HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-12, Page 8yn. o second wook starts Saturdl , .l1'3t.0 with a •Seniational b;airz in• in Silos tbo wading feature' 83 and ti oo imin and Fancy. Silks For 48c per yard. List we*. we cleared every end of Silk one of the big jabbers had that was under 10 y, aid. s length, They are the' same u alitie s we , evo: been selling at 75c, �$5c $1.QQ. peryard. ..'e at the lot of over 600 yds at a price -that 'Saturday' rets >ussell i;heliz at 48c. per -yard;; they should see some big silk selling here,. for they go on, sale then for the firt time. Thi is with. outtrdoubt,the best and biggest.bargal in Silks we have ever offered our customers. If you .a nt Silk for : any ' � purpose ex pt:a dress, ends � are not long: 'enough for that, do not let this' chance slip 'TS/WI/Ueda of verde of tittetti, Palette and Loufsine Silks. Standard 75e .to $1.00 qualities, perfect goods, in - white, _Orator it ream,: navy ::brio .ln.. in .fact,: every popular4 • ' 's a and, black.: A clearing lot we got away below had e their value, on sale Saturday morning at your chole nn Y: yer yard .,.. .t. ..• , ,.. lie" aa>r� ,. Table T � 1�1 , . Von will find the ILeninant Table near theback of.tlie store. If there is':an ens you can use abraH: you•can-6ave-it-forraboutr . halfp rice. Short ends of all kinds have been gathered together, measured up;and the half=price mark put :on nearly L•hm.' e • all of Lots are long•enough for waists, or children's dresses, and' there is hot an end otr the table that is pot a bargain. heMant-tes Every Mantle to besold before we stock, if" at all 'poss1 ib e.. Prices have been . cute enter' away down. If we have your size,' you can • get. a good coat for little money. Phis is, how they are selling. . , .r • . . . ' O - to : 6.00 . 3'.9lI dart any 1 �� t�tLdt sold up -,to , ,.. $6.50to 38.5'0-. .�;9ii3 fr�..erly i,oat,th:�t. sold from 6 io for ain' ('oat.that sold:ltom°$9 to $11' 5. �.`L.4to 1 ::9•ti for any Coat .titli,t sod from �l b . . $ e Wee will save.you min y , on � Furs}all through � January 314ntle Cloths 35e to 50e • About 200ards of Mantle Cloths of all 'kinds, just the thing y linins. • Worth three or four times for Children's Covets; or heavy , linings. p the price we ask for them. Divided into two lots, at to r nn your choice per yard 10e Towellingsr . 100 yards heavy Cr ash Towelliug. A, line that willgiveon excellentwear. Regular 10e. Special, for Januarysale Bu s ,...e nd:Dra series 120- _ 2 "e•,:••' Gretons . a ! � yards fano Cretonnes and Draping .materials,,last ends of �60y hail a dozen patterns that sold at 20c. Clearing January 1 qq1 ........................... IL2� sale ......... ............. . . erwear rices Here are a few items from the Underwear counter, that will''save you money.: Lodi ' s' . Bloomers 65e Ladies' Bloomers qr Over- D'rs.wers;• ribbed,good weight, very = warns and comfortable. .regular $1;00, special for January Sale , ...: UDC 75c lireifts at 50e Ladi"es'' Ribbed Underv_ests, • good quality. last t ones ' that are lett' of several lines •that • sold: at `15c. For January SOC Sale, Choice,- ,..... Children's Vests; 10e 20 only Oh le� i• ren's ° ribbed Vests, assorted sizes,•odd• ones. an: twos of differentlinesw for JanuarySale,your choice 1uC for. NaturalWool �aturalWool-Vests 50c • Ladies' Natural Wool Vests, fine quality, softfinish, regu- • ,lar• $1.00. - special... for' S1�G • January Sale per cent: 5per cent 1 off , etis�. �u� . eJa k :�•" nil ' et for Sanuar . Ever 'd.5 per cent 'off ;a11 Fur jackets X y Coat instock :is a first -.class gal -merit and guaran-, give satisfactory wear.. `Bather than carry :wedtog ; y. . an over we will take 15 per cent off the .price. - This Y, that you can buy. ' • This rxtwrans Y .00 • eoat 'tor' $25.50 35.00 eoat for g 29.75 ' 71 l$0.00 Goat for 34.00 [ . 