasting forces of the Menesetung River: The engineer's reportsare all in. 'Options have been secured on the property necessary for the building of darns and the backing up of water to Corm a res- ervoir. The citizens of Goderieli have signified their willingness to accept what ;sower they require, and the long talked of Huron County Electric Rail- way belt line may utilize a lot of the power. Many' good things seem to be in store for the future Chicago of On- tario 1101MaseitIlle troaieres:Iirstatris----The'following is the progranimeof the Holmesville Branch of West 'Huron Women's In- stitute, for 1906, the meetings being held the third Thursday of etteh Month. February--" Our Kitchen Costumes' "Curing of Meats and Making Sa,us- 'ages", March-"Ilow tosave eXpertses and wastes in tbe kitchen" ,"The plan and arrange/tent of kitchen and pan try." April --"Vegetable gardening and flowers" le/are of furs aria winter clothing during the sumzner". May - Visit from----eeBranch, Programthe given by Vieiting Brench. June -An- nual Meeting. July -"Canning and Prerarving," 'Katy end when to rest" August -Picnic. September -"Dente able varieties of Apples and their keep- ing qualities," "Ten books everyone should read," October. -Competition on bread -ss eking. November- 'Econ. °mita Christmas gifts," "Making of Christmas cake," Deceinber- Public Meeting. • . Stephen* SWXMZE14, GUTS a, -The contest in Stephen township between Satnuel Swe4er and Renry .Willert for the' Iteeveship resulted in a tie, 422 votes being east for each candidate. The to - turning otricergave his -castilig vote in favor of Mr. IVillert, but his opponent was not content to tetsthe matter reett that way, and took steps for a recount before the county judge. This, toe& place on Saturday. and --111rs-Sereiteelt Wags declared elected hy2 of a majority, Meet: Vatted Ofoh NOVHS.-Vite tale very sort -y to hear of the. ;serious; illness of Miss Lilly Nethery, With eppeedieltis. Mee. J. Nicol, of rielgrave, visited friends; on the 5th line reeently. Mr. 3. lialtahan has dismosea of a fine young. hors*, for a handsome Wee. Maras may Corley was tho gueet of Iser aunt, Mrs. Geo, irvinelest wook, 41,-- Velberint Mi M, Swans; of the Maitland, hats a hen. that has already brought. aut broad of chickens ; this is unusually early. A. sleigh load of people from the Oth of Colborne, took Mr. and hire. W. Stevens by surprise on Thursday erten- ins,e and had a splendid social evening. Nr. Chas. Oke had the" misfortune the other day, While splitting wood, to inflict a severe cur in his footsplittiog it to the inStep ; the doctor had to sew the wound both bottout and top, • 017/?. SORIPTION ,Wertat:04040 BIG- SALE, - Iii connection with the proposed. development of power along tue Maitland, a side has just been com- pleted tvhich disposes of all the Oat. Ada Comgany lands this township./What larva as the Falls Reeerve, some 400, acreS, •has been sold to Mr. Goldthorpe, which will enable the Company to build two dams, one neer Bohnsillete and the other near the old site of Piper's Mill, In this connection the following telegram appeared in the Toronto papers on Tuesday: Power dam costing $250,000, to gener- ate 2,575 horse poWesreme:the Maitland' river about font, mile from Gecierich, probably will be commenced within a few Inonthe. , The proluoters have- juSt roMple ted financial arrangements making this announcement possible. The power probably will be used not only for industrial purposes, but also rtaoliwruatky,st.h? .tow. re's water a. nd light plant, and probably a system of radial ASHTON-WALTERS. Wednesday; January: 17t1,, was the scene of a very pleasant event, which took place at the residence of Mr„ and tz's W A. Walters, of Saltford„ when that' daughter, Vary; became the bride. of Duncan A. Ashton, 6f