HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-01-12, Page 51 \ip s, : We axe taking stock this week, and mayy have in -A . U . teresting statements to make in a later, issue. In the meantime if you want bargains come for \ Stoves. and Harlan Bros.,: taggr $i Watch Faults. Does your Watch run correctly If you experience, any difficulty with it leave it with us. We will, give it. an ex- pert exami>tlation it it needs repairs we can supplythem at a very moderate:cost. :.It it.does not we , will frankly tell you so. A ':watch repaired, by Do you want To have .i�ionev Most People Do.: • • us will ruu_ correctly LLL YA1L THE JEWELER, And OPTICIAN'. E.yes'.Tested Fre -A good.many4re: appreciating' the money -saving op ,S ort unities we. are offeringin P 4 � erg �o0Milting, BOOi$5IiOeS Our sale has' been• very successful so far, 'aid we `have. no reason for "kicking," bur we still have ourshelves, full of new and up-to-date goods,. and only, about seven --, weeks left -t4"1of therm It • is 'not every. day you have a chance to buy riew goods at wholesale prices. We have a few orders not yet arrived, but,. not -wishing tb cancel thele, we.v011 turn them over to you the same ns the rest of our stock. Note the few linesrientloned below. We have a lot of Lace Curtains, which just ar- rived, bought . for • the spring trade. Youmay not need .them just yet, but house-cleaning :tune will soon be here, and we can certainly save you some money. Factory, y.rn, in -white, red and grey, per pound 35c Blankets, A few Wool ox80. Reg $3.50, for $2.75 We think we have the best 5oc Corsets in town; while they last 42c Ladies' Wool Hose, reg S Ladies' Vests. .:`reg 25c, foK • 20e, Ladies' Vests, > reg 65c, for .. . : ,45C . Extra bargains in men's Underwear. The best we could ,find to sell 'at 50c per garment. Per . •`i'` suft 75C f A large assortment 'o... Suits' and Overcoats to, choose from, and every. one :a bargain. ' Odd pants from 89c up. Only. two ` Fur .Goats. -. ft-. Nobetter Snapss were ' ever , offered even _-in the .. spring, and the cold. .weather is now onlycom- mencing. Have ' a look at thein. ° •• Special b ar gainsin 26c, and extra value at ' heavy. Rubbersa.nd Socks. that price ; during 'Sale • 17p 1'hqaDtyk . Ru1 t00'• COME AND SEE --SEEING IS BELIEVING H• PLUIISTEEL. Store for Sale Or for 'rent • IMMO NiiiWAMMIAMM The New' gra and Montreal Weekly" Herald one year for J� B. Hoover. • "..» FURNI `URE .. -Nelson Ball Every branch ' in our line is Complete, you can, get any article produced at this store. Our Prices bring The Trade, Our personal supervision goes with.,, every pur- chase and satisfaction is -guaranteed. - UNDERTAKING Night or day tails promptly attended to 14C€VER13ALI' 21 Lad:lei IPOrJAck0S. 25. Men's' Fuer Coats Less than cost We don't want to take one' of these Coats into stock 1st of February. NOW is your . chance to buy a Fur Coat ata great bargain. Births, arriaes, Death s BORN . - SHOEsRoos -In Mullett,• on the 8th inst.. to Mr. and Mrs J.H. Shabbrooke, a daughter: . MuiLoY-On Dec. 23. to Mr. and Mrs' W. J. Mu 1oy,;Hellmuth avenue; Van - don, a daughter.: BASci.=In'luckersmith,, on January 5th, to .Mr.. and Mrs • J. E. Ball, a son. Citic. -1n ' Goderi ch, on Thursday, Dec. 31st, to.11Ir: and Mrs. R.