43.00.eoat for 38.25 Saturday xltir S .. aria, s. • The last• call for Millinery. A final -clean up Of. Il lines. Quantities limited in both cases-: • - a Trimmed Hats $ t.00 Ready-to-wear. Hats 50c Rats, all I•Ia a Ten r ad -to�wear s n 1, brit d }1': only triithtned Y, r rand bonnets, last of this this seasons styles, regular season's. stook, No matter s1,50, $2.00, $2,50. Choice yn what the original pride. "1„‘ Saturday i ...... R.... ..... 50 Motosatnrday ...... 1.00 ton ginf 4 . °,. ,.1- l .a togr, Si week w a rasa 'sesta of iF &.t.T of one of i.e a .ne s ers. s praral g young wow !af lanae iA years. Mr.: ,. Hill has had a telephone Mr. W. Oantelon woo •e&Uled to Rea, put In his bouse. r .pall on Tueseda . to attend the funeral Mr. Adam Foster moved hie family cult pareee i. r.r u�w+. of 'he late Wm. Chase of that tr, �aFudcarich l..it week. re 4 ItRID4.Y, J.A.N. la, WO& traellarrarailaWerrAMASAWRIONalaallatereallellaret tree pip, at Jett e01� place. }r n is the father- 11"16'w '44 , There leas been fairlg rood skating *tx ., to Ftp. s t�a Mr. David A. C t lv t Hensel!. Th trxe,►a�'e"'°"r vrut»re Ili , as Can n,o .ones . e oix the Mink every nig t le week.. emus prcowitx funeral service was held in the Metho- Mr. W, Grigg wap nailed iob Dublin ' pertinent, wise hdre sin Wedn°41tr' i diet church which wall orortded. Inppeotor Hese', Of the P. O. De,. gout sopio, A 011414LENGE.-The oddtellows of town wish to Challenge any other Lodge.lkTown to a gameof carpet balls ancl'the secretary will be glad to hear from sonie Lodge, who think they can play better they do. on Monday, to attend the funeral of Mr. James Doherty is now one of Mrs. Sadler. Deceased was a dauglatir the travellers for the famous Doherty of the late Robt. Webb, of Staffa, who Organ. died seine weeks ago. . She wase Dora The annual meeting of the Gun Club in Olinten.. • takes plaoe at Graham'., Hotel, on the GUESSING CONTEST. -In connec- evening of the 2fltb. tion with the bean .contest at Ballard's. Mrs James Stevens, of the base line there were about 400 guesses recorded,.i etleived notice a few Ural since that hie oommission as J. P. bail been can- celled. The Joys of the Pastime Club enter- tained Mr, i0.. Beyer to an oyster sup- per at the Normandie this (Friday) evening. The Molsone Bank will receive Fork County Pass Books. and Certificates,. and obtain reoeipts.from Toronto free of charge,, The annual At -bolos, will take place at the Temple building on Fri- dayoys,, FofebToronto.ruary, It of_the Huron Old B Mrs. McKinnon will receive for the first .time since her marriage on Thurs- day January 18th, and after wards on the first Thursday of the month. Melvin, eldest son of Mr. Bonbon Graham underwent anoperation in the' Hospital .here. for varicose veins ;• he is doing as well. as can be expected'. Mr. Booth, who has latelyreturned from Palestine,' will give Bible read- ingsin the Meeting:aeon, Albert St., en Sunday afternoon at 3., and gospel, ser+ vice at'7 p, ni. • ' figS0 1,1 I/ THINGS ABOUT 1000 -There the correct number of beans being mill be five Sundays in April, July, 11923 W. G. Doherty wfis: the oloeeet Gepternber and Decemberrespectively. g.:lesser. Inc, Ireland 'a • . Ohas.. Mc- ; being ext., The above three ,good Friday congee. ou April nth , risen g n Easter Sunday on April 10th ; 24th of parties each get a pair of the famous Mayon Thursday; and lit of July . Dorothy Dodd shoes, onua nday,aandChristmasonTuesday. ' • PROPERTY CHANGE. ---Mr. W. specter Torrance had his first case for H. Niswcornbe' has sold his beautiful violation of the License Act, on Fri - house on 'Ontario St.. to Mr. W. T. day last. -Tihe offender was a hotel. O'Neil, taking Ur.. O'Neil'e house.' in keeper in the Southern part of the pari t payment. Mr.. O'Neil moves into, 'county ; the case watt held before. (!