Strassbarg, Sask. The bride entered the parlor.. leaning on the arm of her father, to the strains of the Mendelssohn 'wed- ding march, played by Miss O. Town- send, cousin of the giooni. The bride was Very begenung w silk,.with chiffon trinsmings, earrying it sheerer boquet or white roses, fol- lowed by her little niece, Ila Ourrell, as ring hearer, dressed in blue silk and carrying 'a basket of white chrysan- themums and roses, After the core - mealy, which was performed by Rev. • Graham. of Goderich, and after con- gratulations had been offereclahe coin- pany • repaired to the ditling toorxi; where the tables Were bearing down with everything desirable to taste. The evening- waespent in inusie ancl genres till the early hours; of morning. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents, shemeng the high esteem in which shellilip held. The groom's present to the bride being an opal ring with emerald settings, and to. the little ringbearer, an opal ring.. he bride's going away suit was blue ladies cloth,. with hat to match. They will' spend e few weeks visaing friends before returning' to the groom's home' in Strassburg. - Dreeiese-e-We are sorry' to. have to have to relate the death of Mrs. Wm. Askwith, whiets occurred at her home on elan. 5. Mrs. Askvrith had been failing for some time, and was. arlvised to gotothe Toronto General hospital, to undergo an operation, hut the Doc- tor's there found they could do noth- ing for her, as her ailment was Cancer of the gall. She 'came hone on Dec. 21; and. livedthroughmuch . suffering' for two sweeks, then passed overthe river girittbd by the -unseen hand to that haven of rest. She was a con- eietant ziseraber ofthe Base Line Bap- tist church, and an earnest follower of her Master; it was her whole object in life to do good to others ; although she had.no family of her own, she was mother to quite a number, having adopted them into, her heal° and rais- ed them like as if they had been ter own. She leaves behind her now, her •-r--o. Mrs, jos ackson, "(who -died eight years ago,) who she has been a mother to algae that time ; trulr it will .be said of her in that last great day, . "Come ye blessed Jf ray Father, inas- much as ye have done it Unto one of these my .brethren, ye have done it unto me." She also leaves behind her, her husband and three brothers and many friends to mourn her loss, • Coderieb 'township Goon COW, --Mr. Will Lindsay,of the Huron road, is the possessor of a pure bred 'Durham heifer rising three years, which calved on the 20th, and, is aprodigy in the milking line, as she is giving enough for her owncalf and ,two others. 'Who can beat it? ilonsE • NOTEs.--The horse buyers are beginning to hustle this year. ear- lier than usual.„ Quite a number have changed handslhe lest few days. Oli- ver Jervis sold a fine black brood mare. Alex. •Elliott sold a bey one. Tre. wartha Bros bought a fine four year old from John Jervis, Stanley ; Beet is a lover of a good team.. ' NOTES. -At thne of: writing, Mrs. 3. Shepherd, jr. is a little better; we hope she nuty colitinue to Mita -aye, Mr. Ed. Wise'our well known stock mans has recently purchased a, thoecebeed Short. Horn bull from Guelph ; . Mr. Wise still holds his reputation and has 'a good knowledge of fine stock.. Mr; .P•ercy Cole, who has been visiting 10 St Chair and Sanilae counties, Mich., has returned home feeling more ine pressed with the idea that Huron comity is a paradise, and is still con. tented to. remain AS &subject dwelline under the Maple Leaf, The prominent figure of Dan McGinnis has qpit travel- ling our highways, he having been taken to the House of Refuge, the pro- per place for such persons ste he ; we trust, however, he may be used well. Miss Emma Peck is the weleome guest of Miss Flossie Cote this week. Mi. Arthur Curry