• H. Cutt, HORTON.=In flolborne, on December '22nd. to Mr and Mrs. Arch. 'Orton, a daughter. , • Townn- In Howick,'on Dec.' 23rd, the wife of Mr. Albert Tower, a. son. 'WELLY.- In Morris, on. December 25, the wife of Mr.. J. W. Belly, as daugh- Why shiver with Cold when you .can buy an Astrachan Coat for $15,04 $25.00 Ladies' Astrachan ,Jackets . for° .$15.00. Five only Ladies' Astrachan .Jackets, Marire'd w ia�e skins; guaranteed for one year; good, thick, glossy fur, well made and mined throughout with saten, worth' more wholesale to -day than what. we 'are asking for it. Regu-$16.00lar $'25,00,'choice whilethey last,for , . • , ,, .$30,00 Astrachan Jackets,. for $21 .5o . Two only ladies' whole -skin Astrachan: Jackets, guaranteed for one year, satin lined throughout, good, :curly fur,eQr� nn • regular $30.00, for . . 02I N UU $40.00 Astrachan. Jackets, for $30,00 One only Astrachan Jacket, guaranteed for a year, made of good, glossy, whole skin, saten lined throng out, she 36, regular $10,00, for.. 4.. .: $30,00 $37,0o Astrachan 'Jackets for . $26.5o Two only Astrachan Jackson, nice, curly,' thick fur,well llmade, good big collar, guaranteed for one year, regular 4 g $37.00, for . $26150 $45.0o Bokaren jackets, for. $35.00 BEAooiar. -In Hullett,.ori December' 29th, the wife of Mr. Wesley Beacom, of •aeon. OSTFRHOUT. •.In Wroxeter, on Dec. 3rst, to Ree and -Mrs. J. H. Osterhout, a son. nSELLERS. In Morris, on Dec. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sellers, a son. ' MARRIAGES SMITH. - RICHAREeoN:--Nrear West Branch, Mich., on Jan. 3rd; by the Ep- iscopal minieter,•Mr. J. J. Smith, God- erich ' tli.'teMiss Susie s e Richardson.' TAMBLING-PICKARD-At Winnipeg, Dec. 25th, in Grace church, Wm.. E. Klin Myra P. Pickard daugh- ter g and h- g ter of the late Robert Pickard, a form- er resident of Exeter. LAwaoN-SANDERS-At theresidence. of Mr. F. W. Baker Stephen, on' Jan. 3rd, by Rev. Mr„ -•Andrews, Mr. 'Samuel - George Lawson, to Miss Letaora A. S daughter h r of the late W.H. g. Sanders, of Steplaien RQLLINS.-MCTAVISH, - In Detroit, on Christmas day. Mr. Czar Rollins, of Cleveland,son ofDr. Rollins, of Exeter to*Miss Millie McTavish, ofDet'-oit. • 1 ani : DIED: • •. • �RA T -In Kippen; Jan. 4, Mr. Peter Z#rant, aged. 82. GREEN --In Goderich. on Wednesday January 3rd, William"` Green, aged 84 years„ and 2 months. . GASSMAN.-At Dashwood, pn Satur- day, Dec. 30th, Mrs. Gassman, at the age of 93 ears, 2 monthssand 1 Oda s. PATTERsoN.-In Turnberry, on 'Dec, 80th, John Inglis Patterson, aged •41 years and 11 months. COIrnLAND In Turnberry, on Dec. 28th, John Coupland, aged 50 years and 10 months. AMES. -1n Ethel, on on Dec. 28th, Samuel Ames, aged 78 years. 1 month and 14 days. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Stanley brafich Agricultural Society will be held in'Town, Hall, Bayfield, on Wednesday, Jan.. 10th. to tattle up the bnainess of the Society for the past year, to. receive ,treasnrer'e and - auditor's report, and to anpoint offioere and directors for the year 1i106 H. DRE1IM&N, 'Seby; L O1G And ®eading Bolt$ stapled, Highest prices paid. +11m logs especially required' - SmAPLEI ON SAL r WORKS R. & 3. RASFoRD' Seven only. Ladies' Bokaren jackets, • made of select whole skins,good, thick curly. fur; guaranteed; eaten 1 ined, extra gond value at $45,00, for ....opt/ 00 Fur Ruffs at .Cost.. • . .Owing to the weather, Furs. havebeen slow selling, and. rather. than carry them over, we are, sell- ing the balance of our stock at. 