-the house •at once,. and Mr. W esley olice Magistrate Hun?riser, of Goder- i Newcombe' will move into Mr.• " ich, and a fine imposed, hut therewere house. HIS FIRST UAS g, Licenga In WOODMEN -Th'e :following are • hejoffic s rthe'ear:-•-Colin. Orin. I CHANGE.. -:-Mr.' W. R t er to y BUSINESS N 'R. Downs Advisory Lt., O. Crich ;" Newcombe leaves to -day for Niagara, ,Clerk, Thos Cottle ; Banker, W. Falls, where he has bought a flourish- I Smith ; Escort. W. Ladd ; Sentry, ing dry goods business., He . is sue- 1 Jos. Oook ; Watchman, W. Sloman ; Ceed'ed here by his brother. Wesley, 1• Woodmen Board of Manager. J. whois well and favorably known by 1 Ireland, Dr. Evans, H. B. Ker. - his connection with' the gent's f urnish- 1 MUSTPAY IN DVANCE.-To.a ion business. He will continue the. .A.certain extent in the • ast, pupils of business in its various brahche oast the P P p same stand, but will first run h i the Collegiate have been permitted to present: stock i. pay their fees almost whenever it suit Ied their convenience. The result }las WATER.WORKS,.--By reference" to not been satisfactory, occasionally, re- the council proceedings, it will -be seen Milting iia oss and the'Board has. de- the mayor has been authorized'to B , ,, .that b a, 1 termined that pupils who do not pay call a public meeting for the purpose their .fees •by the 20th of the first of con sidering a scheme ofswaterworks, 'month of each teach,, will not .he .al the same to be held at an' early day. • lowed to attend sShool. This is a wise step._ Soule passu ever va OALI.LD .A.WAY AGAIN..--, Mrs, ththae°tpisubllcs intoa.rhisconfitadekencein prioenot. ttoathkinge, Connell returned a few day's since of the last by-law, but we • from -Dakota; Wtvh-ere"she has -been are submissionpared to say whether this spending the past nine months; •she view is correet;or not. • We hope, was accompanied by her daughter; when meeting is call- 1 however, that a g Mrs. y got ot;, of here before . She: had ed, , the. • ratepayers will attend, and call - barely got home beforshe was discuss the matter. 'It is one in which called to Owen Sound, on Saturday, "the town is vitally interested, and the owing to the death of her son Philip s opportunity will be presented of:.fairly wife, who died as the result of an open• considering it before.any other. 'steps ai and v ' a.tion, leaving a bliss id five chill- - aire.taken.. i dren to mourn- her loss. - ' -- other matters: involved which' are not ,yet settled. DK -Court PASTIME CLUB ',The; regular � A. O. F..OFFICERS r •" Pastime it No. 81113 Ancient .Order of, monthly meeting - of the Pastime. Prosper y,.7 fol- . Club," was held in their club -rooms on l oresg O Clinton, installed. the' Monday evening, January 8th, for to lowing O a era for f R on Monday transact the usual .monthly • business. ' evening lc•�t :-Chief Ranger, Louis . I Pickett ; Past Chief Ranger; Frank The most important was to elect a 1 W. Ev insSub-Chief Ranger, Jacob manager in the place ot.Mr. C. ;B •yer, 1 Slowtnan Secretary, Chas B. Hale ;