was • completely takeri by surprise on Friday evenings when 'the good peop/b from thelth con. gathered together at his new home on the 10th coh, and pres3entecl him with a Well written address and 'a hatalsome present The many friends of. Mr. Beattie Webster., of Asitheld, will be pleased to learn that he is getting along favorable after his operation at Torontr5; hie St Helens DEATH Or MISS V. Lueltnow on 'Thursday last, oceurred the death of Miss V. E. Gordon, young- est daughter of the late John Gordon, ' of St, Helens, •Site had been itt deli- cate health for some years; past, htit was able to amine her -usual Outlets, but in Oetober lase a, Mere rapid de- cline was' felt from which she never rallied* hut passed away on., tho 18th hurt. Drugefiel. E, 11. Savers preached anniversary eerrrioneoii Sabbath lest for Rev, Mr, Currie, near Sarnia, who took Jr, Sewers' work here, Mrs; Oar. ter and feanily,of Slioal Lake, Man , a are visiting her father, Mr. V.iiIeLii of our village. Misses ttalkner, J3ay field, inc the guests of Miss Jenni Tholopson. Miss 0..3Ohns, of Tucker smith, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs McQueen. Rev. Mr. Currie sang a beautiful Solo in the O. E. prayer meet ing on Sabbath last. Anse Aggle Hart ki very 111, no hopes being entertained of her recovery, Miss Copp .Clinton, was last week the guest of Miss; Lizzie Rattenhury. Dram -On Friday morning of last week George McNair passed away to Ins Isms- home, after along illness. He was the oldest man In etIr neighbor hood, having reached the age of 98 years. He came to Stanley with his mother • and sisters many years ago, and settled On the ferns where he died. Aka the fenrilY lived to be old seve m r - al of thereaching .. 80,. In polities he s -PLopp_D. 'was Liberal. never married, his 'nearest relative being his niece, Mis McNeil, who took care ssf him clurin his long illness. He was buried 0 Monday in Baird's cemetery, Ttitekarsinalth, Mrs. S. Switzer ie on the sick list a present ssefise C. johns isspending a few day tfilith friends in Stanley. Mr. W, Blame recently void a thoro bred Durham cow and calf to Mr, Johnston, of Woodstock for which he recelyed a good figure. . • • Mi. Hall, of Clinton, very accept- ably aceupied. the pulpit of Turner's church on Sunday last, Reiv,Keir being called to Toronto for. Sundays Mr, and. Mrs Joseph Mortoreof Man:, are spending it lea, weeks with friends here.. Mr. Morton formerly resided on the tarrn now °coupled by Mr. T. Lane. A.COIDENT.-On Monday. while .Me. e.i.L.e.tongsyneseleraelag n gun,be had the miefortane to drive an mon rarine through the fleshy pert of one finger. There WAS a hook on ohe 'end of the rod, and it was necessary to cut this off with a void chisel before it eould he extracted,: RATHER DISAPPOINTING-. -- Mr. W. • Elcoats one of t he Most populatefarmers inithis section, brought home a ' dandy new cutter ori Friday; and was doubt. leas cOngratulating nimself on the CM" ' fort and pleasure he would have (here- with; but alas for hurrah hopes, he was not even able to use it to take his remily tochurch, and he.is wonderin.g whether he -will have a chance to use it this; winter. Zondeaboro Norve.---Mlie Marl Townsend has been spending a week with friendsin Toronto, Rev. B. ()lenient weot to Toronto- on Friday, his work being supplied b_ y W. Stevens in the morning and Rev. gr. Leckie, of the Presbyter - len church, In the evening. Me.. Squire, cf the Mitts here, shipped a car toed of flour lest week. Mr. Phillips, of con. 1.4, was ploughing on Jany-. 