'cost; as follows : Sable Ruffs, reg. $' 6. o for'.$ 4.50 Sable Ruffs, reg:' 7.5c, for 5:50 Sable Ruffs,' reg 8.50 for 6.50 Sable Ruffs, reg ' • 1o.00 for • 8.O0 Sable Ruffs reg'T t3 5o.lor io 00 Sable Ruffs, reg ' 14:00 for' 11.00 'Sable Ruffs, reg 15.00 for 11.50 Sable Ruffs, reg • • 8.00 for 14:00 Sable Ruffs, remg•; 2o.,oQ. for 16.00.. Sable Ruffs, reg "z oo for 1 � 5U 5 Sable Ruffs, reg 45 00 for 35.00.. Isabella Fox Ruff :5100 for 4,00 :• Iso 'i belly Fox�Ruff: T.So for . 6 00 ':Isabella Fox Ruff i6.00 for • 12.10 Isabella -F -ox .Ruff ConerRuffs;. reg 2roo for -1 50:. • Also balance ;of Caperines.: at cost' • $:So.00 Bokaren Jackets for $37.So Three only Ladies' Bokaren Jackets' made of extra select whale skins, good, thick' curly fur, guaranteed Columbia. Sable. col: lar and revers, oaten lined through-e27r 5A ' out, regular $50.00. for 1 U $75.00 Bokaren Jackets for $60.00 Ladies' extra quality Bokaren Fur Jack- ets, 'with real Sable collar and . revers, uarant�e rifer one year, regular@ $75:0Ot•fo ,tD60t�U Men'S for CaalS at a Savin $50,00 Coon Coats for .$39.56 Men's Coon Coats, made of whole Skins, good thick fur and ` goodcolor, fist g guaranteed; all sizes, reg,. $50, foret79:50 , $3'0.00 Want---Coat:for S25.00 Men's brown Warnbat Coats, splendid . wearing quality fur, all siates, regu- q nn lar $30.00, for OLUetlu $65,'..00 Coan'' Coats for "$50,00 Men's select A 1 Coon Coats, guaranteed' .color, oodrthick u i :well made, e , + a 65W for: .. @Q�O.0 . regal r $ t0 �� • 2 00D0,,.SkinCoats, for• ;Meth's black Dog• Coats,S1.% 00. • all sizes, reg. $22 00, for - 1. Galaway"Calf Skin nllCoats,:` sizes,g :re $3.0,. for...,..;.'$250 Card of Thanks. To Tun 'Emmons OP Tun £owtlaiiIP Or HULLETT. LADIES AND GDNTLEMEN,- I desire hereby to return yon my tic -4 Isere thanks for electing me to the office of Coanoillor, and especially for the megnlfi. cent vote. As I am unacquainted ,with many of you, I .appreciate it much more, • Langae a fails me to fully express my grist - Ando. It will be.my constant aim not to betray the trust reposed in me and to look after your interests in the Township. 'Wishing vona happy end proeperousyear, Ism your obedient eerrant, LEIPER l trtletl, Jan. 2nd„ 10064, 2ii New Advertisements, . BARTII'FF''S FUNDS MINTED fOII INVESTMENT Investments can be had fora limited I. amount of"priyate foods et current rates •: W BRYDONE Notice to Debtors 1 Notice is hereby given to all parties' in- debted to the undersigned, that if the.•a'ime is not aid bythe 2 .h of January, the 0 J n y,ac counts will be risen' in cpurt:for collection without further notice • ' REUBEN GRAHAM, Clinton Debentures for: Sale The Clinton Thresher Company Limit. ed, offer for sole twenty debentures of 3500. earl 4 er cent interest hese eaoh,.b ng # � °l are bold Mortgage. Guaranteed Bonds, and are absolutely secure. For particulars &p- ply'to W. BRYDONE. "Secretary County Council Meeting. The ()enroll of the County of Harlin„ will meet in the Council