23, R. Adams has taken .an'ageneY of the Sovereign Bank for the sale of money order& Nelson Bingham, A `former resident of Hullett, bus been eallips friends in the yelage this week. .11111 bas purchased :i house and lot from Mrs, J. Morris in this viilage. Goon 13orroa, - At the Winter Dairy Bxhibition held last week in Iras geraoll, Mr. Wallace McGregor took second prize for a box of butter, Oct.), her rualre, made in the Londeebero Creamery. He was only e of a point below the first prize. This epeake well for the rectory and the maker. " Shiloh's Cotilsurnp- tion Cure, Karl's Clover Root Tea: Toxo Tablets for Constipation. Fren-Al the great Coid Cure, ",....••••••••••••••••••••,.•••••47"4.•••,...4, Rubeire Ahr4or- Owing to tne g thaw and heavy. rains,„ resulting in a floodcondition,: of the mill -race, the . earth Was washed born the west mei naonwe srouunthbeey Tote eLoaterwesrpoof athueowchinor there; framework to drop ; itwas necessary to remove all the machinery, RIFLE CIA71$ NOTAS. -The annual Meeting Waa held in the fire hall, Nitta a good attendance. The former offi- cers were re-elected: Captain, O. A. Howson; Sec. Treas., A. O. Jaeltion. Arrangements were -mode for the an- nual oyster supper in the I. O. G. T. hall on Feb. 2nci, to be carried out ups on much the scants plan as in former years, each member to receive tickets. MNr.O.ras,8J-arkstnon, R. 'Tfo'lkSst°rnattro8r1 colif Monday, tor the purpose of taking a six months' commercial 'course la the Central Business College; we -mist, him success in his studies: Mrs. Chem - be seaseee3randes,son is visairig her sister, Mrs. Rohr, of •Kenora, is visiting at -his bonze here. Miss McAllister. of St Augustine, spent a few days arnong.relatives and friends here. Miss to. Turner, of Wen - chime, spent several days visaing Miss Knox, Newts has. been received that Herbert Knox, son of Mr. John Knox, hofotphiitsaviin .aogettalwiesa.dangerotiely fit ./ri a. IllitIlett Leeburn Nokes.--Mes. Craigie, of Goderieh, was the -guest of Mrs. A. Clutton last week Mr. and Mrs. R. Routledge, of Goderichtotenehip, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Tichborne spent Sunday here with frienda. Mr and Mrs. Kingswell have returned; after a month'S visit with the former's relatives neer Woodstock. W. Feld S. -The monthly meeting of the Leeburn Auxiliary was held on Wednesday afternoon at the horne of the treasurer; Mize E. Linklater. - Be- sides the regular meeting, a consider- able time.was spent in sewing, and a pteasant and, we hope, profitable after- noon was spent. One of the pleasant things in connection with the meeting. was the presence of our secretary-, for the first time Sirtee heti severe illness. larenanY Sotiterv. --A very pleas- ant entertainment was giyen in the Temperance Hall on Wednesiley even- ing. The objectof this meeting was to see if the p.-ople of the neighbor- hood were %telling to start and help carry on a. Literary Society for the winter months. After some program the Meeting was left open for the die-. erasion of this mattee. The audience seemed toles, mhavorably Mr pressed with nts-omeers-far-atteirir ciety . - Enittee appointed : Presiderit Horace Horton ; Secy.,Fulford ; 00 A Hort • • WEDDED -Mr. Will Reynolds, One Of the popular young fanners of the 6th con, of Mullett, concluded that he -had been living alone long enough,and last week went down to MeClireger, where he was married to Miss Pieson- neault. The bride is well known and• very popular here, she ',having kept house for her' brother, ISev. Fr:. Pin- sonneattlt, when he was in Clinton. The ceeddirag.took place in the R. ' 'church, MCGregor, on the lath, the bride being assisted by her sister, While Mr. Ernie Reynolds, brother sat the groom, acted as groomsman, Rev.‘ Fr Pinsoneault perfarming the cere- mony. After a week spentwithfriends in. Detroit and elsewhere; they returned .home on Tuesday evening. We join in congratulations, and wish them un- limited happiness. e. • Stanley Maas. -Mr. N. Hicks . and M. At,- kiason,of Centralia, made a short visit . to the home Of Geo. Baird last Friday. Mr. Harry Falconer and Wni, Sander- son, of Baylield made a short visit • at Mrs. Sohn Gilmour'ilast Friday. Alb. Nott 04tertairtect his friends and neigh - bore on Frtilay amazing ; a pleasant Wine was spent. S. Clark ant 111rs. Llerd, of Exeter, were visitingat.M. Lloyd's during thelfirst of the week'. Sums -nes. -The total asSessment of the township for 1905 was $2,005,109, e count rate WI $3608.17, township rate $ 10.22; e Rig Drain $602.65, theLegan' Drain 15.60, the Schwalm' TY cram w tax. $282, School rates $5183.48, pulite Schools $514.71. The total n leviedwas $14601.96. Total reeeipts for year $22,220.85„ payments $20949.5e; balance $1271.44... • WaterWOrkfl• were chosexiand a program corn mee ater, • A. Horton, DwIA ism momillan, • Miss. t ' Se and E. Horton. The firsU. JiL1i8iOfl t entertainait - ment girenekby the Society will boonthe eVenineef Jan. 81. As this was said to be one of the best programs given, here for same time 'vre svill men- tion it few of the special*pieces. The phonograph. selections given by Mark Horton were espeeialir enjoyed; also a dialogue, "The -Rival Orators." by R. Williams and H. Clutter'. R.. Link - later made his debut before a Leeburn audience by dinging, in good voice, "I wants a man like Romeo.". Theeheir- man for the meeting was Alex Horton, who filled•the position very ably. 'The meeting closed with the siring of "God Save the King." , Porter's 111111 NC:mgrs.-Polly Cox spent a few dies in Goderich. last week. 0, Addie Cox re- turned home oh Tuesday, having spent a.coeple of weeks, vatting in Colboree. „Miss Elliott, of Goderich, visited -in the • neighborhood last neek. Miss Start of Uurriers Crossingereturnect home on Saturday last, having spent a few days visiting ber sister, Mrs. 0, W. Potter, Mrs, Janie gs McDonald, who headmen sick:v.1th grippe, -is able to beltround again ; ,Mrs. McPhail is also some bet- ter, Thome McDonald, who has been ill for some tine, is improving. Alex. Cpx was also on the sick list, hut is better again. On account of the bad weather mad roads, the meetings in Bethel duveb. haven it been very well attended. George Webster has pur- chased a new organ 0110 and•Minnie Lobb spent Sunday at John Cox's. - Penevot. A.corneSses.---On Thursday lattetvhile0. IV. Potter was working itt theohop a piece of hot steel flews into his eye, and being unable to re. move it, he found it necessary to drive to Clinton, vvhere it was taken out and the eye dressed by lesreeStsaw. The op - oration Wafi ratherpainful, but the sight wassiot injured, and the ere Will &loon be all right again. Myth. Bender, has returned CO business, after being erdled home to Dashwood br,ne serious condition of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. 31tS. lleickfUrCh- IS left on Tuesday for theee weeks' eight -seeing in New Ontario, Mrs. Wm. Oetapbell and Miss Lottie Bent- ley left on Monday foe 001E61 -hitt, where they wilt reside for 001110 time. Mrs, (Dr.) Ferguson, of fieriest% is via. iting in town ; we understand the Di, has sold out his pritetiee in Reagan. The unexpected flooa on Sunday caused eonsiderable damagn in the flouring mill, the oVeldieW being charged by the 0. P. IL contractors blocking the elver bed; a vest amount 6f grain in the basement watt thuxtaged, being conparat1veIy Of no usc PitVG StORE, OMAITENV, ON+. MISS BOLES, Teacher of Piano. Pupils prepared • for Toronto Clone servatory examinations. For terms, apply at , RESIDENCE, Ontario Street Olititon.• PURITY ACTIVITY satisfaction is the gavz_rd of Merit Thoie ig merit in every. one' ofour preparationa-We have something for... everybody. Yo& will be satisfied 0 --you-use--- - Dr. Douglas.' Invigorator We will be satisfied if you try it. • The beak Preparation on the market for Horses, (1attle, Sheep; Hogs and Poultry. • Don't pay $2.50 for a pail o'f *took food. when you can iota batter article for 75o Breen DIP tkjflig he beOpreneration On' the market for eta. Tzoks and Lice on Sheep. ceutie, . , W. S. R. .HOLIVIES, •Phni.