Chamber in the Town cf Goderich, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of January, at 3 o'clock p.m. All accounts eeatngt the county must be placed with the Clerk before this date. • ' W, LANE, Clerk. Clinton Oup. Club. The Anneal' Meetin.Gof the Clinton Gun: Club will be held et the Graham Hous, Frid'y,•Jen. 2614, 1906. at 8 p.m. sharp, for the election or otliaere, and the transaotion of general bagmen. J. IRELAND, : J. E. CANTELON, President. Storetary, -. Good House- tor Rent. The house on Princess street; • belonging to'.'the estate of the late Mrs. Whitely, ie offeredto, rent .: Every convenience for ordinary faintly.. Also; for sale,privately a gnantiti' of household furniture, Apply on premises. SEED: QATS. Darch & Hunter's grand new Oat EARLY 'WHITE ..4E'WEL A great stooler.. Do not advise sewing more than five pecks to acre. McORE408, Oxfprd Oo., says -I hive to re• • port that I toundthein the earliest. heaviest -WelahinI , beat strewed and heavieSt yielding writ et 3, P. MANNING. Elgin 00,, eaYs-After a very . . the are the beet whits Oat I ever saw in ply . ex- perienoe of 50 years' fanning. I will say that I believe they will.: be. the coming Oat, and a success, I'hrlve. a limited sanity for sale at 7de per . bushel,while they last. • Y ever grew. Careful and thoroug h' .teat I , must :RESTAURANT Subscriber having moved his• Restaurant to the store recently 'occupied by •F.. W. Watts, will be glad to meet all his old customers; ,and as. many new ones as ' may .favor him with their .patronage. Having also bought out the Xing g Bakery, he will supply theP a lie b W ith first =class: Bread and Cakes: - BREAD. DELIVERED: AS FORMERLY !T! ..BARTLiFF, Hides and : Skop Sties Waled Iwill pay HIGHEST • PRICES FOR HIDE$.' delivered at my bide house in Clinton; 8m* , DOAK, • 1011 RISK NOTUING BY ATTENDINQ THE POPULAR a TORONTO, ONT. Our 'reputation. for superior work is well known, and we protect tuie reputation. btu dente admitted at any time. catalogue free. Cor, Yonge and 'W, J ,ELLIOT i',.. Alexander rite,Principal. e Dr.. Scott is you circulars' pointing . sending P g out the .merits ` of his Stock Food You will find . them worth reading. We .have. all :.his •—Louse Killer,.'Blisters H preparations �,� eave i nt. Ointment. -Olntm Cure, Cough' Cure, Healing ea 'n and h g Morrell & Holmes, Londesboro. J. W. Torrance, Family Butcher. Meat Selections' always the best, nice.and tender and juioy. No tablets needed to aid digestion. Saturdays always llargain. Days.: A MAL 6OLXCITgIi. COME BILELY" Clinton. Jan. 06. " eat t • I have also about dire bushels of idle Black ZULU BARLEY grown , from a sample sent me `by Darch & Hunter I will sell the same at at per lb or $1,0() pei',bussb I Will recommend it as free from foul seed, Samples may beleen at O'Neil's or Ford's. . The grain can be procured ffrom Mr. Livermore, at my late farm. WIN AMC V CLINTON. f CENTRAL. ST'`RATFORD, ONT. Do you want.a good mention in the Cetnmdroial World? The surest and shortest road it Via: this School. We give a course of training that "Is not surpassed by any Business College in Canada. We give individnal•te. etruotion thereter° you may enter at any time. get full partlenlare.alogu• lslliott N Laughlin, Principals. .,t A