- B. ' _ • :Martufeettaing maned ' " ;Past Office Drug Store, RBL4BILITy EXPBBIENCE York Ceunty Lgan • and Savings 'Company Shareholders and .Degiositors Ciartifie es and Passbooks will be received at all branches of. The meeting held in the Council Chamber last Friday evening, though at first .intended only as an initial meeting to prepare something for a piddle meeting later ons was attended by quite,a nuniter who had been led by the poem to believe this was the public meeting. No harm was done, however, as those 'present were given an opportunity to express their views, and help - in the. seleatiod cif a ' COM- inittes. Mayor Hoover, though wishing to keep aloof • from it, was appointed - Chairman, and made a statement showing that in towns similar in size and circumstances to Clinton, a system of waterworks had been adopted and proved 'satisfactory. ' He then called upon several present to givetheir views and Messrs. Armstrong, ForrestereW. Jackson, N. Pair, Searle, Shaw, J. Tay lor, S. Davis, 3.W. Irwin aud R. Irwin and H. vir. Cook spoke,. most of them approving of waterworks, but not all bein;s agreed some favored mestere Works for fire protection atria% others favored a joint system for domestic purposes /a well, The following persons were appoiet- ed a committee to gather information and arrange for a nubile meeting to be celled later, whente question will be thoroughly discus ed• -Messrs. • W, Jackson, (convenor,) Shaw, Armstrong Forrester, Bodging, .T.Taylor, 0, ;John. Ston, D. Cantelon, N. Fair, W. Doherty Brydone, W. S. Harland, 3. Miller, R. Irwin, Chant, Holmes, Wallis, Davis, .1, W. Irwin and Chat Draught 'nurse Breeders A special general -meeting of the Dominion .Deatight Moog Breeders' Society was he'd here on Wednesciaa, to eonsider what action Would be taken regarding the future of the So- ciety. nu now twenty years since the Society was organized. It has published three volumee of its stud book, and hes a fourth ready Inc the ;vests with a surplus in the bank of severe/ hunched dollars, but in view of the apparent impossibility of -having it.s certificates of registry recognized under'present goverranent reeurations for nationalizing of stock registers, the meeting decided to Wind up the Society,. and appointed its council to proeeed therewith according to law. The ersineell &aided to accept entries for Mg, istration up to March next t at, ter Whieh.dete no More business Will e one. Solrereigii Bank OF CANADA . Au neoesiary lAygnents and • .Le_transfers otmoney made free _sfseeergesse___:„ ' E. xt..e.A.N-Can , Manager ' Amminnimmiriummina Are you satisfied With your atch? Perhaps you have neglected it, let it get dirty or nasty from lack of oil. Perhaps it has been badly repaired at some time.. Whatever the reason, dee* delay, as delay sometimes spoils the watch, ' Given the opportunity we will repair and return. it to you. with esur personal guarantee of its cor teethess; we make no Charge for examining your Watch ahd report. ing .its needs. . • Our prices for watch repairing are moderate. • A. J. GRIGG, AWELER A..xn ofmorAN, Issuer of linage Licenses, THE AlolsoOs. Bat* ineorPoreted 1855 Capital Paid up $3,900,000 rteseriT Fund, $3,000,000 Too Assets $30,000.006 :SAVE YOUR DOLLARS by depositing ino,Sayings Bank. It'does not re uire a large alum& to begin with. We pay' 3 per gent interest Oh amounts of $1 and uptvards. Better begin now-depoeit what you can spare -addto it Whenever possible. We Will evekome your account, large or small, A genersil Banking buena** transacted. CAM. AND SEH C. E. DOWDING •-meneeer, Clinton